OK I am not happy. Despite the high adrenaline of the episode. Despite the fight and amazing action. Despite all the flashbacks and struggles. Tsubasa used a swan song at the end and dies. Precisely is in the between life and death world. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? What? What? T_T No, just no. She was bitchy and all but no. Not this not now. Not of what is in the spoiler
Tsubasa! :(What was nice of Tsubasa was her fight.
About Tsubasa’s fight, she started out pretty good
with a nice pose here and a very nice
face in anger. Mainly because she wanted Nehushtan to have come and help. Loved the blade slice in the spoiler
which sadly gets blocked. Nehushtan
almost got herself sliced up here. Lucky she dodged nicely.
I have no idea but the camera angle in the spoiler sure makes you think if there was something of fan service ringing around. I still find the best of Tsubasa in the spoiler
that shadow lock was nice! Can’t do jack shit less the moon is covered. The way I see
the whole area here, there is no way the moon can be covered naturally.
So by the time she used that song the damage and her bleeding in the spoiler
was horrendous. I was not really happy that Nehushtan survived but then again Tsubasa is not totally dead. Loved seeing Tsubasa in loli form In the spoiler
she was cute when she was small.
I did like Hibiki at least she gave out some light. In the ED I like her with Genjurou in the following spoiler
that so reminded me of some setups in animes. It looked cool.
About Tsubasa’s life and death situation, getting simple I think Kanade will save her based on the following,
As it is based on the following spoiler
Tsubasa is really having in the life/death situation. The reason for that IMO is that her vitality was not completely sucked out with Swan Song. Thus in the following spoiler
it totally proves that she will be saved. The deduction is simple. Tsubasa went to the sky towards heavens and is no allowed. Thus she is falling back down towards earth while Kanade is shown in the pic above. This combined with the water part from means that she brought back to life. Water constitute 80% of our body and means life. If you sink someone back into water it can mean either killing them or giving them back life. Depends how you see it but water was always seen as life or a source of it.
You can also see it as Tsubasa going to hell by sinking down and Kanade saving her from it as if Tsubasa was rejected from heavens. There are many interpretations.
One thing it’s nicely shown. Thus I conclude that Kanade will give vitality to replenish the life of Tsubasa and able her to wake up as well as recover.
About Kanade’s past and the theory of relics/soul fusion. A fascinating ideal came to me. At first I did find Kanade way more wild in the spoiler
than Hibiki. Then again she lost a lot at that time so it’s no surprise.
Genjurou’s hug here was nice.
Assessment of Kanade’s pain ordeal. IMO Kanade pain in the spoiler
is due to the side effect of the injection being too painful for her internal organs to deal with. Thus it’s why she screams like crazy. The pain is OVER 9000 at that point. It was so bad that
you can see Genjurou her squeezing his fist up until the blood starts dripping and it was obvious of his angry face here. I had loads and loads of problems dealing with the spoiler that blood spilling out and on the floor was terrible. It was sick to me. The reason for that IMO is that Kanade’s organs are now pouring out and internal bleeding happening inside of her body like wild. Thus she is starting to eject all her blood from her body.
Theorization of relics and soul fusion. Kanade officially dies as herself in the spoiler
with that hand on the glass she is dead in the second pic. As she dies
look at the reaction of the relic in the spoiler it’s is reaction to her soul. Thus explains the she got her soul fused with the relic and revived as something else in the spoiler
A Symphogear. Thus my conclusion is that you need to die first before you become a Symphogear because the same happened to Hibiki. She dies first then was protected by Kanade and revived later. Same ordeal as Kanade.
So this proves my 2 theories of stuff. I still loved the parts of Kanade and Tsubasa in the spoiler
especially Tsubasa’s blushing.
About Nehushtan, she sick kick ass in the following,
I made a GIF of that in the spoiler
it’s too cool!
I call that a small anti-matter bomb! It sure blew up bad with Tsubasa. She should have dodged it. Another thing that is interesting is that whip in the spoiler
seems that because it’s made of the same material as what fell it looks to be unbreakable and it cuts like nothing. Furthermore that wand in the spoiler
summons freaking noise monster. Oh WTF? Why is that exactly? I was quite surprised that
Nehushtan parried here Tsubasa’s Azure shot with no problems. Nehushtan sure gave a nasty
kick to Tsubasa hereand rather nicely
grabbed her leg here.
Off references and strange allusions, for one if you look in the spoiler
don’t you think the Noise with horns represents Satan and the aliens are kind of like his followers. Notice it has Horns right? Notice the followers for the most have those ears on top of their head.
Remember Mawaru Penguin Drum on those 2 twins working for Sanetoshi? Yeah the Noise minions have them on of their head and all. There’s more, in Ao no Exorcist it was stated that the tar floating as the one is when the Noise kill you comes from Hell itself. So I am thinking that the author is trying to show that out of our own pollution shall come organisms to kill us and they will look like what we imagine ourselves of Evil. Noise is pollution of the air with sound just to be clear. It's one way of seeing it.
Hibiki and those Noise in the spoiler
looks to me like the Noise look a weird strange of shape and the glue thing does so make of me think of what it appears more than anything. I mean why glue? The glue does not do anything than hold her? Right? So I find the ideal of this whole part to be somewhat suggestive of ecchi situations just saying.
There is also a Hebrew VS Norse thing going on based on the spoiler
that is Hebrew and Kanade has Norse for sure sine Odin is Norse.
About thee end, there 2 things. For one Hibiki x Miku laughing and holding hands in the spoiler
along with Miku smiling was wonderful after all the shit gone through in this episode.
The training of Hibiki by Genjurou in the spoiler
made me think Karate Girl with Bruce Lee somehow. Add to that that Hibiki
even trained her voice and started to
eat faster and more here. I knew she was going to get better and I hope more than Kanade was.
Why would you do this to Tsubasa? Shit man sad shit in episode. I wish it would have ended different. Was there really no choice? How is everyone going to take this? Kanade and now Tsubasa. Who is next other than Hibiki? Miku should be a Symphogear. Now there is no choice but to make her one.
BTW Image Stitches done in the spoiler nice Nehushtan, Kanade and Tsubasa ones.