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Monogatari Series: Final Season
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Oct 3, 2015 2:48 PM

Mar 2009
Ehhh. Weak arc compared to the rest. Doesn't help that I never really liked Yotsugi too much.
Oct 9, 2015 10:59 AM

Nov 2014
It's still Monogatari but it wasn't as appealing as previous seasons.
Oct 10, 2015 6:50 AM

Dec 2012
Yayy Piss Piss.


They totally banged at the end.

Oct 11, 2015 9:13 PM

Sep 2014
Try not to kill. For when Humans kill, they become Monsters. I say with a posed look. Ep 4.

Plot: Koyomi and Yotsugi meet up with Ougi before going on to meet Teori. Yotsugi and he brainstorm on what his options are but Koyomi is steadfast on doing things without people dying and has Yotsugi save the captives. Meeting with Teori, Koyomi learns that this was more of a stage and it seems something wants him to be proper. Yotsugi kills him as a warning to Koyomi to not become more of an Oddity or he'll be a Monster. With the day saved, Koyomi winds up with Yotsugi as a new companion in order to stop whatever plan is going on.

Character: Poor Yotsugi. Used as a doll in the machinations of both sides. One side used her to drive a wedge between her and Koyomi's friendship. The other has her stay with Koyomi in order to both keep an eye on him but to disrupt this plan.

Koyomi didn't overreact to the death this time. Though he did get saved by someone else instead of him working it out. He, Teori, and Yotsugi were pawns in a much bigger game.

PS: Seeing Hitagi was nice and brings questions on the future.

Animation/sound: The build up was good and the resolution made me surprised. The ED Border was fun.

4/5. It was a decent little mini and brings certain things into perspective. THis was a little Koyomi story that tells us rough times are ahead.

I go where I wanna go, even if its into Oppai.
Oct 18, 2015 9:37 AM

May 2010
It was good, though not as good as Monogatari's second season. I expected moar of my lovely angel Yotsugi-chan as it was supposed to be her arc - but nothing is lost I guess, as it seems like we'll get more of her in Owari. Yaaay~

Also, have to mention it - opening and ending were splendid, especially for Monogatari's standards. 7/10
Nov 10, 2015 4:49 AM

Nov 2011
The arc was good but there is a bit linearness for me when it came down to the plot for both Tsuki and Hana -monogatari, maybe the series can't stand alone on one arc, though i won't say that's true cause i found Nekomonogatari kuro to be brilliant even though it follows a similar length format.

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Dec 28, 2015 12:21 PM

Nov 2013
So I had to stitch this scene together.... huhuhu.... enjoy! ^_^

Jan 16, 2016 2:36 AM
Jan 2013
Another amazing season :)

Next up, Owarimonogatari (then Kizumonogatari)!
Feb 16, 2016 9:40 PM

Mar 2014
For me, this was the weakest (dare I say worst?) season. Did they bang at the end of the Senjougahara household scene?

Feb 17, 2016 4:30 AM

Nov 2013
I'm so jealous, dat lucky bastard, the best thing when you come to see your hot imoutos in the morning. I bet all guys in his class envy him. Tsukihimonogatari is my fav together with Nisemonogatari <3

stockings + short skirt + pantsu + hot imouto (esp delicious Tsukihi-chan) = pure WIN

also Ononoki is Tsukihi's personal doll now, I would love to see her playing with Ononoki, yummy :p
Koyomi x Tsukihi x Karen x Ononoki x Shunobu oh my, ultimate combo, lucky bastard is so lucky...

suoarski said:
So I had to stitch this scene together.... huhuhu.... enjoy! ^_^

Thanks! That's what I wanted

ziggy_Z said:
Did they bang at the end of the Senjougahara household scene?

I don't care, as long as he can fornicate with Karen and Tsukihi and use Gahara as a cover. I got a feeling that Nisio just brings Gahara from time to time for couple of seconds for that reason, he show mostly siscon and lolicon Araragi but to make it more acceptable by society just rounds the corners with Gahara. When I will see Koyomi taking a bath with Gahara, fondling her boobs and kissing her only then I will change my opinion, maybe.
tsundereharasserFeb 17, 2016 6:16 AM
May 14, 2016 1:18 AM

Jul 2013
Did not expect Senjougaha to make an appearance. When she pushed Araragi down.. did they...? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jun 11, 2016 2:30 AM

Jul 2008
Fire Sisters fanservice....YES MOAR!!!

