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Nodame Cantabile
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Jan 16, 2009 8:21 PM
Jan 2009
I play the piano and only completed the 8th grade last year. It's all thanks to Nodame Cantabile for giving so many inspirations to improve my piano skill. I really want to learn violin too and may be the chinese instrument, Erhu. XD

Jan 16, 2009 8:22 PM
Dec 2007
About four years ago I used to play the piano :)
But I quit because I got sick of it and my teacher sucked.
Feb 3, 2009 7:53 AM

Apr 2008
used to play piano, but also have quit due to my lack of enthusiasm for the instrument.

now i just play guitar, bass and drums

Feb 8, 2009 11:29 PM

May 2008
i played the tenor sax for a few years. Havn't touched it in a while though. Right now i'm playing the guitar :) <3 music
Feb 17, 2009 10:31 AM

Jul 2008
I have a tiny, tiny, tiny bit of experience with the guitar, but that is it. So... no, I have not really played any instruments and do not currently play any either - but I love this series to death. Probably because I have a huge respect for classical and orchestral music. I assume that a chunk of the fanbase does love it because they play an instrument and have similar desires as the characters in the series do, but there are many other reasons to love Nodame Cantabile as well.
I write about manga →
and movies →
Jul 6, 2009 3:48 PM

Jul 2007
Violist over here! :]
I really think that Nodame isn't has fun unless you do play an instrument~!
Nov 26, 2009 9:03 AM

Jun 2008
I play the piano, and i recently starded learning the cello to. Its soo hard ^^'
Find your freedom in music <3
Dec 4, 2009 4:03 AM

Jul 2008
flute but i wish i played the piano xD
Dec 4, 2009 4:08 AM

Sep 2007
I played violin through out my school years, so learned it for kinda 12 years at least :) I can play a bit of guitar and irish tin whistle (still learning them both), and well piano on a very basic level haha :D
Dec 5, 2009 12:04 PM

Sep 2008
I played trumpet in my school years, but I started learning woodwinds on the side during that time as well. For my freshman year of college I switched to bassoon... And I haven't looked back since!

I actually learned about Nodame Cantabile maybe a little over a month after I started learning the bassoon. I had very little knowledge of anime/manga at the time. So yes, once I learned of Nodame Cantabile and saw that it was about music and had musical instruments I had to check it out being the total band geek I am...
Dec 7, 2009 3:19 PM

Nov 2007
I tried piano around 5th grade, but was self-taught so I never got past the basics. Drums in 9-10th grade and currently studying guitar.
Jun 13, 2010 6:17 PM

Dec 2009
Hmmm, I play piano & harmonica. Both at an amateur level. Though I'm not sure that's the reason I'm enjoying this or the reason I started watching. It's rated in the top 25 anime here right now & I heard the OP accidentally which brought me to look at what the series was about. What has kept me here is the comedy really. I guess I'm also curious about how the story will develop and whether or not a relationship between chiaki & nodame will develop further.
Such junk...
Jul 18, 2010 9:59 AM

Jul 2008
I play the cello.
Jul 20, 2010 11:10 AM

May 2009
I've played Guitar Hero. Does that count? Just kidding.

I don't play any instruments, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the anime immensely. I believe Nodame Cantabile has made me more interested and respectful towards classical music.
Jul 24, 2010 10:31 PM

Jan 2010
guitar<piano<violin for me XD
Jul 24, 2010 10:34 PM
Nov 2008
I played the Trumpet/Cornet for 5 years.

I was wishing for a bit more focus on the brass players, but it never happened.
Jul 31, 2010 8:01 AM

Jul 2008
Korean family here >:v
so played piano when I was... 5? stopped right when I went to middle school. I wish I hadn't. But now I play alto sax. I've had it for.. 5 years now?
I played recorder for a year too. I want to get an EWI right now
and I fail with string instruments

Jul 31, 2010 8:08 AM
Jul 2018
I play piano by ear :3 Nah not really. I merely rely on those youtube tuts. `A`
Jul 31, 2010 8:04 PM

Dec 2008
I used to play the Violin in elementry school. I really miss it now~

Aug 12, 2010 11:19 AM

Jan 2010
I've been studying piano for 9 years, percussion for 5 (however, I quit this past year), and another instrument for 8.
Oct 26, 2010 7:22 PM

May 2009
I play the guitar, and have been playing for 6 years now. I used to play the accordion as a small kid, and played the trumpet for a year a few years back for school.
Oct 26, 2010 8:21 PM

