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Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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Nov 30, 2016 7:15 AM

Nov 2011
So Kumiko and the others still wonder about Asuka after she didn't return.
The brief chemistry between Kumiko and Reina is adorable this episode :D, same with the part when she talked with Taki.

I do like how Kumiko is taking a role herself to talk with Asuka and getting to know her more as well as possibly getting her to return. Her past is interesting, turns out that she received a silver euphonium when she was a kid and her talent still carries to the present.
Stark700Nov 30, 2016 7:24 AM
Nov 30, 2016 7:31 AM

Dec 2015
I found other side of Asuka-senpai in this episode... and her background, too.
Love her solo performance...
Nov 30, 2016 8:14 AM

Apr 2010
I expected Asuka's home to be a bit more modest not that it was bad tho.
Might just have been me tho.
This episode explained a lot about her and the reason why she is who she is, it's nice to know.
Nov 30, 2016 8:23 AM

Nov 2007
The episode is titled Hibike! Euphonium (in furigana)

Just another peek into the four girls together again as Kumiko and Reina talked about Asuka-senpai. It makes me so happy to see Reina next to Hazuki and Midori. I cannot explain the feelings properly, it's experiencing someone growing up!

In the train return from home, Reina notices that Kumiko is making a very dejected face. Unlike the time when she saw her making the same face (episode 8, season 1) she didn't just stop there but actually asked Kumiko why she was making that kind of face. Of course, Kumiko wasn't sure why it seemed so painful. Comparing the same situation with the episode 8 of season 1, we know how close they have become and thus it was natural for Reina to be so considerate and ask Kumiko about her troubles, almost like looking out for a person she cherishes so much.

And then of course we get to see a continuation of Natsuki's words from before and they came up with a plan (initially it was Kaori's idea) to help Asuka and of course the best way to go about it was through Kumiko. I wonder if the other girls have noticed how Kumiko has been at the center point of all the happenings and the way things were overcome. Maybe they did see it and thus they wanted Kumiko to pull it off during the visit. Perhaps they also noticed Asuka's interest in Kumiko, the way she treats her unlike others.

This was also why Natsuki, probably in her bid to give Kumiko some confidence or perhaps genuinely believed what she said when she threw at her the question if she knew why Asuka invited her over to Asuka's place. But as one would expect, Kumiko asked the questions any genuine person would ask in someone in her position as to why Natsuki would go that far which takes away her sudden opportunity to play in the Nationals. But as one would expect, and the way we have seen Natsuki in the previous season, she is still one of the kindest people as she reminded Kumiko that she can still play next year, which wouldn't be the same for Asuka (as she would graduate by then). Natsuki is an angel. I tell you this. Pay careful attention: she is an angel. Unexpectedly Nozomi and Mizore appear together and they asked the same from Kumiko. :)

And then we get a sweet Kumiko and Reina moment. It was amazing how Reina praised Kumiko. It wasn't just to tease her or give her some confidence. I am sure it was Reina's true feelings and she believes no one blossoms like Kumiko does when it calls for it. The way she leaned towards Kumiko only to stop before making a contact got me to my feet.

But it was shot down in the next part when she was seen visibly blushing like a girl, infatuated or not, madly in love with a person. Seeing Taki-sensei taking a nap (probably after taking a medicine, didn't get this part as my streaming stopped for a sec, damn it!) and then waking up before her was too much for her to handle. As she quickly tried to regain her composure by an attempt to hand him the key over, KyoAni did an amazing job to show Reina's unwavering feelings for him as just a slight touch on her palm as Taki-sensei took they key from her sent shivers through her body as she almost lost his balance. But then she notices the picture of young Taki-sensei and a cheerful woman next to him. As Reina gaped on with Kumiko sitting next to her while they were makeing a return on board the train, the subtle hint of distance was KyoAni's way of telling us where Reina's true feelings had rested.

On to the second half as the moment came for Kumiko to visit Asuka, I thoroughly enjoyed Asuka's playful steps. It was a wonderful depiction of how Asuka takes her life as is, unyielding to what may be thrown at her, remaining cheerful and optimistic no matter what. It's moments like these that make KyoAni as a studio standout from the rest.

And when Kaori joined the two after asking for Kumiko's permission if it would be okay for her to go with them, it didn't cross my mind until later that it was all part of her plan as she parted before handing over Kumiko with the bag. But just before that, the ever so sweet Kaori, as if she was looking out for her precious friend, sat in front of Asuka and tied her shoe lace. It was her way of showing that they cared for Asuka. Kaori, Haruka and Asuka's bond is so amazing that I cannot explain it without having typed at least a thousand words.

I do wonder though what kind of face Asuka made when Kaori did that. KyoAni sure knows how to tease us!

Asuka's house turned out to be of the traditional type. It reflected the kind of environment she grew up which was itself a huge characterization of her.

