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Black Bullet (light novel)
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Jul 1, 2014 11:44 PM

Nov 2013
What in the beeping world just happen? That escalated so quickly Kisara just straight up went yandere lol. If I was Rentarou I'l be like "Welp guys when does the next plane to ANYWHERE arrive?" anyways it needs a season 2 so much plot holes (Eventhough its a light novel adamption) more lolie Enju and Tina X.X

Black bullet pulling a School Days on us (~_~;)
masterofthebaitsJul 2, 2014 12:07 AM
Jul 1, 2014 11:51 PM

Apr 2012
Shoma nii :'(
Finally with Midori, RIP

Kisara... i can't beleive this... OAO

well i enjoy the anime, though rushed story and F***ing blowmind end.
love the Enju x Rentarou scene in end :)

hope there is season 2

Jul 2, 2014 12:20 AM

Apr 2014
kickmesign said:
This anime ended with an adult man crying on the lap of a 11 year old girl.

This made me laugh and nod in agreement.

Jul 2, 2014 12:33 AM

Jan 2011
Another really bad finale.
Jul 2, 2014 12:55 AM

Nov 2013
Well I don't know, this show had so much potential the entire time, but this ending left too many things open or just poor writing to say it was really good.

So they couldn't activate the bomb because the bodyguard dumped the batteries. At least have backup? Now I was expecting a big, intense, and epic battle to last most of the episode, and maybe have the good guys barely win with another sacrifice like the episode 4 or something. Well the fight was way easier than expected. Yeah, the bodyguard's selfishness did cost them Shouma's life, but the battle was won before the episode was even halfway through. It should've dragged on longer with some shounen fighting words and ideals, but things like Rentaro's attempt to keep Enju and the others out of it seemed meaningless, just like Shouma's death. A character we barely knew for two episodes just died, Sword Art Online deja vu anyone?

So the change of tone from an epic fight (that didnt even last that long) to a small meeting between the two Tendos caught me by surprise, but not nearly as much as the sudden reveal of Kisara's true colors. Nothing in the entire series hinted that she was actually like that, so I was quite unprepared when it happened. In her argument vs. Rentaro's shounen ideals of justice, she had a point, but leaving their relationship like that is just plain cruel.

And then the train stop at the end, when they announced there was a fatal crash, I thought some bad guy or explosion was gonna show up and say something like the fatal crash was gonna be him, and that'd leave off the season as a cliffhanger. Ah well that was disappointing but the only excuse they can have for leaving everything else as it is is because they're gonna have a second season. Only then can Rentaro come to terms with his own apathy for death, deal with Kisara, and kill the slimy bodyguard that shoulda been dead and gone an arc ago. Hopefully this ends up like Log Horizon and has a second season already planned and TBA, but if it doesn't it should still sell quite well because of all the cute characters.
Jul 2, 2014 1:03 AM
Jul 2007
I can tell lots of potential was wasted in this TV series... only the execution scene at the end makes me give it a 6/10 instead of a 5/10 for this series overall. This suffers the same flaws as Guilty Crown. I could not connect with the characters at all, and whoever directed or produced this had no intention of making it good, just ripping off other anime and cashing in on the lolicons. Looks like they had left over budget that they just poured into the last episode because the animation was much better looking than usual.
Jul 2, 2014 1:07 AM
Jul 2, 2014 1:28 AM

Feb 2012
It was so freakin' rushed that I couldn't enjoy the last battle, seriously!! They didn't even show Rentarou being a leader!

WTF is up with Kisara? Yandere mode unleashed! Good thing I voted for Tina in the "Best Girl" thread. Next was Miori on my list.

Had SO MUCH potential if it weren't rushed. Nonetheless, still enjoyed!
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Jul 2, 2014 2:10 AM

Oct 2010
That bitch lost her mind.

(applause) Finally, another anime to end successfully without disappointment, at least for me. So far, Black bullet and ping pong, are the only shows this season, that have yet to upset me.
Jul 2, 2014 2:11 AM

Oct 2013
6/10. Started out good, but gradually losing all the shine and became dull... watched because of Kaji Kaji.
Jul 2, 2014 2:16 AM

Oct 2010
xxdeathx said:
Well I don't know, this show had so much potential the entire time, but this ending left too many things open or just poor writing to say it was really good.

