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Jul 12, 2015 9:47 AM

Apr 2013
Harem_King said:
idk why u ppl feel like u have a bond with anime its creepy
That made no sense, sounded more like a kindergartner insult than an argument. I'll refrain from exchanging with you any longer.
Kerozinn said:
not a fan of CGI in anime myself but if the anime has any other qualities like good story,interesting characters,great soundtrack and in some cases a good sense of humor, then i just will look past the "meh" art and animation.

The thing with god eater is that animation style AND story are both MEH sofar.
true, that's why I said that the story doesnt look that interesting to begin with.. I can get past any art style if the anime is great in other aspects, but this.. dunno.
Jul 12, 2015 9:49 AM

Mar 2014
Sokah said:
Style was different, but it is the only thing that was. This is so generic I can't help but confuse it with dozens of other shows that are exactly the same, but it doesn't have Titan's horror, Black Bullet's sadness or Muv Luv's mechs. Well, lets hope it doesn't go down hill by becoming a harem show.
Tokyo Ghoul did it better.
Jul 12, 2015 9:51 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
So this is like a shitty version of Shingeki no Kyojin? Okay...

Seriously though I didn't know what to expect exactly but that was just incredibly disappointing. So cheesy =_=
Jul 12, 2015 9:52 AM

Apr 2014
Sourire said:
Harem_King said:
idk why u ppl feel like u have a bond with anime its creepy
That made no sense, sounded more like a kindergartner insult than an argument. I'll refrain from exchanging with you any longer.
Kerozinn said:
not a fan of CGI in anime myself but if the anime has any other qualities like good story,interesting characters,great soundtrack and in some cases a good sense of humor, then i just will look past the "meh" art and animation.

The thing with god eater is that animation style AND story are both MEH sofar.
true, that's why I said that the story doesnt look that interesting to begin with.. I can get past any art style if the anime is great in other aspects, but this.. dunno.
plz do its not pleasant talking to u

i enjoy conversing with ppl who can actually debate my arguments instead of getting offended
Jul 12, 2015 9:52 AM

Mar 2013
Got used to the cel shading and CGI quite fast really. Don't see anything wrong with it. Beside the amount of slow-mo's the anime I had, I got nothing else to nitpick on.

The animation was kinda above average. MC is generic for now IMO.

Beside that, I don't see the story anywhere yet since it is just episode 1 anyway.
Looking forward to the next episode.
Jul 12, 2015 9:56 AM

Nov 2014
We AOT now ?
Jul 12, 2015 9:58 AM

Mar 2014
royaldocks said:
We AOT now ?
Does this look like the best anime ever for you? No? I thought so.
Jul 12, 2015 9:59 AM
Jun 2014
I loved it until he was saved by the people jumping out of the helicopter, it was then i hated it. i wanted him to go bats nuts and kill them all in a blood lust badass mode but it just turned stupid. 1/5 dropped
Jul 12, 2015 10:02 AM

Dec 2010
Hmm people were bitching that it was a letdown... well, while it wasn't groundbreaking or whatever, it was still enjoyable. The MC seems somewhat typical but still likable. Looking forward to more.
Jul 12, 2015 10:05 AM

Aug 2010
Pretty damn generic ^^; Typical MC.

I really don't like the designs of the weapons.

Music was great when he was running to the rescue and when the 1st squad came in.
Now those 3 were BAs!!

Sanji being Zoro's commander? LOL XD

Mechanic girl is cute :3 And Dem Alisa armpits in the ED :L
Barion-ZaraJul 12, 2015 10:10 AM
Jul 12, 2015 10:05 AM
Dec 2014
Aaaalright, i don't really have many issues with the art style (a part from the scene where he ran and amamiya stopped him and the one where he talked to kota...jarring), the animation looked kinda choppy sometimes though? Eeeeh. I hope they fix some of these issues in the next episodes but it's probably not gonna happen.
Fights were decent, I like the MC and the ost was nice. Eh. Not much to say honestly.

