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Mar 9, 2014 12:43 PM

Jan 2012
Koko's DAd was as funny as the dad from clannad
I was honest but he lied
Mar 10, 2014 2:38 AM

May 2013
Argghhh, Koko's starting to really piss me off
She's so whiny and always feels sorry for herself
Fucking bitch, good episode though. Dad is awesome and I liked it how he slapped Koko, that was nice :))
*insert cringey anime reference here*
Mar 12, 2014 1:50 PM

Jun 2011
I didn't like the episode that much, until the dad showed up near the end. Lol that was embarrassing, confessing to another in front of her parent.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Mar 27, 2014 2:05 AM
Feb 2009
koko's father is so kewlll lmao and damn right Banris a coward towards his past
Mar 29, 2014 11:53 AM

Oct 2011
Wow, it has been a long time since I last disliked an episode like it I did just now..
1. a slap just after having an accident is always the best solution. That's what you need.
2. Banri is one of the worst comforter I've ever seen. Right after an accident: "Kouko. Kouko. Kouko." No hug, no "are you hurt?", nothing. Father slaps her in the face, she's send flying and starts to cry.. no comforting as well. Who would seriously just stand there next to the car when your girlfriend's father slaps her right after she had an accident and is already traumatized? o.O

And those arguments in Kouko's room. God. ~.~

And I also can't see why Kouko gets so much hate.. she is very devoting, caring and loving. And you can be sure that she would never cheat. She's actually a very good girlfriend.
Mar 29, 2014 12:59 PM

Feb 2012
What an irresponsible ghost. No control over your own curse.
Mar 30, 2014 4:29 PM

Dec 2013
In the dream when the white car drove away from Kouko. I couldn't contain my laughter :D
Mar 31, 2014 10:05 AM

May 2012
Lol her dad is just totally awesome! Disciplined yet rightful epic! Also what a lovely Neko!

Either way this sure was some awesome episode with lots of great drama moments and well the ending was just great! Poor Koko though. Let's see what happens next!
Apr 13, 2014 12:04 PM

May 2011
Lmfao Kouko's dad is the best haha. And it was good to actually see them in a huge argument like that tbh. Helps their relationship grow.
May 6, 2014 12:01 PM
Oct 2009
MgMaster said:
Ugh,again this show has it's attempts at comedy at the wrong time. As a romance,it's so weak compared to the recent White Album 2 and it's comedy aspect isn't making up for it,but making things worst instead(although it seems to work for a lot of people here).

Personally,I hate the direction Golden Time has taken as of late. I won't say it's bad but it's hardly good either. Average with the chance of becoming above average at best but I don't see it changing for the better anytime soon. To think that I had pretty high expectations for it too...

Watching depress, sap story and drama 24-hours is not seinen all about, if you looking for that go watch some shoujo drama, there no spice in life when everything is like a soap opera.
May 19, 2014 4:43 PM

Jan 2014
Great episode. Kouko's dad is very funny.
...Even after pimp slapping his own daughter. O_O
May 19, 2014 5:41 PM

Feb 2014
Marow said:
Are we supposed to actually like Kouko or not? What do you think?

On another note, I have no idea why Banri is staying with her.

I think it's pretty easy to dislike Koko if you know anyone who acts like her. She's an extremely human character, especially in her flaws. That being said, I loved Koko despite knowing people like her in real life. I have tendencies to act like her at times myself.

I think the real culprit of foolishness here is Linda, but I'm glad to see that at least sorted itself out in the end.
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May 26, 2014 8:23 PM

Sep 2011
LOL omg cant stop laughin! Koko's dad is freaking awesome!
Jul 6, 2014 12:26 AM
May 2012
Woah, Kouko got daddy slapped :O
Awesome dad is awesome, though. Is rich but, apologizes to their parents personally, isn't a bitch about Kouko and Banri's relationship, owns a cat, eats instant noodles......and honest ahahaha.
Angry Kouko is still adorable *^*
Dude, your girl just got slapped and was sent flying. Don't just stand there, go and comfort her =_=

Korrvo said:
Really liked the dad in this episode. One moment hes a man of discpline, and the next hes the guy that knows how to deal with his daughter and make the mood lighter.

Poor koko thou. Must not be easy having a BF with amnesia that may or may not change the relationship at any given time.

Marow said:
Are we supposed to actually like Kouko or not? What do you think?

On another note, I have no idea why Banri is staying with her.
I don't understand why people could dislike her. She has some annoying tendencies, but don't we all in some way or another?

