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Jul 19, 2014 8:39 PM

Feb 2013
The central school for the entire city.

Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
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Jul 20, 2014 6:52 PM

Jun 2014
It had been days... weeks... months? since Takeshi has been to school. The job he worked at occupied him non-stop, but his bosses "recommendation" to go back to school was something he couldn't ignore with. He walked in, school uniform poorly put on, and ignoring the school council's orders to clean it up. Takeshi walked around the school class to class like he was there everyday of the year. Whispers were constant of if he was new or something... chances are, though, he was there before they were. He walked in class blank eyed and sat in the back of the room. His glare was cold yet ignored every stare that was directed at him.
Jul 20, 2014 7:14 PM

Feb 2013
It was late morning when the car rolled up in front of the school. Reluctantly Lynne climbed out and turned to close the door after her. A quick glance over her shoulder showed that everyone was already inside... Not really a big surprise. She was late, but at least she'd avoid the crowded halls. She looked back at the car to see her mother leaned over the seat and with a reassuring smile on her face.

"I'll pick you up after school, okay? Be safe."

Lynne tried to flash the same smile back before she turned to head inside. She could hear the car drive off behind her and then she pushed her way past the double doors leading in. The halls were clear and a nearby clock told her she was more than a little bit late for class.
Jul 20, 2014 7:24 PM

Jun 2014
A person joined in the class that he hadn't noticed. And she was as late as he was; a pretty rare thing. Takeshi glared at the girl and noticed something... different from her than normal people. He couldn't tell what and continued to stare at her with his dead eyes, completely ignoring the other people in the class.
Jul 20, 2014 7:43 PM

Feb 2013
With a few quiet words of apology and a deep bow of her head toward the teacher Lynne went to her seat located a little to the right of the room's centre. She felt any number of eyes on her from the moment she walked in right up until she sat down in her seat when the teacher began to resume the lesson. She didn't pay half as much attention as she should have, probably because she could still feel someone's eyes boring holes into the back of her head.
Jul 20, 2014 7:51 PM

Jun 2014
Takeshi looks at Lynne and ignored the teachers lesson almost completely. He had no use of it in real life and once he reached 18, he would just flunk out and leave. The only thing that caught his attention was this girl... for some reason, she stood out. He didn't know why, but he had to find out. After the lesson ended Takeshi got up and walked towards her desk. He looked at the girl observing if it was just some minor detail that was bugging him... nothing too different. "...Hello." He finally talked and greeted the girl. Some students were somewhat surprised that Takeshi could even speak. "...What are you?..." He vaguely asks finding out what was wrong.
Jul 20, 2014 8:07 PM

Feb 2013
Where Lynne was concerned the teacher's words simply drifted in one ear and out the other. She didn't even notice as the time inevitably slipped away. So when the bell chimed to signal the class' end she flinched. Chairs scraped against the classroom floor as the rest of the students got up and collected their bags to leave. Lynne, however, stayed put for now to let everyone else clear out. And once she saw what she thought was the last of them, save for the teacher at the door she leaned over to grab her bag as well.


Lynne stopped with her fingers hooked under her bag's straps. Turning to look over her shoulder she saw a boy, maybe a few months older than her, and she unconsciously stiffened up. Without answering his question she got up, shoved her chair in and slung her bag over her shoulder. Only then did she look back at him. "I don't know what you're talking about. Now would you leave me alone?" It was less of a question and more of a subtle way of saying 'Screw off.'
Jul 20, 2014 8:14 PM

Jun 2014
"...I don't think I can do that, your quite... peculiar?,..." He looks for the right words while he blankly looks at her. It was obvious she was angry, but for what reason, he did not know. "...You are different from the others, I see... Surprised you can still go to school after what happened to you." Takeshi says plainly.
Jul 20, 2014 8:31 PM

Feb 2013
Lynne's eyes widened very slightly with his last comment, her surprise evident. Though it was gone just as quickly as it had come and was replaced by a deep set frown and a narrowed glare. "Creep." She muttered just loud enough for him to hear before turning and exiting the classroom. Her skin was crawling already and she wanted to be gone with as much distance out between herself and this boy as possible. It'd be wonderful if she could do that with everyone inside this building but unfortunately for her, that was not possible. She left for the halls and was dismayed to find them still crowded by students wandering before the next class began. It was nothing new. It happened everyday but no matter, Lynne never could keep from feeling anxious walking through these halls in between classes. Any other time she might have just stood there and waited for it to clear up a bit, but she wanted to get away from this classroom right now. All that was left to her was to try and dodge her way through the crowd. The day was yet young... and it was already turning into a nightmare.
Jul 20, 2014 8:40 PM

