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Sep 24, 2016 11:24 AM
Jan 2014
-Abyss_Walker- said:
Why is there a second season when everyone is dead?.... or are they going to get asspulled back to life Aldnoah Zero style?

did you not see the ending this anime is one of branches. i assume the ova is about moon route. where she trys to find a better timeline to fix everything.

then 2nd season would be terrra. and the mc personality is different also.
Sep 24, 2016 11:26 AM

Jul 2015
Gotrys_Cheslock said:
Is Harmonia that good?

Yes, it has its problems, but it's good anyways. I really loved its story and I liked it more than planetarian.
Sep 24, 2016 11:26 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
Fucking really rewrite ?
Boobgrab joke in the middle of all this ?
It was really bad.
Still enjoyed some characters so it hit me a little bit when i've seen some of them disappearing but thats just me being weak af when this kind of stuff happen. >_>

4/10 because like i said, i liked some characters.
would be worst without that
Sep 24, 2016 11:27 AM

Dec 2014
Through and through, this anime was a fucking mess. Bad animation, incomprehensible plot, and a lackluster character cast. Its a shame too, as it did have moments where it was actually pretty decent, but those are very few and far between.

At least Kagari was cute.

Sep 24, 2016 11:28 AM

May 2013
And here I thought this show couldn't make any less sense. This episode sure taught me a lesson :D

Sep 24, 2016 11:31 AM
Sep 2016
Well...this was uh...sloppy. Couldn't really give a damn. Seems like there's gonna be like a, "restart" for everything, based on the epilogue and season 2. Eh, I'll still watch it.
Sep 24, 2016 11:33 AM

Feb 2008
ChiefViriathus said:

The thing is, I've seen it done better, visual novel adaptations that is. It depends on the director, knowing what to cut and what to include, which the staff of Rewrite didn't know anything about. I agree with you that inherently visual novels are very hard to adapt, but it can be done, it just needs a lot of effort. Which wasn't at all displayed in this anime.

I know but they probably didn't put so much effort into this to become like this.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Sep 24, 2016 11:33 AM
Jul 2018
ok so either kill kagari and save the world or let her live and go to another planet and everyone is dead... WTF did i just watch?! I guess season 2 is going to somehow restore humanity with the same people? if not then 5.5/10.
Sep 24, 2016 11:36 AM
Jul 2018
(This entire paragraph took me hours to write, copied and pasted it and this will probably be my final thoughts on the manner)

Since I finished the episode, I can finally give my overall thoughts on the anime rather than having confliction after confliction of the anime as a whole. But anyway this will be divided into two parts, one focusing at the episode itself, and the other half is the overall anime itself for me in my honest opinion. Be warned that this is going all around my personal opinion, so of course it will be a personal thought here.

Now for the episode in itself alone and the closure itself, I personally liked how the series or at least the first season closed around, and of course giving salvation through as I predicted, because in all honestly I didn’t really see any way for the series to be closed in one cour, and no offense really but if they did that it would really be very weird, at the same time very poorly executed in terms of like it was built up for “that” scene in some sense. I just do not really see how they would wrap things up that way in one cour for my end. As for it was done, it was a decent setup for the second season that was announced at the end of the episode, which while it was still expected considering Rewrite wouldn’t be complete without the main routes, it was still nice to see in terms of the news. So in terms of setup it was pretty decent, especially well, even though I wasn’t the big fan of it, they did had to shoehorn the one thing which was from Terra. I didn’t liked the idea but if they do have to do so they had to, which was fine in that case.

Animation wise it was pretty fine, some scenes were like pretty choppy but some others were pretty nice and smooth, albeit there are like some derps around the episode but they weren’t too much on my end which distracted me so they were minor, and as for the episode in itself in terms of emotional impact, it was rather a bit heart wrenching in some certain scenes. But its not as heart wrenching compared to the originals, but it was still something.

As for the issues, there are a few that I personally had in mind with the episode in itself, while I liked the setup, there were some pretty stupid things here or some few things that do not really make sense for me.

Why did Kotarou still turned into that in the second half of the episode? It doesn’t really make sense because in Kotori’s Route

The CGI for Sakuya was pretty bad, since it doesn’t really blend well with the background art and the scenery in general, unless it was like a dark tone. If it was like on a darker tone of lighting like night time then that would be fine at the very least. I just didn’t really see it working with that type of background.

