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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Nov 23, 2014 4:39 PM

Jul 2012
The sleeping knights are about to take out a boss.

Kirito with the mega dash and action jump for a dramatic entrance.
Nov 23, 2014 5:06 PM
May 2013
Man Asuna comes off as really really whiney in the real world how hard is it to go for dinner lol. I get the whole anger at the marriage thing but lol her mom seems a lot more understanding than I would expect especially after Asuna had been trapped for like 2 years.
Nov 23, 2014 5:11 PM

Mar 2013
It's impossible to beat a boss with only 7 menbers ...

couple minutes later: speaking of the devil ...
MusikaNov 23, 2014 5:18 PM
Nov 23, 2014 6:03 PM
Apr 2014
Musika said:
It's impossible to beat a boss with only 7 menbers ...

couple minutes later: speaking of the devil ...

New Aincrad bosses are like... 10 times as hard to beat or something, since the magic and shit... Also, TGE had already lost a bunch of HP iirc. - anime | manga | reviews
Nov 23, 2014 6:13 PM

Jan 2012
It might be overdoing it, but I want Asuna's mother dead or at least out of the picture. It's like she's treating her daughter like a puppet and tells her that her 'game' is stupid/weird even though she's probably never played it.

I get that she might be worried (if that's what this is all about) because of the two years she spent in Aincrad, but it feels more like she's just trying to control everything regarding Asuna and it's really, really getting to me.

sad face
Nov 23, 2014 6:19 PM

Aug 2014
Who can think in that last moment will be appears Kirito and Yui.... Now Asuna and her friends can continue to fighting again to boss level. Oh my, I want to see the next episode as the soon as possible! :)
Maloween 2017
Main Candies
Nov 23, 2014 6:22 PM

Apr 2012
Beat the Boss Floor with only 7 people and to put their names on the memorial Swordsman. a hard challenge

The black hero: Kirito come in the end.

this is getting more interesting :D

Nov 23, 2014 6:48 PM

Feb 2013
great episode, can't wait to see the fight.
Nov 23, 2014 7:19 PM

Mar 2013
When the boss is almost dead ... Kirito goes for the last hit. Man, that would be hilarious xD
Nov 23, 2014 7:24 PM
Feb 2014
The big guild get 20+ people as reinforcements while one person arrives to help SK+Asuna and somehow ''Asuna is useless'' and ''Of course Gary Stu saves the day'' comments are back!? smh. Yuuki and Asuna would've easily crushed those by the door. Both party get a boost! What's so wrong with that?
SoaringPhoenixNov 23, 2014 7:30 PM
Nov 23, 2014 8:08 PM
Jul 2018
SoaringPhoenix said:
The big guild get 20+ people as reinforcements while one person arrives to help SK+Asuna and somehow ''Asuna is useless'' and ''Of course Gary Stu saves the day'' comments are back!? smh. Yuuki and Asuna would've easily crushed those by the door. Both party get a boost! What's so wrong with that?

Actually this is what happens
Nov 23, 2014 8:14 PM
Aug 2012
If Kirito ends up getting his ass kicked after that sick entrance, he is still the man.
Nov 23, 2014 8:28 PM
Feb 2014
salmon3669 said:
SoaringPhoenix said:
The big guild get 20+ people as reinforcements while one person arrives to help SK+Asuna and somehow ''Asuna is useless'' and ''Of course Gary Stu saves the day'' comments are back!? smh. Yuuki and Asuna would've easily crushed those by the door. Both party get a boost! What's so wrong with that?

Actually this is what happens

Yeah I've read the light novels. I was just tired of people bashing the characters because of Kirito's entrance.
Nov 23, 2014 9:48 PM

Jul 2012
gary stu is back yay

also, i'm done with asuna's attitude toward her mom. like, i can't believe im saying this but im siding with her mother. she shouldn't be messing around in a game when she has other priorities.
Nov 23, 2014 10:12 PM

Jul 2008
mayukachan said:
gary stu is back yay

also, i'm done with asuna's attitude toward her mom. like, i can't believe im saying this but im siding with her mother. she shouldn't be messing around in a game when she has other priorities.

