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Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers (light novel)
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Apr 19, 2015 3:30 PM
Mar 2011
Well that was a last minute swerve if I've ever seen one. Question is now whether they're all going to just crash and burn, or will Adlet overcome all odds and exceed expectations.

Kinda makes me wonder if the author planned this from the start, or decided this on the fly to spite people's expectations for romance.
Apr 24, 2015 1:42 AM

Apr 2013
he probably planned it from the start. I always thought the way the romance started was odd. I was attributing this to a fault from the author who didn't take the time to do it better, but thinking about it now, it was weird considering how he put together everything else properly. Considering what happens in the 5th volume, I immediately thought "I see, it's not a mistake from the author, it was purposely odd and hard to believe". I like it far better that way, because the romance part was the only thing in that story that didn't look done properly.

And I think this time around, It's Hans who's going to overcome the problem rather than Adlet. I'm curious to see volume 6. ImO, this time around at least one of the main characters will die. Either on the enemy side, or the hero side or... Both.

Also, I keep saying it, Dozzu is underestimated by most readers I've seen commenting on him. He's more dangerous than Tgurneu on the long run ImO, because he doesn't let emotions blinding him or changing his plans like Tgurneu does. Tgurneu is too much influenced in his decision by his own desire to see peoples suffering, and sooner or later, this is going to bring his demise. if we except for that flaw, Tgurneu's plan is really efficient and frightening, but the unneeded cruelty going with it twist the efficiency in the long run imo.

So, expectation : HAns and chamo save the day, tgurneu dies, but then problem with Dozzu comes.
ZefyrisApr 24, 2015 1:47 AM
May 12, 2015 9:06 PM
Mar 2011
Since Tgurneu made such a big deal about the power of love, a outcome I've been thinking about is that in under underestimating its potency, he'll inevitably get done in by his own machinations. That is, of course, if the series takes a naive/optimistic outlook on things. If the author's a lot more cynical, then we'll probably just have a rogue Adlet and Hans and Chamo having to reign him in (somehow).

And that isn't taking into consideration how Dozzu will be working behind the scenes during all this. It's interesting to note that Nachetania was the one Adlet fooled, not Dozzu (since he wasn't there), so he isn't quite out of the fast-thinking game yet.
May 26, 2015 6:36 PM

Apr 2012
I believe in the strongest man on Earth..

Make the impossible possible.
My Reviews and Rants:

Jul 20, 2015 6:12 AM

Dec 2012
where can I read vol 5 online?
Jul 20, 2015 10:43 AM

Apr 2013
It's not translated. If you can read japanese, you can buy it from place like Honto :
in a format to be read by computer for example (or buy a physical copy from there as well).
Jul 22, 2015 5:34 PM
Jul 2012
chronoex said:
Since Tgurneu made such a big deal about the power of love, a outcome I've been thinking about is that in under underestimating its potency, he'll inevitably get done in by his own machinations. That is, of course, if the series takes a naive/optimistic outlook on things. If the author's a lot more cynical, then we'll probably just have a rogue Adlet and Hans and Chamo having to reign him in (somehow).

And that isn't taking into consideration how Dozzu will be working behind the scenes during all this. It's interesting to note that Nachetania was the one Adlet fooled, not Dozzu (since he wasn't there), so he isn't quite out of the fast-thinking game yet.

I think having a rogue Adlet already means that the novel isn't that dark. If the author is a lot more cynical, he'll kill off Fremy in the next volume, and let Adlet suffer even more. That or Adlet dies killing Hans, and Chamo kills off Fremy. Then again, it's the fact that despite no main characters dying yet, the novel still makes it seem like the situation is really tense. If they die for shock value, then it would ruin what makes this series good.

Fremy has been questioning whether the princess was actually naive for a while now. If it isn't a red herring, then Nachetania might be playing along Adlet's scheme, and betray the Six Flowers soon. Anyway, I do hope that Adlet breaks out of the brainwashing and actually keep Fremy from dying. I wonder how will Adlet respond once he isn't brainwashed. It's certain that he won't act as brash and irrational as before, but will his feelings for Fremy remain? Or will he just suddenly don't care about her anymore?
Jul 23, 2015 12:17 AM

Apr 2013
AFAIK, that author is known to not hesitate to kill important character, so I wouldn't be that sure lol. He could not do it as long as the seventh's identity wasn't known since it would have restricted the choices for the readers. But now, he's not bound by it anymore so beware. And considering how dire is the situation, even while restricting himself to kill someone, the author is actually more cruel already than an author that simply kills characters without making them suffer emotionally. Killing fremy is not bad. Having Fremy kills herself after hearing the truth is far worse for example.
Jul 23, 2015 1:28 AM
Jul 2012
Zefyris said:
AFAIK, that author is known to not hesitate to kill important character, so I wouldn't be that sure lol. He could not do it as long as the seventh's identity wasn't known since it would have restricted the choices for the readers. But now, he's not bound by it anymore so beware. And considering how dire is the situation, even while restricting himself to kill someone, the author is actually more cruel already than an author that simply kills characters without making them suffer emotionally. Killing fremy is not bad. Having Fremy kills herself after hearing the truth is far worse for example.

I've wondering whether they can face up to the Majin or not if any of the Six (or eight) dies. Well, Fremy is definitely not that important in the fight against the Majin or the other commanders. She is good when it comes to stealth and sniping, but even if she is dead, it wouldn't affect the main group much.

However, if Adlet goes emotionally dead after Fremy dies, then the group will lose their strategist. Hans will obviously take over as the leader, but I wonder how good is he at commanding and fighting at the same time. Sigh, I guess killing Adlet and Fremy won't hurt the group THAT much. Still Vol 6 is releasing on July 24th right?

Since I have to wait for the Chinese translations, please do come back and leave some hints haha.
Jul 23, 2015 9:19 PM

Nov 2014
the last minute twist was unexpected but what I had been wishing for. I'm so glad the author decided to make that plot twist. now the story just got so many times more interesting. Adlet('s thoughts) is becoming darker and darker and Hans seemed to have found out the cause. I wonder how long it'll take for the others to find out the identity of the seventh...and how they would react? Btw Tgurneu truly is evil and twisted. But brilliant nonetheless. Always fear an enemy who READS!!!!
Jul 24, 2015 2:05 AM

Apr 2013
Samhiuy said:
Zefyris said:
AFAIK, that author is known to not hesitate to kill important character, so I wouldn't be that sure lol. He could not do it as long as the seventh's identity wasn't known since it would have restricted the choices for the readers. But now, he's not bound by it anymore so beware. And considering how dire is the situation, even while restricting himself to kill someone, the author is actually more cruel already than an author that simply kills characters without making them suffer emotionally. Killing fremy is not bad. Having Fremy kills herself after hearing the truth is far worse for example.

I've wondering whether they can face up to the Majin or not if any of the Six (or eight) dies. Well, Fremy is definitely not that important in the fight against the Majin or the other commanders. She is good when it comes to stealth and sniping, but even if she is dead, it wouldn't affect the main group much.

However, if Adlet goes emotionally dead after Fremy dies, then the group will lose their strategist. Hans will obviously take over as the leader, but I wonder how good is he at commanding and fighting at the same time. Sigh, I guess killing Adlet and Fremy won't hurt the group THAT much. Still Vol 6 is releasing on July 24th right?

Since I have to wait for the Chinese translations, please do come back and leave some hints haha.

300 years ago they started the mission with only 5 rokka because one was killed on the way to the rendezvous point. So yes, 5 makes it more difficult than 6 to reach the Majin obviously, but it's definitely doable. Especially when in the team you have the history strongest saint who is basically as strong as two rokka together anyway.
Jul 26, 2015 12:07 AM
Mar 2011
Samhiuy said:
I think having a rogue Adlet already means that the novel isn't that dark. If the author is a lot more cynical, he'll kill off Fremy in the next volume, and let Adlet suffer even more. That or Adlet dies killing Hans, and Chamo kills off Fremy. Then again, it's the fact that despite no main characters dying yet, the novel still makes it seem like the situation is really tense. If they die for shock value, then it would ruin what makes this series good.

Fremy has been questioning whether the princess was actually naive for a while now. If it isn't a red herring, then Nachetania might be playing along Adlet's scheme, and betray the Six Flowers soon. Anyway, I do hope that Adlet breaks out of the brainwashing and actually keep Fremy from dying. I wonder how will Adlet respond once he isn't brainwashed. It's certain that he won't act as brash and irrational as before, but will his feelings for Fremy remain? Or will he just suddenly don't care about her anymore?

I dunno. It seemed established that EVERYONE that was involved in the incident was dancing on the palm of Adlet's hand (with the exception of Dozzu and Tgurneu, who weren't there). I think it's a bit of a stretch to assume that Nachetania already keyed in on Adlet's plans and purposefully played along in giving out false orders of her own after overhearing the lizard commander do so.

It's really interesting how the author wrote out the book from the perspective of someone who was "brainwashed" to fall in love with someone. Breaking out of it probably isn't going to be that simple, nor is there necessarily a need to break out of it. It really begs the question of what exactly is "genuine" love. If Adlet loves Fremy, even if it was thru manipulation, is it necessarily wrong?
Aug 11, 2015 6:12 PM

Feb 2011
Hmm, is there anyone who can give me a summary (short or long, either is fine though long is better)? I have read up through half of book 4 but do not know what happens in the second half of 4, 5, or 6.
Aug 22, 2015 3:54 AM

Aug 2015
NowOrNever88 said:
Hmm, is there anyone who can give me a summary (short or long, either is fine though long is better)? I have read up through half of book 4 but do not know what happens in the second half of 4, 5, or 6.

same here..
just randomly writing
Aug 28, 2015 12:47 PM

Nov 2012
Dian_Reza said:
NowOrNever88 said:
Hmm, is there anyone who can give me a summary (short or long, either is fine though long is better)? I have read up through half of book 4 but do not know what happens in the second half of 4, 5, or 6.

same here..
Summary of all novels:
Nov 26, 2015 1:26 AM
Nov 2015
Does anyone know when volume 5 of Rokka no yuusha will come out?
Jan 10, 2016 4:56 AM

Mar 2009
Prologue and first chapter are out~
Well, now it's going to get super intense.
Jan 11, 2016 3:34 AM
Mar 2015
Winter_Firefly said:
Prologue and first chapter are out~
Well, now it's going to get super intense.
they would be finish translatting that in 3 months or i wish it would be done in march or april so i could read it in epub
Feb 19, 2016 11:54 AM

Apr 2008
DivineRapier said:
Winter_Firefly said:
Prologue and first chapter are out~
Well, now it's going to get super intense.
they would be finish translatting that in 3 months or i wish it would be done in march or april so i could read it in epub
You can just take the text itself, put it in a .txt file and convert that to an .epub file for e-reader comfort and goodness. That's what I do at least.
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise"
Feb 19, 2016 11:56 AM

Apr 2008
So the translation of chapter two has been released.
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise"
Feb 20, 2016 3:12 AM
Mar 2015
Remus_Lupa said:
DivineRapier said:
they would be finish translatting that in 3 months or i wish it would be done in march or april so i could read it in epub
You can just take the text itself, put it in a .txt file and convert that to an .epub file for e-reader comfort and goodness. That's what I do at least.
well for you i dont want to read that not complete
Aug 18, 2016 7:37 PM
Aug 2016
I am really confused about Adlet being revealed as the 7th at the end of Volume 5.
My first theory at the end of watching the anime was that Adlet was the 7th but he didn’t know he was the 7th, and I thought this till the end of Volume 2, ch 5-3 where Tgurneu says this:
“It seems that they were also able to see through what you said and grasp that Mora is not the seventh.”

“Who realized that? Was it Fremy?…No, perhaps it was Adlet.”

The Kyoma going by the name of Tgurneu looked towards the center of the forest. Several Kyoma were burying something deep under the ground there. It was the corpse of the three-winged Kyoma that Adlet and the others had fought.

“…This is a complete failure. They were even able to smash through my back-up plan. Honestly, I should praise them for their struggle.”

There was no air of impatience in his words. Nor was there a sense of crisis or anger about his plan failing. On the contrary, he seemed pleased that the Six Flowers had won.

“Well, that’s fine. Let’s begin the next game. The best thing to do is let what’s passed remain in the past.”

“Master Tgurneu, what are your orders?” The bird Kyoma said.

With a smile, Tgurneu said, “Tell the seventh to continue not to do anything. They should continue to hide amongst the Heroes and not reveal their true identity.”

The bird spread its wings and went off to the east.

And watching the Kyoma fly away, Tgurneu muttered, “Well then, I wonder how we’ll play next. These Heroes of the Six Flowers are so much fun.”
I have no idea how to make sense of this scene now.
This made me believe that the 7th knew they were the 7th and I discarded my previous theory. As a result, by midway through Volume 5, I had proof that everyone except Hans was not the 7th.

This left me thinking that Hans was the 7th despite the fact that I recognized the author’s pattern of always having a red herring for all of the 3 previous traps.
The red herrings I am talking about are:
1 – Volume 1, In the illusion barrier, Hans is about to kill Adelt and says to him that he is the 7th making us believe Hans is the 7th, but that was a ruse to see if Adelt was really the 7th or not. Mora then tries very hard to kill adelt, even going to the point of lying to everyone that Hans was badly injured by Adelt, making us believe she is the 7th, only to find out Nashetania is the 7th.

2 – Volume 2, At the eternal flower, we believe Mora is the 7th after Tgurneu tells her that she is, only later to have Adelt reveal Tgurneu’s lie.

3 – Volume 3, We believe Goldof is the 7th, but learn that Goldof clearly isn’t.

And then in Volume 4/5 they try to indicate Fremy as the 7th, but this is an obvious lie, leaving us thinking Hans is the 7th. By this time I suspected that Hans was another red herring but couldn’t say anyone else was the 7th because I had proof that everyone one except for Hans was real, but that proof hung on the fact that I thought the quote from Volume 2 was proof that the 7th knew they were the 7th, but with the 7th being unaware dismantles the evidence that Adelt, Fremy, Chamo, and Rolonia aren’t the 7th.

Can anyone help me make sense now of what Tgurneu said above in Volume 2??? Did the Author make a mistake and create a plot hole?

And another question I wonder about now(and again) is Atro Spiker actually Tgurneu? Tgurneu said he needed about a month to affect the person and said: “He raised that person and entrusted his entire plan to them.” Also remember that Adlet made rolonia promise to not tell anyone about him, because he didn’t want Tgurneu to learn of his survival and kill him before he was ready. But since Tgurneu did know about him before the Majin awoke, does that mean Atro Spiker is a shape shifting Kyoma that Tgurneu would control? or did Tgurneu somehow intercept Adlet before he arrived at the tournament or when Adlet was in jail???
Aug 18, 2016 10:02 PM
Jul 2018
@Mica_T well he said it just to fake it in front of his minions. Except #2, none of his minions knew about his plans, so he intentionally said it in front of #2 who was already self-aware, and also to possibly fool dozzu's spies.
Credit goes to @gensan for thinking this up.
removed-userSep 2, 2016 1:55 AM
Aug 18, 2016 10:28 PM
Aug 2016
ahhh, that does make sense. The author did a through job making it hard to determine what information can be trusted, much like the 2 dark specialist in volume 5 that mention the orders the "7th" gave them, leaving the reader once again inclined to think the 7th knows they are the 7th, and the works because the kyoma don't know who the 7th is and from their perspective they think the 7th knows that they are the 7th and that it is adlet.(which technically isn't wrong, but ironically correct)
Sep 2, 2016 12:35 AM

Jul 2016
This light novel is my favorite alongside Oregairu.

My favorite volumes are 2 (Mora's motherfucking awesome plan and Tgurneo big entrance) and volume 4 (Raina's struggle is amazing and it got a lot of good fights).

The weakest is Volume 3, I dislike it because both Nashetania and Goldov are boring characters. :(
Aug 31, 2019 2:31 PM

Jul 2014
I'll be honest, I'd been kind of expecting that the Seventh didn't know who they were since it became clear midway through Volume 3 that it wasn't Goldof, but the execution of the reveal was pure genius: this volume played on our trust in Adlet as readers to completely undercut us at the end in devastating fashion.

OK, I'm not wording this well cos my brain is fried from marathoning 4 and 5 in one sitting, but this is my basic point: I thought going for the angle of the Seventh not knowing their identity would be a cheap move from the author, but it was executed so much better than I ever could have imagined (and it justifies the love angle, which was slightly odd from the very beginning).

But what now? The Braves are split up, the Barrenbloom is steadily killing them all and Adlet is unwittingly leading them to ruin. And even if Tgurneu's machinations crumble in upon themselves in Volume 6 (as I'm expecting to happen), there's still Nashetania and Dozzu as potential threats. And how will Adlet and Fremy react once they find out the truth?
Sep 15, 2019 2:30 PM

Nov 2016
Wow. I thought the series peaked in volume 2 or 4 but Volume 5 proved me totally long.
That was an incredible and intense ride. Couldn't stop myself from reading once I started.

Even though it was apparent that Adlet might unawarely be 7th, it still came as quite the shock seeing his thoughts near the end of the Volume and how obsessed he was with protecting Fremy. Tgurneu is truly an evil genius. I've always found Adlets love for Fremy kinda forced. Turns out it was literally just like that and on purpose.

Should've never doubted Hans midway through the volume. He's the MVP and Best Boy after all.
Now things are getting quite exciting and interesting. I can imagine it totally escalating in Volume 6 and possibly see some characters dying, but I like the fact that Hans and Chamo seperated from them.
They make quite the great duo and will probably save the day again. I'm excited to see their actions in the next Volume and how things will play together.
Jul 31, 2022 12:46 PM

Jun 2017
I suspected Adlet or Hans to be the seventh in the previous book but I didn't expect the reveal in this book to be still so shocking. I completely abandoned the idea that Adlet was a possible seventh while reading this volume. The author has a serious knack to fool the readers. I thought the sudden love Adlet felt in the first volume to be a bit odd, but many stories have only that much romantic development so I didn't think much of it. But now I am really interested in knowing what will happen in the future.

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