Jun 2009
Don't play a damn thing, still like the show though.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Nov 2, 2010 5:35 AM

Jun 2009
I love instrumentals but I've never played one or not good at it or was destined to never learn playing =p
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Nov 16, 2010 8:29 PM

Oct 2008
Don't play any instruments but I was in 3 different Choruses for 6 years. (elementry, jr. high, high school)

Still enjoy the show though ^^
Nov 21, 2010 5:27 PM
Sep 2009
I played the piano for five years then stopped.
Nov 29, 2010 4:34 PM

Dec 2007
Well I'm an instrument cripple! I'm not talented at all in playing, but I enjoy it anyways, besides it's always fun for me and others.
So it's guitar and drums for me.
I still try to learn a thing or two on other instruments like synthesizer, bass guitar n' instruments I'm unaware of their name o.O
I wanna learn playing harp and piano of course and violin would be nice :D

Duh...I can only listen to music, not make one, but I'm happy enough this way! ^^
Dec 2, 2010 11:15 PM
Feb 2010
I majored in saxophone performance so very yes... I wrote a review on this series from a music majors perspective. I play all saxophones, I am bad at flute and clarinet (but can hack out a double), I am VERY bad at piano, but always got the highest marks since I practiced it more then anyone else (at least non piano major / non Credit through exam), and I can also play treble clef brass instruments (trumpet, F-Horn mainly). Though really I only focus on saxophone.
Apr 10, 2011 12:18 AM

May 2009
Playing oboe, learning flute. Played the clarinet, though... for only a year before switching ^.^;
Apr 16, 2011 9:06 AM

Jul 2010
Been playing the clarinet for 5 and a half years, self taught in piano for about one year and counting. Musical experience prompted me to start watching, but I think I would still love it equally regardless of whether or not I play any instruments.
Oct 2, 2013 6:04 PM
Dec 2012
I play guitar and ukulele, and I'm just starting out on the piano. I really hope to be able to play the piano like them, maybe one day. :D
Stresemann:"As long as there's muisc being played...there's no such thing as an unbeatable performance. If you're not always striving for that best personal performace...Then maybe there is no next time. You give your best performance. And then you...aim for better."
Oct 3, 2013 3:00 AM
Sep 2011
I haven't played nothing since School.. I was not very good at Instruments, I can sing thoug well Karaoke
Oct 7, 2013 5:08 PM

Jul 2012
Played clarinet since 6th grade, so around 7 years of playing. Had piano lessons but I lack the talent so I quit. Learned other instruments such as trombone, trumpet, saxophone and even oboe at one point. I sing as well.

But, I don't think playing an instrument was the reason why I liked this show that much. :P
Oct 8, 2013 12:17 AM
Oct 2010
Well, I sing. I've been singing since I was a child, and I've gone through puberty recently. Haha, how embarrassing. It looks like I'll end up a baritone, even though originally it seemed like it was heading for tenor. I've performed in Music Theatre productions here in NZ, but also have private lessons with a very experienced teacher who's been in the music scene for something like 50 years, and so I enjoy classical as well.

I really like how this series kind of talks about how difficult it is to find work and to actually have a career in music, and that, its pointless if you don't end up going overseas, and getting into proper world orchestras and such. It relates to NZ, and a serious talk my teacher gave me a while ago, telling me that I need to start thinking about my future, whether or not I will pursue a music degree, and suggesting that I keep my grades up at school. Here in NZ, there isn't a real professional musical theater company and there isn't a musical theater course close to home either.

I also like how it goes on to talk about the interpretation of music. And it also mentions that you also need luck in music. Anyway, I like this anime both as a amateur musician and as an anime fan.
Oct 30, 2013 7:31 AM
Jul 2018
violin for several years when i was younger
Nov 2, 2013 11:25 AM

Apr 2013
I play the piano. That's what got me to watch this.
Dec 28, 2015 6:03 AM

Jun 2009
I played Piano, Clarinet and Guitar.

I wish I still played at least one of them.
Dec 28, 2015 6:34 AM

Apr 2014
I played flute for a long time.
Jan 6, 2016 8:29 AM

Mar 2014
Well I have played Trumpet when I was in elementary and middle school and was even in a band as an adult...I have no clue if theres a connection between that and this anime though since I never thought about it till now XD
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Jun 18, 2016 10:05 AM

Sep 2015
Count me in on the rare few that don't play an instrument.

