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Aldnoah.Zero Season One
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Aug 2, 2014 1:17 PM

Nov 2013
Jaythor said:

Vexper said:
71 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered. Let's design mechs which aren't capable of functioning in water. Dragons Den awaits.

Well I agree to some extent but that view is rather flawed itself imo. To be fair,
1) Mars =/= Earth. No sea on their planet.
2) Mechs aren't amphibious, I was under impression that they're like heavy tanks with legs. Same thing goes to terran cataphrapts.
3) It was the martian mech's alnoah drive/ light saber that led to his demise. Though without underwater thrusters, both of their cataphracts would still sink anyway.

1: Uhm... so what? Their main enemy at this moment an has been for a long time is Planet Earth. You'd think they'd build their military up to be effective against their adversaries.

2: Not all mechs are like that, and you certainly wouldn't design a mech with the level of technology displayed that couldn't function on a water based planet. It's absolutely absurd.

3: I find it highly annoying that that pilot doesn't consider the use of any part of his mech aside from his arms. "He's got hold of my wrists! I have no upperbody or legs to combat him! I am now helpless!" It's also shortsighted design wise because he can't deactivate his swords(or the pilot himself is to stupid, as he's already proven more than once). Them not having any type of thrust that can't propel them out of water is beyond me at this point. I can't honestly believe he'd voluntarily go out into open water knowing that.

The arrogance of the antagonists is overwhelmingly annoying considering the level of incompetence they display piloting their terrible mechs.
the official MAL hall of fame/cursed comments is now open for business - you are welcome to PM me any potential quotes to include
Aug 2, 2014 1:21 PM

Jul 2009
martians dont like water?
Aug 2, 2014 1:21 PM

Jun 2013
I love Aldnoah BECAUSE of Inaho. Sure, he lacks personality (he did smile though) but he breaks the usual anime protagonist stereotype: He uses tactics and wits to fight a superior enemy with inferior equipment. And it's so more satisfying than an OP guy going around curbstomp everyone with no difficulty.

The Orbital Knights behaviour feels right for me. If you are superior, you develop alot of arrogance, especially when you curbstomp most enemies with little to no effort (just look at Gilgamesh from F/Z). Besides, the Vers Empire seems to be based on medieval kingdoms: Honor for the clan and name and hypocrisy at its finest.
Missing the times of Rewrite, good times.
Aug 2, 2014 1:21 PM

Mar 2013
jdbe said:
Inaho once again using his unbelievable war tactics that he's a massed from years of combat to beat an exceptionally tough martian.

You can guess by the sentence above I was being sarcastic. It's just another poorly developed main character who wins against the odds for no reason.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.

Bad character because he used his head LOL....

Aug 2, 2014 1:23 PM
Aug 2008
i cant imagine when Slein stole Martian mech and then MC pilot it... those martian knights will die very easy.

btw you can find similar situatino in videogame called TITANFALL.

some people are completely dumb in piloting their Titan/mech so we that run on-foot can easily kill the mech lol
Aug 2, 2014 1:30 PM

Apr 2010
HunterTennouji said:
I love Aldnoah BECAUSE of Inaho. Sure, he lacks personality (he did smile though) but he breaks the usual anime protagonist stereotype: He uses tactics and wits to fight a superior enemy with inferior equipment. And it's so more satisfying than an OP guy going around curbstomp everyone with no difficulty.

But that's the thing... he's curbstomping the enemy with no difficulty.

The Orbital Knights behaviour feels right for me. If you are superior, you develop alot of arrogance, especially when you curbstomp most enemies with little to no effort (just look at Gilgamesh from F/Z). Besides, the Vers Empire seems to be based on medieval kingdoms: Honor for the clan and name and hypocrisy at its finest.

You just summed exactly why Gilgamesh is one of my most hated characters from the Fate series... stop monologuing and kill already!
Aug 2, 2014 1:30 PM

Mar 2013
Kaioshin_Sama said:
Bluebirds22 said:

Did you watch the episode? Was a simple explanation why the mecha explode.

I'm aware, but why design a mech with such a blatant oversight in the first place. Does that not strike you as more than a little stupid and very convenient for someone like Inaho to just easily exploit. It's not really a matter of daring genius against all odds for Inaho when it's mainly just the Martian mechs having these critical oversights in their design that cause them to instantly become worthless if water and a couple of counter measures are invoked. It just feels kind of cheap and not really all that interesting strategy wise. It's like okay good job there again wunderkind, but it'd be nice to see this guy actual struggle against a mech with no one shot sure kill weakness for once and sweat it out while just barely scraping by in a win. That would certainly be more tense and the sense of accomplishment so much greater, but I guess it's not that kind of show.