So they couldn't activate the bomb because the bodyguard dumped the batteries. At least have backup?

The batteries were for the lights, not the bomb. That's why the Kongming lantern's were released. They needed light to successfully volley. That was part 1 of the plan.
Jul 2, 2014 2:22 AM

Jun 2013
Look they only had 13 episode to work with. It was fine adaptation. I will agree Rentaro looked really weak, I was wondering if this was the same guy that beat Kagatane, but overall I am satisfied. I hope for a second season.
Jul 2, 2014 2:26 AM

Sep 2012
I really liked this anime. It was a short and a bit rushed but what can you expect from a 13 episode show. That ending with Kisara loved it!!!! Didn't see that coming. I love little shocker surprises at the end. I was going to rate this a 9/10 but just because there are so many people crying about how much they didn't like this anime and if anyone rates it above a five they have bad taste I am going to give it a 10/10 just because. If I enjoy watching the show I rate it high. If you don't like something drop it and move on, leave it for the ones who enjoy it.
"All I wanna do is walk my own path, I wanna find my own way!" - Kisara Nanjo
Jul 2, 2014 2:28 AM

May 2013
It felt like something's missing. Action perhaps? Or maybe it was the storyline. Confusions are the ones I hate. I don't care anymore. The show was good at start, then it slowly became bad.

A lot of good people died at that Gastrea war. So many.
Surprise change from Kisara. I didn't really like her. So I'm a little glad she became evil.

Jul 2, 2014 2:30 AM

Nov 2011

Yet another story that has no counterpart in the animated a valid exponent.
Protagonist very little leader, was an NPC would be perfect, too idiot etc!
The narrative regarding the section concerning the Action, and the fighting is too narrow, a great pity!
Positive notes to report, are the costume design, color design, character design, the various characters that unlike Rentaro not seem so useless and have a wire characterization more than the protagonist.
The work of the Kinema Citrus not bad, another production that I enjoyed, such as those made in the past.
I wonder if there will be a second season, but mainly because the protagonist's my final grade is 7/10!

Ah! I forgot, CG really bad sometimes ...

P.S.What a pity that in italian fansub, there are not always the end card ...
Jul 2, 2014 2:46 AM

May 2013
The last ten minutes a.k.a Kisara's Yandere mode really caught me offguard and made me want to remove her from my Spring 2014 Fav List. It was unbearnable. My boat had just sunk? Overall, a rushed but OK episode and I kinda prefer Kagetane now. 8/10, I wish for a second season.
The world shall know the truth soon.
Jul 2, 2014 2:46 AM
Nov 2011
The last episode makes me change my mind about how this anime went. Don't hate, but when it diverted from the manga, everything went craycray and it was sorta hard to keep up. Noneless, it was still enjoyable.

But Kisaraaa!!! whyyyy?????
Jul 2, 2014 2:57 AM

May 2014
I am amazed there is so much hate if you hated it why did you continue to watch it till the end?
Glad I did not like Kisara this episode made me happy of my choice Enju ftw~
Minori Kushieda Forever <3

Jul 2, 2014 2:58 AM

Oct 2010
This show was so incredibly generically mediocre.
Jul 2, 2014 3:16 AM

Apr 2011
Kisara got her revenge, but she change into a scary one. Her killing the brother came out of nowhere! It's just to show how evil and startling Kisara became. The series didn't show much how bad that spear guy(forgot his name) is. Yeah, he's primary at fault for the monolith's destruction, the death of so many innocents and the death of Kisara's parents, but I couldn't make sense of it. I couldn't understand her hatred and out for his brother's blood.