And someone is trying to take out the specialists AND Araragi's harem....this can not stand!!!
Jun 27, 2016 6:57 PM

Oct 2012
Wow, Yotsugi really served as eye-candy of this arc, the animation of her poses was just perfect.

Interesting information about Kagenui's curse though, not being able to touch the ground must have been tough surely.

And we have seen Ougi again.. what a strange girl.. she knows things she really shoudn't know. I have the feeling that she is just personification of characters' inner doubt, in a sense they are talking with themselves in their mind in scene with her. Koyomi will have to deal with her sooner or later.

Right now I'm split as to who current mastermind behind everything is - is it really Ougi, the final boss and the darkness within that Koyomi would have to face in the end (NiSiOiSiN's alterego) or rather Senjougahara who has all the reasons to cut his ties to other girls (and the way the scenes preceding her appearance were set and the way she said 'Yay' is definitely more than conincidence, it was almost hinted). Mayioi, Sengoku.. she certainly take pains to get those two out of the way. Though I believe Tadatsuru's death was staged like in the theater, just for sake of Koyomi's growing up. And maybe Senjougahara is also manipulated? Who knows... but there was certainly something off with her appearance.

But in the end this arc was really about growing up and responsibility, greatest Araragi's developement so far. Its main message was that even if you grow up, your life is not over and you don't have to change it completely and act 'proper' for your age by the expectations of the society. It tells us that it's okay to be crazy sometimes. And part of me is glad that Kyomi didn't throuw off his chuunibyou completely.

I liked this arc, it was good and set some interesting premise for future tales.

Jun 28, 2016 3:28 AM

Oct 2012
Sejin said:
I feel like I'm missing something here that would connect "I want to punish the liars" with "I want things to be proper" (then again, maybe they're just two distinct ideas that don't connect).

You know, in a way, Ougi represents the word of reason, something Koyomi doesn't want to accept yet.
Liar is everyone who doesn't want to move on (remember Nadeko) including Koyomi and by punishing them she just creates a means to confront them with their own fears and to accept their own lives.
Aberrations were personifications of their troubles, doubts and feelings from a start.

This is something that was similiarly dealt with in Black Rock Shooter for example, although it wasn't as complex and it seemed a lot more obvious there.

To see what's really going on you have to look past the illusion and realize that Ougi is just figment of imagination, not real student at their school - and she's definitely a final boss, the last and the biggest monster he would have to face, a step to adulthood Koyomi has to make - step into the world where abberations doesn't exist. She wants Koyomi to realize he was just blaming every bad thing that happened on abberations, lying to himself in the first place. She is represented as darkness simply because Koyomi doesn't want to give up on his careless days.

The hint here is that Tsukihi doesn't really believe in anything supernatural (nor that she's a Phoenix - she is just extramarital child, that's all). She also didn't hear Yotsugi (a doll) speak as everything was just in Koyomi's head. And here we are, being mystified by NiSiOiSiN too. Strip everything mysterious off this series and you'll have series normal anime about group of high-school students that have their own ordinary family problems and difficult relationships with each other.

Likewise, Yotsugi's kill and her saying she did that 'because she's monster' serves as necessary catalyst so that Koyomi starts questioning the true essence of aberrations, finally realizing there is no such thing, just harsh human nature, in the end. In a way, he is lying to himself when blaming everything on abberations and in his final fight he should graduate from his chuunibyou.
Aug 7, 2016 10:40 AM
Dec 2015
need moar hitagi's screen....

what those two doing on the floor I wonder
Sep 8, 2016 12:27 PM

Apr 2016
Nice ending!!!