But there was a countermeasure. He could have turned the blades off and stowed them. But even if he didn't explode, I doubt that thing can swim. It's also not clear whether they actually designed the mechs or just found them. If its the latter... well, there's no water on the moon and there's no water on mars anymore, so... what do you expect.

Although, he should know that. I wonder what he was planning to do after he sunk the ship...

But anyway, if you want to shit on them for bad design, you're be better off with a "never skip leg day" joke.

Your complaint essentially falls under the category of the villains being too stereotypical and cartoony. I can get behind that, even if this time the weak point was not as blatant or straightforward as the other Vers mech.

I can also agree that a bunch of adults getting taken down like nothing, then Inaho coming in and saving the day with a perfectly executed plan that flips the giant enemy crab over and hits it's weak point for massive damage is getting old. Once, ok. Twice, you're milking it. Third time, my patience is wearing thin. This is quickly becoming far too formulaic for a 24 episode series.

But hey, it's not all bad. We got some actual plot this episode.

And I keep following the show cause as I keep trying to mention I see potential in Slaine and some of the back story, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not starting to waffle a little on even that aspect of the show. 12 episodes pretty much ensures I'll finish at least the first cour and then it's just a matter of taking it from there.

You got more of that this episode than in any other so far...

The show is going to make a habit of Slaine failing completely in everything he attempts to do out of good intentions and possibly having everything backfire in the process as well contrasted with Inaho succeeding in everything he attempts to do out of ???? intentions. Book it.

Give him a chance, he least succeeded in killing Trillram. Not to mention he stole Trillram's pistol to do it. If you go into the rest of the series with that attitude there's no way you'll like it, no matter what happens, because you want it to fail.

jdbe said:
Inaho once again using his unbelievable war tactics that he's a massed from years of combat to beat an exceptionally tough martian.

You can guess by the sentence above I was being sarcastic. It's just another poorly developed main character who wins against the odds for no reason.

We haven't been shown a reason yet, but if they do, it better be a damned good reason.

Maybe he's just autistic or something.
Aug 2, 2014 1:31 PM

Apr 2010
fst said:
We haven't been shown a reason yet, but if they do, it better be a damned good reason.

Maybe he's just autistic or something.

I kinda want them not to show us a reason and just have him be that awesome just because.

The butthurt would be epic.
Aug 2, 2014 1:34 PM

Feb 2010
Well, the inaho part was pointless and predictable.

On the other hand the slaine part was really good... but then at the fucking end the emperors goes "well let's start war again" just like that... it was really bad, unless they give us good reasons for the emperor to trust Saazbaum so blindly, but it probably won't happen.
Aug 2, 2014 1:36 PM

Mar 2013
AICW said:
fst said:
We haven't been shown a reason yet, but if they do, it better be a damned good reason.

Maybe he's just autistic or something.

I kinda want them not to show us a reason and just have him be that awesome just because.

The butthurt would be epic.

You're right, the butthurt would be better than any explanation they could possibly give us.
Aug 2, 2014 1:37 PM

Sep 2013
AICW said:
fst said:
We haven't been shown a reason yet, but if they do, it better be a damned good reason.

Maybe he's just autistic or something.

I kinda want them not to show us a reason and just have him be that awesome just because.

The butthurt would be epic.

Lmao, omg all the rage that would cause. I would honestly not even rage, I would just laugh for like 3 straight hours.
Aug 2, 2014 1:39 PM

Apr 2011
Dat CPR kiss Slaine is so lucky. Great episode 5/5
Aug 2, 2014 1:40 PM

Mar 2013
Vanisher said:
Well, the inaho part was pointless and predictable.

On the other hand the slaine part was really good... but then at the fucking end the emperors goes "well let's start war again" just like that... it was really bad, unless they give us good reasons for the emperor to trust Saazbaum so blindly, but it probably won't happen.

Wish people would use their heads alittle.

Aug 2, 2014 1:45 PM
Aug 2014
Something that intrigued me was a comment to the Emperor. Something to the effect of the Vers Bloodline needed to 'summon' the power of Aldnoah.

If we take this literally, it could mean there's a genetic component to using Aldnoah tech.

If the princess's DNA is needed, then it would make sense that Terrans faked her death to gain the secrets of Aldnoah. Something Slain unwittingly confirmed.

That could explain the Emperor's reaction.

If applied to the knights, then their units may be tailor designed.

