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Fullmetal Alchemist
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Apr 27, 2009 11:00 AM

Jan 2008
InsaneZero said:

They really can't afford to slow down any more than one chapter per episode, considering just how many chapters they need to cover. In the larger perspective, the characters of the Tucker arc aren't as significant as the story elements that are introduced.

Yes, I can see your point very clearly, and it does make sense. I suppose you could call it 'wishful thinking' on my part. :) The Tucker/Nina arc from the first series was one of the reasons I got hooked on the show since it was such an in-your-face shock. "Wow, this isn't just some typical anime." That was my thinking after seeing it the first time.
Apr 27, 2009 12:27 PM

Jan 2008
Very well done episode imo o: and I'm beginning to like the art even more XD
We're all insane
Apr 27, 2009 1:15 PM

Aug 2007
Until they add something new and stop rushing anime and episodes stand on 5/10
Apr 27, 2009 1:48 PM

Jul 2007
Static said:
stop rushing anime and episodes

Then you can as well drop it, since Ep4 was exactly One Chapter PLUS three anime-original scenes.

You can't go slower than that.
Apr 27, 2009 1:53 PM

Apr 2009
Am I the only one who wants them to rush through these episodes? Now I know rushing isn't good, but they still need to get to the Greed Arc ASAP so people don't get bored.

Anyway next episode should be good. I might be wrong, but the Scar fight is the same in the manga as it was in the anime?
Apr 27, 2009 2:23 PM
Oct 2008
AlExile said:
Am I the only one who wants them to rush through these episodes? Now I know rushing isn't good, but they still need to get to the Greed Arc ASAP so people don't get bored.

Anyway next episode should be good. I might be wrong, but the Scar fight is the same in the manga as it was in the anime?

I personally don't mind if they rushed through some of the less important episodes before we get to the new stuff but I'd like it if they slowed down a bit for certain episodes like episode 4 which I feel WAS taken a bit slower compared to the first 3 episodes. If they continue to do that I think it will be fine :)

Some episodes in Brotherhood do not need to be extended for more than one episodes like some of the chapters covered in the first series.
Apr 27, 2009 2:33 PM

Oct 2007
RIP Nina Shou

Her father is evil T_T

I had to watch and read that scene about 4 times, but its still sad.
Apr 27, 2009 2:35 PM

Mar 2007
Amazing episode! So far i like brotherhood more then the old fma :D
Instagram: Luzifurr
Apr 27, 2009 2:43 PM

Apr 2009
If I hear one more person complain about the new series going too fast, I'm going to shank someone. The pacing is perfect so far, FMA1 just dragged everything out. :/

ShaolinRibiero said:
So let's recap;

Episode 6 in FMA1 is one of my favorites. The reason for this is that YOU NEVER SEE IT COMING. Besides one or two glimpses of Tucker's anxiety for the test, there's none of the discussion of how poor he was, and how much he wants to avoid it as in Episode 4 of FMA2.

Also, more of the episode is devoted to creating a very happy, breezy, idyllic feeling. It's just ridiculously sweet, and Ed and Al playing with Nina and the dog feels very natural and free.

Here, it just feels way more predictable, and the atmosphere foreshadows what's going to happen. It doesn't have nearly the same shock value. If I hadn't seen FMA1, I would have liked this episode. But knowing what they did the first time around, and seeing how inferior this is just makes me shake my head.

It also brings up another problem with the series; what's the point for the audience that has seen the original in seeing the same thing when they already know what's going to happen?
You're wrong, he did talk about being poor in FMA1. I just looked it up: episode 7, 6:34. He says his wife left because she couldn't stand being poor and that he has to pass the assessment to "protect this lifestyle". TBH, I think there was almost more forshadowing in ep 7 of FMA1, considering the scene where Ed finds Nina's picture all burned, the scene at the library where they tell Ed that Tucker's research is top secret, and the scene where Hughes tells him that Tucker's wife died before he came to Central, among others.

Honestly, FMA1 threw a lot of extraneous crap into this arc, and imo, this episode was actually the superior one.

robbydesu said:
You know, since I see in like every other post, complaints about either pacing or clearly biased opinons how the anime is not as good as FMA1...I have a few complaints myself.

