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Dec 28, 2014 8:24 PM

Jan 2011
Yuzuki's summer dress in the final segment was rather appealing. Just have to say.

I don't know how I feel about the story turning into not having Noel disappear then into having Noel return when up that point is what about the five friends rekindling their friendship and satisfying the original wish.

I guess it's a nice story. Heart warming is a good way to describe it. You can't not be happy about Noel's return but they way it was done was rather pushy. The saucer, which is Noel, wasn't shown and I didn't particularly care for the ending pastel like art style which had never been used until that point and was more distracting then appealing. It being pretty or not is not an issue. It would of been better just to show Noel's hand grab the hat and have a prologue worked into the ED instead of ED shown. In the end, the show was about having your cake and eating it to. That's all well and good but there was a lot of tweeny drama (they are middle school I guess) which was sometimes melodramatic.

This was nothing like Glasslip. Don't compare the two. Glasslip was literally pointless, made zero sense, and had abysmal characters let alone the stalest dialogue in existence. Sora no Method had an objective, even if you didn't like what it was now that it's over. Even if the drama was "melodramatic" at times, all these characters and the told story were better than the forgettable nothingness that was Glasslip.
Dec 28, 2014 8:24 PM

Mar 2014
Even though the majority of the episodes have been meh, the execution in the final episode was outstanding.
Bumped the series to a 6/10 :D
Strawberry-RainDec 28, 2014 8:30 PM
MAL: A community that thinks every anime is bad, but rates everything a 7/10.
Dec 28, 2014 8:31 PM

May 2013
The ending theme was so cute with the chibi characters~

But, since episode 12, plot holes appeared and ofc I'm glad that Noel is back~ 7/10, cute series.
The world shall know the truth soon.
Dec 28, 2014 11:07 PM

Jul 2013
That Noel at the end.. HHHNNNNGGGHHHH!!

I love the new ending animation and that pastel art animation for Noel's last scene. The sunflower field was beautiful too!

Overall I have a mixed feeling with this series, at times it can be so good but also so frustrating. If only they toned down the Yuzuki drama, this could easily be one of my favorites. Who can resist Noel anyway? I'm also disappointed with the lack of Shione throughout the series since she has shown she can be the best girl when she's on her dere mode. I'm gonna miss her sexy voice (and her sexy body too lol). I've been debating for a long time what score to give since this was a 6 at most but episode 7 and 11 were masterfully done and the soundtracks were just oh so damn good.

All things considered I think it deserves 7/10, extra point for those positives I just mentioned.
Dec 28, 2014 11:57 PM

Aug 2013
Well a couple of things:

1: In this reality, or whatever it is, Shione is like a completely different person. Even when she had her few nice moments originally, she still had a bit of a tsun attitude behind them.

This time around though, she was the always calm, always smiling goddess of guidance. I was just like, holy shit how is this even the same character.

Plus, it seems like this timeline gave her a little puberty boost in the big ol titties area. Cant complain there.

2: Noel did come back, but acted kind of differently too. Normally she went out of her way to find Nonoka, but this time she was all sneaky? Like she showed up to Nonoka's house for breakfast, then leaves? Only to show up at the very end.

The ED almost pissed me the fuck off. When we see the flash of Noel's hair and then the ED starts, I was Don't you fucking show her hair and say that's a sufficient ending where she "comes back". Luckily, there was more after the ED lol.

On that same note, why the hell would you take Noel's very last scene and make it this weird, choppy, crayon sequence? They should've taken the proper animation, made that shit into 4K graphics, then upped the moe factor of Noel's last line by 1000.

Overall 7/10 7 for Noel, would be higher if characters being shitty for no logical reasons didn't happen for 10 episodes.
Dec 29, 2014 2:01 AM

Oct 2013
good anime
Graphic 9 /10
music 9 / 10
story 7 /10
Dec 29, 2014 2:58 AM

May 2010
Sora no Method huh... It wasn't bad. It just wasn't impressive. The art and the bgm was really something, loved dat ED and OP. But the same can't be said for the story. It had a lot of potential, that's for sure. Never got why Noel was so important to all of them when Nonoka (and arghh okay Shione as well... cuz of story reasons) was the only one who really had a strong bond with him.

My fav character was probably Nonoka's dad. Noel for 2nd best chara.

The art-style change was probably to look more artistic.

