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Jan 18, 2015 6:02 AM

Jun 2014
Why is this anime so underrated lol ? It's a freaking great series , it's greatness badassness
ChrisS3097Jan 18, 2015 6:06 AM
Jan 18, 2015 6:05 AM

Jul 2011
Lol, it isn't.
Underrated, lol.
Jan 18, 2015 3:15 PM

Nov 2014
Praland said:
Lol, it isn't.
Underrated, lol.

Still I feel like a lot of people do not even give it a try, because they either think they need DC-knowledge, the art-style might seem bad at first hand/ cover/trailer threw them off cuz it's rather old style, subs were released random days the season it started airing or just because others don't watch it. Imo it's an enjoyable, episodic Anime just like AssClass, but with an refreshing setting about magic, it at least deserves more recognition.
KeepDFaithJan 18, 2015 3:18 PM
Jan 18, 2015 3:16 PM

Jul 2012
KeepDFaith said:
Praland said:
Lol, it isn't.
Underrated, lol.

Still I feel like a lot of people do not even give it a try, because they either think they need DC-knowledge, the art-style might seem bad at first hand/ cover/trailer threw them off cuz it's rather old style or just because others don't watch it. Imo it's an enjoyable, episodic Anime just like AssClass, but with an refreshing setting about magic, it at least deserves more recognition.


On the other hand, if this show was an original series like Death Parade, I'm pretty sure it would be one of the top contenders in the popularity polls for AOTS.
Jan 18, 2015 3:39 PM

Oct 2014
Series is quite episodic... and can be a turn off for some people, but I agree it is a treat to watch every week and deserves a better rep.
Jan 18, 2015 3:47 PM

Nov 2010
Nah, if anything it's overrated. Like with Conan, unless it's pulling twists out of everywhere it's quite boring.
Feb 9, 2015 5:07 PM
Oct 2013
IntroverTurtle said:
Nah, if anything it's overrated. Like with Conan, unless it's pulling twists out of everywhere it's quite boring.

Nah, it's because you're a skeptic and doesn't believe in "magic" at all. If D. Conan is so boring as you claim, it wouldn't reach hundreds of chapters, episodes and movies. In my opinion, anything is boring if you're not with the same wavelength. Likewise, if you don't like it, it's boring.

7.53 is slightly underrated imho. It should be somewhere near 8.20 as its predecessor.

This is one of the anime I'm always eager to watch weekly. This anime deserve more reputation than Conan because of its good at doing its "fantasy" theme.
ExplodingGirlFeb 9, 2015 5:10 PM
Feb 9, 2015 5:21 PM

Nov 2010
mbdsquad said:
IntroverTurtle said:
Nah, if anything it's overrated. Like with Conan, unless it's pulling twists out of everywhere it's quite boring.

Nah, it's because you're a skeptic and doesn't believe in "magic" at all. If D. Conan is so boring as you claim, it wouldn't reach hundreds of chapters, episodes and movies. In my opinion, anything is boring if you're not with the same wavelength. Likewise, if you don't like it, it's boring.
If I really saw Detective Conan as boring then it wouldn't be so popular? Please make sense. My taste does not equal all. And boring does not necessarily equal bad, in Conan's case it equals average and barely sufficient.
Feb 9, 2015 5:25 PM

Apr 2008
KeepDFaith said:
I feel like a lot of people do not even give it a try, because they either think they need DC-knowledge, the art-style might seem bad at first hand/ cover/trailer threw them off cuz it's rather old style...

I agree with this.

I haven't been keeping up with Detective Conan at all, so I was hesitant to watch Kaito, but I found that I could have watched this with no DC knowledge at all! After seeing the original cover artwork, I was so excited because of how *pretty* it was. Of course I ended up kinda disappointed with these hella noses and overall 90's feel, but it's grown on me.

So yeah. I don't think people give the series a chance for the aforementioned reasons.

Alternatively, people may drop the series because it is so episodic. My favorite episodes so far have been the Conan episodes and the two-parter about his parents. I want to feel like me diligently (except not really because I'm totally playing catch-up right now) watching this series is worth it, not that I could pop in at anytime. I want there to be important things from episode to episode for me to hold on to. There isn't much of that here.

