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Jun 13, 2016 10:31 AM

Nov 2011
Finally, an all out battle episode but eh...I find the action to be literally all over the place.

So much for Sakura's grand performance.
Eh, yeah I feel like this episode was just all over the place in general, nothing impressive besides some of the action scenes. Poor cat maid ;o
Jun 13, 2016 11:24 AM

Apr 2010
So the true villain makes her appearance and carries out her plan and it seems things are hectic.
I guess the ending might be interesting if it's not the same as usual nut for now it already seems obvious how things are going to end.
Jun 13, 2016 12:23 PM

Sep 2015
The song the pair sang the same with the ed song =) i really think it was a nice song.
Jun 13, 2016 12:28 PM

Jan 2012
Bee bombs! Vitaly is so fuckin' sexy. Too bad she's evil. XD Preview suggests she's after Claire's sister but is confronted by her brother, that could be fun.

animefan8800Jun 13, 2016 12:34 PM
Jun 13, 2016 12:33 PM
Jul 2018
We got some bee bombs!

I felt bad for the cat maid!
Jun 13, 2016 12:34 PM

Jun 2014
Some decent action I guess, nothing else really stood out. I'm just glad this is almost over, next week needs to get here ASAP.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jun 13, 2016 12:37 PM

Jan 2015
No you can't Hayato. You must save you energy for the battle of the final episode. You should just leave all the chaos for now to the other Little Garden students. LOL
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Jun 13, 2016 1:10 PM

Jan 2015
Vitaly so hot!

Can't wait for the last ep :)
Jun 13, 2016 1:12 PM

Jul 2015
animefan8800 said:
Bee bombs! Vitaly is so fuckin' sexy. Too bad she's evil. XD Preview suggests she's after Claire's sister but is confronted by her brother, that could be fun.

gotta love her tie. More like... I'd like to feel what that tie is feeling.

Too bad Sakura's concert got interrupted. Action was ok. Wonder how they'll finish it up
Jun 13, 2016 2:43 PM

Feb 2015
I actually don't care what happens anymore, just want it to end really.
Jun 13, 2016 4:02 PM

Feb 2015
That character design is pathetic even for this cookie cutter cliche, ecchi harem, shounen trash.

Crashmatt said:
I actually don't care what happens anymore, just want it to end really.

I empathize with this.
Jun 13, 2016 4:20 PM
Nov 2015
So those cleaning robots were behind it all along also poor cat-maid robot.
Jun 13, 2016 4:52 PM
Jul 2018
Ecchi critique: Considering how big the breasts are on some of these characters. There really needs to be a jiggle effect. I find it odd how everything doesn't move.
Jun 13, 2016 6:44 PM

Nov 2013
The attack seemed awfully easy, considering that Little Garden is basically a fortress. Evil slayer douche still thinks, Vitaliya is a good person. Time to wake up already. I still wonder why everyone spells her name wrong.

In the scene, where Claire said "They're big", I thought you're right, they are big. Your boobs.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Jun 13, 2016 6:55 PM

Nov 2014
the actions of the school is really laughable that is the reason that don't make teens run a school, i'm literally laughing while watching the decisions of the commander, stupid people... but if that what makes the plot move then meh...

so for now in terms of entertainment for me

Rakudai>>>Mahouka>Fafnir>Bahamut>Sky Wizards>Anti Magic Platoon 35>Asterisk>IS>Absolute Duo>>Blade Dance>>World Break>Trinity Seven>>>Hundred

2/5 for the episode
Jun 13, 2016 7:33 PM

Sep 2011
Stark700 said:
Finally, an all out battle episode but eh...I find the action to be literally all over the place.

Did we watch different episodes? This episode had all of 5 seconds of action in it, and it was half-assed at that.

- The overall animation in this episode was extraordinarily subpar, using a bunch of still pans instead of actual animation.
- The audio wasn't great. We didn't need the 90 seconds of singing at the beginning as it contributed absolutely nothing to the overall plot.
- When they weren't singing the episode was just a bunch of standing around and talking with a bunch of awkward silences in between.

This series has been nothing but disappointment for me outside of episode 1. I was genuinely excited after episode 1, but it steadily declined every episode since then after it turned ecchi/rom, and it doesn't even do a good job with that. I suppose it is my fault for hoping this series would be a genuine action series. From now on I'll assume all action shows are generic romance with little action unless proven otherwise.
Jun 13, 2016 8:01 PM

Aug 2015
Shirasho said:
Stark700 said:
Finally, an all out battle episode but eh...I find the action to be literally all over the place.

