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Days: 85.0
Mean Score:
- Watching28
- Completed307
- On-Hold36
- Dropped46
- Plan to Watch112
- Total Entries529
- Rewatched37
- Episodes5,073
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 49.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries111
- Reread3
- Chapters6,426
- Volumes885
All Comments (20) Comments
Guess I didn't make it clear on the review I actually didn't mind it..
All I want from a SOL series is moe girls doing moe things. K-ON! and Sora no Woto were the pinnacle of my experience with slice of life.
The OVA series for Tamayura was the sort of anime that I would watch in bed to put me to sleep. There was only one character that stood out from the cast of wallflower girls. I didn't really enjoy the one-sided depiction of Fuu-chan's experience with the camera and with the rest of the cast being as passive as the plot progression, it made for a lacklustre show.
Maybe one day I'll take a jab at Hitotose and see if I enjoy it. It's been a while since I've watched a thoroughbred slice of life series. Cheers.
If anything, from whats aired so far there haven't been character detail or background arcs. Therefore your just criticizing the series with lack of knowing the depths of the story.
For one thing Tatsuya and Miyuki's relationship is borderline abnormal sibling relationship due to overcoming formidable obstacle to be where the series starts off showing them as.
Second, Tatsuya is indeed a interesting protagonist if you consider him a rational and logical character to the very core and that he is a very keen observer.
Although there are few common story elements your looking at it the wrong way. Should read the reviews for light novel section, although they seem to reviewed as not very helpful >_>
Mä tykkäsin edelleen Haganaista paljon, harmi ettet tykännyt.. :(