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Dec 7, 2016 2:33 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Okay legit curious, is everyone just 5/5'ing this for the engagement bait? Because discounting that one scene this was by far the most boring episode of the entire anime thus far to me...
Dec 7, 2016 2:34 PM

Jun 2013
Elika said:
Yuuri literally is engaged to his idol because of getting blackout drunk at a banquet…that's a wild story to tell about how he met his husband

And that, kids, is how I met your Dad.

Seriously though, I never expected something like this. Especially that ending that changes the way of how you see things from the beginning.

This show gets better and better at every episode.

Dec 7, 2016 2:36 PM

Dec 2013
Amazing episode as always, if you call this a filler or recap it's how perfect filler or recap should be made , the team behind this anime is great they really know what are they doing, I hope we could get 1 or 2 original animes like this one every session.
i believe animes should have more and more original works and less from mangas
And also great use of social media in this anime , and as every one already said its the best ending ever.
AlhakamDec 7, 2016 2:55 PM
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Dec 7, 2016 2:36 PM
Oct 2014
This anime just keeps getting better and better...

The scene when they put on the ring was just tooo cute!!!!

And Phichit just made my day when he congratulation them en tells everyone in the restaurant? that they got married. I really had to laugh so hard XD
And poor JJ got ignored by everyone. Poor thing.

But the best thing was the ending, those photos are just the best thing ever...... although i dont know if i should feel hot or weird looking at the pictures where Yuuri and Chris are on the dancepole ?!?

Cant wait for next weeks episode!!!!!!!
I hope it will be even more epic!
Dec 7, 2016 2:40 PM
Sep 2015
This episode was a blast, Yuri being all honest and nervous, then suddenly at the end he become all confident and brave as if he wanted to prove himself that he can win the gold medal

Also the part where he give victor the ring. OMG!! a marriage proposal!! how gay can this anime get

Plus the last scene was hilarious how Yuri got drunk and danced half naked, that was super hilarious, asking Victor to be his coach, such embarassment, I can't even watch that part without getting my eyes closed, it was super embarasing oh God

Excited to see whose going to win the grand prix final, well I hope its Yuri though. Excited to see Yuri's short program, hope he can land all his jumps. Go Yuri!!!!
Dec 7, 2016 2:41 PM
Dec 2016
1 sorry to ruin the moment...but am i the only one to observe that victor is hiding sumthing behind the smiles and the flirty gestures? I smell a plot twist sumday...😄
Dec 7, 2016 2:44 PM

Jun 2008


Loved that Otabek and Yurio moment (finally, Otabek!! Hosoyan!!!!!). Sweet children.

Viktor goes back to Japan?
HielinDec 7, 2016 2:49 PM
Dec 7, 2016 2:46 PM
Oct 2014
zeffyra_zei said: sorry to ruin the moment...but am i the only one to observe that victor is hiding sumthing behind the smiles and the flirty gestures? I smell a plot twist sumday...😄

You are defenitly not the only one...
But i dont want to think something bad will happen or that something will ruin it
So i chose to ignore it and just fangirl over the "Engagment" right now...
Pls dont ruin my happy dream right now XD
Dec 7, 2016 2:48 PM

Mar 2016
Well I can't wait for the constant nay-sayers to say it's not a real engagement because of x, y and z. Because I know they're out there...I suppose half of them are eating their words right now.

Even I didn't believe it'd happen but there it is, engaged victuri. I guess I can stop looking both ways before I cross the street now because I can die happy. Seriously though, they have the cutest relationship I've ever seen.

I really enjoyed this relaxed episode with no skating, a break from all the tension because I was sure feeling it. It was great and much needed to see things from Victor's point of view, I wish they had gone a bit more into his head but I think this suffices. Now their backstory is laid out more.

Yuri...Oh no. I was so embarrassed for the little piglet at the end there haha. He still dances pretty good while drunk, but even still lol. At least his friends only use it as playful teasing.
Dec 7, 2016 2:49 PM

Mar 2015
zeffyra_zei said: sorry to ruin the moment...but am i the only one to observe that victor is hiding sumthing behind the smiles and the flirty gestures? I smell a plot twist sumday...😄

He is hiding the fact that he's gay... oops, wrong anime...
Dec 7, 2016 2:55 PM
Jul 2016
Helenus said:
Ok, again I have to be that one person in this thread: there were no romantic feelings involved in this episode. Not at all.

