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Jan 26, 2016 2:23 AM

Sep 2014
Yet another amazing episode. If anything, the slow pace makes each episode more intimate. But I could use less of the bromance/bonding and just a tiny bit more action or individual character develop....who the hell am I kidding. I want ships to sail. Make them all sail dammit. LOL

Also, other forums are bitching about how the preview for the next episode and what was mentioned in this one was a death flag. I'm not seeing it. If anything, it's a warning.

The annoying red head dude that I want to kill will fuck up royaly and get the priest injured to the point of death. This would be the episode where his actions and attitude catch up to him and the consequence paid in full. Putting him back into "reality" and dropping that smug attitude.

Second, what the priest said was very important. He feels as those people would not like the other him. I think that was a foreshadowing of what is to come. I think he may end up remembering who/what he really is and the rest will have to "do something about it". I have a feeling he may end up turning on them near the end.
Jan 26, 2016 2:39 AM

Oct 2015
I really do not like Ranta. I find him really rude to everyone and annoying how he always rants on about himself.

Every time I watch this the episodes always feel really slow but I really like how they try to give you a clear idea about the mood of the scenes by, for example, putting certain music in the background and also just how they do the scenes for example at the start where they were under separate covers with the girls unable to be seen by the boys. Or even just the characters interactions, how shihoru would always hide or rush past. I also love the large amount of character interactions and, I guess, relationship building(?) involved in this ep.

I don't think they will really get very far in the plot though if they keep doing these sorts of episodes they've only got 9 more to go and not a lot has happened to really advance the plot except for them finally able to gain money. I feel like this should a 24 ep series not a 12.

I think this is definitely one of the better anime this season.
I'm no critic. Please don't hate me anyone
Jan 26, 2016 4:59 AM
Aug 2014
KinsoBlade said:
jenny4 said:
Still to slow and boring. Rewatching LogHorizonS1 still better idea.

Of course Log Horizon S1 is better, but what does that have to do with this anime? There're not even the same genre.

You blind or deaf or both. Not the same genre? Log Horizon and Hai to Gensou no Grimgar share: Action, Adventure, Fantasy.
Jan 26, 2016 6:45 AM

Nov 2011
Anime series that I'm appreciating more and more because it takes away from the same old story seen in the past with SAO or Logh Horizon, here the pace is calm, calm as the places where the events take place and the events follow a track so far unknown in this kind of anime, I'm really enjoying this full series. Drawings and animations good, ditto the sets, good growth figures.
Jan 26, 2016 6:46 AM

Apr 2013
jenny4 said:
KinsoBlade said:

Of course Log Horizon S1 is better, but what does that have to do with this anime? There're not even the same genre.

You blind or deaf or both. Not the same genre? Log Horizon and Hai to Gensou no Grimgar share: Action, Adventure, Fantasy.

They are still entirely different and focus on different matters.
Jan 26, 2016 7:22 AM

Aug 2015
Hehehe Haru and his dirty thoughts though and also too much buttshots in this ep lol :D, so now they can kill more than 1 gob now what an improvement, the action scenes + the SOL moments is what really made this ep for some reason, next episode smells like a deathflag...............
Jan 26, 2016 7:35 AM

Aug 2012
i guess now that preview shows a deathflag. mal page gives a hint too..
very slow paced imo, though pretty good episode..
maku21Jan 26, 2016 7:39 AM

But you'll still take damage!
Jan 26, 2016 10:10 AM

Dec 2012
The pacing is perfect. I like that they kept the dialogues and didn't only adapt the action parts.
For the moment, this show is very solid. The mood is a mix between relaxing moments and thrilling ones. Such a nice mix (*-*).

This episode was awesome, I hope the next will be as good. The "no pantsu" scene was good :)
Jan 26, 2016 10:19 AM

Apr 2013
I love the pacing, I probably will buy the LNs and read them after the anime is done airing.

