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Sep 11, 2015 2:55 AM

Sep 2015
Imeon said:
Jklmn said:
But She doesn't deserve Soma'attentions because of her behaviour.
No matter how beautiful she's may be..

That's her character. But you can't ignore the fact that it was her that motivated him to REALLY strive harder. Remember the opening ceremony? Soma swore to make Erina that he'll make her say one day that his food are delicious.

That made me think that the series will end once Erina says,

"It's delicious, Soma." *blushes*smile

I don't discuss this and I'm not a Erina hater :-)...but to make their future relationship believable and more shareable (?) her character must get a nice development,that's all.
Sep 14, 2015 6:44 PM

Sep 2015
No body voted for Yūki Yoshino yet?
Good! Now she is my girl LOL
Sep 16, 2015 10:24 AM

Aug 2015
Rindou-sempai ! Please suck my blood <3 !
"Slowly but surely."-Me

Hey Pals Let's Be Unique!
Sep 21, 2015 8:28 AM

Mar 2015
RedHazard said:
Ryōko Sakaki

Okay, so I had to wiki her name, but she's the other girl in the dorm with long hair and big boobs.

Best Girl!

She's 2nd hottest girl, right after erina <3
Sep 23, 2015 12:26 AM

Apr 2015
Jklmn said:
Imeon said:

That's her character. But you can't ignore the fact that it was her that motivated him to REALLY strive harder. Remember the opening ceremony? Soma swore to make Erina that he'll make her say one day that his food are delicious.

That made me think that the series will end once Erina says,

"It's delicious, Soma." *blushes*smile

I don't discuss this and I'm not a Erina hater :-)...but to make their future relationship believable and more shareable (?) her character must get a nice development,that's all.

We're going there dude.
Sep 23, 2015 4:30 AM

Sep 2015
Imeon said:
We're going there dude.

Hmm..I hope so, but I have expressed my concerns in chapter 135 thread.
Erina that fights is more fascinating than a erina is only subdued.
Sep 25, 2015 8:48 PM
Feb 2011
Takumi Aldini (oh, wait a second...)... lol what?!?!? xD

Personally I say Megumi is best girl
Sep 26, 2015 5:43 AM
♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡

Dec 2014
Megumi all the way~

She has high quality waifu material

(っ◔◡◔)っ 𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓭𝓪𝔂 ♥
Dec 30, 2015 9:12 AM
Nov 2015
I like all Shokugeki girls too

Megumi is cute
Alice is the most beautiful and the funniest one
Erina the tsundere
Ikumi the hottest
Yoshino and Sasaki are a great duo

but... the best one is Hisako. I love her interactions with Erina and her relation with Souma too.
BetoYeriExyDec 30, 2015 9:17 AM
Jan 6, 2016 4:05 AM

Jul 2012
Couldn't decide just one character... Love all of them!
Erina,Alice,Megumi,Rindou,Hisako etc...
Jan 6, 2016 11:19 PM
Nov 2013

What does it said?
Jan 10, 2016 1:12 AM

Dec 2015
I think Erina has the most potential out of all the girls, being one of the main female leads aside.

Sure, she hasn't appeared much yet or has had many chances to shine. But the later chapters have done really well to show that she's more than just the haughty tsundere or princess type. She's just a teenager like the rest of the main cast, a teenager who hasn't had enough experience with people or the feeling of an actual 'home'. And she's not immovable - stubborn yes, but you could see that she's starting to develop, even if only bit by bit. That's nice to see.

xx0:44 ─🔘────────────── 04:44x
xxxxxxxxx ❚❚ xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jan 10, 2016 1:16 AM

Sep 2009
... Where's Rindou Kobayashi?
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Jan 10, 2016 10:52 PM

Jun 2015
TsukiCrasher said:

What does it said?

Copied from Mangahelper thread:
the top one:
I love Mis.Erina very much.Are they,Souma and Erina,going to feel any special emotion mutually?
I can't help being anxious about that,please help me.

bottom one:
Wait a bit,please!I will be able to tell you about that kind of their feeling in the comic near future.
"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then why not live beautifully until the end?"- Sakata Gintoki, Gintama
Feb 8, 2016 11:09 PM
Jan 2016
Okay, let me be honest, I don't really like Erina. For the bigger part of the series, she has been almost the most unpleasant and cliché character. It's quite frustrating that so many people instantly went ahead and jumped on the Sorina Ship! (The reasoning of a certain guy on the Internet was hilarious: "Tsundere girls always end up with main heroes.")