Kudos to the director to be a master of teasing. But no. Just no. This episode was the perfect example to show how they play everything 'romantic' as a joke. Just look how the whole tone changes when they bring the marriage thing up. Even in-universe they don't take it seriously. No gay-marriage, sorry. I totally doubt that there's love involved between Yuri and Victor. The ring is a token of appreciation. The narration made it clear.

Nonetheless it was an interesting episode. I really like Otabek. And the Yuri Plisetsky fangirls are quite an accurate representation of the YOI fandom.


P.S.: I'm convinced Chris is gay. 100%.
Dec 7, 2016 2:55 PM

Aug 2014
Guys, I can't watch it. I barely got thorugh the church scene, and now I paused just after Chris noticed their rings. I can't omg I can't. Too many feels. How can there be so many feels in one ep?!
Dec 7, 2016 2:58 PM

Mar 2015
11ama said:
Helenus said:
Ok, again I have to be that one person in this thread: there were no romantic feelings involved in this episode. Not at all.

Kudos to the director to be a master of teasing. But no. Just no. This episode was the perfect example to show how they play everything 'romantic' as a joke. Just look how the whole tone changes when they bring the marriage thing up. Even in-universe they don't take it seriously. No gay-marriage, sorry. I totally doubt that there's love involved between Yuri and Victor. The ring is a token of appreciation. The narration made it clear.

What do you mean by 'tone changing'? It seemed to me that Victor and Yuri were taking things pretty seriously, and that they were just being shy about it.

Well, we have first to determine what we are talking about here. What happened when they exchanged rings? Yuri explicitly stated it's a token of appreciation for Victor's work (as a coach). For 'everything' he has done. I don't see a marriage proposal here (if you take the dialogue literally). But of course the director is trying to tease the fandom pretty hard agaim by locating this scene in a 'romantic' scenery.

Change of tone: As soon as other characters become aware of the rings the whole subject is treated as a joke. Just look at the reactions. Victors 'I marry him if he wins gold' is a funny remark to break the ice and end the akward situation. It is quite obvious he's joking. At least in my opinion.
Dec 7, 2016 3:00 PM
Jun 2009
Did I watch a backwards video or something? Because I saw them put rings on each other's RIGHT hands, not left. Engagement/wedding rings go on the left hand.

I really think this was a trolling of sorts. I don't doubt that Victor and Yuuri are close, and I enjoyed seeing them make intimate gestures towards each other, but I thought the scene with the rings and the church bells was just too much.

Enjoy the "engagement" but I think it was just another step of fanservice and people are really taking the bait.
Dec 7, 2016 3:01 PM

Mar 2015
LovelySummer said:
Helenus said:
Ok, again I have to be that one person in this thread: there were no romantic feelings involved in this episode. Not at all.

Kudos to the director to be a master of teasing. But no. Just no. This episode was the perfect example to show how they play everything 'romantic' as a joke. Just look how the whole tone changes when they bring the marriage thing up. Even in-universe they don't take it seriously. No gay-marriage, sorry. I totally doubt that there's love involved between Yuri and Victor. The ring is a token of appreciation. The narration made it clear.

Nonetheless it was an interesting episode. I really like Otabek. And the Yuri Plisetsky fangirls are quite an accurate representation of the YOI fandom.


P.S.: I'm convinced Chris is gay. 100%.

And? I can buy (and wear) a wedding ring without being married. A wedding ring is nothing more than an ordinary golden ring.

The director plays with the audience as usual. It's quite obvious.
Dec 7, 2016 3:02 PM
Nov 2016
Of course Y!!!OI pulls this the day before I have a massive final and CAN'T WATCH THE EPISODE!!!!!!
Dec 7, 2016 3:04 PM

Mar 2008
sooyong said:
Did I watch a backwards video or something? Because I saw them put rings on each other's RIGHT hands, not left. Engagement/wedding rings go on the left hand.