She's going to school and she has great grade. From a normal girl's perspective, Asuna is a model student but the problem is that being normal is not enough for her mom. Whatever she does with her free time doesn't regard her as long as she is a responsible person, which she is. She get late for diner once a month and her mom is acting like whatever she does is worth nothing because it isn't the path she wanted her to take.
Or are you the type of person that believe that someone born in a wealthy family cannot do what he/she wants in life and have the obligation to be a cash whore to maintain his/her family's wealth?

By the way you shouldn't be messing around by watching anime when you could be doing something more productive.
Nov 23, 2014 10:16 PM

Jan 2013
Kirito, stop being so bad ass.
Great episode. Interesting to see what happens when you suddenly disconnect the power.
Nov 23, 2014 10:28 PM

Jul 2012
Shangetsu said:
She's going to school and she has great grade. From a normal girl's perspective, Asuna is a model student but the problem is that being normal is not enough for her mom. Whatever she does with her free time doesn't regard her as long as she is a responsible person, which she is. She get late for diner once a month and her mom is acting like whatever she does is worth nothing because it isn't the path she wanted her to take.
Or are you the type of person that believe that someone born in a wealthy family cannot do what he/she wants in life and have the obligation to be a cash whore to maintain his/her family's wealth?

By the way you shouldn't be messing around by watching anime when you could be doing something more productive.

She missed two years of school. If I lost that much time, I would be struggling to catch up to a normal person because losing 2 years of your life to a game means you lost the chance to graduate faster. And for me, graduating and getting my education done is my number 1 priority. What comes in between doesn't matter as long as it's sufficient to move on.

Oh plus, apparently in Japan, the parents pay for everything (like education especially) so it's not really her right to make that decision.

I said this in the previous episode's discussion but if we saw it form her mom's perspective, it's pretty valid to push her out of playing games all the time.

And being inside a virtual game world =/= watching anime. I'd say watching anime is more similar to reading books (like storing stories in your head or getting entertained as a side hobby) where playing in a game like ALO/GGO/SAO, is like putting your life into something else.
Nov 23, 2014 10:37 PM

Dec 2013
Why did it take 20 episodes for this second season to become good? >,<
Nov 23, 2014 10:43 PM

Jul 2012
Anon1409 said:
Why did it take 20 episodes for this second season to become good? >,<

Because "arcs"
Nov 23, 2014 11:18 PM

Jun 2013
Is it just me, or was the last part of this episode much more epic and intense in the light novel?
Nov 23, 2014 11:43 PM

May 2011
mayukachan said:

And being inside a virtual game world =/= watching anime. I'd say watching anime is more similar to reading books (like storing stories in your head or getting entertained as a side hobby) where playing in a game like ALO/GGO/SAO, is like putting your life into something else.

Depends on the user for the bold. From the looks of it, I don't see how its any different than a skype call when Asuna uses it to hang with Liz, Silica and Sugu (unless they are out doing actual content in the game).

Musika said:
It's impossible to beat a boss with only 7 menbers ...

couple minutes later: speaking of the devil ...

In MMO terms, as long as a boss isn't hard gear/DPS check, whicht means it has a really short enrage timer (a wipe mechanic), as long as you follow mechanics properly, you can do it so long as you have a tank, healer, and the minimum amount of DPS to deal with unavoidable mechanics. For example, a boss meant for 10 people might periodically mind control 2 people, which will force them to cast the same mind control spell, unless thry are nuked down to 20% hp. You'll need at least 3 dps to ensure you dont get bad RNG.

RockerXDNov 24, 2014 12:03 AM
Nov 23, 2014 11:57 PM

Oct 2011
Cannot believe Asuna's mother pulled the plug. I know that it won't cause a problem to the person in real life but OMFG. She could have "killed" Asuna if it happened.

