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Sep 25, 2014 1:59 AM

Jun 2011
AWW :( I'm going to miss this show so bad.
Sep 25, 2014 2:50 AM

Dec 2011
Dem feelings this episode doe...

I guess each of them is symbolized by what appeared in their visions if I could say so.

I really hope they won the tournament...

So the 3rd year club members have retired and Nitori is the new captain eh...

They finally got new members for the club and it seems Kou was delighted with dem muscles XD.

Only 6th place in the National Tournament... oh well... I guess that's really good for them.

"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall."
Sep 25, 2014 2:57 AM

Feb 2012
6th place isn't that bad knowing they made it to the Nationals. That's pretty amazing actually. Kudos to them! I wonder what Rin's team placed in the National Tournament. Was it first place since Rin said "is there anyone who can beat me?"

Satisfying ending! Good to see that Nagisa and Rei were able to recruit more members.
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Sep 25, 2014 3:31 AM

May 2013
gyaahh it's finished! I can't believe it. I refuse to accept it.
Haru was smiling omg. le dying. I want moreeee OAO
made by bunnyama
Sep 25, 2014 3:37 AM

May 2013
Ohhh well it's over! Was kinda waiting for the 'See you next summer!' to appear at the end of the episode, but I guess not :( Oh well, it was good while it lasted, and I have enjoyed viewing this show weekly. Defintley going to miss it, if anything KyoAni will make a movie but probably not a 3rd season. Final score 7/10.
*insert cringey anime reference here*
Sep 25, 2014 5:08 AM

Apr 2013
For me the 2nd season was a lot better than the first season. Dem feels was more in this season too. Probably won't be a 3rd season from the ending shown.

Sep 25, 2014 6:10 AM

Jul 2012
Genix said:
Sol_Ou said:
So they only made 6th place? It seemed like they won the thing. Strangely enough I'll miss this anime.

It felt like a more realistic outcome, though.

Given that they just started doing competitive swimming for just over a year, Rei going from somebody that couldn't swim to someone that could hold his ground in a competition, and that they were probably going against really tough competition that were real pros and intensively training on a competitive level since the start, placing 6th at a national level is not bad at all.
Yeah, pretty much. Remember that Haru was the only out of the four that was considered really good. Everyone else was just decent or below. The emphasis was on their trust and teamwork over the fact that most of them were not prodigies other than Haru.
Sep 25, 2014 7:01 AM

Oct 2007
From re watching this episode they might have won in their heat group but came 6th in the finals.....might be wrong though
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Sep 25, 2014 7:57 AM

Mar 2014
There was a bit too much drama in the middle of the episode but I really liked the last part, I felt a bit sad to see these characters for the last time

This season was pretty impressive, kyoani deserves some serious respect for making an anime about swimming, animating water and competitive swimming must be incredibly difficult. Some nice character development as well.
Sep 25, 2014 8:02 AM

Nov 2012
I cried... This was such a good last episode.
Sep 25, 2014 9:15 AM
Aug 2014
though episode 12 a total let down, but this episode is kinda good, especially when Makoto and Haru moving together to Tokyo, though i hate it when Haru and Rin meet again at the competition, that shouldn't be the ending. But just knowing that Haru follow Makoto to Tokyo is enough for me :)
Sep 25, 2014 9:26 AM

Nov 2010
It was a nice end, the crying parts reminded me a K-ON!
Would hope for it to continue like more Kyoani shows, but I have yet to see anything beyond high school coming from them

Thanks for the water Summer
Sep 25, 2014 10:30 AM

Jun 2012
mayukachan said:
Genix said:
It felt like a more realistic outcome, though. Given that they just started doing competitive swimming for just over a year, Rei going from somebody that couldn't swim to someone that could hold his ground in a competition, and that they were probably going against really tough competition that were real pros and intensively training on a competitive level since the start, placing 6th at a national level is not bad at all.
Yeah, pretty much. Remember that Haru was the only out of the four that was considered really good. Everyone else was just decent or below. The emphasis was on their trust and teamwork over the fact that most of them were not prodigies other than Haru.
Oh ok. So the reason they were so happy at the end of the relay wasnt because they won nationals but because their teamwork let them see a sight theyve never seen before.
Sep 25, 2014 11:29 AM

Oct 2008
I personally liked S1 better.
Haru and Sousuke's drama was too mixed up and badly concluded in my opinion. Rin was drop dead retarded back in the times but they decided to follow his drama to beginning until the end, while in ES there's like 2-3 different plotlines for drama, which made Nagisa and Rei completely irrelevant after episode 5.