7/10 from me
Dec 29, 2014 3:04 AM
Jan 2013
Well, it was...okay. Not too bad, but I will probably have forgotten this anime in a few weeks/month. They tried way too hard to force the drama, characters aren't that rememberable either, on the other hand the soundtrack was really good and the animation too (not all the time, though). It's not fair to compare this to Glasslip, Sora no Method has at least a story, even if it's not that great.
Dec 29, 2014 3:25 AM

Nov 2011
Studio 3Hz are fantastic and i'm really looking forward to more of their works, hopefully the next one is bearable.

Join the MSP Club for an in-depth look at score progressions and other stats of currently airing anime
Dec 29, 2014 4:30 AM
Content Admin
Overkilled Red

Aug 2013
From a general POV (out of context), Nonoka and Shione's conversation while they were sitting on the bench sounds like Nonoka fell in love with Shione at first sight. I mean, Nonoka herself said she'd regret it if she hadn't become friends with Shione. That's definitely Hitomebore.

Nonoka's mom made her promise to experience all kinds of things, of which some will be sad and painful. If you know what she meant by "painful." XD
Jokes aside, what mom makes their daughter promise about something they'll come across naturally in life anyways?

Noel came back, as everyone including me here expected. Though, it would've been a great plot twist if she'd turned back and it wasn't Noel but someone else. That would've made me give it a high score.

Bland story, bland characters, bland melodrama, excellent animation and decent soundtracks factors into the final rating of 5/10.
In the end, Souta couldn't make a harem. How disappointing..
VindstotDec 29, 2014 4:33 AM

Dec 29, 2014 8:10 AM

Nov 2010
A feel-good but underwhelming ending in my opinion. I think I enjoyed this episode and the entire show more than a lot of people, but I do want to like it more.

The series started off interesting enough, but was hindered by melodrama that made it difficult to relate to some of the characters. (Though, honestly, I felt quite a bit of AnoHana really wasn't much better off in that aspect.) The emotions felt less forced starting at around ep. 9 or so, and the sudden turn of events in ep. 12 raised my hopes for a total comeback at the end. Alas, two episodes after Noel's disappearance wasn't enough to flesh out the interesting direction they took. Shame that they didn't focus more on character development (as opposed to trying to force emotions on the viewer) early on and given more attention to the sudden timeline reset... because I certainly liked the mood and the premise of the story.

The soundtrack and some of the songs used were fantastic, though. And Noel was cute from start to finish, heh.

Dec 29, 2014 9:30 AM

Dec 2013
Very predictable plot. From the beginning to fall out to amnesia to Noel returning. Nevertheless, the series still managed to leave me with a good feeling.

Stay in yesterday 時を止めて
Dec 29, 2014 11:36 AM

Mar 2014
I feel like it's Anohana all over again lol

However the ending is not as dramatic or touching as I expected

Oh well it still good enough 8/10
Dec 29, 2014 12:07 PM

Aug 2012
Glad Noel came back, her entry was very nice in my opinion, especially with that ending animation, Besides that, it was a decent watch. No attachment towards any other character besides Shoine/Noel (for me) .


Dec 29, 2014 1:26 PM

Jul 2013
So no explanation about the time reverse and why only Nonoka and Shione remembered.

(Would have given 8/10 if excluding the last 2 episodes.)
Dec 29, 2014 8:01 PM
Jun 2014
The ending was quite predictable, but imho was also quite necessary. The plot wasn't very strong itself, with a different ending it would have been non-sense at all.

2 last episodes could be summed up in "meh". There are simply too many things happened without a reason. Why the rollback? In the first part of the serie everyone except Koharu was hating Nonoka, after she comes back everyone trust her because they "feel something is missing". And why Yuzuki and Souta wasn't hating each other?

Btw, i liked it, especially the figure of Noel and Yuzuki. Noel because well, i love the dumb-child figure, super cute and's the Fuko of Sora no Method. Yuzuki because is the only one we can (or at least ,I did) see grow up and change during the plot. I red somewhere people arguing about "why she hate the disk so much?" IMHO is just an excuse, after it appeared, being her really young, something bad -> disk is the cause , and she grow up with this idea.

Also, being a "recent" series i had imagined that animation would be really good, but they did an amazing job. Sounds too was really enjoyable.

It's still quite high, but i will leave a 8/10. Hated ep.12.
Dec 30, 2014 2:52 AM

Dec 2012
That ending scene was just way too precious, Noel has stolen my heart and tugged on every string within it. The moe overload is real.

Although not disappointed, I found this ending to be quite underwhelming in comparison to what Noel's departure set up in episode 11. It just felt a bit too easy and overly convenient, which sapped away the momentum I had been building the past few episodes.