4 ovas, with the --monogatari style, much speak, a less action, but interesting.6/10.
Sep 27, 2016 12:50 PM

Apr 2013
I loved the whole foreshadowing by the doll and that specialist that there's a big bad out somewhere... which should be Ougi. Though that would be a bit too easy, maybe it's actually Izuko? Nah but Ougi is such an intriguing character, it has to be him/her. Anyway a very good arc, I enjoyed it more than Hanamonogatari. 8/10
Nov 17, 2016 10:01 PM

Sep 2015
That ending lol sooo did Senjougahara and Araragi do it??

Nice he's taking care of a doll now and his sisters are always over him as always in the end.
Dec 1, 2016 1:26 AM

May 2012
Well I think I'll take a break from this series now. I'm starting to get sick of the ridiculous fanservice which IMO cheapens the show (particularly with incest..). Also, getting tired of the format of the series in general, the use of flashcards or w.e to show what the characters are feeling and arcs being told from different persoective/ narrators (I still think it's unique and not neccesarily bad.. just tired of it).

TBH it was Hitagi in Bake that caught my intrigue and her interactions are always the best (The Valentine scene is the best part of these four eps...) whether it was with Koyomi, Kaiki, or Hanekawa. Since I won't be seeing much of her in the comming shows might as well stop =). I'll pick up again when the Hitagi rendezvous arc is animated, so sayonara!
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Jan 20, 2017 9:34 AM

Nov 2013
so 10 minutes of skirt up and no panties shown, boring LOL
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Apr 29, 2017 3:49 PM

Nov 2016
Even though I liked Hana better from the topic of the arc Tsuki was still great. Especially cause it focussed more on Araragi, don't remember the last time he had an arc that devoted to his character development like this. At any rate great build up for Owari, can't wait to wait to pick it up.

P.S. Pretty sure Araragi and Senjou had a nice Valentine's Day.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 4, 2017 3:23 PM
May 2012
ey ey koyokoyo big boy got it again. hitagi sure knows the best valentine's gift ;)
and i actually wanted him to hug ononoki
well, onto the next one
Aug 31, 2017 11:39 PM

Aug 2013
Tfw you wish you were in Koyomi's position and saw those legendary pantsu. T^T
The fire sisters are still the best part in this arc.. I miss Yotsugi and her embarrasing phrases too. Yay.
Sep 10, 2017 8:50 PM

May 2014
But like seriously...WHERE THE HOLY HELL IS OSHINO?!!?

Also pretty sure it's Ougi behind this whole "separation and departure of the harem" thing that's going on. It's almost like he/she is the side of himself Araragi doesn't really want to address; he's cast away sacrifice and change as necessities to mature as a person. His vampire side basically represents his inability to accept those things, and in rejecting them he's being swamped by his own little "monster".

Tadatsuru was an absolute weirdo, but he made some great points about how they've all been cast into certain roles according to somebody's plan; they're just doing what they're "supposed" to do. What's interesting though is how he looks at Oshino as the "neutraliser"...why would he leave if that's the case??

Also looks like Yotsugi is gonna be staying with Araragi for a while in attempt to thwart whoever's (probably Ougi's) plan to separate him from the apparitions. But isn't that just going against what's meant to happen? I mean, Araragi's already gone against the correct path multiple times.

I enjoyed this arc way more than I thought in the end!!

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Oct 14, 2017 2:32 AM

Jun 2016
Goddamnit. So, Ougi is the person behind all this? She lured or fooled that origami guy to abduct Araragi's little sisters and Kanbaru just to create a fissure on Araragi and Ononoki's relationship? What exactly are you, Ougi? You're creeping the fuck outta me. ;-;

Ononogi is not a monster, okay? She saved your life and your sister's and friend's life, Araragi. 😕 It's the origami guy's fault. Goddamnit. Kanbaru's there, but we didn't get to hear her talk. ;-; I missed her so much. At least everyone's A-OK. Yay!

Why Karen and Tsukihi were so shocked with Araragi seeing them naked? Lmfaoooo. You two are literally naked in front of him almost all the time. Hahahaha. That bath scene, okay. You two were straight up naked. Hahaha. Them two freaking out made me cry. Hahaha!

