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Jul 18, 2014 4:37 PM

Aug 2010
Real World Name:
Age: (Must be 7 to 17)
Appearance: (Picture or description in a spoiler tag - either or are fine)
Trauma: (A brief explanation on how your character was supposedly 'tormented' in the past. Has to be mentioned in the biography - It's merely expanded on here and condensed to be specific and quickly readable. This affects the name of your Duel Avatar, along with all its abilities. Although this is complicated, please bare with me. Another thread with info on the different colors, abilities, items or what not will explain all this).


Duel Avatar Name: (First word is a color or metal: Diamond, Sapphire, Ruby ... Other name of gems are not permitted. Gray is not permitted either. Dusk and Blood are not permitted given the difficult in making a working trauma for these colors. Second word is a noun or adjective - Roller, Crow, Bell, Dancer, whatever. Historical names and of the such, like Thor and Hercules, do not work).
Duel Avatar Appearance: (Picture or description in a spoiler tag - either or are fine)
Duel Avatar Affiliation & Title: (What group ... Nega Nebulous, Great Wall, etc that you are part of - Are you the leader? Or a low runt member seeking to rank up?)
Parent: (Who's your parent? Do you have a 'child' that you've given brain burst to? Or ... are you an Originator? Note. Originators are limited in number and require an admin's permission before approval).

Approved Characters will be listed under this spoiler list. Please note that only 2 avatars maximum can choose a same color or metal color (same first word) and that there can only be original nouns/adjectives (second part of a duel avatar's name must be exclusive from each other - once a name is taken, its cannot be mimicked).

Pure colors at capped at 1 each. So are metals.

Approved Characters:
BeyondJul 26, 2014 3:37 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Jul 18, 2014 7:42 PM

Jun 2014
Real World Name: Takeshi Yamo
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Personality: Cold and emotionless.
Biography: Takeshi lived his childhood on the streets. His father left them and his mother was a prostitute. He liked to leave the house as much as possible which one day lead him to a whole new life. On his way back home from a walk through the cities, Takeshi was assaulted by a man with a knife. Takeshi barely lived through but had to kill the persecutor. Something in him broke and for years, he went somewhat insane. When he reached 13, he left his home and joined a gang. He spent 2 years there until a friend of his a girl named Manami, tried to take him out of the road of crime by introducing him to Brain Burst. It worked and he spent a few good months with her, ranking up their characters. Takeshi started to enjoy his life… Until his past came up to him. The rival gang from Takeshi’s old gang killed Manami and for the second time in his life, he broke. Ever since, he’s been silent, very rarely talking. He lives off of part time jobs and lives in a cheap apartment. He never forgot Manami and continues to rank up his Brain Burster avatar. He aims to become the best Brain Burster and to gain power so no one will have something similar done to them.

Trauma: Murder, Death of a loved one.
Duel Avatar Name: Ebony Moon
Duel Avatar Appearance:
JRak5724Jul 19, 2014 3:28 PM
Jul 19, 2014 2:06 PM

Aug 2010
Real World Name: Ryuu Kazunari
Age: 17 - Originator
Gender: Male

Personality: Sarcastic, Ruthless

Trauma: He was defiled and tortured to the point of insanity. Innately, he both accepts the pain as a natural part of life and also stands to confront it directly. His avatar type is a monstrous dark blue color, with the name of warrior (a person eternally driven and inseparable from combat).

Duel Avatar Name: Imperial Warrior - Imperial is a dark shade of Blue.
Duel Avatar Appearance:

Duel Avatar Affiliation & Title: First Generation King of Leonids - Currently looking to reclaim his throne
Parent: N/A - Originator
BeyondJul 22, 2014 8:19 PM
Jul 19, 2014 2:31 PM

Feb 2013
Real World Name: Tadao Nakamura
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Personality: Distant, cold and loyal.
Biography: Circumstances were that Tadao was not exactly the most shiny and nice person people expected him to be. From time to time, he had his own ways to deal with the darkness that invaded his life and eventually corrupted all his sights and friends. At least, that's what he says.