I thought Kumiko hid the bag behind her back showing her hesitation to approach Asuka but it turned out something else as it was meant for Asuka's mother as a visiting gift. While Asuka confirmed that her mother will be late coming back, she also realized that it was all part of Kaori's plan.

Then the revelation of the person who wrote euphonium notes as a composer is revealed and it wasn't surprising a bit that it turned out to be Asuka's father. She particularly emphasized he was her ex-father. Which was then revealed to be that her parents got divorced and she took her mother's title (Tanaka) since.

All the while she explained Kumiko that she didn't hate her mother. For giving birth to her and bringing her up so far on her own. She must have endured it, but turned hysteric seeing how Asuka was taking the same footsteps as her ex. The revelation that was important here was not that the person was her father but what followed afterwards as it's revealed that he will be present during the Nationals.

Kumiko didn't hold back to reveal her admiration for her senpai as she said she loved Asuka playing her eupho, and even mentioning the piece she played during the camp. Which turned out to be Asuka's fathers composition.

The final part of the episode was amazing as they walked all the way to the bank to play. It was now Asuka's turn to praise Kumiko as she said Kumiko reminded her of the euphonium she adored and it surprised her how she resembled it. Kumiko realized the expression Asuka made this time was different from all the expressions she had seen from her before. It was probably an honest expression, with no mask on. Kumiko finally unveiled Asuka's real face.

As the tone Asuka played, so sad yet heartwarming, the episode comes to a conclusion. This episode was masterfully done, connecting it with episode 13 of season 1, which was the true beginning of Asuka's arc.

shanimebibNov 30, 2016 8:31 AM
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Nov 30, 2016 9:37 AM

Sep 2010
Kyoto Animation continues the teasing!

I had a feeling Asuka grew up in a traditional home setting along with the reveal of her father being the musician Kumiko had a CD of. I don't know, she just had that type of aura around her (not in a bad way).

I'm glad to see how close everyone in the band has become to each other. It's been only months since they all gathered back in season one!

"to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." -a magnet
Nov 30, 2016 10:10 AM

Jan 2012
Oh great, a full Asuka episode. Well at least she acknowledged how horrible she was to Nozomi and Yoroizuka, and now we know why: her father. Not good enough for me to stop disliking her, but then nothing would have been after that really. Well I guess it's nice that they forgave her anyway.
Nov 30, 2016 10:11 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
I'm still not invested in Asuka as i should be at this point, but the second half was really well directed and we got to hear her play the eupho again.

I have to say that Taki-sensei has to be my favourite character by now, i seem to enjoy his scenes the most.

The Reina shots were crazy here, so good when she gave him the key.
Nov 30, 2016 10:23 AM

Dec 2014
Great episode.

All that Reina screen time this episode, Those shots, Those cuts, Those reactions, So adorable. <3 Goddamn, How the hell do KyoAni make her so adorable? :O Reina. <3
Lovely chemistry between Reina and Kumiko this episode, Reina described Kumiko's character quite well, She seems simple but at the same time also seems complex underneath. I love how Reina said "I'll tear off that mask." :)
Taki-sensei scene was pretty amusing.

That aside, I suppose the main focus of this episode was the Asuka stuff in the second half.
I have to admit, It is kinda sad for her that her mom doesn't approve of her playing in the band. She shouldn't force her anger over the divorce on Asuka.
Glad that Kumiko helped Asuka get out the stuff she wanted to say, Hopefully she returns to the club. Even if she was motivated by the self interest of performing before her dad, I believe she deserves that chance after how hard she worked to keep playing the euphonium throughout all those years.

It was nice hearing Asuka play again, The animation for the final scene near the river with Asuka playing was beautiful.
Nov 30, 2016 10:50 AM

May 2012
The bait continues, KyoAni. That close up with Reina and Kumiko.

Felt like a lotta build up for what's to come, but it was nice finally learning about Asuka and her past. Kumiko proves to be my favorite character in the anime yet again. Asuka was definitely pretty selfish with her reasons for reaching nationals, but I think that selfishness is fine. Even though I like them, Yoroizuka and Nozomi's problem ended up being pretty petty to care, so I've no problem with Asuka wanting to proceed without resolving their relationship's misunderstanding.

Curious on where Kumiko's sister disappeared off to.

The last scene at the riverbank was serene and soothing.

Nov 30, 2016 10:50 AM

Feb 2015
Lol Reina nearly orgasmed just from Taki-sensei touching her hand. XD

It makes sense to me now why Asuka always took band practice more seriously than the rest especially during the early episodes. And chibi Asuka is cute.
SchwingBonerNov 30, 2016 10:55 AM
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Nov 30, 2016 11:17 AM
Feb 2014
Reina noticed the picture of Taki-sensei with his wife on his desk. Seems like she might ask Kumiko about it soon, and perhaps will be upset to find out that Kumiko has known about this for a while and didn't tell her. Hopefully this won't harm their friendship.