And now Ononogi was won by Tsukihi in a claw game and now she lives at Araragi's house. I'm dyiiiiiing. Hahaha. At least they're all together. 🙂

Waaaaah. Hitagiiiiiiiiii! I know they made love or at least kissed when they're on the floor. Goddamnit, show! At least show us some action between these two. ;-; We saw Araragi kissed Shinobu and Ononoki, and even Mayoi, but not Hitagi? Godfuckingdamnit. ;-;

This show's great and I enjoyed it. Now I'm ready to know more about Ougi because I love her. Hehe.

9/10 ❤

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Nov 29, 2017 3:22 AM

Jun 2016
Good Series, as others said, not as good as the previous ones.

Try not to kill. For when Humans kill, they become Monsters. Great quote.

Ononoki-chan protected Araragi from becoming more of a monster, that was love <3

I didn't found any philosophical thoughts like i did in Hanamonogatari or Monogatari S2, too bad, i like to think over things, someone let me know if they spotted some :)

I know monogatari is about talking, but a bit more action could be a good thing.
Dec 15, 2017 10:57 PM

Aug 2017
Araragi-Hitagi moment made me love this episode even more,but,for godsake show us atleast a kiss of them.

They have shown us kisses of araragi with shinobu, hachikuji and ononoki but why won't they show us one with hitagi(I've been waiting for this like forever)
Aug 9, 2018 7:29 AM

Dec 2016
Ononoki-chan was, is, and forever-will-be, a legend
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Aug 28, 2018 9:08 PM

May 2017
very nice season! i enjoyed this way more than hana!

Loved the direction they took with this season! we traded blank frames with dialouge against BEAUTIFUL scenery in pretty much every episode. This season only had 4 episodes but the improvement in animation was really noticeable. Especially the first episode had nice constant movement, it was really nice to watch.

I guess whether or not i enjoy a season of monogatari highly depends on the characters that are involved in the story. I like araragi, i love shinobu and i very much enjoyed Ononoki's presence - Yaay.

Stories like these interest me so much more compared to what we had in Hana. Directing is a huge part too.. Awesome backgrounds and scenery is just so much better than overloading my screen with blank frames where you can't even read half of the info.

Not looking forward to owari that much because im guessing its about ougi and i hate that bitch. But well let's see!
Sep 17, 2018 1:37 PM

Sep 2014
wow that was absolutely amazing, the production quality was really high, I loved the OST, the visuals and the overall mood with all the foeshadowing here.

It really was just what I needed after basically 2 arcs without our MC (and the boring 5 episodes of Hana) and also a bit of fresh air at the same time. You could say this 4 episodes are condensed what Monogatari is all about. Lately monogatari felt like it was lacking some plot or rather a goal for all the sidestories to work forward to, I guess we finally have it even though its not completely clear what it is.

With all the hints and foreshadowing and what happened in season 2, Ougi has to be the major "antagonist" at the end here, right? Atleast she will likely play a major role.

PS: The last shot were his sisters are pulling on him kinda looks like senjougahara and hanekawa some time ago.

PPS: A bit unrelated since it happened before as well and is not specifically tied to tsuki, but I wonder about shinobu whenever senjogahara and araragi get intimate. We already saw her getting really jealous because of a kiss. I just like to imagine araragi beeing embarrassed to come up with excuses to only do it during the day when shinobu is likely to sleep.
Comander-07Sep 17, 2018 1:43 PM
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Sep 17, 2018 4:51 PM

May 2018
Too much better than Hanamonogatari, obviousy...

5/5 9,5/10
"No matter where you go, everyone's connected." Iwakura, Lain.

Jan 3, 2019 4:09 PM

Jan 2014
Okay, so the series was just one big foreshadowing to what's gonna happen later?