Overall the episode alone was fine, didn’t had really that many issues in comparison to other episodes, and it was a decent setup to the second season.

Now for the overall thoughts on the anime?

I don’t really think it was horrible, at least for my end. Like there were some pretty interesting things implemented in the anime, for example making it easier for anyone to maybe understand one main point that I like about the Visual Novel. Another thing is that I liked the arrangements which were pretty nice to hear, although rather short but they were still nice to hear at the very least personally. Art as like alone it’s not too bad, it’s more from the long shots looks pretty bad as well with some close shots being rather weird, that’s due to time constrains for the animators to maybe animate things well or make things look good. Animation at times looks alright, some good, a lot of them are pretty choppy, but I guess it wasn’t as bad compared to other things I saw.

From an anime original content stance, it did its job at least to setup things for Terra and Moon, and I really appreciate that, especially since now they already showed the flashbacks from Kotarou’s past which would now work for Terra’s end, because if they added that flashback in Terra it wouldn’t really feel natural in my personal opinion. Although the route itself isn’t really great aside from the setup it brought up.

From an adaptation’s standpoint, it’s not really as horrible for my end, but they could have done it better in some way or another. Like for instance even though they wouldn’t adapt all the comedy skits, at least focus on some that are actually pretty good ones for the episode count, at least for me. One episode you can focus maybe on one to two days most likely, etc. That can work fine on my end considering some days takes like 2-3 hours for me. Or a few takes 5 in total. I don’t really agree by adapting all of the 20 hours considering from an anime onlies’ standpoint they would get bored quickly (at least the western audience from my experience), it would drag itself for too long and then well, a lot of things happens through the time being dragged on, but I do think they could have done it better in some way… Just thinking that they could still stay with the comedy even though it may bore people to death because it is dragged for too long, but then it wouldn't have much content left to cover, or if they could have maybe focused on the main things since 80% of the Original VN for Common is SoL and Fluff, probably giving a good idea of the stuff having in, you know?

And for the anime onlies’ perspective, well… it’s hard to really grasp the situation or the points the anime gives, its pretty much giving not much details and its pretty much a lackluster experience for the viewer, just because you don’t really get any clear or exact explanation about the factions would do, or at least information aside from their main goals or what they do in here. It doesn’t really give a pretty clear perspective here and it takes away the experience of the viewer in itself, which is a shame really. Unless someone can go and dig a lot to understand the stuff that’s going on but it’s a very rare case in all honesty (I’ve seen one person already getting the main idea of Rewrite which was surprising). You don’t really get the grasp on the characters, nor the story, nor what it’s telling as an anime watcher, in all honesty.

Overall, my viewpoints here are different but my overall viewpoint on the anime is that its pretty fine, it’s not really the best but I could at least understand what’s going on as a reader, but it wouldn’t work much for the anime only viewer’s standpoint and if I was an anime only, then that would mean I would be confused the ever living hell out of it. No joke around on this thing even, it would be very confusing for an anime onlies’ stance.

But overall for personal experience I guess it was fine, it was strong at the beginning, went a bit down after like 7 episodes for me, but it didn’t really took away much of my enjoyment. Overall I’ll probably give it like a 6.5 or something.
Sep 24, 2016 11:44 AM

Sep 2011
Blackbird said:
ChiefViriathus said:

The thing is, I've seen it done better, visual novel adaptations that is. It depends on the director, knowing what to cut and what to include, which the staff of Rewrite didn't know anything about. I agree with you that inherently visual novels are very hard to adapt, but it can be done, it just needs a lot of effort. Which wasn't at all displayed in this anime.

I know but they probably didn't put so much effort into this to become like this.

Not probably. They totally didn't put effort. If they did, it shouldn't confused the watchers, no rushed stuff that it gets done after 3-5 minutes heck the Kotori parents part took only 30 goddamn seconds IIRC, and we're not seeing any sped up conversations between characters. And last but not the least, no such stupid thing such as the boob grab at the end like, IS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE A JOKE? Well, this whole anime is a joke anyway.
TennoujiSep 24, 2016 11:51 AM

Sep 24, 2016 11:46 AM

Jan 2013
Impressive finale to the greatest Rewrite anime to date.

