Apr 24, 2015 9:19 AM
Cause thats MAL's thing they attack popular series SAO, AoT,etc... There are three types 1.The people who actually hate said series 2.People hating on said series solely because its more popular just to look cool 3.Bandwagon jumpers I personally find this series quite good. |
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD" |
Apr 24, 2015 11:00 AM
Zeando said: tumblr is a scary place.. beware the hype @deadoptimist i'm not being an ass, this is seriously scary stuff :o and i took some that were actually cute, the others are even worse.. I know. I've been observing the coverage of aldnoah there, and the stuff I saw... Currently the aldnoah tag is plagued with OnS. |
Apr 25, 2015 1:48 AM
By the end of the many dystopian!vampire series are there actually..? Because I think I missed them. Or there are actually very few so this series is sorta original(?) in its genre. |
Apr 25, 2015 3:32 AM
I don't know about you guys but with 3 episodes out I'm genuinely shocked by the fact that someone's already written a review of the ENTIRE series. People these days just keep getting more and more presumptuous, don't they? |
Apr 25, 2015 10:12 AM
Because this anime panders to Fujoshi, brainless teenagers and casuals. |
Do you play Azure Lane? Then please join my fanclub |
May 3, 2015 10:02 PM
trabeus1 said: I'm just curious. Why does alot of people hate this show? Without even looking I bet you I can name people at least 5 people who "hate" this show. Robis, Z4k, Mich666, skudoops, parfaited I would put deadoptimist on this list, but at least she knows how to form proper criticism, not just buzzwords. I also bet you I can name 3 of there so called criticisms -generic: They always use this vague buzzword, it's meaningless. I bet they don't even understand what generic means. -highschool setting: because they are so "dark, edgy, and mature" and oh no not a highschool setting omg it can't be. -predictable: They know everything that is going to happen.... AFTER it happens. Yet they swear they saw it coming. edit: oh wait I forgot number 4 Bad writing: They are all experts, don't question them they don't know what they are talking about. Yet they absolutely will pretend to I've seen those 5 say the exact same things over and over again, it never changes no matter what series it is. |
KamiCityMay 3, 2015 10:11 PM
May 4, 2015 12:00 AM
KamiCity said: Without even looking I bet you I can name people at least 5 people who "hate" this show. Robis, Z4k, Mich666, skudoops, parfaited I would put deadoptimist on this list, but at least she knows how to form proper criticism, not just buzzwords. I also bet you I can name 3 of there so called criticisms -generic: They always use this vague buzzword, it's meaningless. I bet they don't even understand what generic means. -highschool setting: because they are so "dark, edgy, and mature" and oh no not a highschool setting omg it can't be. -predictable: They know everything that is going to happen.... AFTER it happens. Yet they swear they saw it coming. edit: oh wait I forgot number 4 Bad writing: They are all experts, don't question them they don't know what they are talking about. Yet they absolutely will pretend to I've seen those 5 say the exact same things over and over again, it never changes no matter what series it is. Wow I can't believe senpai noticed my shitty posts! Which is flattering for me since i've only commented on 3 out of the 5 episode discussion topics and my episode 1 comment was just largely neutral: episode said: Blond boy was the most interesting out of the two. episode said: This is absolutely not good especially the whole sequence with the pink-haired girl. episode said: ew @ this series tbh Wow I use the words " high school setting", "generic", "predictable" and "bad writing" a lot. KamiCity said: I've seen those 5 say the exact same things over and over again, it never changes no matter what series it is. Okay now i'm a little less flattered. I suggest you stalk me some more before posting something like this. ... but now you can rest your pretty little head though because i've already dropped this show anyway. |
standMay 4, 2015 12:13 AM
May 4, 2015 12:25 AM
parfaited said: eeeh maybe I confused you for someone else, like i said I named people without looking so I might've confused you with someone else. If so, my bad I apologize. it was someone who's name started with a P but he didn't have a gintama forum pic.... eh I don't remember and i'm to lazy to look either way I wouldn't know what you posted in this series anyway, I have yet to watch passed episode one. |
KamiCityMay 4, 2015 12:46 AM
May 4, 2015 2:03 AM