Did we watch different episodes? This episode had all of 5 seconds of action in it, and it was half-assed at that.

- The overall animation in this episode was extraordinarily subpar, using a bunch of still pans instead of actual animation.
- The audio wasn't great. We didn't need the 90 seconds of singing at the beginning as it contributed absolutely nothing to the overall plot.
- When they weren't singing the episode was just a bunch of standing around and talking with a bunch of awkward silences in between.

This series has been nothing but disappointment for me outside of episode 1. I was genuinely excited after episode 1, but it steadily declined every episode since then after it turned ecchi/rom, and it doesn't even do a good job with that. I suppose it is my fault for hoping this series would be a genuine action series. From now on I'll assume all action shows are generic romance with little action unless proven otherwise.
"I was genuinely excited after episode 1, but it steadily declined every episode since then after it turned ecchi/rom, and it doesn't even do a good job with that. I suppose it is my fault for hoping this series would be a genuine action series."

This was your first mistake. From even before this started airing it was clear from the get-go what kind of show this was from the synopsis to the character designs and genre tags.
Jun 13, 2016 8:16 PM

Sep 2014
1 more episode! yay...
Jun 13, 2016 8:27 PM

Sep 2015
The sad part is I think the source material is actually really good. I read the prologue of the first light novel and it was well done. Just started reading the first book. The bad part is it's not really translated I could only find the first book.....

This anime is meh had hoped the action episode would be better but it's not. There is to much story to wrap up in one episode it seems so you know the ending is going to be trash as well.
Jun 13, 2016 8:38 PM

Sep 2011
FlameSpeedster said:

This was your first mistake. From even before this started airing it was clear from the get-go what kind of show this was from the synopsis to the character designs and genre tags.

I've run into quite a few shows where the tags and/or synopsis were misleading because they sound like they were written by somebody who is trying to sell the show instead of saying what it is actually about in an educated and refined manner. As the saying goes, don't judge a book by its cover. In this case the synopsis is the writing on the back which is often also misleading.
Jun 13, 2016 8:42 PM

Nov 2012
Just watching it to see how this will end... this is pretty much standard near-end episode of similar kinds of anime.
A city's greatness is determined by the speed of its internet connection.
Jun 13, 2016 10:34 PM

Aug 2013
Fights everywhere, for now the protagonist has not done anything in the episode, and lack only one more episode to the end, I want to see what Hayato and his harem will do in the last episode and if there will be any surprises ..
Jun 13, 2016 10:55 PM
Mar 2015
Crashmatt said:
I actually don't care what happens anymore, just want it to end really.

pretty much, just about
Jun 14, 2016 12:51 AM

Feb 2016
Eleven episodes and the best thing that has happened was the guest appearance by the Roombas.
Jun 14, 2016 2:31 AM

Dec 2014
finally a villain shows up... last episode to go.... meh an average episdoe still
Jun 14, 2016 7:49 AM

Apr 2014
So now it's the red line monster thingy that come after them instead of the yellow line.
Still meh.
Jun 14, 2016 10:45 AM

Jun 2013
Decent episode I guess
Jun 14, 2016 11:32 AM

Sep 2013
Roombas of Doom XD
Vitaly begins her attack and dominates early on, she even takes control of the 3 hunters.
Now Hayato to the rescue?

Mei-Mai kicking ass , too bad she messed up :'(
Jun 14, 2016 6:58 PM

Jan 2011
I'm trying to sit through this, since this is more action oriented, and another slightly less annoying chick with huge oppais is in it. But it's hard.
Jun 14, 2016 7:23 PM

Aug 2014
Wow.... This production company just gave up on Hundred, and it turned out to be just a horrible show..

Let's not forget about the lazy animation.. *Sigh* This was meant to have beautiful girls lol

Also, it was all over the place (so many questions than answers)
Jun 14, 2016 7:59 PM
Jun 2013
Great episode. Finally things are going down. Vitaly is hot but that Karen's cameltoe though. Not even imouto is safe from fanservice. Looks like it's going for the climax next episode. And perhaps one bonus harem onsen episode at the end.
Jun 14, 2016 11:47 PM
Nov 2014
Last few episodes of this show been a real let down imo. This episode in particular was all over the place and aside from Vitaly actually putting her plan into action nothing really happened in the episode. Though my only reason for watching this show prior was Claire, Vitaly is a great 2nd reason even if she is evil. Also for a supposedly hyped up/strong character in terms of combat Hayato is pretty lame, was better when he could and did go berserk, ah well this anime needs to hurry it up!
Jun 15, 2016 12:27 PM

Apr 2013
Yautja said:
That character design is pathetic even for this cookie cutter cliche, ecchi harem, shounen trash.