Ranta is still a breath of fresh air, I like the guy.
Jan 26, 2016 11:02 AM

Jun 2013
I liked this episode alot, my only problem with the series are the random perverted conversations, they feel very out of place in this series.
Jan 26, 2016 5:17 PM
Jan 2016
from what I see so far from this if the story should have romance along the way or ever decide to trow that in >_> if the 2 girls choose who they would be with it would most likely pair in this way
* Haruhiro and Yume
* Manato and Shihoru

I say the first pear haruhiro and yume because they seem to get along with the best when together and yume seems to like haruhiro and is more opening around him more then the other guys. as for haruhiro well he hasn't show any sort of feelings for any girl tho if I would choose what he might pick I think he would pick shihoru over yume as of right now.

now for manato and shihoru manato haven't show any feelings or thought of trying to get close with any of the two girls but after is oblivious thought and buying the pin for shihoru open up a pandora box which is starting to show yume going onto a route for him. she's always looking at the pin and is always blushing when it comes to him tho she acts shy and hides from all the boys -__- tho she's just a cow b**ch (which I like )but in this episode when yume mention she wanted manato to talk to her she blush tho this can also just be taken as embarrassment of her being so easily read by yume . but yeah it seems she might end up with manato.

Renta also seems to have feelings for yume tho it happens a lot of times in theses situations where the two charactes that always argue usually have feelings for each other so who knows that could pop up as well

also sometimes I get some weird vibes where I feel that yume may have feelings for manato instead of haruhiro like in the previous episode (episode 2) when manato and shihoru were interacting and how she look when watching them but this is just a far fetch feeling the ones above I feel are closer

as for the big guy (don't really remember his name he seems to be lacking in presences) don't have no possible relationship connection as of right now
fableNet242Jan 26, 2016 5:41 PM
Jan 27, 2016 12:25 AM
Sep 2013
Finally, a very promising "stuck in an online game" series. It doesn't seem to have anywhere near the amount of wish-fulfillment to make it anywhere near as popular as Sword Art Online though. My only real issue is, the guys spend a little bit too much time exploring their sexual adolescence.

Archer girl's accent is sexy.

jenny4 said:
KinsoBlade said:

Of course Log Horizon S1 is better, but what does that have to do with this anime? There're not even the same genre.

You blind or deaf or both. Not the same genre? Log Horizon and Hai to Gensou no Grimgar share: Action, Adventure, Fantasy.

Oh plz, these 3 episodes alone are better than the entirety of Log Horizon. I can see how little kids might think otherwise though.
MrNTRJan 27, 2016 12:36 AM
Jan 27, 2016 2:57 AM
Dec 2012
Not bad, kinda slow paced but to be expected if they're going for the realism aspect.

Manato and Haruhiro have weird conversations. It's like he never knows what to ask him or what to say.

Music towards the end of the episode felt out of place. Too loud for what was going on.
sosmetalJan 27, 2016 3:04 AM
Jan 27, 2016 4:34 AM
Aug 2014
Skylol said:
Yume x Haru pretty please?

I was more thinking about Yume x Goblin or Yume x Minotaur, but well, Haru could be okay as a start.

Oh plz, these 3 episodes alone are better than the entirety of Log Horizon. I can see how little kids might think otherwise though.

These 3 episodes could bore anyone, it would perfectly fit the beginning of a movie, but it doesn't fit the 20 min episode format. Yes, format has its importance, content has to take format into account. But if you start rationalizing instead of using your enjoyment as a compass, yes, these 3 episodes weren't bad at all, especially if you are a horny young male.
GreenhillzJan 27, 2016 4:49 AM
Jan 27, 2016 12:01 PM

Jun 2009
First part was boring.
Then it got better with killing goblins.
Aaand back to boring.
I like graphics and music. That's it.

I will probably drop it anyway, but I'll watch the next episode.
I like pancakes.
Jan 28, 2016 3:17 AM
Feb 2013
I don't know about you guys but this was episode gave me anxiety (lol) i was so prepared that it was gonna get dark at any moment. AT ANY MOMENT. But that preview though... sh*t's about to go down.
Jan 28, 2016 4:09 AM

Aug 2012
I like Yume but i don't want to get too attached to her because she got the "Hairstyle of death".
Jan 28, 2016 6:43 AM

May 2012
3 episodes in and they still can't beat a group of gobs. I'm liking the art and the characters but the pacing's just annoying. hope it'll pay off, I mean, we only have 12 episodes.
Jan 28, 2016 10:33 AM