Asuka's home seems very traditional Japan-style, probably to visually emphasize Asuka's mom's personality which seems to be traditional in a way. Aside from the divorce part.

Man, I like Asuka. I hope she gets to play at nationals. With the way this show has gone so far, everyone has been meeting their goals and getting redemption. I don't expect this to change, so by that logic it looks good for Asuka. But I wonder what she'll have to go through to attain that.
Nov 30, 2016 11:35 AM
Aug 2014
Did Reina have an orgasm? When she gave the keys to Taki-sensei...
Nov 30, 2016 11:51 AM

Aug 2012
greatness all over again
Nov 30, 2016 12:25 PM
Nov 2015
Awe, that was such a sweet episode. Especially the latter half with Asuka and Kumiko.
Looking forward to next week.
Nov 30, 2016 12:30 PM

Mar 2008
Aaah I just love Asuka. I've always enjoyed her presence since S1 Ep1 and I'm glad we got a focused episode on her. She's so cute as a little kid too! As expected it was her father was being hinted at in the prior episode and puts her mother's behavior into more light but it sounds like they don't quite get along as I thought they might have.

The way Asuka was able to kind of shrug off that vicious slap to her face made me think just she loves her mom enough to forgive her for losing it and her mother did seem upset by doing that but based on this episode it sounds more like they just sort of tolerate each other; so very sad.

Asuka's desires to see her father through the contests at least put some of the earlier drama into a bit more perspective as opposed to what felt like petty high school drama.

Another great episode just fantastic.
ShadowBlazer3000Nov 30, 2016 8:16 PM
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Nov 30, 2016 12:31 PM

Sep 2016
Euphonium 9.00: The Drama is (not) Over Yet
also just want to say i hate how kumiko always fake her small talk/pretend to be interested in any conversation

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Nov 30, 2016 12:54 PM

Nov 2011
Reina and Kumiko yuri moment was intense.

They never really did explain that look on Asuka's face when Kaori was tieing Asuka's shoes. Even Kumiko noticed but they kind of ignored that. (I was a little preoccupied when I was watching so I may have missed an explanation.)

I loved the Interaction between Kumiko and Asuka. It felt more like a sisterly talk then friendly talk which I found sweet.

Ahh Asuka's playing is wonderful. I was glad we got a look at her past and see why she started playing and why she was so passionate going to nationals.

When Asuka asked Kumiko if she really wanted to hear her play, Kuniko responded with a pretty estatic "HAI!" (YES) I thought the VA did a good job with that. It captured to moment a little better.
SoraSenpaiNov 30, 2016 3:22 PM
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Nov 30, 2016 1:39 PM

Mar 2015
Was a bit slow for first half, but second half was nice, glad to finally see Asuka's backstory
Nov 30, 2016 2:08 PM

Feb 2014
The yuri baiting makes a small comeback, as Reina's face comes very close to Kumiko. Dammit KyoAni! >_<

Still, the way Reina reacted after Taki's hands touched hers was funny though. That must've made her heart skip a beat or two. Although, she did get a good look at Taki's photo of his past with his friends and his late wife, so I wonder if Reina will eventually find out about his past soon enough...

The rest of the episode with Kumiko and Asuka was simply brilliant. It sucks that she can't see her father, but at least it's thanks to him that she's able to play the Euphonium in the first place. Maybe she'll see him in person one day...

The best part of the episode was at the end though. Asuka playing her Euphonium by the river under the bridge, with Kumiko listening on. Simple, yet VERY powerful and effective, hearing her play while viewing the scenery as it goes by, with excellent animation touches by KyoAni to the grass as it faultlessly sways with the wind. Scenes like this always put a big smile on my face. =)
Nov 30, 2016 3:21 PM

Feb 2016
animefan8800 said:
Oh great, a full Asuka episode. Well at least she acknowledged how horrible she was to Nozomi and Yoroizuka, and now we know why: her father. Not good enough for me to stop disliking her, but then nothing would have been after that really. Well I guess it's nice that they forgave her anyway.

I cannot fully understand why do you hate her... she didn't do anything wrong imo

Leaving that aside, this chapter was beautifuly made, we have an even more close scene between Kumiko and Reina. I do feel bad for Asuka, you know, overprotective moms are cancer, Kids are supossed to find by themselves what they wanted to be, and Asuka knew that she would have a great chemistry with the Eupho since she saw that Silver Eupho... I really hope her mom stop bitching around and let her get to play with the whole band again... atleast until the nationals...
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Nov 30, 2016 3:45 PM

Aug 2015
Excellent episode as usual.
I hope you understand why the title of the episode is "Sound! Euphonium"
We arrive at the really interesting part of the 3rd volume, I really look forward to seeing the fanfare at the national competition. (Especially if Asuka's father is there)
Asuka finally showed her true face, particularly when she smiled at Kumiko.

Reina's reaction seemed excessive when Taki took the keys. But we really notice that she is in love with Taki-sensei.