First of all, what is with this odd complaint about how the animation is bad? I mean, I'm not saying that the animation is godly, but it really looks like the animation is getting better o__o;;

Second, I think people really needs to stop referring to FMA1 as the "original" anime. What do you mean by that? Technically FMA:B >IS< the "original" anime since it's following the manga.

I mean, you can either be using that as a way to just differentiate the two animes.....but it really sounds like a derogative term you use for something you think is "better". If the latter is the case, then what is the whole point of watching if you come into watching FMA:B with such a set black and white way of thinking? You'll just come into watching this anime, looking for the faults rather than it's strengths.

Maros128 said:
Scar was always one of my favorite characters in FMA. I hope they do him more justice. And I was a little disappointed in how they portray how he kills in this series. I expected a little more of an explosion, call me weird but i think it would have worked to give him more of a ferocity if his victims heads popped. And i'm not too into violence, i just think it would be better for the character. But i can see why they would do it like that.

With this episode i'm not looking forward to Hughes T_T I'm just hoping the animation gets a little better, and i know it will.The fights/ action seems well animated. I look forward to Greed fights. I loved the shot with Ed and Shou in the glasses on the floor.
Actually, Scar felt much "tougher" this time around, I don't know how...maybe it's his voice, how he looks or the animation...but that's what I thought. And I was really surprised. In FMA1, I just kinda felt annoyed by him but at the same time I felt sorry for him. His introduction this time seemed more...believable? I don't even know how I can explain it XD All I know is that my "first" impression of him this time is slightly differently than from FMA1 (a good impression nonetheless!)

It's actually really hard for some of us to judge upon whether or not this anime is truly good or not especially if you watched the FMA1 before. Most of us are so biased from FMA1 that sometimes we just miss certain details and forget to watch FMA:B as an anime in itself.
I totally agree with you. I’m loving the animation so far. The backgrounds are all just gorgeous, and I like that they’re drawing the characters closer to Arakawa’s style. The artwork from FMA1 always looked kind of… generic to me, like it could be from any other anime, you know? So I really like the new animation, even if it isn’t 100% perfect. It has ~character~. XD

I also agree about the way Scar was handled this time around. I was kind of surprised that there were people who didn’t like his portrayal thus far. Hopefully they will change their minds once he gets a little more screentime. ^^

Finally, I think you're totally right about people comparing FMA:B to FMA1. People need to stop thinking about FMA1 while they’re watching this, because it is by no means meant to be a remake of the first series. It’s an interpretation of the manga, so if you’re going to compare it to anything, it should be to that. And they’ve done a damn good job staying faithful to the manga so far, if you ask me.
Apr 27, 2009 2:49 PM

Aug 2008
Quick questions:

-Someone said something about this episode having 3 original scenes. Besides Scar showing up in the beginning, what were the other two?
-Is this really an interpretation of the manga if it's doing exactly what the manga did 2 or 3 episodes in a row?
-What is the difference in art style everyone is talking about? Besides Rose's hair/skin color being different, This show looks pretty much the same as far as characters are concerned.
Apr 27, 2009 3:01 PM

Apr 2009
Can't answer the first question, but aside from being exactly close to the manga, they've shown Father already and had manga Sloth in a promo pic of the Homunculi. So it's relatively safe to assume that they're following the manga.
If you put the two series side by side, you can tell that the artwork is different.
Apr 27, 2009 3:06 PM
Oct 2008
noteDhero said:
Quick questions:
-Is this really an interpretation of the manga if it's doing exactly what the manga did 2 or 3 episodes in a row?

Yes, especially since certain characters and events are not important or as significant to this series or the manga as it they where in the first series. An example being General Grans death, I believe in the manga he is killed off before the series even starts where in the anime he' still alive.

With Bones following these details it pretty much shows that this is an interpretation of the manga especially since the last 3 episodes have followed the manga pretty closely.
Apr 27, 2009 3:15 PM
May 2008
I'm glad they decided to rush through these episodes... because there really is no reason to animate them a second time. With that being said I'd give this season so far at least a 9/10.
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Apr 27, 2009 3:16 PM

Feb 2008
Very sad but awesome episode. The best so far.
Apr 27, 2009 4:52 PM

May 2007
Nina... ;______; I swear, my heart cannot deal with such a sad & creepy story. This is the one arc which left the most impression on me from the first series. But I think they made it even better this time around by making the animation & images even creepier. Nina, Nina, Nina...! ;_____;

Scar next week, yay.