KamiCity said: Without even looking I bet you I can name people at least 5 people who "hate" this show. Robis, Z4k, Mich666, skudoops, parfaited I would put deadoptimist on this list, but at least she knows how to form proper criticism, not just buzzwords. I also bet you I can name 3 of there so called criticisms -generic: They always use this vague buzzword, it's meaningless. I bet they don't even understand what generic means. -highschool setting: because they are so "dark, edgy, and mature" and oh no not a highschool setting omg it can't be. -predictable: They know everything that is going to happen.... AFTER it happens. Yet they swear they saw it coming. edit: oh wait I forgot number 4 Bad writing: They are all experts, don't question them they don't know what they are talking about. Yet they absolutely will pretend to I've seen those 5 say the exact same things over and over again, it never changes no matter what series it is. Oh wow I'm kind of surprised I was being stalked which I admit is kind of creepy. Anyways as you can see my posts in episode 1-5 discussion, you'd notice I've been neutral since the beginning of the series until episode 5 happened which was the only episode I disliked for good reasons. Also I haven't even rated any of the episode 1/5 which means I don't "hate" the show so stop trying to frame me as the bad guy here. I only used the word "predictable" only once in episode 1 and it wasn't meant as a criticism. I mean who the hell didn't see Mikaela getting betrayed or the children getting massacred coming? Episode said: The episode was predictable but it was still ok. Nothing mind blowing or anything of the sorts. I have a fair bit of question and I hope I get my answers like why does the virus affect only those older than the age of 13. The next episode preview has me worried because I don't see the point of building a school when the world is in ruins. Seems really unnecessary to me. Episode said: Wow that opening spoiled a lot of things I didn't even know about some of the characters. Meh I sort of wish they just skipped the school setting and focused more on the military/group or whatever it was. The whole bullying thing was kind of cringeworthy in the beginning. Overall it was an average episode and I hope they get done with the school setting soon. Episode said: Average episode. I hope they just get done with the school setting already. Episode said: Surprisingly aside from Mikaela, I'm starting to develop a strong dislike for the rest of the cast in this series (Especially the male ones). I don't know if I didn't pay attention these past episodes but did they ever explain what these "four horsemen of john" are or why are the people above the age of 13 infected by the virus not dying? Episode5 said: Probably the worst episode so far. Did they just forget to do the in between frames for some of the scenes? The art and animation was horrible to the point where it became quite distracting and they also need to do something about that darn pacing. We're five episodes in and the story is progressing at the pace of a snail which is bringing down the series for me. Also how do people even like Shinoa? The way her character has been portrayed so far makes her straight up obnoxious. I don't know how anyone found it hilarious but that scene where she was runnimg around with Yuu's test was pretty awkward. Although the only redeeming quality this episode was some of Mikaela's scene and the little development on the vampire's side. Too bad we can't see more them right now because they're more interesting compared to Yuu's boring interactions in the school 2/5 Oh look I REPEATEDLY used the word "generic" "predictable" "Highschool setting" and "Bad writing" to criticize this show because I "hate" it. KamiCity said: I've seen those 5 say the exact same things over and over again, it never changes no matter what series it is. lol I'm sure you're feeling pretty stupid right now so spare me your bullshit and stalk someone else next time. |
Z4KMay 4, 2015 6:42 AM
May 4, 2015 5:59 AM
Owari no Seraph has a strange very "generic" vibe to it. By no way do i want to say its "bad" but the anime certainly doesn't fill the whole that Parasyte and Tokyo Ghoul left. This season there is not really an anime that can come even remotely close to that quality in my opinion and since Owari no Seraph is like the closest to this genre, it gets compared really hard. But the story just doesn't run that deep. Seeing as the show now already had 4/5 episodes playing in the typical school setting with the theme of "you gotta find friends" is kinda sad. The anime certainly had potential, but by now im already barely even interested in the whole story! The pacing makes no sense at all here. In Episode 1 you get shown so much action and everything happens at once, while the following 4 episodes all that really happens is he met some friends. Theres a lot of points to criticize about, but in the end its still the best of its genre in this season, as its pretty much the only one worthwhile. |
May 4, 2015 9:57 AM
Z4k said: Oh wow I'm kind of surprised I was being stalked which I admit is kind of creepy. A/Z and UBW you don't need to be stalked, you challenged me in both of those and you lost both times. I only used the word "predictable" only once in episode 1 and it wasn't meant as a criticism. Wasn't meant as criticism? Then what was it exactly? Plus you used it once here, how about in A/Z and UBWOh look I REPEATEDLY used the word "generic" "predictable" "Highschool setting" and "Bad writing" to criticize this show because I "hate" it. Hence the quotes around "hate" i'm still trying to figure out why the same words were used in the three previously mentioned series, I don't even want to go check AgK, Psycho Pass season 2 and who knows what other series you've used them in. It obviously isn't hate, yet I don't know what it I'm sure you're feeling pretty stupid right now so spare me your bullshit and stalk someone else next time. I'm sure all you did was prove me right, and using one series to defend yourself vs the 3 i've used and the probability I can use 2 more puts the odds HIGHLY in my favor. Plus how long until I see them in this series? So yea spare me YOUR bs, and don't pretend you can use selective bias to defend yourself. You can't really say I "stalk" you when i'm only using examples of the places I reside in, not the other way around. Plus really "i'm being stalked" is your best defense? |