But with that said, I certainly did enjoy how this turned out. Noel is able to return because the 5 friends' feelings were finally in sync due to the reconciliation in the previous episodes and felt nothing but fondness for Noel and the saucer. I really liked the use of the sunflowers and how they kept beckoning the group towards them.

As a whole this turned out to be a fairly fun and emotional story of friends who rekindle a shattered bond both among themselves and their feelings with the saucer aka Noel. Sora no Method hasn't done anything I haven't seen before, but I felt it did a good job and was able to shape its own adventure as a result. One of the stronger aspects of the series for me had to be the ost, particularly the one that was playing when the group first looked out to the sunflower field.

Going to say a 7.5/10, I'm leaning more towards a 7 but there were some moments that really clicked for me so I'll have to take some more time to consider my feelings on this.
Dec 30, 2014 5:50 AM

Nov 2011
It will not be an anime was engaging, but in its brevity and predictability, proved cute, sweet and cute, especially the last two episodes were beautiful son.
Atmosphere that reminded me very old TV series such Onegai Teacher, Onegai Twins etc etc.
The OST of this anime was excellent, ditto the last Ending.
Pleasant also the opening, the only character that I'll remember with pleasure is Noel, despite being a loli was a character solar and likeable, I will miss her only.
Unfortunately it myself, I did not understand why the change of style in the drawings in the last moments; as well as the final so rough, we wanted something more engaging.
My vote is unfortunately 6/10!
terrablu2003Dec 30, 2014 5:53 AM
Dec 30, 2014 9:02 PM

Feb 2014
Thank god this series is over! I'm surprised I stayed through and finished it, but for some reason I stuck around.

I've never watched Anohana so I'm not even comparing it to that. This was a bad anime. Straight up.

1. We had characters that were extremely immature and insufferable people. Nonoka was fucking annoying as shit and always spouting off idealistic nonsense that was so shallow that I would breakdown laughing if someone ever spoke that way to me. "THE OBSERVATORY! THE OBSERVATORY! NOEL! NOEL! NOEL! NOEL! I WANT US ALL TO BE TOGETHER!" Shut your mouth bitch! JUST SHUT UP! If I have to hear Nonoka say Noel again, I think I'll cut off my ears.

Shinoe was stupid and bitchy for no reason, same with Yuzuki was the same as Shinoe in the beginning, Koharu was just nice but there was nothing I could say about her that was notable since she was just there to be there, and Souta served basically no purpose.

All of them lacked depth and were lackluster in general.

2. The plot that tried to make it seem like things were really dramatic but when you step back and think about it, it was nothing more than middle schoolers fighting over something meaningless. To me, their actions and motives were just strange, I just couldn't relate at all with the characters. Not one bit.

3. Noel. The Noel plot was so bad and unorganized that it's not even funny (ok, it's a little funny). The show tried to make me believe that all the characters had some deep connection to this little girl, but only Nonoka semi-knew her from her past. She talked to Noel a few times and that was it. And then Nonoka thinks that they had some deep connection or something? Same goes for the rest of the cast, they all made it seem like they really spent a lot of time with her and were good friends with her but each character barely spent any time with her. Maybe a few hours individually. They never shared any meaningful experiences or anything, but for some reason they all just accepted this weird blue haired girl with no questions. Where's your home Noel? Why are you even here? Who the hell are you anyways? No one ever questioned her, it was just sloppy writing to squeeze in Noel with the cast with no questions asked.

4. This show was just wasted potential. I thought this was going to be some big sci fi mystery, but basically the townspeople and the world didn't even give a crap about the saucer. They just accepted. Like, are you fucking kidding me? No uproar? No tragedies? No government secrets? The big thing that came from the saucer was the banning of fireworks.................................................................................. You have to be joking.

Horrible anime with a terrible cast and a laughable plot. 2/10 is my final score. This is up there with Glasslip for me.
LoomyTheBrewDec 30, 2014 9:34 PM
Dec 30, 2014 9:21 PM
Mar 2014
Good Ending

Great Artwork and Animation.Promising Future for Studio 3Hz
Dec 30, 2014 9:41 PM
Jul 2018
LoomyTheBrew said:
Thank god this series is over! I'm surprised I stayed through and finished it, but for some reason I stuck around.

I've never watched Anohana so I'm not even comparing it to that. This was a bad anime. Straight up.

