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Dec 22, 2015 5:37 PM

Sep 2014
Do we know if this is a remake or a sequel yet? I'm interested in this, but if it's not a remake, I'm not sure if I will watch this one since I haven't seen the prior season and heard it's not that great.
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Dec 22, 2015 5:41 PM

Dec 2015
It';s a sequel. It's just going to be different in terms of music, animation and voice actors.
Dec 22, 2015 7:46 PM

Dec 2011
Sequel, seems to pick up where the 2008 anime left off. Definitely give the original series a try, don't know what you've heard but it's far from terrible.
Dec 22, 2015 11:16 PM
Dec 2011
889 god wishes do come true :3
Dec 23, 2015 1:42 AM

Aug 2009
At long last...
Dec 23, 2015 6:12 AM

Sep 2014
UselessEgg said:
Sequel, seems to pick up where the 2008 anime left off. Definitely give the original series a try, don't know what you've heard but it's far from terrible.

Gonna take your advice and give it a try.
Dec 23, 2015 8:04 AM
Dec 2013
MAL has it under "Alternative version" for some reason, suggesting it's a remake, so it's difficult to say at this time.
wildhoodDec 23, 2015 4:32 PM
Dec 23, 2015 8:11 AM
Dec 2013

Oh. Guess it really is a sequel, if the creator of D.Gray-man herself said it.

"Thanks to everyone who went to the D.Gray-man stage today. As was said in the announcement, a new series has been green-lit. Because the staff will be completely different, the story will be a continuation, but I think it will become a completely new D.Gray-man anime. Thank you for everyone who's supported me until now."
Dec 23, 2015 8:37 AM

Apr 2014
byebye sakurai takahiro as kanda yuu 😭
"Even villains have standards"

Dec 23, 2015 9:29 AM

Sep 2009
AcceleratorAngel said:
byebye sakurai takahiro as kanda yuu 😭

are you sure about that he won't voice Kanda? :(

Dec 23, 2015 12:57 PM

May 2012
*Waits for MAL anime mods to change the relations of the two D.Gray-Man entires~*
From what I can gather, yes, a sequel.

Dec 23, 2015 2:53 PM

Jul 2012
I think it's confirmed that it will be sequel so doesn't it concern anyone about the story (of course who read the manga). Don't really remember where the anime stopped but at some point the manga went kinda "not the right way" at least for me, not to mention the crazy continuation after "small" hiatus.
Dec 23, 2015 3:47 PM

Jul 2008
allenjke said:
I think it's confirmed that it will be sequel so doesn't it concern anyone about the story (of course who read the manga). Don't really remember where the anime stopped but at some point the manga went kinda "not the right way" at least for me, not to mention the crazy continuation after "small" hiatus.

I think previous anime stopped after
which would be around chapter 157. That means we will probably get
not sure about arc which is currntly going on. I belive manga comes back around 16th of january but no idea how long till arc is finished.
Dec 23, 2015 5:31 PM

Dec 2014
It is a sequel.
Dec 24, 2015 3:05 AM

Jul 2012
So we won't get the arc with
cause i believe it will be after arc with
And this arc was for me super confusing and i didn't like it.
Dec 24, 2015 4:10 AM

Jun 2014
allenjke said:
So we won't get the arc with
cause i believe it will be after arc with
And this arc was for me super confusing and i didn't like it.

You mean the Apocryphos? He (or 'it', whatever that thing is) first makes his appearance in Seed of Destruction Arc, and then in Searching for A.W. Arc. Both are directly after the events with Alma Karma. I doubt they will get animated, except for the Seed Of Destruction Arc, since it last only five chapters and would do a fine ending of the new series.
Dec 24, 2015 6:13 AM

Jul 2008
Niyane said:
You mean the Apocryphos? He (or 'it', whatever that thing is) first makes his appearance in Seed of Destruction Arc, and then in Searching for A.W. Arc. Both are directly after the events with Alma Karma. I doubt they will get animated, except for the Seed Of Destruction Arc, since it last only five chapters and would do a fine ending of the new series.