And up until the finale of the Moon Banquet Festival Arc, she remained the same stuck-up and insignificant character. No offence to her fans is intended. And then the author does the impossible: He makes Erina an innocent and fragile female character. I honestly love Azami. I guess I have a thing for men in trenchcoats and with black and white hair. Huh...

Anyway, am I the only one who thinks it was way too sudden? And the whole background for the Nakiri family was so interesting that I almost believed it was planned. Almost.

And now, if you ask me, out of all the girls and women ever presented in Shokugeki no Soma, I would say that Erina is behind the following characters:

1) Tadokoro Megumi.
Character development? Check. Interesting personality? Check. Awesome relationship with the main hero? Check! Honestly, I ship SouMegu much harder than Sorina. They are just more compatible if you ask me. And plus the moments these two share feel so much more natural and better than Sorina.

2) Hisako Arato.
No matter what you say but in my opinion the author has given Arato way mlre thoughts in terms of development than he gace to Erina. I really like how she was shown to always try to stay behind her employer/friend and how, after facing the defeat by Hayama, she did her best to overcome this flaw. And once again, I ship her with Soma more than Sorina.

3) Nakiri Alice.
Maybe I am just a sucker for Albini girls or maybe I just love this type of character.

4) Momo Akagenakubo and Kobayashi Rindo.
Boy, they haven't been here for long but I already prefer them over Erina. Especially Momo, she is just way too cute especially when fighting and showing her bad temper.

5) Sadatsuka Nao.
I ship her and Soma quite hard. Guess, I love the way their cooking styles could vring them together. You know, maiing nastylicious dishes together!
Feb 8, 2016 11:15 PM

Mar 2014
Not voting, since I can't choose between the Nakiri duo, Megumi & Hishoko.
Feb 10, 2016 2:07 AM

May 2012
If I could personally date any one of them I'd chose Alice, but my favorite girl in the show is Erina due her tsundereness and interactions with Souma.
Feb 11, 2016 7:39 PM
May 2015
I voted Alice since I've loved her since forever. Her hotness is only rivaled by Rindou-senpai. She's also too cute and funny. She's also pretty damn strong, easily top tier among 1st years bar Erina. And tbh, I was madly shipping her with Souma after their fight in the Autumn Selection. But further chapters proved me that they would be better as friends/rivals. Heck, I can even see them being partners in crime xD

My other favorites:

Hisako, actually she's almost at a tie with Alice for me, but Alice is first love, and first love never dies. Now with Hisako, I really fell for her during the Stagairre arc with her interactions with Souma. And as shipping goes, she's the best waifu for me for Souma. And she's also pretty strong in her own right. She's pretty up there with Souma and the boys,she just needs some badass moments to prove her worth.

Next is Megumi. While usually I don't dig this type of character, she has proven to be not your typical bland/boring girl. A lot of people are saying she's Onodera/Hinata. At some point yes, but after the Autumn Election, that wasn't the case anymore. Although not quite at Souma and co's level yet, she has proven that she can fight strong opponents if needed be and actually put up a good fight. The fact that Ryo acknowledged her is the game point for me. She will continue to develop and will be an Elite 10 for sure. She's also my second ship to Souma next ti Hisako. And I find her personality more fun than Onodera/Hinata. Heck, she even has a special table tennis mode, what's not to like about that.
Feb 19, 2016 2:22 AM
Jun 2013
Alice and Hisako two of my favorites here. Erina and Megumi are not so bad either.
Think all of them have their own charm.
Oh well, why not go harem all the way.
Feb 19, 2016 4:26 AM
Feb 2016
Where is Rindou?! I love her...
Btw, I voted Megumi. I usually don't like this type of character (the shy, submissive and boring girl like Hyuuga Hinata), but Megumi has proven to be more than this. She had a good development chapter after chapter, becoming stronger and confident. Unlike Hinata (a lot of people compare Megumi with Hinata) Megumi don't live and fight only for the boy she loves but first for herself. She is stronger, combative, she's kind with all her friends, and not only with Souma.
Plus I love the fact she's a girl from a little town that wants to promote it's local products.

