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Dec 14, 2014 5:13 AM
Jun 2009
There better not be any NTR this time.

I hope they retcon that shit NTR ending.

Yamato is a smug asshole, it seemed that Sora only dated his smug ass was to make Tai jealous. Unfortunately, she went too far with her joke and got pregnant.

There will be many a rage if the NTR goes through this time. It's their chance to redeem the series.
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Dec 14, 2014 6:37 AM
Sep 2007

Yamato >>> classic shonen protagonist garbage Taichi
Dec 14, 2014 6:47 AM

Feb 2013
I hope that too...I got so angry when Matt ended with Sora like wtf girl, look at your life look at your choices.

Dec 14, 2014 6:55 PM

Oct 2012
The tittle is "Digimon Adventure Tri". So just NO....

But don't worry i will drink your every single tears...

Dec 14, 2014 10:57 PM

Feb 2008
Or maybe Sora just likes the dude with a band more than a football player. But don't worry, Taichi is taking care of Sora while Yamato's on the moon.

"Your sight, my delight. Will you marry me?"
Dec 15, 2014 3:47 AM

Nov 2012
isnt taichi siscon? he will ntr takeru instead
my animesongs chord thread : here bro
Dec 15, 2014 4:04 AM
Apr 2013
ninjastarforcex said:
isnt taichi siscon? he will ntr takeru instead

Protective =/= siscon
Dec 15, 2014 4:17 AM
Sep 2007
Why does people think Yamato NTRed Sora from Taichi?

Just because they are childhood friends, it doesn't mean they must marry each other.

Years have passed, everything can happen.
Dec 15, 2014 5:17 AM
Dec 2013
what means NTR?
Dec 15, 2014 5:42 AM

Dec 2012
I wonder... since Hiroyuki isn't directing/co-producing this time, maybe they'll throw us a bone? For Taiora fans, of course.
Dec 15, 2014 6:07 PM

Aug 2014
I like Yamato and all, but not with Sora.
Dec 17, 2014 4:42 PM
Aug 2013
Still not see what's wrong with Sora and Yamato being together.
Dec 17, 2014 10:27 PM
Jun 2009
y123y said:
Can someone please remind me of something, since I forgot.

The first "romantic" moment that I saw between the Tai, Yamato, and Sora was when Tai was inviting Sora to go out but Sora said that she will be going with Yamato or something like Tai telling Sora that she and Yamato make a nice couple, something like that. That scene happened in season 2

But before that scene, was there ever any "romantic" moment between any of them?

That "scene" happened because of what happened earlier in the movie Digimon: Our War Game.

Basically Sora was mad at Tai for some unexplicable reason. She sent him a text message to "apologize" or some shit. Well as we all know (except for the oblivious Sora), Diaboromon was fucking up the Internet and all forms of digital communication.

Long story short, Tai did not receive that message and Sora thought he ignored her.

This grudge carries on to season 2 where Tai was trying to get with Sora but Sora still holding a grudge, decides to go with Yamato to make Tai jealous. Sora was hoping that Tai would confess his feelings after being NTRed (like what happens in most romance series). But Tai let her go because he loved her too much and respects her decision (he just wants her to be happy).

Sora gambled and loss. She was too stubborn to make amends with Tai (typical tsundere) and made a mistake with Yamato when he pressured her. She got pregnant and married him.

This is how we arrive at the NTR ending of season 02.
Dec 18, 2014 1:04 AM

Nov 2012
the other girls are ugly as fuck and a loli, so sora is best choice
while yamato is the cool tsundere guy type
my animesongs chord thread : here bro
Dec 18, 2014 1:27 PM
Dec 2009
Garfild said:
Why does people think Yamato NTRed Sora from Taichi?

Just because they are childhood friends, it doesn't mean they must marry each other.

Years have passed, everything can happen.

Perhaps, it has something to do with the dub version.

Dec 18, 2014 1:36 PM
Dec 2009
y123y said:
coolxal said:
There better not be any NTR this time.

I hope they retcon that shit NTR ending.

