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Jul 9, 2017 5:39 AM

Apr 2014
Luthandorius said:
It was okay. But there are far too many better anime this season and the main chars here are a bit too annoying and the char design is bad and they are very young kids. If they had at least a better looking design for those young kids it might even have watched a bit more.

Settings is okay and it is probably going to be your usual boring adventuring plot. The good things were the backgrounds (buildings, landscape) ... but that was about the only good thing.

Music was average (ending a bit better). I guess with those adventuring-type anime where the plot isn't going to be interesting (not making you look forward to the next episodes) I'd need to like the main chars to be able to watch it. Didn't really like the chars here.

Younger kids (and their typical behaviour) are obviously targeted at a younger targted audience as well.

Dropped at 6/10.

A bit surprised though that the score is that high (higher than 8.00 even). I know some people talked about the manga and said the story would get interesting later maybe ... and that people like it because if that. But I'd have expected somewhere around 7.5 because of that (from your usual 7 increased by manga-likers to 7.5). Especially after the more boring and weak 1st episode here.

"Adventuring-type anime where the plot isn't going to be interesting"

I don't know what you mean by that, but these type of anime is A type of anime where you pretty much powerless(normal human) adventure type and pretty rare by now. Nowadays it's just "Born-Again/Isekai" and defeat-the-monster-because-you-are-overpowered-adventure-person. Or Defeat-the-demon-king-save-the-princess or the subverted version but not really different. Those anime has a recycled "deep-lore" and blame me if there weren't magic.....or isn't powered by video game system....somehow

Sometimes we need to expand our taste of anime, usually we end up enjoyed.
Just give it a try
SeasonLeavesJul 9, 2017 5:49 AM
Jul 9, 2017 5:42 AM

Jun 2016
What a great pilot episode! I loved its animation and music. Can't wait for the next episode. I'm so curious about the Abyss.

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Jul 9, 2017 6:07 AM

May 2017
Reminds me of rugrats lol
Jul 9, 2017 6:43 AM

May 2012
The 1st episode was ok. Not as good as people here say

Jul 9, 2017 7:10 AM

Jul 2014
This is very charming and well made on all levels, definitely following them on their adventure!

PS: the character design reminds me of Ichigo Mashimaro lol
Jul 9, 2017 7:32 AM

Dec 2016
Animation is quite similar to Ghilbi's studio, scenery is great, soundtrack is superb. To some people, it might look childish but it becomes really serious later on its not always a happy adventure as u think it will be D=
Jul 9, 2017 7:41 AM

Feb 2016
Wow, what an adventure.

I was hesitating to watch at first because of the design of the characters, but everything---the scenery, soundtrack, atmosphere, setting, that English song, and the journey-feels I got from this made me hooked.

This beats pretty much everything in Summer 2017.

Great start.
All people have their own sh*t tastes, therefore, there are no sh*t tastes, since everything is equally sh*t.

Jul 9, 2017 7:58 AM
Oct 2016
Made in Abyss OP - Deep in Abyss (English Translation)

No one can resist the urge to delve deeper,
Eyes shining brighter than torchlight.

Our destination is deep.
Losing our way, we dive on through
The open mouth of this hellhole.
Let us press on, pursuing the truth!

If we can find an answer now,
I don't mind sacrificing everything.
So that our voices won't stray
We keep their echoes reverberating.

Our compass points
Forever into the darkness,
To where there's no escape.

Even if it's a curse,
This racing in our hearts is real.
Never again will our longing cease.

This translation was brought to you by Lyrical Nonsense, all I did was post it here.
DustyHazeJul 9, 2017 9:00 AM
I really don't have anything to say so you can move on.
Jul 9, 2017 8:14 AM

Jun 2012
Nice setting overall....

Edit: Adding 2nd post;

It seems some domestic distributor( updated it to 14 episodes but I still haven't heard any news from the official site of miabyss. Anyone here had verified it?

