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Jan 12, 2017 12:22 PM

Feb 2014
Ugh, god dammit: Link

I was really hoping CR would get this. This Anime Strike service is such a fucking ripoff.
Jan 12, 2017 6:01 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
you should give up seeing every anime coming from the noitaminA block in the future on crunchyroll because, since Kabaneri, Amazon became the only one who can stream them now.
Jan 13, 2017 7:00 PM

Mar 2009
Amazon and Netflix: the scourge of the anime world at the moment.
Jan 13, 2017 8:16 PM

Oct 2015
LoomyTheBrew said:
Ugh, god dammit: Link

I was really hoping CR would get this. This Anime Strike service is such a fucking ripoff.

They really need to improve their selection and hire someone who know anime well. Netflix is great though since it affordable and isn't exclusive to anime.
Jan 14, 2017 1:13 AM

Feb 2014
DatRandomDude said:
you should give up seeing every anime coming from the noitaminA block in the future on crunchyroll because, since Kabaneri, Amazon became the only one who can stream them now.

It's a sad truth. It wouldn't be a problem if this was all included in their regular service but this extra pay wall is just ridiculous.

rizuxizu said:
LoomyTheBrew said:
Ugh, god dammit: Link

I was really hoping CR would get this. This Anime Strike service is such a fucking ripoff.

They really need to improve their selection and hire someone who know anime well. Netflix is great though since it affordable and isn't exclusive to anime.

I totally agree. This move just makes them look really out of touch/greedy, it's not like Anime Strike is a separate service like HBO and Starz, it's ridiculous that they'd put it in the same realm.
Jan 16, 2017 5:57 PM
Sep 2016
Ugh I'm upset about this. Legally streaming anime is getting kinda crazy for me because I already have Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, and Netflix. I really don't want to add more services.
Jan 17, 2017 12:35 AM

Mar 2009
supersizedsumo said:
Ugh I'm upset about this. Legally streaming anime is getting kinda crazy for me because I already have Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, and Netflix. I really don't want to add more services.

Yes. This is a problem. Too many services. Crunchyroll and Funimation were smart by merging.
Jan 21, 2017 11:42 AM

Nov 2015
Mormegil said:
supersizedsumo said:
Ugh I'm upset about this. Legally streaming anime is getting kinda crazy for me because I already have Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, and Netflix. I really don't want to add more services.

Yes. This is a problem. Too many services. Crunchyroll and Funimation were smart by merging.

They merged some stuff but still charge for both of them...not just one price, sigh.

I wish they would offer one bundled price.
Jan 21, 2017 1:38 PM

Aug 2009
Amazon is too expensive with it's services... I hate that they got an anime subscription service because they don't have a huge selection...

Edit: 5 dollars? Guys anime is more expensive. Binge watch the series they have one month and cancel it whenever you run low... It's less than CR and has many series that are incredibly good and great for new anime viewers.
dakotasapphireJan 21, 2017 1:42 PM
Jan 30, 2017 8:41 AM

Aug 2016
dakotasapphire said:
Amazon is too expensive with it's services... I hate that they got an anime subscription service because they don't have a huge selection...

Edit: 5 dollars? Guys anime is more expensive. Binge watch the series they have one month and cancel it whenever you run low... It's less than CR and has many series that are incredibly good and great for new anime viewers.

i think they are considering the fact that even if you have prime it doesnt come with it, which is kinda weird seeing as you get amazon video.
Feb 6, 2017 8:36 PM

Dec 2015
No wonder I couldn't find this series anywhere. Why is Amazon involved with anime? This is retarded. I already pay for Prime, so what's with this nonsense? Oh well...I guess I know where I'm going to watch this now...
Feb 7, 2017 12:24 AM
Jul 2018
Perhaps interesting to note that Amazon Japan includes Kuzu no Honkai in its Prime package. i.e. watching Kuzu no Honkai on currently doesn't require paying an additional surcharge on top of Prime membership, which appears to be what people in here are talking about for .com.

Same for shows like, for example, Demi-chan wa Kataritai and Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu also airing on regular TV in many Japanese locations.

It doesn't apply for all series on offer via Prime, however. For Chihayafuru, for example, only the first episode -for both season 1 & season 2 - is provided with Prime membership but additional rental payment is required per episode, ¥216 each, or for the rest of each season, 25 episodes each, at ¥3628 each season.
removed-userFeb 7, 2017 12:29 AM
Jul 6, 2017 1:23 AM
Jul 2018
dakotasapphire said:
Amazon is too expensive with it's services... I hate that they got an anime subscription service because they don't have a huge selection...

Edit: 5 dollars? Guys anime is more expensive. Binge watch the series they have one month and cancel it whenever you run low... It's less than CR and has many series that are incredibly good and great for new anime viewers.

This post is a little old, but I figured I should say this...

You have to have prime to get Amazon Strike.

I can't afford Prime, let alone another $5 on top.

I only have Crunchyroll.

I can't really afford Hulu or Netflix either, and there is no value even if I could...

Especially when I watch a total of 1 or MAYBE 2 "3d" movie(s) a month, and I don't watch it willingly usually.

Just another point of view.
Jul 20, 2017 1:54 PM

Aug 2009
spaxous said:
dakotasapphire said:
Amazon is too expensive with it's services... I hate that they got an anime subscription service because they don't have a huge selection...

Edit: 5 dollars? Guys anime is more expensive. Binge watch the series they have one month and cancel it whenever you run low... It's less than CR and has many series that are incredibly good and great for new anime viewers.

This post is a little old, but I figured I should say this...

You have to have prime to get Amazon Strike.

I can't afford Prime, let alone another $5 on top.

I only have Crunchyroll.

