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The Saga of Tanya the Evil (light novel)
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Mar 17, 2017 6:21 AM

Nov 2011
Nice to see Tanya and her unit infiltrate enemy forces from behind with the rockets. I must say, this plan they developed has a lot of risks but the way they are taking it is incredible.

Good amount of strategy focus this episode too. I found the episode overall thrilling in terms of strategic development. I also really like how they highlighted the map movements and key points to make it look the war more realistic.
Mar 17, 2017 7:15 AM
Jan 2016
I'm surprised they didn't show ammunition being enchanted until now, given it's actually a really common practice.

But man, it's the beginning of the end. Everything has gone too perfectly for Tanya, the next two episodes are going to be intense.
Mar 17, 2017 7:29 AM
Review Moderator
Jan 2017
Few weeks ago I wrote " The Coronel, can't die in a simple way, he is an important character" I hadn't read the novel yet but is he Tanya's nemesis? or is other person? If I remember some said me that he died end of the story.

With only 2 more episodes we will see a great fight between them and nice shoot at the end.

Mar 17, 2017 8:49 AM
Apr 2014
meanwhile CR is at it again
Due to production issues, episode 10 will be delayed until late today PT. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
That's how I see like more than half of the MAL users with their "waifus", hentais, harems, weird-ass video games and all that shit
Mar 17, 2017 8:55 AM
Dec 2011
Swayze_Express said:
meanwhile CR is at it again
Due to production issues, episode 10 will be delayed until late today PT. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

But guess it's CR fault this time since Chinese official subs already released.
Mar 17, 2017 9:44 AM

Dec 2015
Seriously Crunchyroll? Again with this shit?!

EDIT: That huge explosion was simply fantastic, I was in awe xD
Oh come onnn, you can't end the episode like thatttt!! I thought something would go wrong and it actually did, damn. I've been thinking that Tanya has become less crazy in these recent episodes, I guess it's time now to re-awaken her mad side.
joe_g7Mar 18, 2017 2:09 AM
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Mar 17, 2017 10:36 AM
Feb 2017
Next Week or maybe the week after episode will determine the outcome of this Anime getting a original route or not.
Mar 17, 2017 2:29 PM
Oct 2012
joe_g7 said:
Seriously Crunchyroll? Again with this shit?!

Translation issues most likely. This isn't your normal SOL animation, lots of specialized military jargon. It's why only the first novel has been translated - its hard work.

But great episode no surprises, "death flag" man was flagged.
I love the smug faces on the enemy at the end, they think they have this in the bag. Hint people, our psycho loli is more psycho than your psycho old man. Time for "school" to begin.
Mar 17, 2017 8:51 PM

Dec 2014
I am in among those people still waiting for subs and than there are those guys who see it before hand acting all high how they don't need subs.......
;( ;( ;(
Mar 17, 2017 9:29 PM
Sep 2014
Poor Grantz. He's basically the show's punching bag. ._.
Mar 17, 2017 10:49 PM

Sep 2011
Takuan_Soho said:
joe_g7 said:
Seriously Crunchyroll? Again with this shit?!

Translation issues most likely. This isn't your normal SOL animation, lots of specialized military jargon. It's why only the first novel has been translated - its hard work.

But great episode no surprises, "death flag" man was flagged.
I love the smug faces on the enemy at the end, they think they have this in the bag. Hint people, our psycho loli is more psycho than your psycho old man. Time for "school" to begin.
Translation issues are ever hardly the reason why it gets delayed.
Mar 18, 2017 1:02 AM

Jul 2016
Nice episode. Didn't see the death flag coming. What's more effective to create the sense of despair when you shove sudden misfortune to someone's who at their peak of happiness...

RIP Grantz...
Mar 18, 2017 1:35 AM

Dec 2014
Good episode, looks like the Empire's plan is moving a long without a hitch. They've pretty much decimated the opposing forces with their encirclement plan.

