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Sep 19, 2016 12:27 AM

Jan 2016
Just a honest question, really. Also, seeing how relatively low it is rated by MAL makes me wonder.

I mean if you don't feel it tugging at your heartstrings, you're either heartless or is not in tune with their emotions.
Sep 19, 2016 3:58 AM

Aug 2011
Boring as fuck food focus and awkward student x teacher angle.

I'm also relatively heartless, though not without an eye for cuteness, and this just doesn't cut it.
standSep 19, 2016 4:01 AM
Sep 19, 2016 6:29 AM

Oct 2015
stand said:
Boring as fuck food focus and awkward student x teacher angle.

I'm also relatively heartless, though not without an eye for cuteness, and this just doesn't cut it.
Basically this, it's based on cooking alone with tsumugi's reaction. for like all episode I know I haven't watched all episode but damn i lost interest in it after the first 5 episodes.
Sep 19, 2016 7:30 AM

Aug 2015
Harmony said:
stand said:
Boring as fuck food focus and awkward student x teacher angle.

I'm also relatively heartless, though not without an eye for cuteness, and this just doesn't cut it.
Basically this, it's based on cooking alone with tsumugi's reaction. for like all episode I know I haven't watched all episode but damn i lost interest in it after the first 5 episodes.

Woah basically my thoughts on this show so far lol though maybe I'll give it another shot after clearing some of my watchlist.
Sep 19, 2016 7:35 AM

Jun 2012
Different taste, i for example don't like Candy Candy, all time classic, it is too mean spirited for me, there is just pain.
Sep 19, 2016 8:01 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
First half something happen, second half they go cooking.
Pretty much this every episode.
I still really enjoy it but i can totally see why some people dont like it.
Sep 19, 2016 8:08 AM

Jan 2014
People who dislike a repetitive plot line with no real direction other than moe overlord.
Also this
stand said:
awkward student x teacher angle.
Sep 19, 2016 12:54 PM

Mar 2015
My problem with this is that they focus too much on sensei and the kid, I wanted to see more of Kotori.
Sep 19, 2016 1:01 PM

Nov 2011
I dislike it now, because there was no Sensei x Kotori development.

Bonus space for you and me with this link! Now 500MB per referral, up to 16GB from referrals alone.
Sep 19, 2016 1:50 PM

May 2010
linchpin said:
I dislike it now, because there was no Sensei x Kotori development.

i like it way more because of it.
Sep 19, 2016 2:06 PM

May 2015
vong10 said:
My problem with this is that they focus too much on sensei and the kid, I wanted to see more of Kotori.
The anime.. Is about sensei and the kid.. Lol, you knew that before you started watching.
Sep 19, 2016 2:11 PM

Mar 2015
Ray-Sensei said:
vong10 said:
My problem with this is that they focus too much on sensei and the kid, I wanted to see more of Kotori.
The anime.. Is about sensei and the kid.. Lol, you knew that before you started watching.

No, it's about the 3 of them. She deserved more screen time.
Sep 19, 2016 2:17 PM

Jul 2012
I wonder the same with Barakamon but some bitch on MAL thinks that show sexualizes children.
Sep 19, 2016 2:38 PM

Nov 2011
Even though I loved the series I had people who were thrown off because every week it's "Okay what are we going to feed Tsumugi this week." And they weren't wrong, thats basically what this anime was. You got some back story here and there but mainly focused around what Tsumugi will eat.

vong10 said:
Ray-Sensei said:
The anime.. Is about sensei and the kid.. Lol, you knew that before you started watching.

No, it's about the 3 of them. She deserved more screen time.

100% agree. There was not enough Kotori interaction, they don't even explain why she's terrified of Knives.
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Sep 19, 2016 2:56 PM
Hot Stuff

Mar 2012
Maybe there will be a season 2. I can only hope :-)
Sep 19, 2016 2:58 PM

Dec 2012
It's just an 'x of the week' anime so it's no real surprise.
Sep 19, 2016 3:21 PM

Apr 2016
I like the show but in its segment it's surely not the best.

It's somewhat repetitive, there's almost no development or if there is, it's too subtle to be noticed. We don't get enough to my taste from the side characters. No side story either. I was not so sure about Tsumugi, sometimes it looked exaggerated and like a too obvious attempt to "strike the chord".

