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Preview of K-ON! Episode 12 Causes a Turmoil [Updated]

Jun 11, 2009 5:39 PM

Feb 2008
At the end of "K-ON!" episode 11 aired on June 11th, the next episode was called "The final episode 'Keion!'".

Screenshot of the preview

The preview caused a turmoil on the internet and a news website reported that K-ON! series was cut down to 12 episodes, even accelerated the confusion.

Getnews, reporting the turmoil

However, all the major anime magazines released this month announced that the episode 13 will be aired on June 25. The chances are quite slim that K-ON! was shortened by one episode.

Newtype Channel

The synopsis of episode 13 indicates it's an extra story after the school festival.

According to the official BBS of K-ON!, the TBS staff denied the rumor of shortening. She said "The airing continues until episode 13. Ep12 is the final episode, and Ep13 is a Bangaihen (extra episode)".

Source: TBS K-ON! BBS
dtshykJun 12, 2009 2:46 AM
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Jun 11, 2009 5:41 PM
Oct 2008
thats funny
Jun 11, 2009 5:42 PM

Jul 2007
F*cking KyoAni and their extra episodes... THAT'S WHAT THE DVDS ARE FOR!
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Jun 11, 2009 5:46 PM

Aug 2007
*shrugs* glad i dont love\am a fanboy of the series, couldn't care less xD
Jun 11, 2009 5:52 PM

Apr 2008
So we might actually see them play instruments and sing? Because after the 2nd episode the story line totally fell apart into a big MOE MOE blob.
Jun 11, 2009 5:58 PM

Jul 2007
Loverhina said:
So we might actually see them play instruments and sing?

Yeah, I'm gonna guess you're way behind.
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Jun 11, 2009 6:00 PM

Jan 2008
I'm confused. Wasn't it widely known this series was 13 episodes? I know I knew that beforehand...

Well, not that I care since it's a result I'd expected. Just being perplexed here.
Jun 11, 2009 6:04 PM

Aug 2007
Holy_KnightXIX said:
I'm confused. Wasn't it widely known this series was 13 episodes? I know I knew that beforehand...

Well, not that I care since it's a result I'd expected. Just being perplexed here.

In the preview they are presenting Episode 12 as the last one. Thats the turmoil.
Jun 11, 2009 6:05 PM

May 2007
Oh noes...the world has ended.

*Rolls eyes*
Jun 11, 2009 6:06 PM

Nov 2007
Lol. After seeing what they did with Clannad and After Story, I kinda thought they'd do the same with K-On!

It's quite funny how this turned into a big fuss.
Jun 11, 2009 6:09 PM
Mar 2009
Not unexpected. After all, the manga is only two volumes long, so more than likely they're calling ep 13 an extra episode cos it's more filler or original content than based on the manga.

Jun 11, 2009 6:10 PM

Feb 2008
Come on, another beach episode!
Jun 11, 2009 6:11 PM

Jun 2007
Lol...One less episode causes hysteria and panic throughout the anime world =P
Jun 11, 2009 6:11 PM

Apr 2008
I bet ep 13 it a Mio-centric special. We haven't had any episodes like that, and Mio needs her exposure.

Jun 11, 2009 6:14 PM

Feb 2008
Splitter said:
F*cking KyoAni and their extra episodes... THAT'S WHAT THE DVDS ARE FOR!

It's highly likely that K-ON! has a DVD/Blu-ray only episode since there are seven volumes and each disc contains two episodes. I'll post about it when it's officially announced.
Jun 11, 2009 6:16 PM

Apr 2008
Splitter said:
Loverhina said:
So we might actually see them play instruments and sing?

Yeah, I'm gonna guess you're way behind.

I'm going to guess you consider most of the 1-2 minute practice scenes on their "camp" as the playing, because last time checked I watch it when it airs, so no need for your comments :-p

It's sad when we see them play for only a handful of minutes and have to wait 11 episodes to get back onto the main story.
Jun 11, 2009 7:01 PM

Jul 2008
Eternal_Blaze said:
Lol. After seeing what they did with Clannad and After Story, I kinda thought they'd do the same with K-On!

It's quite funny how this turned into a big fuss.

I think they want to make it shorter because of Haruhi Suzumiya 2009!

To many OVAs Kyoani are making....

I think Kyoani will do
LuckyStar S2
Little Busters!
Jun 11, 2009 7:02 PM

Jul 2008
Saito-sama said:
I bet ep 13 it a Mio-centric special. We haven't had any episodes like that, and Mio needs her exposure.
My wrists will bleed rivers if this happens.