Born as a lone child, Tadao was nothing like he is today during most of his childhood. He was considered a happy kid with happy parents and a perfect home. However, it all crashed down when his parents were assassinated right in front of him. His mother being brutally abused and then killed was something that corroded and corrupted the boy's mind for his entire life and would change his vision of life and death forever.

After killing his parents, getting their money and beating Tadao to near death, the robbers that did so escaped and disappeared, leaving Tadao with no hope of avenging his parents.

Long after the incident, Tadao became cold, emotionless and extremely distant from people. He was moved towards an orphanage where he started to live alongside other children of the same age as his. He started to train Kenjutsu and, after a few years, became one of the best there is on Japan. He still swears that he, one day, he will find those who killed his parents and will kill them with his own bare hands, which shows how much he fights his own trauma.

Trauma: Tadao saw his family die right in front of his own eyes. After that, he was beaten and bullied, which caused him to become seclusive and cold, even though he still swears that he will avenge his parents. He fights against his own Trauma at the same time he is unable to do anything about it, making it a repressed feeling at the same time he wants to do something about it.


Duel Avatar Name: Zaffre Avenger
Duel Avatar Appearance:

Duel Avatar Affiliation & Title: Leonids' Sub-Leader, Right Arm of the King.
Guardian/Parent: Imperial Warrior
YzmaelJul 19, 2014 4:52 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 19, 2014 2:33 PM

May 2014
Real World Name: Takuma Shiba
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Personality: Silent, secretive

Trauma: He was out shopping, as he normally would. But when he came back he saw police cars around his home. As he asked what happened and that he was the family head, the police told him that every member of the family which was inside got killed through kenjutsu. After checking the dead bodies and identifying them he was sure: They were killed with the Shiba style kenjutsu...

Duel Avatar Name: Shadow Katana - Shadow is considered black
Duel Avatar Appearance:

Duel Avatar Affiliation & Title: none for now
Parent: Light Urge - younger cousin (deceased look at the trauma)
KinithJul 20, 2014 2:32 AM
Jul 19, 2014 8:13 PM

Feb 2013
Real World Name: Lynne Wilson
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Personality: To sum her up in a few words, Lynne completely lacks the ability to trust people. Trying to get close to her is next to impossible and will always result in a violent reaction. She doesn't know how else to react to anything besides with violence. It's not that she doesn't want to trust and get along with others; it's simply that she can't bring herself to. She's not violent for no reason, either. She just won't tell anyone what the reason is. But the select few who do know of it also know that her acting tough is just that: acting. Behind all her self-proposed strength Lynne is self-conscious and awkward with no self-confidence to speak of. The very idea of trying to trust someone again terrifies her to her very core.


Trauma: On top of her trust issues, Lynne suffers from severe Androphobia and Aphenphosmphobia, a fear of men and a fear of being touched, respectively. Both stem from her experiences with her uncle where she was raped and molested repeatedly, and occasionally beaten. Her sense of self worth was ripped to shreds and despite all of her talk it only takes a single touch from someone to leave her unable to properly function. As stated before, she has no sense of self worth and views herself as no more than filth, as significant to someone else as the moss growing on a rock in the woods. She loathes herself, both from before the game and even now with it, not only because she failed to protect herself from those groping hands, but because she sat and listened as those same hands defiled her sister, the one person whom she shared her pain with. With a single word she could have helped herself and sister both. And she couldn't do it. Not then, and not even now. At the very least she wanted to be able to do so in the world they shared with one another... in the world of Brain Burst.


Duel Avatar Name: Moss Caliber
Duel Avatar Appearance:

Duel Avatar Affiliation & Title: Green Wall
Parent: Crimson Dread (Lynne's sister: Deceased)
Raion21Jul 19, 2014 9:03 PM
Jul 20, 2014 4:21 PM

Feb 2013
Real World Name: Shinju Yamaiisha
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Personality: Shy, easily scared, warm, quiet.
Biography: "They hate you."

