Noragami: Stray God
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Dec 4, 2015 11:31 AM
guys stop insulting islam and saying ignorant comments about it ,civilised people dont do that. ask me anything and i'll try to answer. is there any peaceful people left? |
Dec 4, 2015 11:40 AM
To all the people getting offended about this, you need to understand that the majority of the population of the world lives in secular countries that are not founded on religion. The countries also value freedom of expression. You have the right to be offended in these countries, but you do not have the right to censor things that you find offensive. Even in Christian majority countries, Christianity is routinely openly mocked and criticized. We even have had art exhibits like this. Freedom of expression and thought goes both ways. You do not have the right to censor others. You have probably sinned many times against the Jewish religion, but I am guessing you don't care, because you are not Jewish. Similarly, other people do not care about tiptoeing around every little thing that could offend Muslims. They don't hate your religion. They simply do not care about your religion in the same way that you likely do not care about Shintoism or Norse Pagans or the ancient Greek/Roman gods. |
Dec 4, 2015 12:01 PM
And of course the video was removed, was this the song that played during todays episode? I see some comments saying stuff like "making fun of my religion" which makes it sound like the composer did this on purpose which I highly doubt. They used muslim prayers in Ocarina of Time because it sounds pretty cool, which is probably what happened here, they just used something that they thought sounded cool without doing much research The comments on the twitter feed are really sad "Remove it or I'll hate Noragami" LOL |
Dec 4, 2015 12:01 PM
This whole affair makes me sad. This thread, these posts...the fact that the Noragami OST and the BD release is getting delayed just because of something like this...just...I'm Christian and do you know how many jokes there are about Christian prayers on the internet? And even if they did insult my religion, the worst thing I'd so is stop watching the anime. This is Japan, and what some of you guys are doing is wrong. You guys and me watch the anime illegally because we don't live in Japan or the US. We have no right to go so far as to tell the staff to remove the track and delay stuff like this. I'm sorry, but that's going too far. If any anime used one of our hymns or any of our daily prayers, I wouldn't mind. It's the internet. There is something called Freedom of Speech. Noragami is made in Japan, for Japanese viewers. Us people outside Japan viewing the anime is of no concern to them. I just...I'm so disappointed with the world right now. |
Check out the News Club for daily rankings, discussion on future CD and BD releases, manga and novels. New members are welcome! |
Dec 4, 2015 12:14 PM
This thread turns out to a religion war :( srsly guys internet isn't place to get butthurt, much trolls these days so that you'll end up hurting yourself with your butthurtness. and so do the insulter are just making alts so their rl epeen not degraded. P.S: I'm not siding with anyone, but I kinda like the music. |
Dec 4, 2015 12:14 PM
You said: THis thread turns out to a religion war srsly guys internet isn't place to get butthurt, much trolls these days so that you'll end up hurting yourself with your butthurtness. and so do the insulter are just making alts so their rl epeen not degraded. Agree with you... Finally... I found someone like angel here... |
Dec 4, 2015 12:18 PM
Let's just hope all of this doesn't cause Bones to lose a lot of money which they COULD have used to make Noragami season 3 |
Dec 4, 2015 12:21 PM
Dywei said: You said: THis thread turns out to a religion war srsly guys internet isn't place to get butthurt, much trolls these days so that you'll end up hurting yourself with your butthurtness. and so do the insulter are just making alts so their rl epeen not degraded. Agree with you... Finally... I found someone like angel here... Some peeps in my country still gets pissed for what others posts in their own homepage . They thinks that being respectful is by not posting bad things about something they like even in their own homepage, whlist in global forums like this, being respectful is when peeps not whining about others opinions because everyone has rights to have opinions. So this kind of butthurt peeps is a no surprise for me, but well, there's many of peeps here have that kind of mentality. I feel bad too seeing that most of the whiners here are from my own country, such a disgrace for me. |
Dec 4, 2015 12:31 PM
I have no say in this religion thing, but I will say that Iwasaki Taku is awesome. And he should still feel awesome. |
Dec 4, 2015 12:33 PM
ak47 said: I understand why they are offended, it's a sacred chant(?) to them, but that's seriously a waste of money for something that wasn't done with bad intentions. :C I guess for the company (it's a business, after all) it's better to make amends than upset so many people at once. Though I have no idea about what size is the muslim population in Japan, or if the BDs are even sold substantially overseas. dude, there's so many evil priests/nuns/church orgy in anime, or even Christian prayer references and noone whine about that like this. The whiners here are just labile teens whos way too radical about their religion (in my country slang language: alay) |
