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Apr 8, 2012 10:33 AM

Jun 2011
Its been 3 years since I watch the anime, and even now I still wish for a 3rd season!
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Apr 17, 2012 2:24 PM
Jan 2012
I guess it's kinda been too long now huh :(

But I agree, a movie would be GREAT to tie up all the loose ends!
I have a ridiculously elaborate theory of how things could pan out in S3.... heh.
Apr 19, 2012 1:27 PM

Jan 2008
It was the same thing with ZnT (well not really but allmost) so just wait patiently and there might be another one.
Honsetly if there isn't (or OVA at the very least) I'm gonna be pretty fuckin' pissed. This ending is so confusing. We are shown a couple of images with no explanation at all.
It's... Just... Too... Much...
Apr 20, 2012 3:40 PM

May 2011
I crave for a prequel to S1 with Heaven's Gate and the making of Kuro no Keiyakusha... moar Amber plz!

plz plz plz!
May 19, 2012 4:12 PM

Feb 2012
OH,seriously,there are way too many unanswered questions ins2,they have to make s3.
"Efficiency is not king, efficacy is."

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Jul 31, 2012 3:19 PM

Jul 2011
Just finished season 2, as everyone else, need season 3! although I don't care for Hei, it's more likely to do with Misaka and her new team. And what happened to Yin.

I think That suou and July were transported into the new world shion made.

ahh so much left unanswered, need more!
Aug 9, 2012 7:52 AM
Aug 2012
How does the mind of an artist work?
Do they follow their own vision for a series from the beginning to the end?
Or do they release a product, see what the viewers think, then proceed to make decisions based on the results along the way?

If this one is a strong one, then season 3 may be very far off...

Do you listen to your fans?
Or do you pursue your own vision?
Oct 11, 2012 11:28 PM

Feb 2008
shurryy said:
How does the mind of an artist work?
Do they follow their own vision for a series from the beginning to the end?
Or do they release a product, see what the viewers think, then proceed to make decisions based on the results along the way?

If this one is a strong one, then season 3 may be very far off...

Do you listen to your fans?
Or do you pursue your own vision?

Depends on the artist, some have a plot planned out from beginning to end and some just make it up as they go along taking ideas from fans
I think Darker than Black follows under the second one.

Season 3 is a necessity.
..I need it..
Oct 15, 2012 6:26 PM

Jul 2012
I want season 3 already. ;w;
I've heard that season 3 will be the prequel of everything? That would be cool too, but I'd rather want a sequel. ;w;
Oct 21, 2012 12:50 AM

Aug 2012
I hope we get a S3 now that Blue exorcist is finished.
Since that was Tensai's latest project.
Oct 27, 2012 3:06 PM
Oct 2011
writtenonclouds said:
I hope we get a S3 now that Blue exorcist is finished.
Since that was Tensai's latest project.

Same here, season one was fantastic and season two was pretty good so I'd love more. I'd really like to see one especially with how this ended opening up more story.
DangerMouseDMOct 27, 2012 3:38 PM
Nov 3, 2012 5:11 AM
Oct 2012
i think we don´t get a another season:( just read the bones article in wiki. they published a another anime(Blast of Tempest). maybe they mean 2013 october.....
Nov 6, 2012 1:47 AM
Aug 2012
so does anyone know if season 3 is confirmed to happen or not?
Nov 9, 2012 10:13 AM

Aug 2012
DangerMouseDM said:
writtenonclouds said:
I hope we get a S3 now that Blue exorcist is finished.
Since that was Tensai's latest project.

Same here, season one was fantastic and season two was pretty good so I'd love more. I'd really like to see one especially with how this ended opening up more story.
I guess Blue Exorcist isn't finished. It's getting a movie.(just found that out)
So hopefully when the movies done.
Nov 11, 2012 4:16 PM

May 2012
There are so many potential for a season 3.
Sword in hand, a warrior clutches stone to breast. In sword etched he his fading memories In stone, his tempered skill By sword attested, by stone revealed. Their tale can now be told
Jan 11, 2013 9:50 PM

Jun 2012
Alright, I finished the 2nd season of this series like 1-2 weeks ago and this anime series is well in my top 10.

I was just thinking about a 3rd season, couldn't this series lead on a 3rd season but starting with a new Contractor? I`ve been thinking this is the only series that could pull this off. Considering Hei

What do you guys think?

Personally just throwing this out there, season 2 was amazing just too short, and the only reason people hate on it in my opinion is because the OVA that explains what happend in the middle of S1 and S2. was released after Season 2 was released.
SasoraJan 11, 2013 10:04 PM
Jan 11, 2013 9:55 PM

Mar 2012
I'm dead. Don't come looking for me.
Jan 11, 2013 9:59 PM

Feb 2012
Yes it could continue since contractors are by no means "eliminated" however with what happen with heavens gate ( impenetrationable zone ) and hell's gate ( erasing of the particles used to destroy the gate ). There wouldn't really be much purpose to a second season

What happened to Hei exactly is pretty unknown.