This was one of the most heard statements of Shinju's late life about her. They hate you. You're useless. No one cares for you. Just die... Was what her mother would say most of the times for her.

Shinju was born on an incredibly wealthy family and was given, for most of her life, everything she wanted. Games, toys, a life without compromise or objective, just receiving whatever she wanted from her father. She always thought of how much her father loved her and didn't cared for her to not be able to do anything, mainly because of her extremely fragile real-world body. Shinju was very frail and would get sick many, many times on the year, causing her parents to waste a fortune in medication and, though her father didn't seem to mind, her mother was always against it.

For some reason, her mother was someone with extreme jealousy towards her own husband and, when looking towards Shinju, saw an enemy taking her only love away from her. Of course, this "mother" was not the real mother of Shinju and was only an intruder that invaded their life a few months after Shinju was born.

It was all so very happy thanks to her father... But it was all ruined when her father died out of a serious sickness when Shinju was 12 years old. After his death... Shinju's life became a living hell. Her treatment was cut in half. She became sicker much more usually than she would when her father was alive. Her mother got all the money from the fortune her father had made and used it all on herself, not even caring if Shinju was sick or not. The next person to help her was her Uncle, who now started to pay for her treatment.

Her uncle was a kind man and went as far as even confronting her mother about not helping the girl when it came to pay her treatment. After that, her mother was more cautious, but still wasn't friendly towards Shinju. She would usually ridiculize Shinju by making her wear childish clothes and even went as far as humiliating her in front of everyone on her school multiple times. She also changed Shinju's school after the incident, because of her Shinju's uncle pressure.

Shinju now studied in the central school of the city, which caused her to get eventually bullied and sometimes even beaten.

With time, Shinju's usually happy and cheerful smile disappeared... A shy, easily-scared and very vulnerable girl took her place, as she would hide, run or scream whenever someone got too close to her. There were even cases where she would break down, falling on the ground and crying herself until fainting.

The torture of her mother was not only in her home, but as well as on school, where her mother would humiliate her in front of her friends, calling her useless, ridiculous and stupid, among with other profanities...

With time, she started to hate her own house and even went as far as getting home always late, usually when her mother was already sleeping...

It was on her nocturnal travels that she discovered Brain Burst and it's qualities, which allowed her to have more time for herself and out of the painful world her mother had created for her. With that, she became more reclusive and started to almost entirely live on the Virtual World.

In time, she delivered all her time to the Accelerated World and became a Legend on the game... Assuming the spot of leader of the Prominence during the Legion Wars.

However, now she is only a Level 1 player, considered a newbie of the world she plays on... Even if she's still a Legend.

Trauma: Easily scared, Shinju will run if you startle her or scare her. She will scream if you try to get too close to her or raise your hand in front of her. She can be easily frightened, but behind all that she is a very friendly and warm person that will try her best to be useful for someone. Her frail body, however, doesn't allow her to be much a physically useful person, causing her to be insecure about her body in the real world, while she is very confident on the Virtual World. Her Avatar symbolizes the desire of wanting to destroy anything that gets too close to her( Hence the name Blaster ) as well as the desire to run away from everything.


Duel Avatar Name: Amaranth Blaster
Duel Avatar Appearance:

Duel Avatar Affiliation & Title: Self-proclaimed Prominence Leader
Guardian/Parent: N/A - Originator

(Something's amiss here...)
YzmaelJul 21, 2014 5:43 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 20, 2014 7:28 PM

May 2014
Real World Name: Yin and Yang Chihiro
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Yin is the younger of the two twins. Being the younger sister, even if the margin was but a few minutes, Yin is more childish, immature and playful than her older sister. When word of her relationship with her sister was found out and became the talk of the town, Yin chose to deal with this traumatic stress by making light of the situation and joking about it

Yang being the older sister is much more serious than Yin. Opposing her sister's humour, Yang employs a witty brand of black humour and dry sarcasm. She is well read and is an addict of riddles. While her sister used humour to cope with the scandal, Yang decided to tackle the issue head on and engaged in countless debates with the townspeople about the matter right up until the pair relocated.


