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Apr 16, 2010 6:38 PM

Jun 2007
I'm surprised there isn't a thread for the final chapter, considering how moving the end of the series was. Most odd...

It takes a lot to get me emotional. I had watery eyes by the end of Baby. I did find the focus to be rather... scattered at times, and certain bits struck me as being rushed (the Itagaki thing, for instance), but I can't find too many faults with it. It was supposed to be a story of growth; showing an immature guy slowly maturing as he built a relationship with a sweet little girl, and that's exactly what it was. When Kippei was forced to separate from Yuzu at the end, it hurt because, after reading all seven volumes and seeing how attached Kippei had become to her, I was able to feel his pain. The mangaka did a wonderful job of developing their relationship.

My only REAL complaint is that Kokoro didn't get much time; her by far being my favourite character. I fell in love with early on because of how she kept a poker face; rarely wearing her feelings on her sleeves. Being a fan of romance stories, it left me feeling a little sad that, compared to Yuzu, she spent very little time with Kippei. Understandable when Baby was about a five-year-old girl, but still annoying when I found myself constantly thinking, "When will Kokoro reappear!? WHY DOES KIPPEI KEEP IGNORING HER!? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!11!"

Overall, I'm glad I took a chance and ordered the first volume. I went on to buy the entire series; enjoying it immensely. Reading Baby, and enjoying it so much, has made me want to have a look at Bunny Drop for more 'motherxchild' goodness. :D
May 8, 2010 6:52 PM

Apr 2008
Yeah, I totally agree with you. Kokoro should had being given more time... And the end was so emotional, so pretty... Like how Kippei was the most attached to Yuzuyu and had the most reasons to keep her away from her mother, but still was the only one (except for Kokoro, obviously) who considered what Yuzuyu really wanted... Even though for legal purpose, a child's will is not really considered, cuz they are so naive and young... Aaaanyway, it's a shoujo, and it's not real, and it was everything ok in the end, soooo it doesn't matter legal reasons ^^.

But what really bothered me was how rushed the manga became in their final chapters... They may had forced the autor to finish it, but still... It's too much... In my opnion, it should have been:
a)more pages to Kippei's suffering, which was HUGE and had like 2 pages... and some space for him to get over his pain... maybe he never did, but we dont know that, do we..?
b)more scenes at the closing scene... I think it should have more time for the family to appear, to kokoro to appear, more things like "what happened after"...
c)the letter... it was a little randow, without a context...

Well, that's all... It seems like I just talked bad of the end. Well, it kinda frustated me for lacking those things that are important (to me at least). BUUUT the good, excelent part was already exposed by Aironic-san, so I would be saying the same things over and over... No need too, she already did a great job ^^

May 23, 2010 7:23 AM

Aug 2009
i cried

that is all TT_TT
May 30, 2010 11:09 AM

Oct 2008
I really liked it overall, although i also would have liked kokoro to get more time.

I agree that the end felt quite rushed and could have easily had another 5 chapters given the pacing of the rest of the manga, but it wasn't so rushed that i didn't still enjoy it. I would have liked to see more of the aftermath of Yuzuyu leaving though.
Jul 22, 2010 1:33 AM

Dec 2008
Kokoro's finale wasn't finished with awesome lines and overwhelming sense of security so that's a minus =[
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Oct 24, 2010 12:15 AM

Feb 2010
Not impressed. I had no sympathy for the aunt (nor for any particular character). What kept me reading were the adorable interactions between Kippei and Yuzu. Bottom line: Aishiteruze is worth reading for the smiles but don't expect substance.
Oct 29, 2010 8:35 PM
May 2010
i remember i watched the anime first and then i saw a sneak peek in volume 6 and read a spoiler that was completely not in the anime. so i knew that i had absolutely had to read the manga.

