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Ace of the Diamond
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Feb 15, 2015 9:47 PM

Apr 2011
Wintovisky said:
I am not saying he can't, I am saying it's taking too long. Like you said, he was doing badly in the previously friendlies, so the least the team could do is investigate the reasons behind it, I guess.

Well, since I know shit about baseball I guess my opinion is irrelevant anyways lol.

That's what I said, they did know that something was wrong, but they didn't know it was this bad and until now, they had no way of knowing the full extent of it, basically because they didn't need him to throw precise inside pitches.

@above; Narumiya never made it to the final of the Nationals as a first year and if you seriously think the catcher can't influence the game, then you really haven't been watching this at all. Also, there is a way to make a reasonable ending by March. I'll just say that inside is not the only thing.

On a lighter note, I like how Kataoka always waits till Furuya is within earshot to have Sawamura informed that he's going up next.
Feb 15, 2015 10:22 PM

Sep 2012
Let's not act like Sawamura hasn't overcome obstacles. He has faced many different walls and worked to get past them. He just now found himself coming up against a new wall in which he needs to learn to overcome. It's not like you become the best baseball player in the world after fixing one problem. He is still a first year and still has many things to fix.
Feb 15, 2015 10:27 PM

Apr 2011
hulksWAGON said:
Let's not act like Sawamura hasn't overcome obstacles. He has faced many different walls and worked to get past them. He just now found himself coming up against a new wall in which he needs to learn to overcome. It's not like you become the best baseball player in the world after fixing one problem. He is still a first year and still has many things to fix.

One thing many people fail to realise is that, even though Sawamura has been playing for a while, he's still a rookie when it comes to the organised game.
Feb 15, 2015 11:29 PM

Mar 2010
yhunata said:
hulksWAGON said:
Let's not act like Sawamura hasn't overcome obstacles. He has faced many different walls and worked to get past them. He just now found himself coming up against a new wall in which he needs to learn to overcome. It's not like you become the best baseball player in the world after fixing one problem. He is still a first year and still has many things to fix.

One thing many people fail to realise is that, even though Sawamura has been playing for a while, he's still a rookie when it comes to the organised game.

That is all good and stuff, but the show is ending in about 4 episodes and its still pulling this shit, what is the point in watching a show that ends with a side-kick main character, on a team that failed to qualify. Complete bull shit. I feel like i wasted my time by watching this show, there is no sense of progression whatsoever.
Feb 16, 2015 1:00 AM

Apr 2011
batossai said:
That is all good and stuff, but the show is ending in about 4 episodes and its still pulling this shit, what is the point in watching a show that ends with a side-kick main character, on a team that failed to qualify. Complete bull shit. I feel like i wasted my time by watching this show, there is no sense of progression whatsoever.

If I'm correct to guessing where it ends, then there will still be at least 150+ chapters left unadapted and it's been implied that DnA is only ending to let the manga catch some more steam (chapters) before continuing on again.

EDIT: By the way, don't bother starting with the manga, it's scanlated upto the end of the first game of the Fall tournament and then randomly skips about 100 chapters.
yhunataFeb 16, 2015 1:09 AM
Feb 16, 2015 3:13 AM

Oct 2011
Sawamura OMG T___T

The game with Inashiro still haunts you.
Feb 16, 2015 5:30 AM
Feb 2012
@Gerrard guy: It's hard to buy, you know? Sawamura has always been portrayed as this carefree youngster who occasionally screws up but always gives his best and pulls through somehow. During the game against Raichi's team- the quarterfinals I believe- he faced one of those walls you guys keep talking about and overcame it. Then two games later he AGAIN faced a wall, learned nothing from his previous experience, and turned into a wimp again.

Where's the carefree pitcher that mesmerized everyone in the beginning? The kid who'd always have an ace up his sleeve (get it?) and surprise his opponents. I know that he cannot be invincible or perfect but his ability to overcome those emotional barriers- or rather, trample over them- is what made him special. But now? He's either acting like a traumatized dog or a pseudo-angry wannabe. A complete failure to put it shortly.

