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Apr 19, 2015 3:34 AM

Oct 2014
This love drama has some different outcomes... should Neji be with his childhood love Misaki? His new "wife-to-be" Lilina? Or should the serie end up with becoming a BL and end up with Neji and Nisaka?

What do you think? ♡
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Apr 19, 2015 4:36 AM

Aug 2013
Both girls are really good, but i pick Misaki because she fits my type
Apr 19, 2015 9:44 AM

Jun 2012
At first I really liked Misaki for him, but as the story progressed I'm more towards Lilina, they're really adorable! And there's a reason why she was picked as his fiance right? :c
Apr 19, 2015 2:09 PM

Oct 2014
Meykkei said:
At first I really liked Misaki for him, but as the story progressed I'm more towards Lilina, they're really adorable! And there's a reason why she was picked as his fiance right? :c

Yeah I think so too, and I like Lilina's personality more then Misaki's now :3
Apr 25, 2015 8:47 AM
Feb 2014
Meykkei said:
At first I really liked Misaki for him, but as the story progressed I'm more towards Lilina, they're really adorable! And there's a reason why she was picked as his fiance right? :c

Yeah. This.
Apr 25, 2015 8:52 PM
Apr 2014
Def Lilina.
May 20, 2015 12:18 PM

May 2010
I prefer Misaki. I would really hate to see Misaka X Nisaka or anything besides Misaki X Yukari after all those sweet words and kisses.

May 21, 2015 3:23 AM

May 2014
Meykkei said:
At first I really liked Misaki for him, but as the story progressed I'm more towards Lilina, they're really adorable! And there's a reason why she was picked as his fiance right? :c
I second this
May 21, 2015 1:16 PM
Aug 2014
Meykkei said:
At first I really liked Misaki for him, but as the story progressed I'm more towards Lilina, they're really adorable! And there's a reason why she was picked as his fiance right? :c
[b] [size=100] t(-_-t)
Jun 1, 2015 10:57 PM

Dec 2014
Ahhh, still can't choose... Well Lilina is "ahead" for me, only a bit. :)
Jun 12, 2015 2:35 AM

Feb 2013
I think Nisaka would be a brilliant curveball. Since The system doesn't seem to allow homosexual relationships ( as we know ) it would be cute. The way the author draws Nisaka similar to a girl sort of works with this too for the less Yaoi driven crowd
Jun 12, 2015 9:43 PM

Sep 2010
Personally, Lilina. I liked the other girl the first chapter, but after that.. Naw. Nothing about her character is appealing.

Nisaka second. <3
Jun 29, 2015 9:16 AM

Apr 2007
Harem end or bust
Jun 30, 2015 6:42 AM
Feb 2012
Given a choice between the Shounen Ai route and the Tsundere route, I will always choose the Tsundere route. However, that will make the story too cliche. We all know that he's gonna end up with Lilina or Misaki. It's the dark horse and the underdog that we know will never happen. The ship sink before it even set sail. For once, I just want to see the underdog win. Go Nisaka!!!!

PS: Besides, you rarely see Shounen Ai in a Shounen style manga. It will be unique.
Jun 30, 2015 11:33 AM

Oct 2014
skypiercer said:
Given a choice between the Shounen Ai route and the Tsundere route, I will always choose the Tsundere route. However, that will make the story too cliche. We all know that he's gonna end up with Lilina or Misaki. It's the dark horse and the underdog that we know will never happen. The ship sink before it even set sail. For once, I just want to see the underdog win. Go Nisaka!!!!

PS: Besides, you rarely see Shounen Ai in a Shounen style manga. It will be unique.

Jul 7, 2015 4:03 AM
Jul 2015
I whish that ends whith Misaki X Neji
Just as a observation. In The first chapter, Neji gets a message from The system that shows The name of misaki as his fiance, but sudenly it turns down The display and when he turn it on again it shows The name of Lilina . STRANGE DON'T YOU THINK?
Jul 9, 2015 10:25 PM
Jul 2015
I vote Misaki.

Lilina and Nisaka are fine as well. But as skypiecer said, Neji did receive a message that Misaki was the one the government chose for him.

But it seems like Lilina is falling in love with Neji which makes it ten times more confusing.