Ehh I was curious so I googled it:

"the tradition of wearing the engagement and wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand continues here in the US. But there are some countries, says Zaven Ghanimian, CEO of Simon G Jewelry, where the ring finger of the right hand is the more popular choice for brides and grooms to wear their rings, like in Russia, Greece and Colombia."

Make of that what you will. =O
Dec 7, 2016 3:07 PM
Nov 2016
sooyong said:
Did I watch a backwards video or something? Because I saw them put rings on each other's RIGHT hands, not left. Engagement/wedding rings go on the left hand.

I really think this was a trolling of sorts. I don't doubt that Victor and Yuuri are close, and I enjoyed seeing them make intimate gestures towards each other, but I thought the scene with the rings and the church bells was just too much.

Enjoy the "engagement" but I think it was just another step of fanservice and people are really taking the bait.


"Russians traditionally wear the wedding ring on the ring finger of the right hand." Try again?
Dec 7, 2016 3:11 PM
Sep 2014
I can't believe there are still people who think Viktor and Yuuri are not in a romantic relationship after this episode ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Dec 7, 2016 3:14 PM

Jul 2013

Dec 7, 2016 3:15 PM

Sep 2010
Helenus said:
The ring is a token of appreciation. The narration made it clear.

The ring is a wedding ring.

Yuuri's awkward and shy who has been running from relationships for 24 years, you should obviously pay attention to his characterization and how he deliberately bought an expensive as hell wedding ring which is a huge step for him. He's still afraid Viktor will leave him. No, he's convinced he will leave him. He has issues opening up to people and is afraid of his own feelings.

Not sure why you're denying romantic feelings, it's canon he has romantic feelings for Viktor. He says so in his speech, which was badly translated by CR, I guess. He has platonic feelings too.
ThessDec 7, 2016 3:20 PM
Dec 7, 2016 3:16 PM
Dec 2015
SakurasouBusters said:
FallenEntity said:
victor's commentary over this episode was hilarious I really enjoyed how he introduced each character as well as give a little backstory. loved the part where jj's fans were arguing with yuri's fans. I will say this though was not aware of just how persistent yuri's fans really are until they started sniffing for his trail.

I am so happy for them <3

was not expecting this so soon was hopping it would happen by the finals. oh those bastards they knew what they were doing when they made that scene, the rings, the music, taking place in a church, making it the perfect setting for a wedding. as if this show doesn't tease that enough now there just toying with us and I love them for that.

don't add real life logic into this, anime has it's own rules real life rules don't apply to anime. also just let us have this don't try to ruin something beautiful.

Good point, overthinking it i guess. And im not trying to ruin it, as i said, i find this to be very nice.

It's even worse in Russia, though. Maybe they won't get officially married but will still be a couple? Or maybe they'll move somewhere else? I don't know.
Dec 7, 2016 3:19 PM

Sep 2010
There is no homophobia in this anime. Why would you care? The program Pitchit skates is an homosexual version of the King and I, the Skater and the King, which in real world Thai, that movie was forbidden and hated, in this AU world, it's loved by Thailand and it's actually a deep romantic bond between the King of Thailand and a male English Skater.
Dec 7, 2016 3:23 PM
Apr 2016
Helenus said:
LovelySummer said:

And? I can buy (and wear) a wedding ring without being married. A wedding ring is nothing more than an ordinary golden ring.

The director plays with the audience as usual. It's quite obvious.

The ring exchange narration was odd, but Viktor explicitly said they were engagement rings and that they would get married if Yuri won gold. So for your interpretation to be correct victor would have to be flat out lying about both those things to tease the others (and motivate Yuri?).

Honestly... I don't see that. Victor can be a tease but he's never actually lied. In fact all of his other promises, or deals people offer him (Give Yurio a program if he wins the junior championship, become Yuri's coach if he wins the dance off, go back to Russia if Yurio won the ice skate Hatestsu show-down, meet Chris again at worlds) were 100% serious at the time. These deals and that he always upholds them is a large part of his character.

I suppose you could argue that he lied about quitting as Yuri's coach if he didn't reach the podium in China to motivate him, but he backtracked immediately when Yuri got upset and said he was joking. He also clearly regretted saying it, so I doubt he'd make the same mistake again.