Because she is codependant and actually acts like a girl and gets emotional? Woah, she's human! Damn people and their weird idealistic standards, I swear.

And really, unless you're very dense or just haven't been watching the series, it's not hard to see why Banry is with Koko.

I really agree!!
Jul 10, 2014 3:23 PM

Dec 2012
minouneetzoe said:
Holy shit, in the first half, I was like ''that father is a ruthless bastard'' and in the second I thought ''that father is fucking hilarious!''.

Koko : ''Would by any chance my father be behind us?''
Banri : ''No, you're wrong, there's only the cat''
Mr. Kaga : ''He's lying!''


That show is such a feeling rollercoaster...

Yep exactly lmao at first I hated him for the slap & then he's all "He lied & I was honest, remember that" was hilarious~ how can you hate that
+ the cat is very cute
Jul 11, 2014 8:36 AM

Oct 2012
Lol @ Kouko's dad
Just ruined the perfect moment

Serious episode ....
The last moment... just priceless xD
"Signature removed"
Jul 11, 2014 12:11 PM

Aug 2013
ToG25thBaam said:
I didn't like the episode that much, until the dad showed up near the end.

LOL. Seroiusly? :| all you need is comedy? I don't get you people at all.
Jul 17, 2014 11:28 PM
May 2012
Aug 19, 2014 7:57 AM

Mar 2014
You totally pull the luck in there, banri . glad everyone is safe . also , nice one ghost banri !!
Ohh.. that slap must have hit hard .. I think they call it "b*tch slap" . make sense though .
Nana has amazed me again . She can even detect the "dark atmosphere" ehh .. must be a special power she have ... well .. If It's helping the mood then I couldn't agree more !!
Feeling gloomy .. Going to koko's house !!
Koko ... she's really sensitive when it comes to this . she's always serious about stuffs that really can affect a person and her life greatly . It's hard convicting this kind of people . really.
Let me make this straight , you never an adult from the start missy . now , it takes such a dangerous accident just to make you realize how insecure , immature you have been all this time !!? you need help and I advice you clear things up and change you f*cking life !!
Facepalm* for a second lol !!
Reconcililation and realization of feelings ..
I've been starting to think , If only linda was koko and koko was linda .. (I'm pointing out the situations they're in and how can it affect the life of the people surrounding them . obviously , there's no change of personality . Linda is linda , koko is koko.) Things wouldn't as bad as the current one .. but not on koko's part . (she will be so devastated on the accident) still , I would like linda to be triangle's winner !!!
Ahh.. the embarrassment of satisfaction !!
The Father so funny haha !!
Okay .. everything just went ... bizarre . haha !!
Pretty great episode !!!
AnimeLaver01Aug 19, 2014 8:00 AM
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Aug 22, 2014 7:21 AM

Aug 2013
Dad stole the show in those last 2mins or so, the look on his face peeking in with a bag of instant noodles in hand, the rest that followed...g e n i u s. Poor man just wanted a bowl of noodles.
fuzzbenderAug 22, 2014 7:26 AM
Dec 3, 2014 8:13 AM

Jun 2014
The father slap was very fitting

Dec 8, 2014 9:07 PM
Jun 2014
glad to see some development in Kouko, yet Banri is still the same little bitch as he was in episode 1
Dec 20, 2014 6:01 AM

Nov 2014
Awesome slap papa. that's koko retribution for being so annoying since episode 1
Dec 20, 2014 7:33 PM

Feb 2013
What an episode. The slap from the father had impact! Koko flew a little. There was a lot of tension this episode. Glad the father was there to lighten the mood.
Dec 21, 2014 10:57 PM

Oct 2014
HAHAHA I laughed more than I should have! Best dad m/!
"Having someone saying you're okay as you are and being needed by that person... It was nice to have someone like that..." — Taiga Aisaka
Jan 25, 2015 8:42 AM

May 2014
Poor Koko ;_; but she's right. She is kinda useless. I think I'm starting to prefer Linda over her.. Anyway for personal reasons I'm very curious how you deal with girls like Koko -_-;
Mar 14, 2015 3:11 PM

Oct 2014
I rofled so fucking hard when Koko's dad went in the room. Omfg when he said "he lied to you, remember that" i died 3 times.
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Apr 25, 2015 12:46 AM

Sep 2014
LOL @ Koko's dad.
May 2, 2015 9:12 AM
Feb 2015
Dang koko is really depressed... What's with her dad lmao
Well the next episode seems like everyone is happy.