shawnofthedeadzDec 6, 2015 12:06 AM
Dec 4, 2015 12:36 PM
Dec 4, 2015 12:38 PM
Rheine said: Well my whole point is that people need to assume the other stances , this isn't much of a religion issue as much of an insensitivity issue because quite frankly there is no hadeeth nor verse that says this is haram. Should they be insensitive to this ? No .Akabawi said: Rheine said: Well, quite an interesting situation here. The response by the production team (/distributor ?) was not totally unwarranted but it just begs the question of how far they will go to please a vocal minority. The weird thing is if an unbeliever uses adhan, he violates the Islamic law (which he doesn't follow) and he sinned. If an unbeliever woman doesn't wear hijab, she violates the Islamic law (which she doesn't follow) and she sinned. Yet I don't see any controversy (yet) about Hibiki's, Bishamon's, Kofuku's, and other female character's designs. The designer purposefully designed them without hijab, which means s/he violated an Islamic rule (not to mention depicting living beings...and creating 'false gods'), yet there was no protest? I find it most interesting. That's not the case because you do not quite understand it. The vocal minority believes that the show is trying to "insult" them by making their prayer a joke or whatever . This is what happens when people believe that everything is a conspiracy against them. The thing is people here don't understand that the middle east is sensitive because he has been influenced in a way to believe that everyone is conspiring against them and quite frankly a lot of US politics have been vouching for that. Oh, I meant that why they took offense to adhan in particular. But now rereading it, yeah, it was an apples-to-oranges comparison. But the middle east countries right now are not even third world , maybe fifth world or something . People there have a very low standard of living , the greedy corrupted governments instead of taking responsibility every time something happens they place the blame on the whole world , "The world is conspiring against us" , providing lies , half truths and convenient truths "Look at what they did to Iraq , the US are trying to abolish us and are actively trying to end us , look at what they did to *case x* who was a victim of stereotyping hurr durr". Now this is what the media presents . The media is a tool for the government to brainwash people and if not for the internet people would have been even less open than they are now . Now with all of this you create a person who has no hopes of living and who is far stricter and way more sensitive and insecure. Now this has nothing to do with religion in its self and more of the mentality that has been shaped by what they experience in their everyday life. There was a time when a lot muslims drank wine and didn't care much *Even though it is a sin* There was a time when a lot muslim women didn't care to wear hijab *Even though it is a sin* What changed ? well the mentality changed . Something similar to this happened in Egypt when a movie was released that starred a strict Christian family , even though the movie was great , Christians in the middle east at that time made a similar controversy because the wife at some point cheats on her husband with someone else. Saying stuff like that the movie is insulting them etc etc . That's all there is really. |
AkabawiDec 4, 2015 12:44 PM
Given the right situation , the right story , anyone can be shaped into Snake. -Revolver Ocelot , MGS2 |
Dec 4, 2015 12:47 PM
Damn,,, this thread keeps showing up in my "recent post" page... C'mon guys... Don't make this thread to be a number one here... やめとけー!stop it.. |
Dec 4, 2015 1:08 PM
This small controversy just reinforces my belief that religion is one of the worst things to happen to the human race. |
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime? |
Dec 4, 2015 2:56 PM
first am Muslim and sorry for my bad English will they did take some random Athan and put with music and auto-tune if they not intended any harm or making fun of it then there is no problem in there side the remaning problem is the Muslims you listen and enjoy it then you have problem i will not tell what is your sin or punishment etc cause i am not sheikh or god i am a normal Muslim with an average knowledge in my religion. i don't watch this anime but i just hear this song i could't continue it was too much for me as Muslim but i will not make i problem of it i will just not listen to it + the anime you are watching about gods if am correct so...its just story you may say i am half with you and half not. |
Now I've lost it I know I can kill The truth exists beyond the gates |
Dec 4, 2015 3:27 PM