One thing I like about the last episode is the ending scene. The train stopping, then Rentarou hugging Enju and a beautiful music from Nagi. It made me teary eyed.
MagitoJul 2, 2014 3:55 AM
Jul 2, 2014 3:21 AM

Mar 2008
Not sure, the adaption was certainly crap but I think it's noticeable that it dos have some potential. However, all of the characters ended up being a pile of poop.
The ending was alright (I expected worse), but I thought the "main battle" was supposed to be against the huge gastrea (forgot the name for it), in the end that was very anti-climactic since it wasn't much of a battle after all.
I will certainly read the light novel if ever it will be translated till vol5/6.
Gets a 4/10 from me, but again, the light novel is much more promising.
Jul 2, 2014 3:29 AM
Feb 2014
This was the only time that I felt that this series was rushed. I was so shocked on how quickly Kisara turned. We normally would get bits and pieces to her change but no. They just flipped the switch on her. Maybe I'm just pissed because their budding romance was already getting nice then this had to happen.
5 Centimeters Per Second - Or what I'd like to call as 5 Anime Wallpapers Per Second.
Jul 2, 2014 4:47 AM

Mar 2013
Shoma-nii died or missing in action. I hope he will be a potential enemy if he really did survive.

Kisara turned into evil the moment she strike down her brother, great.. I guess she won't live long after all lol.

Rentarou and Enjuu make a new pact ensuring their long last relationship.. Funny to see Rentarou crying at the end, I thought he was tough but he betray my feelings :(

Jul 2, 2014 4:51 AM

May 2010
Shoma's noble sacrifice... R.I.P.

Midori was right, she said Kisara is prone to darkness so Satomi must stay besides her...

And personally, I don't get what's the harm in killing the person who killed your parents. Satomi is gonna regret letting go Kisara when he will remember Midori's words later.

I enjoyed this anime quite a bit. 7.5/10. Wouldn't mind a 2nd season.
Jul 2, 2014 4:53 AM
Feb 2014
I actually don't understand all these comments about a rushed final. The rhythm was just like every other episode! Since the very beginning this show was incredibly fast paced, and so I enjoyed it as such, not expecting any complicated arc or history behind a single enemy.

It wasn't like Bryhnildr in the darkness (which ended last sunday), where the rhythm suddenly peaked like shit in the last episode, like it was on steroids
watch to believe
Jul 2, 2014 4:54 AM

Feb 2012
It was too rushed. :| I don't even know where that Kisara "turning evil" shit came from, that just seemed abrupt in the story. Went from good at the beginning to meh. :
Jul 2, 2014 5:01 AM

Dec 2008
I liked a couple of the characters. Wouldn't mind a second season. 7.5/10
Jul 2, 2014 5:06 AM

Mar 2014
Well, good to know Kisara is a total psycho. Dont mind it though, but now i really want to see a Kisara vs Miori.Felt kinda betrayed about the whole Kisara setup so far, ruining it in 1 min or so. Anyway, one of my fav shows of this season. Really enjoyable and pretty much nowhere near boring. A total of 9/10 for me
Everybody has the right to have his own opinion on something.And you do have the right to disagree with them.But that doesnt give you the right to impose your opinion on others, even though you do have the right to think you are fucking awesome.
Jul 2, 2014 5:28 AM

Mar 2013
Oh Kisara ! So evil ! I like that ! >_<
So, it is going to be Enju x Rentarou after all ?
Not really impress with this series...
Jul 2, 2014 5:29 AM

Dec 2011
Its kinda disappointing with its rushed paced... however I did like Kisara turning to evil like that.
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Jul 2, 2014 5:44 AM

Dec 2013
Do you know guys at which chapter of the manga the anime season 1 finishes ?

And yeah, Kisara's "turning evil" came way too fast. xD
Jul 2, 2014 5:46 AM

Jun 2013
After the Kisara reveal my top choices now are


and down the road if they live long enough
Tina or Enju

but they won't live long enough, so its got to be one of the first 3. Then again I did not like Kisara anyway, so my ranking did not change much.

If Rentaro really wants batshit insane, he is better off waiting ten years for Kagatane's daughter to grow up, and then he can have him as a father law. Couldn't be worse than the Tendo family.
Jul 2, 2014 5:48 AM

Nov 2013
Kondo-Isao said:
I didn't know varanium had the ability to phase through objects.