The Empire might win the war now but Tanya's battle is still far from over, We've got an enemy mage battalion to deal with now. Poor Grantz. :(
Mar 18, 2017 2:13 AM

Dec 2016
That was definitely worth the wait.

Tanya & the empire absolutely destroyed the allied forces everywhere.

Looks like next time we get the highly anticipated battle between the 2 gifted by God/Being X.

Still wishing that dude died and his daughter Mary was the one to gain the power.
Mar 18, 2017 2:28 AM

Jun 2014
Holy shit that giant explosion was crazy. Looks like it's the final showdown, this should be fun to watch considering Tanya hasn't faced much serious adversity so far. This is her opportunity to really show off what she's capable of.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Mar 18, 2017 2:33 AM
Jan 2013
I wonder whether this country is ruled by an emperor, or this general is a ruler??
Mar 18, 2017 2:36 AM

Jan 2015
LukesYGOonYT said:
That was definitely worth the wait.

Tanya & the empire absolutely destroyed the allied forces everywhere.

Looks like next time we get the highly anticipated battle between the 2 gifted by God/Being X.
That's right. Worth the wait for destroying allied forces, but save more for another being X encounter.
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Mar 18, 2017 2:47 AM

May 2015
tanya got problem now because that old man. How with the LN? Is it differ than anime?
"If you don’t like a rule… Just follow it… Reach the top… And change the rule." -adolf hitler
Mar 18, 2017 3:11 AM

Apr 2010
This is the first anime that I feel I am really rooting to the main character teams.
Normally, i want to see some unexpected shit up and down condition for main character.
But in this anime..
I hope they success until the last episode.
I hope they just show how cool their "awesome group".
I just want to see they annihilate their opponents so much.

But, maybe it is something that will not happen, maybe they will get many casualities. I feel bad for that one who get shot.
If that happen i will just hope tanya will always become badass.
Yuki Nagato - Kana Hanazawa - Kamiya Hiroshi - Hiroyuki Sawano - Kajiura Yuki - Kyoto Animation - SHAFT - ufotable
Mar 18, 2017 3:42 AM

Sep 2016
So with the encirclement i guess France will have to surrender since the german can now march throught their country without opposition.

So i guess the UK is going to be facing Germany alone until others jump on the war train.
Mar 18, 2017 4:04 AM

Apr 2011
People finally startin' to understand how great this anime is. Rating 7.6 to 8.0
~♥~ Otaku + Otaku - Otaku = Otaku ~♥~
Mar 18, 2017 5:15 AM

Mar 2012
Great episode, poor Tanya just wants peace but thanks to being x pulling the strings the war will continue and its only going to get bloodier.
Mar 18, 2017 5:30 AM
Jun 2014
PipeBoss said:
I hadn't read the novel yet but is he Tanya's nemesis?

rleon said:
tanya got problem now because that old man. How with the LN? Is it differ than anime?

Did Grantz really die? Or was he just unconscious?

And regarding the Tanya-Being X personal fight, the more the story advances, the more I side with Tanya. Being X just goes and sends people to death and makes the war last longer only to try convert Tanya.
Mar 18, 2017 5:39 AM

Nov 2015
Tanya's battle just started will she succeed? And RIP Grantz.

Mar 18, 2017 5:46 AM

Sep 2015
Naudri said:

Did Grantz really die? Or was he just unconscious?

And regarding the Tanya-Being X personal fight, the more the story advances, the more I side with Tanya. Being X just goes and sends people to death and makes the war last longer only to try convert Tanya.

Even if he didn't die from the hit, the fall gonna be fatal for him plus the cutscene after generic looked like a death flag for him :/

yeah, same for me, he acted more like a dick than a god ...... wasn't really happy about they way he intervened in order to brought back a dead man to life then giving him power to ensure that hell is going to continue in this world .......
Mar 18, 2017 6:11 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
That after credits scene...i really hope, Grantz is not dead because that was pretty hilarious and cute. Maybe they wanted him to leave on a humourous note D;

EXPLOOOOOOOOOOOOSION! That was the best scene of the episode, fucking REKT!