P.S. : sorry for my bad eng. :P
Reality618Runner said:
Okay, let me be honest, I don't really like Erina. For the bigger part of the series, she has been almost the most unpleasant and cliché character. It's quite frustrating that so many people instantly went ahead and jumped on the Sorina Ship! (The reasoning of a certain guy on the Internet was hilarious: "Tsundere girls always end up with main heroes.")

And up until the finale of the Moon Banquet Festival Arc, she remained the same stuck-up and insignificant character. No offence to her fans is intended. And then the author does the impossible: He makes Erina an innocent and fragile female character. I honestly love Azami. I guess I have a thing for men in trenchcoats and with black and white hair. Huh...

Anyway, am I the only one who thinks it was way too sudden? And the whole background for the Nakiri family was so interesting that I almost believed it was planned. Almost.

And now, if you ask me, out of all the girls and women ever presented in Shokugeki no Soma, I would say that Erina is behind the following characters:

1) Tadokoro Megumi.
Character development? Check. Interesting personality? Check. Awesome relationship with the main hero? Check! Honestly, I ship SouMegu much harder than Sorina. They are just more compatible if you ask me. And plus the moments these two share feel so much more natural and better than Sorina.

2) Hisako Arato.
No matter what you say but in my opinion the author has given Arato way mlre thoughts in terms of development than he gace to Erina. I really like how she was shown to always try to stay behind her employer/friend and how, after facing the defeat by Hayama, she did her best to overcome this flaw. And once again, I ship her with Soma more than Sorina.

3) Nakiri Alice.
Maybe I am just a sucker for Albini girls or maybe I just love this type of character.

4) Momo Akagenakubo and Kobayashi Rindo.
Boy, they haven't been here for long but I already prefer them over Erina. Especially Momo, she is just way too cute especially when fighting and showing her bad temper.

5) Sadatsuka Nao.
I ship her and Soma quite hard. Guess, I love the way their cooking styles could vring them together. You know, maiing nastylicious dishes together!

I agree with you!
Feb 21, 2016 8:43 AM

Jun 2014
It's a hard choice!!! But my vote go for megumi, probably second is Alice following sakaki... Their are so hot!!
Mar 11, 2016 7:14 PM
Aug 2014
I used to hate Erina, then I emphasised with her. not from the latest arc but rather a year prior that. Reading all the doujin with her makes me feel bad on hating her. Now after the latest chapters, she's best girl and I'm shipping her.

<in most doujin she's brutally raped by random people>
Mar 11, 2016 7:27 PM

Jun 2014
Love them all but as of lately I'd say Alice or Megumi. Momo seems interesting too (more than Rindou honestly).
Nao & Nikumi are so underrated & they need more screentime.
Mar 25, 2016 12:22 PM

Aug 2015
Mephisto62 said:
Akapilka said:
Alice, no contest.

Of course , who else can compete against her ? :P
No one in the universe.
Anime was a mistake. Heil Manga.
Mar 25, 2016 3:06 PM

Feb 2015
update the list pls!!!
Where is Rindou??? T_T

Since she is not here
My vote is for Hisako
and in third place megumi

for forth??
Fumio-San V_V
Apr 23, 2016 12:43 AM

Apr 2014
All, except Megumi. She sucks. Lucky, for Soma she is still in the academy know what.
Apr 27, 2016 3:36 AM
Apr 2016
After much hesitation I chose Nikumi because I feel like she has the most character growth (also her name is mito and that still makes me smile) she's always ready to give a helping hand and is really knowledgeable in her field.
I also really like Megumi, Alice and Hisako it was a tough call!
May 3, 2016 3:23 PM

Jul 2012
My vote is for Megumi, actually i dont like this type of female character but i dunno why i liked her.....
How could I betray, when I never said I would obey?
Jul 18, 2016 4:45 AM
Mar 2016
yuyyuka said:

Don't get me wrong, I like Erina (not as much as I love Megumi), but Erina getting 2nd place twice makes me wonder how this poll works

This poll was worldwide, which means even us, the oversea fans, could vote. It was done online, with your twitter account or another way (I did it with my twitter acc). I think you had multiple choices as well.

Of course, most who voted were Japanese than us, seeing how in this thread none knew we could vote as well.

If anything someone should question the popularity of Hishoko jumping out of nowhere in top 5 than why Erina is second again.

Anyways, for this poll I voted for Erina. She is my favourite girl in the story. I usually dislike tsundere types, but with Erina is working damn well. I like self-confident, helpful and prideful woman who know exactly where they stand and what they want, get their job done and have a line with serious and smug faces.