As a Muslim, I'd say they did it unknowingly and they even apologized for it so everyone needs to get their shits together. As for those insulting Islam and say that we get offended easily, I'd like to say that it's in our religion not to insult any other religion so expecting the same treatment isn't that much of a bad deal, right? Also arguing this out won't do any good, it'll only cause hate wars. Anyway I hope that the staff wouldn't be at a big loss and it wouldn't affect the possibility of the third season. P.S Just listened to the OST and I'm not the most knowledgeable person here but I think the problem lies in auto-tuning it, right? Can't they just bring the original version without auto-tuning it. No one would be offended and it'll also be promoting Islam. Both sides would gain something :D |
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Dec 4, 2015 3:55 PM
I'm really more confused than offended tbh , I mean using the call for prayer as an OST ? That's plain weird , because it's not even a song . Each and every word has a significant meaning , it's purpose is to alarm you when it's time to pray so using it as an OST is disrespectful in a way, because certain incidents are bound to take place with the OST as the background music . The uniqueness and spirituality of the Adhan make it intriguing to the ears to which it is foreign , that I will give them , but in the end , it's still a call for prayer and we'd like to keep it that way . That's to justifying the point of controversy . Turns out they do respect their fans to the point that they removed it and issued a formal apology . |
Dec 4, 2015 3:58 PM
I'm a muslim and honestly, the ost doesn't bother me as much as some shitty comments of some non-muslims making it an excuse to insult and harm our religion, also the problem already solved after an official apology from official website of Norogami Aragoto source : |
Dec 4, 2015 3:58 PM
CG-Silver said: [ I was quite respectable in my approach so I don't really get all the anger coming from you. I only quoted you, but I wrote it for all muslims which are convinced that every culture will be customising for your religion and law. Yes, I was pretty sharp, but I have enough of that bullshit. There are many religions on this world, but the only shit wars like this are dispatched by muslims. I'm Christian, and you think that there is no attacks on my religion? People are doing much worse things. Using a sample from sacred song is not a crime, the more that it is in 99% cases not used for something funny or bad. Look at situation in Syria. Muslims are murdering thousands of Christians, only because they are not a muslims. This is a real problem. DzKirito said: after an forced official apology from official website of Norogami Aragoto Fixed it for you. |
HidenNinpoDec 4, 2015 4:04 PM
Dec 4, 2015 4:04 PM
rsc-pl said: CG-Silver said: [ I was quite respectable in my approach so I don't really get all the anger coming from you. I only quoted you, but I wrote it for all muslims which are convinced that every culture will be customising for your religion and law. Yes, I was pretty sharp, but I have enough of that bullshit. There are many religions on this world, but the only shit wars like this are dispatched by muslims. I'm Christian, and you think that there is no attacks on my religion? People are doing much worse things. Using a sample from sacred song is not a crime, the more that it is in 99% cases not used for something funny or bad. Look at situation in Syria. Muslims are murdering thousands of Christians, only because they are not a muslims. About Syria , what do you exactly mean ? |
Given the right situation , the right story , anyone can be shaped into Snake. -Revolver Ocelot , MGS2 |
Dec 4, 2015 4:05 PM
no thanks , no need to fix my comment , forced apology or not, the problem already solved so no need to talk more about that subject , they should close this post. |
Dec 4, 2015 4:13 PM
I think with all the tensions going on at the moment it probably has been taken up and taken a little bit out of context I am a little surprised by some of the comments from muslims as I know it isnt an accurate representation of the call to prayer but exposure of it may make people curious in some cases and may get them to look at other things in the religion |
shawnofthedeadzDec 6, 2015 12:16 AM
Dec 4, 2015 4:22 PM
rsc-pl said: CG-Silver said: [ I was quite respectable in my approach so I don't really get all the anger coming from you. I only quoted you, but I wrote it for all muslims which are convinced that every culture will be customising for your religion and law. Yes, I was pretty sharp, but I have enough of that bullshit. There are many religions on this world, but the only shit wars like this are dispatched by muslims. I'm Christian, and you think that there is no attacks on my religion? People are doing much worse things. Using a sample from sacred song is not a crime, the more that it is in 99% cases not used for something funny or bad. Look at situation in Syria. Muslims are murdering thousands of Christians, only because they are not a muslims. This is a real problem. DzKirito said: after an forced official apology from official website of Norogami Aragoto Fixed it for you. Look first of all, there are some rules and regulations. It's just like you using a company's name for example 'Coca Cola' in one of your ads which isn't targeted to insulting 'Coca Cola' in any way. But of course they'll still sue you for it. Similarly there are some things that you can and can't use publicly especially involving matters like religions, races etc which are very sensitive. And you can't claim to have 'no attacks' in your religion. Remember it's not the religions that are wrong, it is we, humans who are wrong. As for the situation in Syria, it is not only the Christians that are murdered but there are also Muslims. However, those are complete acts of terrorism and have no relation to this matter. Those savages who can't follow the teachings of Islam, that is to let everyone worship freely, are not allowed to be called Muslims. Also let me tell you an interesting fact, Media plays a huge role in promoting Islam related violence. The reality of the matter is that between 1980 and 2005 found that 94 percent of the terror attacks were committed by non-Muslims. Any way, my real purpose for commenting was to let these things aside. This is anime we are talking about, why bring such serious discussions into light when these matters are actually to be solved by those involved in this. Peace~ |
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Dec 4, 2015 4:23 PM
Akabawi said: I think with all the tensions going on at the moment it probably has been taken up and taken a little bit out of context I am a little surprised by some of the comments from muslims as I know it isnt an accurate representation of the call to prayer but exposure of it may make people curious in some cases and may get them to look at other things in the religion Look there is no hadeeth or verse that says this is haram , but if there is even one person who is dissatisfied with this , he has the right to say so. The studio also has the right to dismiss those voices or apologize for them. After all as people said we don't really make any money for them anyway , but they still chose to show their good intentions . People suddenly are acting as guardians for the vocal minority . And people think they suddenly understand every culture and the reasons for people's insensitivity and the feeling of insecurity . |
shawnofthedeadzDec 6, 2015 12:17 AM
Given the right situation , the right story , anyone can be shaped into Snake. -Revolver Ocelot , MGS2 |
Dec 4, 2015 5:14 PM
Good job human race. You win again. |
Dec 4, 2015 5:17 PM
Dec 4, 2015 6:56 PM
can you all calm down?? the problem is done now. the staff of noragami aragoto had apologize and removing the ost Uve23 said: The Noragami Aragoto official twitter acount has just tweeted an apology/statement: EDIT: From what I could understand from Google Translate, they are taking some actions and removing the OST from the DVD. Let's wait for a better translation, though. for muslim, don't get rude. don't make Islam getting worse, just calm down now just tell them softly,,, if they rejected and not respected our religion, just leave them for nonmuslim, I want you all to calm down too. just because Muslims protest this OST you all lost your mind. please be understand. |
Wildan_nsDec 4, 2015 7:05 PM
Dec 4, 2015 7:23 PM
it was a chance to politely spread knowledge about islam, and they had to make it worse. as for translation i'll summarize; We've been informed that a soundtrack of our production included inappropriate uses of Islamic words. The soundtrack was made using a commercial sample that we bought, and there was no insult or offense intended. However we released the soundtrack without any knowledge about the meaning of said words, resulting in offending the Islamic community. We show our deep apology, and will take measures to prevent similar things from happening again. |
Dec 4, 2015 7:40 PM
Hahaha they removed the song from the OST and I just read this thread and was amused. I mean, no one bats an eye when anime literally makes a mockery of Christianity (Maria the virgin witch is literally a blasphemy if you look at it, and there's the atrocious cases in Arslan Senki's cover-up of Christianity) but a Muslim prayer being used as a song is a big no no~ I am so amused at how these people are triggered by something that they're not supposed to be indulged with. Anime is haram for Muslims, isn't it? Funny how some people on this thread became white knights of religion when they're fighting on grounds that make them less religious as they stand to be. Hypocrisy at its finest. |
Flare77Dec 4, 2015 7:49 PM
Dec 4, 2015 8:16 PM
CG-Silver said: finally, someone who realized that media propaganda is the one which makes Muslims looks bad.rsc-pl said: CG-Silver said: [ I was quite respectable in my approach so I don't really get all the anger coming from you. I only quoted you, but I wrote it for all muslims which are convinced that every culture will be customising for your religion and law. Yes, I was pretty sharp, but I have enough of that bullshit. There are many religions on this world, but the only shit wars like this are dispatched by muslims. I'm Christian, and you think that there is no attacks on my religion? People are doing much worse things. Using a sample from sacred song is not a crime, the more that it is in 99% cases not used for something funny or bad. Look at situation in Syria. Muslims are murdering thousands of Christians, only because they are not a muslims. This is a real problem. DzKirito said: after an forced official apology from official website of Norogami Aragoto Fixed it