I hope Kirito puts some sense into her!!!! Unless Asuna somehow deals with this after Sleeping Knights and her face Floor 27 boss.

Anyway didn't this floor look exactly like the floor with Gleam Eyes Boss back in SAO. Except the boss isn't GE.

Sleeping Knights want something they want to cherish T_______T OMG I was tearing up. The ending is clear to me now TwT _Orz________________

Yuuki is a manifestation of how Asuna used to be. She will bring her old self back. T__T


"Sorry This Place is Off Limits" <3333
Nov 24, 2014 12:51 AM

Jul 2012
Wasn't sure how I felt about the Arc being just about Asuna, I get people don't like Kirito saving the day all the time and I feel the same way but to be Asuna is such a boring character.

Kirito blocking the walk way was easily the coolest thing I've seen the past 8 episodes.
Nov 24, 2014 1:00 AM

Oct 2013
Musika said:
It's impossible to beat a boss with only 7 menbers ...

couple minutes later: speaking of the devil ...

In the LN, it was explained that the Aincrad in ALO had ALL the bosses' levels and difficulty adjusted. Previously in SAO, the bosses were designed with "death game" in mind, so the bosses were fairly lenient compared to modern MMOs (i.e. no instant kills) except on Floor 25, 50 and 75.

The Aincrad in ALO on the other hand was designed for full 49-people raids. The raids are also expected to fail without prior information.
Nov 24, 2014 1:54 AM

Jul 2007
mayukachan said:
Shangetsu said:
She's going to school and she has great grade. From a normal girl's perspective, Asuna is a model student but the problem is that being normal is not enough for her mom. Whatever she does with her free time doesn't regard her as long as she is a responsible person, which she is. She get late for diner once a month and her mom is acting like whatever she does is worth nothing because it isn't the path she wanted her to take.
Or are you the type of person that believe that someone born in a wealthy family cannot do what he/she wants in life and have the obligation to be a cash whore to maintain his/her family's wealth?

By the way you shouldn't be messing around by watching anime when you could be doing something more productive.

She missed two years of school. If I lost that much time, I would be struggling to catch up to a normal person because losing 2 years of your life to a game means you lost the chance to graduate faster. And for me, graduating and getting my education done is my number 1 priority. What comes in between doesn't matter as long as it's sufficient to move on.

Oh plus, apparently in Japan, the parents pay for everything (like education especially) so it's not really her right to make that decision.

I said this in the previous episode's discussion but if we saw it form her mom's perspective, it's pretty valid to push her out of playing games all the time.

And being inside a virtual game world =/= watching anime. I'd say watching anime is more similar to reading books (like storing stories in your head or getting entertained as a side hobby) where playing in a game like ALO/GGO/SAO, is like putting your life into something else.

Just because her parents pay for her living, does not mean they have the right to take away her agency and her free will and her choices.

As stated already she is doing well in this school so she should be able to achieve whatever she wants(she is going to a school where everyone is 2 years late and everyone is sao survivor after all). But its not well enough as to achieve what her mother wants.

Asuna should be free to chose the life SHE wants, to study where SHE Wants and to study WHAT she wants(just latter than without SAO incident). Not what her mommy dearest wants her to.

Parents have no right to control one's direction of life. Its person's own choice. If parents can't comprehend personal boundaries or can't develop an EVEN level discussion with their children(with parent and child treating each other as equals), they simply suck as parents.
Nov 24, 2014 2:42 AM
Apr 2013
just when i though asuna would get her own show, kirito come in last second as the hero