I think the manga could of easily gone like 20 more volumes if it wanted too. It was kind of rushed, especially the ending. I teared up a little... :(((

i honestly think they should of changed it to where Yuzuyu stays with Kippei. I honestly was hoping the aunt would like die or something so Yuzuyu got to stay with Kippei and Kokoro forever and stuff and that Kippei and Kokoro were going to raise Yuzuyu together for the most part.

thats how i was hoping it was going to end :(((
ill just pretend in my mind that it ended that way lol
Dec 8, 2010 6:35 AM
Dec 2010
Uhm, I think that the end of this series is quite good, I agree that Kokoro should have more scenes T.T But does anyone here think that the woman talking to Kippei is kokoru? Because it's not his mother and sister so I guess that it could be Kokoro ^^
If it's true, maybe Kippei and Kokoro got married.
And finally, Yuzuyu is such a pretty girl when she grew up.
Dec 21, 2010 6:42 PM

Apr 2008
they should have
1.Longer ending
2. Conclusion with Kokoro love (because i find that this should be the main focus of the story not Yuzuyu)
3. Not rush the dam thing because it sort of end up like a cliff hanger (but no it ended ok....)
Mar 26, 2011 8:52 PM
Sep 17, 2011 3:14 PM

Jan 2010
It was a realistic ending I guess... but really rushed like everyone said, and quite anticlimactic.. Sudden change... I kind of groaned out REALLY loud when I saw Yuzuyu go after her mom.. like "Aw shit, I know where this is going."
Feb 3, 2012 3:55 PM
Dec 2011
way to abrupt an ending koror defenatly need more time and the ending wouldnt have been so out of place if they hadnt made it ten years down the road. Like they would just break off such a releationship just like that and then the little comment about the letter being nastalgic was way to dismissive like oh yeah i was really attached to the girl back then hmmp. A better ending would have been if the letter came a few months latter with them promising to meet again. Wouldnt it be better to think that they will still be an important person in each others lives even if they dont live together and she is back with her mom. But if your a manga fan than you have to be ready for these rushed dispointing endings i still think this one of the best mangas i have ever read.
Mar 13, 2012 6:28 AM
Jan 2010
I liked the series on a whole, but the ending was something that I didn't like. All the time Miyako leaves Yuzuyu with her reasoning that she will become a stronger woman and come over her the loss of her husband, but rather is quitre selfish and takes another man. I really liked it when Kippi's mother slaps her saying "That what gives you the strength to walk again." Still Kippi has no choice buy let Yuzuyu go as thats what she wants. But I didn't like the character of Miyako, claiming all that she couldn't overcome the tears and all that and happily sleeps with another man and then comes for Yuzuyu. Her priorities are quite gross in my sense. If she had a job and had savbed some money she could have come for Yuzuyu being a stronger woman as what she wanted to be. Its unbeliviable she overcomes her so loved husbands death which she mourned months together by sleeping with another man. Its completely not my taste. I would have prefered if she spent the rest of her life raising Yuzuyu.

My ideas might not be so practical considering this came from Japan, but I hold a person in very reagrd in my place. He had 2 kids (a boy 3 years and a girl 1 year) when his wife passed away. But he never married again. Now he is much older than me and once when I asked him why he didn't marry again, he said "I can get a new wife but I don't know if I can get my kids a new mother. You don't know how people are. They are right from their prespective and you can't say they are wrong. After I go to work I don't know how she will treat my kids. If she wants them to be sent away to a hostel, what should I do. What happens when she has kids of her own. There will definitely be a distance between my kids now and her and it will even increase when she has her own kids. As I said I can't say she isl wrong, afterall she will love the kids she gave birth to. I don't want my kids to feel like orphans or alienated in their own house while I am still alive. I can live my life with my kids and my wife's memories."

Now he is 84 or 85 years old and needs a little support to walk. His daughter and son treat him like a God. His daughther and son both are married, in very good positions and are very close to me. They always say, "If we are anything today, its all because of our father." He lives with his son and his daughter-in-law treat him like a God. Both take great care of him. He is the most ideal man who lived the most honest life in my book.
Nov 7, 2012 10:49 AM

Feb 2012
It was good and I enjoyed the ending. I wish it had shows a little more of the epiologe about what happened to kippei and kokoro also more about Yuzuyu. Glad Yuzuyu and Shou-chan could be together at the end again.
Mar 28, 2013 9:41 AM

Jul 2009
It was good, the manga is different from the anime.
I wish it had showed more about Kippei and Kippei live living together in the end, also Yuzu grew into a cute girl, happy she and Shou could met again in the end.
May 5, 2013 8:33 PM

Aug 2008
I cried... I was hoping that Kokoro and Kippie's wedding while Yuzuyu is the flower girl or something..