Yamato is a smug asshole, it seemed that Sora only dated his smug ass was to make Tai jealous. Unfortunately, she went too far with her joke and got pregnant.

There will be many a rage if the NTR goes through this time. It's their chance to redeem the series.

If I can remember correctly, when the anime was airing in Jpn around 2000, many fans of the anime over there really liked Yamato, a lot. And many fans also liked Sora, a lot. They didnt like Tai that much. And many of them shipped Yamato and Sora. So I think that maybe that the writers and producers wanted to please their audience with Yamato and Sora, which is why the romance between them came out of nowhere, rushed.

Actually, according to the information I heard, the romance between Yamato and Sora was already planned by the original writers as well as the director himself, Hiroyuki Kakudou.

Dec 18, 2014 3:44 PM

Dec 2008
kandiiyuutaamu said:
y123y said:

If I can remember correctly, when the anime was airing in Jpn around 2000, many fans of the anime over there really liked Yamato, a lot. And many fans also liked Sora, a lot. They didnt like Tai that much. And many of them shipped Yamato and Sora. So I think that maybe that the writers and producers wanted to please their audience with Yamato and Sora, which is why the romance between them came out of nowhere, rushed.

Actually, according to the information I heard, the romance between Yamato and Sora was already planned by the original writers as well as the director himself, Hiroyuki Kakudou.

Indeed, there are a few rumors that say that the director's daughter liked the pairing yamatoxsora so he made it happen, but its just a rumor.
Dec 18, 2014 3:46 PM
Jun 2009
kandiiyuutaamu said:
y123y said:

If I can remember correctly, when the anime was airing in Jpn around 2000, many fans of the anime over there really liked Yamato, a lot. And many fans also liked Sora, a lot. They didnt like Tai that much. And many of them shipped Yamato and Sora. So I think that maybe that the writers and producers wanted to please their audience with Yamato and Sora, which is why the romance between them came out of nowhere, rushed.

Actually, according to the information I heard, the romance between Yamato and Sora was already planned by the original writers as well as the director himself, Hiroyuki Kakudou.

According to the information I heard, it was just one writer and he kept it a secret from the other staff until near the very end. The other staff were expecting Tai route.
Dec 18, 2014 10:50 PM
Jun 2008
It wasn't NTR, and you can just as easily argue that Sora NTRed Taichi, because Taito had as much evidence as Taiora. Subtext is not text and it's ambiguous how interested Taichi even was. (I mean, he kisses Catherine the next day. :P)
Dec 19, 2014 10:58 AM
Aug 2013
Can somebody just explain what does NTR mean?
Dec 19, 2014 11:04 AM

Aug 2014
FueledbyKass said:
Can somebody just explain what does NTR mean?

Google may not be your friend, but you can still use it.
Sieg Zeon!
Dec 19, 2014 11:15 AM

Apr 2013
Hmm not sure if I'll be happy if it were Taichi x Sora, I like how things are like now though
Dec 21, 2014 8:58 AM

Jul 2010
I hope they retcon it. Guess we need more news
Jan 9, 2015 11:26 AM

Jun 2013
coolxal said:
Unfortunately, she went too far with her joke and got pregnant.

What the fuck? That's not what happened. We don't know why they got married, but marriage due to a pregnancy is completely made up. Chances are they just loved each other. This is Digimon.
Jan 9, 2015 3:03 PM

Apr 2013
Screw Matt, she should've went with Joe. They had better chemistry in Adventure than Sora did with Matt.
Jan 28, 2015 4:49 PM
Nov 2011
fightingdreamer7 said:
what means NTR?

It pretty much means cheating
Jan 29, 2015 6:21 PM
Feb 2012
Hilarious read. Like it or not but i think will see a lot more Sora & Matt moments as a couple. Some brief moments were shown in movie 3 or 4? but yeah SM will gain some plotfocus^^
Feb 10, 2015 3:15 AM
Sep 2013
How the hell was it NTR? She doesn't have any special relationship with Tai in any way, shape, or form. Just cuz the girl you like likes someone else, that doesn't make it NTR. Get over yourselves.