oh well still awesome show endless seasons please
Nov 24, 2014 3:25 AM
Nov 2014
I've seen a few people criticize either Aruna or her mother and I have to say both sides are right but are also wrong at the same time. Her mother is wrong for trying to dictate what Asuna does with her life. Also for "reading up on" Kirito that was a big no no Kirito isn't a bad guy. He's smart and he's noble. Of course her mother wouldn't know that just from reading a file but even with those assumptions she was completely wrong from going and basically selling her daughter to the highest bidder, that's like prostitution in America. It may be tradition but it's damn near 2015, Asuna should have the right to marry someone she loves regardless of his wealth.
On another note, Asuna is in fact wrong for not taking her education serious enough. I'm a strong believer in the necessity of education and it just so happens that in Japan they have to pay for school so he mom is right for trying to put her in a better school but Asuna should've at least been more understanding. I get that she's loyal to her friends in ALO but she should prioritize a little better.. If you can see them all the time in ALO then at least in the real world take your education seriously. And the game meeting will only be temporary, when she graduates she can do as she phrases between college schedules and Kirito and the rest of the crew.
Nov 24, 2014 3:46 AM

Oct 2013
fresh to see asuna as the main focus of the show.
nice to give like the whole death gun arc at the start then asuna her time to shine
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
Nov 24, 2014 5:58 AM

Jan 2014
why , why so far there has been no progress in the fight.
Nov 24, 2014 7:07 AM

Jan 2013
Ah, yeah! Now I liking this arc more and more! More Asuna development is great. This reminds me of the days I played MMO and joining with players who knew how to play and what their roles was and taking on high level monsters with small parties instead of large alliances and listening to those with large alliances complain wanting us to wipe. Ah the Memories.

I was really enjoying it till Kirito came... oh well I guess it was all right since they was out number. I thought doing PVP in that game needed to wait a certain number of seconds? Another thing is what is up with Kirito having these character-only moves? I do not like that at all running up to the sides of the corridor like it was the Matrix.
radleNov 24, 2014 7:13 AM
Nov 24, 2014 7:17 AM

Jun 2012
Finally its getting good hopefully it wont get boring again.
Nov 24, 2014 7:32 AM

Sep 2014
Good episode, hope Asuna tells her mother what for at some point though.
Nov 24, 2014 7:40 AM
Apr 2014
This episode feels kinda rush. In the Light novel there so much info that asuna gives to the group before heading out, cause she play the strategist of the team. Well anyways, still a nice episode though...
Nov 24, 2014 7:42 AM
Feb 2014
radle said:

Another thing is what is up with Kirito having these character-only moves? I do not like that at all running up to the sides of the corridor like it was the Matrix.

They left away this explanation, as they changed the scene for the anime, but originally all "lightweighted" races can do wall run - this includes Spriggans and Imps, but I have forgotten the other ones xD (Salamander e. g. are part of the heavyweight group)
Nov 24, 2014 7:50 AM
Apr 2014
radle said:
I was really enjoying it till Kirito came... oh well I guess it was all right since they was out number. I thought doing PVP in that game needed to wait a certain number of seconds? Another thing is what is up with Kirito having these character-only moves? I do not like that at all running up to the sides of the corridor like it was the Matrix.

The PVP thing, no... that's for duels, they are PKing. - anime | manga | reviews
Nov 24, 2014 9:36 AM
Nov 2009
I´m still confused as to why this arc is called Mother´s Rosario but I guess we´ll find out later.

Kirito was kinda cool for showing up at the end though.
Nov 24, 2014 9:41 AM

Mar 2011
corriii_16 said:
On another note, Asuna is in fact wrong for not taking her education serious enough. I'm a strong believer in the necessity of education and it just so happens that in Japan they have to pay for school so he mom is right for trying to put her in a better school but Asuna should've at least been more understanding. I get that she's loyal to her friends in ALO but she should prioritize a little better.. If you can see them all the time in ALO then at least in the real world take your education seriously. And the game meeting will only be temporary, when she graduates she can do as she phrases between college schedules and Kirito and the rest of the crew.

She is, though. And her mom still doesn't have the right to do this. This look like what a lot of people are doing here in France. The kid want to do a ""small"" job like plumber because that's what HE wants to, but no, the parents and teachers do everything they can to put the kid into university. Which creates the problem of university becoming useless and not enough people being there to do "small" jobs.