Zaphkiel_El_RemJul 9, 2017 8:49 AM
Jul 9, 2017 8:45 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Well, that was kinda good, the ost was good, great even, it did what a first episode should, cativate the audience, with some really great visuals there, and leaving me eager for more exploring.
Seriously, too many great anime airing this season!
Jul 9, 2017 10:04 AM

Mar 2014
Zaphkiel_El_Rem said:
Nice setting overall....

Edit: Adding 2nd post;

It seems some domestic distributor( updated it to 14 episodes but I still haven't heard any news from the official site of miabyss. Anyone here had verified it?

That's Chinese.
BD Box confirms 13 episodes.
Jul 9, 2017 10:51 AM

Aug 2012
Am I the only one who got Mushishi and Kino no tabi vibes? The background reminds me of Mushishi (And the amazing english OP) and the characters interactions reminded me of Kino no tabi. Not to mention the overall Ghibli vibes.

First episode that promises to be best anime of the season and probably one of the best anime of the year. Looking forward to see the rest
Jul 9, 2017 11:09 AM

Jan 2015
Sakata_gin-san said:
(And the amazing english OP)

That was an Insert Song
Jul 9, 2017 12:12 PM
Oct 2016
Art is OK, but colouring looks Pale and I didn't like character design like big head and hands, small closed mouth and eyes but cheeks are big again
Orphans and orphanage; Everyone is just wondering from start to end
Jul 9, 2017 12:34 PM

Mar 2014
The world looks gorgeous and I really like the character design. OST was really good too.

My expectations are pretty high after this premiere
Jul 9, 2017 1:39 PM

Nov 2010
Any information on that first insert song? I jizzed when I heard it.
Jul 9, 2017 2:15 PM

Jun 2013
Best OST of te season to me, the design characters can be disappointed for some people but the atmosphere of the island is beautiful and amazing.
until now this is my AOTS

The fate of Destruction▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Deviant
is also the joy of Rebirth ▬ ▬▬Beast
Jul 9, 2017 2:21 PM

Apr 2016
Revirie said:
Anyone know what's the song title and artist in the intro of episode 1?

I'm sure that's not the opening song(Deep in Abyss)

MiDNiGhT2903 said:
Any information on that first insert song? I jizzed when I heard it.

I asked the same, someone answered me and I found some more info :

Kevin Penkin "underground river"

I hope it's the opening and not "just" an insert song, so we'll hear it every week.
Jul 9, 2017 2:33 PM

Jun 2015
That was pretty neat so far.
Jul 9, 2017 4:11 PM
Oct 2010
These character designs are off putting, is this really that good?
Jul 9, 2017 4:13 PM

Aug 2012
Xenocrisi said:
Sakata_gin-san said:
(And the amazing english OP)

That was an Insert Song
Really? Thats a shame. Would have worked as an OP :(
Jul 9, 2017 5:45 PM

Aug 2015
First, SO FUCKING PRETTY!! Second, I haven't heard Kevin Penkin's other music in shows, is it this good in other shows? Anyway, the world, design, atmosphere, and characters are all interesting and engaging, I'm glad I learned about this show now rather than 4+ episodes in, or never.
Jul 9, 2017 6:49 PM

Apr 2016
Didn't really dig how the in medias res beginning was handled, but things got a lot more fun once they got back to the orphanage. The characters seem pleasant enough to be around and the setting reminds me of Castle in the Sky, which can only be a good thing. Actually the whole show gives off a classic adventure anime vibe, which is pretty cool. Let's see where it goes.
Jul 9, 2017 8:38 PM

Jan 2013
Intriguing well made opening episode.
Jul 9, 2017 9:11 PM

Apr 2017
The Soundtrack in the near beginning has the same tone as 7 Years and it's so soothening

>I want a full Ver. of that xD

Proceeding to it's storyline, The story starts off achieving set of whistles as you can handle deeper how the pit of abyss was supposed to be It's like mining but digging some relics for purposes. Too cautious when they're already about to die in the beginning cause of the artstyle of some set of characters. (Maybe that's not the point)

-HippySnob-Jul 9, 2017 9:22 PM

"Think about that glowing dust
That destroys the night sky's dream of
Just being nothing"
Jul 9, 2017 9:35 PM

Jul 2013
Now this was a great first episode. Full of mistery and really beautiful art and music, but yet it gives you the sensation that something dark lurks in the "Abyss".