Where is linda...
[center] *>.>[Spoiler][/spoiler]<.<*
May 5, 2015 8:12 PM

Mar 2015
I've cry this episode seriously too much drama!
mhhhh since Tada was visiting Kaga's house, that cat tough so cute :) but snobby to Tada only to bother with Kaga's Father very close T_T?. Awww so sad to Kaga, she was so anxious about the accident car also about Tada's memories, She was dreaming about losing Tada... about the car drive accident, Why Kaga said she don't like to see everyone? Tada was right to say "It was only an accident." My oh my really dramatic conversations and facial expressions especially Kaga o-o. Again and again and again to say sorry... would you just make it a right way pls Kaga!, really bitchy to you! >:(((, and the awkward part, Kaga's father saw Kaga hugging Tada very romantic... AWKWARD HAHAHAH WTF LOL.

What happens next?...
Jul 8, 2015 4:28 PM
Jul 2018
Hell yeah there was no Ghost Banri in this epiosode!! I swear he is the only thing standing in the way of this show being amazing.
Lots of drama in the ep, too. Nice!!
Aug 22, 2015 8:10 PM

Jul 2015
Kunagi7 said:
I really liked Koko's father, that random ramen and this:
Iolo said:
"He lied to you Koko!"
"I was the honest one!"

Best part of the episode

made me laugh so hard.
His punishment was good, she had four people in her charge, but he sent Koko two meters away (and she's alive lol).
But when she said that all her worries were from a dream I was like wtf????
Good episode :)
Nov 14, 2015 10:36 PM

Jul 2009
Such an intense episode!!

I can't help but feel this is the same scenario we went through with my princess.

In the end, everything worked out. Still i don't want to experience that kind of fight again.

Lol Kouko's father barged in just to help him cook his noodles XD

Glad her father seems to like Banri.

Can't wait for the next episode :)
Nov 26, 2015 12:53 PM

Jul 2013
I can't believe Koko's dad slapped her, that's harsh. After it was an accident and things like that do happen.

Then later he becomes this stupid funny comic relief type character saying you can only trust him and wanting Banri to make him ramen because apparently he can't >> read the instructions dude. It's not that hard.

Poor Chinami. Awww.

Koko took it really hard on herself which was sad and upsetting. Plus she thought because of a dream Banri would leave her like he left his old life behind and didn't want that but he won't do that.
Nov 27, 2015 6:15 AM
Nov 2015
"I was honest, but he lied..... he lied to you!"
Nov 28, 2015 6:49 AM

Sep 2015
wow so much overdramatizatized bullsh*t in this anime... :(
"I saw it in my dream" - I wanted to slap Koko so freaking bad at that part...
She has the body of an adult, but the brain of a insecure prepubescent little girl.

Why would anyone want to be with her for more than a week?! She is the pure definition of: 'pain in the ass'.

But I have to say that, at the end, Koko's father eased the pain I was having watching this episode...
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Dec 27, 2015 9:01 AM
Aug 2015
Marow said:
Are we supposed to actually like Kouko or not? What do you think?

On another note, I have no idea why Banri is staying with her.

Exactly. She is fucking annoying, selfish, spoiled, manipulates others... ._____________.
Jan 2, 2016 7:14 AM

Jun 2009
Sigh, well, Kouko has a point. Remember, like, I dunno what episode, but it was pretty much right at the start of the series...I think it was Banri that said that he refused to meet anyone after the accident (apart from his parents, obviously...)? She's also afraid of being turned into another Linda if Banri has another accident (which is unlikely, but it's anime so lol). Yeah. That's pretty much what she was going on about. Him being yelled at because of a dream...I dunno if anyone watching this anime has had a girlfriend or has ever actually talked to a girl before, but that's fucking realistic yo. Kouko is a real girl.

rsc-pl said:
ToG25thBaam said:
I didn't like the episode that much, until the dad showed up near the end.

LOL. Seroiusly? :| all you need is comedy? I don't get you people at all.

Now you know how Gintama is rated so high.
loghneckbeardJan 2, 2016 7:21 AM
Jun 9, 2016 4:30 AM

Jul 2008
I think Koko needed another slap after that rant about Banri...
Oct 5, 2016 10:48 PM

Jan 2015
one word
Mar 6, 2018 4:27 PM

Jul 2009
Yikes ... well. Nice to see no major injuries physically at least. I thought it was good for Banri and Kouko to kind of well, I guess scream at each other and get everything out there, but seems like they made up in the end as well. Kouko's dad was a lot more chill than I thought he would be to be honest, I thought he would be really strict and not like Banri at all, but it seems like he's given his blessing :P What a troll though honestly lol XD This episode did feel kind of ham fisted but eh, not too bad ;P
Apr 11, 2018 12:01 PM

Apr 2013
Wait... all that fuss because of a dream? And I mean what are the chances that he would lose his memory again. What is wrong with you Kouko?
Her dad was really funny though ^^
Nov 9, 2018 5:15 PM

May 2013
I can't believe some of y'all disliked Papa Kaga bc he slapped Koko so hard she fell to the ground... yeah, it's pretty brutal, but she had 4 lives in her hands. I wouldn't reprimand my kiddo the way he did bc I don't believe in physical punishments, but to each their own.

