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Mar 21, 2017 8:52 AM

Nov 2011
So we got to see some of Koyori's past...
I have to admit, her childhood life wasn't pretty.

The restless days and way she lived her life that isn't anything like a normal child...
Damn, I feel bad for her now. It already made her personality fragile and she was even more vulnerable back then.
Mar 21, 2017 10:53 AM

Jun 2015
Got to learn about Koyori's and Makihara's past. His partner kidnapped Koyori's twin sister to defeat other Hand Shakers and eventually God. I honestly don't care about any of it at this point. One more episode until this terrible show is finished.
Mar 21, 2017 10:56 AM

Jan 2015
So it's just for some talk of the past. Little Koyori and Mayumi as a target for child abuse.
Whoa, that "Akutagawa" name instantly remind me about Ryuunosuke . They even share the psychotic habit. LOL
[url=]convert gambar online
Mar 21, 2017 11:27 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
This is probably the only episode that I would consider to be great, I really enjoyed seeing this backstory
Mar 21, 2017 11:54 AM

May 2013
That was some flash level animation this episode. Can't wait fpr this garbage to be over.

Mar 21, 2017 12:25 PM
Mar 2016
Well, one more to go.
Mar 21, 2017 12:34 PM

Jun 2014
Cool, backstory....don't really care at this point. Can't wait to mark this as "Completed" next week before doing my best to erase this anime from my memory.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Mar 21, 2017 12:51 PM

Dec 2016
Really good episode, I am not even kidding.

But even if they win, Koyori's twin sister will die :(

BTW, Makihara and Nagaoka's Nimrod are from RWBY, just use a bit of imagination

shit!! he got me! that fucking Poly
boomed me! he's so good! (x4)
Mar 21, 2017 12:55 PM

May 2009
Wow, this episode was actually interesting. I also liked Mayumi's costume.
“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

― Winston S. Churchill
Mar 21, 2017 1:02 PM
Mar 2017
What a boring episode. At least we'll get a fight in the next one.
Mar 21, 2017 1:10 PM

Dec 2014
Wow, this might be the best episode yet. That's not saying very much, but at least I was intrigued. A bunch of whys were answered.
I need sleep.
Mar 21, 2017 1:15 PM

Jun 2016
Popular opinion seems that the episode was the best out of a bad bunch, I think I can agree with that. even so, it was still just a "meh" episode. Can't wait to finish this next week and never speak of it again.

Mar 21, 2017 1:18 PM

Jun 2013
Koyori's papa was a bad man.

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Mar 21, 2017 2:52 PM

Feb 2014
Koyori and Mayuri looked really sweet as kids, but they went through so much crap with countless opponents beating them up. Shame that their father lost the plot altogether.

Other than that, it was a decent episode overall. It doesn't change the popular opinion of this show being bad and I do agree with them. Regardless to how the final episode will go, it won't salvage anything to make this show better. =/

That and even GoHands somehow managed to forget to lip sync Makihara's partner's words properly as well. A bit shoddy if you ask me...
Mar 21, 2017 4:19 PM

May 2015
All right, one more episode left!

Mar 21, 2017 4:44 PM
Jun 2015
This episode also subsquently proves that homosexual hand shaker pairs exist - poor koyori and mayumi though :(
Mar 21, 2017 5:34 PM
Jun 2016
A really really emotional backstory between Makihara, Koyori, Mayumi and Nagaoka that was.

Koyori and Mayumi are actually twins and they were born as a hand shakers. We can see thw parents frustration as to why did god do this?? Why have they curse their child as to being a hand shakers. So they fight other hand shakers outside the ziggurat, kill them just to meet god at the same time Koyori and Mayumi parents hare gone/ dead... No one knows. Also, Koyori and Mayumi are pairs and Makihara and Nagaoka are pairs before.

We finally have a confirmation on how did Koyori get to state as she was in episode 1 where Tazuna founds her in her comma state. Huh... Maybe the parents actually defeat god and wishes their child to in a comma?! That could be a possibility. Also Mayumi is in a comma too?? And Nagaoka took her and raise her as to how Makihara raise Koyori??

Lastly, Nagaoka has been using other hand shaker pair to obverse Tazuna and Koyori fights with Kadoma and Hibiki and Lily and Masaru. So the shadow we saw in episode 6 were them after all!!

We only have 1 more episode to go before hand shakers end. Let's hope the final battle is epic.
Mar 21, 2017 5:39 PM

Oct 2011
final episode next time noooo
Mar 21, 2017 9:12 PM

Oct 2012
I'm of the opinion that this ep was one of the better ones to come from this show.
While it wasn't amazing, it was a lot more tolerable. It wasn't very graceful in its flashback story and it felt quite frequently like painfully obvious exposition, but they didn't try too hard with animation or camera movements, there were still horribly apparent tropes with poor execution, but I enjoyed this ep quite a bit more than the majority of the eps.

Not saying it was great though, multiple times this ep I resigned myself and smiled at each face palm moment that appears. Mayumi's outfit was cute, I'm glad Koyori can actually speak now.