I don't like it as much as the other arcs but it was enjoyable 8/10
Recommend me an anime
Feb 23, 2019 7:36 AM

Jun 2017
This was a really good story with a somewhat good conclusion too, I like how Hitagi appears in this episode, and I'm also glad that Ononoki wouldn't be forced to stay away from Araragi like with Sengoku Nadeko, that Ougi >:|.
Also saying that Tsukihi looked nice during this season would be an understatement, it would be more appropriate to say that she looked her best compared to the past seasons.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Apr 30, 2019 3:26 PM
Apr 2016
Well, only 4 episodes, but damn they were good! I love the fact that they decided to revolve the story around Vararagi's vampirism again, damn, I wouldn't mind him becoming one again, haha.
May 22, 2019 3:07 AM

Dec 2018
I can't help but think all is according to Ougi's plan. From the way that Teori guy was talking it seems like he is forced. Moreover, he says: "I won't help you turning to vampire." So, his forced real objective was turning Araragi to become a full-vampire.

I guess Teori dies at his own will. If he were to fight I guess the result wouldn't end up like that.

Boi if Araragi met Hanekawa, Araragi would discover that Meme has no niece.

My guess is this Darkness is related to Ougi's doing.
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
Sep 3, 2019 8:29 PM

Sep 2017
Great little arc we got here. Don't have anything to really add except that Ononoki is probably one of my favorite girls in Monogatari (that is such a weird fucking sentence...). I really enjoyed this. 8/10.

Nov 3, 2019 11:45 AM

Apr 2018
Damn. Araragi got laid.
Watashi wa a victim of cyberbullying. Everyday someone online calls me a "weeb" desu. Watashi won't stand for this. 26 percent of bullying victims are chosen due to their race or religion desu. I may look like a basic white boy, but deep down I am Nihongo desu. Watashi religion is anime. Anata wa bullying me because of my race and religion desu ka? Disgusting desu. Anata should be ashamed of yourself, racist pig. A baka gaijin like anata is probably jealous of my race and culture, cause Nippon is more sugoi than your shitty country desu. Watashi pity anata. You'll never be Nihongo like watashi. Educate yourself on nani a "weeb" is.
Apr 25, 2020 8:17 AM
Oct 2019
End with Koyokoyo

It taking them forever to show us a Hitagi and Koyomi kiss. Damn Shaft are you planning that kiss scene for their wedding
May 31, 2020 3:51 AM

Nov 2018
Whoever Ougi is,this person is obviously the one behind a lot of things happening.
I hate everyone equally
Sep 13, 2020 4:52 PM
Mar 2018
dang. so ougi is def the mastermind behind all of this. the REAL final boss, as was hinted back in ss. dont really get her reasoning as i guess she thinks things need to go back to being "proper"? im guessing araragi confronts her in owarimonogatari and somehow wins and turns her into a boy lolol. and the surprise senjougahara end was nice too.

overall, this was the first 4-5 ep monogatari series i genuinely enjoyed. i really like yotsugi's dialogue and now that shes gonna be with araragi, very cool. 8/10.
Sep 18, 2020 4:19 AM

Jun 2020
Ok now did Hitagi and Koyomi did that thing?

Anyway did was an amazing series it was so good I fucking damn love Monogatari Series so much all the arc are very interesting glad that I watch this masterpiece tbh I kinda like Ononoki cuz she's cute(^-^)

Overall my rating is gonna be 8/10 it was creative the way they animate this series was amazing<3
Oct 12, 2020 1:37 PM

Apr 2019
I'd say that was a pretty interesting finale to this part of the Monogatari series.
Didn't expect to see Dio in this series but it feels very fitting for him to be apart of it somehow. I honestly didn't understand to much of what he said but his character was pretty cool, till ya know.. Yotsugi kinda killed him.

I'm really glad that Hitagi made an appearance in this ep, and I would've liked for her scene to be extended just a little bit - despite her not really having anything to do with this arc.

Also Ougi makes an appearance, and I 100% agree with Yotsugi that Ougi is the final boss. I will soon find if I'm correct or not when I watch Owarimonogatari.

Overall, I'll probably give this a 8/10.

Also both the OP and ED were pretty good.
Dec 19, 2020 7:38 PM
Apr 2020
hat concludes the story with a one hit delete punch! (Lol)

Surprisingly enjoyed this till the end. This story is full of dialogues, but it have a strong and more detailed story plot, the perfect OST, stunningly beautiful sceneries, plus the best droll, girl Yotsugi doing funny stuffs. Way more better than Hanamonogatari.