KamiCityMay 4, 2015 10:00 AM
May 4, 2015 11:03 AM
KamiCity said: A/Z and UBW you don't need to be stalked, you challenged me in both of those and you lost both times. Keep telling that yourself. KamiCity said: Wasn't meant as criticism? Then what was it exactly? Nothing. I only meant I knew how some of the scenes were going to play out. KamiCity said: Plus you used it once here, how about in A/Z and UBW Post some examples instead of the baseless accusations. Since you claim I've used it more than once then I'm sure you'll find plenty there and I'm expecting a lot of examples, especially from UBW. KamiCity said: Hence the quotes around "hate" i'm still trying to figure out why the same words were used in the three previously mentioned series, I don't even want to go check AgK, Psycho Pass season 2 and who knows what other series you've used them in. It obviously isn't hate, yet I don't know what it is. Lol I haven't even watched Psycho Pass 2 yet... KamiCity said: I'm sure all you did was prove me right, and using one series to defend yourself vs the 3 i've used and the probability I can use 2 more puts the odds HIGHLY in my favor. Plus how long until I see them in this series? So yea spare me YOUR bs, and don't pretend you can use selective bias to defend yourself. Enough of your fallacies. You do know you're cherrypicking 3 shows, one which I haven't even watched, out of 14 spring titles alone to prove your point. Are you sure you're not the one using selective bias here? And by all means you can go check my posts in Kekkai sensen, Punchline, Shokugeki no Souma, Sidonia no Kishi, Highschool DxD BorN and Arslan Senki to prove me wrong. KamiCity said: You can't really say I "stalk" you when i'm only using examples of the places I reside in, not the other way around. You purposely picked me out of hundreds of people that actually shitpost in the places you reside in. So yeah you are. KamiCity said: Plus really "I'm being" is your best defence? Not really. Its just an observation. |
Z4KMay 4, 2015 12:32 PM
May 4, 2015 2:55 PM
Z4k said: That's called criticism. Expressing or judging the good and the bad of a work. You stating it was predictable is you naming a fault/and or praising a work. Nothing. I only meant I knew how some of the scenes were going to play out. Post some examples instead of the baseless accusations. Since you claim I've used it more than once then I'm sure you'll find plenty there and I'm expecting a lot of examples, especially from UBW. Oh you are right, what you do often is this. My bad, I forgot to put this one on the list. Z4k said: Wow that was boring. Z4k said: nothing interesting happened to be honest Z4k said: I can't force myself to enjoy something if its not interesting. huh? No its not. AgK introduces characters just to kill them off and nothing else happens Since when is "boring" and "not interesting" insightful, especially in a discussion board? Since when is "nothing happens" actually credible? Oh and what's this supposed to mean? Are you not implying there is a fault in the writing because of another show? Especially with the posts you've put on Akg, and specifically naming that show. AkG can't be the only one to do this. Z4k said: First half felt like I was watching an Akame ga kill episode when they attempted to make the viewer feel bad about Caster. I didnt care about caster's part Yet after all that you still post something like this. Z4k said: Sacrieur said: You're kidding, this is the best anime of the season. Subjective Yes, subjective, just like all your posts. Why is it that you throw it out there only when you don't agree with it? Lol I haven't even watched Psycho Pass 2 yet... Enough of your fallacies. Name them, what fallacies? They have names if you make the claim, name them. You purposely picked me out of hundreds of people that actually shitpost in the places you reside in. So yeah you are. No I named you because you came to mind first, I know there are others who shitpost. I don't remember them.I'll give you some credit though, after looking through your posts you do have some pretty insightful ones. Maybe the others were just bait you threw out there and I took them. Not really. Its just an observation. Then at least look up the definition of the word you used. This is the first time i've ever named you |
May 4, 2015 3:50 PM