1. We had characters that were extremely immature and insufferable people. Nonoka was fucking annoying as shit and always spouting off idealistic nonsense that was so shallow that I would breakdown laughing if someone ever spoke that way to me. "THE OBSERVATORY! THE OBSERVATORY! NOEL! NOEL! NOEL! NOEL! I WANT US ALL TO BE TOGETHER!" Shut your mouth bitch! JUST SHUT UP! If I have to hear Nonoka say Noel again, I think I'll cut off my ears.

Shinoe was stupid and bitchy for no reason, same with Yuzuki was the same as Shinoe in the beginning, Koharu was just nice but there was nothing I could say about her that was notable since she was just there to be there, and Souta served basically no purpose.

All of them lacked depth and were lackluster in general.

2. The plot that tried to make it seem like things were really dramatic but when you step back and think about it, it was nothing more than middle schoolers fighting over something meaningless. To me, their actions and motives were just strange, I just couldn't relate at all with the characters. Not one bit.

3. Noel. The Noel plot was so bad and unorganized that it's not even funny (ok, it's a little funny). The show tried to make me believe that all the characters had some deep connection to this little girl, but only Nonoka semi-knew her from her past. She talked to Noel a few times and that was it. And then Nonoka thinks that they had some deep connection or something? Same goes for the rest of the cast, they all made it seem like they really spent a lot of time with her and were good friends with her but each character barely spent any time with her. Maybe a few hours individually. They never shared any meaningful experiences or anything, but for some reason they all just accepted this weird blue haired girl with no questions. Where's your home Noel? Why are you even here? Who the hell are you anyways? No one ever questioned her, it was just sloppy writing to squeeze in Noel with the cast with no questions asked.

4. This show was just wasted potential. I thought this was going to be some big sci fi mystery, but basically the townspeople and the world didn't even give a crap about the saucer. They just accepted. Like, are you fucking kidding me? No uproar? No tragedies? No government secrets? The big thing that came from the saucer was the banning of fireworks.................................................................................. You have to be joking.

Horrible anime with a terrible cast and a laughable plot. 2/10 is my final score. This is up there with Glasslip for me.

Dec 30, 2014 10:09 PM

Dec 2012
This episode was predictable but it was nice.
The new ending is so cute :). I loved the art style at the end, nice gift.

Sora no Method is a good anime, the beginning is very long to start but the last episodes are successful.
Dec 31, 2014 7:30 AM

Jun 2013
Call me crazy for having an unpopular opinion, but i thought that this last episode was beautiful, yes it was predictable that Noel came back, but it was done in a very good way
my final score for this show is a 9/10
Also this show had one of the best soundtracks ive heard in a long time, hope it gets released :)
Dec 31, 2014 11:42 AM

Feb 2014
The art style shift at the end was a surprise, but it looked really good though. =D

I would rate this series a 7/10. Good art/animation and soundtrack (great ED theme!), but kinda let down at times with the predictable and misfiring story as well as the melodrama being a little too forced during important scenes.

Overall, a good start for Studio 3hz and I hope the company can built on this show and produce more good quality shows in the future.
Dec 31, 2014 8:12 PM

May 2012
Oh that was nice! Really loved that ending, had this very mysterious and touching feel to it and it totally made me remember my second anime ever seen: Ano Natsu de Matteru and well I just loved that ED, it was just a beautiful touch to finish of this series!

All in all a quite dramatic, hearth warming, cute and just lovely anime in general! 8/10
Jan 1, 2015 5:26 PM

Oct 2007
The show had some good build up but it never found a good or interesting conclusion. It just started and somehow just ended.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Jan 2, 2015 4:26 AM

Aug 2011
It was teasing it all throughout the ep, but there's nothing like actually seeing Noel there. I liked the conclusion and honestly it was building up to the big reveal anyway.

This series had a slow start but it gradually warmed to me. Sure, it had some crazy forced drama from Shione and Yuzuki but generally no more so than other shows in this genre. I loved the overall tone of the show and can sympathize with trying to bring together friends whom you left years ago. The OP and ED really drove home that feeling and put a smile on my face every time I watched them. This could be one of my surprises from this season. 7/10.
Jan 2, 2015 9:40 AM

Nov 2013
LoomyTheBrew said:

3. Noel. The Noel plot was so bad and unorganized that it's not even funny (ok, it's a little funny). The show tried to make me believe that all the characters had some deep connection to this little girl, but only Nonoka semi-knew her from her past. She talked to Noel a few times and that was it. And then Nonoka thinks that they had some deep connection or something? Same goes for the rest of the cast, they all made it seem like they really spent a lot of time with her and were good friends with her but each character barely spent any time with her. Maybe a few hours individually. They never shared any meaningful experiences or anything, but for some reason they all just accepted this weird blue haired girl with no questions. Where's your home Noel? Why are you even here? Who the hell are you anyways? No one ever questioned her, it was just sloppy writing to squeeze in Noel with the cast with no questions asked.