On another note, I find it impossible to believe that Yuri isn't sexually attracted to Victor, if nothing else. The guy was literally grinding against him when he got drunk.
IanamusDec 7, 2016 3:34 PM
Dec 7, 2016 3:27 PM
Aug 2016
I see I'm late to the party but whatever. I really enjoyed this episode <3

YOU GUYS, it really was a ring, like hell I didn't think they would! And matching ones even~
Phichit making instant conclusions and congratulating them for their marriage. And he wasn't even surprised about it either, I love this guy xD

And oh jeez, DRUNK YURI, boy I couldn't breathe xD It gives one an entire different image of Yuri. Like what are you doing on that pole? With Chris? Nearly naked? xD And him grinding up against Victor telling him to become his coach...this boy will be the death of me!
Good to know more about the characters pre-anime and what probably started the whole idea of 'Victor-becoming-Yuri's-coach'!

And yay! Happy dance pose! \(^♡^)/
Dec 7, 2016 3:28 PM
Jan 2013
So gay. Everything about this episode was gay gay and more gay. I loved every second of it. The outro also filled that hole in my heart that wanted- nay, needed- to see Viktor and Yuuri in some sort of 'skating together' situation. These kids are adorable.
This was also the exact sort of Viktor POV episode that people were asking for, giving some insight into his mind and how he thinks- I appreciate it for that. His motivations for coaching Yuuri were revealed to be more than just a moment's whim, as many predicted, and the playful facade he puts up was cracked just a wee bit more.
I hadn't watched anime in a long while before this, and I'm starting to think that I've thoroughly spoiled myself with this one.

Edit: Also, Yuuri was even more adorable than usual in this episode? Like, what? How is that possible? It's a mystery

EDIT 2: LORDY LORD. How in the hickety heck are there still people denying this shit? It's like the lady who talks about how her perpetually single son and his male "roommate" got in a fight so he moved out, and she's still holding her breath for grandkids. Like, sorry lady, he's GAY. IT'S GAY.
emilyteaDec 7, 2016 3:34 PM
Dec 7, 2016 3:30 PM

Sep 2015
KashiBien said:
I wonder how people will try to no homo that one...

They could have sex in the middle of the competition and there will still be people denying the fact that they're gay for each other.

You just lost the game
Dec 7, 2016 3:32 PM
Nov 2016
Helenus said:
LovelySummer said:

And? I can buy (and wear) a wedding ring without being married. A wedding ring is nothing more than an ordinary golden ring.

The director plays with the audience as usual. It's quite obvious.

What do you mean by 'tone changes'? Phichit definitely congratulate them, not making any joke of it. Yuuri is a shy and inexperienced person for relationship. And why he gives Victor a wedding ring instead of 'ordinary golden ring' if there are no meaning or intention? You just throw away all the possibilities.
Dec 7, 2016 3:33 PM

Aug 2016
I just love those rings...(I don't care if they are "real" engagement rings or not, I'm just enjoying this moment ^^)

Even if the show is no "typical" shounen ai, I think the romance is very nicely done. In a subtle but still very present way.

....and drunk Yuri is HILARIOUS!!!!
Akiho90Dec 7, 2016 3:37 PM
Dec 7, 2016 3:35 PM
Aug 2016

Oh awesome! I didn't catch that!
The love between these 2 is so heartwarming, it's really beautiful to watch~
Dec 7, 2016 3:36 PM
Jan 2016
1. the episode saved my life idk about you guys
2. victuri is real, literally no one can argue against this anymore lmao
3. i love phichit so much he's hilarious and relatable
4. the ending pictures was the best part of the episode oH my god
5. i'm nervous as HELL for the next episode
Dec 7, 2016 3:38 PM
Jan 2016
Helenus said:
Ok, again I have to be that one person in this thread: there were no romantic feelings involved in this episode. Not at all.

Kudos to the director to be a master of teasing. But no. Just no. This episode was the perfect example to show how they play everything 'romantic' as a joke. Just look how the whole tone changes when they bring the marriage thing up. Even in-universe they don't take it seriously. No gay-marriage, sorry. I totally doubt that there's love involved between Yuri and Victor. The ring is a token of appreciation. The narration made it clear.