KamiCity said: That's called criticism. Expressing or judging the good and the bad of a work. You stating it was predictable is you naming a fault/and or praising a work. You don't bother reading my full posts do you? Additionally I also said that "it was ok" so no I was neither praising nor criticizing. KamiCity said: Oh you are right, what you do often is this. My bad, I forgot to put this one on the list. Since when is "boring" and "not interesting" insightful, especially in a discussion board? Since when is "nothing happens" actually credible? Oh and what's this supposed to mean? Are you not implying there is a fault in the writing because of another show? Especially with the posts you've put on Akg, and specifically naming that show. AkG can't be the only one to do this. Clearly you have some severe reading issues. You claimed I used the word "predictable" everytime in A/Z and UBW which is why I asked for proofs yet you're postings things completely unrelated to it. I didn't ask whether my post were insightful or not lol. Oh and look it seems none of the posts contained the so called buzzword "predictable" so good job on proving yourself a liar. Nice try with the strawman fallacies by the way. KamiCity said: Yes, subjective, just like all your posts. Why is it that you throw it out there only when you don't agree with it? And how is subjectivity related to this discussion again? I only asked for the words "predictable". Again with the strawman here. KamiCity said: What's your point? I said I haven't checked on that board so how would I know? Then why bother? KamiCity said: name them, what fallacies? They have names if you make the claim, name them. I already did. KamiCity said: I don't remember the others That's because you don't stalk them. KamiCity said: Then at least look up the definition of the word you used. This is the first time i've ever named you Its not about you naming me. It's just that you've also been following me in both A/Z and F/SN boards which is why I stated it. |
Z4KMay 4, 2015 4:58 PM
May 4, 2015 4:10 PM
KamiCity said: I would put deadoptimist on this list, but at least she knows how to form proper criticism, not just buzzwords. Wow, thanks. It feels as if I've got a degree in MAL or something. But I don't even watch this show at the moment (so maybe you've confused me with someone...). The farthest I've gotten is to watch Mika's scenes, so I don't comment in the episode threads. |
deadoptimistMay 4, 2015 4:33 PM
May 4, 2015 6:46 PM
Because this show isn't that good. Hiiragi is essentially the only reason I am still watching this show (other than my distaste for dropping shows that are better than terrible). Her occasional comments make it a lot more fun. |
May 4, 2015 6:57 PM
This series is pretty boring/lackluster so far to be honest. Its close to mahouka tier type of boring. |
keragammingMay 4, 2015 7:03 PM
May 5, 2015 12:46 AM
Z4k said: Did I say only the word predictable, because my initial post mentioned a lot more and about a lot more people and the entire thing was about faulty criticism not about the word predictable. Guess what not only is it YOU who is committing the Strawman fallacy, which is a false representation of the argument. You are also using a red herring which is misleading or distracting from the original argument that I presented.Clearly you have some severe reading issues. You claimed I used the word "predictable" everytime in A/Z and UBW which is why I asked for proofs yet you're postings things completely unrelated to it. I didn't ask whether my post were insightful or not lol. Oh and look it seems none of the posts contained the so called buzzword "predictable" so good job on proving yourself a liar. Nice try with the strawman fallacies by the way. And how is subjectivity related to this discussion again? I only asked for the words "predictable". Again with the strawman here. I presented the argument, there is a lot more than the word predictable in that post. Once again it is YOU committing the Strawman AND again a Red Herring I already did. Falsely, and while committing them yourself. That's because you don't stalk them. Look up the definition of stalking Its not about you naming me. It's just that you've also been following me in both A/Z and F/SN boards which is why I stated it. Did I? If that's the case aren't you stalking me by replying? If me naming you isn't the case, and given the definition of stalking wouldn't it be you who's stalking?Since this is the first time I even mentioned you, how exactly is it stalking? If you go to the places I reside in, it isn't called stalking? Look up the definition of the words you use. Unless you are stating that you own the A/Z and F/SN boards, which then I would be invading your place. Do you own them? |
KamiCityMay 5, 2015 2:10 AM
May 5, 2015 6:54 AM
Xenocrisi said: This topic should be locked .-. Indeed and the guy above you needs a lot of help. KamiCity said: Did I say only the word predictable, Yes you did. If you don't remember then go back and reread from the beginning or don't bother replying with your bullshit because I certainly won't. KamiCity said: I only used the word "predictable" only once in episode 1 and it wasn't meant as a criticism. Wasn't meant as criticism? Then what was it exactly? Plus you used it once here, how about in A/Z and UBW.