Pretty much anything that I could ask for a first episode:
1 good music
2 good scenery art
3 not much rushed character introduction
4 a feeling of great adventure
5 somewhat of an antagonist

This resumes up my first impressions. Definitely gonna be one of the best of this season.
Gotta update this soon™
Jul 9, 2017 9:45 PM

Mar 2014
What cute little characters. It would be a shame if something tragic happened to them.
MAL: A community that thinks every anime is bad, but rates everything a 7/10.
Jul 10, 2017 5:50 AM
Jul 2016
Tão said:
What cute little characters. It would be a shame if something tragic happened to them.

"MAL: A community where everyone acts like every anime is bad, but rates everything a 7 or above."

That was the honest thing I've read!
Jul 10, 2017 6:01 AM
Jul 2014
Jul 10, 2017 8:38 AM

Aug 2014
A genuinely very good first episode. Hopefully the adventure will be fruitful and either way I am interested. To think I almost decided to skip this one.
Jul 10, 2017 10:52 AM

May 2015
It was fun 1st episode. Main heroine is so moe.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Jul 10, 2017 1:12 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Bloody hell. That was awesome. The music, the backgrounds, the animations, colour palette. Gorgeous. Felt I was watching a big budget film there.

Every season there's a show that I know absolutely nothing about that comes and surprises the heck out of me. In a mediocre season like this one, Made in Abyss is a breath of fresh air.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jul 10, 2017 3:58 PM

Apr 2010
First episode for world setting, and it was done brilliantly. Everything is simple, develops the characters while simultaneously moving the story along. Really well done first episode. Best of the new season so far

bdsbff said:
without reading the manga this looks like it's going to have a lot more to it than most shows with this episode count and that's what worries me. I could see it getting rushed or not having a good stopping point.
exactly. I'd love to have a proper complete story and not have it just be an 'ad' for the manga.

Regardless, I'm in all the way, for the good or bad (and i'm only expecting good)
Jul 10, 2017 7:12 PM

Oct 2016
Thought it was a really good and interesting first episode it completely caught my attention I just hope it can continue to get my attention
Jul 10, 2017 9:02 PM

Jan 2011
what a beautifully well crafted and animated world couldn't stop thinking about how well the scenery looked music and direction were on point too, honestly only thing i didn't like were the char designs if it wasn't for the name at first glace this sorta looks like one of those mini shorts aimed at kids, to me i feel like making them overly chibi is doing it a disservice but they still managed to make them fit with the world.

there's a lot they could do with this setting so hoping it pays off in the end and doesn't leave us hanging
Jul 11, 2017 4:40 AM

Sep 2016
When i first looked at the anime that were going to air this season, i thought "damn, nothing looks interesting! knight's and magic might be entertaining and kakegurui seems decent, but i'm not sure something will actually catch my attention. I guess i'll just keep watching mha and pokemon."
I thought that is because i somehow didn't see this anime in the summer anime list. So today i wondered "am i actually going to not watch any new show this season?", looked back to the summer anime and saw this. The premise seemed pretty cool and the reviews of the first episode were very positive, so i watched the first episode.