True, though when I think about it A.W arc and previous one ale closely connected, so they could leave Seed of Destruction out. Either way it will be one hell of a cliffhanger. :P
Dec 24, 2015 6:16 AM

Jul 2012
Is Seed Of Destruction Arc ending
Then it will be good ending. And it is probably Apocryphos and that's when the story went wrong way imo.
allenjkeDec 24, 2015 8:23 AM
Dec 24, 2015 7:37 AM

Jul 2008
Yeah that's the one, but I think you should probably put that under spoiler. :P

Dec 24, 2015 8:22 AM

Jul 2012
Didn't put under spoiler cause thought that it's not such a big spoiler, but now think probably it is :)
Dec 24, 2015 11:19 AM

Feb 2013
I was so excited that i finally able to watch 1 of my fave anime of all time, and Yuu Kanda will also be the main char, but i guess i will be a bit disappointed for lavi and lenalee hasn't been confirm as the main and the seiyuu will be changing. ;(
Dec 24, 2015 11:32 AM
Oct 2015
oh my gooooood!!!!!
this is the best Christmas gift everrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dec 25, 2015 2:42 AM
May 2014
I had given up hope... And then... One christmas morning at 3:38 AM... I was browsing the internet and saw that the manga had been continued.
Then i saw that the anime had been continued.
Then i exploded. I have been checking forums for this since 2012. I guess miracles really do exist.

And now i realize that i have no irl frinds who watch anime that i can go cry on.
Dec 25, 2015 3:11 AM

Jul 2013
Yozora_Hikari said:
I was so excited that i finally able to watch 1 of my fave anime of all time, and Yuu Kanda will also be the main char, but i guess i will be a bit disappointed for lavi and lenalee hasn't been confirm as the main and the seiyuu will be changing. ;(

Lavi and Lenalee won't have a big role in this new anime if this is a sequel. The next arcs will be about Allen and Kanda mainly.
Dec 25, 2015 3:40 AM
Dec 2014
BaitOfJustice said:
Yozora_Hikari said:
I was so excited that i finally able to watch 1 of my fave anime of all time, and Yuu Kanda will also be the main char, but i guess i will be a bit disappointed for lavi and lenalee hasn't been confirm as the main and the seiyuu will be changing. ;(

Lavi and Lenalee won't have a big role in this new anime if this is a sequel. The next arcs will be about Allen and Kanda mainly.
That okay since Lenalee was really important in the 4th season
I also wonder if UVERworld will do the opening for this anime as well

( I feel they Know D grey man the best in terms of music its just would't feel DGM with out them)
Dec 25, 2015 4:12 AM

Jul 2013
lord23 said:
BaitOfJustice said:

Lavi and Lenalee won't have a big role in this new anime if this is a sequel. The next arcs will be about Allen and Kanda mainly.
That okay since Lenalee was really important in the 4th season
I also wonder if UVERworld will do the opening for this anime as well

Yeah, during the invasion of the HQ arc she has the spotlight, so it's the time to other characters to shine.

I hope another opening like Gekidou. UVERworld is great.
Dec 25, 2015 10:42 PM
Dec 2014
BaitOfJustice said:
lord23 said:
That okay since Lenalee was really important in the 4th season
I also wonder if UVERworld will do the opening for this anime as well

Yeah, during the invasion of the HQ arc she has the spotlight, so it's the time to other characters to shine.

I hope another opening like Gekidou. UVERworld is great.
they also did the first opening
So DGM is like their blood
Dec 26, 2015 8:10 AM

Jul 2013
lord23 said:
BaitOfJustice said:

Yeah, during the invasion of the HQ arc she has the spotlight, so it's the time to other characters to shine.