"I'd suck you~" Berri||Desu Ne?
Jun 11, 2009 7:09 PM

Feb 2008
I support Azu-nyan for ep 13.
Jun 11, 2009 7:12 PM

Oct 2007
Saito-sama said:
I bet ep 13 it a Mio-centric special. We haven't had any episodes like that, and Mio needs her exposure.
Jun 11, 2009 7:19 PM

Apr 2008
llxwarbirdxll said:
Saito-sama said:
I bet ep 13 it a Mio-centric special. We haven't had any episodes like that, and Mio needs her exposure.

My thoughts exactly, At first she was most promising character but than we noticed there was no personality :-p
Jun 11, 2009 7:21 PM

Dec 2008
Bahh! Another crappy DVD-last episode release (Still waiting for Shikabane Hime Kuro assholes.)
Jun 11, 2009 7:26 PM

Aug 2008
Jun 11, 2009 7:34 PM

Jul 2008
I can't believe this is causing a stir. :|

Jun 11, 2009 8:30 PM

Oct 2007
*does not understand all the commotion about some mediocre anime*
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 11, 2009 8:35 PM

Apr 2009
Jun 11, 2009 8:46 PM

Jan 2008
does not get it...

Banner made by suikka
Jun 11, 2009 8:49 PM

May 2008
who needs episode 13 when you have an account on pixiv...

seriously though it ends when it ends... just means I'll need to make a new signature. I think it's left a lasting impression on the aniverse, to the joy of some and dismay of others. I'll just be glad I enjoyed it while I could. :)

I am a banana.
Jun 11, 2009 9:01 PM

Apr 2007
Splitter said:
Loverhina said:
So we might actually see them play instruments and sing?

Yeah, I'm gonna guess you're way behind.

Its amazing how they blatantly do not show them actually play any instruments but twice. Even their first time on stage was ruined by a really lame 'music video' of sorts.
Jun 11, 2009 9:08 PM

Oct 2008
Nice, KyoAni does a good job. It would be awful if the final episode will be aired a few months later like most animes nowadays as that has become a popular trend.

The popular trend is to release the final episode in dvd exclusive a few months after the second last episode of the anime. I don't like the idea of waiting a few months to see an ending.
Jun 11, 2009 9:12 PM

Apr 2008
Bakayaro said:
My wrists will bleed rivers if this happens.

Loverhina said:
llxwarbirdxll said:

My thoughts exactly, At first she was most promising character but than we noticed there was no personality :-p

What's wrong with a little MOEr moe moe kyun~ <3?

Jun 11, 2009 9:38 PM

Apr 2008
Saito-sama said:
What's wrong with a little MOEr moe moe kyun~ <3?

the little "moe" totally side tracked from the story in general , it just became a mindless anime that is easy on the eyes without you having to focus on any sort of plot development
Jun 11, 2009 9:49 PM

Sep 2008
SealkidHaruhiism said:
Eternal_Blaze said:
Lol. After seeing what they did with Clannad and After Story, I kinda thought they'd do the same with K-On!

It's quite funny how this turned into a big fuss.

I think they want to make it shorter because of Haruhi Suzumiya 2009!

To many OVAs Kyoani are making....

I think Kyoani will do
LuckyStar S2
Little Busters!
I wish...
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 11, 2009 9:50 PM

Apr 2008
Loverhina said:
Saito-sama said:
What's wrong with a little MOEr moe moe kyun~ <3?

the little "moe" totally side tracked from the story in general , it just became a mindless anime that is easy on the eyes without you having to focus on any sort of plot development

but since when has K-On ever had plot development/ anything resembling a story?

Jun 11, 2009 10:13 PM

Jul 2007
Sarukah said:
Splitter said:
Loverhina said:
So we might actually see them play instruments and sing?

Yeah, I'm gonna guess you're way behind.

Its amazing how they blatantly do not show them actually play any instruments but twice. Even their first time on stage was ruined by a really lame 'music video' of sorts.

Mm-hmm, go watch Beck.
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Jun 11, 2009 10:15 PM

Apr 2008
Saito-sama said:
Loverhina said:
Saito-sama said:
What's wrong with a little MOEr moe moe kyun~ <3?

the little "moe" totally side tracked from the story in general , it just became a mindless anime that is easy on the eyes without you having to focus on any sort of plot development

but since when has K-On ever had plot development/ anything resembling a story?

haha you could agree with me or disagree but i liked ur comment you made, the show is good when you don't have to think but i am actually thankful it is only short season

edit: mugi is my favorite and i just got tired of all that mindless moe of a blob mio, sorry to offend people that like her

edit: i dont understand how ending it "soon" is worrying people, all i see is they form club ... insert moe .... add new member ... more moe ... play concert (Finally) ... end , there is no reason to drag it on for another season
LvhinaJun 11, 2009 10:26 PM
Jun 11, 2009 10:20 PM

May 2008
They must have an extra episode or something. Ending it this soon is too sad. :(
Jun 11, 2009 10:26 PM

Oct 2008
This would have been much better if the post-festival episode was some extra episode that they tagged on later, but it'll be good anyway I would think.
Jun 12, 2009 1:15 AM

Jul 2007
If its actually shortened, then congrats to whoever did it.

