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Sep 19, 2015 4:16 PM

Apr 2015
Tanukuichi still did not fuck Anna...8/10
Sep 19, 2015 4:20 PM

May 2011
Anna's juices rusted the floor, Bwahahahaha.
Sep 19, 2015 4:21 PM
Aug 2012
The ending credits teased us with showing 2 Characters that appear later in the Light Novel.

Girl with glasses name is said to be "Annie Brown" & the tanned girl is supposedly went to junior high school with the MC Tanukichi Okuma.
K-AnimeSep 19, 2015 4:25 PM
Sep 19, 2015 4:45 PM

Oct 2013
Black > white undergarments any day. Thank you based Tanukichi's father, and thank you based J.C. Staff for this glorious anime. May it one day get a 2nd season.

As much as I liked Shimoneta though, it did have some weaker eps(the ones with little Anna, which else?), though they were only "weak" when measured up to it's stronger eps. I would say the 1st half was somewhat stronger than the 2nd, perhaps due to the sheer shock value of witnessing Anna's relentless love nectar assaults. Her fall from grace made it all the better, even though many(all?) of us were expecting it, we didn't expect her to go so far. I kind of wish she would've been the main antagonist - White Peak had nothing on her.

I also wish, Ayame's seemingly "pure on the inside" side was explored, while some of the other characters like say, Fuwa or Tanukichi would point out the differences between herself & Anna.

Tbh, the whole time spent on White Peak would've been way better spent on delving further into Ayame & Anna's personalities, both on the inside & outside.

Though perhaps that's what the LN does further on, heh.

Sep 19, 2015 4:53 PM

Apr 2015
It's over? No more Anna?

But underwater suction,huehue

Sexuality has already been depicted
in various mediums throughout history
so considering those things as treasures
is not far fetched

Sep 19, 2015 5:06 PM

Apr 2012
Great anime, I look forward to the BDs. In fact I could already watch Volume 1 and it has additional uncensored audio, yay *^*
Sep 19, 2015 5:14 PM

Feb 2012
Anna in the bath was intense as usual! Was she dragging Tanukishi through his d*ck when they got out of the bath??

I guess no more weekly dose of Anna and her lust anymore huh?
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Sep 19, 2015 5:21 PM

May 2015
Fun and entertaining watch. I had a good laugh watching this show, great final episode. Anna made this show even more great! 8/10.

Sep 19, 2015 5:41 PM

Jun 2013
Holy shit that was such a great watch. I lol'd so hard when Okuma mistook the wooden dick for Kosuri and Ayame mistook Kosuri for a wooden dick. I cant believe the craziness is over but damn I havent enjoyed a show like this one so much in a long time.

+ Dude they unbubbled the ending song . .. Thank the Ayame gods.

Sep 19, 2015 6:00 PM
Jul 2018
And so it has ended. gonna miss it, but it was an awesome ride!
now we just pray for a season 2
Sep 19, 2015 6:03 PM
Aug 2015
animefan8800 said:
I have no idea if it was, but this very random finale felt like filler. Even still, like the show as a whole, Anna was the standout. :D

So yeah...this series was pretty fun, but certainly had issues. The show definitely lost impact as it went on. The best character, Anna, so completely overshadowed everyone else that the show suffered when she wasn't onscreen. Plus Okuma's constant rejections of her left me annoyed with him more than anything else. Given all the extreme vulgarity I am very curious to hear the eventual dub. That aside...yeah, entertaining enough, 7/10. For a show with vulgarity that doesn't fizzle out, and doesn't rely on the greatness of only one character from this season watch the vastly superior Prison School.
agreed typical wimpy male lead....
Sep 19, 2015 6:26 PM

May 2013
I totally lost it when Anna climb in the cable lol. And dat lots of love nectar.

7/10 I really wished that Ayame and Tanukichi is officially canon in this ep (because I still can't get over with that confession last week ruined by dirty jokes) but this one is one great ride and S2 please JC?
The world shall know the truth soon.
Sep 19, 2015 6:30 PM

Mar 2015
That was kind of anti-climatic, but it was still a fun anime overall. So maybe a s2 huh?

Sep 19, 2015 6:31 PM

Mar 2013
Despite its absurdity and lewdness, I couldn't bring myself to score this lower than 8.
It was SO much fun. In fact, I think those were the reasons why I enjoyed Shimoneta this much. Every episode was a damn blast and I couldn't wait for the next, it was the same every week. This might be the first ecchi show that actually made me eager to watch it.
Anna was a character I liked at first but ended up making me feel grossed out. I'm pretty much fine with the rest, and I'm glad Okuma showed hints of liking Ayame in the last episodes.
Fun show. Deserves nothing less. 8/10 Oh and please Shimoneta get a second season.
Sep 19, 2015 6:34 PM

Jul 2014
That was a fun watch, the level of ridiculousness was way over the top and made it an enjoyable one but it did kind of die down as the series went on.