Born as twins, Yin and Yang Chihiro shared a normal childhood in a loving household. Well, there was one abnormality in their life... they were both hopelessly smitten with each other. It was at fifteen years of age that their feelings became physical. Of course word got out, the family was shamed beyond all recognition. After a year of being subject to scrutiny, the twins were sent to board in the Minimaki high school. It was there that they both learned of the mysterious program "Brain burst". From there on their relativity was changed forever as they were exposed to a new, better world. A world they plan to remain in no matter the cost.

Trauma: Being social pariahs subject to unrelenting hate due to their forbidden love exposed the two girls to traumas they would rather have lived without.

Duel Avatar Name and appearance (click the names):Burnt Streak-Yin Royal Flush-Yang
Duel Avatar Affiliation & Title: I don't know yet

(Sorry about not having a lot to write about in terms of bios, there were enough death stories already so I had to keep it boring :< )
Jul 22, 2014 7:56 PM

Jul 2013
Real World Name: Yosuke Okita
Age: 17
Gender: Male


Yosuke is a cold, cynical, vengeful, resentful, and at times neurotic, misanthrope, who has masterful skills relating to beating the living hell out of people. His new classmates, as he is a transfer student, strongly believe that he does not have a heart and constantly refer to it as "just a shard of ice". Yosuke works part-time at a bookshop, which is an interesting vocational choice when one takes into account the fact that he hates both the pressures and responsibilities involved in retail, as well as the customers, with extreme passion. Despite his loathing of the process of retail, he displays an appreciation for the medium in which he deals, books, and will usually engross himself in a novel for hours away from society, although this could rather be related to his apparent distaste for anything but the most limited of human contact. It was this fascination with information that lead to him quickly catching up with the rest of the students as he had never gone to school prior... well... brain burst helped too.

This combination of misanthropy and reclusiveness have combined to leave Yosuke with questionable abilities of social interaction. This is mainly due to his childhood traumas, where he grew up in a cruel environment that punished any form of error. For all his misanthropic qualities and bitterness, Okita does possess redeeming and sympathetic characteristics; he is clearly intelligent and well-read, if ill-disposed to use his intelligence to any great degree. He frequently demonstrates a sharp and quick deadpan wit, and shows a good psychological understanding of those around him, which is a big turn around... given all he used to do was crack skulls... literally.


Yosuke Okita is a transfer student to Minamiki Highschool and the most internationally recognised and accomplished Eskrima fighter alive. Originally too poor to attend school, Yosuke, prior to discovering Brain Burst, spent his days in underground fighting arenas in the Philippines demonstrating his masterful display of the Eskrima martial art, a memento from his homeland. This talent drew crowds near and far as his skills were unmatched, and the thought of a teenager almost beating fully grown men to death with nothing but two wooden sticks was something of a marvel. He made a decent amount of money in this line of work but something was missing. A challenge.

This desolation was filled however when he was approached by a woman not much older than himself claiming to know of the ultimate fighting competition, and that he could introduce Yosuke to this world. Accepting wholeheartedly, the programme was installed into a neuro linker he was given by the man. But there was a catch. Knowing that Yosuke would be one of the most dangerous fighters to ever join the game, the girl decided she could manipulate the boy into becoming an assassin of sorts. One that would ensure that all her competitors, the four originators, would suddenly run out of BP and be locked out of the game forever. She knew where two of the so called originators were rumoured to attend school too. So she sent him there as a transfer student so he could be within a close enough proximity to see if the rumours are true and battle them endlessly until they ran out of BP.

As Yosuke was something of a homeless orphan, he had no objections, he always dreamed about going to school anyway. He found the target alright. Imperial Warrior. He was strong however, so he deduced some recon was in order first and foremost.