If we compare with usagi drop or barakamon, this show is obviously far behind and so the rating, even though the differences might be subtle.
Sep 19, 2016 4:10 PM

Jul 2011
It could just that it's to simple of a show. There's really no high drama, no relationship, same kind of story line, it's too cute, there's no moments where he missies his wife to the point he's about to have a break down. There are many reason's why people would be turned off by this show.

Now I like the show, because it's relaxing and I enjoy Tsumgi is enjoyable to watch. Still most people want more to the husband trying to raise his daughter. Still that's just my thoughts.
Sep 19, 2016 4:13 PM

Apr 2012
CapitalistGod said:
Also, seeing how relatively low it is rated by MAL makes me wonder.

Relatively low? It's at 7.84. That's around #11 for this seasons anime (not counting previously started anime). I'd say it's doing pretty good.
Unless you consider that this anime lost consistently a good amount of rating with each episode, even though it's still somewhat high. It started at 8.46 before airing and was at 8.16 shortly before episode 2 was out. What would you like it to have as a rating?

I dropped it at episode 5 and gave it a 4 (yes, I see 5 as the average).
The premise was okay, the characters aren't really (for me ofc). Some issues were already mentioned above by others like the repetitiveness.
But additionally I really dislike the personality of Inuzuka. He comes off as mentally challenged whenever he interacts with his daughter and food is involved.
This ultimately made Tsumugi pretty annoying for me as that's what the anime is basically about: her and food.
While I found the interaction between Inuzuka and the student rather uncomfortable to watch in its awkwardness (but I liked her despite it).
I hoped this would be similar to Flying Witch but was greatly disappointed. Although the tone/atmosphere is somewhat similar.
But knowing that this is much higher than Fukigen na Mononokean is the real scandal here. :P
Sep 19, 2016 4:45 PM
Sep 19, 2016 4:52 PM

Jun 2008
CapitalistGod said:
Just a honest question, really. Also, seeing how relatively low it is rated by MAL makes me wonder.

I mean if you don't feel it tugging at your heartstrings, you're either heartless or is not in tune with their emotions.
You said it right there, some people have a lump a coal where their heart should be. I have to feel bad for them. This was the feel good anime this season. I hope they have another season of it. The manga is to good not to do more.
(and so what if it's episodic)

animedude1287 said:
It could just that it's to simple of a show. There's really no high drama, no relationship, same kind of story line, it's too cute, there's no moments where he missies his wife to the point he's about to have a break down. There are many reason's why people would be turned off by this show.

Now I like the show, because it's relaxing and I enjoy Tsumgi is enjoyable to watch. Still most people want more to the husband trying to raise his daughter. Still that's just my thoughts.
You're right. It's just focuses on food, friendship and family. All the drama and action is between the cooking.
What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?

Sep 19, 2016 5:07 PM

Mar 2009
By not having a soul.
Sep 20, 2016 2:25 AM
Oct 2010
It's boring, it's the same setup every episode without much development to anyone or anything. Barakmon and Usagi all moved forward, this show never changes from the first episode. Barakmon was also pretty funny to. There's another show that looks like it's trying to mimic these types next season and I will be fully avoiding it.
Sep 20, 2016 2:51 AM

Aug 2015
I like this show, but sometimes i feel so bored 'cause it became too predictable at most of the part.. About Tsumugi.. i feel like she's a bit unnatural. Yeah she's cute and adorable, but sometimes she acts like an adolescent girl which makes her annoying :/ Naru is still better and more natural than her imo..

SoraSenpai said:
100% agree. There was not enough Kotori interaction, they don't even explain why she's terrified of Knives.
Hmm.. If my memory right, I think they already explained it.. She accidentaly cutted her finger when she helped her father with a knive, that's why she got that trauma.
Sep 20, 2016 3:39 AM

Jun 2015
People have different tastes, it's as simple as that.
Not too mention it's repetitive, slightly boring at times, and pretty slow.