With my heart full of gratitude, for everything good in the world, I give this a 3/10.
Sep 24, 2016 11:58 AM
May 2016
Nice finale. It was a fun and feels ride, though kinda rushed.
Sep 24, 2016 12:00 PM

Jan 2013
Yup I fucking called it. Season 2 Moon+Terra by 8-bit. Garbage studio but I'll give them a shot since it looks like the whole season is only Moon+Terra assuming it gets another 12-13 episodes this could actually work. 4 for Moon, 8-9 Terra and it might not be a disaster after all.

As for this episode itself it was ok I guess. They still tried to rush some stuff in like Akanes whole thing and Kotoris dog which were very emotional scenes in the VN but here just like back with Kotoris parents it's just completely empty and pointless.
Kotarou vs Esaka felt a lot like the Earth Dragon fight from Terra with similar results actually. No idea how Sakuya became that monster in this route and even more importantly how in the hell did they kill him?

Basically the big thing is the ending. It's basically what the Terra ending would inevitably look like if they let you choose not to kill her. Salvation happens, everyone dies except there would be no second try. I didn't mind seeing it and it would have been a good ending had the rest of the series not been shit.
Also they just killed Imamiya off screen I mean come on. His design in this is also shit. He was one of my favourite male characters and they do him like this? Just fuck you 8-bit.

In short, good ending to a mediocre anime with some really shitty parts and a handful of pretty decent parts. 7/10 for this episode and 6/10 for the whole anime.
Lets pray to God Moon and Terra are done correctly.
Sep 24, 2016 12:07 PM

Jul 2015
Nice last episode imo, actions and fells/comedy was good.
Its cool that we get S2 , now i can finish the VN and get the better picture of the story.
Anyway i really like the anime overall and ill give it 9/10
Sep 24, 2016 12:08 PM

Dec 2007
And so the Rewrite: Free Coffee arc has ended.

Some episodes were great, some were outright meh, but no matter. The sequels will follow a linear route, and when 8bit and Tenshou do it, we get great anime such as Grisaia no Rakuen. Not gonna miss S2 for sure.
Sep 24, 2016 12:09 PM

Jul 2008
It was watchable but 13 episodes for a bad end? OK...
Sep 24, 2016 12:19 PM
Jan 2016
The anime was eh at times, but the ending mostly made up for it (minus boob grab.)

Cried a bit at the end with Chibimoth, but tears are just weakness leaving the body.

Not as good as the VN by any means, but enjoyable enough.
Sep 24, 2016 12:19 PM

Sep 2012
Felt like this was a really nice treat for me as a VN player. But anime-only watchers probably felt this was as bad as the unexplained mess Aldnoah.Zero S1 was, especially with such an ending lol.
Sep 24, 2016 12:32 PM

Jul 2009
It's the first anime in a while that made me regret wasting my time on it .... really ... what's with the last episode ... how they plan to make me wana watch the other season now ?
Sep 24, 2016 12:34 PM

Mar 2014
that was an interesting Ending... everyone dies or "ascent" as they called it.

At least it makes for an interesting twist, not your typical happy ending anime :p
Sep 24, 2016 12:35 PM

Sep 2011
Would call this the trainwreck of the season, but a lot of other shows took that. Sadly, for a key adaptation, this was just pure bad.
Sep 24, 2016 12:51 PM

Aug 2008
Short for those that don't understand basically this is one of many routes that happen in the universe towards saving humanity. This route ended in a bad end, in the vn the 5 girl's routes are each different parallel universes with bad ends pretty much all implied to end the same. So make the assumption a season 2 will be bringing all the routes in moon/terra together in a way hopefully towards the goal of saving humanity in the end.
Sep 24, 2016 12:53 PM

Feb 2014
Smudy said:
How are they gonna make a second season when this just happened? I guess, i don't understand what's going on, but this finale was actually really good (despite the fucking boob grab WTF you just had to do that there, yeah?).

7/10, close but this finale was good enough.

For the second season point, did you see the scene after credits? That might give you a vague idea, but if not that's fine. It will be explained next season on what's going on.
Sep 24, 2016 12:57 PM

Jul 2013
Iazrien said:

nice spoilers, bro.
Sep 24, 2016 1:01 PM

Jun 2015
What a bad series. The CGI hurt my eyes, comedy was out of place in some parts, and it felt really rushed. Ending was a bit sad though. 4/10
Sep 24, 2016 1:04 PM

Jun 2011
ARubinsky said:

Complete destroys any build-up tension and dark vibes by using unecessary jokes at serious moments.