Jun 2014
Takeshi looked at the time and sighed. I'm probably gonna skip class anyway... why not? He asked himself. He walked after Lynne in the hallways, not caring if he was discreet or not. When he knew he was in range, he stopped and looked at Lynne. "Burst Link..." He says under his breath, hoping his guess was right. The world around him slowed down and a dark, almost pitch black avatar appears out of Takeshi's body.
Jul 20, 2014 9:05 PM

Feb 2013
It was slower going than Lynne cared for right now. She ducked around most of the little groups that had formed in the hallways, each moving at their own pace. She looked to be in a rush, and that was probably the only thing helping her out now, though she did nearly trip over herself a couple times in an attempt to avoid bumping into people. But she was almost clear. The halls would thin out in a minute or so and she'd be free. It seemed like someone had other ideas for her, however.

Lynne felt a familiar twinge just as her foot hit the school's tiled floor again. She opened her eyes (when had she closed them?) and the world around her was shaded in a gentle blue. The students around her were all frozen mid-motion. Even Lynne's own body was stuck just behind the form of her school's avatar. Oh no.... Oh no nonononono. She swung her head around, searching for the one who'd done this. She found then only a few meters behind her... the same boy she was trying to get away from.

"What the hell do you want!? Just leave me alone!"
Jul 20, 2014 9:14 PM

Jun 2014
"...I try to come to school one day and I get poorly treated. Mostly why I stopped it." He blankly says. "Relax. I'm not going to do anything. I thought this would be an easier way to talk. And I also wanted to confirm my instincts." He looks around the school then back at Lynne. "You obviously had some trauma... Not sure what, but it was pretty bad, wasn't it?... I can't leave something that interests me alone... Not to mention that your duel avatar seems like a pretty decent one too." His avatar sits on the ground, watching the kids walk by in slow motion. "I have no idea why I'm doing this to be honest. I go with my gut and it never fails me. Even if what happens isn't something I'm looking for..."
Jul 20, 2014 9:45 PM

Feb 2013
This wasn't any of his business and Lynne didn't want him prying into it. She hugged herself tight with her avatar's arms as she instinctively stepped back. They were a little longer, and her a little taller when using her school avatar. It was a stark difference from the one the game had crafted for her to use in Brain Burst. And she liked it that way. "My life is not your concern... I am not something here just for your amusement!" If he was just doing this because he felt like it then it only served to make her angrier.
Jul 20, 2014 9:52 PM

Jun 2014
"...That sounds more like something you wish to say to someone else." Takeshi guesses. "I don't feel amusement... I'm doing it so I can help those less fortunate than I am... If someone like that exists." Takeshi says to Lynne. Even though his eyes were not visible, the same cold stare was still existent. "...Problems with a male relative, I presume?... Mysteries are quite easy to solve, and your somewhat of an open book..." Takeshi says bluntly. "And not only do I wish to help you... You can help me. I know about your duel avatar and your ability. It's quite... fitting with mine's abilities...I promised someone to be the best at Brain Burst, understand?..."
Jul 21, 2014 12:12 PM

May 2014
Suddenly there was a *BANG* sound from outside. Takuma pressed another boy, around 15 years old against the wall. Takuma had a wooden sword on his back and looked ready to kill.

Takuma: "Let me get this straight into your head. If you should insult my family one more time I will kill you."

Bystanders whispering: "Look its Takuma... I heard the other guy said something about his family... He should know that nothing good comes from provoking Takuma..."

While speaking his voice was not raised. After realizing the commotion he caused...

Takuma: "Tch..."