Dec 2013
Loving this show. Even though I have fairly little time on my hands, this is the one show I specifically make time for, regardless.
Jan 28, 2016 11:13 AM

Aug 2014
can i beat ranta too? bc one slap is not enough for the likes of him

even haru needs to be slapped for perving on shihoru, and how awful of him to think "its not good if they dress like that" well piss off haru

its nice that the group is slowly getting more experience though. i wish there was more screentime of mogzo and yume and shihoru without the fanservice. ://
Jan 28, 2016 11:24 AM
Feb 2009
Damn episode 3 there only killing goblins for underwear lol
Jan 28, 2016 4:05 PM
Dec 2015
Honestly, the pacing of the 3rd episode is way to slow for my liking. The artwork is wonderful, but they focus too much on the artwork and not enough on progressing the characters or even the story.
The voice actor does not fit well for Haruhiro. I can see progress in the story-line, but it seems kind of stale...
They don't give characters like Mogzo time in the limelight.

The premise of being "stuck in a video-game" is was over-used once Sword Art Online showed up, though I will admit, not being able to remember anything that had happened before entering a new world is a first. Still have high hopes though!

Jan 28, 2016 5:44 PM
Aug 2015
The slow pacing is perfect, I'm loving it!
Jan 28, 2016 7:09 PM

Mar 2015
Would it be too difficult for the show to keep out the lewd shit and romance aspects? I'm pretty sure I rolled my eyes three times within the first 10 minutes of this episode. I dunno, I feel like they should be putting a more mature, serious spin on it instead of putting in the same gags you could find in any school comedy show(the "look at the girls in the bath" scene? the "slap the pervy guy in the face" scene)??? Honestly I don't care much about the butt shots and scanty clothing, but ugh when an entire scene is dedicated to boobs or some shit it's cringeworthy. I know I'm not the first to gripe about this but it REALLY puts me off and I feel like it's a big mistake on the part of the creators.

Aside from that crap, the art is still bomb and the music is hype. Tbh the second half of the episode was pretty darn decent. I still hope the story gets darker, though. *chants* death death death

Jan 28, 2016 10:02 PM

Jun 2014
This one was a little boring, but the conversations were super important.
That next episode preview was giving away a little too much it looks like.
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Jan 29, 2016 2:42 PM

Mar 2008
I want Mogzo x Yume.
Jan 29, 2016 4:10 PM

Jun 2014
I'm really surprised at just how much I like this anime. Even with the slow pacing, I don't feel bored at all.

I'm actually liking the characters quite a bit, that and the way they interact with each other. I find Shihoru and Ranta annoying a lot of the time, but I like everyone else so that makes up for it.

I feel like someone's going to die though...please don't be Manato or Yume...
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 30, 2016 3:58 AM

Jun 2013
Good to know I'm not the only one irritated by Ranta. I might feel sorry for him later on if he happens to die an excruciating death but who knows. I don't buy that "character development" bullshit either, him being an Anime cliche perv doesn't help either.

Speaking of deaths
Jan 30, 2016 6:53 PM

Oct 2008
That dialog at the end, either death flag or betrayal flag
Jan 31, 2016 6:08 AM

May 2008
Nothing much happening but animation and pacing are top notch. Based on what people are saying here it seems like a plot twist will be happening soon. That said, hope things start picking up next episode.
Jan 31, 2016 7:15 AM

Oct 2008
The groups is now capable of defeating solo boblins...i mean goblins!
suppress your carnal temptation urges Haruhiro!
Yume is also becoming a hot chick to me!

Jan 31, 2016 1:39 PM

May 2010
Ranta is so freaking annoying. The slow pacing in this episode is great, its perfect. I'm glad it isn't fast paced, or else it might become one of those boring action anime (well, not all of them are, but I know plenty of generic action anime, bleh)

I'm still worried because Manato's death flag keeps getting more and more obvious. He's going to die, isn't he?
Feb 1, 2016 12:02 AM

Oct 2012
I was just watching it, then it showed them getting comfortable in the old city and I was like, "That is going to happen soon isn't it...

Then I saw the preview for next ep and I was like "Here it comes"
"If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."
- Oreki Houtarou
Feb 1, 2016 6:55 PM

Feb 2013
Goblin murderers! That's just low, killing one as it sleeps.