I don't understand the complaints about it looking like 'aot' (kinda looks like you guys never read what god eater was about lol) and besides isn't it kinda too early to judge the plot on the first ep? lol.

Whatever. It was okay for me, we'll see this goes.
Jul 12, 2015 10:09 AM

Sep 2014
I have no problems with the art style. Good action.
Jul 12, 2015 10:11 AM

Jun 2015
i'm playing gods eater burst.

not bad . :3
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Jul 12, 2015 10:11 AM

Aug 2013
After all this hype the show got i need to say this was pretty shitty

Jul 12, 2015 10:12 AM

Feb 2015
Yep this is badass anime of the season right beside Gangsta.

The art-style is so awesome imo and the music really got me hyped up.

I also like how the MC isn't an exact copy of Eren or Yuu, at least he has that typical nice shounen MC personality XD, and he's not totally OP either, he just has that inner badass.
Jul 12, 2015 10:13 AM

Mar 2014
terrance207 said:
The art-style is so awesome imo and the music really got me hyped up.
lol so wrong.
Jul 12, 2015 10:14 AM

Jun 2013
Good first episode. I did enjoy it. The animation, opening and action scenes were pretty cool. It feels very basic though like other animes I have seen but i will still keep watching.
Douglas24Jul 12, 2015 10:18 AM
Jul 12, 2015 10:14 AM
Dec 2014
Paulo27 said:
terrance207 said:
The art-style is so awesome imo and the music really got me hyped up.
lol so wrong.

Do you feel the need to reply to a guy who said an opinion and even added 'imo' just to tell him he's wrong?
Jeez. Live and let live ffs.
Jul 12, 2015 10:14 AM

Apr 2013
love the visual style of the characters, character designs in general are pretty good too

animation was great

music was great

story is as generic as it gets but i have no problem with that, not what i am looking for here anyway.

cg monsters are decent but something drawn hitting cg always looks kinda weird

slow motion looked cool but was over done

got what i expected, i am happy
xSanoxJul 12, 2015 10:23 AM
Jul 12, 2015 10:15 AM

Jul 2014
a show so edgy that they have a guy smoking in the rain
Jul 12, 2015 10:15 AM

Mar 2014
LegendOfLenis said:
Paulo27 said:
lol so wrong.

Do you feel the need to reply to a guy who said an opinion and even added 'imo' just to tell him he's wrong?
Jeez. Live and let live ffs.
It's my opinion, I do whatever I want with it, now bugger off.
Jul 12, 2015 10:18 AM

Apr 2013
Harem_King said:
Sourire said:
That made no sense, sounded more like a kindergartner insult than an argument. I'll refrain from exchanging with you any longer.
true, that's why I said that the story doesnt look that interesting to begin with.. I can get past any art style if the anime is great in other aspects, but this.. dunno.
plz do its not pleasant talking to u

i enjoy conversing with ppl who can actually debate my arguments instead of getting offended
Wtf is this trash I can't stand that cg

Jul 12, 2015 10:18 AM

Nov 2012
It was average on another note it's nicee to see sanji and zoro on the same team again and probably getting along this time.
Jul 12, 2015 10:18 AM

Feb 2014
ZephSilver said:
a show so edgy that they have a guy smoking in the rain

this made me lol.

But honestly, it's just 1 episode, since it's ufotaburu i'll give it a few more episodes
"Just because I’ve gotten weaker, it doesn’t mean that you got stronger, right?" - Accelerator
Jul 12, 2015 10:20 AM

Jul 2014
Art is nice.......... that's it.