Nonetheless it was an interesting episode. I really like Otabek. And the Yuri Plisetsky fangirls are quite an accurate representation of the YOI fandom.


P.S.: I'm convinced Chris is gay. 100%.

hahahaha, yeah no
Dec 7, 2016 3:38 PM
Feb 2009
I'm still cracking up over the fact that YUURI was the playboy in the Eros story all along. Yuuri is the one that came into Victor’s life, seduced him for a night, and left him behind, smitten and forgotten, leaving Victor with only memories and photos. All that time with Yuuri being like “I can’t play this role,” and Victor’s sitting there like “uh hell yeah you can”, and now we know for certain why he was sure of that.
Dec 7, 2016 3:39 PM

Dec 2015
i guess it's just normal that i forgot how to breathe i mean WOw there are so many things i love about this episode. i know i'm saying this every damN WEEK but. it is only getting better. i'm sorry this is such a mess but a list of nICE Things:

-viktor pov!!
-phichit screaming is me
-others reactions made me happy too
-yurio made a friend!!!!
-yurios hair in the wind
-we can see the exact moment viktor fell in love. from his eyes.
-also teary-eyed viktor (having eye fetish & viktor fetish will be the end of me)
-why was there a pole in the banquet.. chris i'm looking at u

my l-words are based on yuri on ice. thank you. i can finally go to sleep.

but... is this too good to be true?? will the end of the series surprise us?? will something.. bad happen? looks like i still can't go to sleep fUCK-
Dec 7, 2016 3:40 PM

Nov 2014
It's actually happening, i never would have thought that they would go that far.
Dec 7, 2016 3:45 PM
Jun 2016
Hands down best ending of the season. Be my coach Victor!!!<3 Now we know why Yuri is EROS. XD
Dec 7, 2016 3:46 PM
Aug 2016
soffan said:
but... is this too good to be true?? will the end of the series surprise us?? will something.. bad happen? looks like i still can't go to sleep fUCK-

NO! shhhhhhh! Just enjoy what you are seeing now

I'm quite fine waiting for next week but waiting for the last episode will be pure HELL
Dec 7, 2016 3:46 PM

Dec 2016
Helenus said:
Ok, again I have to be that one person in this thread: there were no romantic feelings involved in this episode. Not at all.

Kudos to the director to be a master of teasing. But no. Just no. This episode was the perfect example to show how they play everything 'romantic' as a joke. Just look how the whole tone changes when they bring the marriage thing up. Even in-universe they don't take it seriously. No gay-marriage, sorry. I totally doubt that there's love involved between Yuri and Victor. The ring is a token of appreciation. The narration made it clear.

Nonetheless it was an interesting episode. I really like Otabek. And the Yuri Plisetsky fangirls are quite an accurate representation of the YOI fandom.


P.S.: I'm convinced Chris is gay. 100%.

hahaha just give up already... why are people still in denial? i don't get it
not a native english-speaker, i may make mistakes!
Dec 7, 2016 3:49 PM

Apr 2009
Thess said:

Not sure why you're denying romantic feelings, it's canon he has romantic feelings for Viktor. He says so in his speech, which was badly translated by CR, I guess. He has platonic feelings too.

It doesn't really matters what happens on screen, the only characterization that matter to some people is the only one they can use to deny what's happening on screen. Everything else is irrelevant, "just humor" or literally doesn't register.

This episode doesn't really make it more canon that the other 8 episodes. As Cishet said, they could go balls deep into each other and it would still be not canon because something Yuuri said or before it. The issue is not with the show.

Dec 7, 2016 3:56 PM

Jul 2013
I love this episode! I'm so happy that Victor and Yuri both have matching rings and it's so cute seeing them together. The ED was hilarious, I never thought that I would see Yuri naked and POLE DANCING. lol

The one scene that caught my attention would be after the ED when drunk Yuri told Victor to be his coach. I thought that scene was really cute.
Dec 7, 2016 3:59 PM
May 2013
Thess said:
I was expecting the "gold and round" gift to be a gold medal. Somewhat disappointing that they went for the cliche of rings.