I hope another opening like Gekidou. UVERworld is great.
they also did the first opening
So DGM is like their blood

Not really. The first opening was made by Abingdon Boys School, not by UVERworld.
Dec 26, 2015 8:29 PM
Dec 2014
BaitOfJustice said:
lord23 said:
they also did the first opening
So DGM is like their blood

Not really. The first opening was made by Abingdon Boys School, not by UVERworld.
Damn My bad its been while since i have not seen the anime ( re-watching it at the moment )
Their music Kinda sounds the same I miss took it by accident ^^'
Dec 27, 2015 6:15 AM

Jan 2009
YES!!! I can see exorcist in action with their new Epic exorcist uniform!!!xD
Dec 27, 2015 8:40 PM
Jun 2014
A bit disappointed this isn't a remake. It will be confusing for new watchers. I plan to rewatch the series now since its a sequel :O And now I can convince my friends to watch it too :) Super happy D Gray Man got picked up again :'( I wonder if this means the creator is close to completion for the series. I hope so, wouldn't want another huge gap for the anime again.
Dec 29, 2015 10:08 PM

Dec 2011
I better watch the first season then since this is a sequel. I've been meaning to watch it as my friends liked it so this sequel is a good push to get me to watch it :D
Dec 31, 2015 2:51 PM

Jul 2013
This is happening, the nerdy side of my life is heading towards a good path. This year has lots of good stuff coming too. :3

“In all things, the heart must take precedence. The heart rules over all things, and all things come from the heart.”

Jan 3, 2016 3:44 AM

Sep 2011
I seriously exploded inside when I heard this. Dreams do come true!

Jan 8, 2016 6:44 AM

Nov 2008
I think a remake would have been better since it's been so long, and the manga doesn't move all that fast either. Especially because of a new staff and VAs?

I'll be watching either way, though! <3
Jan 8, 2016 7:24 AM
Mar 2014
I've waited way too long for this, i was so pissed off when they left us with that ending, happy to hear its a sequel
Jan 8, 2016 6:16 PM

Jan 2011
I wish it was a remake, I want to see new animation with the new voices.
I think it could work really well with a whole new cast and crew working on it.
Plus with a new series we could get similar to FMA Brotherhood and skip on the fillers and get more intense fights and shit.

Either way I'm fucking excited for it.
Jan 9, 2016 10:05 AM

Jun 2014
The manga continues, the anime continues...Couldn't ask for more, I'm so excited!

I really, really hope they'll be faithful to the manga and not add a bunch of fillers or anything.

It's also a little sad that we have some new VAs, but it's understandable that they would have to do that.
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Feb 1, 2016 6:53 AM
Jul 2009
I'm so hyped for this!

Question is: Will it follow the manga?

I mean it's pretty sure it's a sequel, ok but that doesn't mean it's really going to follow the manga and I'm a bit scared it doesn't D:

Someone has any information about that?
Feb 1, 2016 10:46 AM

Nov 2008
Well, it looks like they're going to animate the Alma arc at least, so I don't see why it wouldn't follow the manga?
Feb 6, 2016 9:43 AM

Sep 2011
She said "The story will be continued", she didn't say " It will start were it left off"

I believe it will be a remake but the story will be continued just like HxH 2011, because she said it will be a completely new anime.
Feb 6, 2016 11:20 AM

Dec 2015
WhiteFact said:
She said "The story will be continued", she didn't say " It will start were it left off"

She referred to it as a sequel at one point. Sequels don't retell the same story over again. It's a new anime in the sense the VA will be different. The soundtrack will be different. The art style is different, and will be closer to Hoshino's. So the story is not starting over with chapter 1. Now if they are gonna take a liberty with the order is questionable. But they aren't rebooting.
Feb 16, 2016 10:57 AM

Nov 2009
Okay, so I'm still confused: do I have to go watch the first series, or there will be no need because it will be retold anyway? With HxH, I went and watched the first series and it did me a bad favor because no so exciting when you know what will happen and I kept finding faults with the new series, and the best arc was better in the old series... it wasn't very pleasant, so I'd like to avoid repeating the experience, and if this series is not a pure continuation, I'd rather avoid watching the old series...
Feb 16, 2016 12:33 PM

Dec 2015
CG said:
Okay, so I'm still confused: do I have to go watch the first series, or there will be no need because it will be retold anyway? With HxH, I went and watched the first series and it did me a bad favor because no so exciting when you know what will happen and I kept finding faults with the new series, and the best arc was better in the old series... it wasn't very pleasant, so I'd like to avoid repeating the experience, and if this series is not a pure continuation, I'd rather avoid watching the old series...