This episode made fuck all sense. What is going on.
Jul 12, 2015 10:20 AM
Apr 2014
terrance207 said:
I also like how the MC isn't an exact copy of Eren

Jul 12, 2015 10:21 AM

Mar 2014
Drake1000 said:
terrance207 said:
I also like how the MC isn't an exact copy of Eren

Even the noses are edgy, damn.
Jul 12, 2015 10:21 AM
Jan 2012
I like the art style, but the problem is that it's very uneven, it looks like shit most of the time. Seems like they didn't have enough time to properly rotoscope all of the cgi.
I noticed that the scenes that were in the trailers where the best looking ones..

and the rest of the anime was bad, dropped
Jul 12, 2015 10:23 AM

Jun 2014

it was super bleh and meh
alpha_shadowJul 12, 2015 10:31 AM
Jul 12, 2015 10:24 AM

Nov 2011
Since when did '90s video game animation become a thing again?

My Twitter : link
My : link
Jul 12, 2015 10:26 AM
Jul 2012
Paulo27 said:
LegendOfLenis said:

Do you feel the need to reply to a guy who said an opinion and even added 'imo' just to tell him he's wrong?
Jeez. Live and let live ffs.
It's my opinion, I do whatever I want with it, now bugger off.

It's my opinion that you don't have the right to your opinion, now bugger off.

By the way, I'm surprised at a lot of people calling the character designs "CG" when it's plain clear that it's cel-shaded. I feel like this art-style is much more difficult to pull off than normal Anime designs. Whenever I draw in SAI, it's much more easier to do the "standard" type of coloring, rather than going for cel-shading.

Owari no Seraph had paintings as backgrounds, whereas God Eater seems to have animated paintings. It's difficult to get used to, and the animation is DEFINITELY choppy at some point (and the faces can look pretty weird at times). I hope they fix those problems in the BD, and maybe add a few more frames to make it look smoother. I don't think it's easy to pull off a smooth animation without adding in more frames, and adding more frames means more time and money.

Oh well, I'm curious at how at the direction of the story. The art style is quite unique (I'm not sure if there is another anime with this art style), but the story will be the main dish.
Jul 12, 2015 10:27 AM

Jul 2013
Hahaha really a lot of slow mow for nothing :D
Average for me, I don't know yet, need more episode.
Jul 12, 2015 10:27 AM

Dec 2014
Why do they censored the body parts of aragami...
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Jul 12, 2015 10:28 AM

Oct 2013
Holy shit what an amazing first episode.

This show is right up on my alley so I can't wait for the next episode
Jul 12, 2015 10:28 AM
Feb 2015
Very exciting, really looking forward to this anime!! Got something to watch on Sunday's now :3
[center] *>.>[Spoiler][/spoiler]<.<*
Jul 12, 2015 10:30 AM

Jan 2012
-Ziro said:
Holy shit what an amazing first episode.

This show is right up on my alley so I can't wait for the next episode

Stahp posting while stoned pls lol

It felt so blank and rushed
Hope that ep2 wil be better

Jul 12, 2015 10:32 AM

Jan 2014
There was nothing groundbreaking about this... which disappoints me.

I really had high hopes for this but all I got were random flashbacks, a generic as fuck main character, generic teacher, generic Best Team crew. And the presentation was off for me too. The Art, I can handle. It's the not-so-intense action that bothers me. What happened to all that intense as fuck WHISHWHISHWANG from Fate and KnK, ufo?

Well, so far, I'm not impressed but I will keep watching it to see if this goes anywhere.

As much as I want to really really enjoy this series, you're making this way too hard, ufotable.

(Please don't be this season's Glasslip/Seraph)
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Jul 12, 2015 10:32 AM
Dec 2014
I feel like the problem is that in some of the scenes the characters were just really poorly drawn and overall looked off compared to the background...
Other than that, it's the fact that the animation looks choppy and honestly you can REALLY tell that ufotable had production issues with it. I don't know. I feel like they shouldn't have tried this art style since they had a time limit with namco (aka the anime had to come out before the new game). I was worried because i thought it felt choppy in the pvs already and I'm not confident they're going to solve this problem. My expectations are pretty low honestly.
Jul 12, 2015 10:32 AM