If anything felt like NTR, it would be TK and Kari. Though its definitely not NTR either, at least the show actually focus on TK's relationship and feelings for Kari, making it mean more when we found out that he didn't win.

Clouseau said:
Hilarious read. Like it or not but i think will see a lot more Sora & Matt moments as a couple. Some brief moments were shown in movie 3 or 4? but yeah SM will gain some plotfocus^^

The movies are set in the same timeline as the 2nd season so of course its supports Sora x Matt as that pairing is canon in that timeline. Tri could be an alternate timeline especially since both Tri and the 2nd season takes place around the same time, the gang's high school years. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprise if they took the coward's way out and make nothing happen or head things in completely different directions altogether.
Feb 10, 2015 5:53 AM
Jun 2013
MrNTR said:
Tri could be an alternate timeline especially since both Tri and the 2nd season takes place around the same time, the gang's high school years. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprise if they took the coward's way out and make nothing happen or head things in completely different directions altogether.

Actually, 02 takes place during Taichi and co's middle school years. They're only high schoolers in the English version, for whatever shitty reasons Fox Kids thought of. Check out the wiki if you don't trust me.
Feb 14, 2015 12:11 AM
Jun 2013
o123o said:
Ol-Hybrius said:
Actually, 02 takes place during Taichi and co's middle school years. They're only high schoolers in the English version, for whatever shitty reasons Fox Kids thought of. Check out the wiki if you don't trust me.

If I had to guess why they made them HS, its because of this:

In Jpn, middle school is 7th, 8th, and 9th grade. While HS is 10th, 11th, and 12th grade.

In the US, middle school is 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. While HS is 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade.

So im guessing that in Digimon 02, Tai was in 9th grade, which would be MS in Jpn and HS in US

According to the wiki, Taichi was in 5th grade in both US and Japanese versions and in eith grade during 02 original version. It's only in the US version that he is in ninth grade.
Feb 16, 2015 4:36 AM

May 2009
o123o said:
Can someone please remind me of something, since I forgot.

The first "romantic" moment that I saw between the Tai, Yamato, and Sora was when Tai was inviting Sora to go out but Sora said that she will be going with Yamato or something like Tai telling Sora that she and Yamato make a nice couple, something like that. That scene happened in season 2

But before that scene, was there ever any "romantic" moment between any of them?
Definitely sounds dub added. I don't recall that ever happening in the Japanese version.

That aside, from Adventure Yamato and Sora was intended from the get go. Fans just need to get over it.

Personally, I don't have a problem with Yamato and Sora being a couple. I also didn't have a problem with Taichi and Sora. That aside, I liked the realism of it...but knowing what I know about movie 2 now, and how it was a mistake that the writers for it tossed in Taichi/Sora hints....meh. Anyway, with movie 2, though, I like the realism.

Movie 2, Sora probably had a liking towards Taichi. Taichi didn't notice and didn't feel the same way back. He was more annoyed over Sora's ignoring him than anything else.

02, Sora outgrew her crush on Taichi and became interested in Yamato offscreen, but at that time, Taichi had finally fallen for Sora and noticed her as a "girl" instead of one of the guys. The Christmas episode, imo, showed how mature Taichi was. I heard that the dub added in Sora needing "Tai's" blessing to face "Matt", like she knew she was breaking his heart, and promised to bake him cookies as well. That wasn't in the original at all and would've been bad on Sora's part if it had been.

In the original, neither Sora nor Yamato had no idea what Taichi's feelings were for Sora. Sora was nervous about facing Yamato and Taichi just urged her to go on and she thanked him. In Japan, homemade gifts (especially food) means a lot and implies romantic interest. For her to do the same for "Tai" would've shown she was playing both boys. Christmas, in Japan, is also more of a romantic holiday as opposed to a family one. Anyway, after Sora went in to give Yamato the gift, Agumon picked up on Taichi's feelings for Sora and went on about how mature he'd become, meaning Taichi had never actually discussed his "romantic" feelings towards his childhood friend of nearly or slightly over 10 years.

I LOVED that. Good character development, imo, on Taichi's part.

