getcheffy said:
if it made sense it wouldnt be glassslip! this show is so off the rails its sad. who are these characters anyway? why do we care about them? i care more about Davids parents in the 2 minutes they have been on screen than i do about any of the direct or supporting cast..
What are these characters feeling? WHO the HELL KNOWS
Why did touko see any of the things she saw recently?
the birds flying at her? who the fuck knows
the snow? in the art room? i dont know but why is that scary? when david went to ask her to go to the art room she looked terrified.. what so was terrifying about that? it wasnt like she saw yuki Break his knee at practice, or even sacchan killing herself in the hospital. it was snow... Silver.. snow... anywas here i go again..
im thinking back thru the 9 episodes so far and what have re really got in that over 2 hours worth of anime so far. Davids new. He likes touko. yuki likes touko but she doesnt like him. she maybe like david bc he has something relatable to her in her future visions. ( were not even sure about that) davids powers are gone for some reason. why were they there in the first place? why is sacchan a cunt? why did toukos sisster ride to yuki and tell him to stay beautiful. WTF guys
tThese writers should be lined up and shot. this is worse than a story that is told by picking subjects or ideas out of a hat. at least that would be entertaining no matter what it may be. this is truely drivel. No plot. No Reason. Apparently No problem for this anime studio.. we can just put nice B- graphics with mellow piano to lull our viewers into sleep. so when the episode is over and they wake up, they feel refreshed about life and love. NOPE. im so sick of touko freaking out about every thing when people ask or tell her stuff.. its CALLED BEING A FUCKING HIMAN BEING.
jesus im done.. i so hope this show turns into a post apocalypic mecha show outa the clear blue. or a nuke or asteroid hits. or SOMETHING major! i mean there not even at a regular school. they are at a glass blowing school? theres no events, nothing. its look at chickens on the steps and going to this shitty cafe all day every day. WHY did the writers focus on these points?
its like they tried to show everybody in the anime community that they were smarter than everyone.. We dont need to tell you whats going on,,, they will just get it and understand thru the vibe and feelings of the characters.. Well ya know what Johhny IT FUCKING FAILED. your characters, if i can call then that, are TERRIBLE. it took about 6 episodes to tell touka and yani apart. not to mention david is such a cocky worthless human. i know hes stoic or whatever, but he is not even that! hes like some kid on heavy tranq meds bc he has a serious twitch problem. What is Sacchan Sick with? we have no FUCKING CLUE becuase they wont TELL US ANYTHING ABOUT THE SHOW..
were just suppoed to infer all of these things.. Hey why not have the audience write their own script in their head while there watching this! ya thats what this is! itl be great! if we dont tell the audeince anything, then they can come up with any story they want! so far im rooting for the chickens to give everyone swine flu and kill them all. Shit i meant avain flu.
WHY is touka afraid of a single kiss? her mom even said wouldnt it be better to experience the good things ing life twice? no bc she is just a prude cunt. I bet sacchan is dripping wet thinking of her. i havent mentioned hiro yet bc he is the only normal character in this. he is so boring and bland though its not even worth mentioning.. but at least hes real enough...
if we look back at all the episodes, they dont flow or lead anywhere. why was there a fight between yuki and david ? over touko? who cares, we never saw anythng happen from that anyway except more chicken watchingt..
Why did we see 3 davids in the forest? im sure that was some deep metaphor for something but i dont give a rats ass.
Why are these fragments in 3 shows over the 9 episodes. IT seemed like they would be an ingegral part of the story, but apparentlyt not. they are just some weak plot device.
sigh.. im done.. sadly im going to continue to watch it because i want to know where it goes. and when this show gives us a shit twist at the end. i am GOING to bloody RIP THIS SHOW A NEW ASSHOLE with the meanest review EVER written on MAL.
Please comment on my rant guys. pelase do
lets talk about this show. or any of the points i brought up...
i want to ehar what you people think about my ramblings..
I care about Yuki and Yanagi.... Thats it. At this point, I am only watching the anime for the shipping.
The visions are just getting annoying. So far, they have brought nothing to the anime. Only 4 episodes left.
Dont drop it now. Only 4 episodes left.
Everyone is expecting a plot twist. But the plot twist has to be relevant to what we have seen so far. So if they do decide that an asteroid will appear or something like that, then that will be extremely irrelevant. BUT DONT DROP IT!!!!!
The fight between Yuki and Kakeru was just their pride, their ego. I dont think it had nothing to do with Touko, Yanagi.