I don't know if Trillram's personality matched Nikolaras, but Vlad struck me as a samurai type, and Aygre (?) would seem to match that. No range weapons and escape mechanisms.
Aug 2, 2014 1:48 PM
Sep 2012
This show is the new Code Geass.
Aug 2, 2014 1:49 PM
Apr 2011
I think Inaho is pretty good and compelling despite his lack of emotion. He is better than the self-insert hotheads (looking at you Argevollen) or whiny pacifists who usually star as mecha MCs. Watching him stand out against incompetence on all sides is pretty entertaining.

The incompetence of the Vers and Earth forces makes some sense if you think about it. Vers is clearly drunk on Aldnoah's power and has not put much thought into mech design or military strategy. Earth military has been reduced to political heads and office ladies due to the long peace. Both factors have been shown to greatly reduce military competence.
Aug 2, 2014 1:50 PM

Apr 2010
This seems relevant.

Aug 2, 2014 1:56 PM

Jun 2013
AICW said:
HunterTennouji said:
I love Aldnoah BECAUSE of Inaho. Sure, he lacks personality (he did smile though) but he breaks the usual anime protagonist stereotype: He uses tactics and wits to fight a superior enemy with inferior equipment. And it's so more satisfying than an OP guy going around curbstomp everyone with no difficulty.

But that's the thing... he's curbstomping the enemy with no difficulty.

BUT he actually uses tactics and wits instead of "LOLZ, SUPAHMECHA IN MA BACKYARD, IMMA FIRIN MA LAZER!". Instead of fighting pitched battles, he uses his calm to analyze the situation and his assets and find a way to defeat his enemy. The Orbital Knights' surprise and loss of control are part of his assets (you do get baffled when say, a mouse bites back). If there is a slight chance, he will find it.
Missing the times of Rewrite, good times.
Aug 2, 2014 2:02 PM
Sep 2012
HunterTennouji said:
AICW said:

But that's the thing... he's curbstomping the enemy with no difficulty.

BUT he actually uses tactics and wits instead of "LOLZ, SUPAHMECHA IN MA BACKYARD, IMMA FIRIN MA LAZER!". Instead of fighting pitched battles, he uses his calm to analyze the situation and his assets and find a way to defeat his enemy. The Orbital Knights' surprise and loss of control are part of his assets (you do get baffled when say, a mouse bites back). If there is a slight chance, he will find it.
That's fine and all, but why didn't the writer make more characters in the cast have some semblance of intelligence? Especially the higher ups?
Aug 2, 2014 2:05 PM

Apr 2013
Vexper said:
1: Uhm... so what? Their main enemy at this moment an has been for a long time is Planet Earth. You'd think they'd build their military up to be effective against their adversaries.

2: Not all mechs are like that, and you certainly wouldn't design a mech with the level of technology displayed that couldn't function on a water based planet. It's absolutely absurd.

3: I find it highly annoying that that pilot doesn't consider the use of any part of his mech aside from his arms. "He's got hold of my wrists! I have no upperbody or legs to combat him! I am now helpless!" It's also shortsighted design wise because he can't deactivate his swords(or the pilot himself is to stupid, as he's already proven more than once). Them not having any type of thrust that can't propel them out of water is beyond me at this point. I can't honestly believe he'd voluntarily go out into open water knowing that.

The arrogance of the antagonists is overwhelmingly annoying considering the level of incompetence they display piloting their terrible mechs.

Exactly, there's no point if majority of their adversaries are land based. Unless Terran live underwater, there's no need for them to have amphibious capabilities to occupy territories if they already have sky carriers. What you said would have make sense if the Terran portrayed is centered on navy rather than ground forces with cataphracts.

The martian knight was rather fitting for an arrogant villain cliche, I'll give you that lol. Considering all mechs aren't amphibious at all, you'd think he may be deranged to forego safety just for sake of his pride.
Aug 2, 2014 2:07 PM

May 2014
HunterTennouji said:
I love Aldnoah BECAUSE of Inaho. Sure, he lacks personality (he did smile though) but he breaks the usual anime protagonist stereotype: He uses tactics and wits to fight a superior enemy with inferior equipment. And it's so more satisfying than an OP guy going around curbstomp everyone with no difficulty.

The Orbital Knights behaviour feels right for me. If you are superior, you develop alot of arrogance, especially when you curbstomp most enemies with little to no effort (just look at Gilgamesh from F/Z). Besides, the Vers Empire seems to be based on medieval kingdoms: Honor for the clan and name and hypocrisy at its finest.