That is not what I call good writing or sufficient character development. "He's a rookie etc etc" Yeah so what? Furuya is a rookie as well. Raichi is a rookie. And both dusted themselves down and grew as players. And Sawamura? Unable to move forward.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Feb 16, 2015 8:12 AM

Mar 2008
As Raichi's old man said, seeing a pitcher break down on his own is the last thing we want to see. The break-down has been coming for a while now, so it's good that we're getting a proper fall all the way through. Hopefully it'll be a smooth climb all the way back to the top from here.

Nobody wants to see a depressed Sawamura after all.
Feb 16, 2015 12:54 PM

Dec 2012
I can't take it! I'm putting this on hold until the writer stops bullying the main character!

It's painful to watch, I'm not watching or listening. I only have it running in a tab and check it now and then only to find Eijun looking horrified. The payoff for this better be really fusging sweet or I'm dropping this for good.
The 2002 Tokyo Mew Mew adaptation is not as great as you remember it being.
Feb 16, 2015 1:38 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Rachmaninow said:
@Gerrard guy: It's hard to buy, you know? Sawamura has always been portrayed as this carefree youngster who occasionally screws up but always gives his best and pulls through somehow. During the game against Raichi's team- the quarterfinals I believe- he faced one of those walls you guys keep talking about and overcame it. Then two games later he AGAIN faced a wall, learned nothing from his previous experience, and turned into a wimp again.

Where's the carefree pitcher that mesmerized everyone in the beginning? The kid who'd always have an ace up his sleeve (get it?) and surprise his opponents. I know that he cannot be invincible or perfect but his ability to overcome those emotional barriers- or rather, trample over them- is what made him special. But now? He's either acting like a traumatized dog or a pseudo-angry wannabe. A complete failure to put it shortly.

That is not what I call good writing or sufficient character development. "He's a rookie etc etc" Yeah so what? Furuya is a rookie as well. Raichi is a rookie. And both dusted themselves down and grew as players. And Sawamura? Unable to move forward.

I disagree with your good writing/character development comment. Sometimes the most positive and care-free people can worry about certain things the most. Mei had his short period of doing nothing much before he got back up too, and he's a lot like Eijun. But this is also a different type of people mentioned before, it seems like Eijun got the yips. This isn't just a simple problem about Eijun hitting a wall anymore. Also, Furuya and Raichi didn't hit someone during a crucial moment in a game. I'm not Eijun or anything and I'm usually pessimistic anyways, but if I were him, just the thought that I hit someone and it could've been really bad would make me unable to sleep at night. I feel like this is what Eijun is going through unconsciously if anything, and this would be a basis for why he's got the yips, why he can no longer pitch inside. But anyways, if you are not familiar with the yips, please read about it. The problem is not a simple as Eijun unable to overcome another wall like all those other players, or that he's becoming worse. The yips do happen and it really just sucks, also, don't downplay on traumas.
Feb 16, 2015 2:10 PM

Jun 2014
Mei had yips, Sawamura got Yips.

Whoever suffers comes back stronger.

And when you think about it, it was a lot in episodes (some games took a lot of them), but they only just finished the first half of their year.

He's already holding his own to Inashiro but is going through a tough time, no need to rage.
Feb 16, 2015 2:50 PM
Mar 2013
Ugh that was tough to bear.....

My boy Sawamura playing like utter shit!
Feb 16, 2015 3:37 PM

Jul 2011
Jinrou said:
Oh man, this anime wants to kill me.

This! I never imagined Eijun to get the yips. However, stress and physiological issues tend to affect "care-free" people like Eijun the most when it hits hard. It's subconscious fear, not something you can just get over because you want to. I really wonder how he'll get over this. There's no doubt that he will suffer more from this, maybe even being kicked from the pitcher position altogether.