Shows you that there are people who still use their brains and could understand on how miserably bad this show is.

Now if only all "K-On" fans would follow their show and "end" their fanboyism, starting to grow up.
Jun 12, 2009 1:31 AM
Dec 2008
Maybe they'll not suck and make an Azu-nyan ED
Jun 12, 2009 1:33 AM
Mar 2009
Saito-sama said:
Loverhina said:
Saito-sama said:
What's wrong with a little MOEr moe moe kyun~ <3?

the little "moe" totally side tracked from the story in general , it just became a mindless anime that is easy on the eyes without you having to focus on any sort of plot development

but since when has K-On ever had plot development/ anything resembling a story?

This. The manga is just as aimless most of the time.

Loverhina said:
haha you could agree with me or disagree but i liked ur comment you made, the show is good when you don't have to think but i am actually thankful it is only short season

edit: mugi is my favorite and i just got tired of all that mindless moe of a blob mio, sorry to offend people that like her

edit: i dont understand how ending it "soon" is worrying people, all i see is they form club ... insert moe .... add new member ... more moe ... play concert (Finally) ... end , there is no reason to drag it on for another season

Fai said:
If its actually shortened, then congrats to whoever did it.

Shows you that there are people who still use their brains and could understand on how miserably bad this show is.

Now if only all "K-On" fans would follow their show and "end" their fanboyism, starting to grow up.

Why does noone ever read my posts? Have I been put on the 'ignore' list of everyone on this forums?

The season HAD to end at this juncture because the MANGA is no further along than where the anime is going to stop. The MANGA is onlyn TWO volumes long at this point.

Jebus, I wish people would at least read my posts ONCE in a while...

Jun 12, 2009 3:43 AM

Oct 2007
chinlamp said:
Why does noone ever read my posts? Have I been put on the 'ignore' list of everyone on this forums?

Jebus, I wish people would at least read my posts ONCE in a while...

*checks* No, it hasn't. God, you had my hopes up there.
And I don't think all the people on MAL would ignore you either way, it's just common that people don't read all the posts in a thread and just write down whatever they feel like writing. I read your post, btw, and there could also be the possibility that the anime didn't want to follow the manga's exact storyline. But now that it's only 13 episodes, I might watch it.
Jun 12, 2009 4:44 AM
Mar 2009
showinyou said:
chinlamp said:
Why does noone ever read my posts? Have I been put on the 'ignore' list of everyone on this forums?

Jebus, I wish people would at least read my posts ONCE in a while...

*checks* No, it hasn't. God, you had my hopes up there.
And I don't think all the people on MAL would ignore you either way, it's just common that people don't read all the posts in a thread and just write down whatever they feel like writing. I read your post, btw, and there could also be the possibility that the anime didn't want to follow the manga's exact storyline. But now that it's only 13 episodes, I might watch it.

Don't get your hopes up. After all, the manga is still ongoing, so it's more than likely that in a few years we'll have a second anime season... maybe even a third.

I wish the idiot's who produce this stuff would learn that fans usually prefer their anime in one season, no matter how long it is.

Jun 12, 2009 4:46 AM

Feb 2007
chinlamp said:

Don't get your hopes up. After all, the manga is still ongoing, so it's more than likely that in a few years we'll have a second anime season... maybe even a third.

I wish the idiot's who produce this stuff would learn that fans usually prefer their anime in one season, no matter how long it is.

But greedy producers want $$$ in their pockets. Fast.

Jun 12, 2009 5:01 AM

Jul 2008
Yep, I knew that this was like with Clannad. So the last episode is extra.

Jun 12, 2009 5:37 AM

Apr 2008
chinlamp said:
Jebus, I wish people would at least read my posts ONCE in a while...

Jun 12, 2009 5:58 AM

Jul 2007
They should have shortened it to a 3 episode OVA.
Jun 12, 2009 7:25 AM

Aug 2008
i really like this anime, i hope there will be a second season :)
Jun 12, 2009 11:56 AM

Aug 2008
Splitter said:
F*cking KyoAni and their extra episodes... THAT'S WHAT THE DVDS ARE FOR!
What's the problem? Just another episode, who gives a damn if it's called differently. Aired is still aired.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Jun 12, 2009 12:28 PM

Jul 2008
Saito-sama said:
I bet ep 13 it a Mio-centric special. We haven't had any episodes like that, and Mio needs her exposure.

She has WAY more than enough, thank you very much.
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