And Kokoro is the best heroine I ever seen... I just wished that they given her more screen time...

Felt kinda rushed if you asked me...

but All in All I think it's pretty good... pretty good to make me keep reading from night till morning... Though I was reading 4 other manga at the same time...
My Grandmother Always said.. He who walks through the path of heaven will rule over everything..

Nov 2, 2013 7:05 AM

Feb 2010
Yuzuyu's mom got it too easy, she didn't deserve to be a mother. Irl Yuzuyu's mom would have done moar abuse to her daughter if she got her back
Mar 20, 2014 10:57 PM

Sep 2013
The ending felt too rushed but I'm actually satisfied even though we didn't see Kippei and Kokoro get married.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Apr 2, 2014 10:15 PM

Dec 2012
Seemed to me that the end came out of nowhere. I didn't even know I was on the last chapter until I finished it. The ending was sudden but at least it wasn't a train-wreck like most other sped-up manga endings. I wish there was a little more involvement of the romance part as I really liked Kokoro and wished to learn more about her and her past. In all it was a good manga, above average. 7/10.
"When life gives you lemons, make orange juice, then sit back and watch the world wonder how you did it."
Apr 22, 2014 4:09 AM
Dec 2012
Though I try to sympathise with the mum I really can't bring myself to accept her ineptitude- the crying was slightly irritating and I think abandoning a child is inexcusable. The fact that she was comfortable leaving the child for so long with other people shows how self-centered she is.

I love Kokoro. She's such a beautiful character and goes well with Kippei. I appreciate that this anime didn't do the usual frustrating misunderstandings and drawn out switching between love rivals cliches. The romance was sweet and had so much more potential! It would have been nice to see Kokoro integrating into Kippei's family- she never got to meet the sister!!

Yuzuyu was a great character also- super cute!!! I would have liked to see her interact more with Kippei and Kokoro.

It's also worth commending this story for considering everyone's side of things- almost every antagonist has trying circumstances of their own that come to light and the understanding and overcoming of them reforms them and fosters good relations.

This anime was one of my first that I watched around 5/6 years ago. I returned to it because I couldn't think of anything else with such an innocent feel-good mood. This really is a masterpiece- regardless of complexity and it's limitations, the mood it establishes is so secure and comforting.
g0i5yApr 22, 2014 4:17 AM
Sep 4, 2014 8:54 PM
Jul 2018
yuzuru's mom didnt deserve to have her back

wasnt too happy with the ending
Jan 28, 2016 10:29 AM
Jan 2016
This thread is old as hell but I just watched aishiteruze baby and I thought it was good that he didn't have a romantic relationship throughout the anime well not a *serious one * because his focus was all on yuzuyu witch was really adorable c: could have been a better ending but such is life usagi drop was also really kawaii
Oct 15, 2016 1:31 AM

Jan 2013
Dead thread, but I'll just write down my thoughts anyhow. It was very rushed, I don't understand why we couldn't have had another chapter here to flesh things out a bit. I have mixed feelings about the mother. What I really don't get it why she never gets any help. It's pretty obvious that she becomes depressed and unable to function after losing her husband, but being separated from her daughter sure as hell isn't going to help with that.

She mentions that she hit Yuzuyu when she hadn't done anything wrong, and she worried it could get worse. I understand that she couldn't take care of Yuzuyu any longer in her condition, but running away by yourself and thinking you can fix that kind of problem on your own is downright absurd. If she hadn't ran away though, we wouldn't have a story, so that's where plot and logic move in opposite directions.

Unrealistically speaking, I would have to say the mother did the best she could. She's quite weak and cries easily, so she needs someone to depend on. She keeps working and saving money while trying to find a husband and a father to help support her and Yuzuyu. She isn't facing the root of her problems, her helplessness, but she gets stronger the only way she knows how.