Apr 27, 2009 5:19 PM

Mar 2009
I like the pacing; I just want to get to the new manga material. (:

I felt like this episode was more touching then the FMA 1 version. I almost cried when Nina was saying "Daddy?Daddy?" And I loved the stair scene.
The only thing I didn't like was the way they introduced Scar. I thought it was missing something.

But Overall, great episode. 5/5
Apr 27, 2009 6:12 PM

Feb 2009
This episode reminded me how cute Nina is. Even more in this adaptation of FMA. So it's even sadder to see her end up like that. ;_; Incredible how they can recreate the atmosphere even when everyone already knows everything.

Great episode.
Apr 27, 2009 8:33 PM

Jun 2007
as much as I dislike this series so far, I actually liked this episode a lot. It was still rushed but the drama in it was a fresh change from the stupid ass Ed jokes and comedic feel that the past have had.
Apr 27, 2009 9:17 PM

Apr 2009
DeathfireD said:
as much as I dislike this series so far, I actually liked this episode a lot. It was still rushed but the drama in it was a fresh change from the stupid ass Ed jokes and comedic feel that the past have had.

It wasn't rushed. It only one chapter of the manga. The only way they could have gone slower would be to add a bunch of filler scenes to drag it out.
Apr 27, 2009 10:09 PM

Sep 2008
i do agree with you magelet, people should really stop complaining about it being rushed just cause the last series was more dragged out. Also people should stop judging how good it is in comparison to the last series. Unfair to judge the actually quality of this series not on the series itself.
Apr 28, 2009 1:54 AM

Jul 2007
noteDhero said:

-Someone said something about this episode having 3 original scenes. Besides Scar showing up in the beginning, what were the other two?

- Ed kicking Tucker's watch and Tucker crawling towards it.
- The flashback of Tucker's wife.

noteDhero said:

-Is this really an interpretation of the manga if it's doing exactly what the manga did 2 or 3 episodes in a row?

Ep1 was anime-original, covering a story mentioned in manga a few times.
Ep2 covered a bit of material from Volume 6.
Ep3 Covered chapter 1 and 2
Ep4 covered chapter 4(with brief mention of Chapter 3 events)
Ep5 will cover chapters 5 and 6 (which will work, pacing-wise, since Chapter 5 is fighting only)

noteDhero said:

-What is the difference in art style everyone is talking about? Besides Rose's hair/skin color being different, This show looks pretty much the same as far as characters are concerned.

The military uniforms are drawn differently, The eyes are drawn sharper, Ed's hair is traced differently and is golden instead of blond, facial structure is sharper and more "bulkier", manga-like. Facial expressions are sharper and different from the FMA1 style.

Also instead of "realistic colouring", FMA2 mostly uses more artistic pastel backgrounds, a-la manga covers.
Apr 28, 2009 3:58 AM

Jun 2008
Fuck Shou Tucker
Seriously when Nina talked I was touched O.O she still calls that bastard Daddy which is sad I wanted Ed to punch him more

This episode affected me as the old one too xD & the remake is faster which can be good I guess
Apr 28, 2009 4:09 AM

Nov 2008
noteDhero said:
Ok...I just didn't like this episode. I have been holding a lot of my criticism of this show, and defending it against my own standard in anticipation of this particular story. I was just disappointed. Dramatically, it was too much for one episode to be pulled off well, then you add in the comedy (which thankfully didn't consist of Ed getting mad at someone calling him small) and I'm left with an empty, indifferent response to the very end.

The stuff with Scar in the beginning was fine, but at the end he was already redundant, reminding me why I never really cared for him as a character.

I can't put words into how saddened that I am that this just got trodden over.

I need to somewhat agree with you, even tought episode had it's good parts too. Nina arc should atleast be 2 episodes! C'MON!This is starting to be more and more just showing bit things there and there. If we look first anime and manga there is good story and every episode/chapter is well done and continues from next. This is just rushing....No matter how much i love to see those awesome characters again, but i am very disapointed.