Bottom line, I didn't really have much of a problem with the way 02 turned out as far as the epilogue went. It was okay. I only had a problem with dropped storylines and had missed potential. I felt the Adventure/02 continuity could've gotten more story out of it involving Demon or Dagomon. Maybe finally bring in Milleniumon somehow, but I really wanted more of Demon, personally.
Ol-Hybrius said:
MrNTR said:
Tri could be an alternate timeline especially since both Tri and the 2nd season takes place around the same time, the gang's high school years. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprise if they took the coward's way out and make nothing happen or head things in completely different directions altogether.

Actually, 02 takes place during Taichi and co's middle school years. They're only high schoolers in the English version, for whatever shitty reasons Fox Kids thought of. Check out the wiki if you don't trust me.
They probably changed it because of how Japan schools are.

Elementary school in Japan: 1st - 6th (6 - 12)
Elementary school in NA: K - 5 (5 - 10)

Junior High School in Japan: Three years, but it's 1st - 3rd (13 - 15)
Junior High School in NA: 6th - 8th (11 - 13)

High School in Japan: Three years, 1st - 3rd again (16 - 18)
High School in NA: 9th - 12th (14 - 18)

For Adventure 02, the older kids' ages would've been....

Jou: 15 (3rd year of JHS)
Taichi/Sora/Yamato: 14 (2nd year of JHS)
Koushirou/Mimi (if in Japan): 13 (1st year of JHS)

With the exception of Koushirou and Mimi, Jou, Taichi, Sora, and Yamato would've been high-school aged, which is why they probably tossed them all into high school, including "Izzy" because he had the same uniform as the other three.
ssjup81Feb 16, 2015 4:53 AM
Feb 16, 2015 10:16 AM
Jun 2013
Your post made me want to re-watch the whole Adventure serie, didn't remember such character development.

As for the school system, I discussed about it with some other guy on another topic on its forum. Feel free to check if you want to.
Feb 18, 2015 7:05 PM

May 2009
Ol-Hybrius said:
Your post made me want to re-watch the whole Adventure serie, didn't remember such character development.
By maturing and stuff, I was mainly referring to Taichi regarding the Sora situation. He could've let his feelings get in the way and urge her not to give Yamato her present, but he didn't. He let it go and acted as a friend to her. So Sora didn't break Taichi's heart (knowingly) and Yamato didn't know about his crush on Sora either. I'm also under the impression that Agumon even didn't know, but picked up on it based on Taichi and Sora's exchange and probably from the look on his face when he told Sora to go on. Taicihi's reaction to Agumon's words were of confusion, which is why I was under the impression that he never mentioned this to anyone, including Agumon.

From the get go, the writers and director of this series was planning on Yamato and Sora getting together eventually from the beginning. The only fluke is movie 2 because the series director didn't have anything to do with it, so they tossed in those Sora > Taichi hints.
As for the school system, I discussed about it with some other guy on another topic on its forum. Feel free to check if you want to.
Ah yeah, I see it now.
Feb 23, 2015 6:19 PM

Jan 2010
FueledbyKass said:
Can somebody just explain what does NTR mean?

Contrary to popular belief it does not mean that your friend takes the girl you wanted or the girl ends up with different guy than the one you wanted her to end up with. So just cuz the guy you woobied doesn't get the girl, that doesn't make it NTR. I ain't saying you're like that, but merely speaking in general.

NTR means cheating as someone pointed out, but there's a little more to it. It's a hentai term that means to literally steal someone away from someone else. For that to work that means Sora would have to be Tai's girlfriend and then for Matt to steal Sora from him while they'd still be dating. And Sora was never once Tai's girlfriend so it's not NTR in anyway, shape, or form. In fact since Matt and Sora are dating, what a lot of people want would end up being NTR. That is of course assuming they are still dating which is a probability since they're not ignoring Adventure 2.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 23, 2015 6:41 PM

Jun 2014
So who is Taichi's girl now?
Mar 3, 2015 2:46 PM
Jun 2008
o123o said:
Tai x Sora fans, go to the "Visual with character designs" thread on the forum section, and check on page 5...... Not good. Dont know if the picture is official, but if it its, not good for Tai x Sora fans

The picture looks official, but I'm struggling to find the source for said picture. Matt and Sora being together at the begining doesn't necessarily mean the ending won't end up retconned in some manner.