This is a continuation. Not a remake. So, you can either watch the 1st 2006 anime. Or you can read the manga. Chapters 1-157, then watch the new anime.

To quote myself, when someone asked about which they should do.

I think the manga is better. The anime changed around events. Added in scenes that sometimes made no sense. Left out some things - either events, or parts of dialogue. According to fans of Kanda, an Exorcist, the anime made some errors to his character. Cross Marian being my favorite was also messed up in the anime adaptation, where they made him more despicable than his manga counterpart. And it's not the 1st anime adaptation I have seen to be different from the manga. Same thing happened with Elfen Lied and Blood+. The former was horrid, imo. The latter was still decent.

So I would say start with the manga 1st. And read that. It's 221 chapters. But you could catch up very quickly. because chapters only get released every 3 months now. We just got chapter 221 this past week. So we won't have another chapter until late this Apr. Even some people who have read the manga decided to start over when it came back from hiatus.

So I always advise - not just for DGM, but any manga that one start with that. Because it's the original material from the one who created it - the author + their editors. THEN go to the anime adaptations, because things will be different in those and can sometimes contradict the manga.

So I advise keeping the anime and manga separated. Because they're not the same. So no. I don't advise starting with the anime, and finishing with the manga.
Feb 20, 2016 7:13 PM
Nov 2014
I'm happy that they're going to make a sequel. I hope that they don't change the visuals & character designs. I want to watch it like I'm watching 2008 styled animes. I don't want to see the characters like Lenalee having big bouncy boobs, moe eyes, etc. It disrespects my point of view on anime.
Feb 20, 2016 7:26 PM

Dec 2015
Shounne said:
I'm happy that they're going to make a sequel. I hope that they don't change the visuals & character designs. I want to watch it like I'm watching 2008 styled animes. I don't want to see the characters like Lenalee having big bouncy boobs, moe eyes, etc. It disrespects my point of view on anime.

The character designs have changed somewhat. Seems they're possibly going to make it closer to how Hoshino designed the characters.

Here's pix of Allen and Lavi from the new anime.

His hair is orange, like how Hoshino intended. The last anime, for some reason decided to make it burgundy. Same with Cross' hair. And Allen's scar is now read, instead of purple.

Another pic of Allen from the new anime.
SilverWolf442Feb 20, 2016 9:33 PM
Feb 20, 2016 9:21 PM

Aug 2010
Now, if KHR could get a sequel, I would be so excited!
Feb 22, 2016 12:11 AM

Jul 2007
SilverWolf442 said:
WhiteFact said:
She said "The story will be continued", she didn't say " It will start were it left off"

She referred to it as a sequel at one point. Sequels don't retell the same story over again. It's a new anime in the sense the VA will be different. The soundtrack will be different. The art style is different, and will be closer to Hoshino's. So the story is not starting over with chapter 1. Now if they are gonna take a liberty with the order is questionable. But they aren't rebooting.

Its both.
Its a sequel in terms of storyline.
Its a reboot in terms of production. New VAs, etc.,
Feb 23, 2016 10:59 PM

Feb 2011
Opi-chan said:
Now, if KHR could get a sequel, I would be so excited!
Same here *O* I want reborn to have a sequel too *^* I hope it happens one day T^T As for D grayman , I need to re-watch it again, such a long time since I have seen it. I really need some flash backs lol
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