There is plenty of room to add another season but I couldn't see how there would be much of a plot left afterwards

If your interested there is...

I doubt we'll be seeing any 3rd season to be honest.

However a prequel of darker than black is more possible telling the stories about how Hei became the "Black Reaper" exactly and why his memories where never erased after his sister became a contractor. What exactly happened isn't really clear. In normal situations his memories should have been erased and he should have never fought in the war or became a contractor.
Jan 11, 2013 9:59 PM

Aug 2012
There is a rumor about a third season which is a prequel.

And you're doing it wrong. the spoilers.

EDIT; and the new contractor
Im not watching if they start sth new with some new contractor and doll.
Jan 11, 2013 10:00 PM

Nov 2010
Well they didn't like it because it was pretty boring and had an ending that they didn't like. I didn't really care for it all too much.

While it isn't impossible, I don't see it happening.

BTW this is how you use a spoiler, just copy and paste this [spoiler]*PUT SPOILER IN HERE*[/spoiler]
Jan 11, 2013 10:02 PM

Jun 2009
Topic Merged
I have merged the two Darker then Black season 3 topics together

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Jan 25, 2013 4:57 AM

Jun 2012
hope there will be
Mar 5, 2013 8:35 PM
Feb 2012
I'm really hoping for a Season 3 prequel, or a Season 3 regardless if it's a prequel or not.

Now I know Bones usually releases one anime at a time but they haven't announced their next project yet, Zetsuen no Tempest will end this month and they haven't announced their next anime yet, I check everyday in hopes of DTB S3. Does anyone have an idea when Bones announces their next project in relation to when their current one finishes?

Now here's something interesting, there's an article from June 2012

And I don't know if it's been released yet, I checked anime's after June 2012 and none are really familiar titles except for the Star Driver Movie (, but that was announced in January 2012, so it can't be that. Does anybody have any idea what he's talking about?

There's rumors ranging from Soul Eater remake, to Darker than Black sequel to RahXephon remake, does anybody have any news on this and could this be a possible Darker than Black Season 3? I know the chance is very small especially with him hinting that it's a "new version" but I'm still hoping!!!
May 22, 2013 11:51 AM
Apr 2013
we want season three and we want sex between hei and yin.................
Jun 20, 2013 9:38 AM

Jun 2013
I really want Season 3 and I know it's about the Heavens Gate... but let us not forget about the vacum after season 2. I mean, WTF? I think they kind of could manage to use both on the plot to give us a better picture.
If misaki won't show up, then Hei will be the only character to keep me attatched to this series... :(
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 1, 2013 6:49 PM

Nov 2010
For the love of God!!!! we need a 3rd season!!!!
Jul 4, 2013 7:28 AM

Jul 2013
I want season 3, hopefully it's prequel. There's still a lot of things about Hei's past that we don't know... his background is just so blurry. And I want to know more background info about the contractors and dolls, about gates too. There's still so much potential in this series. A lot was left unexplained.
Jul 6, 2013 2:29 AM

May 2013
Ive been itching for a new season forever
Nov 13, 2013 12:27 AM
Jul 2012
synusinverse said:
we want season three and we want sex between hei and yin.................

LMAO definitely a good premise for a 3rd season :P
Nov 13, 2013 5:50 AM
Oct 2013
It's been years since this season was aired and I doubt there would be a next season. But I really hope if there would be one that they would fill every blacks and holes on the story. Same here, I feel lacked after finishing the last episode today. Sigh...
Jan 22, 2014 7:12 AM

Jan 2014
i really hope there will be next one... !
K A T - Legenda Zza Światów - wstęp:
W dawnych czasach, które już niemal całkowicie przeminęły, magia i posługujące się nią istoty,
a także zaklęte stwory i złowrogie, nieokiełznane bestie
zamieszkiwały Zza Światy, pomiędzy którymi można było odbywać podróże.
Wiedza na ten temat była jednak przekazywana wyłącznie nielicznym wybrańcom.
Wielcy bohaterzy musieli stawać do walki ze złem, w obronie dobra,
by przezwyciężyć zagrażające równowadze mroczne widmo ciemności i chaosu
i zaprowadzić niezbędny wszem wobec praworządny ład i porządek.
Oto legenda jednego z nich…
Jan 28, 2014 11:01 PM

Jan 2014
hei4ever said:
GigaSPX said:
I seriously want a Season 3 like the rest of you all, but it's hard to say since Tensai had already announced that there's possibly no Season 3 because Yin might be dead. :(

Then again, I could really put my imagination to deny her death since in the OVA, Hei accidentally electrocuted her because of a certain contractor's trick, but she survived it.
she can't be dead right she sucked up the spirits of the one's standing around her grave so she's alive right?