9/10 for this. This will get a "Yay!" for me, as Yotsugi always says :>

Alright! Time to move on to the next. The thrill from watching and finishing this series still on a roll :)
Mar 28, 2021 9:39 AM

Oct 2016
That was a really great episode and arc. I noticed before that Ougi always speaks like she is writing the story, like she's a writer of a play. So, when Tadatsuru was saying that it was like they were cast in a role, I thought that it's definitely Ougi manipulating things for outcomes to turn out how she wants it to, but the question is, why though? Looking forward to that, they're really building up Ougi well.

When Araragi let go of Ononoki and then he said he shouldn't have let go, I knew that she was going to kill Tadatsuru and she did, damn. Well, they said that it's all part of Ougi or whoever's plan to put a distance between Araragi and Ononoki, so they countered that by making Ononoki live with Araragi, but what if that's all just according to plan huh! Man, I am paranoid lmao.

Senjougahara was adorable at the end there, they definitely smashed, good job Araragi. Overall that was a great arc, and I love the aesthetic of it with the new way of showing the monologues and all that. 8/10
Apr 27, 2022 8:33 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Yup, that was good. Peace peace. yay. 7/10

whiskey tango foxtrot

May 17, 2022 6:59 AM

Jan 2015
Took way too many screenshots to give my opinion on each scene I did, with, the season/arc was really quick but there was so much I enjoyed in these few episodes. I won't do a big deep dive into what I thought of the arc but overall, I really liked it and its themes were strong. Watched it all in one go as I regularly do with these arcs, though I didn't do that with Hanamonogatari, really enjoyed this one a whole lot more. No episode had a really strong emotional beat which would make me score this a nine like a few of the other seasons though. Really liked exploring each of the characters more! Ononoki is a lot of fun. I don't quite understand the meaning of the opening though. Shinobu seemed very bitter about being lied to with the donut, hahaha. Tsukihi was pretty adorable and funny.

Yay. Funny running joke.

Love her outfit here.

Just a couple of the really nice shots from in this season. Cinematography in some of the scenes with Araragi and Ononoki exploring were amazing as well, how unsure the world around them was, how weird it was finding a path for answers. Also shots with foreshadowing where Araragi would go, I'm really excited to see where his story goes. It seems worrisome even knowing he and Karen will be okay by the end, Senjougahara too. Was a lot of fun seeing her with the Valentines scene, haha. Tasty wasty?

This character's fuckin' weird, dude. I don't know what her deal is but it feels like she's testing Araragi, feels like she's testing the audience, or at least me, as well.

Overall, really enjoyable arc with the quality this series always lives up to! Very funny as well. Forgot to mention how good the music was as well, really liked some of the music near the end, especially. Did love the opening even if I don't understand its symbolism as well as others. Final Season is off to a really great start!
Sep 4, 2022 10:35 PM
Oct 2020
This felt like a fun little excursion that was essentially a departure from the main story. There were several short scenes where I chuckled to myself. I should have written them down since I don't remember the details. Oh well, maybe it's just enough to know that they made me smile. And maybe that's the best overview I can provide for this arc. It was enjoyable but not particularly impactful. It was good to see Hitagi again and I liked how she pushed Koyomi down and implications of their actions. Also when she pushes the chocolate into his mouth, reminiscent of the stapler from the first series. This reminds me that the series always has interesting camera angles that create a lot of implied sensuality. That may be a representation of Koyomi's perspective, and where his mind always wanders to. And often times I'm right there with him.
Mar 6, 2023 5:05 AM
Oct 2021
Good endng and i love this seriesss
Mar 10, 2023 4:18 AM

Feb 2019
The appearance of Senjougahara at the end really made this episode better~ It's been a while ^^
Mar 25, 2023 1:05 PM
Nov 2010
I like the way Araragi lifted Yotsugi's skirt. How come they aren't showing her panties, though?
I miss Senjougahara's long hair. She needs to grow it back ASAP!
Tsukihi fanservice is always welcome! Such a yummy body for a middle schooler.
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