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Aug 2, 2014 2:58 AM
Oct 2012
I was bored and looked at the opening with more in depth and I dropped my Jaw. Imagine this, at the very end of the anime, they play the opening song in full but with camera shots for respective characters. Pay attention however cause this was all foreshadowing. I apologize for not finding a video with subtitles but it's the best I can do.

One scene caught my attention with the bent wing. You see two ravens flying off one white and one dark. The dark can be seen as Nine and the light one as Five. The single bent wing shows their damage from the past. The dark one is known to bring death but also a strange sense of luck or fortune or god's will by folklore. White brings hope and luck however and may change the situations for Japan. That's not what really drag my intention but it's a start.

The song continues with from where I was Born and shows the institution they are fleeting away from. A haunting message of Until I die and repeats twice shows the two boys. I don't wish for it but may say one of them will die and I'm leaning heavily over to Twelve due to Twelve acting more in depth of his heart and goes along with Nine's orders rather than come up with something. Notice in Episode Three he asked Nine what are YOU going to do if they don't solve the riddle, not what WE are going to do. The last shot ends on Twelve too and shows time and clocks ticking away, showing their limits.

Nine looks at Twelve or as a small form and remarks on his smile, saying it is similar to an angel. The Juxtaposition shortly after is clear from the sinister Twelve who owns a great smile but is very evil indeed.. And it could be given to Lisa, if she smiles and be happy, she would seem much better off and almost angelic. The Bike Scene a good sense of cuteness and happiness from her laughter

Next is The Heat of the Summer. How Ironic that Shibazaki is the one to be showed next with those lines. Those who've seen episode three understands why it is an irony.

Then Five came in the picture with the lyrics. Out of the gaps between burning buildings. Um, wasn't she running with Nine and Twelve during those flashbacks? Hint hint. Lisa comes in too and may reference the bombing from the first episode, the bike chase scene with Twelve searching for her echoing and trying to run away too.

The strongest point here is the second to last scene. Nine is on top of a building. But no, not just any building, The very METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT CORPORATION. Same tower, size and most of all, look at the department building in other episodes and see the tower, exactly the same for this building. Right on the top and he falls off with the lyrics We Fall down. Maybe they fail or maybe their intention isn't to live past the game and give the entire public the information they require. Right before he hits the ground and maybe die....he pulls the final trigger or pulls off the Final bomb. And soon feathers like angels fly across the scene.

The last might be a chilling and surreal scene of heaven and the two boys looking onward at Tokyo and maybe have done something. We don't know till more episodes come out but looking deeply, I see some extreme foreboding.

And I hope I'm wrong, I'm going to cry if all is true.
Aug 3, 2014 4:04 PM

Jun 2014
I love the opening and also feel that it has some foreshadowing in it.

Has anybody else noticed at the part in the opening where 9 and 12 are standing with their backs facing each other that not only do the numbers '9' and '12' flash briefly, but there are also what appears to be to different words with latin letters next to them. Though it is to brief and faint to tell what they say.

I mean I may be looking too far into it, by why would there just be random words next to them?

I also thought Nine falling off the building was probably an indicator of his fate, although it could just be a metaphor, not him actually jumping off a building for real.

Edit: Oh my Gosh. So I looked up the words next to Nine and Twelve respectively as they appear to say "Huginn and Muninn" and this is what I found:

Huginn (Old Norse for thought) and Muninn (Memory/Mind) were ravens who would fly around the world and bring news to the God Odin...

Interesting... Nine is the cold factual one while Twelve seems to have some sort of memorizing ability. (Remember when Nine told him it was unnatural to remember the names of girls from other classes?)
MorgywolfAug 3, 2014 4:27 PM
Aug 3, 2014 4:34 PM
Oct 2012
Dude, look up the numbers five, twelve and nine in arcana tarot cards.

Five is Heirophant, Nine is the Hermit and Twelve is the Hanged Man, if you read the characteristics of each, they fit their personalities or maybe their fates.
Aug 3, 2014 5:15 PM

Jun 2014
BRK25 said:
Dude, look up the numbers five, twelve and nine in arcana tarot cards.

Five is Heirophant, Nine is the Hermit and Twelve is the Hanged Man, if you read the characteristics of each, they fit their personalities or maybe their fates.