8/10, hoping that there'll be a second season.
Sep 19, 2015 6:42 PM

May 2015
A funny lovely lewd final episode :D

Ecchi Desu

Sep 19, 2015 6:45 PM

Feb 2013
Awsome stuff is awsome :D

Anna Really have Huge oppai xD

That they put a tiny bikini on Kosuri looked very odd xD

Really loved this anime :D
Sep 19, 2015 6:56 PM

Jan 2011
boy what a wild ride this was i have to admit this show kinda peaked with the first amount of Anna craziness and after that it was kinda hard for them to top it without having Anna moments lol still easily one of my top AOTYs

Lewd/10 really think a season 2 is expected this ending didn't feel like one more of a OVA
Sep 19, 2015 6:59 PM
Jan 2014
8/10 for so much fun it gave me and +1 for Ayame x Okuma so 9/10 lol
Sep 19, 2015 7:01 PM

Jul 2013
That was amazing.

It was sort of a filler episode since at the end of the day, the plot in this episode had no real effect to the outside world. But I still enjoyed every second of it.

Anna is hype but Ayame is still best girl.

5/5 ep
8/10 series
really hoping for a second season.
Sep 19, 2015 7:22 PM

May 2009
Who would expect that Binkan-chan's binkans are this big
Sep 19, 2015 7:23 PM

May 2015
tanukichi x kajou,!!!!!!
Sep 19, 2015 7:50 PM

Dec 2014
It was good while it lasted.
No moar Anna every week. :(
Sep 19, 2015 7:51 PM

Aug 2013
The series lacked its 'resolution phase' after the jerk off that was last week's episode, LOL

This was so rushed and fillerish episode, I hated the way everything arranged for them to discover the cave as it felt like contrived coincidences and OOC moments.

Would have been better for this to be used in the middle and have episode 11 as the end of the series instead. Either that or have this as an OVA.

2/5 for the episode because it was fun but not on the level of past episodes.

9/10 for the disappointing ending. Overall Anna carried the show for me and it was very entertaining, a really good way to neutralize Charlotte and Gakkougurashi's despair every week.
Sep 19, 2015 7:56 PM

Oct 2011
Glorious. 10/10.
Sep 19, 2015 8:16 PM

Aug 2013
Excellent episode, I laughed a lot with this episode, and I was happy for Anna have come to the end of the anime without dying dehydrated, a great end to this anime, I thought this episode would only complete the number of episodes, but showed a good development and left the message: 'The fight continues', but with a very funny and hilarious way, plus a good dose of fan service, and still surprised and showed some images without uncensored in ED, really something suitable the proposed plot

The anime has surprised me since the first episode, with a slightly plot no sense but quite fun, good soundtrack and animation, the characters also showed to be excellent, especially Tanukichi, Ayame and Anna, who were doing crazy things all the time, besides the secondary characters that also made me give several laughs, certainly I want to continue to follow the manga and the LN, but mostly I want a second season of the anime, which in my opinion was one of the best of the season ..

Sep 19, 2015 8:17 PM
Dec 2009
The end of episode 11 already seemed like a pretty good ending so I was wondering what they'd do with this episode but I wasn't disappointed!

Everyone looked great in their black underwear, haha.

Overall I enjoyed this series, it was nothing like what I imagined it to be but it was entertaining-- and that's all I really need to enjoy an anime. Wild ride from start to finish. The extremity of it makes it hard to recommend to people though, haha.

There were a lot of crazy scenes and situations that will probably stick with me for a long time... for better or worse.

By the way, I wanted to share with everyone that "treasure troves" really exist in Japan. There are a lot of sex museums known as 秘宝館 (hihoukan). You can find them most often in rural tourist areas, they are basically tourist traps.

They're filled with sexy mannequins and wax figures, lots of 70s types of adult videos and skits, sex toys, etc. It's pretty corny.

The one that appears in this final episode looks like it's based off the real 秘宝館 (hihoukan) in Atami, a couple hours from Tokyo. Atami is a hot spring town by the ocean with a cable car going up nearby mountain to a sex museum and a fake castle.

That sex museum even has a statue of Marilyn Monroe and you can spin a lever to cause wind to flair up her skirt... just like what happened in this finale, lol.

The "health land spa" with hot springs, the cable car, the sex museum, and the Marilyn Monroe statue all match with Atami exactly! So if any of you are in Japan and want to check it out, it's a fun weekend trip. I recommend spending two days and one night in the area. There's a nice beach too.

Here is a Japan Times article about the sex museum, if anyone is interested:

Also search "熱海 秘宝館" into Google images for more pictures. Unfortunately you aren't allowed to take photos inside so there's not a lot online but I think you'll get the idea.

I did find one person who had a picture showing the Marilyn Monroe statue with the crank though! (This blog: Basically you spin this crank/wheel in a circle and wind blows up her skirt and you can see... yeah. Haha.