for you. Look first of all, there are some rules and regulations. It's just like you using a company's name for example 'Coca Cola' in one of your ads which isn't targeted to insulting 'Coca Cola' in any way. But of course they'll still sue you for it. Similarly there are some things that you can and can't use publicly especially involving matters like religions, races etc which are very sensitive. And you can't claim to have 'no attacks' in your religion. Remember it's not the religions that are wrong, it is we, humans who are wrong. As for the situation in Syria, it is not only the Christians that are murdered but there are also Muslims. However, those are complete acts of terrorism and have no relation to this matter. Those savages who can't follow the teachings of Islam, that is to let everyone worship freely, are not allowed to be called Muslims. Also let me tell you an interesting fact, Media plays a huge role in promoting Islam related violence. The reality of the matter is that between 1980 and 2005 found that 94 percent of the terror attacks were committed by non-Muslims. Any way, my real purpose for commenting was to let these things aside. This is anime we are talking about, why bring such serious discussions into light when these matters are actually to be solved by those involved in this. Peace~ |
Dec 4, 2015 9:38 PM
I respect Muslims feelings towards this OST track just as much as Muslims respect Paris... The bright side is, the OST has been online since release day, so even if people bitch about the track, it's now going to be around forever, regardless of them halting the sales to edit the track out. I have a copy myself. The other good thing is that even if they did halt the BDs to take out that track, I'm sure there are more than one vigilant fansub groups who will take the audio from the TV version that has that track, and splice it in to the BD version and just release that instead. |
Jonesy974Dec 4, 2015 9:51 PM
Dec 4, 2015 9:59 PM
rinoaaff said: They posted an official apology to all muslims and will Collect the OST from stores, delete the old OST and make a new one. Thanks because of that i will continue to support, buying the comics and stuff. <3 |
Dec 4, 2015 10:22 PM
Dec 4, 2015 11:23 PM
AlRajhi said: Whether this is intentional or not, it's still harmful. Whether it's meant for Japanese people only or not, it's still harmful. Maybe not to you, or them, but to us Muslims. If you talk badly behind someone's back, is it no longer harmful? Is it only harmful when they hear it? Why do you people only talk about rights when it's against the victim? We are not "controlling" the media, we are asking for respect, as simple as that. And we have the right to do so, we have the right to get offended and mad and ask for an apology and a change. Whether you agree or not. You do not know the harm behind this because you're not getting harmed. But us muslims are, and we want this to stop. but whats harmful about it? its just a chant that they used in the background of a song right? are they saying "islam sucks" or something? no? then why are you upset lol |
shawnofthedeadzDec 5, 2015 10:17 PM
Dec 5, 2015 12:41 AM
this thread is still going *sigh* |
Best Shitty Reviews “Like is like a blank canvas you paint it with whatever you want (colors,blood,sweat,shit etc)” Current Season rec : Layton Mystery Tanteisha: Katri no Nazotoki File I am an anime OST Maniac and they play a huge role in my rating for a anime. interested ? click the GIF>>>>> |
Dec 5, 2015 1:51 AM
As A Muslim, I'm Not Mad but I'm Curious Why Did They Put The Adzan Prayer In An Anime About Shinto Gods It's Sensitively Ironic, But a Bit Funny Anyway EDIT: Said OST is pretty Dope anyway |
Dec 5, 2015 2:05 AM
Can't we just sit down and enjoy an anime which we didn't pay for it? For those who are not even watching it why are you here? To discuss the latest episode? |
CozattoDec 5, 2015 2:08 AM
Dec 5, 2015 2:37 AM
I want a rap version of that song. |
Dec 5, 2015 3:19 AM
One question though since I'm confused, why would they choose that specifically for the ost? It's not the only religious thing in the world, they have Buddhist texts that could fit it better considering the origins of the country and its characters so why? |
Dec 5, 2015 3:31 AM
xcess090 said: One question though since I'm confused, why would they choose that specifically for the ost? It's not the only religious thing in the world, they have Buddhist texts that could fit it better considering the origins of the country and its characters so why? The track was played in Episode 6 when Bishamon is slaying that phantom. I remember reading somewhere on Tumblr that Bishamon is actually a God worshipped in Hinduism (we learned in Episode 10 that her real name is Vaiśravaṇa). Apparently, the singer used the articulation of those in India/Indonesia. Furthermore, certain regions of those countries have a mixture of Hinduism and Islam. |
Noragami reading/watching order: "2016 will be the year of Sanji" - Eiichiro Oda |
Dec 5, 2015 3:56 AM