Second is Alice, because she is pretty great and I like her pouting faces a lot (both nakiris have great faces when you tease them). Hishoko is third favourite because how helpful and cute she can be.

With Megumi, I first thought she would be my favourite but for some reason, I just think of her as "fine" and nothing more. I like her character development although I would like for help to have more self confidence and stand her opinion.

Can you tell me how to participate in that voting? I want to vote as well. Is it by following Tsukuda's post? Unfortunately i can't understand japanese at all (i can't read it) :(
Jul 19, 2016 12:37 AM

Jun 2011
I will always be on Megumi's side, even if this ship fails harder than Onodera's...
I pray everyday that we get one where the tsundere doesn't win...
Jul 19, 2016 4:49 PM
Oct 2013
Rayla said:
I will always be on Megumi's side, even if this ship fails harder than Onodera's...
I pray everyday that we get one where the tsundere doesn't win...

Lol. Erina isn't even tsundere, she's himedere. Stay butthurt.
Jul 19, 2016 6:16 PM

Jun 2011
What are you trying to accomplish replying to me? If you want me to care, I'm sorry but I don't.
Jul 24, 2016 8:16 AM

Dec 2014
Erina for me. I like her character development so far. She's been high and low and now stronger (seems like she's become some pillar of support for their batch now). Also when it comes to Soma, I like how she actually helps him get through difficult challenges (she's given advices and Soma values her opinions). It's quite different with Soma-always-to-the-rescue-of-Megumi (please don't get me wrong, I do like Megumi too except for her always getting saved by Soma during a pinch).

As for Erina's tsundere character, I quite find it funny actually especially when she gets all smug in the past, of waiting for Soma to get expelled only to be greatly disappointed. But oh well, just my opinion. XD
LuzuNataliaJul 24, 2016 8:22 AM
Jul 24, 2016 8:15 PM

Jul 2016
I chose Ryōko for myself.


Based on the character development, I chose Nakiri Erina for this series.
Jul 25, 2016 4:47 AM
Jul 2016
My favorite is Alice, but after these recent chapters I like Erina too.
Jul 26, 2016 5:47 PM

Aug 2008
I don't understand anyone who voted Erina. She's a mega bitch
Romance comedy anime - Japan's gift to America
Jul 26, 2016 6:43 PM
Jul 2018
The one that shoved a cucumber in her vagina
Aug 1, 2016 8:45 PM

Mar 2016
Erina best girl.

That's all that matters, and that's all that counts.
have never had a L anime opinion in my life
Aug 4, 2016 12:18 PM

Sep 2013
Erina still the best, but Ikumi gets me hard too :(
Aug 5, 2016 8:27 AM

Nov 2015
It's obviously going to the tsundere. The tsunderes always win, don't they? Ex: Chitoge from Nisekoi, Emilia from Re:Zero, Kirino from Oreimo, and now Erina. I'm tired of this s**t.
Aug 10, 2016 5:40 PM

Mar 2013
_LorDNiCo_ said:
It's obviously going to the tsundere. The tsunderes always win, don't they? Ex: Chitoge from Nisekoi, Emilia from Re:Zero, Kirino from Oreimo, and now Erina. I'm tired of this s**t.

Okay, let's name some anime that don't have a tsundere winning alright? Let's see hmm... oh yes:

1) Clannad (saddest anime ever gets a timid girl as the main heroine)
2) Absolute Duo (stoic heroine)
3) Danmachi (I recall many fandom screaming "HESTIA IS BESTIA"?? She's not a tsun btw.)
4) TWGOK (Chihiro, a bit of tsun but not that tsun, wins the endgame)
5) Little Busters (Rin, who is a timid loli who is a tomboy not tsun)
6) Mahouka (ONII-SAMAAAA!!!)
7) Mashiro-iro Symphony anime (Hate this shit cuz the dere dere heroine who barely has developments won, OH and look! the tsundere didn't win. :/ )
8) Noragami (Hiyori of course)
9) OreShura (Sadistic non-blonde girl)
10) Princess Lover (Another shit where the dere dere who barely do anything won)
11) Rakudai (Stella aint a tsun. She's just clumsy :p )
12) Robotic Notes (GENKI GIRL !!!)
13) Saenai Heroine (Everyone's favourite stoic Kato Megumi)
14) Sakurasou (Blonde but not tsun. Wins)
15) Naruto (Hinata. Need I say more?)
16) Working (Have 2 pairings. Both arent tsunderes)
17) Bakuman (Deredere main girl and it was so good)