LararinSep 19, 2015 8:24 PM
Sep 19, 2015 8:48 PM

Jun 2012
I really hope theres a second season. All these titties have me riled up.
Sep 19, 2015 9:05 PM

Jun 2014
Great Anime definitely worth watching it was hilarious every episode was fun to watch , i'm really going to miss Anna she was so Epic ! T_T
Sep 19, 2015 9:11 PM

Apr 2010
This last episode was super random, but I still enjoyed it. Anna climbing up that cable line and then her falling down from the cable car were the highlights. Thought she was going to try to rape Okuma in that bath scene. xD
Sep 19, 2015 9:20 PM

Jan 2013
Enjoyed this anime so much,hope there will be a 2nd seasond and a few OVA's xD
That ending though ahaha
I still don't know but i'll probably rate 8/10 or 9/10.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Sep 19, 2015 9:44 PM
Jul 2013
So... did Anna blow Okuma, did they have sex, or what?
Sep 19, 2015 10:11 PM

Dec 2014
No more Anna? :(

I wonder who that blonde girl is? And tanned girl?
Sep 19, 2015 10:28 PM

Aug 2013
That was a nice ending to a great anime! I sure hope there's a second season in the near future. And those end card? And it turns that Black Peak is not villain and he was okay. Anna still being Anna as always but she's too funny not to hate. And I'm glad Kajo finally include Kosuri as a full member of SOX. This anime was truly worth it to make me laugh! 9/10.
Sep 19, 2015 10:46 PM

Jun 2012
not the best ending but it got the job done

overall a pretty decent show for what it was, even though the last episodes felt kinda rushed.

the censorship was atrocious

Sep 19, 2015 10:48 PM

Apr 2010
I think my favorite part of this episode was when Okuma threw the bag at Otome's face. I lost my shit man that was hilarious.

And who was that girl with the twintails? She was bangin'. I saw her in almost every episode and the last one was her biggest role. She didn't even have a name apparently but she was cool.

Sep 19, 2015 10:50 PM
Sep 2012
Welp, I guess it's time to wait for season 2 or some fan-translation group to translate the light novel.
Sep 19, 2015 11:09 PM

Sep 2014
A great addition to my anime knowledge. 9/10.

Though i will be very disappointed by lack of doujins soon.

I go where I wanna go, even if its into Oppai.
Sep 19, 2015 11:44 PM

Aug 2014
Well, Tanukichi.. You have Ayame (The virgin Pervert) and Anna (Hot Yandere), lucky bastard lol

Anyways, this series was enjoyable that I was laughing most of the time, furthermore.. It was intriguing, yet highly disturbing. #Anna is Love lol

Rating 8/10 *thumbs up*
Sep 19, 2015 11:56 PM

Jun 2015
DesuTronic said:
bastek66 said:
Wow, endcards had nipples.
Its actually not the end card but part of the ending but I know what you mean :D

Taste the rainbow is back.

The final end card.

Every week in the ending there where 3 censored images, of Ayame, of Tanukichi and one random one.
This is what the Ayame one looked like.

And this is the same image but uncensored.
This was the last episode so they knew they can get away with it :D

Quick question: Where did you watch the uncensored version ?
Sep 20, 2015 12:00 AM

Aug 2014
As said above, it was a quite original plot.

It's been a good ride, 7/10. Thank you for making us laugh.

If Evangelion were Rokka no Yuusha the seventh would be Shinji.
Sep 20, 2015 12:05 AM

Jul 2015
nipples and trap lmao. I thoroughly enjoyed this! 7.5/10
Sep 20, 2015 12:09 AM

Jan 2015
Really going to miss this show! Anna x Okuma forevaaaa!
Sep 20, 2015 1:19 AM
Jul 2018
it was Really fun! i hope for a second season
Sep 20, 2015 1:21 AM

Nov 2014
7 out of 10. I think the plot misses something. Maybe with S2 they can fix it.
Only the idea at the base of the anime was really good. And not so unrealistic.

And I think I'm in love with Kajou.
"Purtroppo non si può tornare nel passato, devi fartene una ragione. Anche se è stato il periodo più bello della nostra vita.. il passato è passato." (Eikichi Onizuka
Sep 20, 2015 1:24 AM

Jul 2014
Fun end to what was a fun series on the whole, even if it kinda got a bit dull in a couple of episodes near the end.

Sep 20, 2015 1:32 AM
May 2015
Whoa, ho, ho nice to see them girls in black bikinis.


Man, I love this one, I'd wish I get to see her pussy?
Sep 20, 2015 1:36 AM

Aug 2012
What ???? I thought it have a 13 episode o.o

This didn't feel like a final episode =.=

anyway Kajou is pretty hot in this episode :)

I hope someone pick-up/translate the novel. I want to read it badly ~
Sep 20, 2015 2:42 AM

Aug 2014
Glorious anime of all time! Anna is the best girl in the series!
Binkan-chan got her appearance for more than seconds in this episode! She needs more screentime!

8/10 for this series, lots of WTF moments, and potential AOTS. This could be my AOTS if not because of those annoying censorings... BD will probably be more glorious.
Sure, just tease me with that Annie at the end. I really want season 2 nao!!
Sep 20, 2015 2:57 AM

Sep 2014
If only this show actually had some "dirty jokes" and not only randomly used half censored words..

Who was that old man with the restaurant where sox had its HQ? I want to know ._.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
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