welcome to Laura's Anime List
About her - she (obviously) loves anime and manga, as well as desing, food and cats!
Laura usually focuses on the current airing Anime but she watches older anime films and series as well. Her favourite genres are comedy, seinen, slice of life, romance and drama.
Feel free to leave a comment, to give or ask for recommendations on Laura's profile ✨
There's only a few series who are rated 10, since they are considered really (really) good. They might not be the best anime, but for Laura those anime were incredibly inspiring in a lot of ways. Series rated between 9-8, were too amazing, but due to different aspects as the evolution of the story or the characters,etc they weren't given a higher rate. The series rated under 5, are considered, in most of cases a waste of time, where the Anime wasn't properly developed or just because it was riduculous or boring. Laura is a person who doesn't like to drop shows, so despite these series being shit, often finishes them, even if they're edgy, badly done, or hateable enough.
Respect to her Manga list, she usually won't update it that much since she marks directly on the book and it really bothers her listing by chapters or volumes!

All Comments (17) Comments
Hoping some of the features were to your liking =).
I guess it must be popular amongst girls (excluding myself) because of the pretty boys in it x____x
ah x_______x about me.. Just having dinner I guess x_____x
How do you do?
We are currently in the middle part of the season and at the Anime Guild our main specialization is being a Seasonal Club.
We choose the best Opening, Ending, Character and of course Anime of the Season with also a Review Section and a Power Ranking Group.
If that seems appealing to you, we currently are featuring our tail-end of our OP Contest as well as our ED contest if so see this at a later date.
I have already sent an invite as well as provide a link to our club ^.^ - http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=63899
Ahh no problem, hope you enjoy your time around MAL
Ooh glad you liked it, it only gets better when more characters get introduced. More Monogatari fans the better! You get to see a lot more of her in the second season.
Mmm you've got good taste ;D, I've never had carrot pie but I love apple pie (had some today)
Oh that's great! \(^-^)/ Buying them one by one helps it feel not as expensive too x)
I'm actually buying the Tokyo Ghoul volumes as they are getting published in English c: