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Jan 24, 2016 11:45 AM

Apr 2010
Things seem to be going better for the group but they are still struggling.
And Yume was the centre of this episode which was nice, i like how her relationship is unfolding.
Jan 24, 2016 11:47 AM

Sep 2014
This anime is starting to feel more like a SoL. Not that it's a bad thing . ..yet.

I guess one good thing about it is the character interaction which is pretty interesting, but so far this seems like it will end up going no where. :c
Jan 24, 2016 11:47 AM

Dec 2013
Shrimperor said:

And i am freaking starting to hate Ranta, he isn't even funny anymore.

But hey, atleast Yume is a little fun..

Not everything has to be "fun" in this situation. People have different ways to deal with stress and anxiety, look at Shihoru.
Jan 24, 2016 11:59 AM

Jan 2013
This shows really feel schizophrenic - it seems they can't decide if they want to be all gritty realistic, or just teen comedy or even SoL.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Jan 24, 2016 12:00 PM

Aug 2013
This is the first show of A1 which really amazed me if it comes to art. Even If animation is sometimes weird, this anime looks awesome.
And I love the fact that it's slow, I love the fact that it is not focusing on combat. Probably first game based anime which I can enjoy.
Btw I hope that Renta will die soon.
Btw2 soundtrack. Soundtrack is just great! That track which was playing when they planned to kill sleeping goblin, just amazing.
HidenNinpoJan 24, 2016 12:12 PM
Jan 24, 2016 12:00 PM
Jan 2016
I really hope no Ranta x Yume pairing from the author
Jan 24, 2016 12:08 PM

Feb 2013
So obvious, they set up a death for next episode. I mean they almost have them saying goodbye to each other towards the end. They have talked about how dangerous it is, kill or be killed, for 2 episodes. It will suck because it will be a character that people like and leave behind one they hate. Not sure if I can continue if and when this happens. No these are not spoilers - never read the manga - just guesses based on years of anime and drama.
Jan 24, 2016 12:13 PM

Dec 2014
another light headed episode but if it is only 12 episodes. I don't believe we will see much.. In my opinion on of the best anime this season
Jan 24, 2016 12:21 PM
Jul 2018
Haruhiro and his party are improving a lot.
Jan 24, 2016 12:23 PM

Apr 2015
A decent episode. I can't figure out whether or not I like that this anime is going at such a slow pace. Usually I like seeing character interactions more than action, but I don't like most of the characters. Especially Ranta; gosh he's so damn annoying. The only ones I like are Manato and Mogzo, maybe Yume. Speaking of Manato, he better not die (judging from the preview). I don't know if I'll be able to handle this anime anymore if they kill off one of the few decent characters in this show.

"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower."
Jan 24, 2016 12:26 PM

Sep 2012
I still can't understand how much more time do they want to make them struggle with "boblins"... It's getting to the point where it's annoying. And don't tell me it's for the sake of character development. More like goblin development (as if they needed that much development).
Jan 24, 2016 12:30 PM

Feb 2015
DAMN the fucking soundtrack was really nice when they hunting a goblin. that was really nice, i like it.
still taking their time......relaxing and enjoyable. i thought there will be many action in the beginning, but it ended up like this, but still i like it. i just can't wait to see how they end this series. is it going to continue or is it really end.....i'm really curious!
still, at first i was really mad at them because it was really hard for them to kill just one goblin even though it's real. but i think i know what they feel now :D.
Jan 24, 2016 12:34 PM

Mar 2013
I'd lie if I'd say that I didn't enjoy this episde, but for 12 episode anime it's pacing is way too slow. Story really need to start soon.
Jan 24, 2016 12:35 PM

Aug 2015
imo the anime is kinda average, the outstanding poinsts are the art style and animations

Jan 24, 2016 12:36 PM

Mar 2014
AntonKutovoi said:
I'd lie if I'd say that I didn't enjoy this episde, but for 12 episode anime it's pacing is way too slow. Story really need to start soon.
The plot twist is that there's no actual story here.
Jan 24, 2016 12:52 PM

Jul 2009
Paulo27 said:
dreadknightnero said:
Edit: Also did the episode forget that Ranta got new vice last episode whereby he said he can summon a demon that whispers to him and tells if an enemy is near. Cause all I saw was Haru using his sneaking ability to find the Goblin and report to the group. His skill was never even mentioned in the montage strategy.
He needs 10 vices.
And spoilers: the demon doesn't actually do anything, it just calls Ranta an asshole all the time and wanders about.

Sounds like that demon know its stuff.
Jan 24, 2016 12:54 PM

Mar 2014
Inugirlz said:
Paulo27 said:
He needs 10 vices.
And spoilers: the demon doesn't actually do anything, it just calls Ranta an asshole all the time and wanders about.

Sounds like that demon know its stuff.
It's meant to be a reflection of the user (this detail is particularly important for Ranta's character later).
Jan 24, 2016 12:58 PM

Jun 2010
Grimgar works its magic again. this shows is so relaxing that an episode feels like 5 minutes.
<--- Who Your Waifus Look Up To --->
Jan 24, 2016 12:58 PM

Dec 2015
FuuyKai said:
I still can't understand how much more time do they want to make them struggle with "boblins"... It's getting to the point where it's annoying. And don't tell me it's for the sake of character development. More like goblin development (as if they needed that much development).

I think they were killing goblins for 2 light novels when I was reading it xDDD. It really does add to their development though. You will understand why later in the show and how it ties into the world setting. This is actually a realistic fantasy setting. If you were thrown into this world with no fighting skills and had to survive with lowgrade equipment and minimal money to buy some or the skills needed for fighting then this is basically showing you what it would look like. It will pick up though.

I really enjoyed this episode, cant wait for the next one though!!! 4/5
Jan 24, 2016 1:00 PM

Oct 2012
I couldn't help but to feel bad while they were killing the goblin, It was gruesome in a way and I still kept feeling on how the goblins were like our society and have their own feelings and ambitions. I hope they develop this point more in the future, it could be really interesting. Guess I have been playing too much Undertale.

I'm actually quite surprised with this show, I was expecting it to be something more generic like SAO, but it's really relaxing and the focus on the characters makes this show more vivid. I hope Mogzo gets more attention in the future, he seems to be a nice guy.
Jan 24, 2016 1:03 PM

Aug 2010
Those death flags are piling up on Manato like a motherf'er.
Sucks since I like him quite a bit :(

I don't know why but I'm just in love with this pacing.

And I'm even more in love with Yume! She's so damn kawaiiiii <3

Cool to see they might progress at last this ep :D

Day23. I wonder what'll happen nxt?

Some nice ass cheeks and Nopan shots :L
Jan 24, 2016 1:03 PM

Feb 2015
I don't mind the slow pacing but damn, what's up with all those pointless conversations? Worst dialogue ever.
Noragami reading/watching order:

"2016 will be the year of Sanji" - Eiichiro Oda
Jan 24, 2016 1:12 PM

Mar 2014
Uve23 said:
I don't mind the slow pacing but damn, what's up with all those pointless conversations? Worst dialogue ever.
What exactly was pointless here?
Because I keep hearing this and have no idea what people are referring to.
Jan 24, 2016 1:12 PM

Jul 2015
Someone who read the light novel can tell me if there will be any romance, especially between the MC and the red-hair girl ?
Jan 24, 2016 1:16 PM

Jul 2009
Paulo27 said:
Inugirlz said:

Sounds like that demon know its stuff.
It's meant to be a reflection of the user (this detail is particularly important for Ranta's character later).

lol so the demon is basically reflecting the fact Ranta is an asshole? (and Ranta knows it?)
Jan 24, 2016 1:19 PM

Apr 2015
I am loving this show!This episode was great,action was top notch and I just can't get enough of that art style.
Jan 24, 2016 1:20 PM

Mar 2014
Inugirlz said:
Paulo27 said:
It's meant to be a reflection of the user (this detail is particularly important for Ranta's character later).

lol so the demon is basically reflecting the fact Ranta is an asshole? (and Ranta knows it?)
The "important" part is just something you should keep in mind to understand some of the actions the demon ends up taking later on (which let you understand Ranta's character in return, since he's a direct reflection), basically, once you figure out why the demon is being annoying, you figure out why Ranta is annoying.
It's not something you should take at face value right now.
Jan 24, 2016 1:25 PM

Jul 2009
Paulo27 said:
Inugirlz said:

lol so the demon is basically reflecting the fact Ranta is an asshole? (and Ranta knows it?)
The "important" part is just something you should keep in mind to understand some of the actions the demon ends up taking later on (which let you understand Ranta's character in return, since he's a direct reflection), basically, once you figure out why the demon is being annoying, you figure out why Ranta is annoying.
It's not something you should take at face value right now.

Ah, sounds deep. I like it.
Jan 24, 2016 1:27 PM

Jul 2012
Don't really know how to feel about this series cause don't really like slow pacing and seems like there won't be any kind of story. Pretty sure that it will be 1 cour so anyways will finish it. Was reading manga before. I think the scenes with Haru admiring Manato were not so emotional which led to my guess that Manato at some point will go super crazy (or maybe i wanted him =/ ). Don't know how it was in LN, but seems like was wrong with how it's happening in anime.
Jan 24, 2016 1:28 PM

Jan 2015
Inugirlz said:
Paulo27 said:
The "important" part is just something you should keep in mind to understand some of the actions the demon ends up taking later on (which let you understand Ranta's character in return, since he's a direct reflection), basically, once you figure out why the demon is being annoying, you figure out why Ranta is annoying.
It's not something you should take at face value right now.

Ah, sounds deep. I like it.

Do we have a free spoiler discussion here?
Jan 24, 2016 1:30 PM
Jun 2013
pablomc said:
It's cool, i like it... but the pace should be faster... they could slow it down after "that" even that will happen next episode... a lot of people might have dropped the anime by now... It's necessary to hook the audience in the beginning... then you could slow down... anyway, the productors are giving a fuck for us (ocidentals), that are watching the anime, what matters is japan... if the japanese are liking(I'm not so sure), than it's okay.

Don't count on it, the BD sells prediction of this show is pretty bad right know (bad sells = no season 2). Most japanese buyers seens to have dropped it already. It was at least moving on the ranking in the first 2 episodes, but now it looks pretty dead. This director is pretty shitty. "I will make it as slower as possible, skip action to focus on SoL and will never allow a cliffhanger ending....". Genius, this guy is a genious.

On the other hand we have BokuMachi, the most hyped show of the season, where the director was smart enough to adapt a full manga volume in 1 episode, so he could end it with a big cliffhanger.
Jan 24, 2016 1:33 PM

Mar 2014
Xenocrisi said:
Inugirlz said:

Ah, sounds deep. I like it.

Do we have a free spoiler discussion here?
Hardly spoilers in any way, especially when I doubt a good 10% of people watching would ever figure that out by themselves, especially considering the amount of "wish Ranta would die" comments there are.
Hell, I didn't even say why he's annoying eventhough that'd not never be a spoiler.
Paulo27Jan 24, 2016 1:37 PM
Jan 24, 2016 1:35 PM

Apr 2014
Episode was alright but they gotta pick up the pace a bit.

Also, Ranta is still the best character among the group.
Jan 24, 2016 1:35 PM
Jul 2018
Well we have a lot of dialogue between the characters this time.. but i'm still expecting the real plot start, this ep was a bit boring
Jan 24, 2016 1:41 PM
Sep 2013
When your daily goal is to slaughter an innocent goblin to buy underwear you know you hit rock bottom...
Jan 24, 2016 1:42 PM

Mar 2014
Mark00 said:
This director is pretty shitty. "I will make it as slower as possible, skip action to focus on SoL and will never allow a cliffhanger ending....". Genius, this guy is a genious.
He never said the part about skipping action for SoL, but overall sounds like he knows what he's doing when it comes to this, by taking it step by step.
Jan 24, 2016 1:55 PM

Mar 2013
I love the slow pace of this show, it's so relaxing. It fits so perfectly into the timeslot that I neither find myself thinking it went too fast or checking how long I've got left - I just feel satisfied when it's over. Really the way a show should be.

Moguzo's definitely my favourite now. He's so sweet. I hope we get to learn more about him beyond his loves of cooking and carving.
Jan 24, 2016 1:56 PM

Sep 2015
Day 23 of being in Grimgar : Fuck not having any money to buy food or clothes. Who gives a shit if we still struggle to kill weak monsters. No one cares that we can barely afford a place to say, and who even needs character development?

We'll just spend 50% of the entire episode - for the third time in a row - talking about girl's underwear and whether we should tell them to stop wearing clothes which make us embarrassed (which is totally fucking misogynistic.)

Ah, so we started killing goblins a little easier and mapped an entire area? Na that's boring, we'll just give them a 60 second internal monologue about that. Nobody wants to see us developing our fighting skills or strategies or anything like that. More peeping on girls talk!!!

Sigh. This anime is so juvenile...Manato and Haru's talk at the end was the only decent part. I'm all for slow pacing and character development; it adds so much most of the time. But this? This isn't slow pacing. Slow pacing implies something is happening. Nothing is happening here apart from incredibly perveted and juvenile characters with completely fucked up priorities being insanely embarrassed by the mere thought of a different gender.
MazJan 24, 2016 2:00 PM
It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether!
It's an entirely different kind of flying.
Jan 24, 2016 2:00 PM

May 2014
This anime is so relaxing .. 5/5
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 24, 2016 2:01 PM

Jan 2014
I liked this episode much more than the previous ones. The slow pace was handled best here and it I appreciated the time that was put in fleshing out most of the main cast. Some interactions still come off as a bit awkward tho, especially those involving Ranta (good god he's annoying) or the girls, but other than that no complaints: the smalltalk was actually enjoyable and it didn't feel like we were just repeating stuff we already knew about the characters.

I'd say my only real pet peeve with the show atm is that I do not care for the girls at all; aside from providing fan service and a reason for the horny guys in the team to get hot and bothered about, they seem to serve little to no purpose and might as well have not been there at all.
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Jan 24, 2016 2:05 PM

Jan 2015
10/10 awesome again.
So many people compaining, they either have a bad taste or a shitty attention span. This is close to a masterwork.
And no, i dont care about opinions in this topic ;)
Jan 24, 2016 2:20 PM

May 2013
Damn this show is really taking its time.It's time to fasten things up
Lead me out of the dark,bishounen space Jesus.
Jan 24, 2016 2:24 PM

Jul 2015
Nice episode. Pace needs to pick up a teeny tiny bit, and they should stop with the random insert songs.
Jan 24, 2016 2:29 PM

Dec 2013
The only allowed option to choose who is the most annoying character here is Shiharu.
goodshitgoOdshitJan 24, 2016 2:33 PM
Jan 24, 2016 2:32 PM

Dec 2015
Curiosity is strong within the males x)
Jan 24, 2016 2:35 PM

Jun 2009
People are saying they like the slow pacing in this one. I don't dislike slow pacing, but let's not confuse "slow pacing" with "drawn out."

If we're given reason for emotional investment too slowly, it's bad pacing and people will drop it.

Decisively give us a reason to care and we can sit back and enjoy a slow pace for seasons. Heck, even filler episodes can be tolerated.
Jan 24, 2016 2:40 PM
Jun 2013
Paulo27 said:
He never said the part about skipping action for SoL, but overall sounds like he knows what he's doing when it comes to this, by taking it step by step.

We got only 1 minute of fast shots of them killing goblins but 5 full minutes of useless talk about spy on girls. If thats not bad i don't know what is. Want to focus on slice of life? Ok, give me strong character development them, not that shit talk about boobs, girls with no pants or trying to spy on girs bath. If he wants slice of life made it meaninfull.
Jan 24, 2016 2:41 PM
Jun 2015
i still dont know where this show is going, the only reason im still watching it is to find that out, but its just kinda drifting along with either not very interesting characters or really annoying characters (ranta).
StevyleSteveJan 24, 2016 2:49 PM
Jan 24, 2016 2:44 PM

Mar 2014
Mark00 said:
Paulo27 said:
He never said the part about skipping action for SoL, but overall sounds like he knows what he's doing when it comes to this, by taking it step by step.

We got only 1 minute of fast shots of them killing goblins but 5 full minutes of useless talk about spy on girls. If thats not bad i don't know what is. Want to focus on slice of life? Ok, give me strong character development them, not that shit talk about boobs, girls with no pants or trying to spy on girs bath. If he wants slice of life made it meaninfull.
Whatever, but the director never said anything about skipping action for SoL.
Jan 24, 2016 2:50 PM

Oct 2011
Calm before the storm?

I hope no one dies T___T
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