Last ep, won't miss the show but will definitely remember it xD

Glad to know I was correct in assuming that the observing pair of HS in the ep against Lily and Masaru was the reason the Ziggurat wouldn't dispel
"If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."
- Oreki Houtarou
Mar 21, 2017 11:58 PM

Sep 2015
So he's a pedo right? Making Mayumi fall in love with him to both be Hand Shakers.
Mar 22, 2017 4:03 AM
Jun 2015
Hinata said:
So he's a pedo right? Making Mayumi fall in love with him to both be Hand Shakers.

Not quite exactly. He Drugged Mayumi and in order to keep her alive, and those 2 became a pair of Hand Shakers.
Mar 22, 2017 11:16 AM
Jan 2012
Really good episode and I actually liked the Animation on some of the scenes,

Episodes like this makes me think there was too much of a bandwagon of /Worst Anime Ever/

Then I remembered just how bad the first few episodes were with the horrible animation that got so bad it started dropping frames and the 2 episodes where literally nothing happened. (Even for a Slice of Life fan, this was just poor)

Next episode plz
Mar 22, 2017 9:34 PM

Jul 2014
uchimaki131 said:
Hinata said:
So he's a pedo right? Making Mayumi fall in love with him to both be Hand Shakers.

Not quite exactly. He Drugged Mayumi and in order to keep her alive, and those 2 became a pair of Hand Shakers.

So he's a pedo right?
Mar 24, 2017 3:12 PM

Oct 2008
what a hard childhood early life of Koyori & Mayumi.
so their parents trancended and became gods? and vanished huh?...

Mar 25, 2017 4:21 AM
Jul 2018
I think its comical how people try to paint this as the worst anime ever. IMO the art direction is really psychedelic and artful, especially in the scenes when the ziggurat is going all crazy, and its got a decent OST too, although I admit some of the characters are cringeworthy (brother lover). Really liked nagaokas nimrod cant wait to see the final battle and the conclusion of the confrontation with GOD!
Mar 26, 2017 3:55 AM

Apr 2016
You know, this episode has the most potential to be good. However, given that the writing for this show is all kinds of garbage, there was only one way for this episode to turn out. Not to count the plot holes and other writing moments with bad questions (some of these breed other questions put in the same billet point):
•If a Hand Shaker is born a Hand Shaker, then does that mean everyone in this competition was born one as well? That wouldn't make sense since Tazuna would've had to have someone to hold hands with since the start of his life.
•What caused the twist to suddenly stop functioning? We are told that it's some kind of organ failure, but which organ and why did it stop working?
•The two twins had their hands separated. Shouldn't that kill them?
•Why are Tazuna and Daichi the only ines who can revive the two? Is it because they're Hand Shakers?
•Why has Makihara not gotten anywhere with his research in God knows how long?
•Since Makihara and Daichi quit being Hand Shaker partners, how come one of them is a current Hand Shaker? Didn't they go or if their way to prove that if you are or if the game you're out forever?
•Was it really the twins getting hurt in this battle royale that caused him to go insane? Whatever it is, the transition between normal man to psycho is forced, easily telegraphed, and speedy as hell.
•Why was she in the same spot that Tazuna's sister died in? Who was there first? Why do the two look alike (hair color and eye color aside)?
•Why does organ failure eradicate your memories and your ability to speak? Maybe we could know if we knew what organ it was.

They couldn't even get backstoy right. 1/5
CodeBlazeFateMar 26, 2017 4:02 AM
Mar 27, 2017 6:09 AM
Sep 2016
When season two for this anime?
Mar 28, 2017 5:31 AM

Apr 2015
Well, this was the only episode of the series I've enjoyed so far. Probably the show will get a higher grade by me than the one I expected: a 2/10.
Apr 1, 2017 7:05 PM
Mar 2012
"Thinking positively", surprised HS shows decent backstory for once. The twins animation quite good, since camera is sober.
Going Ziggurat while giving birth suxs. Blessing becomes a curse, explains why twins disappear w/o HS, since they belong to Ziggurat. Parents go murder to reach god, go insane & somehow vanish. Maybe their wish is granted, so twins get organ failure? A form of "releasing" the curse i guess.
So Mayuri saved by drugs & kidnapper. Koyuri saved by sleep & later Tazuna.
Fancy kimono playing basketball lol what?
So we're right, this 3rd party watching their fights delayed the Ziggurat exit.
Weirdo's kill a god goal isn't bad, but... it. doesn't. mesh.
Apr 5, 2017 3:43 PM

Feb 2013
I'm going to assume Koyori gets a special outfit because she was born there.

