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Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers (light novel)
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Aug 1, 2015 9:00 PM

May 2012
Welp, saw that coming. Adlet was just digging his grave the whole time.

Getting pretty intense. Pretty good episode.

Nashetania is still shady as hell.

Aug 1, 2015 9:00 PM

Feb 2012
Hans is very analytical. Good thing he cleared up Flemy's case. Aldet is in hot water now.

I'm still not liking the princess. I don't like the fact she's playing the damsel in distress - going crazy last episode, getting dizzy, acting like she's initially not familiar with her powers, then in other scenes, it seems like she knows how to use it.. Hmmm. Very suspicious!
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Aug 1, 2015 9:27 PM

Oct 2013
supernovasoul said:

The only ways to take down the barrier are
to kill the one who put it up
the one who activated it has to take it down

and another thing... everyone is supsious over adlet since he was the only one there but completely gloss over the fact the maura said that she had the key... she also said she had some type of plan and waited until she saw janz sooo.

Cause nashetania or whatever destroyed the altar.
Aug 1, 2015 9:33 PM

Aug 2013
New OP, liking it a lot. Also still using the new ED from last week with Naschetania which is also enjoyable.

Really similar visuals, but now we get to see crests along with naked bodies.

Game of find the traitor, interesting how it's developing so far.

You would think that if one was a traitor, then the best way to deal with it would be to have everyone work together. The single traitor wouldn't be able to make any moves easily because 6 on 1 will be a loss every time. Plus anyone caught doing something would make them target #1.

Zefyris said:
Verutex said:
So they believe somehow a tiny bomb Adlet homemade blew open a temple made by saints that withheld waves of bombs being dropped on it. I get he used it directly on the door but it still seems iffy something so small worked considering how tough Hans made them sound. Seems more likely someone figured a way to close it and he just reopened it. Also they said only the one who activated the barrier could turn it off and Flemy, Goldof and Nashetania already saw him try and it didn't work.

No one said that. As BenMS said above, the whole point is, that door once open don't close again. So if Adlet says that the door was closed when he arrived, then it means no one could enter before the door opened right in front of Adlet. In other words, what Hans said is that anyone who activated the barrier entered AFTER Adlet opened it. How it was opened doesn't matter. What matters is that Adlet said he opened it because it was closed.

So basically, when he "blew open" the door last week, and we all assumed it was some like Indiana Jones style fluke where his tiny bomb somehow worked was a fluke?

We were made to believe he opened it, when in reality it opened by some other means, and Adlet ended up taking credit for it because no on else was visible.

So I'm assuming that either someone:
- Teleoprted in there while the doors were still closed and TPd out by the time Adlet got in.
- Used invisibility or some spell
- Was just lightning quick and was able to somehow miraculously get in and out before Adlet could get in, which would've had to have been super fucking fast.
Aug 1, 2015 9:53 PM

Oct 2012
KuraiTomu said:
supernovasoul said:

The only ways to take down the barrier are
to kill the one who put it up
the one who activated it has to take it down

and another thing... everyone is supsious over adlet since he was the only one there but completely gloss over the fact the maura said that she had the key... she also said she had some type of plan and waited until she saw janz sooo.

Cause nashetania or whatever destroyed the altar.

"It was an accident!!"

It's so obvious at this point that she is the traitor. Zzz. Was expecting more mystery from this show. :( Still entertaining to watch, though.
Aug 1, 2015 10:53 PM

Jun 2014
God damn the tension. Really like the new OP. The characterization we got this episode was done really well imo.

Hans cornered Adlet at the end so I wonder how he'll talk his way out of it.

Adlet says, "There are plenty of ways in," before getting cut off by Hans. Isn't the only way in through the main door? How would Adlet know there are plenty of ways in anyway?
Aug 1, 2015 11:22 PM

Mar 2010
supernovasoul said:

The only ways to take down the barrier are
to kill the one who put it up
the one who activated it has to take it down

and another thing... everyone is supsious over adlet since he was the only one there but completely gloss over the fact the maura said that she had the key... she also said she had some type of plan and waited until she saw janz sooo.


You haven't been paying attention. The instructions don't mention the way to shut off the barrier. Killing in the one who put it up is the universal method for taking down all barriers.
Aug 1, 2015 11:50 PM

Nov 2011
I'll be surprised if the princess isn't the fake but if the princess is the fake, I don't think she will be killed just to deactive the barrier. She is the heroine.