He let the boy down and turned around to go towards the kendo/kenjutsu club.
Jul 21, 2014 6:35 PM

Feb 2013
Lynne was shaking by now. From anger? From fear? It was hard to tell, though her expression leaned closer to the prior. "Fuck you!" He'd struck a nerve with that one and she wanted nothing more right now than to be free of this blue prison he'd just trapped her in. "I am not some problem for you to try and dissect..." Her voice faltered near the end and she took the next moment to herself to try and recollect. He had to have been lying. For him to know anything about her or her avatar he would have first had to have seen her in a duel. Not to mention linking her avatar to her real world person would have been a daunting task without some sort of hint to go on. He couldn't have had anything. "I refuse... I refuse to help you." She shook her head furiously and dug her nails into the skin of her arms. "You are not my problem. And I am not yours. Whatever you promised, I don't care. You can do it by yourself!"
Jul 21, 2014 6:43 PM

Jun 2014
"...When did I ever say you were mine?... Your an equal, or if anything, better than me... If you do not wish to team up for the better of both of us... That's on you." He sighs and looks around the blue area. "I'll close all of this, you can continue bottling yourself up, being a constant loner, and one day you'll end up doing a crime similar or worse... If that's what you want, I'd be glad to start it up for you..." He says in a calm tone. His voice was a bit sad but also accepting of this fact. "Revenge doesn't seem to be your forte, I guess. I had no idea what happened, but whatever it was, it seems you think justice has already been done." He pulls up the option to close up the Burst Link. "...Last chance."
Jul 22, 2014 12:36 PM

Feb 2013
Lynne gnashed her teeth as the boy droned on, spouting more and more pretentious bull that she didn't care to hear. For the better of them both? Ha! She didn't even know him, let alone his avatar's abilities. Whether or not he could help her, as he insisted was yet to be seen. And she didn't want to see it.

Her arms hurt now from the grooves she'd made with her nails. She wouldn't be like him. She couldn't end up like him. The mere suggestion from him, someone who didn't know a damn thing about her was enough to make her fume. The justice he spoke of was far from being served even now, but it was beyond Lynne's grasp.

"I don't want to hear it... Close it. Close it now and just leave me alone."
Jul 22, 2014 12:43 PM

Jun 2014
"...Very well. Your decision has been noted." He sighs then closes the blue space and starts to walk away. "But next time... don't expect me to be so kind. When we meet again, we'll most likely be enemies on the battlefield."
Jul 22, 2014 2:34 PM

May 2014
As Takuma walked down the corridor everyone stept aside letting him pass, without a word. It could clearly be seen that he was pissed off.
Jul 22, 2014 4:00 PM

Feb 2013
The blue melted away and suddenly Lynne's perspective changed. She was back (though she'd never actually left) in her body with her eyes fixed on the end of the hall. She'd been caught mid-stride and her momentum hadn't stopped. Her next step was a miss, carrying her right into the shoulder of the student to her right. She righted herself instantly and backed away... Right into another student.

"Ah! Lynne-chan!"

The familiar voice sounded in her ear even as she moved to run off again. She shook her head fast enough to make her head hurt. "Not now. Later. Sorry, Nao-san!" She forced the words out quickly before turning to leave. She was back to dodging her way through the quickly thinning crowd, leaving a visibly upset Nao behind. The girl, about a year older than Lynne stood there for a moment before turning to head back into her classroom. The bell would ring in a minute to signal the start of the next class.
Jul 22, 2014 4:07 PM

Jun 2014
Moments later, Takeshi tried to call his boss. He thought that this would get him nowhere, and school was just boring. After a lecture and threatened to cut his pay. He walked into the class ahead of time and looked at his seat. Some self-centered punk took his seat. Takeshi simply stared at him for a second then looked for another seat. The only two left were on the right of class... One was Lynne's seat. He sat down to the one adjacent to hers and sighed. Welp... I'm probably gonna get hit. he thinks to himself and sighs. He grabs a book from his bag and resumes reading it.
Jul 22, 2014 4:25 PM

Feb 2013
Lynne never went to the next class. Her seat remained empty even as the minutes ticked away one after the other. After the event in the hallway she'd quietly made her way around to the back of the school and sat down in one of the many little niches. It was quiet here, and she'd learned from previous visits that people seldom came around here, less so during classes.