I originally dropped the series after the first episode because Kaito was being a stupid pervert and I wasnt looking forward to 24 episodes of panty and bra comments.

Feb 9, 2015 8:01 PM

Oct 2012
For one, the art in 1412 isn't as good as the OVA series. I believe that has something to do with it, though I may be wrong.

But I've been a fan of the Conan-Kaito series for a while now so I think that this is slightly underrated as well.

Tbh, I don't think the art looks that old. For something that came from the ninety's, I think it looks pretty good o.o

Feb 11, 2015 1:06 PM
Oct 2013
IntroverTurtle said:
mbdsquad said:

Nah, it's because you're a skeptic and doesn't believe in "magic" at all. If D. Conan is so boring as you claim, it wouldn't reach hundreds of chapters, episodes and movies. In my opinion, anything is boring if you're not with the same wavelength. Likewise, if you don't like it, it's boring.
If I really saw Detective Conan as boring then it wouldn't be so popular? Please make sense. My taste does not equal all. And boring does not necessarily equal bad, in Conan's case it equals average and barely sufficient.

You simply pulled over to "It's my opinion" stance. (But hey you probably have plan C, something like - "It's always an opinion to begin with" and a Plan D...and E which I would'nt bother saying)

And when did I said boring = bad? Please make sense too, senpai. (here have a "taste" of your own medicine)
ExplodingGirlFeb 11, 2015 1:10 PM
Feb 21, 2015 8:54 PM

Feb 2014
xcess090 said:
IntroverTurtle said:
Nah, if anything it's overrated. Like with Conan, unless it's pulling twists out of everywhere it's quite boring.

What I would say begins with "There are two kinds of people..."
Feb 22, 2015 7:42 AM

May 2014
L3gEnDaRy said:
Why is this anime so underrated lol ? It's a freaking great series , it's greatness badassness

Maybe because of the animation style....,these days people prefer cover than the contents...

I only wish life could be as leisurely as this a little more often...
How greedy of me
Feb 22, 2015 7:43 AM

May 2014
L3gEnDaRy said:
Why is this anime so underrated lol ? It's a freaking great series , it's greatness badassness

Maybe because of the animation style....,these days people prefer cover than the contents...

I only wish life could be as leisurely as this a little more often...
How greedy of me
Feb 22, 2015 7:45 AM

Jul 2011
Sorainnosia said:
L3gEnDaRy said:
Why is this anime so underrated lol ? It's a freaking great series , it's greatness badassness

Maybe because of the animation style....,these days people prefer cover than the contents...

Content covered in the previous OVA series and expanding things covered in Conan, makes sense, the cover it's the problem.
Feb 22, 2015 7:46 AM

Nov 2010
Wake_Up said:
IntroverTurtle said:
Nah, if anything it's overrated. Like with Conan, unless it's pulling twists out of everywhere it's quite boring.

This message makes no sense. Are you saying it's boring because it has twists and turns at the end of episodes, like, you know, a cartoon usually, it's boring? This isnt a Hollywood movie; it has ridiculous magic, all it has is a few real world references.
I don't even understand what you're talking about and how it relates to my post. I never said anything about twists and turns at the end of every episode. Other anime are enjoyable in general even when they're not pulling twists, DC and MK aren't, that's what I was saying.
Feb 22, 2015 7:48 AM

Dec 2012
IntroverTurtle said:
Other anime are enjoyable in general even when they're not pulling twists, DC and MK aren't, that's what I was saying.

Why are you so keen on sharing an unpopular opinion? :o
"The big secret to breaking the rules is to make it look as though you're following them."
Feb 22, 2015 7:50 AM

Nov 2013
KeepDFaith said:
Praland said:
Lol, it isn't.
Underrated, lol.

Still I feel like a lot of people do not even give it a try, because they either think they need DC-knowledge, the art-style might seem bad at first hand/ cover/trailer threw them off cuz it's rather old style, subs were released random days the season it started airing or just because others don't watch it. Imo it's an enjoyable, episodic Anime just like AssClass, but with an refreshing setting about magic, it at least deserves more recognition.

Agree with it, but I also like to mention that there's people decided to not watch this show because they are getting tired with DC or anything related of it. I'm one of those people, so yeah sorry for not rated this show.
I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.