This episode was nice but again, some sequences made little to no sense like Rin not being invited to write a message with 4P, Sousuke's "conclusion", writing an entire plotline about Makoto and Haruka going different paths just to make them almost live together in the end. All of this probably because Kyoani would not set their money on fire and piss off the fujos.

This series had great episodes, and episodes that didn't need overdramatic situations go give the main characters development and exposition, like episode 03 and 08.

6/10 for this season.
bekeruSep 25, 2014 11:35 AM
>User since 2008
Please god help me quit this website.

Such great community that doesn't even know how demographics work, AND gives """detailed"""" reviews after first episodes.

Sep 25, 2014 12:31 PM

Aug 2010
bekeru said:

This episode was nice but again, some sequences made little to no sense like Rin not being invited to write a message with 4P

Why should he have been invited? He wasn't part of the team.
Sep 25, 2014 1:05 PM

Oct 2008
Opi-chan said:
bekeru said:

This episode was nice but again, some sequences made little to no sense like Rin not being invited to write a message with 4P

Why should he have been invited? He wasn't part of the team.

Rin did it in their childhood, and is a close friend of them all. It wouldn't be weird if they did invite him, actually.
>User since 2008
Please god help me quit this website.

Such great community that doesn't even know how demographics work, AND gives """detailed"""" reviews after first episodes.

Sep 25, 2014 1:09 PM

Jul 2010
Well, well.I would lie if i say that i'm not going to miss weekly dose of Gay Swimming that Free! is.This show is one of those shows that while watching, you just have to partly turn your brain off, and then you can mostly enjoy it (or well, that was my case anyway) - i guess.It had some moments that made me cringe AF, and 2-3 times i was on verge of destroying my keyboard/monitor, BUT in general i enjoyed both seasons.If not Haru, i would probably enjoy it even more.Im going to be kind as well, and rate it 7/10, just as i did with S1.
For the Future...
Sep 25, 2014 1:28 PM
Jul 2014
I absolutely loved it! That's got to be my favorite episode <3 man it made me cry so much... Especially when Nagisa and Rei started to cry.
Awww I just loved those little moments between Haru and Makoto :3 Haru is such a cutie! And Makoto is such a gentle guy! I don't think there is anyone out there that is more kind than him.

I'm kinda emotional right now, sad that this anime came to an end. I am so glad I've watched it all summer long, it was worth it! :)
Sep 25, 2014 2:03 PM

Aug 2012
This episode had so many bromance moments and cuteness that my heart hurts.
And that scene in the end with the sakura-filled pool! The feels!
A good end to a good show
Sep 25, 2014 2:12 PM

Dec 2008
I'm crying because I'm already having Makoto withdrawals.

Sent with Mal Updater
Sep 25, 2014 3:05 PM

Apr 2014
This episode was so embarrassing to watch... all that exaggerated emotion. Great last 5 to 8 minutes, though.

A great second season. 1 to 11 were especially strong. Delightfully a surprise. 9/10
Sep 25, 2014 4:56 PM

Apr 2007
"Don't cry, you're men aren't you?" idk why, but Makoto of all people saying that felt off. Although it still made me laugh since Nagisa at least went way overboard with the crying.