Crashmatt said:
I actually don't care what happens anymore, just want it to end really.

I empathize with this.

The best part of this episode is that it means it's almost over.

Jun 15, 2016 12:45 PM

Dec 2012
I can't believe I made it through all this way lol, if this was a 2 cour this would've been my first drop. *phew*
Jun 15, 2016 1:54 PM

Jul 2015
Am I the only one who skipped the begin. I dont like that damn singing at all.
Jun 15, 2016 2:13 PM

May 2012
I actually really like Vitaly lol A bit cliche for a villain, and her motives most likely as well, but her design and personality are pretty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I can guess what's gonna happen in the last episode already, sadly
OlemJun 15, 2016 2:28 PM

Jun 17, 2016 4:15 AM

Feb 2015
3751's was an okay episode. i can pretty much imagine what will happen at the final episode. i kinda disappointed too that the hunters got brainwashed and went into Vitaly side again. it could be way better imo if they joined the others, i mean slayers.

but overall, i still think it's just a meh....episode. not really that impressive or good but not that bad too. just medicore....okay...
too bad that this anime has a pretty good action but the story and the plot.......
Jun 18, 2016 4:58 AM

Dec 2012
This episode was pretty bad. The concert at the beginning was too long, we already heard it in the last episode and the action was all over the place.
Jun 18, 2016 7:49 AM

May 2015
Just like how this episode felt all over the place, my attention felt all over the place. I was barely paying any attention to this episode. It felt really dull.

Jun 20, 2016 5:45 PM

Sep 2012
Yeah... Pretty bad episode. Singing animation was still just still images being panned over. Honestly just a waste of 10 minutes.

If you pay attention to the barrier's meter when they're all in the command room, you can tell that shit was dropping like a brick. Yet they're all standing there, slowly, VERY slowly, talking about pointless shit instead of sending the two soldiers that are standing right there, to fight them off.

You can tell they're starting to rush things off for the ending, as with all of these types of animes. If only they'd start cutting pointless crap out (instead of adding them in) would these animes be better...
Friends are there to lend a hand when you can’t do something on your own. It’s not one person doing all the work protecting everyone, we help each other when in need. That’s what friends are for.
Jun 21, 2016 6:56 AM

Nov 2011
Even this time, we see the characters beautifully chat when out war rages furiously, it is irritating, what waited for her to come out the coffee? D:
A real contradiction also discussion between Claire and Charlotte, arguing Vitaly and not prepared to fight her, what nonsense! :(
Little action, and nothing exciting, perhaps the only thing interesting and Meimei attack on Vitaly in the final.

animefan8800 said:
Bee bombs! Vitaly is so fuckin' sexy. Too bad she's evil. XD

Perhaps the boobs are the only thing along with the quality of the drawings, which can attract some possible user. The rest is somewhat mediocre, starting with the characters.
Jun 25, 2016 4:33 PM

Feb 2013
More action less talking please.

So sad, I wanted to see Claire use her lasers :(
Jun 25, 2016 9:03 PM

Mar 2015
Finally, one more episode.
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Jul 2, 2016 3:35 AM

Nov 2015
Yeah nothing's impressive, action scenes were all over the place.

Jul 30, 2016 3:20 PM

Apr 2015
Those tits are really disturbing... All of dem look like freakin' pears XDD
Dec 10, 2016 5:37 PM

Aug 2014
I'm actually glad that Vitaly came to attack Little Garden because I couldn't take one more second of that god awful concert.
KashKetchumDec 10, 2016 7:20 PM
May 15, 2017 10:13 PM

May 2015
Vitaly is a villain after all [I had my doubts but the way she treated the siblings confirms it(?)] That noise/frequency must control people and I bet it the same trick she used to control Wendy. One more episode to go!
Jun 10, 2017 2:00 AM

Dec 2012
Dat Vitaly oppai. She can get the Vita-min D.
Ike! Silver Blitz! Form change.
"They're big." That's whar she said.
LAWD! Vitaly oppai.
Mei Mai pantsu.
Mei Mai is a.....?
Gotta show off Vitaly's oppai to end the episode.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Jul 19, 2019 1:28 PM

Apr 2013
That concert was really... just bad. So Vitaly just shoots people with a pistol and they can't do anything about it huh... okay.
Dec 16, 2020 4:19 AM

Apr 2020
Even though the festival was really fun, but Vitaly ruined everything, Tch
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