This right here. Thank you. The Mars Knighs are underestimating their opponents and they haven't really faced anyone that can actually fight them back. Inaho so far has defeated 2 Mars Knights. Only human to do so. Once that number climbs up then I think the Knights will be like Oh Shit there's someone that can actually kill us. And as to why the other adults don't have the same equipment that Inaho had to fight did you think that maybe he did tell them but the adults didn't listen. Have any of you ever been teenagers and did adults REALLY listen and did what you say?

Other people argue that its not believable that adults die and that the kid is the only one actually wining. Maybe because their so stupid and they won't listen to him just like how the other adults ignored Marito even though he was the only one with actual experience against the Mars Knights
Aug 2, 2014 2:08 PM

Sep 2010
hinore said:
Something that intrigued me was a comment to the Emperor. Something to the effect of the Vers Bloodline needed to 'summon' the power of Aldnoah.

If we take this literally, it could mean there's a genetic component to using Aldnoah tech.

If the princess's DNA is needed, then it would make sense that Terrans faked her death to gain the secrets of Aldnoah. Something Slain unwittingly confirmed.

That could explain the Emperor's reaction.

If applied to the knights, then their units may be tailor designed.

I don't know if Trillram's personality matched Nikolaras, but Vlad struck me as a samurai type, and Aygre (?) would seem to match that. No range weapons and escape mechanisms.

1. It could be pure propaganda.
2. Slaine's father is a researcher who went to Mars 5 years ago, he's namedropped in the end. Maybe he discovered it was BS.
Aug 2, 2014 2:08 PM

Jan 2014
Awesome episode, the emperor is really easy to manipulate
Aug 2, 2014 2:09 PM

Sep 2013
HunterTennouji said:
AICW said:

But that's the thing... he's curbstomping the enemy with no difficulty.

BUT he actually uses tactics and wits instead of "LOLZ, SUPAHMECHA IN MA BACKYARD, IMMA FIRIN MA LAZER!". Instead of fighting pitched battles, he uses his calm to analyze the situation and his assets and find a way to defeat his enemy. The Orbital Knights' surprise and loss of control are part of his assets (you do get baffled when say, a mouse bites back). If there is a slight chance, he will find it.

I don't think you should generalize the entire mecha genre and say it "Breaks the usual anime protagonist stereotype" unless you have actual experience with the mecha genre. Judge it for what it is, not for what it isn't. You are basically saying "The character is good because it's different from all the mecha I haven't seen."

Edit: Also, even if it did break some stereotype, that doesn't make it good.
Aug 2, 2014 2:11 PM

Jun 2013
June93 said:
HunterTennouji said:

BUT he actually uses tactics and wits instead of "LOLZ, SUPAHMECHA IN MA BACKYARD, IMMA FIRIN MA LAZER!". Instead of fighting pitched battles, he uses his calm to analyze the situation and his assets and find a way to defeat his enemy. The Orbital Knights' surprise and loss of control are part of his assets (you do get baffled when say, a mouse bites back). If there is a slight chance, he will find it.
That's fine and all, but why didn't the writer make more characters in the cast have some semblance of intelligence? Especially the higher ups?

We haven't seen that many higher ups have we know? For the Orbital Knights, they are a bunch of Gilgamesh. For the Terrans, they are stuck in the thought of conventional warfare (which seems fair, the F-22 Raptors used in the second episode is one of the best air fighters IRL) and are more inclined to follow protocols that they have learned in military academy. Inaho is as unconventional as you can get. Even most tacticians in real life history uses so crazy tactics that their enemies can't comprehend them.
Missing the times of Rewrite, good times.
Aug 2, 2014 2:12 PM
Aug 2008
or the emperor act if he was manipulated. but in reality, he is the one that orchestrate the whole thing

he plan the terrorist attack,
he drugged mars princess,
he want WAR with earth
Aug 2, 2014 2:16 PM

May 2014
orangpelupa said:
or the emperor act if he was manipulated. but in reality, he is the one that orchestrate the whole thing

he plan the terrorist attack,
he drugged mars princess,
he want WAR with earth

I agree. He didn't act all interested in the fact that his granddaughter was alive. Usually someone would ask where she is or how was she? Gotta suck to find out that your whole kingdom wants you dead :(
Aug 2, 2014 2:16 PM

Jul 2014
y123y said:

Even not for his granddaughter. Such motherf....
Aug 2, 2014 2:18 PM

Jun 2013
Keten said:
HunterTennouji said:

BUT he actually uses tactics and wits instead of "LOLZ, SUPAHMECHA IN MA BACKYARD, IMMA FIRIN MA LAZER!". Instead of fighting pitched battles, he uses his calm to analyze the situation and his assets and find a way to defeat his enemy. The Orbital Knights' surprise and loss of control are part of his assets (you do get baffled when say, a mouse bites back). If there is a slight chance, he will find it.