^ KamiCity said: because my initial post mentioned a lot more and about a lot more people and the entire thing was about faulty criticism not about the word predictable. Guess what not only is it YOU who is committing the Strawman fallacy, which is a false representation of the argument. You are also using a red herring which is misleading or distracting from the original argument that I presented. Pot calling the kettle black. Also I already proved you wrong when you claimed I use faulty criticism here and "hate" this show by showing all my posts from the episode discussion. I'm not even sure why you're continuing this discussion by embarrassing yourself even further. KamiCity said: I presented the argument, there is a lot more than the word predictable in that post. Once again it is YOU committing the Strawman AND again a Red Herring Again you're not making any sense because those fallacies can't be applied in this situation lol. I wasn't misleading nor was I distracting you from the original argument. Also there were three more words in your presented argument and my posts from the episode discussion had none of them. KamiCity said: Look up the definition of stalking I don't have to. KamiCity said: Did I? If that's the case aren't you stalking me by replying? If me naming you isn't the case, and given the definition of stalking wouldn't it be you who's stalking? No not really. KamiCity said: Since this is the first time I even mentioned you, how exactly is it stalking? You claim to know that all I do is shitpost and use faulty criticism in every board which is why my name was used here in the first place. One wouldn't say that unless they've been stalking the person. |
Z4KMay 5, 2015 9:42 AM
May 5, 2015 3:11 PM
Z4k said: Indeed and the guy above you needs a lot of help. Ad Hominem - Distracting from the argument by direct attacks to the poster Yes you did. If you don't remember then go back and reread from the beginning or don't bother replying with your bullshit because I certainly won't. Without even looking I bet you I can name people at least 5 people who "hate" this show. Robis, Z4k, Mich666, skudoops, parfaited(named the wrong person on this one) I would put deadoptimist on this list, but at least she knows how to form proper criticism, not just buzzwords. I also bet you I can name 3 of there so called criticisms I don't see the word "ONLY" in there once, I stated here are 3 of the buzzwords they used. It does not mean they are the only ones you use or that anyone of them are directly applied to you. They are examples, not the subject of the post. The subject of the post is that you use buzzwords, the examples are interchangeable. Place Boring instead of any of the other posts and the subject does not change. This was the original post that you responded to, this is the post you are challenging, you trying to make the entire post about ONLY the word predictable is a strawman AND a red herring. KamiCity said: I only used the word "predictable" only once in episode 1 and it wasn't meant as a criticism. ^ KamiCity said: because my initial post mentioned a lot more and about a lot more people and the entire thing was about faulty criticism not about the word predictable. Guess what not only is it YOU who is committing the Strawman fallacy, which is a false representation of the argument. You are also using a red herring which is misleading or distracting from the original argument that I presented. Pot calling the kettle black. Also I already proved you wrong when you claimed I use faulty criticism here and "hate" this show by showing all my posts from the episode discussion. I'm not even sure why you're continuing this discussion by embarrassing yourself even further. That was not the original post, you already committed the fallacy at this point, and not only did you commit a fallacy, you proved that you did use the buzzword. Again you're not making any sense because those fallacies can't be applied in this situation lol. I wasn't misleading nor was I distracting you from the original argument. Also there were three more words in your presented argument and my posts from the episode discussion had none of them. They can and they do apply, given that I presented the original argument and you keep trying to change it onto something about ONLY the word predictableI don't have to. Definitions are objective facts, if "you don't have to" it's fine, but you are using the incorrect word or you don't even realize the correct definition of the word.No not really. According to the way you are using the word then yes, yes really.You claim to know that all I do is shitpost and use faulty criticism in every board which is why my name was used here in the first place. One wouldn't say that unless they've been stalking the person. Not if you go to the places I reside in. That's not what stalking is, did you not mention like 12 other series that you posted on that I know nothing about? If it were the case that I was stalking you, given the definition of stalking, would I not know about those series? You are essentially saying, oh I have a class with you and you say I'm always loud in that class, you must be stalking me. That's not how it works, learn definitions to words before you make absurd claims. |
May 5, 2015 3:36 PM
If you love shonen you gonna love that if you hate shonen then you ain't gonna love it. |
May 5, 2015 5:37 PM
