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Jan 9, 2014 2:47 AM

Jul 2013
I will now announce that the child parents are Saki rukino and haruto. After Haruto died, Saki found out she was pregnant since the incident where Haruto rapes her. In Both seasons we didn't see any close couples as far as them both. Before Haruto's last memory disappears it showed us Saki Rukino and not shouko since he must felt has fallen in love with Saki.

The conclusion the Child is SakixHaruto
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Jan 9, 2014 2:50 AM

Jan 2009
the child has L-Elf's hair color and looks though
Jan 9, 2014 3:23 AM

Jul 2013
j0x said:
the child has L-Elf's hair color and looks though

Haruto has bitten L-elf before so there is a mix of dna blood so thats why Haruto's son has the colour of hair as l-elfs
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Jan 9, 2014 4:39 AM

May 2009
Renaultclio101 said:
I will now announce that the child parents are Saki rukino and haruto. After Haruto died, Saki found out she was pregnant since the incident where Haruto rapes her. In Both seasons we didn't see any close couples as far as them both. Before Haruto's last memory disappears it showed us Saki Rukino and not shouko since he must felt has fallen in love with Saki.

The conclusion the Child is SakixHaruto

Jan 9, 2014 5:01 AM

Jul 2013
bastek66 said:
Renaultclio101 said:
I will now announce that the child parents are Saki rukino and haruto. After Haruto died, Saki found out she was pregnant since the incident where Haruto rapes her. In Both seasons we didn't see any close couples as far as them both. Before Haruto's last memory disappears it showed us Saki Rukino and not shouko since he must felt has fallen in love with Saki.

The conclusion the Child is SakixHaruto


I'm just answering the question since most people have been asking the same thing.

Can you explain who the future child is?
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Jan 9, 2014 4:36 PM

Jul 2012
Are you sure...?
Jan 9, 2014 5:23 PM

Mar 2012
This series lacks logic, for all we know it could have been Yamada's kid, why? Cus using this show's logic it would make sense 100%

But really though, only two that put the stick in the hole was Haruto and Saki, who was the receiving team.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Jan 10, 2014 7:17 AM

Jul 2013
mayukachan said:
Are you sure...?

Well in both seasons did you see a couple(male+female) having S**? The answer is yes Haruto and Saki.

Venom900 said:
This series lacks logic, for all we know it could have been Yamada's kid, why? Cus using this show's logic it would make sense 100%

But really though, only two that put the stick in the hole was Haruto and Saki, who was the receiving team.

I doubt Yamada would even understand what love means. If you remember Saki called the future child "prince" while others didn't mention anything at all + Shouko could of explained to the future kid rather than Saki. I assume it is Saki's Kid.

Judging from watching both seasons we can say it is Saki's kid. Not shouko since she didn't even have a change to go on a dat with Haruto.
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Jan 10, 2014 8:43 AM

Jul 2012
Renaultclio101 said:
mayukachan said:
Are you sure...?

Well in both seasons did you see a couple(male+female) having S**? The answer is yes Haruto and Saki.

That doesn't mean a baby was produced then...Sex can be behind the scenes.
Jan 10, 2014 5:03 PM

Jul 2010
mayukachan said:
Renaultclio101 said:
mayukachan said:
Are you sure...?

Well in both seasons did you see a couple(male+female) having S**? The answer is yes Haruto and Saki.

That doesn't mean a baby was produced then...Sex can be behind the scenes.

Only that one time in S1
I hate the fact they didn't show who were the parents
Cus everybody thinks it's Haruto x saki or Haruto x l-elf
Sadly I see the hair to be A - Drei
Jan 10, 2014 7:00 PM

May 2009
Renaultclio101 said:
I'm just answering the question since most people have been asking the same thing.

Can you explain who the future child is?

Yes, Okouchi posted on twitter that everyone should come up with this by themselves.
Jan 10, 2014 7:08 PM

Nov 2012
Just one problem with your theory. Isn't the kid from 200 years in the future, how the hell is he still a kid.
Jan 11, 2014 3:03 AM

Jul 2013
mayukachan said:
Renaultclio101 said:
mayukachan said:
Are you sure...?

Well in both seasons did you see a couple(male+female) having S**? The answer is yes Haruto and Saki.

That doesn't mean a baby was produced then...Sex can be behind the scenes.

But the Child has the same eyes as Haruto and L-elfs hair, Haruto has bitten L-elf a few times so there is a possible of mix dna blood.

RosyXkid said:
mayukachan said:
Renaultclio101 said:
mayukachan said:
Are you sure...?

Well in both seasons did you see a couple(male+female) having S**? The answer is yes Haruto and Saki.

That doesn't mean a baby was produced then...Sex can be behind the scenes.