Aug 2, 2015 12:01 AM

Jan 2014
I'm still beating that adelet is 7th, And again he got mark on his hand when he was in jail and RED FOG was in his cell like it was in clouds. But he's not going to work for demon king ofc.
Aug 2, 2015 12:35 AM

Sep 2014
Oh my gooooooosh, out of the blue we got a 7th person and a "locked room case"!!!
I have to scream this out loud ou else i gonna buuuuuuurst:

Nashetania is the culprit!!!

AND Goldof knowns, he's covering her up or even give her a hand in the murder, errr, the crime!? the case!?, or whatever!

What denounced her is that "tired" condition all of a sudden, its because that fucking sword stick in the pedestal!, that is none other than one of her swords!

AND Goldof fucking knows it, damn, i can feel it, damn i can smell it, damn i can even lick it! xD

mwuhahahahahah i can't wait to see if i gonna burn my ass with a wrong guest! *.*
A life is a history with no continues to be told by others endless.
We do not own lives, we own histories!
Aug 2, 2015 12:39 AM

Apr 2015
Let's see, my "say" of this characters this episode.

Goldof > Not suspicious, pretty cool and calm in dragging Flamie around.....

Maura > Playing the judge and the senior of all. Could be manipulating the situation

Nashetania > Seee fainted and clinged to MC.... huh? Forced?

Chamo > The little brat and bitch..... So you're tough?! Die already bully!

Hans > Ok, an assassin.... very fast in sentencing people to death...

Flemie > A hafa......poor girl..... surrounded by people who don't trust her except MC.... T_T
Aug 2, 2015 12:55 AM

Mar 2015
supernovasoul said:

The only ways to take down the barrier are
to kill the one who put it up
the one who activated it has to take it down

and another thing... everyone is supsious over adlet since he was the only one there but completely gloss over the fact the maura said that she had the key... she also said she had some type of plan and waited until she saw janz sooo.


They don't know how to put barrier down. It's like 'open sesam' doesnt work unless u do it the right way. Still most of the characters believe killing the master of the barrier will put it down. Is it really so?

And though Maura had a key, the door can be opened only once, the manner matters not, coz only the Saint of Selas herself can close it properly.

So yeah, the door was opened by Adlet. Once opened it cant be closed. None could enter the room by any means and then leave like it never happened. The room was perfectly shut and protected from outer influece means u cant activate barrier remotely.
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
Aug 2, 2015 12:58 AM

Feb 2013
honestly, the only twist that would make work would be nashetania. all of the others would be too obvious or predictable but hers would really put a spin on things, especially since she's the one who can manipulate swords.

i thought it was goldof before this episode but he's too mellow for the role. it would also be too convenient for him to also become a brave given that he already knew the princess, so i'm going to go with her being the fake all this time.

this chamot kid though is annoying as fuck.

Aug 2, 2015 1:00 AM

Oct 2013
So, is this a detective or adventure series????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
"Burn the heretics"
Aug 2, 2015 1:12 AM

Oct 2013
So it's basically confirmed that Nashetania is the culprit?

I mean, it's impossible to be Adlet, and the Great Demon using him without his knowledge is also out of question, and Nashetania is the only one who can create swords, as soon as Adlet opened the door the creater or manipulated a sword and activated the altar, that's the only reasonable answer in my opinion.
Aug 2, 2015 1:13 AM

Mar 2015
Imeon said:
Let's see, my "say" of this characters this episode.

Goldof > Not suspicious, pretty cool and calm in dragging Flamie around.....

Maura > Playing the judge and the senior of all. Could be manipulating the situation

Nashetania > Seee fainted and clinged to MC.... huh? Forced?

Chamo > The little brat and bitch..... So you're tough?! Die already bully!

Hans > Ok, an assassin.... very fast in sentencing people to death...