Well this season SURELY show's scenes that are more like manga BUT those others scenes can be less manga like THAN in first anime, so this season doesnt even satisfy me, even in that point!

OH i need to say i love new mustang and Riza's voice. They are my fav. Something good XP. And Nina was cute as hell too.
Apr 28, 2009 4:13 AM

Nov 2008
Oh yeah they skipped mining town, but i dont mind. They atleast mentioned it. You make it well or you just mention it like that!
Apr 28, 2009 4:14 AM

Dec 2007
Fai said:
Ep5 will cover chapters 5 and 6 (which will work, pacing-wise, since Chapter 5 is fighting only)

if they manage to put it in one ep and don't lose a charisma of Scar it will be awesome. can't wait to see some manga-only action.
Apr 28, 2009 4:19 AM

Apr 2008
the place they die seems different o_O

Apr 28, 2009 4:34 AM

Feb 2008
pretty good, but yeah, it's not as exciting when you know what's going to happen already.
Apr 28, 2009 5:19 AM

Jul 2007
Oxu said:

I need to somewhat agree with you, even tought episode had it's good parts too. Nina arc should atleast be 2 episodes! C'MON!This is starting to be more and more just showing bit things there and there. If we look first anime and manga there is good story and every episode/chapter is well done and continues from next. This is just rushing....No matter how much i love to see those awesome characters again, but i am very disapointed.

So they had to, maybe add some ridiculous talking overgrown parrots or rabbit Tuckers to satisfying you?

Because you CAN'T go slower than this. This covered exactly ONE chapter and EVEN ADDED stuff.

This episode was satistifying for me. Why? Because it fixed what was wrong with this arc in FMA1.

What about "what was wrong in fma1"? How about

These "omg rushing it" comments go even more ridiculous with each passing second
Apr 28, 2009 6:51 AM

Jan 2008
Best episode so far. I'm glad they finally got the animation looking right and I'm surprised that the Nina scene had nearly the same impact it had on me the first time. Hopefully it only gets better from here, can't wait till they get to the manga storyline.

Apr 28, 2009 8:16 AM

Dec 2008
I always like the part when scar kill shou and nina.
He finished her suffer T.T
Really an awesome part!
Apr 28, 2009 9:26 AM
Nov 2008
Ok, I'm done. From the beginning, Brotherhood has continued to fall short of the expectations set by the original anime. It just doesn't do the same stories nearly as well as the first series did. I'm not interested in watching what I already know at a sub-par level. I'm dropping the series. I may pick it up again when it's finished, so I can rush through the old to get to the new, but for now, Brotherhood is at the bottom of my interest list.
Apr 28, 2009 9:49 AM

Jul 2007
thalandor46 said:
Ok, I'm done. From the beginning, Brotherhood has continued to fall short of the expectations set by the original anime. It just doesn't do the same stories nearly as well as the first series did. I'm not interested in watching what I already know at a sub-par level. I'm dropping the series. I may pick it up again when it's finished, so I can rush through the old to get to the new, but for now, Brotherhood is at the bottom of my interest list.

Good riddance I say.
Apr 28, 2009 9:52 AM

Jul 2008
From someone who has seen FMA1 and never touched the manga... I'm liking how it's going so far. Though I'm still getting used to the pacing, but no complaints.^^

T-T Nina... No matter how many times I watch this, I'll always cry...
Apr 28, 2009 10:03 AM

Apr 2009
thalandor46 said:
Ok, I'm done. From the beginning, Brotherhood has continued to fall short of the expectations set by the original anime. It just doesn't do the same stories nearly as well as the first series did. I'm not interested in watching what I already know at a sub-par level. I'm dropping the series. I may pick it up again when it's finished, so I can rush through the old to get to the new, but for now, Brotherhood is at the bottom of my interest list.

Wow, really? The first series is the one that was sub-par. If you can't see that, well... Like Fai said, good riddance. Have fun bothering fans of a different series with your baseless complaints.
Apr 28, 2009 10:18 AM
Oct 2008
I think I've found this series more enjoyable due to the fact that I haven't watched the first series in a few years so its easier for me to watch this on its own without having to continuously compare to the first series when its ONLY 4 episodes in.