Another solid episode.
Feb 1, 2016 9:17 PM

Nov 2012
This pacing is great. It's a good way to experience the slow grind if trying to gain money just to survive, with days passing by with nothing done. The character development feels a bit weird, but it doesn't hurt them at all, so it's fine.

Nothing seemed too wrong with this episode. The first half might've been unnecessary, but it was a good 'extra' scene that added some flare in the characters. We all know Ranta's a douche that like's to be a jerk. He's very like-able, but very pushy at the same time. I wouldn't befriend him irl though, too much drama.
Feb 3, 2016 5:13 AM

Jul 2009
Ranta and Yume needs to happen!!! hahaha
Shihoru is shy around Manato, they are cute.
I am glad they are getting better at killing goblins.
Feb 3, 2016 6:27 PM

Jul 2012
Ah, I think I know who's gonna die.....

Anyway, I find this show really relaxing. Not interesting necessarily but relaxing lol. The mood shifts are still awful.

I also feel like goblins will be like the <insert spoiler> from Shinsekai Yori. Anyone else?
Feb 6, 2016 11:57 PM

Dec 2012
He finally got the underwear he's been wanting lmao
Feb 8, 2016 5:55 AM

Jun 2008
FuuyKai said:
I still can't understand how much more time do they want to make them struggle with "boblins"... It's getting to the point where it's annoying. And don't tell me it's for the sake of character development. More like goblin development (as if they needed that much development).

It's not a fighting shounen or a game dude. It's point isn't about leveling up. The point seems to be about the people in the group and their lives and how they adapt etc. When will they be able to destroy the big strong guy is not what this show is about.

Mark00 said:
Paulo27 said:
He never said the part about skipping action for SoL, but overall sounds like he knows what he's doing when it comes to this, by taking it step by step.

We got only 1 minute of fast shots of them killing goblins but 5 full minutes of useless talk about spy on girls. If thats not bad i don't know what is. Want to focus on slice of life? Ok, give me strong character development them, not that shit talk about boobs, girls with no pants or trying to spy on girs bath. If he wants slice of life made it meaninfull.

What garbage talk. It's a fucking 24 minute episode, 5 min on their feelings and attraction to the opposite gender is nothing big. And such attraction isn't unimportant, humans spend a big part of their life on that and is what keeps humanity going you know. So don't give me that bullshit about anything that has to do with their perv feelings is unimportant bullshit.
The fact that the show didn't even ignore the events of the bath thing like it never happened and showed the tension created from it also shows that this isn't about just showing you some ass and boobs but to show the sexual tension between this young group.
Lastly i have seen a few small scenes about the sexual tension of the boys(without really having any fanservice actually) which ok normal feelings for teenage boys so close to two nice looking young girls but i never thought much of it really and then i come here and Mal users like yourself can't stop talking about how the big sexual content and faservice(that was hardly existent) was such a big deal.
The show may have wasted 10-15% of it's time until now on that but Mal users gave 70% in their comments just to show how it bothered them.
It seems like you people have sexual frustration or something and you can't stop thinking of it and then you feel annoyed to reminded of your frustration or something.
You are bigger perverts that the ones actually enjoying fanservice and watching shows about it etc. People like you give so much attention to every little scene and make it such a big issue to argue about in so many shows. And plenty of times are senes that there's no real reason to get stuck on that much at all. But you are like frustrated masses of perverseness that self hate themselves for it and go crazy whenever they get reminded of it.
You the catholic priest teaching about how we shouldn't have sex before marriage while wanting to fuck the ass of the little boys on his church and gets angry over hearing normal people and their sexual life.

robis798 said:
Mark00 said:
We got only 1 minute of fast shots of them killing goblins but 5 full minutes of useless talk about spy on girls. If thats not bad i don't know what is. Want to focus on slice of life? Ok, give me strong character development them, not that shit talk about boobs, girls with no pants or trying to spy on girs bath. If he wants slice of life made it meaninfull.
What makes you think that killing goblins is more important and "not useless" than talking about and lusting after girls? It's not like they are barely pubesant teenagers or anything...