It was an alright final episode. Overall I enjoyed the first season more, but this did have some interesting developments. Not so much with Sousuke, they took too long with him for me to care. At least he was more chill (aka finally likable) after telling his story .-.
Sep 25, 2014 5:11 PM

Apr 2014
This season has been a journey. Or rather, I should say this entire anime has been a journey. From a commercial and light novel to one of the most popular anime...Free! has definitely left its mark on the anime world. For me, it's been incredible- I've made many friends, I've learned a lot about relationships and artwork, and I found out a lot about how the world of anime works. It's really sad to see that the first anime I ever watched is ending [ though there will be OVAs, I know that it won't ever be the same ]. Free!, for me, was the bridge to the anime and manga world. And as lame as it sounds, anime helped me with a lot of things- through the actions of characters, I found out more about myself, I made friends that I'm so grateful for and who I would never have met if I hadn't begun watching anime, and from all the reviews that I wrote, I began to develop my own writing style. And to think that I wasn't planning on watching Free!

But enough sentimental gobbledygook; I'm 500% sure that none of you really are interested in that. So let's move on to the last episode. I'll try my best not to cry when I write this.

Firstly, the parallels between this episode and older parts of Free! were nostalgic and wonderful memories. From the last sequence of the commercial where it all began to Makoto helping Haru out of the bathtub, there were so many references to the other episodes that I couldn't possibly have counted them all! I think it was a very nice touch by KyoAni, and it really leaves the viewer with a sense of how far Free! has come. It's not that shallow anime dedicated entirely to fanservice, no, it's grown into something much more than that, with valuable lessons to be learned and experiences that, from talking to other people, I've found have affected us all.

I was worried that KyoAni wouldn't be able to squeeze everything into the last episode. And indeed, the last episode of Free! would be a tall order. Resolution of friendships, the race at nationals, tying up loose plot ends, showing the future...I didn't think it would be possible to combine all of that within 20-or-so minutes, but somehow, KyoAni managed to pull it off quite well. And even though there are some questions left unanswered- Gou and the Mikoshibros? Where did Rei and Nagisa go after their respective graduations? - this ending managed to show just enough glimpses into the future to leave me satisfied. Because in all honesty, I don't believe that an ending should resolve everything. It should resolve most of the things, but it should leave some things open to interpretation or imagination. This is a difficult balance. Too little, and you get complaints about how there was no information; too much, and for the viewer, it seems like you're constrained and unable to imagine scenarios for yourself. May I note that the end with the cherry blossoms was a wonderful addition? Seeing them not seriously swimming, but just joking around and having fun, enjoying the water without having to worry about anything...and in a way, the cherry blossoms are a metaphor for the future. We see them when Rin leaves for Australia, and when we usher in the second season. In the last episode, the cherry blossoms are a reassurance that the future continues, with a touch of uncertainty yet a tangible, indescribable sense of contentedness.

Haru found a way to pursue his dream without leaving the presence of his rock and best friend. It's honestly something I didn't expect. I thought that Haruka and Makoto would have to learn about what it means to part, how to live apart from each other...yet when I saw the ending, I realized, they're best friends. They need each other. Look at how Makoto welcomes everyone home [ making even the nicest people look rude and selfish ]; he's a stable force, he's not going anywhere. That's possibly why Haru felt so betrayed when he heard Makoto was going to Tokyo. Yet even so, Haru reciprocated and decided that he would go along with Makoto for once. Rin taught Haru that racing could be fun, and that it could potentially be a part of his life. Yet between Rin and Makoto, Haru found his own path. He decided to swim competitively, but not with Rin's team. He decided to go to Tokyo, but not in Makoto's classes. And that, I think, is truly meaningful. He didn't have to go out of his way to find his own path; it's already there for him, between the two who are his best friends. Yet even so...when Haru said that he was going to start caring about times and racing, it seemed bittersweet to me. It didn't sound like it was something he really wanted to do, but he had accepted that he needed to do that in order to continue swimming for the rest of his life. And life isn't fair. Often your dreams don't end out completely the way you plan them to be. You have to compromise, change your attitude, and try new things in order to make things work.