I don't think you should generalize the entire mecha genre and say it "Breaks the usual anime protagonist stereotype" unless you have actual experience with the mecha genre. Judge it for what it is, not for what it isn't. You are basically saying "The character is good because it's different from all the mecha I haven't seen."

Edit: Also, even if it did break some stereotype, that doesn't make it good.

You are right actually. However, I emphasize alot on the charateristics of the MC since we will be stuck with him/her for the rest of the series. Using tactics and wit is a plus in the book for me because some of our most awesome guys IRL used tactics and wits, not because of divine blessing or access to superweapons. Yes, even if it breaks stereotypes, it doesn't make it good. Aldnoah however, breaks it in a good way that is also refreshing because I have gotten sick of OP characters.
Missing the times of Rewrite, good times.
Aug 2, 2014 2:20 PM

Nov 2007
eliterodriguez said:

Other people argue that its not believable that adults die and that the kid is the only one actually wining. Maybe because their so stupid and they won't listen to him just like how the other adults ignored Marito even though he was the only one with actual experience against the Mars Knights

This is a bit too convenient don't you think. It falls into the "Adults are Useless" trope.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Aug 2, 2014 2:23 PM
Jul 2013
HunterTennouji said:
June93 said:
That's fine and all, but why didn't the writer make more characters in the cast have some semblance of intelligence? Especially the higher ups?

We haven't seen that many higher ups have we know? For the Orbital Knights, they are a bunch of Gilgamesh. For the Terrans, they are stuck in the thought of conventional warfare (which seems fair, the F-22 Raptors used in the second episode is one of the best air fighters IRL) and are more inclined to follow protocols that they have learned in military academy. Inaho is as unconventional as you can get. Even most tacticians in real life history uses so crazy tactics that their enemies can't comprehend them.

"Inaho is as unconventional," this the key to the MC's personality. He's what known in broader typological terms as an INTJ introvert, the rarest of personality types and one your not likely to encounter very often, especially in western societies that favor extroverts.

INTJ introverts live mostly within themselves and are known for their lack of emotion. They're logical, analytic, and considered natural scientists and strategists. People can't relate to Inaho because chances are high that they don't share his personality type in any capacity and have never known anyone who would fall under the INTJ category.
Aug 2, 2014 2:24 PM

Jul 2013
yay inaho saves the day again... getting really sick of this :/
Aug 2, 2014 2:24 PM

Oct 2010
Gud ep.. would watch again.. oh wait.. I have to watch it again xD
Aug 2, 2014 2:27 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
This is a good show (music, production values etc), but I'm afraid genius boy Inaho's outwitting/outthinking of everyone and anyone is starting to stretch my patience. It's starting to resemble some of the other OP characters so prevalent these days, just with different methods. At least give some sort of explanation of why he's so much smarter that everyone.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Aug 2, 2014 2:31 PM

May 2014
wakka9ca said:
eliterodriguez said:

Other people argue that its not believable that adults die and that the kid is the only one actually wining. Maybe because their so stupid and they won't listen to him just like how the other adults ignored Marito even though he was the only one with actual experience against the Mars Knights

This is a bit too convenient don't you think. It falls into the "Adults are Useless" trope.

I agree with you on that. But I just find that its stupid how people don't find it believable when the kid is the only one winning. Its a show about Martians vs Earth. Last I checked there was no one on Mars. People need to chill out on its not believable because of one aspect when in fact all of anime can classify as not believable.
Aug 2, 2014 2:31 PM

Jul 2012
Mwa episode. We did have some nice action at the end. Inaho does seem OP
Tom's Hardware graphics veteran++ (Legacy)
i7 6700K@4.0 GHz, ASUS Z170 PRO GAMING, RTX 2080, G. Skill RipJaws V 3200MHz 16GB,
Noctua NH-D15, CorsairRM 850x, Win10x64, 1920x1080

Aug 2, 2014 2:31 PM

Jul 2013
Strategist0083 said:
HunterTennouji said:

We haven't seen that many higher ups have we know? For the Orbital Knights, they are a bunch of Gilgamesh. For the Terrans, they are stuck in the thought of conventional warfare (which seems fair, the F-22 Raptors used in the second episode is one of the best air fighters IRL) and are more inclined to follow protocols that they have learned in military academy. Inaho is as unconventional as you can get. Even most tacticians in real life history uses so crazy tactics that their enemies can't comprehend them.