Just because her other is willing to pay more so that she will have an "high education" it doesn't make it right for her to force this education on someone. Asuna may be ok with a normal university or anything, or she might want to do something like, idk, becoming a fish merchant and that's her dream in life, well,she cannot because her parents don't want her to? It's ok if her parents are willing to pay for her studies, but she doesn't have to accept it and be their dog because of this. Her mother is the one wanting to PAY MORE for her studies after all, just because of her own past. She's projecting her past self on Asuna, which isn't really a good thing. People are different and experiences make them even more different.

And that's not a matter of game, it's a matter of friends. Friendship will still last in the real world afterward. ALO isn't tthat different from skype. Also, remember that sometimes THEY STUDY in ALO as showed in the last ep. Her mom just isn't okay with her studying with other people because....... Well, that's not good enough I guess. Even in IRL it's quite the opposite. Again, she IS serious when it comes to studying and she does it very well.

She is still wrong though, because she doesn't even try to make her mother understand her point of view and how serious she is about what she wants; her mother just think she is a stubborn brat that doesn't think about anything and hence you have to decide of everything for her. And Asuna isn't helping at all given how passive she is, just passively thinking that her mother is a bitch and not trying to defend what she wants.
Hence Asuna thinking of her mother during Yuuki's (very wise) quote saying that soometimes, confrontation is unavoidable in order to undertand each other. This will be solved soon though, thanks to Yuuki's words. That's just an old coming of age story about both side understanding what growing up and independance mean, something very common.
willardhwrightNov 24, 2014 10:23 AM
Nov 24, 2014 1:19 PM
Oct 2012
dim100 said:
Barion-Zara said:
BA Kirito is BA XD Hater's gonna hate lol...Can't wait for Excaliber >.<

Another really well adapted ep :3 But really! The OP and ED give me so much feelz T^T

Can't wait til Asuna convinces her mom and makes her stop bitching.

Yuuki is really adorable. Loved her reason for not choosing Kirito being that he knows her secret and her pout when she said it was cute XD

I don't see this lasting 4 eps though so I wonder if they'll put some of Alicization in the end?

Unless they wanna troll us with the agonizing waiting game of how Alicization begins cliffhanger I hope not.

Naw my guess is that it'll end with a dramatic cliffhanger, but before the Alicization arc comes in, if you know what I mean.
Nov 24, 2014 1:53 PM

Sep 2008
You know, I don't like it.

Not SAO as SAO, but how fast they progressed this season. This is, what, 3rd arc?
I just feel like they're jumping from arc to arc with no real conclusion or meaning to either of them. OK, there was something good in GGO arc, but after that it's just been a rush to the end.

I feel like I am watching first season of SAO all over again. SAO arc was great, I loved it. Then came ALO and I absolutely didn't like it. I didn't hate it, it still had some good moments, but it was nowhere near the quality of SAO arc.

2nd season started with GGO arc which was, again, quite interesting, deep and engaging, with PTSD finally thrown into the mix (I argued in one of discussion boards it was a welcome addition, but came too late) and emotions flying left and right, showing what SAO and killing others actually did to some.

And all went to hell... Well, not everything. It's not bad per se. It's just, I don't know, not as good?

I guess 3rd season is going to have strong opening arc :D
Nov 24, 2014 2:06 PM
Feb 2014
nina4life said:
You know, I don't like it.

Not SAO as SAO, but how fast they progressed this season. This is, what, 3rd arc?
I just feel like they're jumping from arc to arc with no real conclusion or meaning to either of them. OK, there was something good in GGO arc, but after that it's just been a rush to the end.

I feel like I am watching first season of SAO all over again. SAO arc was great, I loved it. Then came ALO and I absolutely didn't like it. I didn't hate it, it still had some good moments, but it was nowhere near the quality of SAO arc.