Only that one time in S1
I hate the fact they didn't show who were the parents
Cus everybody thinks it's Haruto x saki or Haruto x l-elf
Sadly I see the hair to be A - Drei

At the end of Season 2, you seen A-drei got hold of the flowers during the wedding scene and it shows his face was emotionless so I believe he has no feelings at all

jose21 said:
Just one problem with your theory. Isn't the kid from 200 years in the future, how the hell is he still a kid.
The valvrave project was to become Immortal so I believe it has succeed. You could be asking how Saki/the rest of the crew are still alive
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Jan 13, 2014 10:04 PM

Mar 2012
Renaultclio101 said:

Venom900 said:
This series lacks logic, for all we know it could have been Yamada's kid, why? Cus using this show's logic it would make sense 100%

But really though, only two that put the stick in the hole was Haruto and Saki, who was the receiving team.

I doubt Yamada would even understand what love means. If you remember Saki called the future child "prince" while others didn't mention anything at all + Shouko could of explained to the future kid rather than Saki. I assume it is Saki's Kid.

Judging from watching both seasons we can say it is Saki's kid. Not shouko since she didn't even have a change to go on a dat with Haruto.

Went right over your head...

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Jan 22, 2014 4:43 AM

Jul 2013
Venom900 said:
Renaultclio101 said:

Venom900 said:
This series lacks logic, for all we know it could have been Yamada's kid, why? Cus using this show's logic it would make sense 100%

But really though, only two that put the stick in the hole was Haruto and Saki, who was the receiving team.

I doubt Yamada would even understand what love means. If you remember Saki called the future child "prince" while others didn't mention anything at all + Shouko could of explained to the future kid rather than Saki. I assume it is Saki's Kid.

Judging from watching both seasons we can say it is Saki's kid. Not shouko since she didn't even have a change to go on a dat with Haruto.

Went right over your head...

not really since there is that possibility as Saki was the one explaining to the kid about the past.
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May 31, 2014 1:11 AM

Sep 2010
Saki's not pregnant and she's busy hitting on A-drei.
Jun 27, 2014 9:35 PM

Apr 2012
Renaultclio101 said:
I will now announce that the child parents are Saki rukino and haruto. After Haruto died, Saki found out she was pregnant since the incident where Haruto rapes her. In Both seasons we didn't see any close couples as far as them both. Before Haruto's last memory disappears it showed us Saki Rukino and not shouko since he must felt has fallen in love with Saki.

The conclusion the Child is SakixHaruto
Renaultclio101 said:
j0x said:
the child has L-Elf's hair color and looks though

Haruto has bitten L-elf before so there is a mix of dna blood so thats why Haruto's son has the colour of hair as l-elfs
make sense
My Reviews and Rants:

Jun 30, 2014 5:50 AM

Jan 2010
Renaultclio101 said:
I will now announce that the child parents are Saki rukino and haruto. After Haruto died, Saki found out she was pregnant since the incident where Haruto rapes her. In Both seasons we didn't see any close couples as far as them both. Before Haruto's last memory disappears it showed us Saki Rukino and not shouko since he must felt has fallen in love with Saki.

The conclusion the Child is SakixHaruto

then i would believe this, if there is a vias or link ( light novel or in Kakumeiki Valvrave website/ fanpage )

haruto didnt only bite l-elf, he bite soldiers before ( ep2 )
i can say that kid is a-drei`s kid, rukino can develop feelings on a-drei after ep 10 s2
Jul 11, 2014 11:57 AM

Sep 2010
The child does not resemble Saki OR A-drei. Saki treats him as unrelated to her, he's addressed as her superior and called the prince of the Third Galactic Empire, which began with the Module after episode 24. When you know, L-Elf took control of it.

He resembles Haruto and L-Elf. The act of jacking a body is to put one's runes (which includes genes) in somebody else's body and the novel compares this rune-stuff sharing/biting with sex and procreation because it's exactly the same function only for Magius and Kamitsuki. Haruto burned himself in L-Elf's body. L-Elf even affirms part of Haruto still survives inside of him in a way in the CD drama. So it's most likely L-Elf's child, natural or laboratory made, and his genetic material is carrying Haruto due to the exposure of the jacking, so his descendants would look as a mix of them.

The entire point of the show is that they have to reach to a mix of "flavors" so to speak. That was even L-Elf's departing line in the last CD drama. A-drei, in his manga last chapter, defers to L-Elf. Because he wants to see L-Elf's dream to be built. L-Elf's unquestionably the leader of the Module too in the CD drama and the one Saki acknowledges as such, even if she eyerolls at his people skills, she knows he's nicer than he seems.
ThessJul 11, 2014 12:02 PM
Aug 3, 2014 11:40 AM

Dec 2010
I think I read a translated interview which said the child was created through a combination of Haruto, and L-Elf's genes. So if that's true, then the child is the child of Haruto and L-Elf.

But of course I don't have the source right now. So its still up to your interpretation.
Aug 13, 2014 11:29 AM
Oct 2012
The is 100% NOT from ANY Valvrave pilot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why? Because they are immortal and thus that will mean that their children would also be immortal so....THAT PRINCE is NOT 221 years old. Even if the "curse" makes you immortal and thus remain young, this brings 2 questions:
1. If he is to remain as young as he was when he acquired the virus, why then he GREW UP TO ~8 years and THEN STOPPED? Why he did not stop aging at age of 5? Or at baby ages and remain a baby forever? :)
2. MORE IMPORTANT QUESTION: If he is 221 years old child of Saki x Haruto: WHY THE HELL HE DOES NOT STILL KNOW, AFTER 221 YEARS, HOW THE HECK THEIR BING EMPIRE WAS FOUNDED AND WHO HIS FATHER WAS AND WHAT VALVRAVES ARE??? Why he did not know that the Highschool was still there?
For 221 years he would DEFINITELY know.