Hit the nail on the head. Just think about it. Would you not be thinking of the sexy young girl living with you if you were a boy in that situation? No normal boy would actually be like this people think realism is. Normal boys would glare at the bodies of the girls while girls would have romantic thoughts etc.
Also although killing a goblin is a procedure that has importance in their survival is not something they would like thinking too much in their every day life. The only one who would actually like sitting and thinking about goblin killing in it's spare time more than necessary is one who started enjoying the slaughter too much and takes pleasure out of thinking it.
Considering they live in a world with no TV, internet etc and probably have no time to waste on a books if any books with stories exist there then you can see how thinking about the girl wearing pants or not is actually what is logical for the boys to have to think about.
Actually they have so little to do other than hunting and training that i think the sexual tensions and thoughts between them are quite unrepresented compare to reality.

beast_regards said:
robis798 said:
What makes you think that killing goblins is more important and "not useless" than talking about and lusting after girls? It's not like they are barely pubesant teenagers or anything...

They are not really lustful. Way it is played there are more traumatized by girls presence than they were by the death of the goblin.

I pretty much understand that being unsure about your own sexuality is terrifying and I feel bad for them, but from viewer perspective they picked the wrong show to address the issue. Why author even bother with writing fantasy drama? His (or her?) fantasy drama related subject was 5 minute long in previous episode. Nothing would happen if they skipped it as it somehow didn't related to anything else seen in the rest of the show. If he (she) want to explore the trauma of boys figuring out whether they are into other boys or not, he (she) could stick with your average high school teen slice of life thingy, because almost nothing I've seen so far is in any way related to the setting that it won't work without it.

Traumatized by girls? Homosexual issues?
There were none of this here in the least. Were the hell did you get that is beyond me.
Self projecting maybe? Are you replacing the shows reality with yours?
MonadFeb 8, 2016 7:19 AM
Feb 8, 2016 9:20 AM

Jan 2013
Monad said:
Traumatized by girls? Homosexual issues?
There were none of this here in the least. Were the hell did you get that is beyond me.
Self projecting maybe? Are you replacing the shows reality with yours?

I insulted your favourite show and you must insult me in return, it's only fair, I assume.

But still, yes, they act extremely immature and as many anime protagonists they look traumatized by girl presence. It's not like there is any real attraction to the girls, they are just one walking harem protagonist cliche in the show that isn't and never was harem in the first place. If author were supposed to make serious show they could easily remove all the juvenile stupidity - they have plenty of serious themes lying around. It's not my fault show is shizophrenic to skip wildly between survival drama and teen slice of life without any reason.
beast_regardsFeb 8, 2016 9:23 AM
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Feb 8, 2016 9:32 AM

Jun 2008
beast_regards said:
Monad said:
Traumatized by girls? Homosexual issues?
There were none of this here in the least. Were the hell did you get that is beyond me.
Self projecting maybe? Are you replacing the shows reality with yours?

I insulted your favourite show and you must insult me in return, it's only fair, I assume.

But still, yes, they act extremely immature and as many anime protagonists they look traumatized by girl presence. It's not like there is any real attraction to the girls, they are just one walking harem protagonist cliche in the show that isn't and never was harem in the first place. If author were supposed to make serious show they could easily remove all the juvenile stupidity.

My favorite show? Lol, hardly.
And sorry but when someones sees things that are not even remotely there, i can only think that person must have such things in his mind to be able to see them.

Do you even know what the word traumatized means?

Remove all the juveniles stupidity from a show with juveniles? That makes perfect no sense.
And what to you mean serious. Serious how? And how are you so sure you know what the author indented?
Feb 8, 2016 9:42 AM

Jan 2013
Monad said:
Remove all the juveniles stupidity from a show with juveniles? That makes perfect no sense.
And what to you mean serious. Serious how? And how are you so sure you know what the author indented?

I agree with you on the one point - I don't have slightest idea what author had in mind. Perhaps that's the main fault here - me being unable to read mind on the author.

I think show should rather address more pressing concern that the underwear, like ...
Who are we?
Why we don't remember our past lives?
Why we are remembering words no one knows meaning of?
Why we are here?
Where we came from?
How we escape whole soldier or slavery business?
How to survive the next fight?