Flemie > A hafa......poor girl..... surrounded by people who don't trust her except MC.... T_T

Its more like

Goldof > I dont care whats goin on I have a princes to look after
Adlet > I kinda care whats goin on but I have a pretty gunslinger girl to look after
Hans > Nya, this situation is so dumb lmao
Nasshetania > Adlet-san is this Fremie-girl cuter than I am? Side with me I have bewbs!
Maura > Fucking weirdo kids everywhere!
Chamo > I dont care whats goin on but dat Fremie bitch I fucking hate her!
Fremie > Though Im'a half-demon and kinda killed alot of potential braves, Im not the 7th or anyth. Other then that u can do what u want, I dont have an opinion on the matter
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
Aug 2, 2015 1:14 AM

Jul 2014
oh man...wonder how Adlet's gonna get out of this :o good episode!

liking the new op too! :)
Aug 2, 2015 1:22 AM

Mar 2015
Valentine777 said:
Oh my gooooooosh, out of the blue we got a 7th person and a "locked room case"!!!
I have to scream this out loud ou else i gonna buuuuuuurst:

Nashetania is the culprit!!!

AND Goldof knowns, he's covering her up or even give her a hand in the murder, errr, the crime!? the case!?, or whatever!

What denounced her is that "tired" condition all of a sudden, its because that fucking sword stick in the pedestal!, that is none other than one of her swords!

AND Goldof fucking knows it, damn, i can feel it, damn i can smell it, damn i can even lick it! xD

mwuhahahahahah i can't wait to see if i gonna burn my ass with a wrong guest! *.*

How does Goldof know if he was far away until recently? When did they have time to share plans? Also the sword on the pedestal is just a regular sword. U can feel, smell and lick Nasshetania all over, but your reason has a lotta holes.
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
Aug 2, 2015 1:32 AM

Jul 2012
This episode made me %90 sure that fake is Nashetania...

Trying to act close to Adoretto so Goldof will go mad and side against Adoretto. Maybe Nashetania used his blade creation powers to create a blade inside without opening the door. And activated the mist thing with that blade?
Its the most possible way to do.

PS: I watched last part again and while Goldof is angry to Adoretto cuz Nashetania acted too close to him, Fremy looked like she realized something when Adoretto said "It'd be more like you to play a trick." to bunny-hiime.
ShadzzoAug 2, 2015 1:43 AM
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Aug 2, 2015 1:50 AM

Sep 2011
I think Nashetania is the 7th. She acts so weird all the time and the other Braves don't seem that suspicious to me.
Aug 2, 2015 1:58 AM

Jul 2014
Kalypze said:
KuraiTomu said:
Cause nashetania or whatever destroyed the altar.

"It was an accident!!"

It's so obvious at this point that she is the traitor. Zzz. Was expecting more mystery from this show. :( Still entertaining to watch, though.

Assuming Nashetania is the culprit, pls explain how she did all of this. If you can't, there's still more mystery.
Aug 2, 2015 2:10 AM

Apr 2013
supernovasoul said:

The only ways to take down the barrier are
to kill the one who put it up
the one who activated it has to take it down

and another thing... everyone is supsious over adlet since he was the only one there but completely gloss over the fact the maura said that she had the key... she also said she had some type of plan and waited until she saw janz sooo.


They don't know how to take it down so they can't do your first point... Mora clearly said she ahs no clue about how to do it... And from the previous episode, they tried different things ( the blood, removing the sword, breaking the tablet, saying different words...) because they didn't know how to do it...

And if Mora opened the door, that would have broken the seal so the door would be opened before Adlet arrive. And when the barrier was activated, Mora was with Hans...

Kalypze said:

"It was an accident!!"

It's so obvious at this point that she is the traitor. Zzz. Was expecting more mystery from this show. :( Still entertaining to watch, though.

That's just a tablet not an altar and she tried to destroy it for the same reason Adlet cut his hand lol xD

No one said 'we can dispel it because Nashetania broke something". Mora said "there's a way to dispel it but I don't have a clue of how it works". Nashetania didn't sabotage the way to dispel it. Heck, some peoples tried before Nashetnaia broke that to dispel it to no avail... Then what if having blood inside that hole make the whole thing unable to stop in reverse? That would make Adlet responsible for the fact that it doesn't stop from the same line of thoughts. Whatever~
ZefyrisAug 2, 2015 2:16 AM
Aug 2, 2015 2:10 AM

Apr 2014
YEEART said:
Kalypze said:

"It was an accident!!"

It's so obvious at this point that she is the traitor. Zzz. Was expecting more mystery from this show. :( Still entertaining to watch, though.

Assuming Nashetania is the culprit, pls explain how she did all of this. If you can't, there's still more mystery.

we don't care backstory that can explain later you can see all example in detective show *cough* *cough*
Aug 2, 2015 2:12 AM

Dec 2014
Whoa, wasn't expecting a new OP. A good one might I add.