4. This show was just wasted potential. I thought this was going to be some big sci fi mystery, but basically the townspeople and the world didn't even give a crap about the saucer. They just accepted. Like, are you fucking kidding me? No uproar? No tragedies? No government secrets? The big thing that came from the saucer was the banning of fireworks.................................................................................. You have to be joking.

Horrible anime with a terrible cast and a laughable plot. 2/10 is my final score. This is up there with Glasslip for me.

1. The explanations about Noel are considered needless because they are superficial. Its a slice of life/drama anime with some supernatural elements, not a shitty space-opera drama with techno babble and explanations that will just make things feel more out of place. You obviously watched the wrong the show, especially when the genres were explicitly tagged there.

Also, glasslip is way worse because sora no method actually had a tale to tell.
Anime gave me more life lessons than school
Jan 3, 2015 9:47 AM
Jun 2010
Melodramatic no Method.
Jan 3, 2015 6:27 PM

Jan 2013
Wow, that ending artstyle surprised me. I wish there was a good explanation of what Noel was and if there are other supernatural things in this universe.
Jan 4, 2015 4:20 AM

Sep 2012
Very cute ending, I'm not expecting something unexpected/unpredictable.

By reading this thread, you can clearly see what human beings current state looks like.
loloyJan 4, 2015 4:52 AM
Jan 4, 2015 2:01 PM
Nov 2011
The ending means I can't give this more than an 8/10

Yes there were unanswered questions, but the ending just felt like 'oh we have two left, lets pull the amnesia comeback flag... right.
Be thankful for those you have near who are dear
For time is not always kind to those who would be on your mind
Seize the day, some exclaim, but that which is past, no more shall have its day.
Jan 5, 2015 6:07 AM

Dec 2013
The ending was so predictable with Noel's return, which wasn't explained or anything at all. So apparently this alternate reality has everyone forgetting about Noel, except Nonoka for some reason. They never explained why she remembered, or why Shione remembered either... Too much of the plot made no sense...

However, the art and the music was great and the show lived up to it's expected genre as a general feel good fantastical (can't get myself to say fantasy because it really wan't.... not too much) SOL for the season. I found it a good watch, something I didn't have to vest too much thought or emotions in, but a show that still made me feel good during and after almost every episode. I love Noel's character and the character interactions were mostly believable.

Overall it was a good show. 8.5/10 with the extra 0.5 being for Noel's cuteness throughout the series.
Jan 5, 2015 7:33 AM
Feb 2012
What a surprisingly weak story given the staff working on it. Someone should let the Butcher take care of one of these kind of anime. I assure you, the result would be one to remember lol
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Jan 5, 2015 9:46 AM

Feb 2007
As predictable as Noel's return may have been, I still had tears in my eyes when she finally appeared. No complaints from me.
Jan 5, 2015 12:36 PM

Apr 2012
luinthoron said:
As predictable as Noel's return may have been, I still had tears in my eyes when she finally appeared. No complaints from me.
This guy gets

This is definitely one of my favorite series of 2014. Could it have ended at episode 11? Sure, but knowing for a fact that Noel is back makes the ending that much better for me.
BakaKaitoJan 5, 2015 1:58 PM
Jan 5, 2015 6:52 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Brobot said:
Nanashi- said:
what's with that end... why were the final 20 seconds in such a weird art style?
that was animated by Kou Yoshinari, one of the industry's best animators. his style is rather notorious for having this uncanny valley CG-ish feel to it, due to colouring and animating the cuts all by himself. the insanely fluid movements make his scenes stand out as well.

here is a nice little compilation of his animation cuts

Cool thanks for the info! I personally found the last part to be really beautifully animated, it did take me by surprise, but it was a memorable ending and it makes you feel like it's a painting or a drawing, something that is still and in your memory. Idk how to explain it, but it feels nostalgic and I guess as if it's saying that Noel will only be back for a short while.

Overall, a more or less forgettable anime, but not forgettable enough for me to actually forget about it. I don't think this anime is like Glasslip at all as others have been saying, but in this sense, yeah, it's like Glasslip. It was an anime that didn't really have a proper plot though it was supposed to and the resolution was meh. It wasn't great but still not entirely forgettable because well, we complained a lot. That's why Glasslip is notorious, and Sora no Method had a similar result, though it's definitely better than Glasslip.