I honestly didn't expect this outcome until he started pitching this episode. I was suspicious when he wasn't acting like usual, as Harucchi noted, but I thought he was just overly tense. When Miyuki was joking with his after the home run I thought Eijun would instantly recover, but no it seems like a persistent problem.

I don't appreciate this appearing as the anime will be ending soon. Hopefully it will at least end on a positive note, with Eijun recovering or something...
Feb 17, 2015 1:31 AM
Dec 2014
Tough episode, tough for Sawamura, tough for the audience.
Personally this show sorta has hit an all time low for me, even tho I enjoy the less standard ganbatte here, I dislike Furuya too much as a character (can you even call him a character, since he lacks any kind of personality aside from "I want to pitch") to go with this flow.

The bland character gets more and more screentime, gets better and better. The main character gets worse and worse. I'd say theres a limit to how hard they can push this and this is going somewhat too far in my opinion.
Feb 18, 2015 10:37 PM
Jul 2018
After such an expression on his face in the beginning and thoughts I expected Sawamura to actually be near Furuya’s level or beat him, it’s so disappointing when it doesn’t happen. I hope he’ll get over this soon because it’s hard to watch.
Feb 19, 2015 11:13 PM

Mar 2008
Lol, when people talk bad about Sawamura here, they're so quick to be called "harsh" but when people does the same to Furuya, it's OK ultimately leading to a bandwagon hate fest. Hilarious!
Feb 22, 2015 12:06 AM

Feb 2011
This episode should have been called "Let's destroy our main character"
Feb 24, 2015 5:48 PM

Nov 2014
I'm glad Sawamura isn't your typical sports anime protag who's just insanely good and like some sort of prodigy that only comes by once in a lifetime. It's nice to see him struggle. I think it makes him more human. At the same time, it really hurts to see Sawamura hit this wall, while Furuya only keeps getting better and better. That last ending cut for the next episode was the same as the one in the ED right? Looks like next episode is going to be pretty tough too. I'm guessing Furuya will replace Sawamura? Man, that dead ball on that Inashiro guy must've been really scarring.
Feb 24, 2015 5:48 PM

Jul 2012
Feb 24, 2015 6:04 PM

Nov 2014
StormBoi said:
Mei had yips, Sawamura got Yips.

Whoever suffers comes back stronger.

And when you think about it, it was a lot in episodes (some games took a lot of them), but they only just finished the first half of their year.

He's already holding his own to Inashiro but is going through a tough time, no need to rage.
THIS OMFG!! This episode created a bunch of negativity among the fans?!? Idk, but personally, I like it when sports anime don't stick to the stereotypical storyline?? Like, is it bad that daiya no ace isn't just another generic sports anime?? Having hardship is really important for character development. You honestly can't believe that life is full of smooth sailing, especially for talented sports anime protagonists. The fact that Sawamura is having hardships makes this anime so much more real, and his character becomes so much more relatable. Also, like it says above, he's only a first year. He has plenty of time to improve and honestly once he gets out of this slump, I'll only respect his character that much more because of the hardship he had to go through.
And hey what's all the Furuya hate about? It's not like Furuya was this outstandingly good from the start. Sure, he had fast pitches, but he completely lacked control. Furuya has been working just as hard as Sawamura, so I feel like it's kind of a double standard to praise Sawamura for his hard work and completely overlook the fact that Furuya has also been working really really hard. In fact, Furuya's hard working attitude is what inspired Sawamura to pick himself back up after the finals with Inashiro.
Just because it's tough for you to watch Sawamura encounter a difficult obstacle to overcome does not make it okay to completely bash the show. I mean you're allowed to have your own opinions, but I'll let you know, if you couldn't tell already, I completely support this choice to show Sawamura struggling and being an actual human being (for Pete's sake he's not a perfectly oiled machine, of course he's going to encounter walls sooner or later just like anyone else).
Mar 5, 2015 3:12 AM