If you guys rewind your memories, Papa Kaga was the one who didn't want Koko to "prey" on Tada, remember? Lmao. He just lookin' out for the little ones. Give him a break X) You could even tell by his expression after slapping Koko and making her cry that it hurt him too.

Some of y'all need to read between the lines better lol

His little comedic relief was funny xD
Ruined the moment, but it was enjoyable nonetheless

Also gonna add that Koko is way too immature for a relationship. She's insecure, obsessive, and has the dumbest logic smh. A dream isn't real. Stop being so delusional, seriously.

Mitsuo was very concerned when Chinami got hurt from the accident. I wonder if he was just going to Linda about Chinami advice that one night? Haha. You never know :P
Kokoro_KotashimaNov 9, 2018 5:23 PM
Mar 13, 2019 4:03 AM

Feb 2018
It seems like they have improved after a fight a while ago.
Sep 6, 2019 2:14 PM

Mar 2018
I was picturing the dad listening in the entire time, did not expect him to jump in and make a gag of such an emotional scene but I guess the tension break was pretty funny.
Dec 30, 2019 6:25 PM
Oct 2018
Kouko's dad is the best.
Apr 7, 2020 11:15 AM
Jul 2018
Man, I'm usually unfazed by anime dramas. The likes of Inuyashiki for example, a show about mass murder, didn't even rile me up; and yet the past two episodes I swear gave me heart palpitations. 😂It's just ALL TOO REAL. The near-death car experience, and now Banri and Koko are having their first fight -- and the dialogue is so realistic. I think part of the realism comes from the fact that dialogues in this show can span for half the episode (i.e. when Banri and Koko conversated after being chased by the cult). The long heated discussion they had in the dark just had a very intense vibe to it. Even after the tension faded and when Banri was seen making ramen in the kitchen -- I don't know, I still felt bothered. Overall I definitely sympathize with both characters and their situations.
Apr 7, 2020 11:25 AM
Jul 2018
Kokoro_Inuzuka said:
I can't believe some of y'all disliked Papa Kaga bc he slapped Koko so hard she fell to the ground... yeah, it's pretty brutal, but she had 4 lives in her hands. I wouldn't reprimand my kiddo the way he did bc I don't believe in physical punishments, but to each their own.

If you guys rewind your memories, Papa Kaga was the one who didn't want Koko to "prey" on Tada, remember? Lmao. He just lookin' out for the little ones. Give him a break X) You could even tell by his expression after slapping Koko and making her cry that it hurt him too.

Some of y'all need to read between the lines better lol

His little comedic relief was funny xD
Ruined the moment, but it was enjoyable nonetheless

Also gonna add that Koko is way too immature for a relationship. She's insecure, obsessive, and has the dumbest logic smh. A dream isn't real. Stop being so delusional, seriously.

Mitsuo was very concerned when Chinami got hurt from the accident. I wonder if he was just going to Linda about Chinami advice that one night? Haha. You never know :P

Agreed. I think that's what makes this anime so realistic.

Most modern-day parents are taking a more permissive route in their parenting -- even in the stricter country of Japan. Many parents start to become friends to their young adult children and their childrens' friends. And so I can see why the father would be capable of getting very angry for his daughter's wrecklessness -- her negligence almost cost five people their lives including the dad's own daughter's, and so she needed the discipline -- BUT, I can see that the father is also a warm and indifferent individual. In this episode, we see him being warm and inviting to Banri for a second time (since the bike stealing incidient).

But I've digressed. This anime is more-so on the realistic side, because in MOST anime-related cases, the dad would forbid Koko from dating Banri due to financial standing OR be set on a suitor for Koko, i.e. her original love interest OR severely punish Koko OR be an unloving and neglectful businessman, etc. So based on past animes, I think we were all caught off guard by the chill nature of the parent.

Alright, that's too much analysis for now.