She rubbed at her arms relentlessly. It still felt like someone was touching her , like their hand was still on her arm. Her face was wide with fright just at the thought of it and she curled in close to herself until her knees almost touched her chest.
Jul 22, 2014 4:34 PM

Jun 2014
Class was... strangely different. Takeshi hadn't seen the girl he talked to for the entire class period. After class, Takeshi could've just left and never come back until he needed to... but something didn't sit well in his stomach. He walked out of class after but not to leave for work. Takeshi went to the back of the school with hands in his pockets. He turned his head and saw Lynne in a crunched up position. "..." Takeshi chuckles a little bit and looks at her. "Hello, sorry about earlier. You okay?..."
Jul 22, 2014 4:56 PM

Feb 2013
Huddled up and muttering quietly to try and calm herself back down, Lynne didn't hear the soft footsteps approaching. But she did, however, hear a man's voice break in. She went stiff and her insistent arm rubbing stopped. If it was possible she shrunk back even further into her little niche.


She raised her head to see who it was and instantly her expression was wiped from her face. "... I thought I told you to leave me alone?"
Jul 22, 2014 5:04 PM

Jun 2014
"...You remind me of how I once was, its kinda hard. I wished that someone reached out for me during those times... If you don't believe me, how do you think I found you? Almost the same exact place I hid." Takeshi says blankly. "And don't try to act so tough. We're all human, ya know."
Jul 22, 2014 7:40 PM

Feb 2013
"Twenty-four!?" Though he was surprised, it was barely noticeable, as Tadao's words still lacked a certain ammount of emotion to seem released out of surprise and more out of curiosity. Giving off a weak sigh along with a deep breath, he layed two fingers on his chin as if thinking. "It'd take an army of thousands of Burst Linkers to take down every single one of them, without mentioning that it is still doubtful." He mused as he walked beside Ryuu into the school's entrance area, already inside the gates.

"I don't know. I still have a lot to improve, and that was likely just luck." He said as he stopped walking and turned towards Ryuu, with a serious expression. "I've heard this too when I was travelling through the UNZ, but what exactly is a "Disaster"? It was a rumor I heard, about apparently a very strong Avatar destroying an area of the UNZ. Do you know anything about it?" He asked in a calm tone, though he was curious about it and wasn't lying about the fact that he had overheard the conversation of a experienced Avatar and a New one.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 22, 2014 8:25 PM

Aug 2010
"Thousands wouldn't be enough, I'd say. It's a matter of strength - Strength determines the right to rule and conquer. Well, we'll see in due time."

Ryuu continued to walk with Tadao.

"The calamity, huh?"

Ryuu sighed for the first time in a few weeks.

"It isn't time to you to learn of him yet - The Ultimate Personification of Darkness in the Accelerated World."

"Soon, you will reach level 4 and be able to access the Unlimited Neutral Zone. In there, I will heed my one and only warning: If you encounter a duel avatar called 'Chrome Disaster', avoid it at all costs. Do not even think about challenging it. It is the embodiment of Death to all us Burst Linkers."

"If I was previously called King of the Battlefield, then he is a God of the Battlefield. A real one - Not unlike us fakers in the past."
Jul 22, 2014 9:43 PM

Feb 2013
Lynne scoffed at his response. "You mind taking that stick out of your ass?" He was talking based on the assumption that she wanted help to begin with. "You wanna help me? Go away. That'd be a great help."
Jul 22, 2014 9:48 PM

Jun 2014
"...That 'stick in my ass' is there because I have seen death, by my hands." He says in a more serious and cold tone. "You may have had some trauma, but your still human... Embrace the feeling while you still are one." His eyes stared through her soul. He grabs a piece of paper and writes numbers on it. "...My number in case you ever decide to change the dreadful path you follow."
Jul 22, 2014 10:33 PM

Feb 2013
"Does that means he predates your existence on the Brain Burst and the Burst Linkers as Leader of the Leonids?" Tadao asked in a calm tone. He had heard everything that Ryuu had said and he was quite curious about this "Disaster". If it destroyed a large battlefield on the UNZ, it was a very, very dangerous person. "Just tell me one thing... Is this Disaster human?" He asked in a calm tone as both of them went inside the school and to the corridor where everyone was.

Currently, students were still going into their classes and some of them probably were late too, to boot it. Normally, both Ryuu and Tadao would skip school, so their presence in this school was quite surprising to some of them. "And also... Who were the other God-5?" He asked after they went inside the corridor, in a calm, cold tone, again.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 22, 2014 10:50 PM

Aug 2010
"Not just I, nor just my former legion. He is a monster that threatens the existence of every single burst linker. Having fought God and Legendary Class enemies, along with various top burst linkers - Fear was not an emotion I experienced until the Calamity came to be."