Jul 2012
Wow, I didn't think he'd do that bad :(
Mar 9, 2015 10:33 PM

Feb 2011
bahahahahahaha, did the mangaka person who created eijun decide to pull this crap to justify furuya as the ace? f*** that sh**. im out. never have i seen someone fail so badly like this. if i wanted reality i wouldnt watch anime.
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Mar 14, 2015 1:28 AM

Jun 2011
eternaltorture said:
Lol, when people talk bad about Sawamura here, they're so quick to be called "harsh" but when people does the same to Furuya, it's OK ultimately leading to a bandwagon hate fest. Hilarious!
Pretty much agree with you, those people are such a joke. It's not only Furuya, but Tanba and Kawakami too. They like their "baby Sawamura" so much that they have to downplay other characters to make Sawamura looks better.

kuro-ooji said:
StormBoi said:
Mei had yips, Sawamura got Yips.

Whoever suffers comes back stronger.

And when you think about it, it was a lot in episodes (some games took a lot of them), but they only just finished the first half of their year.

He's already holding his own to Inashiro but is going through a tough time, no need to rage.
THIS OMFG!! This episode created a bunch of negativity among the fans?!? Idk, but personally, I like it when sports anime don't stick to the stereotypical storyline?? Like, is it bad that daiya no ace isn't just another generic sports anime?? Having hardship is really important for character development. You honestly can't believe that life is full of smooth sailing, especially for talented sports anime protagonists. The fact that Sawamura is having hardships makes this anime so much more real, and his character becomes so much more relatable. Also, like it says above, he's only a first year. He has plenty of time to improve and honestly once he gets out of this slump, I'll only respect his character that much more because of the hardship he had to go through.
And hey what's all the Furuya hate about? It's not like Furuya was this outstandingly good from the start. Sure, he had fast pitches, but he completely lacked control. Furuya has been working just as hard as Sawamura, so I feel like it's kind of a double standard to praise Sawamura for his hard work and completely overlook the fact that Furuya has also been working really really hard. In fact, Furuya's hard working attitude is what inspired Sawamura to pick himself back up after the finals with Inashiro.
Just because it's tough for you to watch Sawamura encounter a difficult obstacle to overcome does not make it okay to completely bash the show. I mean you're allowed to have your own opinions, but I'll let you know, if you couldn't tell already, I completely support this choice to show Sawamura struggling and being an actual human being (for Pete's sake he's not a perfectly oiled machine, of course he's going to encounter walls sooner or later just like anyone else).
+1 to the bolded. But I don't agree with your previous comment,
kuro-ooji said:
I'm glad Sawamura isn't your typical sports anime protag who's just insanely good and like some sort of prodigy that only comes by once in a lifetime. It's nice to see him struggle. I think it makes him more human. At the same time, it really hurts to see Sawamura hit this wall, while Furuya only keeps getting better and better. That last ending cut for the next episode was the same as the one in the ED right? Looks like next episode is going to be pretty tough too. I'm guessing Furuya will replace Sawamura? Man, that dead ball on that Inashiro guy must've been really scarring.
You probably haven't watched a lot of sports anime, and only watched the new ones like Kuroko no Basket.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Mar 14, 2015 10:44 AM

Dec 2012
Jeez, it's really painful to watch Sawamura not being his usual self. The sting of defeat in the finals hasn't left him and he's become too fixated on winning through reckless willpower. When the momentum starts working against you it's hard to pull it back together.
Mar 31, 2015 7:56 PM
Sep 2009
Sawamura always sucked, he failed far more than he actually achieved in the series so far. He is no Goro. Goro in Major was a prodigy and did his best from youngest of age, that's why he rocked most of the time.

Sawamura on the other hand is a noob. He has potential but he never bothered to properly train until Seido. He didn't know the rules neither did he really care about the team until he was forced to learn.