As an ex-Muslim, I understand completely why Muslims find this offensive. In fact there's a lingering feeling of cringe in me when I listen to the soundtrack even now because of the sacred impression I have of that 'Azan'... which I hear 5 times a day everyday as I live in a Muslim country. I think the main problem with Islam is that they take their religion way too seriously. Some take it almost literally for their whole lives. Most of the other major religions have outgrown that phase and rarely do you see the size of controversy that Muslims create from any other religion because they're not taught/passed on nor learned with the seriousness and strictness of Islam. Grow up people. It's a soundtrack, like it or hate it then move on. No need for all that bullshit. |
Dec 5, 2015 4:05 AM
To the people saying we should distribute and share the ost everywhere and all that crap... don't. It's pointless. You're running in circles here. You're provoking, they're executing. Nothing is being gained from the useless provocations. The only way Muslims will change the way they think is from inside. Outside interventions will always be seen as offensive and will serve no purpose other than give them a reason to embrace terrorism. |
Dec 5, 2015 5:36 AM
xcess090 said: One question though since I'm confused, why would they choose that specifically for the ost? It's not the only religious thing in the world, they have Buddhist texts that could fit it better considering the origins of the country and its characters so why? THIS, i mean, it was funnily ironic to see the Adzan in Noragami, which has Shintoism and Buddhism as it's "bread and butter", so why not have a more story-and-myth-accurate version of the OST? so why not Bones? that's the question |
Dec 5, 2015 7:23 AM
DzKirito said: I'm a muslim and honestly, the ost doesn't bother me as much as some shitty comments of some non-muslims making it an excuse to insult and harm our religion, also the problem already solved after an official apology from official website of Norogami Aragoto source : me too, and i've heard the composer didn't know the law of adzan, he didn't know ,in fact im so proud as a muslim because adzan gave really nice impression to the composer,since he used it as an OST even it is wrong, adzan itself was so beautiful to hear and we already got an official apology, problem solved! there's no need to make this controversy big seriously |
Dec 5, 2015 9:43 AM
Some comments are really ridiculous and funny. I listen and like the music. However, they assume ezan as divine things, so they can be offended, but in my opinion there is not any harm in it. . I'm from a Muslim country (from very strict city ) and I agree that some Muslims are too sensitive about their religion. They even make the world hell for non-Muslims in even their country. However, Islam is not bad think, first of all, it is a religion which try to make people good. Besides, this is about believe, you cannot say that this is not in Islam or not, they want to believe that, they can believe unless harm other people. Therefore, be more thoughtful. If their believe make them good, then it is good things, it doesn't matter it is your religion or not. |
alter00Dec 5, 2015 10:04 AM
Dec 5, 2015 9:48 AM
I don't really care about this particular issue per se, but I must say religion never ceases to impress me. I guess that's just like any other cultural difference though, such as tipping being offensive in some countries. But still, it's hard to believe people take offense at this sort of stuff. It's just like Carl Sagan said... we may be living in a pale blue dot compared to the universe, but we still live in a demon-haunted world. People still believe that such an insignificant planet is the center of the universe and that we're the most important species that's ever come to existance. |
FlamepriesTDec 5, 2015 9:56 AM
Dec 5, 2015 10:21 AM
adzan is a sacred thing for us muslims so that's why it made such a fuss just for your information we,muslims are not terrorists so that ''they fear for their lives'' ..People can say whatever they want about muslims but the truth is muslims won't take ppl's lives for an OST |
shawnofthedeadzDec 5, 2015 10:07 PM
Dec 5, 2015 10:32 AM
FlamepriesT said: I don't really care about this particular issue per se, but I must say religion never ceases to impress me. I guess that's just like any other cultural difference though, such as tipping being offensive in some countries. But still, it's hard to believe people take offense at this sort of stuff. It's just like Carl Sagan said... we may be living in a pale blue dot compared to the universe, but we still live in a demon-haunted world. People still believe that such an insignificant planet is the center of the universe and that we're the most important species that's ever come to existence. Yes it's a cultural difference nothing more , if in the middle east happens to have a movie where the church is depicted as something evil , Christians in that said country would outrage and do way more than this . When people don't understand the cultural differences they go apeshit and insult others. Also they asked , they didn't threaten , people are taking this way too hard , it was a demand from some vocal minority , not a fucking dick . |
Given the right situation , the right story , anyone can be shaped into Snake. -Revolver Ocelot , MGS2 |
Dec 5, 2015 11:19 AM
I feel sorry to Iwasaki-sensei.. |
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