"Inaho is as unconventional," this the key to the MC's personality. He's what known in broader typological terms as an INTJ introvert, the rarest of personality types and one your not likely to encounter very often, especially in western societies that favor extroverts.

INTJ introverts live mostly within themselves and are known for their lack of emotion. They're logical, analytic, and considered natural scientists and strategists. People can't relate to Inaho because chances are high that they don't share his personality type in any capacity and have never known anyone who would fall under the INTJ category.

not really... i am an introvert myself (trying not to be) and i don't like inaho's personality cause it is just fake... being an introvert doesn't mean having no emotions (nor not showing any)

not saying that he can't have a quiet personality, just saying that they clearly exagerated that in the expectation to make the genius look cool
Aug 2, 2014 2:36 PM

Jun 2014
retepeters said:
Strategist0083 said:

"Inaho is as unconventional," this the key to the MC's personality. He's what known in broader typological terms as an INTJ introvert, the rarest of personality types and one your not likely to encounter very often, especially in western societies that favor extroverts.

INTJ introverts live mostly within themselves and are known for their lack of emotion. They're logical, analytic, and considered natural scientists and strategists. People can't relate to Inaho because chances are high that they don't share his personality type in any capacity and have never known anyone who would fall under the INTJ category.

not really... i am an introvert myself (trying not to be) and i don't like inaho's personality cause it is just fake... being an introvert doesn't mean having no emotions (nor not showing any)

not saying that he can't have a quiet personality, just saying that they clearly exagerated that in the expectation to make the genius look cool

I find his empty and overly calm personality refreshing. He's not yelling and screaming every fight, hes not talking to himself endlessly during fight, no emotional flashbacks to lengthen scenes. Just Action and reaction.
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Aug 2, 2014 2:36 PM

Dec 2013
Strategist0083 said:
HunterTennouji said:

We haven't seen that many higher ups have we know? For the Orbital Knights, they are a bunch of Gilgamesh. For the Terrans, they are stuck in the thought of conventional warfare (which seems fair, the F-22 Raptors used in the second episode is one of the best air fighters IRL) and are more inclined to follow protocols that they have learned in military academy. Inaho is as unconventional as you can get. Even most tacticians in real life history uses so crazy tactics that their enemies can't comprehend them.

"Inaho is as unconventional," this the key to the MC's personality. He's what known in broader typological terms as an INTJ introvert, the rarest of personality types and one your not likely to encounter very often, especially in western societies that favor extroverts.

INTJ introverts live mostly within themselves and are known for their lack of emotion. They're logical, analytic, and considered natural scientists and strategists. People can't relate to Inaho because chances are high that they don't share his personality type in any capacity and have never known anyone who would fall under the INTJ category.

Its all good and well saying he's an INTJ personality. But he's not had an inch of development, not to mention, I feel people are going to far into excuses as to why he's a justifiable beast.

He's had no military combat experience barring the first fight, he coolly managed to articulate a strategy that no one could think of, not even the adults. The problem is in this episode is the fact that the tactics were child's play, he controlled everything, even telling the commander of the ship to do stuff, whilst she had a cosy chat.

You can't always look so deep into characters with no prior knowledge to go off, this isn't evangelion you know. Look at it at face value, is there anything convincing as to why he's so brilliant, errrrr no. I can understand why the Martians may underestimate earthlings, but come on, he got beat in 4 minutes flat.
Aug 2, 2014 2:37 PM
Jul 2013
retepeters said:
Strategist0083 said:

"Inaho is as unconventional," this the key to the MC's personality. He's what known in broader typological terms as an INTJ introvert, the rarest of personality types and one your not likely to encounter very often, especially in western societies that favor extroverts.

INTJ introverts live mostly within themselves and are known for their lack of emotion. They're logical, analytic, and considered natural scientists and strategists. People can't relate to Inaho because chances are high that they don't share his personality type in any capacity and have never known anyone who would fall under the INTJ category.

not really... i am an introvert myself (trying not to be) and i don't like inaho's personality cause it is just fake... being an introvert doesn't mean having no emotions (nor not showing any)

not saying that he can't have a quiet personality, just saying that they clearly exagerated that in the expectation to make the genius look cool

Keep in mind that not all introverts are the same type. Though I will agree they're exaggerating the INTJ personality with Inaho's near emotionless state. I think that might have to more japanese culture where people are more reserved in their emotions compared those of us in the west that are much more open with them.
Aug 2, 2014 2:38 PM

Sep 2010
retepeters said:
Strategist0083 said:

"Inaho is as unconventional," this the key to the MC's personality. He's what known in broader typological terms as an INTJ introvert, the rarest of personality types and one your not likely to encounter very often, especially in western societies that favor extroverts.