Ryuu continued to sigh.

"He was once human. A collection of simultaneous, bizarre events changed him. No single linker can defeat him in a battle - At any rate, it would not take him more than 10 seconds to decapitate your head and limbs in battle. Regardless of whether you are level 1 or 6."

"It's natural to consider him as a calamity, a monster, or a type of unstoppable phenomenal like lightning. Unless players cross into the path of God in this game, he will continue to be fated to slaughter ... "

Path of God. Tadao would eventually learn the meeting of this, but first he would have to grow stronger. At this rate, as a two man team, it would be sheer stupidity to challenge any of the Great Four dungeons when the duo reaches level 4. Not to mention, Ryuu had a few other ideas in mind as to what to do first ...

And then, the question regarding the other God members were asked.

"Vermillion Archer. Black Portal. White Paladin. Orange Magician. Void, a notable originator, was a reliable aid of Magician. He's probably still alive and kicking. As for the whereabouts or whether the others have survived - I have no idea."
Jul 22, 2014 11:08 PM

Feb 2013
"Threatens the existence of every single Burst Linker?" He asked to himself as he walked beside Ryuu. This time, it was Tadao who sighed. "Gods, Legends, Originators and this Calamity. I wonder if the creator of this thing really intended on it being a simple game... Well, if he did intend on it being a simple game, he wouldn't have given us the abillity of Brain Bursting, right?" Tadao mused to himself in audible mutters.

"Hmm... I was trying to see if any of those names ringed any bells, but I don't remember ever hearing anything about them... I wonder if they even exist. Still, I trust your word." He says, smiling lightly before once more returning to a cold demeanour. "It's still too early for me to questioning these kinds of things, right? I should just focus on getting stronger... That'll make things more simple for both this and the other reality." He said as he walked towards the stairs that led to the second floor and the floor of his class. Normally, this would be where Ryuu and him would part ways, since the third year classes were on the third floor. "Well, see you later, I guess." He says in a calm tone as he turns towards the corridor in front of the stairs and starts to walk towards his classroom.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 22, 2014 11:08 PM

Feb 2013
He couldn't possibly have imagined just how deep those few short comments had cut her. She'd seen death. It hadn't been brought about by her own hand but that didn't make it any easier to bear. And being human? Ha! When she could look at her face in the mirror for more than two seconds without feeling absolutely disgusted with herself... that would be the day she was human. Not one moment before.

He tossed something at her, a slip of paper that floated poorly through the air before nestling not far from her feet. His number...? "What part of leave me alone do you people never understand...? I don't want help! Not from you!"
Jul 22, 2014 11:24 PM

Jun 2014
"...People aren't leaving you alone, your pushing them away. Like you did with Nao-san earlier..." He says to the girl. "So when good comes to you and you push it away... your basically becoming the one thing you despise the most." Takeshi sits down, staring at the girl with a dead look in his eyes. "Decisions are small but can change a life. All of ours lives and personalities are based off these decisions... So when someone offers you salvation, revenge, or whatever it is... consider the paths. I'm not keeping you here. You can go and never see me again, live your life a lie, and one day be carrying the hate down to another person like a plague. Or you can listen. I can't remove the trauma nor what happened, but it seems like justice hasn't been done, has it?... Then you can simply forget me and live your life a better person. Your final decision?..."
Jul 23, 2014 10:02 AM

May 2014
As Takuma was walking towards the Kendo/Kenjutsu club and their gym he sees a boy and a girl behind the school. Since he had enough things on his mind he simply walked past this scenery to arrive at the club gym.
Jul 23, 2014 4:07 PM

Feb 2013
Her fingers curled and balled up into fists, scrunching the fabric of her uniform sleeves. With each and every comment he insisted on making he was just driving the knife deeper into old wounds. And with the last he twisted it. Lynne curled in closer to herself in an effort to contain her shaking. The justice he kept talking about would never be done. Prisons could only stop it from happening again. They couldn't undo all the damage. They couldn't bring her back.