I love the music with violin that starts at 12:30, if anyone knows the title, please answer me :)

And this end with the eupho was relaxing and enjoyable.
Nov 30, 2016 3:49 PM

Jun 2014
I never liked Asuka in the first season, with the forced and fake cheery persona. But she's grown on me a ton since.

SoraSenpai said:

They never really did explain that look on Asuka's face when Kaori was tieing Asuka's shoes. Even Kumiko noticed but they kind of ignored that. (I was a little preoccupied when I was watching so I may have missed an explanation.)

I don't think there is an "explanation" for something like that. It's just a characteristic or behavioral quirk. Scenes like this make me appreciate Asuka as a character. There's a big part of me that can relate to her standoff-ish side.

In a sense, unlike Kumiko, Asuka is the type that doesn't lie to herself. Is aware that she puts on a mask, why she does it, and what she is underneath it all.
Nov 30, 2016 3:52 PM

Apr 2016
GangsterCat said:
Euphonium 9.00: The Drama is (not) Over Yet

Dude I just love your sense of humour lol

Another very impressive Asuka focused episode stunning visuals , amazing solo , great dialogue , acceptable drama cuz asuka is best girl and yuri bait is ofc always appreciated.I'm even more curious about her arc's conclusion now she might not make it to nationals.
Nov 30, 2016 4:16 PM

Nov 2011
The sparkle in her eyes just awes me.
Hate Keeps me warm
Nov 30, 2016 4:35 PM

Jun 2014
Probably my favorite episode of both seasons so far. But it seemed to go by fast. I barely realized the end credits were rolling when Asuka was playing the solo piece. Very calm and peaceful episode.
Nov 30, 2016 4:40 PM

Jan 2014
Well, I'll say things happened...

No really, the Reina x Taki scene was awesome and the beginning of the conclusion of Reina's problems are... great !

Reinhard von Lohengramm : "Constellations of stars that I am seeing for the first time... you are all only allowed to exist as objects for my conquest and rule. Just wait. "

Yang Wen-Li : Neither terrorism nor occultism have ever impacted history in any constructive way.

Ernst von Eisenach : Checkmate.
Nov 30, 2016 4:40 PM

Feb 2008
Why does kyoani want me to go to jail? My dark past is growing again with these snaps of little Asuka and Kumiko.

Another great episode. I also want to bite Kaori. Now that the whole Asuka situation was explained, a good outcome is needed, which I believe will happen. Can't wait for the preview, I really want another episode with her mother so the situation gets cleared.

A lot of other secondary situations happening while Asuka's one gets resolved. I hope the last episodes cover some of the Nationals competition, though. Also, what the hell, nine episodes already? WHYYYYYYYYY
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum. They should really do their whining at manga forums."

Stolen from Janethan23. Add in visual novel readers too
Nov 30, 2016 5:10 PM

Oct 2012
Seeing her father is sure nice motivation.. although I thought Kumiko would say she would visit her father with her no matter the competition (even though I understand Asuka want to show him her best).

I sense feelz incoming... the moment when she sees him would probably be the first time Asuka cries.
Nov 30, 2016 5:43 PM

Oct 2014
What a lovely episode! It was nice to see Natsuki interacting with Kumi a bit more here, showing her own concern for Asuka and acknowledging that she really isn't the best to bring to Nationals.

Reina's little monologue to Kumi was sweet! But she really does get flutters when she interacts with Taki.. My ship :C

Asuka's sharing with Kumiko had that same sense of unease through cuts and angles that was present in the episode when Asuka was telling Kumi about Mizone and Nozome - lots of odd angles, flipped cameras, and weird perspectives. Really well done.

I think the best bit of the episode was that Asuka's smile from a time long ago and the smile she gave at the end was nearly exactly the same.

"Her smile was different than any smile I'd ever seen here give."

It was probably the first, truly sincere smile she's made in front of Kumi, and the fact that it was posed just like her smile when she was younger seems to show that.

Nov 30, 2016 5:51 PM

Aug 2015
Well, Asuka is definitely a more interesting character than I first thought.
Nov 30, 2016 6:00 PM

Sep 2013
As expected from my other best girl, you really are the best Asuka!
And don't feel bad about yourself, I for one, liked you for your bitchy attitude in the past episodes/season. That piece is really beautiful.

As beautiful as that yuri bait OMG KYO ANI thank you for giving me Kumirei every episode LOL even with that taki-moment, I was happy to see my best girl, Reina's cute side.................... though it looks like the start of her very first "</3". She's gonna be rejected soon, a teacher/student relationship is impossible afterall. You have Kumiko so you'll be fine lol

Love this ep overall.
Nov 30, 2016 6:10 PM

Dec 2012
So great when Natsuki's around. Brings so much joy.

Reina so adorable getting flustered over Taki Sensei.

Nice to know more about Asuka & her reason for wanting to head to Nationals.
Hopefully she can come back to the band.