The three times I started crying- I'm not the type to break down in tears all the time, so I probably cried less than the average Free! fan- would be when Nagisa and Rei realized that the times were changing, when Iwatobi swam in their relay, and when the reprise of Ever Blue played. It is very easy- too easy, in fact- to imagine that Haruka and Makoto will be swimming on Iwatobi next year, that things won't change. If there's one thing to take away from this anime, however, it's that change happens and that it's inevitable. If you're willing to embrace it, it will never hurt you as much as if you try to prevent it. That's why Haruka and Makoto were standing by Rei and Nagisa. They accepted that change would happen, while Rei and Nagisa weren't willing to let change occur. While I think that demonstrates a maturity from Haru and Mako, I believe Rei and Nagisa also represent most of us. Human beings fear change. We fear the unknown. I admire Nagisa and Rei for acknowledging that change can be sad, and that they were able to move past it and welcome the change, i.e. the new recruits for Iwatobi.

The Iwatobi relay really conveyed how much all of the boys trust each other, and how much they rely on each other. Sousuke was reluctant to participate in relays because it requires that you invest a great amount of trust in other people, and that you are accepting of mistakes. What I think is one of the best aspects of Haruka, Makoto, Rei, and Nagisa is that they are forgiving. They never blame each other for errors, instead quietly encouraging each other. When Rei couldn't swim, they didn't yell at him or kick him off the team, they invested lots of time in teaching him how to swim. When Makoto had a late start in the relay and this resulted in a loss to Samezuka, nobody yelled at him. Willingness to cooperate and overlook errors that would cause animosity are two qualities that are vital for a relay team. There cannot be scapegoating or looking for someone to lay all the blame on. Accept errors, and move on.

As a quick note, some of my friends were complaining that Iwatobi was 6th place when it appeared that they had won first. I'd like to defend the swimming boys; in a swim meet, there are different "heats" of events so that everyone has a chance to compete. There are only so many lanes in a pool, after all. So they split people into groups, and thus you could have lots of teams competing in one event, but at different points in time since they can't all fit into the pool at once. Iwatobi got first in their heat. That's an accomplishment in itself, considering that many of the other teams might have more funding, more members, more support, better equipment...and 6th overall? Imagine how many teams in total would be competing in the medley relay.

This was an episode that transcended my expectations. It's far more than I could have wished for. I'm going to miss this anime, but I think I'm one of the few who would be okay without a third season or a movie. I'm sorry for writing so much :')

[ a ] [ i ] wo atsumete
たくさん の あい お あつめたら
ことば で きみ に とどけよう
みえない きもち お かたち に したら
こころ の なか まで とどく から

Sep 25, 2014 6:47 PM

Aug 2008
Great episode and ending. Free is definitely not your typical sports anime where they compete to win the national tournament. The character development is more mature compare to other sports anime.

StevenHu said:

I suppose that in the future, Rin might compete under the flag of Australia instead of that of Japan's.
This gave me an idea of Sousuke going to the United States for further medical treatment and rehabilitation, which ends up with him competing as a part of the American team. :P

I don't think so. I think Rin just train in Australia but he still Japanese and so,will compete under flag of Japan. If I'm not mistaken in swimming,you can put in more than 1 people from the same country in a tournament.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Sep 26, 2014 1:58 AM

Mar 2012
Wow, this series blew me away.

I actually dropped this series after episode 5 because it grew a bit dull. I thought the first season of Free was enjoyable, but not amazing or really that emotion-enducing.

This season of Free (or at least the latter half) was far different. I felt it really showed a lot of growth in the characters, especially with Haru and Rin. Their trip to Australia was one of the more enjoyable moments in anime. It really struck a cord with me because I know how it feels to go somewhere completely different and realize your new dream (aka. when I went to college, went somewhere new, and realized what I wanted to do).

This series went from "meh" to "one of the best anime of the season" for me in a matter of episodes. I never thought I'd say that.
Sep 26, 2014 2:35 AM

Jun 2013
So many great anime ended recently, I feel soo empty now.
anyway this was truly the LAST episode and the feelings were in it as well.
Seeing Nagisa &Rei crying made me cry too. Whoah they couldn't choose a different scenery right?! Beautiful night +city lights(that makes you cry)
gonna miss them! ( especially Makoto)
Sep 26, 2014 3:38 AM

Feb 2014
Kind of late, but

Remember when...