It had few good moments, and a few times I actually felt my eyes watering because the emotional/touching scenes were executed really well. But that doesn't make up for its flaws, such as the they were really trying hard to make us feel something, especially with the alternate reality end. The art was also beautiful, and there were some scenes with really fluid animation. Also have to mention the pretty music, as expected of Kato Tatsuya. This combination could've made for a really good anime, but idk, the script didn't live up to its potential/other factors imo. Anyways, the sunflower scenery was breathtaking, and this whole episode was just really visually pleasing. I guess it wasn't a complete waste of time since I did appreciate the animation and art and music. Will be watching out for Studio 3Hz, and hoping that their next anime will make more sense and be less melodramatic.
Jan 6, 2015 1:16 AM

Oct 2008
Noeru is back! Friendship is Magic!

Jan 6, 2015 11:46 PM
Jul 2011
cute ending. honestly, I was hoping Nonoka would've killed herself after that vlog.
Jan 7, 2015 7:02 AM

Dec 2011
What was with that sudden change of art style for the last five seconds? Is that supposed to be symbolic of something?

This episode, unlike the last one, was really predictable so I just decided to sit back and enjoy the ride. And yes, enjoy is the right word, even with some stuff that is left as a completely blank slate in terms of explanations.
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Jan 9, 2015 5:15 PM

Nov 2010
The artsy end was beautiful and I am satisfied with it overall
Cheerful and happy with Noel
Jan 10, 2015 5:39 AM
Jul 2018
This was a cute final episode. The sunflower field was gorgeous and there were a few moments where I shed a tear or two. The final scene had a weird art style (context wise) but beautiful non the less.
This show was overly dramatic and far from the best this season. It was nice to watch and entertaining and fun but I think one of the biggest problems were the characters. I think we have to remind ourselves that those are little children with stupid reasoning at times. I liked this show but imo the fair score is 7/10.
If they make a second season I'll probably watch but I think this is the right ending for it.
Jan 12, 2015 3:57 PM

Mar 2013
Jonesy974 said:
Well a couple of things:

1: In this reality, or whatever it is, Shione is like a completely different person. Even when she had her few nice moments originally, she still had a bit of a tsun attitude behind them.

This time around though, she was the always calm, always smiling goddess of guidance. I was just like, holy shit how is this even the same character.

Plus, it seems like this timeline gave her a little puberty boost in the big ol titties area. Cant complain there.

2: Noel did come back, but acted kind of differently too. Normally she went out of her way to find Nonoka, but this time she was all sneaky? Like she showed up to Nonoka's house for breakfast, then leaves? Only to show up at the very end.

The ED almost pissed me the fuck off. When we see the flash of Noel's hair and then the ED starts, I was Don't you fucking show her hair and say that's a sufficient ending where she "comes back". Luckily, there was more after the ED lol.

Agreed with pretty much all this.

Anyway, I watched this show to get something more calming, kiddy-feel to it, since I just finished watching Witchblade, and I needed something to take my mind off that ending. Worked fine for me.
Jan 18, 2015 7:33 PM

May 2014
[quote=JuhnnyIf they make a second season I'll probably watch but I think this is the right ending for it.[/quote]

What are the chances of a s2? Or at least an OVA?
I enjoyed the show and would love to see a bit more of it/some explanations.
Jan 18, 2015 8:42 PM
Jul 2014
There were times when the characters irritated me(pretty much in every ep), but there were a few nice moments as well.
It was a stupid ending, but I accept it because Noel came back <3<3<3
6/10 for me.
Jan 26, 2015 3:31 PM
Mar 2008
The whole show made no fucking sense. It tried too hard with the drama.
Jan 28, 2015 10:02 PM

Aug 2013
So, goodsmile is making a Noel nendoroid, and it's just about the greatest fucking thing ever.

Jan 28, 2015 10:06 PM

Nov 2011
ilok said:
Melodramatic no Method.

Sora no Drama
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Jan 31, 2015 7:59 AM

Apr 2014
A fine show giving this 6 over 10 over all.
Haters always gonna hate.
Feb 2, 2015 1:42 PM

May 2007
So much cringe. 6/10

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Apr 19, 2021 8:57 AM

Poll: » Sora no Method Episode 11 Discussion ( 1 2 )

Ejc - Dec 13, 2014

65 by Kanezushi »»
Apr 19, 2021 8:26 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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