(A bit of spoilers are ahead, don't read this if you're reading GE: Good Ending.)

This could end up in an ending like GE, where Neji will fall in love with Misaki with the help of Lilina, (Surprising coincidence.) then Lilina will fall in love with Neji and they will get into an relationship. Then things could get weary and their relationship will end then Neji will go back to Misaki for a little while. But then realizing that Lilina is the one for him, thus making a "Good Ending."

On the other hand, Neji will go with Misaki, somehow with the help of Lilina. Probably marrying Lilina then divorcing her to get Misaki back in his arms. Or showing the message to the government that Misaki was the one that was chosen for him.

I don't know about Nisaka because no technical build up was between them. But in a chapter I think he said, "This guy is my everything to me!" That could mean something but that doesn't really cover much evidence.

To recap, Misaki is my choice because all of that build up so far shows me that they will be together. Though things may take a U-turn making Lilina or Nisaka the chosen one.
VI_Jul 9, 2015 10:50 PM
Jul 13, 2015 7:12 AM

Oct 2014
I really hope that it will end with Neji and Lilina... but of course there is a big chans of not happening and this is for two reasons: First the front cover for this serie have Naji and Misaki on it (but it doesn't really have to mean anything but it's something to consider), and the second reason is that if Neji chooses Misaki over Lilina then he would go against the system and isn't this all about going against the system?

Or we could just skip all girl drama and go with Naji and Nisaka xD
Jul 31, 2015 7:52 AM
Jul 2015
I'm all for Liliana, at first I thought she was a Kuudere, and I just dropped the Misaki x Neji, but well she's a Tsundere. I usually HATE tsundere girls, but Liliana is an exception she's so cute and her personality is so lovable!

I just hope there's no Yaoi in here. Uhh.
Aug 1, 2015 6:07 AM

Dec 2014
Erik25 said:
I whish that ends whith Misaki X Neji
Just as a observation. In The first chapter, Neji gets a message from The system that shows The name of misaki as his fiance, but sudenly it turns down The display and when he turn it on again it shows The name of Lilina . STRANGE DON'T YOU THINK?

Maybe this manga will end "tragically" for Lilina and Neji....

Near the end, Neji might really fall in love for Lilina, and Lilina to Neji but then the System will correct itself... And he will be married to Misaki. And the final pages will show the both of them unhappy with their partners....
(Hoping for harem end. XD )
Aug 15, 2015 7:47 AM
Aug 2015
definitely lilina, she's like sooo cuuute ..Nisaka is good too would be a nice twist for the the story goes i like misaki less and less..
Aug 31, 2015 10:02 PM

Apr 2014
Erik25 said:
I whish that ends whith Misaki X Neji
Just as a observation. In The first chapter, Neji gets a message from The system that shows The name of misaki as his fiance, but sudenly it turns down The display and when he turn it on again it shows The name of Lilina . STRANGE DON'T YOU THINK?

Exactly what i thought, until we know why they changed it and why she seems so afraid of pursuing a relationship with Neji I'm not giving up of the MisakixNeji ship
I love Lilina though but reeeally don't want they to end together because it'd seen like the government's system was the right decision all along, if it happen I'd be ok though Lilina is awesome
Sep 2, 2015 6:28 PM

Jun 2011
About the text message in the beginning:

KeebySep 2, 2015 6:32 PM
Sep 9, 2015 3:11 PM
Oct 2010
Ofc only Lili, that tsun-pure girl is just too cute... Didnt saw lovelable romance heroine on her level for years...
Jun 28, 2016 9:08 PM

Mar 2013
I have recently reread Koi to Uso from the beginning because I got lost as to what the story was about already. After rereading, I experienced a new found love for Misaki. She is beautiful and just honest with her feelings. Up to chapter 94, all their kisses except for the last one was initiated by her. I love Lilina as well and I don't want to see her get hurt, but I think the government is experimenting on these three.