INTJ introverts live mostly within themselves and are known for their lack of emotion. They're logical, analytic, and considered natural scientists and strategists. People can't relate to Inaho because chances are high that they don't share his personality type in any capacity and have never known anyone who would fall under the INTJ category.

not really... i am an introvert myself (trying not to be) and i don't like inaho's personality cause it is just fake... being an introvert doesn't mean having no emotions (nor not showing any)

not saying that he can't have a quiet personality, just saying that they clearly exagerated that in the expectation to make the genius look cool

I love quiet characters generally. But I can't like badly written characters. You can forgive the poor writing on Inaho's 'characterization' if he was a secondary member of the cast like Calm, but he's one of the protagonists.
Aug 2, 2014 2:40 PM

Dec 2012
retepeters said:
Strategist0083 said:

"Inaho is as unconventional," this the key to the MC's personality. He's what known in broader typological terms as an INTJ introvert, the rarest of personality types and one your not likely to encounter very often, especially in western societies that favor extroverts.

INTJ introverts live mostly within themselves and are known for their lack of emotion. They're logical, analytic, and considered natural scientists and strategists. People can't relate to Inaho because chances are high that they don't share his personality type in any capacity and have never known anyone who would fall under the INTJ category.

not really... i am an introvert myself (trying not to be) and i don't like inaho's personality cause it is just fake... being an introvert doesn't mean having no emotions (nor not showing any)

not saying that he can't have a quiet personality, just saying that they clearly exagerated that in the expectation to make the genius look cool

Feel free to claim that Inaho has no emotions, or that he doesn't show any. But at least do it after reviewing the evidence.

Of course I can neither confirm nor deny that this is cherry-picking.
Aug 2, 2014 2:40 PM

Jul 2014
jdbe said:
Strategist0083 said:

"Inaho is as unconventional," this the key to the MC's personality. He's what known in broader typological terms as an INTJ introvert, the rarest of personality types and one your not likely to encounter very often, especially in western societies that favor extroverts.

INTJ introverts live mostly within themselves and are known for their lack of emotion. They're logical, analytic, and considered natural scientists and strategists. People can't relate to Inaho because chances are high that they don't share his personality type in any capacity and have never known anyone who would fall under the INTJ category.

Its all good and well saying he's an INTJ personality. But he's not had an inch of development, not to mention, I feel people are going to far into excuses as to why he's a justifiable beast.

He's had no military combat experience barring the first fight, he coolly managed to articulate a strategy that no one could think of, not even the adults. The problem is in this episode is the fact that the tactics were child's play, he controlled everything, even telling the commander of the ship to do stuff, whilst she had a cosy chat.

You can't always look so deep into characters with no prior knowledge to go off, this isn't evangelion you know. Look at it at face value, is there anything convincing as to why he's so brilliant, errrrr no. I can understand why the Martians may underestimate earthlings, but come on, he got beat in 4 minutes flat.

Take it easy Edo-san. Better take an "armonil"
Aug 2, 2014 2:41 PM
Apr 2011
jdbe said:
Strategist0083 said:

"Inaho is as unconventional," this the key to the MC's personality. He's what known in broader typological terms as an INTJ introvert, the rarest of personality types and one your not likely to encounter very often, especially in western societies that favor extroverts.

INTJ introverts live mostly within themselves and are known for their lack of emotion. They're logical, analytic, and considered natural scientists and strategists. People can't relate to Inaho because chances are high that they don't share his personality type in any capacity and have never known anyone who would fall under the INTJ category.

Its all good and well saying he's an INTJ personality. But he's not had an inch of development, not to mention, I feel people are going to far into excuses as to why he's a justifiable beast.

He's had no military combat experience barring the first fight, he coolly managed to articulate a strategy that no one could think of, not even the adults. The problem is in this episode is the fact that the tactics were child's play, he controlled everything, even telling the commander of the ship to do stuff, whilst she had a cosy chat.

You can't always look so deep into characters with no prior knowledge to go off, this isn't evangelion you know. Look at it at face value, is there anything convincing as to why he's so brilliant, errrrr no. I can understand why the Martians may underestimate earthlings, but come on, he got beat in 4 minutes flat.