Tanya clearly growing attached to her battalion now to the point where she is making jokes with them. FUCK MAN! They will all die :/
Mar 18, 2017 6:23 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
That was one of the biggest explosions I've seen in a while in an anime. Megumin would be proud

Seems like Tanya finally ran into someone that (might) prove to be a bit of a challenge for her
Mar 18, 2017 7:12 AM

Nov 2013
LOL that after ending song
i was curious when tanya asked if they did anything to her over night

i hope at least the 2 girls survive tho...
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Mar 18, 2017 7:16 AM

Jun 2014
WOW That was intense as FUCK. But after things going WAY too smoothly for Tayna, its time Being X reveals his plan to build Tanya up, then drop her into the pits of despair.

I'm expecting lots of deaths in the next episode.

Also, why does mister Rival have an eye patch if he was STABBED IN THE GUT?
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Mar 18, 2017 7:39 AM

Dec 2013
Goddamn it GRANTZ!!!!!

The Imperial's plan worked to perfection, but now they're coming up against someone who (as indicated by his refusal to contact his wife and child) isn't afraid to die in battle. Things aren't gonna work all in their favor methinks, considering how little of the Republican troops are left after that pincer attack.

Considering there's only 11 of them left, Tanya may have a real hard time in dealing with that Republic battalion.

Another point I have in common with Tanya, I'm a coffee person too. XD

Next week is gonna be intense and awesome.
Mar 18, 2017 8:40 AM

Jul 2013
I knew things went too smooth for Tanya lately. She always managed to won, didn't had any enemy who could oppose her, and her stratagies were always succesful. It was just time before she could find someone who could match her, and it seems she finally found it.

RIP Grantz. He died before he could fuck Visha ;_;
Mar 18, 2017 8:41 AM

Dec 2013
I really wish they gave the 2 randoms in Tanya's squad names at least...They do it with all the enemies that last 5 minutes!

But man, Grantz has been through it all. Revived by Tanya by getting kicked, emotionally destroyed by Tanya, punched in the face by a sleeping Serebryakova and now this! He can't be dead! He can't! If he can survive an avalanche he can survive a direct hit!
Mar 18, 2017 9:22 AM

May 2015
238 Grantz can't die. If the guy with the eyepatch survived, Grantz can too.
I hope Tanya will kick some ass next week.
Mar 18, 2017 10:02 AM

Oct 2013
Poor Gantz... Shot down... Punched trying to take care of Visha... Who is going to take all this abuse when he is gone?!
Mar 18, 2017 10:16 AM

Jun 2015
The plan worked out very well. The Empire got the enemy surrounded in a pincer attack. There were some strategy they came up with. That explosion was huge. RIP Grantz. The after credits scene was funny.
Mar 18, 2017 10:17 AM

Sep 2014
if Tanyas stereotype-nemesis can survive shooting, stabbing and drowning, then yes. Grantz can survive :D

(Am I the only one that isnt bothered by production issues simply because this studio is new? the overall quality is quite good considering this.)
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Mar 18, 2017 10:23 AM

Dec 2014
everything was going so smooth..something was bound to go bad
Mar 18, 2017 10:44 AM
Jun 2009
The english people could have fired more than one bullet when making themselves know to the enemy... and LOL brooms.
Mar 18, 2017 10:55 AM

Jun 2010
Comander-07 said:
if Tanyas stereotype-nemesis can survive shooting, stabbing and drowning, then yes. Grantz can survive :D

(Am I the only one that isnt bothered by production issues simply because this studio is new? the overall quality is quite good considering this.)