Hmm... I do see the similarities, however I'm not sure where to find where it says the fate of the cards. And it's hard to tell with Five since we haven't actually met her yet.

We'll have to see how it turns out.
Aug 3, 2014 5:45 PM

Jul 2010
Morgywolf said:
Edit: Oh my Gosh. So I looked up the words next to Nine and Twelve respectively as they appear to say "Huginn and Muninn" and this is what I found:

Huginn (Old Norse for thought) and Muninn (Memory/Mind) were ravens who would fly around the world and bring news to the God Odin...

Interesting... Nine is the cold factual one while Twelve seems to have some sort of memorizing ability. (Remember when Nine told him it was unnatural to remember the names of girls from other classes?)

That's awesome man, because it actually makes sense. Apparently Nine and Twelve are trying to expose government's secrets which might be experiments and such. Therefore they are spreading informations worldwide to the people, and that's exactly what Odin's ravens Muninn and Huginn were doing according to Wikipedia.

People = Odin.
Aug 3, 2014 5:53 PM

Jun 2014
Akanezora said:
That's awesome man, because it actually makes sense. Apparently Nine and Twelve are trying to expose government's secrets which might be experiments and such. Therefore they are spreading informations worldwide to the people, and that's exactly what Odin's ravens Muninn and Huginn were doing according to Wikipedia.

People = Odin.

Oh nice thinking, I wasn't sure what Odin represented. I love all the subtle yet not subtle references.
Aug 3, 2014 6:58 PM
Oct 2012
Heirophant represents Divine law and the bridge between heaven and hell. IF nine and Twelve are single handedly destroying the department and she's coming to help out Shibazaki, I see her as an equalizer. And for twelve, think about the idea of sacrifice and how Nine quoted he should have sacrificed his queen. Other issues involve Twelve's motive since twelve isn't too obedient with Nine, like an accomplice but not a direct partner.
Aug 3, 2014 7:05 PM

Jun 2014
BRK25 said:
Heirophant represents Divine law and the bridge between heaven and hell. IF nine and Twelve are single handedly destroying the department and she's coming to help out Shibazaki, I see her as an equalizer. And for twelve, think about the idea of sacrifice and how Nine quoted he should have sacrificed his queen. Other issues involve Twelve's motive since twelve isn't too obedient with Nine, like an accomplice but not a direct partner.

Yea I can see Five trying to compromise with Nine and Twelve because she must have some idea of what they are after.
Aug 4, 2014 1:35 AM
Apr 2014
Akanezora said:
Morgywolf said:
Edit: Oh my Gosh. So I looked up the words next to Nine and Twelve respectively as they appear to say "Huginn and Muninn" and this is what I found:

Huginn (Old Norse for thought) and Muninn (Memory/Mind) were ravens who would fly around the world and bring news to the God Odin...

Interesting... Nine is the cold factual one while Twelve seems to have some sort of memorizing ability. (Remember when Nine told him it was unnatural to remember the names of girls from other classes?)

That's awesome man, because it actually makes sense. Apparently Nine and Twelve are trying to expose government's secrets which might be experiments and such. Therefore they are spreading informations worldwide to the people, and that's exactly what Odin's ravens Muninn and Huginn were doing according to Wikipedia.

People = Odin.

Wow really good!! I also think that makes sense! I mean all the times we see ravens flying in the opening and the ending! But we have to consider that in the opening is mentioned that they (nine and twelve?) have single wings if I do not remember it wrong.
Aug 4, 2014 10:30 AM

Jun 2014
NikeSawakoKobato said:
Akanezora said:

That's awesome man, because it actually makes sense. Apparently Nine and Twelve are trying to expose government's secrets which might be experiments and such. Therefore they are spreading informations worldwide to the people, and that's exactly what Odin's ravens Muninn and Huginn were doing according to Wikipedia.

People = Odin.

Wow really good!! I also think that makes sense! I mean all the times we see ravens flying in the opening and the ending! But we have to consider that in the opening is mentioned that they (nine and twelve?) have single wings if I do not remember it wrong.