KamiCity said: I don't see the word "ONLY" in there once, I stated here are 3 of the buzzwords they used. It does not mean they are the only ones you use or that anyone of them are directly applied to you. They are examples, not the subject of the post. The subject of the post is that you use buzzwords, the examples are interchangeable. Place Boring instead of any of the other posts and the subject does not change. What's your point? My posts had no other buzzwords in this series and the 6 other shows I mentioned nor do I hate this show. Thus you're still wrong no matter what you say. You're just listing me there probably because you don't like me for some reason. KamiCity said: That was not the original post, you already committed the fallacy at this point, and not only did you commit a fallacy, you proved that you did use the buzzword. Lol go look up its meaning before you use those terms. KamiCity said: They can and they do apply, given that I presented the original argument and you keep trying to change it onto something about ONLY the word predictable Like I said, pot calling the kettle black. And you're starting to sound desperate, now that you're trying to put words in my mouth and taking things out of context in order to prove your point. I also clearly mentioned it earlier that the posts from the episode discussion didn't have the other three criticism you listed so you don't have to twist my words. KamiCity said: Definitions are objective facts, if "you don't have to" it's fine, but you are using the incorrect word or you don't even realize the correct definition of the word. I already know the meaning so no I don't have to. KamiCity said: That's not how it works, learn definition to words before you make absurd claims. Ironic coming from a guy who has a poor reading comprehension. |
Z4KMay 5, 2015 5:53 PM
May 5, 2015 8:48 PM
Z4k said: What's your point? My posts had no other buzzwords in this series and the 6 other shows I mentioned nor do I hate this show. Thus you're still wrong no matter what you say. You're just listing me there probably because you don't like me for some reason. Yet the post wasn't about just this series, it was one of many. Plus the three examples are just some of multiple examples I could have used. Nah it isn't I don't like you, I even said you have some insightful posts. I listed you because you were one that came to mind at the moment. If you would stop using buzzwords like boring and predictable, your criticism would be a lot better. Lol go look up its meaning before you use those terms. I did, and I provided the definition for you as well as showing you how they applied. Like I said, pot calling the kettle black. And you're starting to sound desperate, now that you're trying to put words in my mouth and taking things out of context in order to prove your point. I also clearly mentioned it earlier that the posts from the episode discussion didn't have the other three criticism you listed so you don't have to twist my words. Sound desprete? I got you beat, you can't even defend yourself any longer, you are still trying to ignore the subject of the original post, and trying to change the argument. The three examples that I listed are neither the subject of the post nor did I say they were the only examples I could apply. This person burned dpwn the house, 3 things that are used to burn down houses a a torch, a stove that wasn't turned off, or a match. Would it change the fact that he burned down the house if he used faulty wiring instead? Don't say someone has bad reading comprehension when you can't even stick to the subject. You use buzzwords, the examples are nothing more than examples, the fact remains the same. I already know the meaning so no I don't have to. You clearly don't, and saying nuh uh I don't have to isn't a good defense. Ironic coming from a guy who has a poor reading comprehension. Ad Hominem Plus your statement is coming from the person who can't even understand the original argument. |
May 5, 2015 11:42 PM
KamiCity said: Yet the post wasn't about just this series, it was one of many. Looks like you're wrong yet again since that's not what was mentioned in your initial post: KamiCity said: Without even looking I bet you I can name people at least 5 people who "hate" this show. I know you have a poor reading comprehension so I'll lay it out in simple words for you. I don't hate this show and neither did I use faulty criticism here. Plus the three examples are just some of multiple examples I could have used. Like A/Z and F/SN out of 300 shows I've watched? You're selective bias is showing. I did, and I provided the definition for you as well as showing you how they applied. Then you should know you were using strawman fallacy and red herring way before you claim I did. Don't say someone has bad reading comprehension when you can't even stick to the subject. Oh the irony. You use buzzwords, the examples are nothing more than examples, the fact remains the same. Not in here thus you're still wrong. You clearly don't, Yes I do. and saying nuh uh I don't have to isn't a good defense. Defense against what? Ad Hominem Plus your statement is coming from the person who can't even understand the original argument. The irony is strong here |
May 6, 2015 1:54 AM
Z4k said: KamiCity said: Yet the post wasn't about just this series, it was one of many. Looks like you're wrong yet again since that's not what was mentioned in your initial post: KamiCity said: Without even looking I bet you I can name people at least 5 people who "hate" this show. Did you not use buzzwords on this show? Plus again, the subject of the post isn't the introductory statement. I named 5 people who would potentially "hate" (the quotes included by the way) and then I stated that those people use buzzwords to criticize series' (the subject of the post). You are grasping at straws now. I know you have a poor reading comprehension so I'll lay it out in simple words for you. More Ad Hominems I don't hate this show and neither did I use faulty criticism here. The hate was under quotes, meaning the hate wasn't meant to be taken literally. Saying