I can't really afford Hulu or Netflix either, and there is no value even if I could...

Especially when I watch a total of 1 or MAYBE 2 "3d" movie(s) a month, and I don't watch it willingly usually.

Just another point of view.

Get this:

you don't get hulu or netflix without wanting to watch their top quality tv shows or movies. You should never get them for anime, because a lot of the anime is on crunchyroll/funimation. (I cross reference a lot and there's a good amount of stuff on those free legal service with ads,
There's a new service called VRV you can watch funi's stuff from (dubbed) and crunchyroll for only 10 bucks instead of the full 13.

I can't see how anyone could be living so poorly they can't afford 10 bucks for a subscriber streaming service. But that depends, you might be living in a bad situation, so i'm not going to judge you for it. It might just be where you live, and maybe ten bucks is a lot to you. And you can't afford prime? I guess that's tough sht really, they added the service anime strike to attract more people to their site and prime memberships. Maybe you could just buy the bluray/dvd from saving up. There's a lot of anime out there. You don't necessarily need to watch the new ones coming out on strike. A lot of new ones are junk anyways. Crunchyroll/VRV are your best bets.

I myself won't buy anime strike out of the fact that i'm paying for netflix/VRV right now (netflix is because I took pity on my sister and am paying for the four screens, i watch something every once in awhile on there, like at some point I watched 13 reasons why, and the new little witch academia series s1). People only have so much time in their day.

Also you DON'T need to pay for FUNI or Crunchyroll, you don't have time to watch hardly anything? Then just use the free services with ads.
There's Daisuki, cr, funi, anime seiren, viki, neon alley (exclusively viz media)...

can't afford it? pay through watching ads. No biggie.
dakotasapphireJul 20, 2017 1:59 PM
Jul 20, 2017 2:08 PM
Jul 2018
dakotasapphire said:
spaxous said:

This post is a little old, but I figured I should say this...

You have to have prime to get Amazon Strike.

I can't afford Prime, let alone another $5 on top.

I only have Crunchyroll.

I can't really afford Hulu or Netflix either, and there is no value even if I could...

Especially when I watch a total of 1 or MAYBE 2 "3d" movie(s) a month, and I don't watch it willingly usually.

Just another point of view.

Get this:

you don't get hulu or netflix without wanting to watch their tv shows. You should never get them for anime, because a lot of the anime is on crunchyroll/funimation.
There's a new service called VRV you can watch funi's stuff from (dubbed) and crunchyroll for only 10 bucks instead of the full 13.

I can't see how anyone could be living so poorly they can't afford 10 bucks for a subscriber streaming service. But that depends, you might be living in a bad situation, so i'm not going to judge you for it. It might just be where you live, and maybe ten bucks is a lot to you. And you can't afford prime? I guess that's tough sht really, they added the service anime strike to attract more people to their site and prime memberships. Maybe you could just buy the bluray/dvd from saving up. There's a lot of anime out there. You don't necessarily need to watch the new ones coming out on strike. A lot of new ones are junk anyways. Crunchyroll/VRV are your best bets.

I myself won't buy anime strike out of the fact that i'm paying for netflix/VRV right now (netflix is because I took pity on my sister and am paying for the four screens, i watch something every once in awhile on there, like at some point I watched 13 reasons why, and the new little witch academia series s1). People only have so much time in their day.

So first off, Hulu, Netflix, AND Amazon all have shows that don't air on Crunchyroll.

I made it clear Hulu and Netflix have no value to me for ~$20 a month for anime I may not even enjoy, as in no value because I don't want or care about the "3d" shows.

I had VRV, and it was OK ish I guess, but I didn't take advantage of any of the content, so instead of $5 a month I was paying $10 a month, and not using any of the other content for it to be worth it, so after 2 months I went and did another year of Crunchyroll.

I'm not living poorly, I'm living frugally. There is a difference. I'm pinching pennies because I have a goal to use my money, not because I can't. Because I value my money and time, not because I don't have a bit in excess. $10 isn't a ton to me, I could easily afford to get all these services, but the VALUE isn't there. It isn't WORTH it to me.

And one of the best series from this past season I ended up streaming from KissAnime because it isn't worth dropping $40 or $50 or whatever on Prime and Strike to watch $13 episodes. At that point I'd be better off getting the BlueRay set, but I don't want to do that if I don't enjoy it, hence why I prefer legitimate streaming services. I can watch shit I don't necessarily find valueable to own myself, but can still get that little bit of enjoyment at the points I find to my liking.

Netflix is a great value for those who watch "mainstream" videos. That's all my family uses. I personally have my crunchryoll linked to my little brother's VRV account so he can use Crunchyroll without buggering my History and Watchlist.

I watch anime regularly, it is the hobby I do the most frequently out of everything, but I am unemployed as of May 9th, so I don't exactly have the... leeway to go dropping a bunch of money until I land another job. Sure, I have quite a bit of money saved up, but if I can't find a job that money goes down slowly but surely every month.

Maybe when I get another job, I might be able to afford all the things, but at the same time I'll probably not buy them anyways simply because I'd rather spend my money on other things that I find more important for the "real world" like upgrading my PC and fixing my desk and such.
Jul 20, 2017 2:12 PM
Jul 2018
Oh, Dakotasapphire, I would also like to mention that I flat out refuse to use the streaming sites like Kissanime 99.99999% of the time because I believe in supporting the creators.

Not wanting to spend an extra $60 that I would otherwise not spend on AmazonPrime, Amazon Strike, Hulu, and Netflix is not exactly something that is something to look down upon.

It's logical to want everything in one place for one price. Even if crunchyroll was $100 a year, it's better than $780 a year ($65 a month)

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