"With the single bent wing we were given" is what the subtitles said. Hmm, it does mention on the wikipedia page that Huginn and Muninn were often considered extensions of Odin himself, so maybe it's like saying they are one.
Or maybe it's just saying that because of 9 and 12's upbringing they are 'broken' and cannot truly fly.
The former makes more since though because before that the lyrics say something like "I touch you and know I am never alone". No one really loved 9 and 12 so they only had each other.

Also, at the moment when it says "the single bent wing we were given" it shows three ravens. Two black and one white. The white one is most likely Five.
Aug 4, 2014 12:49 PM
Oct 2012
I just expect with more time spent going out and more episodes consumed will bring amazing parts and ideas to take away. Can't wait. Only three more days people.
Aug 8, 2014 11:10 AM

Apr 2014
Okay I've got a lot of theory-crafting based off religious backgrounds of the Sphinx, christ and his twelve disciples which if you have some time feel free to read and give me your opinions.

Spoilers below if you haven't seen up to episode 5:

Most of that is just my opinion based of the biblical references that this show has shown thus far and is purely speculation that is not confirmed.
MugiwaraEraAug 8, 2014 11:19 AM
Aug 9, 2014 9:01 AM

Jun 2014
The reference to Huginn and Muninn is really interesting... Now when I rewatch the opening I realize there's a lot of random texts interspersed throughout the sequences.. majority of them are hard to decipher though.
Such as this one:

It reads 'indelied-' something I think, no idea what it means. Or maybe I'm just over-thinking haha.

EDIT: Someone from Tumblr played around on Google Translate and found that the letters say something like

inde lie glora

which translates roughly in latin to say: “from there he got his glory”

waluigiaAug 9, 2014 9:15 PM
Aug 9, 2014 10:18 AM
Apr 2014
chickenyaoi said:
The reference to Huginn and Muninn is really interesting... Now when I rewatch the opening I realize there's a lot of random texts interspersed throughout the sequences.. majority of them are hard to decipher though.
Such as this one:

It reads 'indelied-' something I think, no idea what it means. Or maybe I'm just over-thinking haha.

Wow good eye! And at the right side something hard to decipher is written too! This could be again a reference!!
Aug 10, 2014 4:20 PM

Jun 2014
chickenyaoi said:
The reference to Huginn and Muninn is really interesting... Now when I rewatch the opening I realize there's a lot of random texts interspersed throughout the sequences.. majority of them are hard to decipher though.
Such as this one:

It reads 'indelied-' something I think, no idea what it means. Or maybe I'm just over-thinking haha.

EDIT: Someone from Tumblr played around on Google Translate and found that the letters say something like

inde lie glora

which translates roughly in latin to say: “from there he got his glory”

NikeSawakoKobato said:
chickenyaoi said:
The reference to Huginn and Muninn is really interesting... Now when I rewatch the opening I realize there's a lot of random texts interspersed throughout the sequences.. majority of them are hard to decipher though.
Such as this one:

It reads 'indelied-' something I think, no idea what it means. Or maybe I'm just over-thinking haha.

Wow good eye! And at the right side something hard to decipher is written too! This could be again a reference!!


I wonder what it says on the far right. Probably something related to the "inde le glora". It looks kinda like "memndo" or "mergendo".
Edit: Hmm, google translate says "monendo" is Latin for Warning

Also, this might be nothing, but how come the number 9 on the left of Nine in the same screenshot appears to also say 6?
MorgywolfAug 10, 2014 4:25 PM
Aug 15, 2014 10:25 AM

Jun 2014
Are you guys wizards? I didn't even notice any of those things.
Aug 19, 2014 6:48 AM

Jun 2011
Amalekite said:
Are you guys wizards? I didn't even notice any of those things.

I see what you did there.

Sep 2, 2014 8:30 AM

Jul 2014
I just listened the full OP and took a glance of its meaning.

It's hinted on the lyrics that Twelve and Nine might die on the end, after they show the world "something"...

well and then they basically disappear like a dust

///just my interpretation
"All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; only the dose permits something not to be poisonous"

May 10, 2015 5:45 AM

May 2014
i juz rewatched ZnT fully and i am surprised at the amount of homework and effort put into the making of this anime.. like , we can see the fruits of hardwork they put into the makin of this anime..

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