People really need to stop comparing this to the first series, especially when we're only 4 episodes in. Some of the stories covered in this series and the first have major differences so they aren't going to be handled in the same manner. I personally don't see the point in complaining about something that was left out of this series that was originally in the other when it was something exclusive to the first series and had some significance.

Apr 28, 2009 10:45 AM

Aug 2008
I watched the first season during my college days. I don't think that watching all of those episodes again will be a problem for me. It's about five years since I watched the first season. My computer back there is trash.

I guess this will have a huge impact for those people who recently watched the first season.

Apr 28, 2009 12:31 PM

Nov 2008
It was an awesome episode.Scar has showed up.I can't wait for next episode.
Apr 28, 2009 3:33 PM

Nov 2008
Fai said:
Oxu said:

I need to somewhat agree with you, even tought episode had it's good parts too. Nina arc should atleast be 2 episodes! C'MON!This is starting to be more and more just showing bit things there and there. If we look first anime and manga there is good story and every episode/chapter is well done and continues from next. This is just rushing....No matter how much i love to see those awesome characters again, but i am very disapointed.

So they had to, maybe add some ridiculous talking overgrown parrots or rabbit Tuckers to satisfying you?

Because you CAN'T go slower than this. This covered exactly ONE chapter and EVEN ADDED stuff.

This episode was satistifying for me. Why? Because it fixed what was wrong with this arc in FMA1.

What about "what was wrong in fma1"? How about

These "omg rushing it" comments go even more ridiculous with each passing second

Hhahha i wouldnt go that far, that i would like to see that parrots or Easter rabbit. And what's wrong about liking more slower pacing?

no reason to get mad man. I have my own opinion :)

Apr 28, 2009 3:45 PM
Oct 2008
Oxu said:
Fai said:
Oxu said:

I need to somewhat agree with you, even tought episode had it's good parts too. Nina arc should atleast be 2 episodes! C'MON!This is starting to be more and more just showing bit things there and there. If we look first anime and manga there is good story and every episode/chapter is well done and continues from next. This is just rushing....No matter how much i love to see those awesome characters again, but i am very disapointed.

So they had to, maybe add some ridiculous talking overgrown parrots or rabbit Tuckers to satisfying you?

Because you CAN'T go slower than this. This covered exactly ONE chapter and EVEN ADDED stuff.

This episode was satistifying for me. Why? Because it fixed what was wrong with this arc in FMA1.

What about "what was wrong in fma1"? How about

These "omg rushing it" comments go even more ridiculous with each passing second

Hhahha i wouldnt go that far, that i would like to see that parrots or Easter rabbit. And what's wrong about liking more slower pacing?

no reason to get mad man. I have my own opinion :)

The pace IS slow, you're comparing this episode to the first series' 2 episodes which was only longer due to added content that was never in the manga. Without all that added content it really would have been just one episode. Going any slower would have really just been drawing it out longer than it should be.
Apr 28, 2009 4:02 PM

Aug 2008
I think people are confusing a longer story with a slower pace. Just because the length of a particular arc is longer than another doesn't necessarily mean that it has a slower pace.

The inverse is also true. Just because a story is told in one episode as opposed to 2 or more doesn't necessarily mean that the pace is fast.

In this specific episode, the pace began slow, introducing Nina, Alexander, and Tucker and then creating affection for Nina and Alexander (the "idyllic" tone that Shaolin was talking about earlier). Once that was created sufficently, the pace increased dramatically as there wasn't enough room to connect with Shou, display a cause for concern, and then reveal him for what he is. Not to mention that we needed to introduce Scar and have him kill Tucker and Ninaxander at the end.

Regardless of what the mangaphiles say, this episode had to do an awful lot, and whether or not it needed 2 episodes, an episode and a half, or just trimming of the initial sequence with Scar, the story of the Tuckers needed more room.

edit: Also, a fast pace can cause a 2 hr. movie to feel like 30 minutes. A slow pace can make one half hour episode feel like hours (we've all been there).
Apr 28, 2009 4:36 PM
Oct 2008
noteDhero said:
I think people are confusing a longer story with a slower pace. Just because the length of a particular arc is longer than another doesn't necessarily mean that it has a slower pace.