Example 1: Matt and Sora do end up getting together, but they retcon things like him landing on Mars, and her possibly becoming a fashion designer and give that job to Mimi.

Example 2: Matt and Sora start off together, but the writers break them up during the course of the adventure.

There are other ways of course.
Mar 7, 2015 5:55 PM
May 2013
What does retcon the ntr mean?
Mar 12, 2015 11:07 AM
May 2013
43211 said:
rpool179 said:
What does retcon the ntr mean?

In this forum, it pretty much means to stop the whole Yamato x Sora couple from occurring, when Sora should have ended with Tai

Mar 13, 2015 11:27 PM

Jan 2010
Because people always marry their first childhood crush and aren't allowed to change partners.

Tai lost, it's been over a decade, get over it.
Mar 13, 2015 11:31 PM

Jan 2011
They'll change jack shit from 02.
Mar 14, 2015 8:41 AM

Jan 2015
Lynx_7 said:
Because people always marry their first childhood crush and aren't allowed to change partners.

Tai lost, it's been over a decade, get over it.
Exactly. Life isn't a fairy tale. Grow up.
Mar 15, 2015 1:11 AM

Feb 2013
I have confidence that the director of School Days knows how to not succumb to his audience.
Mar 15, 2015 1:36 PM

Dec 2014
Lynx_7 said:
Because people always marry their first childhood crush and aren't allowed to change partners.

Tai lost, it's been over a decade, get over it.

It's not something too hard to do, right?
Mar 15, 2015 3:04 PM
Dec 2013

Digimon is a series about adventure,friendship and teaming up to save the world and not some cheesy slice of life romance shit...who the hell cares if Sora ends up with Tai or Matt, thats not the point of the show...Sora could go lesbian for Mimi and I wouldnt give a shit because romance is not what the show is about...this is like Naruto shipping war all over shipping freaks are cancerous for this fanbase, I hope that they wont include any romance in Tri, just so you can shut your mouth forever...geez
Mar 15, 2015 4:27 PM

Dec 2014
muhuchiki said:

Digimon is a series about adventure,friendship and teaming up to save the world and not some cheesy slice of life romance shit...who the hell cares if Sora ends up with Tai or Matt, thats not the point of the show...Sora could go lesbian for Mimi and I wouldnt give a shit because romance is not what the show is about...this is like Naruto shipping war all over shipping freaks are cancerous for this fanbase, I hope that they wont include any romance in Tri, just so you can shut your mouth forever...geez

It's kind of funny to reference Naruto on this. I mean, Sorato x Taiora came hell long ago before that. To be fair, it is Naruto's shit that would be "like Digimon shipping war all over again".

But Sora going lesbian for Mimi would be pretty cool, though.
Mar 15, 2015 4:57 PM
Jun 2008
pagina said:
muhuchiki said:

Digimon is a series about adventure,friendship and teaming up to save the world and not some cheesy slice of life romance shit...who the hell cares if Sora ends up with Tai or Matt, thats not the point of the show...Sora could go lesbian for Mimi and I wouldnt give a shit because romance is not what the show is about...this is like Naruto shipping war all over shipping freaks are cancerous for this fanbase, I hope that they wont include any romance in Tri, just so you can shut your mouth forever...geez

It's kind of funny to reference Naruto on this. I mean, Sorato x Taiora came hell long ago before that. To be fair, it is Naruto's shit that would be "like Digimon shipping war all over again".

But Sora going lesbian for Mimi would be pretty cool, though.


Haven't you guys heard that romance is in everything. Arguing "that's not the point of the show" doesn't mean there won't be romance, or that means their shouldn't be. It reminds me of the argument people make about how Shonen isn't about romance, and yet there are quite a few that have some kind of romance in said series, and there are other series for Shonen that are undeniably of the romance genre. Target audience shouldn't be confused with genre, and it should be remembered that genre can easily overlap.