"Later on, you will become a lively person causing headaches as the shrine-god."
Sep 26, 2014 9:30 AM

Jul 2012
ScarletCrystal said:
Kind of late, but

Remember when...

NO, NO , NO , NO, DON'T...NO
Sep 26, 2014 9:38 AM

Dec 2012
Beautiful ending - Sad it's over- I'll miss it
We got to hear Haru's cute giggly laugh~!
& love the fact that Haru went to Tokyo with Makoto <3
Sep 26, 2014 1:45 PM
Mar 2010
This show....this show was such a huge part of my otaku life. And now its over. I'll miss it but all good things come to an end.

Check out the News Club for daily rankings, discussion on future CD and BD releases, manga and novels. New members are welcome!
Sep 26, 2014 6:30 PM
Jul 2018
Awe the ending was so beautiful ;u; The moment Rei and Nagisa started crying, and then later when everyone cried together while doing their group hug...aaah, my heart;;; I'm happy Nitori became the new captain to Samezuka, and how Makoto wants to be a teacher (Mako with children is like the cutest thing ahmygosh), and just, well, everything! Wonderful ending to a wonderful series. I'm gonna miss it a lot ;~;
Sep 26, 2014 7:50 PM

Jul 2012
ScarletCrystal said:
Kind of late, but

Remember when...

I remember that blessed gorgeous PV.

I also remember when I thought that this show would be a trashy fanservice show...And then I ended up respecting fujoshi and bishounen all together. Wow.
Sep 26, 2014 8:34 PM
Jun 2014
This episode was so perfect!
And Haru smiled (and laughed a little bit) and it was just so.... Perfect!

And all their families were there (Nagisa's in the top left, Haru's in the middle left, Makoto's in the middle right and Rei's in the bottom right)
I think that's the first time I've seen Haru's parents.....
Sep 26, 2014 10:22 PM
Oct 2007
A good episode to wrap up the show. ;_; I'm gonna miss this show as well, 7/10.
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Sep 26, 2014 10:55 PM

Aug 2009
Loved it. Very satisfying episode. They even snuck in a recap of the entire series there. lol. All those sea animals in the pool xD The race was gorgeous, the animation is truly splendid. I am so emotional right now. It was a fun series and I truly enjoyed it. I'm so sad to see it end. And by the looks of it there won't be a third season. Ahhhh my feelings. Anyway, I enjoyed this ride. Lol at the student assembly for the new freshman. So proud Ai-chan became captain too. So many good things happened >.<
Great anime!

Sep 27, 2014 12:24 AM

Jun 2011
OMG LOL All the bawling was a bit too much for me hahaha, especially Nagisa, he cried like the 3 years old me would.

I'd totally watch an epilogue/sequel movie or something. Sousuke's future is left ambiguous, they showed a bit of that new guy in Samezuka, etc..

Glad to know Iwatobi didn't win the national championship, that would be ridiculous.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Sep 27, 2014 2:56 AM

Dec 2013
I want someone to make a video of the Rei/Nagisa crying scene and splice some Fist of the North Star manly tears in there. I dont know why, but the thought of that made me laugh really hard during the episode.

Sep 27, 2014 6:24 AM

Oct 2009
I like how they ended with the bit of the commercial. Good stuff.
Sep 27, 2014 12:37 PM

Dec 2011
It finally ended. It was nice to see the future of the Iwatobi and the other schools.
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Sep 27, 2014 4:09 PM