I just hope they don't destroy Moon and Terra with these ridiculous jokes all the time. Shit has already been done to this season, nothing we can do...
This last episode was "good" (not horrible) until the "cup a feel" came to mess with all that tension created, man I want to kill myself.

ARubinsky said:

They have the final scene with Moon Kagari and the time lines. They have the concept right, but why didn't they use it properly to make a good adaptation with all routes?

Yup, they decided to give more space to jokes and unnecessary shit.
Sep 24, 2016 1:12 PM

Nov 2013
wtf... while i liked the characters, specially kagari... but i have no idea what the story is about and i didn't like them all disappearing like that... lol

i was thinking about watching kagari route stuff on youtube or something but not sure if i want it anymore =D

oh well maybe season 2 will make me like this again
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Sep 24, 2016 1:20 PM

Dec 2012
winddevil1 said:

i was thinking about watching kagari route stuff on youtube or something but not sure if i want it anymore =D

Kagari route doesn't exist in VN Kagari route is anime-original route only route.
LightBladeNova said:
It makes me sad to know that still hardly anyone knows what a visual novel is, even in the anime community.
Sep 24, 2016 1:20 PM

Aug 2015
What an hilarant final

Sep 24, 2016 1:33 PM

Feb 2014
absolute cluster fuck from beginning to end LOL, i can tell there were some good ideas behind this original route, but the staff had no idea how to execute them appropriately, not looking forward to the second season.
Sep 24, 2016 1:33 PM

Aug 2015


Z-DanteSep 24, 2016 1:56 PM
Sep 24, 2016 1:37 PM

Aug 2013
2/10 overall this is probably the worst anime I have watched all the way through an even worse adaptation then Grisia which I didn't think was possible.

Honestly I am not going to look at season 2 unless the reviews are good.
Sep 24, 2016 1:39 PM
Jan 2016
Not the best ending, but it was good! waiting for 2nd season!
Sep 24, 2016 1:43 PM

Jun 2011
Fayt89 said:
Honestly I am not going to look at season 2 unless the reviews are good.

There's no way the reviews will be good
Sep 24, 2016 1:45 PM
Mar 2016
So, how will they do a season when they've made a clean ending of this anime?
Sep 24, 2016 1:46 PM

Jun 2011
Whoahoho said:
So, how will they do a season when they've made a clean ending of this anime?

Watch after the ending, this season was just one of an infinite number of possibilities that Kagari Moon is testing to make the world have a good ending.
Sep 24, 2016 1:49 PM

Nov 2013
Ishkoten said:
winddevil1 said:

i was thinking about watching kagari route stuff on youtube or something but not sure if i want it anymore =D

Kagari route doesn't exist in VN Kagari route is anime-original route only route.

well no idea waht it is but i remember watching a bit of kagari stuff on youtube, where they were talking about her boobs and stuff lol
looking on youtube "rewrite kagari route" now there's videos that i don't know anything about =D
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Sep 24, 2016 1:51 PM
Mar 2016
2nd season ? why they make this so rushed ? they can make it with better pace if they've plan two cour #confused
Sep 24, 2016 1:56 PM

Aug 2012
3/10 pretty unbearable to watch. Low quality visuals and piss poor direction. Only enjoyable parts were the cute moments.
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Sep 24, 2016 2:04 PM

Oct 2015
7/10 nothing more to say.....hope next season is good this one was boring.
Sep 24, 2016 2:05 PM

Apr 2009
Ang004_Kaga said:
why they make this so rushed ?

The vn's story by now is worth 2 2-cour seasons easily, so it's no wonder it feels so rushed. So much was omitted that in the end nothing made sense. Having read the vn I know what's up, and I deem the adaptation to be beyond unsalvageable even if they decide to continue with the story beyond this point.
Not nearly as bad as Umineko's rendition, but as far as vn adaptations go it's easily one of the worst ones I've seen.

2/10. That one point is for using the vn's music score - the bgm was as good as I remembered.

Sep 24, 2016 2:11 PM

May 2015
I thought the finale was decent. As for the show itself, disappointing pretty much. I'll just leave it at that, and hope that the next season will be a lot better.