Loved her musical piece & the scenery is stunning.
"I’ve set myself to become the King of the Pirates…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!" Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

Nov 30, 2016 6:40 PM

Aug 2012
-W-why is the title of this episode the same as the title of the anime, this early into the second season
-Hey there's that line from the first scene of the first season
-Animation quality seems to have been bumped up this episode from those Reina/Kumiko scenes
-Seems like Taki's dead set on the possibility of Asuka quitting the band
-Hoo man those were some ominous shots when Kaori bent down to tie Asuka's shoelaces
-And of course Asuka sees through everything
-And she drops that bombshell straight outta nowhere, although the weird focus on the name last episode kinda made me suspect that was the case
-The notebook Asuka got in the mail when she was in first grade looks extremely familiar, although the color seems a bit off.
-And the episode is wrapped up by that one scene in the OP of Kumiko sitting next to someone with long black hair who I assumed was Reina until now

So, a bunch of references to stuff earlier in the series, including the opening scenes of both seasons. That type of stuff served as a pretty decent way to show the progress that Kumiko's made since season 1, and it was also a pretty decent way to hint at what might be coming.

Overall an above average episode that actually answers the questions that Kumiko started asking in the first season and connects to other parts of the show pretty nicely.
Nov 30, 2016 7:06 PM

Nov 2007
I really liked this was pretty. I don't really care about Asuka but i enjoyed this because she finally opened up etc.
Reality check for Reina soon?i hope

Kumirei.....i will go down with that ship.
Nov 30, 2016 7:42 PM

Jun 2015
what a heartfelt this episode..
and this anime always know how to keep and change the atmosphere between each episode
Nov 30, 2016 9:02 PM

Jun 2015
God, this episode got to me. Seriously this has been the best episode yet in season 2. I'm seriously looking forward to the next episode, now that we've seen this new side to Asuka. Wow, what an episode.

Also that scene with Taki-sensei and Reina was intense. You could tell Reina was seriously nervous, and Kumiko definitely realized.

Nov 30, 2016 9:37 PM

Nov 2007
Hibike! Euphonium has been able to move almost everything at the same time throughout this season which amazes me of how much work has been put together to consolidate two volumes within a one cour anime season. It seems like each episode shows us a considerable progress of one part of the story while the smaller parts add on and push us towards the next big wave.

In this episode, we are touched upon so many things apart from the largely invested second part, characterization of Asuka and Kumiko's admiration of her senpai which connect the small segment of the final episode of season 1, and bits and pieces from season 2.

At the same time, it didn't fail to remind us that
- Mamiko's situation is still not resolved;
- Reina made progress from being a loner. Now she gives her opinions in front of Midori and Hazuki, effectively she is shown hanging out with the two alongside Kumiko after school;
- While Haruka had her moment to shine during the performance in the station, with her glance towards Asuka as if telling her dear friend "this piece is for you" in episode 7, Kaori is not one to lose. This episode showed Kaori taking the baton and showing that she cares about Asuka, too (the shoelace tying part was one of the most powerful moments I have come across in any anime, let alone just within KyoAni shows);
- Natsuki's character is genuine and she has a beautiful heart as she looked at the bigger picture with the expense of her chance to play in the Nationals;
- Reina and Kumiko are still as close as they were but they are not confined within their friendship anymore;
- Reina's love for Taki-sensei is real as it is taken to a new level; she is shown losing her composure to the point that she had to be called by Kumiko to make her return back to earth (I don't even need to mention her entire body reacting to a faint touch from Sensei all over again but I will regardless);
- Reina's love for Taki-sensei will be challenged as she took a glimpse of Taki-sensei photo from his university days;

Lelouch0202 said:
Lovely chemistry between Reina and Kumiko this episode, Reina described Kumiko's character quite well, She seems simple but at the same time also seems complex underneath. I love how Reina said "I'll tear off that mask." :)

Reina and Shuuichi are the only ones who know Kumiko's real character. Which in return make them closest to her. Relate it to how Reina realized it wasn't the real Kumiko who was confident about going to the Nationals. As a matter of fact, it was Kumiko subconsciously repeating what Shuuichi told her (that he felt like they might have improved considerably in such a short time and at this rate they might even make it to the Nationals). While everyone regarded Kumiko as a goody-two-shoes, Shuuichi didn't hesitate to point out how she can be downright contradictory. No one seems to realize the complex character that Kumiko is apart from Shuuichi and Reina. :)

How does KyoAni produces moments like these still amazes me. There you go. I just had to quote this.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Nov 30, 2016 9:44 PM

Mar 2008
Watch out Reina! Asuka is gonna take Kumiko away from you. I wouldn't mind that one bit. ;)
Nov 30, 2016 10:23 PM

Dec 2014
shanimebib said:

Lelouch0202 said:
Lovely chemistry between Reina and Kumiko this episode, Reina described Kumiko's character quite well, She seems simple but at the same time also seems complex underneath. I love how Reina said "I'll tear off that mask." :)

Reina and Shuuichi are the only ones who know Kumiko's real character. Which in return make them closest to her. Relate it to how Reina realized it wasn't the real Kumiko who was confident about going to the Nationals. As a matter of fact, it was Kumiko subconsciously repeating what Shuuichi told her (that he felt like they might have improved considerably in such a short time and at this rate they might even make it to the Nationals). While everyone regarded Kumiko as a goody-two-shoes, Shuuichi didn't hesitate to point out how she can be downright contradictory. No one seems to realize the complex character that Kumiko is apart from Shuuichi and Reina. :)

Agreed, I've noticed a lot of subtle comments Reina makes about Kumiko. It's especially noticeable when Reina teases Kumiko with Shuuichi, I think it was near the start of the season probably the first episode where she outright claims that Kumiko is really indifferent to these things and often only pretends to be interested, Even during their little hike last season, Reina was pretty straightforward about Kumiko's masks.

As for Shuuichi, I don't think he is as straightforward as Reina is about Kumiko's personality or atleast I've never picked up any obviously noticeable signs of him commenting on her personality or rather I probably just forgot, He really hasn't had much screentime this season. I do remember Shuuichi talking about going to the nationals and that was probably one of the things that influenced Kumiko like you say.
I don't particularly remember Shuuichi pointing out Kumiko to be contradictory, If you remember, which episode was that?
Nov 30, 2016 10:44 PM

Dec 2014
This was such a beautiful episode. Every conversation and interaction was just wonderful.
Nov 30, 2016 10:52 PM

Aug 2013
This episode was really amazing. I find it funny how much my attitude towards this show has changed from the first season and into this one. I went from borderline hating this series in season 1 to really looking forward to every single episode with season 2. Glad I stuck with it. The development was great this time around and I'm glad we got a look at Asuka to the core of her character. Big thumbs up.
Don't believe the hype.
Nov 30, 2016 11:47 PM

Nov 2007
Lelouch0202 said:
shanimebib said:

Reina and Shuuichi are the only ones who know Kumiko's real character. Which in return make them closest to her. Relate it to how Reina realized it wasn't the real Kumiko who was confident about going to the Nationals. As a matter of fact, it was Kumiko subconsciously repeating what Shuuichi told her (that he felt like they might have improved considerably in such a short time and at this rate they might even make it to the Nationals). While everyone regarded Kumiko as a goody-two-shoes, Shuuichi didn't hesitate to point out how she can be downright contradictory. No one seems to realize the complex character that Kumiko is apart from Shuuichi and Reina. :)

Agreed, I've noticed a lot of subtle comments Reina makes about Kumiko. It's especially noticeable when Reina teases Kumiko with Shuuichi, I think it was near the start of the season probably the first episode where she outright claims that Kumiko is really indifferent to these things and often only pretends to be interested, Even during their little hike last season, Reina was pretty straightforward about Kumiko's masks.

As for Shuuichi, I don't think he is as straightforward as Reina is about Kumiko's personality or atleast I've never picked up any obviously noticeable signs of him commenting on her personality or rather I probably just forgot, He really hasn't had much screentime this season. I do remember Shuuichi talking about going to the nationals and that was probably one of the things that influenced Kumiko like you say. I don't particularly remember Shuuichi pointing out Kumiko to be contradictory, If you remember, which episode was that?

It was in episode 4 of season 1. I want to also emphasize on something while I am at it regarding Kumiko being teased by Reina since you brought that up.

Reina doesn't really like Shuuichi. And her opinion about him never changed since she heard he was questioning about Taki-sensei's overall role as an instructor. We really don't know whether she really heard the whole conversation or not. If she did, then she would know that the whole conversation stemmed from Shuuichi's belief that Taki-sensei should have shown Reina his support when she spoke her mind in front of the senior members of the band. This can lead us to two ideas about Reina's take on the matter. The first idea would be, she didn't want Taki-sensei to talk on her favour, which she wanted to avoid at all costs (as she explained it to Kumiko later on in the series before revealing her romantic interest towards Taki-sensei). The second idea would be that she has been just so madly in love with him that she wouldn't care whether Taki-sensei took her side or not. The second notion is so powerful that it negates the idea of what if she didn't hear the part when Shuuichi was actually and genuinely giving his opinion out of concern for Reina that she should have had Taki-sensei's backing. The way we have seen Reina so far, when it comes to Taki-sensei, I have reasons to believe Shuuichi made a natural enemy out of her just by making a negative remark.

This also goes back to the same episode when she first revealed her admiration of Taki-sensei (at that point, it wasn't revealed that whether the admiration was romantic or not) and at the same time, she showed a side of her to Kumiko and Shuuichi that she had never shown to anyone else before. In that respect, Shuuichi actually contributed to Reina revealing her true self to Kumiko, which eventually led to such a sweet relationship. Just give that guy some credit for that alone!