This first episode was an absolute blast to watch. The cute yet rather realistic (not talking about the designs when i say realistic) characters, the good directing, the intriguing world, the beautiful visuals and ost (in which we get english songs that aren't engrish!) and many more things made this episode absolutely amazing to me.
10/10 I call AOTS, or even AOTY.
Jul 11, 2017 7:51 AM

Sep 2015
I like the setting of this a lot. Kind of reminds me of something out of Ghibli. The whimsical score and very cinematic action scenes really reinforced this. I did have a few problems with it though. Maybe they'll grow on me but while the backgrounds and creatures are very pretty. The characters feel a bit under-designed which is kind of jarring. I was also surprised and a little disappointed by some of the creepy fan service in here. It didn't show anything too outlandish. But all that talk of stringing Riko up naked, was a bit much for what I assumed was a cutesy kids show.

I have high hopes for this series. I want to see more of its light steam punk aesthetic. I like the characters and am interested in their basic conflicts set forth here. I thought it was cool when the show pretty much shoved one of its main characters to the side in favor of a much cooler robot boy. All I really want out of it is to explain the world a little better. And have the story go somewhere interesting. Not just be an admittedly weird slice of life.
Jul 11, 2017 10:29 AM

May 2010
Setting-wise, it reminds me of Shinsekai Yori. I can see the Grimgar feel too, but not as much.

The main heroine is kinda okay, I like her with the president. The scenery and art is breathtaking.

The kind of anime you want to watch once it ends tbh.
Jul 11, 2017 3:00 PM

Apr 2009
No experience with the manga but I was excited to watch this from all the positive reactions to it. It was an amazing first episode, from the animation to the characters to all the music. I have to say, it really reminded me of Dennou Coil. Great first episode with children as main characters, superb animation and a mysterious atmosphere that tells of more serious and darker things to come.

I'm going to resist reading the manga of Made in Abyss (though I may buy it still) but may have to rewatch Dennou Coil to get my fix of this kind of feel. I hear Made in Abyss will get darker, though.

Jul 11, 2017 4:19 PM

Apr 2012
The art, animation and soundtrack were incredible. The character interactions were fun to watch to. Very good first episode.
Jul 11, 2017 4:46 PM

Oct 2014
Reg reminds me of ICO. must be the helmet.

I can't wait to see more.
Jul 11, 2017 5:10 PM
Dec 2011
The child characters look like they are straight out of Ichigo Mashimaro which is kind of weird. Looks very promising.
Jul 12, 2017 12:14 AM

Mar 2013
This series looks interesting and incredible. The Art, Music, and animation are wonderful in that first Episode, love the OP, and I actually thought It was made by Studio Ghibli for a second. Easily Top 5 for me in this season and definitely going to watch more.
Rio-Jul 12, 2017 12:19 AM
Jul 12, 2017 10:33 AM

Jun 2008
This is really good :D
The characters are all so adorable!
Jul 12, 2017 12:50 PM

Apr 2016
This one episode was great, can't wait to see more.
Jul 12, 2017 6:49 PM

Jun 2014
This looks pretty good, and the setting and architecture is really breathtaking. This really looks like it may be a great adventure Anime.

Also, this marks the first time in my life that I've ever started watching a "currently airing" Anime.

Jul 12, 2017 9:15 PM

Apr 2014
first episode was good, hopefully it keeps being like this. i'm hearing that the manga has some lewd-ness in it which i really hope they don't include in the anime. i mean, the characters are like 12 years old. now, if there's a time skip i can tolerate it but otherwise just keep it in the manga
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Jul 12, 2017 10:23 PM
May 2014
a fresh series for this season. we got 2 Isekai generic series this season. a different style really wins this series for the season. art is beautiful and overall its a good 1st episode
Jul 13, 2017 7:52 AM
May 2016
owlpoop said:
first episode was good, hopefully it keeps being like this. i'm hearing that the manga has some lewd-ness in it which i really hope they don't include in the anime. i mean, the characters are like 12 years old. now, if there's a time skip i can tolerate it but otherwise just keep it in the manga

yeah we dont need lewd-ness on kid.

this is the only anime i have high hope for this season.
Jul 13, 2017 8:51 AM

Aug 2016
Just watched it and loved it, seems very interesting and I already want to read the manga.

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