I do have to disagree with the people here saying this show might not be as fun if you don't play an instrument though. I've taken quite a liking to listening to classical music at an early age thanks to my grandfather. I did play a little piano and percussion as a kid but never pursued it past elementary. In short, I've forgotten everything and can't play anything now- not one bit! But I still love listening to others play and that's why this show is more than fun ahahaha
Jun 19, 2016 2:01 AM

Jan 2010
I played a bit of piano in school, but Nodame kinda made me want to re-learn everything again xD. Though it has so much spontaneous comedy and romance it would be hard to just chuck it under the music genre. Overall it's a great uplifting experience.
(|__/) Never give up, aim for the top!
(='.'=) Top wo nerae!
o(")(") Anime music:
Aug 15, 2016 2:32 PM

Jul 2015
Well, I love Nodame Cantabile, and yes, I did used to play clarinet in band when I was in school, so I do know a little about music, yet the series is a romantic comedy that would appeal to non musicians as well!
Nov 27, 2016 12:46 PM
Jul 2007
I play the piano; and used to play the violin for a year. Nowadays I self-teach myself to play the guitar :)
Jan 9, 2017 5:46 AM

May 2016
I don't play any instrument but still love the show. I'm a listener.
Carbon is a chemical Element with symbol C and atomic number 6. It is nonmetallic and tetravalent—making four electrons available to form covalent chemical bonds.
Symbol: C
Atomic mass: 12.0107 u ± 0.0008 u
Atomic number: 6
Electron configuration: [He] 2s22p2
Discovered: 3750 BC
Electrons per shell: 2, 4
May 17, 2017 3:52 PM
Mar 2017
Same. Admire the classical music much more today and just love the show and Nodame.
Apr 8, 2019 10:33 PM

Aug 2017
I played piano for 1 year and violin for 3. Never got good but I understand the basics and some music theory.

I'm sure people appreciate music anime in correlation with their degree of musical expertise.
Jun 15, 2019 1:20 PM

Apr 2009
I took up piano lessons last year, maybe some 9months ago, solely for my own entertainment and because I've always wanted to play *something*. I'm too old (28) to ever be teacher or concert material, but that doesn't really bother me, I don't know music theory either, my lessons are more practical - going through various pieces. No classics yet though, only some small pieces (recently Alexandre Desplat's 'The Meadow'), and maybe that's too little after 9 months, but I don't mind yet ;D it's cool to be able to press some keys and make a bit of music resound in the room, that alone makes me happy :) I stumbled on Nodame Cantabile on the TwoSet Violin youtube channel, as an example of an anime where they get the animations right xd
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

Current icon:
Kusuriuri from Mononoke
by pana (LJ username)
Nov 2, 2021 11:31 AM

Apr 2021
I haven’t watched this yet, but my japanese piano teacher recommended it to me lol. I’ve also been playing the cello for over 10 years. It’s always hard to get into a series that has unrealistic portrayals of musicians for me, but this seems really genuine.
☆彡 ★彡 ★彡 ☆彡
Feb 5, 2022 10:16 PM
Jul 2018
I'm surprised how many people answered "yes" to this. I'm just watching because I like anime. Well, and music in general. I played trumpet from 4th to 9th grade and understand the basics of what they're talking about. I'm not too much of a fan of orchestral music but I know enough about the basic concepts from studying rock compositions. I love when rock music combines orchestral music -- strings, brass, etc.

Anyway, no, I don't play an instrument atm. The #1 feeling I have watching this anime is envy. Seeing every single character possess a feasible talent -- a unique skill set that can define them. (; When I'm not at work or school, I'm just watching anime about other people flexing their talents.

What I'd give to go back in time. I swear, I'd start learning piano at 3 and guitar at 5 and be a multi-instrumentalist prodigy by 12. Then maybe I could go to music school instead of the stupid technical university I'm at now. It's Music > STEM, for me...

But you don't get anywhere in life just sitting there and fantasizing. I definitely have to scrape together some cash and learn some piano, at least.
Mar 10, 2022 7:13 PM

Mar 2021
I play piano and violin. Have been doing so for almost 8 years now
Mar 10, 2022 7:15 PM

Jul 2021
I used to play the piano when I was young but I wasn't really passionate about it to begin with, I just love piano as a personal hobby, alongside with playing an acoustic guitar.
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