I still enjoyed it and gave it a 7, but I can understand why people wouldn't like it.
"Hurry up with my damn croissants."
Sep 20, 2016 3:41 AM

Jan 2015
As somebody pointed out already - 7.81 is by no means a low score.
I personally liked this show a lot but I know it has its shortcomings and I can see why people wouldn't take a liking to it at all.

DMoC said:
People have different tastes, it's as simple as that.
Not too mention it's repetitive, slightly boring at times, and pretty slow.

I still enjoyed it and gave it a 7, but I can understand why people wouldn't like it.

Yeah, basically this :D
Sep 20, 2016 3:47 AM

Sep 2015
It's sooooooooooooooooo slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow and I find nothing interesting about it past just one aspect

And I'm somebody who really likes SoL anime, moreso than I like action anime, but this just isn't my type of SoL at all

I really liked it when I first picked it up. Then I watched the second episode, and I started tabbing out to post on the site I use most for discussion and such. Then I watched the third episode, which I tabbed out to watch an entire 15 minute long YT video. This was when I realized this show was shit at keeping my attention. I don't find it very funny, I don't find it very cute, and overall I just don't find it very interesting.

I do like the dad, though, but that's just because the whole "single dad trying his best for his kid" is something I have a real soft spot for, but a soft spot like that isn't nearly enough to make me interested in a SoL that doesn't make me laugh or doesn't hold much moe appeal. I watch anime for vapid reasons. I don't care about things a YT critic or somebody would care about, and so I don't really find myself caring about this one very much.

Plus, this one was kind of a forced watch. I have a few friends on here I know from a different site and they all flipped out over this one, so I was kind of sweet-talked into watching this one by one of them instead of something of my own volition. I doubt I would've picked it up otherwise, honestly. Even if I like the dad character, it was pretty clear this wasn't my kind of SoL just by looking at the page on this site.

Still trying to arse myself to get to episode 5. No sign of success so far.
ManabanSep 20, 2016 3:52 AM

Sep 20, 2016 6:58 AM

Nov 2012
It's an episodic cooking anime. It's perfectly understandable if some people don't like this, because this anime doesn't have much 'story'.

As for me, I like this show because... well, it's about cooking.
A city's greatness is determined by the speed of its internet connection.
Sep 27, 2016 4:19 AM

Jul 2013
I don't hate the show but it's just contrived and the characters feel forced. They act like puppets to give your smiles instead of real characters.

It tries to mimick Barakamon somewhat and it kinda feel's like poor mans Barakamon.
Sep 30, 2016 10:00 PM

Jun 2011
Kuruwin said:
It tries to mimick Barakamon somewhat and it kinda feel's like poor mans Barakamon.
I don't get how it's "mimicking" Barakamon when they are so different in what they are doing. Just because it has the same "one child, one adult" setting, doesn't mean that they're the same. Granted, I dropped/onhold Barakamon around episode 5, but Barakamon is more comedy/slice of life, and Amaama to Inazuma is more drama/slice of life based on what I have seen. I do agree though, if you mean both series are trying to milk (with limit) the cute factor in the kids.

Kuruwin said:
I don't hate the show but it's just contrived and the characters feel forced. They act like puppets to give your smiles instead of real characters.
Things can be really simple sometimes, there's no need to overthink things all the time, and it doesn't mean that they don't when their thoughts weren't monologued. Give us smile? It was painful seeing otosan trying his hardest to keep the smile of his daughter even when he's still hurting from the death of his wife, that's not giving me a feel-good time. What about when he had difficult time understanding his daughter whenever she had an issue in school? To quote her, "he doesn't talk about girls at all, all he thinks of is food", and the reason of that is because he cares about her, he wants to make her happy, but he's not a psychic, he can't read her mind, he doesn't know a lot about girls, he's not good at this, that's why he's trying his hardest for her. If that doesn't feel real to you, maybe he should've left her with her grandparents or something? Maybe he should have lashed out and caged her at home? He is trying to be positive (aka not real according to your logic) for his daughter. /rant
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Sep 30, 2016 11:38 PM

Sep 2015
It's probably those ppl who only like adventure/actions
/supernatural anime and accidentally heard this from a friend and thought it was an adventure/action/supernatural
Sep 30, 2016 11:39 PM

Sep 2009
It might be boring, but I haven't watched it yet, so iunno.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Oct 1, 2016 12:01 AM

Jul 2013
ToG25thBaam said:
I do agree though, if you mean both series are trying to milk (with limit) the cute factor in the kids.