Personally I think there are more important things to retcon from Season two then the pairing of Matt/Sora and my preferred ship is Tai/Sora. Or if not retconned then having plot holes filled. If the pairing retcon happens it will happen, but...

I wonder if things are retconned including said pairing if people will argue more about said pairing being retconned then everything else despite the fact the others are more important if you think about it.
Mar 15, 2015 5:02 PM
Aug 2012
Apr 13, 2015 11:55 AM

Jan 2008
ssjup81 said:
Elementary school in Japan: 1st - 6th (6 - 12)
Junior High School in Japan: Three years, but it's 1st - 3rd (13 - 15)
High School in Japan: Three years, 1st - 3rd again (16 - 18)

...Actually, I think the ages are supposed to go like this...

Elementary school in Japan: 1st-6th (6-11)
Junior High School in Japan: 1st-3rd (12-14)
High School in Japan: 1st-3rd (15-17)

This is because I've been watching several anime in Japanese, and for example, in Ace of Diamond the 1st years are 15, the 2nd years are 16 and the 3rd years are 17. This is the same in Haikyuu, Free and in a junior high setting, Prince of Tennis (as Ryoma, a 1st year, is 12).

In Japan, a school year starts in April and ends in March. Several children start school one year later and that's why they turn 18 early during their 3rd high school year. But officially, high school ages are still 15-17, not 16-18. I have no idea why this is.
BeldariusApr 13, 2015 12:01 PM
"Everything is idiocy if you choose to look at it in the proper light." -Belgarath, Pawn of Prophecy (David Eddings)

My Candies:
Apr 14, 2015 1:33 AM
Jun 2008
Beldarius said:
ssjup81 said:
Elementary school in Japan: 1st - 6th (6 - 12)
Junior High School in Japan: Three years, but it's 1st - 3rd (13 - 15)
High School in Japan: Three years, 1st - 3rd again (16 - 18)

...Actually, I think the ages are supposed to go like this...

Elementary school in Japan: 1st-6th (6-11)
Junior High School in Japan: 1st-3rd (12-14)
High School in Japan: 1st-3rd (15-17)

This is because I've been watching several anime in Japanese, and for example, in Ace of Diamond the 1st years are 15, the 2nd years are 16 and the 3rd years are 17. This is the same in Haikyuu, Free and in a junior high setting, Prince of Tennis (as Ryoma, a 1st year, is 12).

In Japan, a school year starts in April and ends in March. Several children start school one year later and that's why they turn 18 early during their 3rd high school year. But officially, high school ages are still 15-17, not 16-18. I have no idea why this is.

Yes. That's also a detail anybody can look up easily without having to live in Japan as well. (That's not a comment aimed at you Beldarius, but someone else.) The one detail you got wrong is why kids turn eighteen early on during their school year. All students will turn eighteen during their final year of high school. The ones who turn eighteen early on in the school year are the ones with birthdays early in the school year. (Of course that may be what you meant, and I just didn't understand your wording of "one year later") Being held back a year before starting is actually something different. (Again... not sure exactly what you meant by the wording you used.)
Apr 14, 2015 8:36 PM
Jun 2008
y123y said:
Sports animes for some reason like to put 1st year as 15.

I've asked this question on a different thread. If most of the students begin their first year of high school at age sixteen then why do so many Anime get this fact wrong? Everybody goes through a birthday during the school year so why would only some of the students turn seventeen during their Freshman year? The students who turn seventeen during their freshman year are students whose birthday is somewhere around the transition of the school terms. The majority of students in Japan are actually fifteen when they start the school year and turn sixteen during the coarse of the year.

y123y said:
Remember that HS in Jpn is not obligatory. After MS, you have to decide to either work or go to HS.

Despite high school not being obligatory a high percentage do choose to continue their education after middle school. This doesn't change the fact a student will be between fifteen to sixteen in most cases in Japan if they start high school right after they leave middle school, not sixteen to seventeen.
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