The family (mainly Kippei's mother) telling her to go home and come back every day if she's really serious seemed ridiculous. We already know that trying to forget her mother and then remembering her is having adverse psychological affects on Yuzuyu, even causing her to faint. That would be incredibly cruel putting Yuzuyu through all that. At least Kokoro and Kippei seem to have some common sense.

They made what they thought was the best decision for Yuzuyu. Kippei puts aside his own feelings and tells Yuzuyu to run to her mother, it's a bittersweet ending. I thought maybe it might be nice if Kippei and Kokoro adopted her in the future, but I think it's better she is reunited with her mother, so long as the mother still wants to have her back.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Dec 8, 2016 10:43 PM

Oct 2016
I liked this and all, but....the whole plot with Yuzuyu's mom abandoning her was kind of dumb. Her mother was just a terrible person. So she was having a hard time after her husband died, it happens. But instead of abandoning Yuzuyu on her sister's family, why didn't the mother go with her to live with them? Kippei's family seemed to be alright with taking people in and since she was the mom's sister, they probably would have helped her. Seems like she would have gotten over her shit quicker if she didn't abandon her kid and just got help from the family. Seemed weird to me in all honesty. I like Kippei and Kokoro's romance though.

I've read stories like this where the mother is usually forgiven for abandoning their child/children, but most of the time they are shallow bitches who only did with the simple excuse of "life's too hard". And usually those women randomly have new children and it makes you go "Oh, you abandon this child, but somehow that child is different?" (examples: Usagi Drops and Little House with an Orange Roof - both have mother characters who are terrible people that abandon their children who get forgiven for their shit in the end.) I want to see one where the mother is basically told to fuck off because she's a horrible person who did a horrible thing.

Frankly, I would have rather seen Kippei and Kokoro become her parents because they did a lot better job. That or Kippei's older sister should have adopted her because they pointed out she was barren.
Mar 5, 2017 1:59 PM
Mar 2017
I personally felt like they should have made Kippei's sister grow up more as well. All that late night partying after work every night. Seems like she should have had more responsibilities thrown her way as well. I also would have liked to see the other members of his family share the load too. But the only thing I HATED about the series was how everybody was fine with him taking on the responsibility of taking care of her, but when it came time to make the decisions concerning Yuzu, his sister was the only one allowed to do that. I mean, come on, if you're gonna dump adult responsibilities on a teenager, let them have SOME say in the decisions too. It ticked me off how his sister could bark the orders at him, but not let him have a say in what happens to Yuzu at all, nor did she at any time show him support or help him in any way. Yet, everyone paints her out to be the " responsible well-doer with backbone". Can't see how they can say that with all of her late-night binge drinking.
Mar 5, 2017 2:35 PM
Mar 2017
I personally felt like they should have made Kippei's sister grow up more as well. All that late night partying after work every night. Seems like she should have had more responsibilities thrown her way as well. I also would have liked to see the other members of his family share the load too. But the only thing I HATED about the series was how everybody was fine with him taking on the responsibility of taking care of her, but when it came time to make the decisions concerning Yuzu, his sister was the only one allowed to do that. I mean, come on, if you're gonna dump adult responsibilities on a teenager, let them have SOME say in the decisions too. It ticked me off how his sister could bark the orders at him, but not let him have a say in what happens to Yuzu at all, nor did she at any time show him support or help him in any way. Yet, everyone paints her out to be the " responsible well-doer with backbone". Can't see how they can say that with all of her late-night binge drinking.
Mar 17, 2017 10:25 PM
Jan 2016
It was underwhelming how they ended the manga. It just felt too rushed, even though it has the possibility for another 2 chapters or so to close the series, but Kokoro didn't even get the conclusion for her love with Kippei.
Mar 3, 2018 4:30 AM

Oct 2017
Hey anyone wanna tell me what happens in the manga ? havnt read it yet ? i want to knw .... plz tell me ..
Dec 24, 2022 11:32 PM

Aug 2012
For everyone that watched the anime, do not read the manga.
The rushed ending of the manga is one of the only ones to be able to kill my enjoyment of something so quickly.
I honestly believe an open ending is far far better than what they gave us.
What they gave us completely trashed what the whole show was all about, all in favor of some meaningless idea that mothers are always superior and right...
I hated it.

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