So we learned about Fremy's secret this episode (which is quite something), but seriously though, how is Adlet going to get himself out of this locked-room mystery? Also, Maura and Chamlot definitely became suspicion to me.
Aug 2, 2015 2:15 AM
Nov 2012
Well I think that they could simply take turns trying to uplift the barrier. There is a spell if i remember correctly to uplift the barrier, but the one who cast it should be the one to say the words. (or spill the blood?) That would tell us the identity of the "fake". Just an observation.
Aug 2, 2015 2:26 AM

Apr 2013
f8llenbl4de said:
Well I think that they could simply take turns trying to uplift the barrier. There is a spell if i remember correctly to uplift the barrier, but the one who cast it should be the one to say the words. (or spill the blood?) That would tell us the identity of the "fake". Just an observation.

But they don't know how to do that.
Aug 2, 2015 2:41 AM

Jul 2014
I don't like the new OP an awful lot, but everything else is going strong. This episode, despite being slightly burdened by properly introducing all the characters, was still very tense and interesting in its own way. Already the suspicions are bouncing around, and I can't really say I'm surprised it's gone from Flamie to Adlet to start off with. However, this episode has made me more suspicious of Maura than anyone else. It seems a bit hard to believe that she didn't open the temple, given that she has the key and, from what we've been told before, that she knows more about all this stuff than any of them. Not only that, I find it strange that she mentions explicitly that she knew exactly when the Demon God awoke. Sure, someone with her power may have ways to see the signs of such things (same wth Chamot), but it certainly seems a bit odd that she'd say that rather than saying when she got her crest like Goldov (and Adlet presumably, though probably offscreen as they skipped part of his intro). As for the others, Flamie and Hans seem way too obvious, I'd be shocked if it actually was Adlet, I'm still not sure about Chamot, but I definitely don't trust Goldov, Nachetanya or Maura at this point.
Aug 2, 2015 2:43 AM

Apr 2013
She knew when the demon awake because that's whenthey receive the crest, so every single Rokka know of that. As for the prediction, NAshetania talked about it in episode one. That everyone knew that the Majin would awake in less than a year.
Aug 2, 2015 3:00 AM

Mar 2009
Good episode, the pacing was a bit lower than in the previous episode but even so I can't see how, with 7 episodes left, they will only adapt until the end of Vol.1
It's possible the adaption might go a bit further.

I'm always amazed by how much people get spoiled on MAL. I understand it's not likely for a manga/ln which 10k+ people read to get an adaption without spoilers.
But holy shit this ln wasn't even that popular and even on MAL has less than 1k members, even less than 700 before the anime started.
So how in the hell are you novel readers always spoiling things. Just stick to the MAL rules, it's ridiculous enough that spoiling doesn't get you an insta ban anyways.
Aug 2, 2015 3:05 AM

Jul 2007
IDK whether I should keep visiting this subforum because while speculation is safe its almost some people are pretending to speculate in order to spoil. IDK if that is what sometimes happens here(it did happen in UBW subforum where certain some assholes "pretended" to guess the big twist), because I have not read the novel.

I would not like to be spoiled on the best show this season just because some LN reader wanted to pretend to guess shit.

Shadzzo said:

Trying to act close to Adoretto so Goldof will go mad and side against Adoretto

Except that she acted that way even when they were alone so its nothing out of ordinary.
Aug 2, 2015 3:05 AM

Aug 2013
I think I developed a Hans crush (≧◡≦) anyway, I think Nashentania is the culprit. Too suspicious. When she was all dizzy from this episode, acted crazy when they were trapped, destroyed the altar, has blade power even though everybody else had hand to hand combat, and just as a potential plot twist character. Then again Adelt, main character, as the villain is pretty good too.
Aug 2, 2015 3:14 AM

Jul 2014
Zefyris said:
She knew when the demon awake because that's whenthey receive the crest, so every single Rokka know of that. As for the prediction, NAshetania talked about it in episode one. That everyone knew that the Majin would awake in less than a year.