Duel Avatar Name: Electric Beetle (Electric blue)
Duel Avatar Appearance:

Duel Avatar Affiliation & Title: Unaffiliated
Parent: Presently unknown
King-in-YellowJul 22, 2014 8:37 PM
Jul 22, 2014 9:01 PM

Jan 2014
Real World Name: Jackie (jackie) Homera
Age: (Must be 7 to 17) 15
Gender: jack- male; jackie- female

Personality: split, calm and kind but known to have bouts of insanity, aggression
Biography: Jack and Jackie were twins born to a well off family, though only one twin was actually born. The boy, jack, was born while his sister was a still born. During their upbringing people would comment that one day they would see jack but another they would see a little girl in his place. Jackie's pysche lived on and would take over jack's body, resulting in him having a more feminine appearance.
Trauma: As a child, jack started to become more and more aware that people would confuse him for his sister, who would show up and random times and push jack's psyche out of the way. This has caused the twins to hate each other as to live, one psyche must die.


Duel Avatar Name: Orange Dancer (upgraded yellow stinger)
Duel Avatar Appearance:

Duel Avatar Affiliation & Title: neutral
Parent: Yellow Stinger V1
MoniStarJul 22, 2014 10:35 PM
Jul 25, 2014 9:15 PM

Dec 2011
Real World Name: Akira Hiraku
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Personality: Akira is a rather silent and stoic individual. He tends to keep to himself however doesn't necessarily push away social interaction… he’s simply not very likely to respond. Some people even wonder if he possesses some sort of speech disorder, however he doesn't. He CAN talk perfectly fine, he just chooses not to. If he does speak, whatever he says is normally very blunt and abrupt. He tends to show how he feels through the expressions on his face rather than through speech. Due to this, his personality is a bit difficult to figure out. One thing that is known is his seemingly aversion towards women. In fact, he more speaks up due to the opposite sex getting too close to and/or touching him than he does for anything else. People generally mistake this for arrogance or coldness than for what it actually is.
Biography: Akira was born with only an older sister to call family in a shitty apartment in an even shittier part of town. Their only source of income was his sister’s “jobs” kept unknown to him. At the time, he didn’t think anything of it. In his eyes, his sister was tough. Even if she came home with some obvious bruises and beatings, he simply assumed she got into a fight with someone. With the mouth she had on her and her attitude, it wasn't that hard to jump to that conclusion. However, to anyone older, it was obvious that the “jobs” she was taking weren't exactly the safest nor cleanest. Akira hates himself for being so clueless at the time.
It only got worse as time went on. His sister kept coming home later and later, sometimes not at all and would return with more gruesome injuries. If he asked about it she’d give her same old grin and say, “You should see tha’ other guys.” like nothing was wrong. He bought it until the proof of his ignorance showed up at his home. When he opened the door, the men simply barged in, ignoring him and proceeding right to his sister. Upon reaching her the forcibly made her perform her “job” while making him watch. After they were done, they said they were taking him as collateral for her “slacking off lately”. When she protested, rather physically might I add, and almost killed one of the men, she was shot by another and Akira was taken away. He was abused and toyed with for years until finally the police busted the criminals and set him along with everyone else who possessed the same unfortunate fate. Now he tries to move on and forget, but still retains many scars, both physical and mental, from his entrapment. The abuse, mainly from female “patrons” of the sick group that took him, is one reason for his cautiousness towards women paired with the reason that he could only be protected by his sister, rather than help or protect her in the slightest.
Trauma: He witnessed his sister abused and raped before being killed and him being dragged off to take her place as a toy for the sick-minded criminals who had been taking advantage of his sister since practically when he was born. He then shouldered all the abuse that his sister once endured for several years until he was freed by the police.

Duel Avatar Name: Citron Tyrant
Duel Avatar Appearance:

Duel Avatar Affiliation & Title: Will only serve one who’m he trusts implicitly.
Parent: N/A
EmperorsChosen01Jul 25, 2014 10:12 PM
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