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Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su 2nd Season
Yesterday, 4:18 PM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 151.3
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- Completed181
- On-Hold24
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- Plan to Read274
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All Comments (793) Comments
I don't think you have any idea the type of shit I gone thought, I remembered you every other time, so I figured I finally have the courage to dm you again.
If you would like to catch up would be lovely my discord is "redshell" too
i do really like them and i used to play them religiously but I've recently stopped bc I was having some trouble with my account :')
how long have u been playing?
Happy New year =^_^=
Oh? but im pretty sure you can find comments on mobile, they may just be hidden, yea theres like a button you have to click to display them, but u can also use desktop mode on a phone. But doesn't worry no pressure reply when u can ^_^
LMAO yeah uni's can be a pain. And with everyhting having to be typed up now you're much more likely to get eye strain.
I considered taking a gap year before uni but then i was like I might end up getting too lazy and then it may be hard to go back to formal education.
If you don't like typing to discuss stuff as much anymore, then we could discuss things over voice chat! how about that? :))
Do you have Discord?
Oh I really wanna write more reviews as well as other types of writing, especially creative writing, short stories, novels and poetry. Also I considered having a blog where I write essays just life I guess lol, the idea sounds pretty good to me.
For slice of life I recommend Barakamon and Wolf Children esp, I love that movie. I love the realism, bittersweetness and the themes/life lessons/philosophies in it. You should def watch it!! >_< I think i rewatched it like three times lol
It’s been a while, how are you doin? :)
Since you say analysis is more important to you than enjoyment, do you plan on writing reviews anytime?
I personally really do hope to write a lot more.
Also, I see you have Silver Spoon in your favourites, I honestly really liked that show, it was relaxing (I love sol) and really funny, I would say it’s one of the best comedy Anime I’ve watched (but keep in mind I haven’t watched many tho lol),
and I’m not even someone who easily enjoys any comedy. Which is why more often than not I don’t feel inclined to watch comedy Anime.
I’m also glad you have Mushishi in your favourites, I’m definitely rewatching it.
Hope to get along with you~
Yes!! Anime food is the best~ it looks too good to even eat T_T
Thanks for accepting my friend request
There are other schools, where attendance goes from 4 to 8 hours. But some are expensive, and they don't give the same education (Sweet irony). The one I'm going to is public and you get a technical degree when you graduate. Also if you want to go to an university afterwards you can run the first three years pretty easily, as long as the field of study matches your previous education (I think you can even "skip" them by doing all the exams in a short term). So it's basically do more if you want more.
The Serious Sam saga is about a tough guy that shoots aliens 24/7 during different times of human history. Unlike most shooters it has a plot, but a basic one. I'm the kind of person that usually plays strategy/civilization games, or visual novels. But it's always good to vary and play some different stuff :)
Nice favorite visual novels by the way :D I've come across them more than once, but never got to play some of them (Specially the ones aimed for a female audience, which of course doesn't mean they are bad, they just don't appeal to me). Are there others that you like as well or do you stick with your favs?
My projects? Well... I don't quite know how to explain the system, but it's like running secondary and university at the same time so... 12 hours straight per day + homework. Thank God it's the last year...
In my current vacations I take priority on series recommended by my friends, since, you know. It's different when you have people to share your tastes with XD
And by games I found a lot of them (Mostly Serious Sam series) very very cheap. Like, you couldn't buy a shirt with the money I spent on them. And now I have like 14 extra games. You can imagine the rest...
Hmm... I never really thought about having a favorite game, since every one of them is very appealing in their own way... If I can tell one thing for sure, it's that it's either Danganronpa 1 or 2. I really like V3 as well, but for some reason I have a preference for the plot and characters of the first two games. Question of taste, I think. Do you have a favorite game in the series?
And yeah, I started One Piece! Even if it's just the first volume, it's really enjoyable. It's in my plans to retake the animated series as well, but I ended up postponing it in order to do some other projects... But I will do it, that's a personal promise. I see you've read a lot of the manga!