As for why Reina teases Kumiko with Shuuichi with every chance she gets, it's an entirely different story. Because she knows about Kumiko's feelings, a side Kumiko has only ever showed to her. KyoAni is master of telling a story with split second expressions or just through simple gestures. No other studio can match that. I have always said one should pay careful attention between the moment Kumiko tightened her grip on Reina's hand as Hazuki and Shuuichi left the scene with a close capture of her dejected face to the moment she is shown standing in front of the shoe-locker with shoes on her outstretched hand as she drops it on the floor. If that hint wasn't enough, Reina mentions Shuuichi out of the blue as they walked towards the top of the hill (which eventually led to one of the most amazing scenes ever animated in an anime).

This then comes to your first post when you said how you loved it when Reina said "I'll tear off that mask." If you can relate it to what I said above, it would probably lead to only one conclusion if someone actually tore her mask off of her.

Off topic: I find it amusing reading the words 'forced' and 'plot device' every time Shuuichi gets some screen time. It just seems they were not paying enough attention to this brilliantly created anime.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
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Dec 1, 2016 12:20 AM
Nov 2010
Really enjoyed this episode. The teasing by Reina and Kumiko was pretty cute. I liked how Kumiko tried to protest that everyone's expectation and request to convince Asuka was unreasonable. It was really well packed, with learning more about Kumiko while interceding for Asuka and learning her backstory was the driving force.

The ending also was perfect. i really loved the silence then addition of the ambient sound as Asuka played. Kumiko whispering at the post credits fit the mood perfectly. Soft and warm.
Dec 1, 2016 12:37 AM

Jan 2013
shanimebib said:
Lelouch0202 said:

Agreed, I've noticed a lot of subtle comments Reina makes about Kumiko. It's especially noticeable when Reina teases Kumiko with Shuuichi, I think it was near the start of the season probably the first episode where she outright claims that Kumiko is really indifferent to these things and often only pretends to be interested, Even during their little hike last season, Reina was pretty straightforward about Kumiko's masks.

As for Shuuichi, I don't think he is as straightforward as Reina is about Kumiko's personality or atleast I've never picked up any obviously noticeable signs of him commenting on her personality or rather I probably just forgot, He really hasn't had much screentime this season. I do remember Shuuichi talking about going to the nationals and that was probably one of the things that influenced Kumiko like you say. I don't particularly remember Shuuichi pointing out Kumiko to be contradictory, If you remember, which episode was that?

It was in episode 4 of season 1. I want to also emphasize on something while I am at it regarding Kumiko being teased by Reina since you brought that up.

Reina doesn't really like Shuuichi. And her opinion about him never changed since she heard he was questioning about Taki-sensei's overall role as an instructor. We really don't know whether she really heard the whole conversation or not. If she did, then she would know that the whole conversation stemmed from Shuuichi's belief that Taki-sensei should have shown Reina his support when she spoke her mind in front of the senior members of the band. This can lead us to two ideas about Reina's take on the matter. The first idea would be, she didn't want Taki-sensei to talk on her favour, which she wanted to avoid at all costs (as she explained it to Kumiko later on in the series before revealing her romantic interest towards Taki-sensei). The second idea would be that she has been just so madly in love with him that she wouldn't care whether Taki-sensei took her side or not. The second notion is so powerful that it negates the idea of what if she didn't hear the part when Shuuichi was actually and genuinely giving his opinion out of concern for Reina that she should have had Taki-sensei's backing. The way we have seen Reina so far, when it comes to Taki-sensei, I have reasons to believe Shuuichi made a natural enemy out of her just by making a negative remark.

This also goes back to the same episode when she first revealed her admiration of Taki-sensei (at that point, it wasn't revealed that whether the admiration was romantic or not) and at the same time, she showed a side of her to Kumiko and Shuuichi that she had never shown to anyone else before. In that respect, Shuuichi actually contributed to Reina revealing her true self to Kumiko, which eventually led to such a sweet relationship. Just give that guy some credit for that alone!

As for why Reina teases Kumiko with Shuuichi with every chance she gets, it's an entirely different story. Because she knows about Kumiko's feelings, a side Kumiko has only ever showed to her. KyoAni is master of telling a story with split second expressions or just through simple gestures. No other studio can match that. I have always said one should pay careful attention between the moment Kumiko tightened her grip on Reina's hand as Hazuki and Shuuichi left the scene with a close capture of her dejected face to the moment she is shown standing in front of the shoe-locker with shoes on her outstretched hand as she drops it on the floor. If that hint wasn't enough, Reina mentions Shuuichi out of the blue as they walked towards the top of the hill (which eventually led to one of the most amazing scenes ever animated in an anime).

This then comes to your first post when you said how you loved it when Reina said "I'll tear off that mask." If you can relate it to what I said above, it would probably lead to only one conclusion if someone actually tore her mask off of her.