And, side note, about the part about Koko being too immature for a relationship ... I very much agreed. But we all have to admit that it was good on Koko's part for finally realizing that in Episode 16. She realized that she was too immature for pretty much everything -- from wearing high heals to driving at night and everything in between. She acknowledges her awful logic and comes to a self-actualization not many anime characters in general are capable of experiencing.

Nevertheless, I appreciate how you've got an anime girl portrayed as an S-tier beauty, with perfect looks and a certain degree of grace -- and yet she's not an S-tier athlete or musician or intellect. For once, we actually see a dropdead gorgeous anime female who is very, very clumsy, irrational, and in many cases, utterly incompetant. It's a great balance to Banri's own mental handicap, so neither one is dominant and the relationship is quite balanced. Almost like real-life relationships. So I commend the anime's realism once again.
removed-userMay 19, 2020 9:10 AM
May 19, 2020 6:31 AM

Apr 2020
Honestly, I like how the car accident didn't lead to anything serious but everyone is treating it so because THEY COULD ALL HAVE DIED. While I don't agree at all with Koko's dad slapping the shit out of her (in front of her friends too), I can imagine he was left worried sick not only because she let her friends in danger but also herself! He seems too be a good person and a good dad so let it slide.

Damn, I've been in Koko position too, had a car accident a year after getting my license so I really related to her feelings of shame and humilliation. Her speech about Banri was perfect too but then again his speech felt like he was talking about himself, a little forced.

Finally, while at first I facepalmed about her dream, I had a girlfriend be distressed by the exact same reason, because she kept having these dreams I would leave her. The human subconscious is really powerful.

All in all, great episode.

May 19, 2020 6:37 AM

Apr 2020
AlexanderHD said:
Kokoro_Inuzuka said:
I can't believe some of y'all disliked Papa Kaga bc he slapped Koko so hard she fell to the ground... yeah, it's pretty brutal, but she had 4 lives in her hands. I wouldn't reprimand my kiddo the way he did bc I don't believe in physical punishments, but to each their own.

If you guys rewind your memories, Papa Kaga was the one who didn't want Koko to "prey" on Tada, remember? Lmao. He just lookin' out for the little ones. Give him a break X) You could even tell by his expression after slapping Koko and making her cry that it hurt him too.

Some of y'all need to read between the lines better lol

His little comedic relief was funny xD
Ruined the moment, but it was enjoyable nonetheless

Also gonna add that Koko is way too immature for a relationship. She's insecure, obsessive, and has the dumbest logic smh. A dream isn't real. Stop being so delusional, seriously.

Mitsuo was very concerned when Chinami got hurt from the accident. I wonder if he was just going to Linda about Chinami advice that one night? Haha. You never know :P

Agreed. I think that's what makes this anime so realistic.

Most modern-day parents are taking a more permissive route in their parenting -- even in the stricter country of Japan. Many parents start to become friends to their young adult children and their childrens' friends. And so I can see why the father would be capable of getting very angry for his daughter's wrecklessness -- her negligence almost cost five people their lives including the dad's own daughter's, and so she needed the discipline -- BUT, I can see that the father is also a warm and indifferent individual. In this episode, we see him being warm and inviting to Banri for a second time (since the bike stealing incidient).

But I've digressed. This anime is more-so on the realistic side, because in MOST anime-related cases, the dad would # forbid Banri from dating Banri due to financial standing # be set on a suitor for Koko, i.e. her original love interest # severely punish Koko # be an unloving and neglectful businessman, etc. So based on past animes, I think we were all caught off guard by the chill nature of the parent.

Alright, that's too much analyzation for now.

And, side note, about the part about Koko being too immature for a relationship ... I very much agreed. But we all have to admit that it was good on Koko's part for finally realizing that in Episode 16. She realized that she was too immature for pretty much everything -- from wearing high heals to driving at night and everything in between. She acknowledges her awful logic and comes to a self-actualization not many anime characters in general are capable of experiencing.

Nevertheless, I appreciate how you've got an anime girl portrayed as an S-tier beauty, with perfect looks and a certain degree of grace -- and yet she's not an S-tier athlete or musician or intellect. For once, we actually see a dropdead gorgeous anime female who is very, very clumsy, irrational, and in many cases, utterly incompetant. It's a great balance to Banri's own mental handicap, so neither one is dominant and the relationship is quite balanced. Almost like real-life relationships. So I commend the anime's realism once again.

Most anime rom-coms are coming of age stories about high school. This one differs from that because they are in a much harder periods in their lifes. A period where you're supposed to be an indenpendent adult but you really aren't. You're still a dumb kid that society forces to take a lot more responsibilty than you are prepared.

Soon they will grow up and realize how retarded they were only a few years back xD
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