Oct 2010
Oh my.
For me this episode wasn't great-Haru's explanation of his choice, remembering everything that happened from the begginig was kinda boring and took way too long in this episode.
All those highlights...
You can say that I'm only a crazy fujoshi or something but just as a person who truly believes in MakoHaru and SouRin I was just bawling my eyes out from happiness.
I mean the scene between Rin and Sousuke just Rin you did what you have to do and you did it amazingly.
Everyone makes their dreams come true and it just makes me feel kinda motivated to look at my life and my choices right now. Ah. So refreshing.
Like really the last few minutes of this episode were better than the last few episodes. No kidding.
I would really like some OVA in which they would show them in a few years, getting back together and digging the box out.
(And showing Mako pulling Haru from their shared bath. Ekhem ekhem. Just saying. Right now I can believe in everything about those two)
I just can't stand the fact that we don't know exactly what happens to Sousuke. Pretty sure he will come back to swimming (I mean this look at the ocean connecting Japan with Australia. Ekhem ekhem. Yup)
I really had a hard time deciding what score I should give to this season- 6 or 7, but after watching for the last time this beautiful animation in this show I decided to give it a 7/10.
Sep 27, 2014 7:26 PM
Jan 2011
I wanted to know their scores in the national relay... since this is a anime people would naturally want to know the scores but we don't even get to find out. I mean if this was a slice of life i can understand... but sports anime?! Because of this I had to downgrade my rating from a 9 into a 7.5... Overall enjoyable anime, not extremely happy with the pacing of the final 2 episodes i'm glad Haru found his dream but.... feels like something was lacking.
Sep 27, 2014 8:03 PM

Jul 2012
eien_kiseki said:
I wanted to know their scores in the national relay... since this is a anime people would naturally want to know the scores but we don't even get to find out.

Huh? It was shown that they got 6th place.
Sep 27, 2014 10:37 PM

May 2014
I'm really happy with how this ended. It was soft and subtle. I'm so excited for the OVA! Maybe it's where they go back and dig up there letters! :)

"For the Future"
Oscar and Andre deserved better
Sep 28, 2014 12:32 AM

Jun 2011
eien_kiseki said:
I mean if this was a slice of life i can understand... but sports anime?!
This is not a sports anime in my opinion, even if it's tagged as one.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Sep 28, 2014 4:33 AM

Jun 2013
well for once rin wasn't the one who cried the most 0_0
loved the way the series ended, 9/10
Sep 28, 2014 8:13 AM

May 2010
'Okay' episode, and 'okay' series, that's about it. I expected more after the first season, but now I think I just overrated it a bit. I'm just not into bishies and drama alone as much anymore. Still, I had some fun with this series, though I didn't like what they have done to Haru, and they focused too much on Sousuke imo. Biggest plus was the lack of Nitori, finally! Hated this gay guy.

Overall 7/10, I expect more from KyoAni, their recent series aren't as good as they used to be imo, and it was my favourite animation studio before! Waiting for something better.
Sep 28, 2014 9:34 AM

Dec 2010
Wow, what a way to end it (with the CM that began it all)! And while I didn't care for Haru at all at the end of season 1, I like him a lot more now.

Great show, exceeded my expectations.
Sep 28, 2014 11:50 AM

Jul 2012
ToG25thBaam said:
eien_kiseki said:
I mean if this was a slice of life i can understand... but sports anime?!
This is not a sports anime in my opinion, even if it's tagged as one.

No, it definitely is. If this one isn't a sports anime, Ping Pong or Hikaru no Go don't count as sports anime either. It leans more on SOL and drama but it still has the same aspects as any other sports anime.
Sep 28, 2014 12:35 PM

Dec 2010
mayukachan said:
ToG25thBaam said:
This is not a sports anime in my opinion, even if it's tagged as one.

No, it definitely is. If this one isn't a sports anime, Ping Pong or Hikaru no Go don't count as sports anime either. It leans more on SOL and drama but it still has the same aspects as any other sports anime.
Umm no Hikaru no Go is definitely a lot about actually playing the "sport" whereas Free is more about interpersonal relationships and finding one's dream.

But yes it still should classify as a sport anime, since they do training camps, enter tournaments, compete, etc.
Sep 28, 2014 12:59 PM

Jul 2012
Pknoctis said:
mayukachan said:

No, it definitely is. If this one isn't a sports anime, Ping Pong or Hikaru no Go don't count as sports anime either. It leans more on SOL and drama but it still has the same aspects as any other sports anime.
Umm no Hikaru no Go is definitely a lot about actually playing the "sport" whereas Free is more about interpersonal relationships and finding one's dream.

My point was that Free! is still a sports anime regardless of how different it is from the normal sports like Hikaru no Go or Ping Pong which are also different.
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