The inverse is also true. Just because a story is told in one episode as opposed to 2 or more doesn't necessarily mean that the pace is fast.

In this specific episode, the pace began slow, introducing Nina, Alexander, and Tucker and then creating affection for Nina and Alexander (the "idyllic" tone that Shaolin was talking about earlier). Once that was created sufficently, the pace increased dramatically as there wasn't enough room to connect with Shou, display a cause for concern, and then reveal him for what he is. Not to mention that we needed to introduce Scar and have him kill Tucker and Ninaxander at the end.

Regardless of what the mangaphiles say, this episode had to do an awful lot, and whether or not it needed 2 episodes, an episode and a half, or just trimming of the initial sequence with Scar, the story of the Tuckers needed more room.

edit: Also, a fast pace can cause a 2 hr. movie to feel like 30 minutes. A slow pace can make one half hour episode feel like hours (we've all been there).

I don't know, that's where I disagree. I felt that the pace was pretty slow compared to the other episodes and that there was enough of a connection with the Nina, and the others for me to feel pretty sad at the end and I feel that it did a good job at showing Tucker for what he really was especially the last few scenes. I'm not sure what else they would have needed to add to make more room as I was fine with this episode.
AvoideaApr 28, 2009 4:41 PM
Apr 28, 2009 4:42 PM

Aug 2008
The pace was slow, the way it needed to be in the beginning. We got enough of Nina and Alexander to work for this to be one episode. What we didn't get enough time with was Tucker. I said this in a conversation with a friend, but he came of more as a Mad Scientist than he did pitful and pathetic. That would distinguish him from Cornello, and therefore show the merit in even airing this episode since nothing regarding his story has anything new that's relevant to the overall plot besides Scar.

It's my thought that if you are doing an info dump in an episode, the pace needs to be faster because there is a tendancy to bore the audience. If you're trying to develop a relationship between the viewers and characters, then the pace needs to be slower so that you feel like you're with them every step of the way. They did it with Nina and Alexander, just not with Tucker.
Apr 28, 2009 4:44 PM

Apr 2009
I agree with Capellabun, I felt the pacing was right on. I think if they had given the Tuckers more room, it would've felt unnecessarily stretched out. Like I mentioned in my first post, this episode had me in tears, despite knowing what was coming.
Apr 28, 2009 6:03 PM

Feb 2009
I actually liked this version alot better, the pace thing seems to annoy me a bit. It seems the show is on express mode, as if specifically made for people who seen the first one. Either way, since I've seen it already, I'm liking it alot more.
Apr 28, 2009 9:08 PM

Aug 2008
Having read up to this point in the manga, it doesn't seem like express mode at all in my opinion. You get just as much time with these characters in the manga, as you do in episode 4.

It's adapting the manga, not remaking the first series.
Apr 28, 2009 9:19 PM

Aug 2008
Exactly, it's adapting the manga, not copy-paste for television.
Apr 28, 2009 9:51 PM
Oct 2008
noteDhero said:
The pace was slow, the way it needed to be in the beginning. We got enough of Nina and Alexander to work for this to be one episode. What we didn't get enough time with was Tucker. I said this in a conversation with a friend, but he came of more as a Mad Scientist than he did pitful and pathetic. That would distinguish him from Cornello, and therefore show the merit in even airing this episode since nothing regarding his story has anything new that's relevant to the overall plot besides Scar.

It's my thought that if you are doing an info dump in an episode, the pace needs to be faster because there is a tendancy to bore the audience. If you're trying to develop a relationship between the viewers and characters, then the pace needs to be slower so that you feel like you're with them every step of the way. They did it with Nina and Alexander, just not with Tucker.

I understand what you mean about Tucker but not focusing on him seems like a minor offense compared to if they had not focused enough on Nina and Alexander. I think he still came off as pitiful and pathetic especially when he was grabbing for his watch towards the end of the episode. It showed how desperate he was for that state alchemist title and how pitiful he was even after almost getting beaten to death for what he did.