My theory is that the government's trying to find out if Nejima's love can be influenced by the person chosen for him by the government. I think that it's always been Misaki, but they decided to change it last minute to see if his feelings would change due to the government notice.
BlumenkranzzzJun 29, 2016 12:33 AM
Roronoa Zoro is love. Roronoa Zoro is life.
Jun 28, 2016 9:27 PM

Mar 2014
Ten Ten definitely. I wouldn't Hinata, though.
Jun 28, 2016 9:32 PM

Mar 2011

Definitely seems to be better personality wise
Jun 29, 2016 7:31 AM

May 2012
I like Lilina more than Misaki personality-wise but I want Neji to end up with Misaki. The manga is about going against the "system" and the only way they can go against it is if Neji ends up with Misaki. The recdent chapters in the manga also steer in the direction of NejiXMisaki, and they have a deeper connection with one another. Additionally, I dislike them both so they should just end up together.

Poor Lilina should just end up with me T-T
I'm probably what you call a programmer. And a procastinator. And a stalker. You can't hide from me.
Jul 29, 2016 7:19 PM

Jul 2016
hikikoMOURI said:
I like Lilina more than Misaki personality-wise but I want Neji to end up with Misaki. The manga is about going against the "system" and the only way they can go against it is if Neji ends up with Misaki. The recdent chapters in the manga also steer in the direction of NejiXMisaki, and they have a deeper connection with one another. Additionally, I dislike them both so they should just end up together.

Poor Lilina should just end up with me T-T

I know what you fell T_T poor Lilina...
Jul 30, 2016 11:05 AM
Sep 2015
Misaki. She is madly in love with MC. She confessed (without any stupid waiting drama). She is ready to sacrifice her happiness if it is necessery to help Mc achieve his dream (studies).

Lilina on the other hand. She did nothing. Mc is her first real friend. He helped her to connect with other people. Does she even love him? Or she mistakes friendship with love?
People symphatize with Lilina because she is (was) social outcast. Always alone. Poor her.

If Mc chooses Lilina what is motto of the story? Government is always right. Absurd.
What if government deliberately swapped partners and Mc still chooses Lilina? Government can enforce any relationship that they want. Absurd.

I'm sure this will end with the most obvious and cliche pairing Lilina x Nejima. Well people loves cliche (Nisekoi is one huge cliche and people loves it).
I hope Misaki will have happy ending. Nisaka would be much better option for her but this is not very likely because of obvious reasons.
Aug 2, 2016 4:00 AM

Jun 2016
Misaki definetly :)

This kiss scene during the marriage ceremony hooked me up *-* !!!!

An happy ending for Misaki is all I hope for.... make it happen please !!
Aug 2, 2016 7:18 AM
Mar 2015
Nisaka still best girl
Aug 2, 2016 4:34 PM
Aug 2015
Nisaka since he's the only interesting characters in the story and I love his personality.

The two other girls are pretty boring and are only pretty.
Nov 10, 2016 10:38 PM
Nov 2016
definitely Lilina. She's just too lovely and i really dont want to see her get hurt. Heck, i even made an account just to vote for her here
Nov 10, 2016 11:09 PM

Nov 2016
Definitely Misaki, it should be her. What has Lilina done so far? You'll just making your decision based on the fact that she's cute, small and used to be an outcast thus don't want to see her get hurt, but that doesn't equal love or mean she should be loved.

Anyway Neji fell in love with Misaki because he wanted to, but he's starting to like Lilina because he was told/forced to. I think what he has with Misaki is true love and the one with Lilina is a lie (or fake) but the more I start to think about the dynamics of the story and the love triangle presented the more I'm reminded of Nisekoi and we all know how that ended...the fake love (lie) became the real (true) love and I can see that happening in this manga as well. Even though I like Misaki and think she and Neji deserve to be together I can't trust Japanese mangakas to do/write something that's not formulaic because that's what seems to sell or is the norm (for some reason) and you can tell the mangaka read or is a fan of Nisekoi.

I still have hope for Misaki, it will be sad for her to lose after giving it her all, even going as far as kissing Neji several times! Well even if she doesn't win she still got her kisses (lol) and at least knew Neji loved her
Dec 4, 2016 1:17 AM
Jul 2016
Lilina Forever~! Idk why i dont like Misaki
Dec 5, 2016 6:16 AM
Jul 2016
"Lies are forbidden and love is doubly forbidden. In the near future, when young people in Japan turn sixteen, they are assigned a marriage partner by the government. People don't have to go through the trouble of looking for someone, and everyone accepts that the country will find a compatible partner to make them happy".