If you look closely it's actually a rock covering parts of his body, including part of his waist.
Jul 2, 2014 6:20 AM

Dec 2013
Certainly didn't expect the lantern from the people,that warmed my heart for a bit.Sad for Shoma-nii though,at least he could rejoin Fuse in heaven.
Kirasa turning into yandere mode really came out of no where,but in the end Enju wins and the oath made by enju was so cute!However i definitely thinks this episode should've been done over two or three episodes,the supposed grand finale against Aldebaran was so short.
Hope for a second season!
Jul 2, 2014 6:22 AM

May 2012
lol Kisara and Kagetane is the only great thing about anime. Well maybe Tina and shouma too.

what about Enju? Rentarou? that piece of shit

Hating on Kisara for being evil? Come on , she just kill a scum that kill thousands of life for power and money ( well maybe she do a little too much) , but hey ' if u cant sacrifice anything, u cant change anything' , its sad, seriously having rentarou acting that way. If he really care for Kisara, he should be there for her, so that she wont turn into a maniac. 'I will protect her' my ass word from rentarou, yeah he was like ' we might be facing kisara as an enemy later' pffttt, really wtf?

With Enju just being obsessed with Rentarou and share her piece about the world, and rentarou and his sense of justice, saying that he'll save everyone,save the tokyo and shit but still, theres nothin. All he did just throw tht fcking bomb inside aldebaran mouth which doesnt explode, lalala u guys know the rest
“They stood together in a false intimacy, a nervous contact. And he was in love with her.”
― D.H. Lawrence, Women in Love

Jul 2, 2014 6:27 AM

Jan 2013
So much potential and so much disappointment left behind. I cannot recall the last time I turned completely opposite against a MC until this final episode near the end. I tried to side with Rentarou's sense of justice in a evil society but not after what I witnessed in regards to one of his close friends, Kisara, who he knows about and should understand her pain but then has the nall to say the things he did to her?

If he was so against her having it out in a deadly duel against her evil brother, why did he allow her to fight and not step in? Only to bitch and say she may be her enemy after her brother got dealt with because her actions were unpleasing to him? What a complete MORON!

The MC... I had enough of Rentarou. And what he said about being two faced... yeah that's YOU, Rentarou, damn hypocrite! It all adds up now. He says one thing and does another. Rentarou don't take other's feelings into consideration like punching Enju in the stomach then turn around and not want Shouma to do the same! Make up your damn mind! Had a chance to help the blind loli and what he do? Give her money and said for her to be careful... what the? She was just bullied and left her alone to fend for herself. Wow... a complete and utter dislike of him as a character. I could only dread how the Light Novel really is with this guy if the anime version is just a sample of this mess.

It felt rushed, yeah and there's many plot holes left behind but seems this is the trend to ruin the adaption and drool at the loss of what could of been.

The loli's were so moe to watch and fight but did not like when they brutally died. I did not like that at all but comes with this type of setting. Kisara, damn.. she's sexy. Her hair is unique and I don't see often and it's a great look on her too. Too bad didn't see enough of her and her sword style.

A side story with just Kisara and too adorable Tina please!
Sigh.. what a loss of potential this anime was it's my fault for that expectation and now I dislike the MC. Good job.
radleJul 2, 2014 6:47 AM
Jul 2, 2014 6:40 AM

Jan 2010
Kisara >>>>>>>>> Rest
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Jul 2, 2014 6:42 AM

Nov 2013
Dat kisara....
Jul 2, 2014 6:45 AM

Jun 2013
Not burst anyone's bubble but Enju has less than 2 years to live, ie she will die around 12 years old.

The author is apparently a big fan of Gen Urobochi, and from what I hear this show only gets darker and darker, and Enju gets treated worse and worse.

So in short there is 0 chance of a Rentaro Enju pairing.

On a side note, same thing with Tina, and most cursed children so, that is not going to happen either.