Jan 2015
Art is... strange.
It's look like they going to do game plot with some changes... So nothing shocking.
Curious, how good this would be.
Jul 12, 2015 10:33 AM

Nov 2014
Hmmmm.... i don't know what to think of this first episode right now. There seems to be something missing. Things happend to fast. Like where are the background or little history of the characters.
Jul 12, 2015 10:35 AM

Oct 2012
Oh man that was awful. I don't think there was one thing I liked about this apart from the OST which I couldn't even hear because the sound effects were far too loud. The whole episode felt like I was watching cut-scenes from a video game.
Jul 12, 2015 10:36 AM

Apr 2014
MagicalMahou said:
There was nothing groundbreaking about this... which disappoints me.

I really had high hopes for this but all I got were random flashbacks, a generic as fuck main character, generic teacher, generic Best Team crew. And the presentation was off for me too. The Art, I can handle. It's the not-so-intense action that bothers me. What happened to all that intense as fuck WHISHWHISHWANG from Fate and KnK, ufo?

Well, so far, I'm not impressed but I will keep watching it to see if this goes anywhere.

As much as I want to really really enjoy this series, you're making this way too hard, ufotable.

(Please don't be this season's Glasslip/Seraph)
Chaos Dragon has competition for the train wreck of the season
Jul 12, 2015 10:36 AM

Mar 2014
Harem_King said:
MagicalMahou said:
There was nothing groundbreaking about this... which disappoints me.

I really had high hopes for this but all I got were random flashbacks, a generic as fuck main character, generic teacher, generic Best Team crew. And the presentation was off for me too. The Art, I can handle. It's the not-so-intense action that bothers me. What happened to all that intense as fuck WHISHWHISHWANG from Fate and KnK, ufo?

Well, so far, I'm not impressed but I will keep watching it to see if this goes anywhere.

As much as I want to really really enjoy this series, you're making this way too hard, ufotable.

(Please don't be this season's Glasslip/Seraph)
Chaos Dragon has competition for the train wreck of the season
At least Chaos Dragon has better CG.
Jul 12, 2015 10:36 AM

Aug 2013
I like the art style, OST is gr8, but the OP is kinda weak

dat file size tho, I thought this gonna be a 1 hour episode at start
Jul 12, 2015 10:37 AM

Feb 2015

Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die Jäger!

Great entrance by the Unit 1.

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Jul 12, 2015 10:38 AM

Jun 2011
What a shitty CGI

Jul 12, 2015 10:39 AM

Mar 2014
SchwingBoner said:

Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die Jäger!

Great entrance by the Unit 1.

Tumblr gifs make this show ten times better, ufotable should take notes.
Jul 12, 2015 10:39 AM
Oct 2014
The art actually make my head feel dizzy to look at. Too much shading and the color looks saturated. But the animation was pretty impressive. I don't mind cgi or whatever it is. I look for some epic battle scene.
Jul 12, 2015 10:42 AM

Sep 2013
Guys that can't watch CGI will lose out slightly in the future. Probably there will be more anime adapting the CGI workstyle. Not every day is a Sunday boys.

Just got to suck it up and watch and adapt to it. Luckily I'd watched Sidonia beforehand so I'm able to adjust to this art.

I've always... always been watching you... This whole time... Because you were there... That's why I was able to try hard. So you could have some balance! So you wouldn't treat me like a kid! So you would see me as an actual girl! Even while you were gone... You were right here! You were right here in my heart!
Jul 12, 2015 10:43 AM

Apr 2014
delulytric said:
Guys that can't watch CGI will lose out slightly in the future. Probably there will be more anime adapting the CGI workstyle. Not every day is a Sunday boys.

Just got to suck it up and watch and adapt to it. Luckily I'd watched Sidonia beforehand so I'm able to adjust to this art.
well from ppl who played the game the story isnt that good anyways so we didnt lose much dropping it here
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