The production issue was not the studios. It was Crunchy Roll's. The Anime aired on time on ATX.
Mar 18, 2017 11:13 AM

Dec 2016
The animation so cool so I think the last fight between tanya and enemy will be amaaazing!! :)
Mar 18, 2017 11:38 AM

Sep 2015
Yep... things can;t be THAT easy. Couldn't believe such plan succeeded, very risky.
Well not yet at least since anything can change on the battlefield. Though a single aerial battalion isn't going to change anything. Well, he is powered by being X so...

Also panzer III in 1925 durign WW1 style battle? I seen it all now. idk if I should call it WW1 or WW2 anymore. At least go with A7V or Panzer Is and IIs...
Mar 18, 2017 12:11 PM

Sep 2014
neonie said:
Comander-07 said:
if Tanyas stereotype-nemesis can survive shooting, stabbing and drowning, then yes. Grantz can survive :D

(Am I the only one that isnt bothered by production issues simply because this studio is new? the overall quality is quite good considering this.)

The production issue was not the studios. It was Crunchy Roll's. The Anime aired on time on ATX.

Damn you crunchyroll ..
zcv45 said:
Yep... things can;t be THAT easy. Couldn't believe such plan succeeded, very risky.
Well not yet at least since anything can change on the battlefield. Though a single aerial battalion isn't going to change anything. Well, he is powered by being X so...

Also panzer III in 1925 durign WW1 style battle? I seen it all now. idk if I should call it WW1 or WW2 anymore. At least go with A7V or Panzer Is and IIs...

soo the V1 and magic doesnt bother you? ^^
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Mar 18, 2017 12:22 PM

Sep 2015
Comander-07 said:

zcv45 said:
Yep... things can;t be THAT easy. Couldn't believe such plan succeeded, very risky.
Well not yet at least since anything can change on the battlefield. Though a single aerial battalion isn't going to change anything. Well, he is powered by being X so...

Also panzer III in 1925 durign WW1 style battle? I seen it all now. idk if I should call it WW1 or WW2 anymore. At least go with A7V or Panzer Is and IIs...

soo the V1 and magic doesnt bother you? ^^

Meh. I excused the V1 because they needed some sort of rapid insertion. Though I wondered why it had to be supersonic. No one is going to be able to intercept them even when slightly below transonic speeds.
As for magic... idk animu always love magic.
Mar 18, 2017 1:05 PM

Mar 2011
WTF just happened.
The infiltration was pretty cool, Tanya for a moment thought the mission was failed but the others managed to fulfill it, it was a great scene,
Also Tanya asking to others if they had "fun" with Visha, LOL. And Grantz behind looking worried.
Well, there goes the possible boyfriend for Visha, RIP him. (though for someone reason, I thought it would be Weiss, and THAT one would have hit me hard)
Poor Tanya, now needs to confront Father if she wants to survive, damn you Being X! Next episode will be great with Tanya VS Father

The after credits scene tho... Visha does have a very deep sleep

TamtsumakiMar 18, 2017 1:21 PM
Mar 18, 2017 1:25 PM

Jan 2013
Great episode, with the strategic plan working out. Finally it will get exciting and personal
Mar 18, 2017 1:26 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
The empire completely and utterly overwhelmed the opposition. What an asskicking. Of course now the interesting thing is how much the new mage battalion can stem the tide.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Mar 18, 2017 1:51 PM
Mar 2016
So, looks like there a score to settle. I hope Tanya get's her ass kicked.
Mar 18, 2017 2:07 PM
Jul 2018
I felt so bad watching so many cruel deaths!! this must stop! and looks like someone interfere~
Mar 18, 2017 2:10 PM
Oct 2007
I have been giving rave reviews every episode but I must say this week was one of the most underwhelming despite being the third last episode. Hopefully the last 2 episodes are going to hold up all the good vibes so far!
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Mar 18, 2017 2:22 PM

Sep 2013
All the operations succeeds and the republic's main army is nearly wiped out, now the last ditch mage squad is here :)

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