Furuya on the other hand worked hard all the time, he might have not been good in outfield originally but he worked on it. He is a far better player over all. He is a good pitcher, good fielder as well as batter. Not to mention that he is the one who motivates Sawamura. Furuya is always the first to do things with Sawamura following his lead. It only makes sense for him to be an ace even if he is a boring character.

For someone who didn't train properly until this year, Sawamura is handle pretty realisticly though it would help if Furuya faced a wall or 2 as well. Besides Swamura's last throw is almost identical to Mei's. Sawamura faced a massive wall that almost broke Mei in his days. This is nothing new.

As long as Sawamura pulls himself together, forgets about Furuya and balances himself out, he'll be fine.

P.S. Not to mention that Goro faced very similar problem in 6th season and he was already a pro. Sawamura is just a 1st year.
kitten320Mar 31, 2015 8:03 PM
May 9, 2015 6:03 AM

Dec 2013
If only Gomimura would get kicked out of the team and this became Diamond no Furuya..
Aug 25, 2015 1:44 AM
Jul 2018
This is too painful to watch tbh. I wanna hug Eijun so badly ;__; The episode destroyed me.
Sep 5, 2015 10:51 PM

Mar 2012
Dam, didn't expect Sawamura to be this affected psychologically by the loss. Not good at all.

ToG25thBaam said:
eternaltorture said:
Lol, when people talk bad about Sawamura here, they're so quick to be called "harsh" but when people does the same to Furuya, it's OK ultimately leading to a bandwagon hate fest. Hilarious!
Pretty much agree with you, those people are such a joke. It's not only Furuya, but Tanba and Kawakami too. They like their "baby Sawamura" so much that they have to downplay other characters to make Sawamura looks better.

Yep, hypocrisy at its finest.
Sep 17, 2015 8:01 AM

Dec 2014
1/5 HATED İT!!!!!!!!
i cant remember any anime has a pace worse than this
i mean seriously,at first i actualy enjoyed it,but it keeps getting worse and worse.
Oct 19, 2015 8:03 PM
Feb 2011
I am honestly so thrown by this episode just, oh man, Sawamura you poor child. And everyone just continues to put pressure on him when clearly he's already struggling under the pressure he's put on himself and it's just an endless cycle that is somewhat killing me on the inside. Good times
Dec 6, 2015 5:09 AM

Jan 2015
Aaand here we have it, the pseudo post-traumatic experience...
As if you'd feel guilty hurting an adversary. If I was pitching, I'd actually voluntarily hit one at the beginning of each game to fluster them and add more pressure ! :p

Anyway, lame episode, and this will probably continue until the end of the show.
Dec 27, 2015 12:35 AM
Dec 2015
There seriously is no good sports anime out there besides Kuroko no Basket, Honestly Eijun sucks, and he is getting worse even though he is suppose to be "improving" I say improving lightly, he's the kind of character I want to beat the SH*T out of cause he's such a little B*TCH like honestly! MAN THE F UP! Does it really take him 5 pitches to not suck so bad!? He's a starting pitcher on the 1st team of one of the most prestigious baseball teams in Japan. He's 16 for bloody's sake, no 16 year old is as much of a B*TCH as he is. I wish he'd just get run over in a car crash or something like the older brother in The Knight in the Area, which is also a horrid anime. E60-70 are just painful to watch. I do not recommend this anime to anyone!
Apr 2, 2016 7:32 PM

May 2014

Jun 18, 2016 9:23 AM
Jan 2016
Rouvenor013 said:
There seriously is no good sports anime out there besides Kuroko no Basket.

No good sports anime besides kuroko really ? even slam dunk is much better than the overrated kuroko. Go watch ippo, haikyuu, slam dunk
Jul 23, 2016 8:23 PM
Jan 2016
sawamura is trash
Aug 13, 2016 12:24 PM

Dec 2011
I can understand the MC going through trials and tribulations, and hitting walls etc. in a sports story. However this mangaka comes dangerously close to just taking it too far and making it not worth watching. I mean this isn't Touch, this isn't a masterpiece about life in general, its a sports anime and at the end of the day it still needs to be fun.