Just to set things straight, Hei didn't electrocute Yin in the OVA. He just slammed her into the window.
Take a look. There's an odd, darkish, red coloring inside of my gun-cannon. Can you just... do a little scrub scrub and clean it out?

Can you see it? You probably can (kinda hard to miss it *cough*). Just Reach your arm on up back there. I, myself, have no plausible idea on how it got all the way in there. >:3

Mar 27, 2014 12:17 AM
Mar 2014
Wanted to see what other people thought of this: I would love for there to be a season 3 but only if it's a prequel because I think that the show got a good conclusion, mashing up all the important dialogues of both seasons and ovas into 5-10 minutes (which reminded me of chaos;head and ergo proxy) and leaving a slight cliffhanger to entice the imagination of the reader. Though many people want a continuation to DTB Gemini because there were countless of unsolved questions, my opinion is otherwise. What I got from the show is (it may be wrong or different than other people's opinions) that there is a divine being (heaven and hells gate weren't named that way because they sounded cool), and his purpose is to eradicate humans and replace them with a higher being, and these are the dolls. Similar to the tale of noahs arc, where a flood is used to cleanse the earth of lesser humans and beings to leave room for the higher beings, dolls were sent to replace humans. Contractors on the other hand are failed dolls, they have the rationale of dolls but are prone to have the emotions that humans have. Throughout the first season, manga, and especially ovas they hint at the dolls constantly evolving and changing, this was shown especially with yin who eventually evolved to the extent of having incomparable power. From what I understand (and it's been a long while since I watched the series so I might not remember names) the red haired boy at the end of the series was used to clone yin and create the spawn of what would be the new beings of this world which is why they wanted to catch him to start off with. If I remember correctly, his twin sister is actually a clone of himself, but his cloning ability isn't perfect which is shown in how his twin/clone is a girl and not a guy like him and how the spawn of yin is a boy and not girl. I can go on for more but basically it's a kind of elfen lied thing where the new beings with the invisible arms' purpose is to mate with human kind until all of human kind is replaced by these new beings or a kind of guilty crown where the next step in the evolution for this world is where humans are supposed to evolve into an immortal crystal like material where their consciousness and memories can forever reside, only here in DTB the next step in evolution is for humans to be replaced by dolls. Also like most people I was left with questions after the second season but the thing that answered them all were the ovas, to put emphasis on how important the dialogues in the ovas are.
Apr 12, 2014 4:05 AM

May 2013
Greasem1995 said:
Wanted to see what other people thought of this: I would love for there to be a season 3 but only if it's a prequel because I think that the show got a good conclusion, mashing up all the important dialogues of both seasons and ovas into 5-10 minutes (which reminded me of chaos;head and ergo proxy) and leaving a slight cliffhanger to entice the imagination of the reader. Though many people want a continuation to DTB Gemini because there were countless of unsolved questions, my opinion is otherwise. What I got from the show is (it may be wrong or different than other people's opinions) that there is a divine being (heaven and hells gate weren't named that way because they sounded cool), and his purpose is to eradicate humans and replace them with a higher being, and these are the dolls. Similar to the tale of noahs arc, where a flood is used to cleanse the earth of lesser humans and beings to leave room for the higher beings, dolls were sent to replace humans. Contractors on the other hand are failed dolls, they have the rationale of dolls but are prone to have the emotions that humans have. Throughout the first season, manga, and especially ovas they hint at the dolls constantly evolving and changing, this was shown especially with yin who eventually evolved to the extent of having incomparable power. From what I understand (and it's been a long while since I watched the series so I might not remember names) the red haired boy at the end of the series was used to clone yin and create the spawn of what would be the new beings of this world which is why they wanted to catch him to start off with. If I remember correctly, his twin sister is actually a clone of himself, but his cloning ability isn't perfect which is shown in how his twin/clone is a girl and not a guy like him and how the spawn of yin is a boy and not girl. I can go on for more but basically it's a kind of elfen lied thing where the new beings with the invisible arms' purpose is to mate with human kind until all of human kind is replaced by these new beings or a kind of guilty crown where the next step in the evolution for this world is where humans are supposed to evolve into an immortal crystal like material where their consciousness and memories can forever reside, only here in DTB the next step in evolution is for humans to be replaced by dolls. Also like most people I was left with questions after the second season but the thing that answered them all were the ovas, to put emphasis on how important the dialogues in the ovas are.