Off topic: I find it amusing reading the words 'forced' and 'plot device' every time Shuuichi gets some screen time. It just seems they were not paying enough attention to this brilliantly created anime.

People just don't pay as much attention to male characters in anime, unless it's an action show or something. Lots of people couldn't even understand Renton from Eureka 7 over Eureka herself because they didn't pick up on bone's hints.

It's also why Kyoukai No Kanata has such a bad rap among kyoani fans, even though it really shouldn't.
Dec 1, 2016 2:04 AM

Dec 2009
Oh damn, Reina's reaction to Taki-sensei was cute as fuck, more gap-moe~
She noticed the picture, i wonder how wise she'll be.

shanimebib said:
How does KyoAni produces moments like these still amazes me.
They have the experience doing so. Remember, they animated Clannad.

It takes a lot of understanding psychology. Passion shows off in the research and comprehension of subject: be it playing music in this case, or social interaction as with every case. When you love your work, you go the extra mile. Story requires the social mechanics knowledge (interaction, how B responds to A and causes C etc), while animation/acting requires the knowledge of details in expressions as well as voice and demeanor (body language etc).

TitanAnteus said:
People just don't pay as much attention to male characters in anime, unless it's an action show or something. Lots of people couldn't even understand Renton from Eureka 7 over Eureka herself because they didn't pick up on bone's hints.

It's also why Kyoukai No Kanata has such a bad rap among kyoani fans, even though it really shouldn't.
More like people are just plainly ignorant to general human psychology. It's why a lot of anime are looked down upon for various clichés and so on, despite accurate commentary on psychological behaviour in most anime.
GenesisAriaDec 1, 2016 2:25 AM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Dec 1, 2016 4:20 AM

Apr 2016
As Natsuki fan-boy I am of course delighted once again with this episode. I laughed at kaori's "give her her favorite food" strategy and the way Natsuki herself wasn't that convinced. Kumiko, Natsuki worrying about Asuka and then Mizore with Azumi coming and asking Kumiko to tell Asuka they are waiting for her : I had watering eyes. I'm such a cry-baby sometimes.

With this episode that's the second time I had a kind of Hyouka flashback. Did anyone noticed ? At some point, they begin to tell a story and a nice melancholic piano music comes in the background. That was a typical trick in Hyouka, when they were telling something from the past. Here in this episode, it happens when Asuka begins to talk about her childhood. There was something similar happening at the last encounter between Kumiko and Aoi.

Same as @SoraSenpai above, I didn't understand the take with Asuka low angle shot and the dark light while Kaori was tieing Asuka's shoes. Usually, this kind of shot should have a meaning but I didn't get it either. Is there something going on between Asuka and Kaori? From this episode it's quite obvious they are close (Kaori even knows the favorite food of Asuka's mother) but how close are they really?

In this episode it's also clear that all the senpais and Reina love Kumiko, not necessarily because she sees through people, as Reina says, but more because she shows interest in others which is her great quality (as long as it doesn't go too far).

Reina, Asuka, the dialogs, the backgrounds, the camera angles, the music ... a great episode once again.

Don't get me started on Eureka7 and Kyouka no Kanata : in these two shows they tried too hard to force the feels, some characters were dumbs beyond redemption and as far as I'm concerned they crossed the line with the yelling to a point I wanted to punch some people (and I won't even speak about some story developments).
If in Hibike I did have the feeling they were sometimes overdoing it "a little", they just never crossed the damned line and the overall quality, realism and great voice-acting and the direction in this regard make me forget the little "so so" and love it overall. All a matter of taste and sensibility of course. For me it's like day and night.
Dec 1, 2016 4:36 AM

Jan 2010
can anyone tell me how much of the novel is covered in the anime by now? maybe spoiler tag
Dec 1, 2016 5:16 AM

Dec 2014
Nice to see more Kumiko and Reina interactions. Also, the "her blood is probably tasty" line is FAR from being subtle.

Great performance there as well.
Dec 1, 2016 5:24 AM
May 2016
Great episode. Kinda like the unusual camera angles that gave more serious tone, also the animation and color scheme.
Finally that Reina and Taki-sensei scene though.
Glad to see that genuine smile of Asuka. Kumiko saved the day.
Kid Asuka was so adorable.
Dec 1, 2016 5:26 AM

Jul 2016
Oh my goodness those Reina moments were so well done even for Reina moments. I want to know who the episode director was because he/she clearly has preference for her. This episode is probably the best directed and animated episode in terms of technique S1 e12.

The second half with Asuka was brilliant and the way they slowly and continuously build Asuka's character is masterful. She and Kumiko have some of the best chemistry in the anime considering how similar they are despite having different backgrounds and personalities.

Kyoani seems to be teasing us with Kaori with her presence in the episode. She seems to have visited Asuka's place before. Kind of sheds more light onto their relationship along with Haruka.
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