something is predictable, which you did for the show, IS faulty criticism. Unless you can prove, objectively, that you saw it coming before the fact. Like A/Z and F/SN out of 300 shows I've watched? You're selective bias is showing. The subject of the post is still the use of buzzwords, did you use them? Yes. Is it likely that you've used them in more series? Yes. but alright, i'll give it to you, it was selective bias based on a small sample. I also only focused on negative buzzwords, I can't make a statement on positive criticism that might be biased and faulty. Then you should know you were using strawman fallacy and red herring way before you claim I did. When exactly? I initiated the argument, red herrings and strawmans are dependent on the argument.Strawman Fallacy: A fallacy based on false representation of an opponent's argument Red Herring Fallacy: A fallacy that misleads or distracts the issue presented. Unlike the strawman fallacy; the red herring is a seemingly plausible, though ultimately irrelevant, diversionary tactic In both cases the original post I made can't be a fallacy. Unless you are stating that I committed the fallacy against the OP or something, then maybe you could make a case. Oh the irony. Not in here thus you're still wrong. The irony is strong here Baseless and irrelevant. All indicators that you have no argument, and all fallacies. Yes I do. Defense against what? Yet you used the word incorrectly. Either way i'm done with this conversation. |
May 6, 2015 4:51 PM
because it's more predictable than the sun rising every day? |
May 6, 2015 4:53 PM
probably because it is a giant mass of generic battle shounen props. so people might have gotten bored by now ?? yeah probably this .... also opening school after barlly surviving an apocalypse ?? yeah .... no. |
May 6, 2015 4:56 PM
HandsomeMan said: Get used to it, this is MAL. |
May 6, 2015 5:55 PM
Ironhorse-Yakuza said: Lol i love when people say how predictable it is like they knew everything before seeing the episode. GGbecause it's more predictable than the sun rising every day? |
May 7, 2015 1:41 AM
KamiCity said: Z4k said: KamiCity said: Yet the post wasn't about just this series, it was one of many. Looks like you're wrong yet again since that's not what was mentioned in your initial post: KamiCity said: Without even looking I bet you I can name people at least 5 people who "hate" this show. Did you not use buzzwords on this show? Plus again, the subject of the post isn't the introductory statement. I named 5 people who would potentially "hate" (the quotes included by the way) and then I stated that those people use buzzwords to criticize series' (the subject of the post). You are grasping at straws now. I know you have a poor reading comprehension so I'll lay it out in simple words for you. More Ad Hominems I don't hate this show and neither did I use faulty criticism here. The hate was under quotes, meaning the hate wasn't meant to be taken literally. Saying something is predictable, which you did for the show, IS faulty criticism. Unless you can prove, objectively, that you saw it coming before the fact. Like A/Z and F/SN out of 300 shows I've watched? You're selective bias is showing. The subject of the post is still the use of buzzwords, did you use them? Yes. Is it likely that you've used them in more series? Yes. but alright, i'll give it to you, it was selective bias based on a small sample. I also only focused on negative buzzwords, I can't make a statement on positive criticism that might be biased and faulty. Then you should know you were using strawman fallacy and red herring way before you claim I did. When exactly? I initiated the argument, red herrings and strawmans are dependent on the argument.Strawman Fallacy: A fallacy based on false representation of an opponent's argument Red Herring Fallacy: A fallacy that misleads or distracts the issue presented. Unlike the strawman fallacy; the red herring is a seemingly plausible, though ultimately irrelevant, diversionary tactic In both cases the original post I made can't be a fallacy. Unless you are stating that I committed the fallacy against the OP or something, then maybe you could make a case. Oh the irony. Not in here thus you're still wrong. The irony is strong here Baseless and irrelevant. All indicators that you have no argument, and all fallacies. Yes I do. Defense against what? Yet you used the word incorrectly. Either way i'm done with this conversation. Finally |
May 7, 2015 6:42 AM
waterflame said: Attack on Titans resemblance. Vampires. School setting previewed in 1st episode. All makings of bad anime. It does have stunning backgrounds though. I haven't watched this yet, but the fuck do those thing make an anime bad for? Especially vampires? Since when is "vampire" attached to a series a pejorative? |
☩ Discord: ☩ RateYourMusic ☩ |
May 7, 2015 6:45 AM
Zadion said: Since Twilight became a thing :>Since when is "vampire" attached to a series a pejorative? |
May 7, 2015 6:46 AM
Feaor said: Zadion said: Since Twilight became a thing :>Since when is "vampire" attached to a series a pejorative? I know you're probably joking, but if that's legit why people have something against vampires now... |
☩ Discord: ☩ RateYourMusic ☩ |
May 8, 2015 3:41 AM