Still wanna complain? Even if Tsunderes kept winning, the anime they're potrayed in might sometimes not be as good as something like Clannad or Bakuman. OreImo and Nisekoi weren't even that good and even I was against Kirino winning. Erina in Shokugeki no Souma is one of the rare tsunderes that actually been potrayed and developed better than most others hence making her shockingly popular despite her tsun tendencies. She deserves it. :3
Oct 13, 2016 7:18 PM
Jul 2011
_LorDNiCo_ said:
It's obviously going to the tsundere. The tsunderes always win, don't they? Ex: Chitoge from Nisekoi, Emilia from Re:Zero, Kirino from Oreimo, and now Erina. I'm tired of this s**t.

Emilia is not a tsundere.
Oct 13, 2016 7:22 PM

Oct 2016
I prefer Alice, but Erina is Erina...
Uma linda calmaria com uma brisa gelada
um verde pouco vivo que indica o inverno rigoroso,
um horizonte coberto por neblina,
me faz ter mais curiosidade de ver oque lá se passa
nas ruas esbranquiçadas o silêncio predomina
e tudo oque mais quero é viver mais um dia neste mundo.

My MAL list
Oct 14, 2016 8:42 PM

Jul 2014
Alice is my queen <3
Oct 21, 2016 10:58 PM
Jul 2016
Hinako Inui or Ryōko Sakaki would be my girls, voted for the first one btw.
Dec 14, 2016 3:28 AM

Aug 2014
I voted for Megumi. For me she's the best girl. Soma can end up with Erina, which all of us already knows he will and I don't honestly care because I don't like Erina, but I'm pretty sure Megumi will end up with a better and more amazing guy than Soma, if author-san permits it.
Dec 14, 2016 3:29 AM

Aug 2014
Azai-kun said:
_LorDNiCo_ said:
It's obviously going to the tsundere. The tsunderes always win, don't they? Ex: Chitoge from Nisekoi, Emilia from Re:Zero, Kirino from Oreimo, and now Erina. I'm tired of this s**t.

Okay, let's name some anime that don't have a tsundere winning alright? Let's see hmm... oh yes:

1) Clannad (saddest anime ever gets a timid girl as the main heroine)
2) Absolute Duo (stoic heroine)
3) Danmachi (I recall many fandom screaming "HESTIA IS BESTIA"?? She's not a tsun btw.)
4) TWGOK (Chihiro, a bit of tsun but not that tsun, wins the endgame)
5) Little Busters (Rin, who is a timid loli who is a tomboy not tsun)
6) Mahouka (ONII-SAMAAAA!!!)
7) Mashiro-iro Symphony anime (Hate this shit cuz the dere dere heroine who barely has developments won, OH and look! the tsundere didn't win. :/ )
8) Noragami (Hiyori of course)
9) OreShura (Sadistic non-blonde girl)
10) Princess Lover (Another shit where the dere dere who barely do anything won)
11) Rakudai (Stella aint a tsun. She's just clumsy :p )
12) Robotic Notes (GENKI GIRL !!!)
13) Saenai Heroine (Everyone's favourite stoic Kato Megumi)
14) Sakurasou (Blonde but not tsun. Wins)
15) Naruto (Hinata. Need I say more?)
16) Working (Have 2 pairings. Both arent tsunderes)
17) Bakuman (Deredere main girl and it was so good)

Still wanna complain? Even if Tsunderes kept winning, the anime they're potrayed in might sometimes not be as good as something like Clannad or Bakuman. OreImo and Nisekoi weren't even that good and even I was against Kirino winning. Erina in Shokugeki no Souma is one of the rare tsunderes that actually been potrayed and developed better than most others hence making her shockingly popular despite her tsun tendencies. She deserves it. :3

Not to mention Orihime from Bleach :)
Aug 11, 2017 1:44 PM
Aug 2017
Best. Fucking. Girl.
Aug 22, 2017 10:37 PM
Jul 2010
Where is Rindou? My vote goes to her
Aug 22, 2017 11:03 PM

Mar 2014
richardtengcy said:
Where is Rindou? My vote goes to her
Thread was made before she ever existed.
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