Just goes to show that my memory on these things is pretty bad. At any rate, there are probably dozens of hints littered in these episodes that I've either missed or forgotten since the start, but a few I neglected to mention in my last post:
Thinking back on it, Chamot backing up Adlet's story of the talking, shape-shifting Fiend seems highly suspicious, not least because she killed it when it could, as far as she was aware at least, provide useful information (though this was later dismissed as the Fiends are supposed to be highly loyal). Also, how would she even know that the Fiend she killed was the same one Adlet is referring to? If I remember correctly, it turned into a Fiend like any other, hence how Adlet knew it was a Fiend at all. Surely the only way she'd know for sure that it was the same Fiend would be if she was watching Adlet at that point? If that was the case, that could make her more suspicious as she could have sneaked into the temple while Adlet was fighting the guards. After all, her size means that she could easily go unnoticed, even if they all know about her beforehand. On that same line of thought (of someone sneaking in while Adlet was fighting the guards), this raises suspicions of Hans as he very clearly says that he is an expert and sneaking into and out of places quickly and that he has experience with doors made by the Saint of Seals. On the other hand, given that he ignored the king talking about the barrier, he probably didn't know the ritual to raise the barrier (assuming he's telling the truth). The sneaking in idea could also, if true, rule out Goldov, Flamie and Nachetanya as they were all off fighting the Fiends while Adlet went on ahead to the temple and they were all shown to arrive at the same time anyway. That just leaves Maura as a totally unknown variable in this theory. The fact that we see her arrive with Hans seems largely irrelevant, but she seems most likely to know the ritual to raise the barrier compared to the other Braves. On the other hand, she seems to have a very distinct presence and doesn't seem likely to be proficient at sneaking like Hans is.

Long story short, from what we've seen and heard so far (that I actually remember), I really don't know who it is, but this speculation is really enjoyable.
Aug 2, 2015 3:14 AM

Feb 2013
majiloveanime said:
I think I developed a Hans crush (≧◡≦) anyway, I think Nashentania is the culprit. Too suspicious. When she was all dizzy from this episode, acted crazy when they were trapped, destroyed the altar, has blade power even though everybody else had hand to hand combat, and just as a potential plot twist character. Then again Adelt, main character, as the villain is pretty good too.

oh yea she just randomly freaked out when they got trapped, lol

now it's too obvious. dammit
Aug 2, 2015 3:30 AM

Feb 2015
DesuTronic said:
Don't let kids play with guns

I wish he/she (I really can't remember if this character was a boy or a girl) would just pull the trigger. Can't stand this character.
Aug 2, 2015 3:42 AM
Aug 2013
As a light novel reader, it's interesting too see all of the different theories. So far, I have only seen one theory that is somewhat correct. Keep guessing people. =)

The animation for Fremy's eye was pretty good. I also want to hear Geldof talk more.
Aug 2, 2015 4:30 AM

Dec 2013
Great intense episode and Chamot is an annoying little shit.
Stay in yesterday 時を止めて
Aug 2, 2015 4:31 AM

Jan 2015
I don't like Hans's reasoning. First of all, he said those doors have given him tons of trouble and still Adlet was able to open it with a little bomb. Some say it was automatically opened so the guards can go out but it doesn't make any sense. It would've been much better for the door to remain closed since it can't be opened without the key. Opening it automatically and sending two useless guards doesn't make any sense. Also, how does Hans even know the door only opens once and never closes? The fact that it hasn't closed so far, doesn't prove anything.
Aug 2, 2015 4:40 AM

May 2014
Shrimperor said:
That was good, as expected from AOTS-candidate.

Theory Time:
1-While Bunny girl is still the most suspicous for me, Adlet is pretty close now, especially when he said to cat detective ''There are plenty of ways in''. A Tongue slip maybe?

2-As i said, Bunny Girl is the most suspicous atm, especially since she is the Saint of Blades. Couldn't she like, ya know, ''Project'' a blade from outside the Temple inside it? That can also explain why she is so tired, as it took alot of her.
Also, some of the scenes where she was clumsy, confused, etc... could be ''mistaken'' for her trying to kill Someone (especially Adlet). Look at last episode where she was swinging her blade aroung like crazy.

3-Goldof, he knows something. Also, Remember how Adlet looked like he realised something when he look at Goldof and Bunny Girl? hmmm....

Closing Words: Dat OP.
Loli is scary xD

This^ seems so fuckin real... but why do u have to theorycraft at this pt. of time? ;_;....
anyway yes, she even said "please dont think i am unreliable, i just got a lil upset" suddenly to Adlet without any prior reason.. i thought it was weird but this seems like it.
But maybe the story still has some developments? i'd be damned if it wasnt bunny gril.
Aug 2, 2015 4:42 AM
Mar 2014
SaintChris77 said:
DesuTronic said:
Don't let kids play with guns

I wish he/she (I really can't remember if this character was a boy or a girl) would just pull the trigger. Can't stand this character.