Again, I'm not sure what much more could have been added considering the fact that Tucker will never show up again in this series.
Apr 28, 2009 10:15 PM

Aug 2008
It absolutely would have been a crime to not to focus on Nina and Alexander in the way that they did. I never said that it should be a trade off. Tucker needed more time. Period.

Well, you know, that's kind of my point. What is the point in this story if we're not seeing a different side of the effect that breaking the rules has on an alchemist. Seeing Tucker hang his head in, dare I say, remorse as he's carted off, and then seeing Ninaxander destroyed in a back alley like a terminated abortion, those were images I won't forget. That wasn't here. Tucker didn't look pathetic or pitiful (I'm using strict definitions...he didn't invoke pathos), he looked desperate and clinging onto sanity in the same ways as Cornello.

So why even air this episode? Scar could have a new, and perhaps more fitting entrance. Was this all really just to introduce Scar? If so, then I think it fails on that point, because he looked rather generic.
Apr 28, 2009 11:35 PM
Oct 2008
noteDhero said:
It absolutely would have been a crime to not to focus on Nina and Alexander in the way that they did. I never said that it should be a trade off. Tucker needed more time. Period.

Well, you know, that's kind of my point. What is the point in this story if we're not seeing a different side of the effect that breaking the rules has on an alchemist. Seeing Tucker hang his head in, dare I say, remorse as he's carted off, and then seeing Ninaxander destroyed in a back alley like a terminated abortion, those were images I won't forget. That wasn't here. Tucker didn't look pathetic or pitiful (I'm using strict definitions...he didn't invoke pathos), he looked desperate and clinging onto sanity in the same ways as Cornello.

So why even air this episode? Scar could have a new, and perhaps more fitting entrance. Was this all really just to introduce Scar? If so, then I think it fails on that point, because he looked rather generic.

I hope you can be a little patient with me as I haven't watched the first series in a few years and I'm having a little trouble wording this the right way.

Honestly, I think we may have to agree to disagree on Tucker, as we have different perspectives on how he should have been handled in this series.

Though it seems there are sort of two different portrayals of Tucker in the first series and the manga. From what I can remember and from what you have described, the Tucker in the first series may have been remorseful about what he had done and portrayed as pitiful and pathetic but the Tucker in this series and the manga really has little remorse for what he has done. Like he said towards the end, he doesn't get why others don't understand his actions. He seemed to have little remorse for what he did to his wife and he also seems to have little remorse for what he did to Nina.

I've edited this a bunch of times but basically the way Tucker is portrayed is different from the way he is in first series. I think this is just where we disagree, I don't mind the fact that he seems more mad and desperate than pitiful and pathetic because that is what he mainly was. For me getting more time with him like in the first series to make him seem pitiful wouldn't have really changed my reaction to this episode at all or made it any better.

This is just my perspective on this episode, but I feel that the point of this episode is to serve as realization for Edward. While Tucker's actions where horrible, he was doing what he believed he had to do to get what he wanted, which was to keep his title as a state alchemist. Edward and Alphonse too may have to result in doing the same thing to get their bodies back. Edward feels that toying with human lives is wrong but he has in a sense done it already and he may have to do it again sometime in the future.

I feel that this episode was more about that then anything else but that is something we may disagree on.
AvoideaApr 29, 2009 12:03 AM
Apr 29, 2009 12:39 AM

Nov 2008
noteDhero said:
The pace was slow, the way it needed to be in the beginning. We got enough of Nina and Alexander to work for this to be one episode. What we didn't get enough time with was Tucker. I said this in a conversation with a friend, but he came of more as a Mad Scientist than he did pitful and pathetic. That would distinguish him from Cornello, and therefore show the merit in even airing this episode since nothing regarding his story has anything new that's relevant to the overall plot besides Scar.

It's my thought that if you are doing an info dump in an episode, the pace needs to be faster because there is a tendancy to bore the audience. If you're trying to develop a relationship between the viewers and characters, then the pace needs to be slower so that you feel like you're with them every step of the way. They did it with Nina and Alexander, just not with Tucker.

Thx man you said it!That i have been trying to say, but my english skills are not that good xD. Little strugglin with words.

I have always liked Scar, and i think this was good instruction to him, but i still prefer the Ninalexander exploding in the wall, that has som chock value, but liked scar in this episode tough.
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