This are in my humble opinion more pressing matters for the main characters than the colour of the panties, being nervous around girls or acting like ... well, like Ranta.

Let's do the compromise there - let's say whole problem is that I didn't understood the real quality (or deep message, of both) of the show and/or I am watching the wrong show completely.
beast_regardsFeb 8, 2016 10:05 AM
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Feb 8, 2016 10:07 AM

Jun 2008
beast_regards said:
Monad said:
Remove all the juveniles stupidity from a show with juveniles? That makes perfect no sense.
And what to you mean serious. Serious how? And how are you so sure you know what the author indented?

I agree with you on the one point - I don't have slightest idea what author had in mind. Perhaps that's the main fault here - me being unable to read mind on the author.

I think show should rather address more pressing concern that the underwear, like ...
Who are we?
Why we don't remember our past lives?
Why we are remembering words no one knows meaning of?
Why we are here?
Where we came from?
How we escape whole soldier or slavery business?
How to survive the next fight?

This are in my humble opinion more pressing matters for the main characters than the colour of the panties, being nervous around girls or acting like ... well, like Ranta.

A boy wanting to see female flesh is called being male not Ranta.
Also i do not think color of panties was ever talked here so i do not know were you came with that. He was wondering what the girls do when the boys are force to not wear them and from there some imaginary entered his head after seeing them appear dressed like they were etc.

Also as far as i know even soldiers fighting in hard war condition spend their free time seeing girl pics and talking about their girlfriends back home etc.
People in Africa living in bad conditions and not finding clean water to drink somehow manage to do tons of sex and have dozens of babies etc.
So you see our sexual nature can't be easily diminished even if other issues exist. Actually when condition of danger exist our sexual nature becomes more intense since we subconsciously feel the need to breed before we die.

As about your questions i get what you mean and yeah maybe it should have been more addressed especially when they first arrived there but it's also a bunch of questions that even when thought bring no result so all they can do is live threw their days and hope that that time will give them some answers.

The only one that really needs to be made an issue of is "How we escape whole soldier or slavery business?". It was never really showed whether they thought of other options or they simply are satisfied with doing what they do and why they simply accepted their position so easily.
On that i can give you credit on criticizing the show for.
MonadFeb 10, 2016 2:32 AM
Feb 10, 2016 2:27 AM
Oct 2015
Monad said:
The only one that really needs to be made an issue of is "How we escape whole soldier or slavery business?". It was never really showed whether they thought of other options or they simply are satisfied with doing what they do and why they simply accepted their position so easily.
I don't know how it works in Grimgar, but back in medieval earth kids can only work as apprentices. This was true in almost all of the civilized parts of earth. The thing is, an apprentice got no payment other than all the skills & knowledges they learn during the apprenticeships. If the human society in Grimgar works in similar way as medieval earth, then those kids really had no choice but doing mercenary/freelance jobs. I mean, how are they going to survive through the apprenticeship when they had no parents/guardians to feed them during that time?
Feb 19, 2016 3:46 AM

Apr 2013
Lookit those guys, lounging around on those beds of scratchy hay like its the softest fur. Last episode they dealt with the consequences of taking a life, this week, they deal with the consequences of trying to peep in the bath. This show's so deep, i can't handle it.
Feb 21, 2016 3:15 PM

Jun 2015
Feb 21, 2016 5:40 PM

Mar 2015
Hmm... quite OK i guess. Still not my cup of tea.

They're still building up the characters relationship which is why I think it's okay. But they really need to do something other than hunting goblin. I mean episode 1 to 3, if you compressed it, is becoming friends with others and killing goblins with others.

Feb 29, 2016 5:50 AM

Jan 2016
Wow another boring episode
Mar 7, 2016 2:20 PM

Oct 2012
This any has really nice atmosphere to it, I always enjoy watching it. Those little gestures and emotions and even their little talks are what make this feel so real. Seeing this is a slice-of-life in another world with daily problems of growing up teenagers that other similiar animes don't even tackle, I found this very refreshing.

But.. the moon is getting full. Something grim will happen for sure. Will they lose Manato?
Mar 20, 2016 3:06 AM

Apr 2014
So boring im finna die from boredom
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