"I don't care..." If pushing them away achieved the result she wanted then didn't care. "She has nothing to do with this. And I want nothing to do with her anymore..."
Jul 23, 2014 4:11 PM

Jun 2014
Even the cold-eyed Takeshi knew he went too far on the last comment. "...Her?..." He asked in a warmer tone. He wanted to do what was best, but his social problems seemed to make it worse.
Jul 24, 2014 2:44 PM

Feb 2013
"Yes, her!"

Lynne shouted from behind her little wall of arms and legs. That girl - the one with the little bell-like voice that had called out to her earlier - Lynne wanted nothing to do with her anymore. Nao had always been so cheery... always smiling, always the optimist. But now, seeing that smile turn to her, to Lynne it felt like someone salting her wounds. She couldn't bear it. But she wasn't sure what was worse, the smile and the pain it brought, or the sickly feeling in her stomach that she always got after leaving.
Jul 24, 2014 2:53 PM

Jun 2014
"...It's not too late, though. Nao seems to have a liking towards you... Even if she may be different than you or I, she wants to be your friend, you know. Proof that your not alone... Hate me or Nao all you want, but the fact won't change." Takeshi says, looking at the crunched-up Lynne.
Jul 24, 2014 2:57 PM

Aug 2010
"Only the originators themselves know of their existence. My existence, along with the others, are shrouded by the shadows of the current kings .."

He bid Tadao away. It was convenient that he had at least, one person that still followed him - A former shell of who he once was. Though, even Ryuu wasn't familiar of the changes that have happened since his departure from legendary status. For now, it would be wise to understand the situation at hand.

Before he reclaims his throne - Before he hunts down his territory - Before he obtains the Impulse - Before he destroys Chrome Disaster once and for all - Before his reunited, final battle against the Gods once again ...


Though he hardly skipped school, Ryuu was fond of skipping class. The burnt scars still ached, even up to this day. He started scouting around the school, exploring out of own convenience.

Out of pure chance, he encountered two students that stood a few meters outside the class room. Another was nearby, but did not seem to interfere with what was going on. The situation between the boy and girl seemed rather tense - Laughable, really.

"Oi - What do you think you two are doing ... ?"

A relatively muscular, brown-skinned man approached the two. His hair scattered a brilliant, white color. His entire body however, was covered in burnt marks of various shapes and sizes. It didn't seem as though he was human at all - His personality having shaped his body into the anomaly that it was.

Nearby students turned their gaze away from him as he talked - It wasn't the look of disgust, pity or the desire to not associate with this man. Rather, it was fear and incomprehension above everything. It didn't seem possible to communicate with this person - Rather, you would have to be twisted in your own mind to even attempt a conversation with him. An anomaly to an anomaly.

And now, he stood before the boy and girl. It was more or less his kind way of saying "Fuck off".

Crying about their scars when they haven't learned true pain - How delightfully enjoyable to see. Nothing of the man he formerly was remained - All we see now is a personified monster, whose shackles are slowly but surely beginning to rust ...
BeyondJul 24, 2014 3:09 PM
Jul 24, 2014 3:06 PM

Jun 2014
"...Why hello. What is it you need?" Takeshi looks blankly at the person above them. His eyes look coldly at Ryuu. Takeshi stands up and looks at Lynne at the corner of his eye. "...I'm sorry, but shouldn't you be in class?" He asks calmly. He doesn't give his appearance any thought at all.
Jul 24, 2014 3:57 PM

Feb 2013
If he knew...

That thought crossed Lynne's mind as he went on again with more of his pretentious bull. If he knew then he wouldn't be saying any of this. That could be said for a lot of people. If they knew they wouldn't insist on phrases vaguely reminiscent of stock psychologist lines. So why not? Why did she bite her tongue every single time? She was scared, maybe? Probably. Scared of how they would treat her, how they would talk to her afterward.

The thought was abruptly cut short as another voice, distinctly male, cut in. Lynne, eyes wide, squeezed her arms and stiffened. No... No, no, no! No!