That was what i meant. The fact that they went for the same actor and mannerism just enforces it.

But you are definitely wrong about this show being drama show. I have only watched half but if this is drama then anything with negativity is drama then.

ToG25thBaam said:

I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain how the show is lowbar because how obvious it is. Very arrogant answer i know but i'm not here to make you see and it's not worth the time and effort to try to do that by writing.
KuruwinOct 1, 2016 12:35 AM
Oct 1, 2016 12:43 AM

Jun 2011
Kuruwin said:
I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain how the show is lowbar because how obvious it is. Very arrogant answer i know but i'm not here to make you see and it's not worth the time and effort to try to do that by writing.
Not gonna force you if you're not willing to do so, just wanted to say my piece because of some of the negative comments like "awkward student x teacher angle", when the show hardly ever reinforced the student/teacher relationship between otosan and Kotori, and didn't even show a glimpse of forcing the Kouhei x Kotori ship yet. Just because something is going to happen in the future and you know about it, doesn't mean that it is happening now.

Kuruwin said:
But you are definitely wrong about this show being drama show. I have only watched half but if this is drama then anything with negativity is drama then.
Amaama is not a drama, but it is more drama than Barakamon, and I am just using it as an example to show the contrast between 2 series.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Oct 1, 2016 1:02 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
It showed some promise at first, especially with how adorable Tsumugi was, but it became soooo repetitive way too fast. It basically became a mediocre cooking show where everything revolves around making various types of dishes and seeing how Tsumugi reacts to it. I mean SoL doesn't have to be that complicated but damn it at least give it a bit more variety than this. As a result the first 3 or so episodes were fun and all but the rest were just painfully boring
Oct 1, 2016 9:55 AM

Sep 2016
CapitalistGod said:
Just a honest question, really. Also, seeing how relatively low it is rated by MAL makes me wonder.

I mean if you don't feel it tugging at your heartstrings, you're either heartless or is not in tune with their emotions.

It's more mature than whatever you can find out there in the last years. Having adults and kids interacting means trite lessons everyone knows about but it's a completely fine way to treat clichè compared to animes which make serious business and/or completely idiotic drama out of the same issues. And yes it's pretty adorable, coming with a manga with great art too, with food as social lube stuff as others kind of point out above me. It has a sorta creepy romance hook but the anime seems uninterested in milking it because it doesn't need to.
That's pretty much it Imho.;l

Mormegil said:
By not having a soul.

Nobody has one silly;0
FondenteOct 1, 2016 10:06 AM
Oct 1, 2016 4:22 PM

Mar 2009
You got me there.
Oct 2, 2016 2:30 AM

Nov 2011
It's just because it's a "feel good" show with no real story progression to it.

Most of the characters are actually pretty static, but they seem to grow because the episodes give you the missing "pieces" to their characters as they go with events that have already happened.

Not that it makes the show poor though. Sometimes I just want to sit back, relax, and eat my food and watch something that doesn't want me to pull my hair out. Amaama was the perfect answer for that, which is why I enjoyed it.

I can definitely see why people would have rated it lower though if they were expecting something more than just your typical "feel good" show.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Oct 3, 2016 6:44 AM

May 2014
I think it's what you expect from this show. Viewers need to check the genre first to avoid disappointment.

It's a slice-of-life cooking anime, and I think it lives up to it's name. I feel hungry after every episode (and I feel like cooking something too). It's an anime that you'd want to watch after a long and tiring day when you just want to relax and rest your mind.

I think the interactions between Tsumugi and her father are quite heart-warming, but I'm also wondering if she might be slightly spoilt (i.e. her mood-swings and tantrums) or if that is what is expected of pre-schoolers. Anyway, the best pre-schooler I know is hands down still Ushio (ref. Clannad after story).
Oct 12, 2016 1:37 AM

Sep 2013
This really is something to watch slowly.
As people have said, it is repetitive in nature AND it's slice of life.

It exists to heal your soul. And gently warm your heart.

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