Fuck. 5 episodes and people still complaining. It's not like I have anything against my favorite anime being criticized (if so then I'll be a hypocrite), but I think the problem is the way they say it. It's not nice when all they have to say is Owari sux lol and not I don't like this. If you don't like it, then why don't you drop it? Don't say it's 'so bad it's good'. Fuck. That word has been overused and abused beyond belief. 'So bad it's good' is when something is so unbelievably bad it swings back to good (example: My Immortal, the Harry Potter fanfiction) Owari no Seraph came across as more like 'cliched, but fun' and less 'so bad it's good' |
ChuunichanMay 8, 2015 3:47 AM
May 9, 2015 4:07 AM
It's a darker type of battle shonen like SNK so it's bound to get hate. If it was a mahou shoujo though people would be dickriding it to death. Even though I'm not a bandwagonist and don't think it's the worst thing ever I must say there are some things I don't like about it such as : the highschool setting (it seems unnecessary and pigeonholed in), the male vampire looks like an elf, the queen of the vampires being a stupid loli ( why couldn't she look like Morrigan from Darkstalkers instead). |
DrGeroCreationMay 9, 2015 4:14 AM
May 9, 2015 4:24 PM
This show isn't necessarily 'bad', but it's not good either. The whole premise of the show seems cliche. People already dislike the fact it displays similar vibes of SNK, on top of that people assume from the first few episodes that the anime will entirely take place in a school setting when that's not the case at all. School settings are off-putting by a large margin, but that's not an excuse to hate the series. One of the main turn offs to me personally are the characters. You literally cannot get more cliche and any more bland than most of the cast for Owari no Seraph. But since I'm reading the manga I can say it does get better, slightly. The next reveal of plot really will have people hating the series and calling it "the next snk" when really it's different. It's not like SNK isn't stereotypical either. I mean, Eren is pretty much exactly like every shounen MC: Hotheaded, irrational, wanting to grow stronger, and usually wants revenge or save someone important. Everyone glorifys SNK because of a slightly unique take on a post-apocalyptic world, killer animation, great music, and slightly above-average cast of characters. But really, it's nothing all that special. Which leads me to say that Owari isn't a shitty anime, it's just sub-par. I still recommend to watch it. |
Oscar and Andre deserved better |
May 9, 2015 4:47 PM
SnK is a poor man's Blue Gender. |
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process. Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers. |
May 9, 2015 4:49 PM
Classic MAL shit storm if you ask me. Shows actually pretty good and the character design are so cute. |
May 9, 2015 4:58 PM
Tbh, I've long used to people hating series and hating stuff in general. I think its pointless to hate stuff as actively as some people, like how some actively hate it but continue to watch it, with intent to hate, and knowing they wont like it, so its not like theyre hoping it will improve. no offense so anyone who does that. just my opinion and i dont get it. theres better ways to spend time, im sure. Personally, I read the manga as well and love both. It does have flaws (as does like, everything?), but if I like something, I'm not gonna nitpick. |
May 10, 2015 8:51 AM
I just find this series to be aggressively mediocre based on the first 6 episodes. I feel like I've seen all of this before in other anime. |
May 10, 2015 8:57 AM
I love how people just put words into others' mouths. |
May 20, 2015 5:00 PM
It's totally meh. TC and the fans obviously need to watch more shows. |
Isayama Hajime should be awarded The Manga with The Highest Inconsistencies of Characters' Appearances. He keeps performing multiple plastic surgeries on those Shingeki No Kyojin characters in a SINGLE chapter. Yes, I've read up to the latest chapter of Shingeki No Kyojin manga. Forced myself to read through the kidsketching chapters after the anime's ended. At least from now on, I only have to go through the hell once a month. Patiently awaiting SNK TV/movie/OVA anime-sequel. The 2015 SNK live-action movie would probably suck. |
May 20, 2015 5:29 PM
Just wait until this cour is over... So many people are probably going to give it a 9 or a 10, causing it to go higher up into the ranks. I don't like the series either. Definitely not my favorite this season, but yeah it's probably going to happen. |
Signature removed. Because it was too kawaii for all you weeaboos. |
May 20, 2015 10:48 PM
i've started reading a few chapters because my friend recommended it to me, and it's pretty good so far. i haven't seen much hate about it anywhere |
May 21, 2015 1:31 PM
hodokeru said: i've started reading a few chapters because my friend recommended it to me, and it's pretty good so far. i haven't seen much hate about it anywhere If I name the 2 sites where most hates occur, you will laugh ahem!ahem! MAL and Redit oh well, haters go hate. That is their job afterall. Though I wonder if they are even paid off :3 and well, most haters must also didn't like shounen at all. |
It's not a matter of talent. It's a matter of will |
May 21, 2015 1:32 PM
Any popular anime gets a lot of hate because users have different preferences. |
save all the cute girls from ntr manga |
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