A second pair of feet popped into the corner of her vision, but she couldn't move her head to look. The other boy, the one who had been bugging her since she got here today stood up and spoke to them. Lynne stayed where she was on the ground, shaking very subtly before stopping. This spot was no good anymore. There were too many of them here. Her skin crawled and she could already feel the sweat beading on her forehead. She forced herself to her feet and ran. She didn't care where, so long as it was away from there.
Jul 24, 2014 4:05 PM

Jun 2014
"...And ya scared her off." He sighs turning to where Lynne was running, then looking at the floor. "...She must've cut herself, she left a little blood on the floor... Makes it easier to find her later." He says to himself then turning back at Ryuu. "Hello... I am Takeshi."
Jul 24, 2014 4:26 PM

Feb 2013
Shinju remained on the lone classroom. In utter silence, she stared at the black board in front of her, where she wrotte a few things about the last class she had made. Tilting her head, she tried to read it again, this time in a slower and louder tone. Clearly, her voice would echo out on the room and she eventually stopped it.

Looking out of the window close to the place she was sitting on, she saw everyone out of the classroom she was in. All of those people on other classes, studying along others. "You cannot have class with other people right now, Shinju. We have no idea of how you will react after having almost two months without your medication, it's better to remediate the situation..." She remembered what her uncle told her. Sighing, Shinju stared out of window, using her hand to support her chin.

Suddenly, to her special surprise, someone suddenly came into the room. Since the place she was sitting was quite close to the door, she suddenly turned away from the door and ran towards the end of the room before turning back towards the door.

For her surprise, it wasn't one of the people who would usually bully her but, instead, a girl that didn't seem any kind of danger to her. Once again, tilting her head, she stared at the girl for a brief moment before, coming out of her hiding spot and walking towards the girl with silent steps. The girl didn't seem to have noticed her, as she stared at the door, with fear on her face. How Shinju knew it was fear? Because it was very similar to Shinju's own expression when looking towards her mother. Quietly, she faked a cough to catch the girl's attention.

"Ahem! Excuse me?" She said, somewhat in a friendly tone, with a calm smile on her face. "C-Can I help you?" She asked calmly, the warm smile still on her face.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 24, 2014 4:31 PM

Aug 2010

A death glare from Ryuu - It didn't even appear as though he paid attention to Takeshi's words. It was a signal to get lost, or prepare to suffer from an ass-beating.

Ryuu did not take martial arts before - He saw no need from practicing it. It did not mean however, that he wasn't capable of street fighting proficiently. Who knows what he gone through, during his 'rehabilitation process' ...

In any case, it wasn't a clever idea to disturb this devil child here. Ryuu turned to slowly walk away - Not responding to his warning would turn this into a complete brawl.
Jul 24, 2014 4:35 PM

Jun 2014
"...I'm afraid I don't understand that. Disappearing is impossible, isn't it?'' Takeshi asks looking straight at him, even as he starts to walk away. "...You interrupt then leave? Quite rude..." His tone and eyes not staggering at all. He knew he had intention of fighting. He too knew no martial arts but could hold his own in a fight... Even though Takeshi didn't hope to fight at all.
Jul 24, 2014 4:37 PM

Jul 2013
Yosuke, who had been slouching with his head down and his arms folded against a wall perpendicular to the hallway the commotion erupted from, held his arm outward over the end of the wall and in front of Ryuu as he tried to walk away. Having eavesdropped on the conversation, his interest had been piqued.

"So... king of the battlefield, huh? Funny, I've been looking for someone filling that very description. So tell on, what battlefield crowned you, eh?" His tone was poisoned by a smugness. The ends of his lips curved into an upward facing smirk as he spoke. As this was his first day, no one would know who he was. Well, unless they had an interest in UFC.
Jul 24, 2014 4:43 PM

Jun 2014
"...There is no such thing as privacy in this school is there?" Takeshi looks blankly at the new person in the situation. "What is the king of the battlefield, anyway?..."
Jul 24, 2014 5:00 PM

Feb 2013
Lynne pulled the classroom door shut behind her and stood there, one hand still in the handle and the other rubbing her arm in an effort to calm down. She stared at the door, half expecting that it would be thrown open again any second now. By who? Lynne didn't know, nor did she want to. But she was so focused on that, that when someone else approached her from behind she didn't even notice.

Hearing the girl cough, Lynne froze, spinning around to put her back against the door only when she heard her speak. What she saw must have calmed her nerves at least a little bit because her shoulders dipped and her arms relaxed. Her expression, however, was still tight. Even the smile she tried to flash at the girl was undoubtedly fake.

"Ah! No! No. I'm fine."

Her hand searched around for the door handle again. "S-sorry. I thought this room was empty. I'll leave you alone."
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