Next Episode: Sister Power

Am I supposed to feel this is tragic because sisters must fight each other? This anime certainly failed in that area.
May 24, 2017 9:21 PM

Mar 2015
Feels a little late for a backstory but meh this show might as well keep doing what it does best
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
May 31, 2017 2:53 PM

Jun 2015
Hmm to think that Makihara and Nagaoka were once hand shakers that fought together though. Hmm even back then it looks like Makihara was still the same as he is now in stringing people along while also deflecting criticism with humor and flattery. Hmm so it seems that the lab that they were part of back then consisted of more than two handshakers eh. Even back then Makihara and Nagaoka would be arguing non stop with each other despite being good friends lol. So back then all four were doing research on the hand shakers and their background eh. It seems that their research was also focused on determining whether the powers of the hand shakers can be used to visit other worlds as well too. Hmm the lab back then sure was lively though and productive. Lol its quite funny seeing both Makihara and Nagaoka try to outdo each other though. Lol Makihara is just so clueless at times though lol. But man to think that because they were hand shakers that the Makihara and Nagaoka's mentor will be pulled into that dimension when she's giving birth. Dangerous really. Hmm so both of her children were actually born there then eh.

Hmm so the two are also able to enter that world when they hold hands eh. Hmm the fact that both are handshakers at that age would mean that they will often become targets for handshakers that pick on weaker opponents like this idiot. Hmm because they were born in the ziggurat Mayumi and Koyori unlike hand shakers from this world will die if they lose in this world. I can see why their parents will be disillusioned as they see their children being targeted. After all this experiment was meant to improve humanity as a whole yet it only seeks to bring out the worst in them instead. I really feel sorry for Mayumi and Koyori though. Sure they were born with special powers but that doesn't mean that they should be targeted by others because of this. With this i guess they will never have a normal life. Man after that revelation the girls father's attitude sure changed a lot. I guess he finally broke under the stress and turned into a villain eh. Hmm taking out enemies in the real world as well as in the ziggurat. Now that is shocking news. Wow to think that the father who in the beginning was a good guy would change so much though. I really feel sorry for his wife though to be paired with this monster. I wonder what actually happened to them after they beat that last pair though since they just vanished.

Hmm so one of the effects was Mayumi and Koyori falling into a coma eh. But man for them to lose not just their parents but also their memories as well Mayumi and Koyori really have it tough. So this turn of events is what ultimately caused Makihara and Nagaoka to become enemies eh and also what caused Mayumi to be separated from Koyori eh. Hmm so thats why Makihara kept Koyori asleep then which was to keep her alive because Mayumi was no longer here. Well we all know that emotions are what makes the bonds between hand shakers so strong and what makes them effective as well. But emotions doesn't necessarily need to be real and can also be implanted in this case as well. Surprising actually. Hmm to think that Nagaoka is even more powerful than Kodama though. So this guy was orchestrating events that have happened to Tazuna and Koyori eh. As someone that saw every one of their battles Nagaoka and Mayumi will be no easy foes though thats for sure. Still its nice to see neither Tazuna or Koyori back down from stopping him though. By using different methods Makihara and Tazuna have made Koyori more human while Nagaoka has made Mayumi less so. Now lets see how the final fight would look then. Hmm so in Nagaoka's ziggurat thats accessed from his Nimrod they get their own outfits eh. But man Koyori and Mayumi really had a tough childhood though and the breakdown of the friendship between Makihara and Nagaoka couldn't have been easy either.
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Dec 5, 2017 2:12 AM

Feb 2015
Nice to see the backstory for Koyori and Makihara. Although it was sad to see Koyori and Mayumi essentially used as tools for experimentation by their parents - they were doomed from the start. Loved the music that began to play as Nagaoka was talking about spying on Tazuna and Koyori - beautiful.

Jul 27, 2020 7:16 AM

Feb 2020
Aw, man, Koyori parents gone crazy. More experience of the battle made them torn a part knewing the fact of the endless fights among the Handshaker. How naives, they should know that shit since the beginning. Instead of protected them all as one entity and got an alliances with their junior, they just did the shortest and massive attempt to succeeded the plan: challenge the God. Its revealed to be a failure, obviously. They, after using too much power of Nimrod on Zeggurat banished in the dark side of the world. Ironic. I guessed, they just lost the battle against the god. Such a poor human that never realised that shit, their own power. Even that doctor did not knew the fact about that. What a shit reason they had as a Handshaker. I just hope the battle itself got a better approaching, instead the same crap they had in a previous battle plan. My hope really high.

Also, i completely did not understand about these Handshaker thingy. Its original still mystery as their research got blocked because of the sudden birth of Koyori and Mayumi. Still, their characterization were bland af. Unfortunately, Mayumi worse than a silence Koyori. What a shit appearance of the new character, in the edge of the series. How good with that decision! Oh, well. Whatever. Lets just finished what i started!
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

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Aug 1, 2023 12:31 PM

Dec 2022
The audacity of this Nagaoka guy. He waits for his sensei to disappear/die, kidnaps one of his comatose daughters, drugs her, then bangs her. Now he comes up to Tazuna and tells him to put Koyori back to sleep so he can "take care of her" (i.e. drug and bang her too) and steal his girl. Definitely the most threatening and competent opponent yet at achieving his goals.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Nov 27, 2024 12:46 PM

Sep 2024
Lot of lore dumped on us this episode, made sense tho so :shrug:

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