Good post, I've waited 2 years to read something like this.
Apr 15, 2014 9:13 AM

Dec 2010
Greasem1995 said:
Wanted to see what other people thought of this: I would love for there to be a season 3 but only if it's a prequel because I think that the show got a good conclusion, mashing up all the important dialogues of both seasons and ovas into 5-10 minutes (which reminded me of chaos;head and ergo proxy) and leaving a slight cliffhanger to entice the imagination of the reader. Though many people want a continuation to DTB Gemini because there were countless of unsolved questions, my opinion is otherwise. What I got from the show is (it may be wrong or different than other people's opinions) that there is a divine being (heaven and hells gate weren't named that way because they sounded cool), and his purpose is to eradicate humans and replace them with a higher being, and these are the dolls. Similar to the tale of noahs arc, where a flood is used to cleanse the earth of lesser humans and beings to leave room for the higher beings, dolls were sent to replace humans. Contractors on the other hand are failed dolls, they have the rationale of dolls but are prone to have the emotions that humans have. Throughout the first season, manga, and especially ovas they hint at the dolls constantly evolving and changing, this was shown especially with yin who eventually evolved to the extent of having incomparable power. From what I understand (and it's been a long while since I watched the series so I might not remember names) the red haired boy at the end of the series was used to clone yin and create the spawn of what would be the new beings of this world which is why they wanted to catch him to start off with. If I remember correctly, his twin sister is actually a clone of himself, but his cloning ability isn't perfect which is shown in how his twin/clone is a girl and not a guy like him and how the spawn of yin is a boy and not girl. I can go on for more but basically it's a kind of elfen lied thing where the new beings with the invisible arms' purpose is to mate with human kind until all of human kind is replaced by these new beings or a kind of guilty crown where the next step in the evolution for this world is where humans are supposed to evolve into an immortal crystal like material where their consciousness and memories can forever reside, only here in DTB the next step in evolution is for humans to be replaced by dolls. Also like most people I was left with questions after the second season but the thing that answered them all were the ovas, to put emphasis on how important the dialogues in the ovas are.

I was taking you seriously until you said Shion tried to clone himself....
The cloned Suou is based on the real Suou, not Shion himself. Shion didn't make a mistake nor was his power defective.
I read Manga in both English and Chinese.
May 6, 2014 2:27 AM

Jan 2014
Season 3? All we can do is hope.
Insert Signature Here
May 6, 2014 2:53 AM

Jan 2013
The director said that he already did all what he wanted to say. And I, personally, don't want another disaster.
Jun 8, 2014 11:27 AM
Aug 2011
allenallenallen said:
I was taking you seriously until you said Shion tried to clone himself....
The cloned Suou is based on the real Suou, not Shion himself. Shion didn't make a mistake nor was his power defective.

Suou was cloned 2 years before the incidents in season 2, when there was no original which he could have used to make a copy.
Instead of assuming he made a copy basically from scratch, using his memories and guessing how his sister would have turned out if she would have grown up, I believe it is easy to say he copied himself and made some changes.
Jun 18, 2014 8:29 AM

Aug 2008
It's already been more than 4 years but still no news of season 3. If there is season 3,I hope we get to see Hei teaming up with Misaki.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Dec 25, 2014 9:26 PM

Aug 2008
According to this website,Darker than Black 2 manage to sold 12,152 bluray/dvd. Is this sales good enough for sequel?
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
May 16, 2015 9:22 AM
May 2015
Is there any way to request the writer to make s3
May 16, 2015 9:23 AM
May 2015
Other than petition
Aug 15, 2015 11:41 AM

May 2015
yeah I agree there should be a 3rd season. the 2nd was short and not satisfying. I hope they release the next season soon.
याद रखिये ख़ुशी इस बात पर निर्भर नहीं करती कि आप कौन हैं या आपके पास क्या है ; ये पूरी तरह से इस बात पर निर्भर करती है कि आप क्या सोचते हैं

Jan 28, 2016 7:06 AM

Sep 2013
Need season 3? but contractor cannot dreaming lol
Apr 23, 2016 2:12 PM
Apr 2016
I see a lot of confusion about Hei's lost power. After Hei makes contact with Izanami/Yin, a light between them ensues. We then here that BK201's (Hei's) star has reappeared in the sky.

As for season 3, I'm practically dying to see a sequel, as a season or a movie. Ijust finished the series and am in withdrawal in finding out that thus far there is no season 3 DX
Mar 3, 2018 5:35 AM

Nov 2012

Same day as the 10th anniversary stage event so if there was ever a time to announce S3 it'd be now.
Mar 3, 2018 5:59 AM

Oct 2014
we need shikkoku no hana adaptation.
Jan 21, 2019 5:27 AM
Dec 2016
It's 2019, it's not that bad to have a big hope of season 3 or a movie.
Jan 21, 2019 1:58 PM
Jan 2019
Darker Than Black come back please
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