Sep 24, 2016 2:14 PM

Feb 2016
OK, everyone dies END (looks like Kagari didnt die)

what a failure
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Sep 24, 2016 2:18 PM

Aug 2013
That boobgrab made me want to tear off my hair.
Sep 24, 2016 2:20 PM

Jul 2015
This is the result of when I give into the hype and have some hope that it lives up to it and instead I'm hit with a mega dose of disappointment. No point in comparing this to the VN as the anime failed to stand out on its own anyway


@Ragna44 that part made me laugh and everything after that was bad and funny
terminador_2397Sep 24, 2016 2:28 PM
Sep 24, 2016 2:27 PM
Mar 2015
Stupidest version of the end of the world I have ever seen. Series is just unintelligible
Sep 24, 2016 2:52 PM

Jul 2013
Well, I totally didn't expected a bad ending. I thought some asspull will happen and save the day, but, nope, everyone dies at the end.
I cannot say I disliked the ending, since I honestly found it very sad. Seeing Kotarou, Kagari Kotori, Yoshino and everyone dying was too much.

On another note, now I understand why this will have a second season thanks to the ending with Kagari looking the timelines. This anime basically adapted a route who ends in a bad ending, for that reason Kagari was crying at the end. And I suppose the second season will have a better ending (or so I hope).

About the series itself, as a non VN reader, I had mixed feelings about it. In one note, I think the first episode was cool, I enjoyed some of the school scenes because those gave more characterization to the characters, and I liked the majority of the cast.

The problem, like always, is that when you adapt a VN with more than 20 hours into an anime of 13 episodes, a disaster is bounded to happen. And that it's obvious seeing how those final episodes were very rushed (the fact that this very episode started with a lot of sudden events who weren't implied in the previous episode like Akane killing the old lady or Sakuya turning into a monster out of nowhere is another proof of that) after spending the precious time they had into the school parts, without counting that the series didn't reached to the final, let's say arc, of the anime, with characters suddenly appearing, others with their backstories being told in a rushed way (see Lucia and Shizuru) and the events having an unnatural feeling instead of being climatic and having a proper pace. They should gave this two cours at least.
I also hated how they used CGI to animate the monsters, thing that made them look awkward. Not even the T-Rex of the 12th episode (who was portrayed in hand drawn style when Gaia was creating it) was saved from that.

At the end, I felt this is just fot the ones who read the VN and that as a filthy secondary, that wasn't directed at me, since they also didn't explained a lot of the things of the series, but, oh, well, I finished this and I will watch the second season during the next year, hopefully. My only wish is that if they will make the second season 1 cour again, at least 8bits takes the decency of try to develop the things better and not introduce a big rush at the end like has happened with this one.
5/10 overall.
IllyricusSep 24, 2016 2:56 PM
Sep 24, 2016 2:57 PM

Jun 2009
So freecof didn't have the world? Such a shame.

Seriously, though, as anime only watcher I was pretty confused the whole ep. Was that big, err... dinosaur? monster? or whatever, Sakuya? Chihaya called it Sakuya, right? And then in the final moments they are together. I was kind of hoping to get some sort of explanation about these two. On that note, didn't Kotarou's parents work for Gaia? He said they worked for that company when Kagari asked about them and later it turned it the company is just a mask. I hoped we would get to see them. I mean, why mention that they work specifically for this company that turns out to be Gaia and never mention them again? Hopefully s2 will fix that. And what exactly did Pan and Girl do?

All in all I found this anime to be super rushed and often confusing. Plus those horrible chickensaurus, bad animation and inappropriate jokes... I'm giving this 6/10 because I will be watching s2 and I'm hoping to read VN some day.
Sep 24, 2016 3:09 PM

Jun 2011
PerlaNemesis said:

Was that big, err... dinosaur? monster? or whatever, Sakuya? Chihaya called it Sakuya, right? And then in the final moments they are together. I was kind of hoping to get some sort of explanation about these two.

They won't explain these things in Moon and Terra, so I'll write in spoiler.

Sep 24, 2016 3:10 PM

Aug 2015
I'm not sure how I feel.
But you know, that's pretty gutsy to basically end the show on "Everyone dies. The End"

How would they make a 2nd season from that?
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