For Sawamura to struggle this much (and apparently still basically just playing team mascot hundreds of chapters into manga) just takes a lot of the authenticity and the 'fun factor' out of his personality.

I think I'd actually be totally okay with this development if I hadn't heard that even way beyond S2 material in the manga Sawamura is still playing second fiddle and barely getting any spotlight, much less competing for the ace position. I mean wtf mangaka? Are you just trolling us?!
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Nov 24, 2016 2:46 AM
Dec 2015
What's interesting in this thread is despite how they show it, people really love Eijun. You have some people who shows tough love and say, this is for the better. Then there's the protection squad and couldn't bear to see Eijun in this kind of state. I'm in the middle of both, personally. I love Eijun so I'm really glad he's getting developed tremendously but I can always rant how I hate Furuya as a character.

The manga will get better guys. I gave up on the series at one point because of this...and only until recently as well with all the Furuya fest going on in the manga. But Eijun will get better, more mature and undeniably better than Furuya right now. Of course, I really hope the author sees this as he seems to be going that route.

What's gonna fix me the pain of this development (I love the YIPS arc but definitely not the Furuya pandering) is if Furuya have the same development. I hope to see him cry when he realized he can never be the Ace anymore.
Jan 9, 2017 7:23 AM

Sep 2015
The trauma of hitting someone at the finals got to Sawamura ;-;
Oct 5, 2017 12:29 PM

Sep 2015
Lol this is bullshit.... You know it becomes unwatchable if bad events are happening all the time -.- . ( Furuya pitching well is a bad event to me)
Jan 27, 2018 12:49 AM

Apr 2016
Sawamura has a BIG mental problem!!! :/
Aug 23, 2018 7:53 PM

Dec 2013
Eijun crashing and burning was hard to watch.
Sep 18, 2018 9:27 AM

Nov 2016
This was almost unbearable to watch...

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 5, 2019 5:18 AM

May 2015
Things got dark real fast.

Oct 28, 2019 8:23 PM
Mar 2015
Will Eijun ever bloom?
Oct 31, 2019 8:50 PM

Oct 2017
This was so harsh to watch, I was almost crying in some part and even wished to pass the whole stuff just skipping the episode but I was so shocked that I couldn't did it at the end.
I know that this isn't something that anybody really wish to see on an anime. But it is realistic as it has to be, because like someone of you said, the real life sucks the same as this situation for Sawamura.
-¡Give yourself to me!
Dec 8, 2019 8:45 PM

Sep 2018
Seidou don't have good clean up hitter now, it's not exciting to watch their game anymore huhu I miss Tetsu and the gang!

Sawamura is so sensitive! so what if Furuya is the starter (or even become the ace) it's for the team! he's weak now, can't control pitch.. he should practice and work hard more. Him sulking and being too tense is not appropriate, he's being brat!

He have trauma or what?!
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Oct 30, 2021 4:49 AM

Jul 2015
Oh crap, Eijun got the yips. Hurts seeing him unable to throw inside pitches due to him subconsciously being reminded on the deadball to the head during the summer tournament.

Jul 9, 2023 1:28 PM

Aug 2019
Honestly, I blame them for making Eijun like this. Furuya is always let go easily after a mistake, but Eijun always gets the end of the stick.

I’m missing the third years. It doesn’t feel the same without them.

I just want to see some progress, like he’s been training for months, but he’s stuck in the same situation. Always making mistakes after mistakes.

The author clearly enjoys doing nothing with Eijun in this season.

It’s like none of the team members noticed that he was acting weird after the semi finals.
Jul 30, 2023 7:11 AM
Mind Evaporator

Feb 2017
Eijun really gets in his own head way too much
Jul 30, 2023 7:16 AM
Mind Evaporator

Feb 2017
Damn this was very hard to watch 😬😬 jeez
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