Feb 22, 2015 8:21 AM

Nov 2010
hakuyu said:
IntroverTurtle said:
Other anime are enjoyable in general even when they're not pulling twists, DC and MK aren't, that's what I was saying.

Why are you so keen on sharing an unpopular opinion? :o
Why do I have to be keen about doing something if I just answer a topic once and then other people start spouting illiterate shit?
Feb 22, 2015 11:37 AM
Feb 2014
IntroverTurtle said:
Wake_Up said:

This message makes no sense. Are you saying it's boring because it has twists and turns at the end of episodes, like, you know, a cartoon usually, it's boring? This isnt a Hollywood movie; it has ridiculous magic, all it has is a few real world references.
I don't even understand what you're talking about and how it relates to my post. I never said anything about twists and turns at the end of every episode. Other anime are enjoyable in general even when they're not pulling twists, DC and MK aren't, that's what I was saying.

I misunderstood your post. (You also kinda did mention twists lol. Most people think constant twists so it makes sense are dumb; I thought you were being sarcastic.) But that still doesn't make sense. I don't get how it's boring but alright. I guess I understand why you're 'introverted' with your hateful messages.
Wake_UpFeb 22, 2015 11:46 AM
Mar 7, 2015 5:38 AM

Jun 2010
It's a show based on Gosho Aoyama's works. Of course it'll be underrated.
Mar 11, 2015 6:02 AM
Dec 2013
no it really isn't
at least it isn't dragged out to death like DC
Mar 14, 2015 2:18 AM

Jan 2015
This is little underrated, not so much people talk about this anime much (at least my friends who watches anime as well)

Many fans prever Detective Conan/Case Closed over Magic Kaito
Apr 4, 2015 3:24 PM

Jun 2010
Journey_95 said:
no it really isn't
at least it isn't dragged out to death like DC

Detective Conan is about as "dragged out to death" as Doraemon is.

Many people on MAL mistake DC as a seasonal show or a typical shounen, it's really not. It's for-all ages, and people watch it as a case-by-case basis. In Japan it is pretty famous in the same sense Crayon Shin Chan and Kochikame are. DC having a plot is just maintaining the cornerstone of the skycraper.

TL;DR people watch DC for the cast, not the plot, as well as the cases. They don't consider it as your usual anime (seasonal, big shounens, etc), and that's precisely what Gosho wants.
Apr 4, 2015 8:10 PM

Feb 2014
L3gEnDaRy said:
Why is this anime so underrated lol ? It's a freaking great series , it's greatness badassness
I believe you should be referring to the Kaito Kid specials. ;) The specials were amazing, but this adaption was decent at best. If you compare the two, you'd surely see the animation quality difference.

I don't think this series is underrated, it deserved the ratings it got. This adaption was juts an eyesore to me compared to when watching the specials cuz even with 24 episodes the adaption didn't have as enough flair, which Kaito Kid is obviously supposed to portray.

"For the sake of humankind, I forsake my humanity." - Cherry
May 10, 2015 3:35 AM

Jul 2012
Inuchiyo said:
L3gEnDaRy said:
Why is this anime so underrated lol ? It's a freaking great series , it's greatness badassness
I believe you should be referring to the Kaito Kid specials. ;) The specials were amazing, but this adaption was decent at best. If you compare the two, you'd surely see the animation quality difference.

I don't think this series is underrated, it deserved the ratings it got. This adaption was juts an eyesore to me compared to when watching the specials cuz even with 24 episodes the adaption didn't have as enough flair, which Kaito Kid is obviously supposed to portray.

tbh, there's not much of a quality difference between the specials and this adaptation. the issue is that this one has too many weaker episodes and is dragging out the main plot which the specials actually covered really quickly and with a good pacing.
Jul 6, 2015 3:43 AM

Nov 2014
I am sure it is popular in Japan.

Aug 17, 2015 2:13 AM
May 2009
Underrated on MAL probably. But general ratings that matter would be Japan and Asia only, where the Detective conan series is quite a hit.
Jan 22, 2022 2:04 PM
Jan 2022
IntroverTurtle said:
Nah, if anything it's overrated. Like with Conan, unless it's pulling twists out of everywhere it's quite boring.

You're simply dumb, just get your a** outta here if you don't like it, no need to do the leg pulling

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