All saints are female, so she. Also, her name is Chamo. And yes, she's an annoying little brat.
Knight of the Obsidian Order
Nth incarnation of NRVNQSR

Animatic (Anime-fanatic)
Aug 2, 2015 4:56 AM

Aug 2013
I think that the 7th is Maura, but I rather prefer Chamo, die already you little brat.

Btw, again - first ED was a whole universe better that this one.
Aug 2, 2015 4:57 AM

Apr 2013
I personally like the play Chamo does. Playing with her green foxtail (she did it again in the background this episode), playing with the gun like that, I have fun during the episode looking at her moving around.
Also, she was so bored during the discussion, so she agrees with anyone liking action over discussion down voting this episode. If chamo was posting in this thread, she would have said "borring, action when, too much talking, 1/5" xD. Which mean she's action fan's representative in there? x]
Aug 2, 2015 5:05 AM

Mar 2010
Zemroid said:
I don't like Hans's reasoning. First of all, he said those doors have given him tons of trouble and still Adlet was able to open it with a little bomb. Some say it was automatically opened so the guards can go out but it doesn't make any sense. It would've been much better for the door to remain closed since it can't be opened without the key. Opening it automatically and sending two useless guards doesn't make any sense. Also, how does Hans even know the door only o?ens once and never closes? The fact that it hasn't closed so far, doesn't prove anything.

Because he stated that he is familiar with her magic due to his line of work and this type of door is not made to close once it opens.

Why wouldn't that make sense? All of the Saint of Seals magic have traps that activate once the seal is breached, because spell is broken then. So a security system comes into effect attacks intruders incase that happens. The seal in the first place is designed to ward off fiends not humans and the former cannot enter the temple. So even if the fiends broke the seal they can't get inside and will be attack by the guardians. So there is little point in it re locking it.

eshwar007 said:

This^ seems so fuckin real... but why do u have to theorycraft at this pt. of time? ;_;....
anyway yes, she even said "please dont think i am unreliable, i just got a lil upset" suddenly to Adlet without any prior reason.. i thought it was weird but this seems like it.
But maybe the story still has some developments? i'd be damned if it wasnt bunny gril.

She had just once again lost nerves (the first time being in ep 2) and is afraid Adlet might find her unreliable. She is resuring him she not normally like that and can be counted on. What's wrong with that
Iron_MawAug 2, 2015 5:13 AM
Aug 2, 2015 5:17 AM

Jul 2007
Zemroid said:
I don't like Hans's reasoning. First of all, he said those doors have given him tons of trouble and still Adlet was able to open it with a little bomb. Some say it was automatically opened so the guards can go out but it doesn't make any sense. It would've been much better for the door to remain closed since it can't be opened without the key. Opening it automatically and sending two useless guards doesn't make any sense. Also, how does Hans even know the door only opens once and never closes? The fact that it hasn't closed so far, doesn't prove anything.

Hans said he is assassin and a thief and Seal Saint's various doors and etc are well known in that community

Jagd84 said:

She had just once again lost nerves (the first time being in ep 2) and is afraid Adlet might find her unreliable. She is resuring him she not normally like that and can be counted on. What's wrong with that

Its a MAL thing. Any character who does not act like emotionally dead sociopath will get ridiculed or under suspicion.
Aug 2, 2015 5:30 AM
Jul 2018
Hans is good...Holy damn Hans is good!! Definitely my no.1 brave :DDD

Wow, that eye plus the horn looked pretty creepy and ew on Fremy; Still she's a sweetheart and it made me a bit angry that she was treated rudely in this episode. Especially wanted to slap Goldof for pulling her like that. He's such dick; & when he spoke those words to Hans, I spitted on the screeen, lol.
Hm, Adlet seemed sad to see Fremy tied in chains & I noticed that he was on Fremy side all the time. He was defending her by saying he believes in her & of course he wants the braves to stop doubting in her that she reportedly is the 7th.

*deep sigh* That girl Nashetania. I hate her even more now. Eh, that faint was obviously fake. I cringed when she was later flirting with Adlet, putted a cutesy act. Oh my *rolls eyes*. Goldof was almost about to burst of jealousy right there omg. Ugh thank god Hans stopped the awkward Adlet-Nashetania moment :p I own him.