Then again I am starting to doubt if Rentaro and Kisara will even make it to the end.
Jul 2, 2014 6:49 AM

Jul 2010
Heck, what an anticlimatic ending. Shouma-nii died like a hero (always if he's indeed dead). Kisara went full yandere, well they did foreshadowed it so we kinda knew it was going to happen but it was still a big strike for my wounded heart.

7/10, quite mediocre but I must admit I enjoyed it. Would watch a 2nd season.

Btw, not enough Kategane.
Jul 2, 2014 7:02 AM

Jun 2014
Why did it have to end ? :(
Jul 2, 2014 7:07 AM

Aug 2008
The feels train at the end. :(
"Everyone wears their own panties inside their heart" - Kousaku Hata

Jul 2, 2014 7:56 AM

Sep 2011
What a shitty ending!

Damn! What a wasteful anime. I rate this 8 after 2 ep, bad pacing & writing destroy it(i don't even mind the lolis). 6/10 great first 3 ep then lot of BS afterwards.
Jul 2, 2014 8:06 AM

Feb 2008
This show suffers from horrible pacing. Still it was an enjoyable ride, giving it a 7/10.
Jul 2, 2014 8:43 AM

Dec 2011
Nice, even Seitenshi is everything she can to help Rentaro in his fight against the Gastrea, giving them courage with that Genan Festival thing.

The battle started and it's already pretty epic lol.

Funny how everyone seems so strong except Rentaro, like always he seems to be the weakest lol.

Meh, always trying to do things on his own, that's our Rentaro, the strongest guy around >.>

Just great, now Rentaro is missing his varanium leg... geez...

Poor Shoma, deciding to sacrifice himself like that, you will be missed!

So Kisara vs Kazumitsu huh...

Damn, Kisara is freaking OP and she could easily kick Rentaro's ass, some main male character you are Rentaro...

Yeah... Kisara isn't quite sane and right in the head it seems...

Ohooo, Rentaro saying that he might end up as Kisara's enemy, now that's interesting, I wonder if he wants to die that badly lol.

Now I can only wait for a 2nd season.
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall."
Jul 2, 2014 9:05 AM

May 2009
after reading the manga for about half a year i expected a 10/10 anime... BUT the studio somehow managed to turn it into 6/10 with the ridiculous rushing (even in the most heart tearing scenes..)
still 9/10 because i loved the manga and the plot twists/ideas are not bad, just badly made by the studio
Jul 2, 2014 9:17 AM

Jan 2014
I liked the series and the setting. Could have it been better? Yeah, though with just 7 volumes and adapting 4 of them, guess they couldn't do much on that behalf could they?

Anyway that last episode was sad, emotional and heartbreaking in so many ways. Too many deaths along, too much corruption and Kisara's resolve to take revenge at the cost of losing her humanity even though her choice is the only thing that keeps her going, and Rentaro getting more and more used to death.

This episode felt rushed no doubt, still enjoyable with the other more human-emotion content.
Jul 2, 2014 10:45 AM

Aug 2011
What the heck did I just watch?
That ending was one of the worst ending I've seen. Everything was wrong and it felt incredibly rushed. Very disappointed.

6/10 ._.
Jul 2, 2014 11:11 AM

Feb 2014
Reyoku said:
after reading the manga for about half a year i expected a 10/10 anime... BUT the studio somehow managed to turn it into 6/10 with the ridiculous rushing (even in the most heart tearing scenes..)
still 9/10 because i loved the manga and the plot twists/ideas are not bad, just badly made by the studio

Really? I just watched the anime and one of its main flaws was that they suddenly decided to rush everything, but my main problem with this were the characters, almost every girl's main feature was that they were in love with the mc (until Kisara got emo at the end, which was good and bad on so many levels), also, the glasses guy, and white haired guy dying at the end, we're supposed to feel bad but we barely knew him.
Jul 2, 2014 11:17 AM

Jun 2014
Black Bullet made a perfect combination of themes and elements, and yet it wasnt psychotic like guilty crown. And then waddaya know, Kisara had to go and give it a psychotic ending.

Started out as a 10/10 anime. But then the middle got a little boring, followed by the anticlimactic final battle. So -1.
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