Two girls. Misaki- girl that MC always loved. Lilina- assigned partner. At this point is almost certain that MC will choose Lilina. That means this marriage system is perfect. System knows better than you who is your ideal partner. Don't even try to have a partner, wait for your assaigned partner. Strange morale of the story. Author must be conservatist that prefers arranged marriages.

I want Misaki to win because she is huge underdog and i don't like this concept of arranged marriages.
Dec 5, 2016 9:04 AM

Nov 2015
If I have to choose between the BL ending and the normal, then I would choose the second cuz I'm not into Yaoi, I love Yuri though lol. But between Lilina and Misaki, can't pick one. So I think the Harem Plan is the solution.
Dec 5, 2016 9:33 AM
Sep 2016
I root for Misaki but the latest chapters make me fear a Lilina ending. I feel that Misaki deserves to win because she and MC loved each other and have the guts to confess their feelings. She's already suffering to much seeing her beloved with another girl and fearing he's falling for her, it'll be too cruel if she ends not even being his real love.
Dec 5, 2016 10:28 AM

Oct 2012
I gotta read more chapters to come to a definite conclusion, but at this point it looks like Misaki is still a strong choice, hopefully it doesn't pull a Nisekoi fuck it up.

Dec 5, 2016 11:25 AM
Sep 2016
I'm starting to think that in the end Neji will be free from the arranged marriage, only for him to voluntarily chose to be with Lilina. Poor Misaki...
Dec 5, 2016 11:57 AM
Jul 2016
Lex1979 said:
I'm starting to think that in the end Neji will be free from the arranged marriage, only for him to voluntarily chose to be with Lilina. Poor Misaki...

If he chooses Lilina that will confirm how pefect this system is . What a country. People don't even try to create romantic relationships, they are only waiting for arranged partners. Is this really a premise of the story?

If he chooses Lilina this will be so cliche. Nisekoi barely ended, there is no need for copy.
Dec 5, 2016 12:33 PM
Sep 2016
I agree that it would be a very bad message and bad story. I actually don't necessarily hate arranged partners (in fiction) if there is development, but this is a far too extreme case.
Dec 10, 2016 4:32 AM

Mar 2015
it's obviously misaki route....

well, i like lilina and nisaka more thou...
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Jan 4, 2017 9:34 PM
Mar 2016
Whatever, i'll just say it.

Lilina ftw.
Jan 7, 2017 8:56 AM
Aug 2016
Strange I want Misaki x Nejima, but I prefer Lilina, she's way too pure, I like her so much and Ibdon't want her to end up with the plain Nejima.
Jan 30, 2017 10:35 AM
Jan 2017
Now that I'm fully up to date, it's #TeamLilina for me more than ever. Misaki gives off to much of an Onodera vibe.
Jan 30, 2017 12:27 PM
Jul 2016
Atlas_Flame said:
Now that I'm fully up to date, it's #TeamLilina for me more than ever. Misaki gives off to much of an Onodera vibe.

Onodera- shy girl, doesn't have too many friends. Confessed like 2-3 chapters before the end of the story.
Lilina- shy girl, doesn't have too many friends. As for now she didn't confessed.
Misaki- most popular girl in the school, confessed in the first chapter.

Misaki similair to Onodera? Really?
Jan 30, 2017 1:19 PM
Jan 2017
G-Pele23 said:
Atlas_Flame said:
Now that I'm fully up to date, it's #TeamLilina for me more than ever. Misaki gives off to much of an Onodera vibe.

Onodera- shy girl, doesn't have too many friends. Confessed like 2-3 chapters before the end of the story.
Lilina- shy girl, doesn't have too many friends. As for now she didn't confessed.
Misaki- most popular girl in the school, confessed in the first chapter.

Misaki similair to Onodera? Really?

Onodera/Misaki- Most Popular girl in class/year, black hair is more what I was going for
Jan 30, 2017 1:44 PM

Jul 2015
tsunderes always win ...
im waiting it to end if he chose Misaki i will continue reading it
other ways i will drop it
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