Inaho is probably just a natural genius. People like that have existed IRL. Some people just don't like him because they can't self-project onto him. It's basically being jelly. Complaining about the unrealism is stupid and is like complaining about water being wet. Inaho isn't the best MC out there, but he is better than what you usually get these days. Plus, the incompetency on all sides can be somewhat justified if you look at the nature of this show's setting. Having overwhelming tech (Vers) or living in a period of highly politicized quasi peace (Earth) tends to destroy military competency.

Also Inaho is not actually emotionless. It's more accurate to say that he is bad at expressing his emotions.
Aug 2, 2014 2:42 PM
Aug 2011
retepeters said:
yay inaho saves the day again... getting really sick of this :/

You should stop watching now, because I'm pretty sure it's going to continue on like this for the rest of the series.
Aug 2, 2014 2:45 PM
Jul 2018
jzmagic said:
retepeters said:
yay inaho saves the day again... getting really sick of this :/

You should stop watching now, because I'm pretty sure it's going to continue on like this for the rest of the series.

Which is a shame,because basic premise of the story is fairly interesting.

So far,I'd rate the anime 6/10.
Aug 2, 2014 2:46 PM

Jun 2013
jdbe said:

Its all good and well saying he's an INTJ personality. But he's not had an inch of development, not to mention, I feel people are going to far into excuses as to why he's a justifiable beast.

He's had no military combat experience barring the first fight, he coolly managed to articulate a strategy that no one could think of, not even the adults. The problem is in this episode is the fact that the tactics were child's play, he controlled everything, even telling the commander of the ship to do stuff, whilst she had a cosy chat.

You can't always look so deep into characters with no prior knowledge to go off, this isn't evangelion you know. Look at it at face value, is there anything convincing as to why he's so brilliant, errrrr no. I can understand why the Martians may underestimate earthlings, but come on, he got beat in 4 minutes flat.

Admiral Yi Sun-sin was a cavalry officer when he served in the Choson (unified Korea prior to WII) military and was appointed as a naval commander after climbing from being a garrison's officer. He was outnumbered and outsupplied yet won EVERY single naval engagment against the Japanese despite having no prior naval experience.

I do understand the sentiment that Inaho feels too smart despite having no prior experience, but I honestly like it when characters are all genre savvy and pragmatic instead of blundering through but their instincts get them through the day anyway.
Missing the times of Rewrite, good times.
Aug 2, 2014 2:49 PM

Dec 2013
Pretty awesome episode. Though that King is an idiot! 4/5
Aug 2, 2014 2:50 PM

Jun 2013
A-Knight said:

Inaho is probably just a natural genius. People like that have existed IRL. Some people just don't like him because they can't self-project onto him. It's basically being jelly. Complaining about the unrealism is stupid and is like complaining about water being wet. Inaho isn't the best MC out there, but he is better than what you usually get these days. Plus, the incompetency on all sides can be somewhat justified if you look at the nature of this show's setting. Having overwhelming tech (Vers) or living in a period of highly politicized quasi peace (Earth) tends to destroy military competency.

Also Inaho is not actually emotionless. It's more accurate to say that he is bad at expressing his emotions.

Give the wo/man a medal.
Missing the times of Rewrite, good times.
Aug 2, 2014 2:51 PM

Sep 2013
A-Knight said:

Inaho is probably just a natural genius. People like that have existed IRL. Some people just don't like him because they can't self-project onto him. It's basically being jelly. Complaining about the unrealism is stupid and is like complaining about water being wet. Inaho isn't the best MC out there, but he is better than what you usually get these days. Plus, the incompetency on all sides can be somewhat justified if you look at the nature of this show's setting. Having overwhelming tech (Vers) or living in a period of highly politicized quasi peace (Earth) tends to destroy military competency.

Also Inaho is not actually emotionless. It's more accurate to say that he is bad at expressing his emotions.

Uh... no... That is not the reason I dislike his character. I have liked many characters that I can in no way self project myself onto. The point is that Inaho is a stoic genius. Guess what his personality is besides that? None. He is defined by his stoic and genius and that is all he is so far.

Replace Inaho with a Lamp hooked up to a super computer and a mech. Put a sticky note on it with a drawn on smiley face. Does that make it have emotion? Does that make it have any less impact on the plot than Inaho has?

He is boring to me. Not because I can't relate to him, but because he is one dimensional and has no personality thus far.

I am not against you enjoying him, nor am I against anyone enjoying him. I only really bring this stuff up when people try to justify why I (and others like me) do not like him.

Jealousy? Are you serious? He is a fictional character for crying out loud.
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