2nd season started with GGO arc which was, again, quite interesting, deep and engaging, with PTSD finally thrown into the mix (I argued in one of discussion boards it was a welcome addition, but came too late) and emotions flying left and right, showing what SAO and killing others actually did to some.

And all went to hell... Well, not everything. It's not bad per se. It's just, I don't know, not as good?

I guess 3rd season is going to have strong opening arc :D

There will be no such thing as an opening arc in the next season, as the arc after Mother's Rosario is still ongoing and has currently 7 Vol. in it ;-)

Also both GGO and the Caliber arc will be important for the next arc, MR has a bit less to do with the actual story but is important for Asuna as a character.
Nov 24, 2014 2:34 PM

Oct 2014
The ending was great with Kirito telling that guild to fuck off xD.

I agree with some you that said the show feels fresh with Asuna having more screen time than Kirito.

Nov 24, 2014 2:41 PM

Apr 2012
Am I the only one who thought "Fuck yea!!" when Kirito pulled that badass maneuver and stopped everyone? "I'm sorry, this area is off-limits"

It's great that this arc is all about Asuna, but that's all the more reason for kirito to be involved, even if only that one instance. Know what I mean?
Nov 24, 2014 5:20 PM

Jan 2014
Nov 24, 2014 5:33 PM
Apr 2014
nina4life said:
You know, I don't like it.

Not SAO as SAO, but how fast they progressed this season. This is, what, 3rd arc?
I just feel like they're jumping from arc to arc with no real conclusion or meaning to either of them. OK, there was something good in GGO arc, but after that it's just been a rush to the end.

I feel like I am watching first season of SAO all over again. SAO arc was great, I loved it. Then came ALO and I absolutely didn't like it. I didn't hate it, it still had some good moments, but it was nowhere near the quality of SAO arc.

2nd season started with GGO arc which was, again, quite interesting, deep and engaging, with PTSD finally thrown into the mix (I argued in one of discussion boards it was a welcome addition, but came too late) and emotions flying left and right, showing what SAO and killing others actually did to some.

And all went to hell... Well, not everything. It's not bad per se. It's just, I don't know, not as good?

I guess 3rd season is going to have strong opening arc :D

It's second arc, Caliber isn't an arc, it's Phantom Bullet (1 - 14 eps) Caliber (mini arc, Side Story 15 - 17) Mother's Rosario (18 - 23/24)

3rd season has a single arc... - anime | manga | reviews
Nov 24, 2014 8:51 PM

Aug 2008
This season is really getting better than season 1.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Nov 24, 2014 9:54 PM

Oct 2013
To people complaining about Kirito showing up, in the next Episode....

Nov 25, 2014 7:14 AM

Sep 2014
"The boss fight is usually done with a metric shit-ton of people right?" -Captain Asuna
"Yea, but we did it anyway." -Captain Kawaii
Nov 25, 2014 8:26 AM

Mar 2013
Episode were ok,
more of Yuuki and her guild plans,
look like they didnt work hard on Yukki guild members appearance -
1 member of her guild look exactly like kirito but with brown/red hair,
1 of the girls from her guild look like a female version of kirito,
the other girl look like a older version of Asuna :)

Asuna share her knowledge on the game and more of her "hard" daily life....
still dont get why she cry her mother doesnt seems like a bad person to me.

Kirito is back to help (or he just cant let Asuna have the spotlight) :)
NisxNov 25, 2014 8:30 AM
Nov 25, 2014 8:41 AM

May 2012
AllTJAck said:
i want to ask if anyone knows, but is yuuki
cause this smells so familiar.

Its the [spoiler]aids[/quote] volume and she is.
Nov 25, 2014 8:52 AM

Sep 2013
hmm not sure if i like the path this show is taking. they keep bringing in new characters, new plotlines filled with questions that never get answered, switching main protagonists and forgetting about old ones.
and on another note, i dont understand why sao takes itself so serious most of the time yet casts aside any trace of logic i mean come doesnt hurt to abide by your own rules.
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