And did we get another cliffhanger in this ep too? Game 2strong I see.
Uff~ I freaking want more! This is a torture to wait a whole week to find out a lot more! T_T
Aug 2, 2015 5:32 AM

Apr 2013
Found that on animesuki board

It thought that was spot on xD
Aug 2, 2015 5:45 AM

Jul 2007
Zefyris said:
Found that on animesuki board

It thought that was spot on xD

Now if only majority of people realize that.

I still saw someone call this "a filler detour" and that "they are wasting time with this plot" and "should just get to fighting the demons".
Aug 2, 2015 5:47 AM

Apr 2013
CookingPriest said:
Zefyris said:
Found that on animesuki board

It thought that was spot on xD

Now if only majority of people realize that.

I still saw someone call this "a filler detour" and that "they are wasting time with this plot" and "should just get to fighting the demons".

I actually saw someone on ISML board who called that a" recap episode" lol. That was sad.
Aug 2, 2015 5:57 AM

Nov 2011
Hey, what if there should actually be 3 male and female in the group?

Aug 2, 2015 5:58 AM

Apr 2013
300 years ago, there was 5 saints(so 5 women) and 1 warrior (male according to the pictures). It was said by Nashetania in the 1st episode.
Aug 2, 2015 6:11 AM
Sep 2014
Wow its getting complicated. In my opinion at present Adlet, Fremy and Chamo are the least likely candidate to be the seventh. The anime is from Adlet's point of view so we know he didn't do it unless he has something like multiple personality disorder, we also saw when he received the crest and apparently Nashetania received her crest at the same time considering how she came to visit Adlet as soon as he received the crest although more often then none protagonist tends to be the special one among the bunch nevertheless he doesn't appears to be the seventh how the blame have been shifted toward him and considering the prologue I think in the next episode he'll flee and subsequently proves his innocence.

So far it appears that significant preparation was done to trap the Heroes; considering how Fremy never intended to join the group she is very unlikely to be the seventh moreover in this situation she is the most logical suspect which make it illogical for her to be the seventh.
And Chamo is just a spoiled brat. It more difficult to use a unreliable weapon then a weak weapon. I think if Chamo was the seventh she would've just attacked the rest. But this is where thinks gets complicated, other than Chamo and Adlet every one else has proper alibi, hence no one could've activate the barrier when Adlet open the door and I don't think both Mora and Hans lied about how the barrier could not be activated without opening the door.

Among the rest I think Goldof and Hans is less suspicious. It seems Goldof and Princess have some sort of shared past considering the ED and obviously he loves her so I highly doubt he'd turn traitor unless it to help Nashetania so there is still a chance although less likely.
About Hans I think he'd be a poor choice as the seventh as beside Fremy he is the most suspicious so I think it'd be too simple if he turned out to be the seventh for money or something like that.
Now the remaining are Nashetania and Mora. Mora seem to have a serious and upright personality, considering her position she doesn't seems to have any reason to be siding with the Majin but you know problem with this type; she might be thinking that the world is corrupt and beyond saving and to fix it a great calamity is needed but that would be cliché, but there could a dark side to this world and considering her position she knows about it and trying to fix it.
About Nashetania she seems to have a playful personality and a princess to boot but I can't help but think she is trying to make Adlet think she is a frail girl also she is the one who asked Adlet to go ahead when they were fighting. But she appeared as soon as Adlet received his crest which implies that she got her crest at the same time as Adlet so if one is genuine then the other should be so but we still don't know how the fake crest is different than the real.
I can't see how any of them could activate the barrier unless the guard at the castle lied about activation process. Also something had been bothering me since last two episode; if you remember since coming to the area Adlet said multiple times how its very hot. At first I didn't pay attention but its been implied on several occasion like when he was going up the stair to the castle or before the fight in the jungle. I know scientifically sudden drop in temperature will generate fog, you know the Dew point but I doubt scientific process is necessary to generate fog using magic, its just felt weird how they keep on insisting how its very hot.
I don't know if I'll be able to wait for a week to find out, I am doing my best not to read the novel. Does any one know how many novel the anime will cover? It feels they are still adapting the first volume, if thats the case it should need at least two more episode to solve the mystery or is there enough material in the first volume to last 12 episode? From my experience first volume of a novel never end at a cliffhanger so I thought they'd cover at least two volume.
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