The 'twist' was great though. It explains why Viktor was so intimate with Yuuri since the beginning. It was because Yuuri was the one who started his moves on that party. You know it was weird because Viktor didn't behave around anyone else how he did with Yuuri.

cliche you say???? I swear the fandom just made up a lot of stories and meme around the gold and round thing but NO ONE would expect to see the rings for real!!! No we just don't want to get our hope up and rings would be too much to ask for so we secretly think inside that "sssh I know it'd be the gold medal already, so it's fine whatever they do, but let's just dream and fangirl for now"
And BANG, we got the rings for real. I can't tell you how surprised I am
Dec 7, 2016 4:01 PM

Oct 2014
Dec 7, 2016 4:01 PM
Oct 2009
heyimaudrey said:
So, like.... can the "Is Yuri on Ice actually gay or just queerbait?" poll be closed now? Thanks.

Yeah lol I mean they just about got married, there isn't any room for "bait" here...

Great episode, at first I was worried it was gonna be recap lol, but the recap bit was short and actually pretty fun. We get a lot more of Victor's perspective this time around.

The bit of drunk-Yuuri at the end was funny and surprising! So he actually asked Victor to be his coach, before everything happened!

I hope they saved up their budget and energy for the last episodes to look as amazing as the first!!
Dec 7, 2016 4:01 PM
Jun 2016
Elika said:
I'm still cracking up over the fact that YUURI was the playboy in the Eros story all along. Yuuri is the one that came into Victor’s life, seduced him for a night, and left him behind, smitten and forgotten, leaving Victor with only memories and photos. All that time with Yuuri being like “I can’t play this role,” and Victor’s sitting there like “uh hell yeah you can”, and now we know for certain why he was sure of that.

This. This is great.
Dec 7, 2016 4:02 PM

May 2014
Am I the only one going through my entire vocabulary, looking for words that begin with "L" in both English and Russian, trying to figure out what Viktor meant?

im amazed by the senseless and sensitive words
weve got a talent to find
im amazed at what we will stoop to
if we think our egos can shine
when youre down and out when youre full of doubt
all you do is kick and shout
Dec 7, 2016 4:03 PM
Nov 2016
Oh man...Spirits that I've cited...I always thought I was the most cynical and ignorant person when it came to love. Turns out I'm not. And I'm somewhat thankful for it.
Taking their rings as a silent promise to each other is actually a gift. You can take it or leave it. Your choice.
Dec 7, 2016 4:04 PM
Nov 2016
OfLove111 said:
Am I the only one going through my entire vocabulary, looking for words that begin with "L" in both English and Russian, trying to figure out what Viktor meant?

He meant life and love.
Dec 7, 2016 4:07 PM
Apr 2016
Putting aside the Yuri/Viktor stuff- Otabek really killed it this episode. His reaction to the 'wedding', keeping the stern emotionless face, but clapping furiously, just cracked me up. Easily the best reaction next to phichit.

Also, the scene with them all walking into the rink at the end was surprisingly climactic. The music and visuals really sold the competitive angle. Seeing all the other skaters again was a nice touch as well.
IanamusDec 7, 2016 4:16 PM
Dec 7, 2016 4:07 PM
Jul 2013

First of all, I'm so happy Victor's narrating, it is much needed and refreshing.

That ring scene had me like AAAAAHHHHHHHHH. Engagement confirmed. I can officially die happily. Though it was cannon before but they really went all out. I wanted it to be rings from the preview and it was. YES

The ending explains so much. I was curious why Victor became Yuri's coach, it all makes sense now. And drunk Yuri, I can't.

I'm so anxious for the next episode. I want Yuri to win but I don't know if it's possible because of the strong competitors.

But seriously 1000+/10 for this whole show.
Dec 7, 2016 4:10 PM
Dec 2016
The first thing that came up to my mind when the episode ended was...
Oh my God I need a PLOT TWIST!!! I dont know I really enjoy the show but everything is made up quick and easy so I would like sth to trigger the story... T.T *.*

Also what about Victor being motivated to return..?
noodlemarDec 7, 2016 4:16 PM
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