Also some more points about this kid:
1. Saki refers to him as some official and not as his own kid.
2. It acts like a kid, not as 221 year old person(in mind if not in body).
3. Even if you are immortal being, that princes Liesselote, STILL AGED. We clearly saw from L-elf's memories that she was a little girl and after 10 years she had grown up. So conclusion: Immortal beings as them GROW UP but do not age, which will mean that they would reach some point in adulthood(?) and then will stop ageing.

Why did not even one person above me noticed those things, I have no idea. This is simple logic, 1+1=2.
Jun 7, 2015 6:46 PM

Feb 2012
He has no parents, he is artificially created from both Haruto and L-elf's DNA, both heroes of the war.

Or he is not the son of any of the characters we know but possibly grandson or great grandson of the characters we know.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Jun 25, 2015 2:59 AM
Jun 2015
White hair is a genetic mutation.
Ps does this anime seem like a mecha akame ga kill
Oct 2, 2015 12:59 PM

Sep 2010
It obvious its a artificial being made with L elf's and Haruto's genes. So therefore L elf jr.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Dec 2, 2015 4:15 AM

Nov 2014
I do think this is the million dollar question, who that kid is... If it was L elf's and Haruto's genes. I really don't know what to say... except for ermmm... I would like it if the kid wasn't artificially created lol... Personally, kind of hoping it was actually Haruto x Saki, but then the hair obviously doesn't really make too much sense, I mean if it was because of biting L elf too much, that would mean the kid has genes from 3 people... lmao, I guess only the author knows?
SympathyRSDec 3, 2015 3:12 AM
Apr 24, 2016 7:16 AM
Apr 2016
The child's parents are Saki Rukino and Haruto. Both Haruto and the child have blue eyes which confirms it. Also,the child gets white hair from L-Elf because Haruto bit him gaining his DNA trait. Anyways we learn Haruto loves Saki.
Apr 28, 2016 6:54 PM
Sep 2013
I agree on that statement
May 2, 2016 4:55 AM
May 2016
U know It be pretty funny if somehow haruto was revive (maybe for the purpose of being used to do bad stuff) then he just called the prince his son xD IDK wy i said this I dont even know if da valvrave manga or ln is still on going or what happen to haruto
on how he died cause i just watch da s2 finale xDD after watching da first season xD
Sep 9, 2016 4:41 AM
Sep 2016
The child's parent are saki and haruto why because he has haruto eyes and his hairstyle haruto bit lelf so the child has some his genes plus at the end of the anime we see that haruto chooses saki as his memories of her is the last to disappear
Saki vows to protect this child as he is the legacy haruto left behind
The child is well 221 yrs old because well if you look at it scientifically movies magius are capable of reproduction and if they keep reproducing the entire world would be consumed and so maybe the pregnancy period for bovid magius females will be longer and so he grows slowly
I mean if the child was not saki and haruto then they wouldn't need to include the raip scene
Plus if anyone was thinking why she didn't use contraceptives you should know that post raip contraceptive only work on humans and not on homo sapien Magius
Plus I wish haruto was alive
As saki has gone through a lot in the past and haruto would have been the only one to light her way
I really wished that they should get together
I hate the fucking author for tearing them apart
I really only watched the valvrave series because I believed they were the perfect couple
You guys should read the haruto x saki fanfics way better stories
I would recommend these
1) return (best postwar story)
2) touched by the moon ( good plot)
3) founding of an empire
Sep 15, 2016 5:13 PM

Sep 2010

First, Haruto never really chose Saki. He forgot about her immediately. His last memories were Shoko's and L-Elf's, his most important people. Heck, in the novel, the only thing inside of him were his feelings for L-Elf. He couldn't remember his name or memories, but he never lost his feelings for that guy specifically. It's pretty hilarious, both girls 'lost'.

The kid has a CRUSH ON SAKI in her manga. He's not her son. She's just a tutor. He's a prince who is supposed to resemble L-ELF who is the FOUNDER of the Empire. Put two and two. He's his descendant. He has vague resemblance to Haruto because Haruto jacked him and left genetic material of him in his body.

We see Saki six months after Haruto's death and she's not pregnant anyway. She's even moving on and HITTING ON A-DREI.
Dec 27, 2016 5:52 PM
Jul 2018
According to the light novels, and the Valvrave wikia which I've read, the Prince is the son of L-Elf Karlstein and Shoko Sashinami.
Feb 12, 2017 3:50 AM
Aug 2016
Dennis_Vasquez said:
The child's parents are Saki Rukino and Haruto. Both Haruto and the child have blue eyes which confirms it. Also,the child gets white hair from L-Elf because Haruto bit him gaining his DNA trait. Anyways we learn Haruto loves Saki.

I guess this is the best explainable reason of whose child it is
May 13, 2018 10:58 PM
May 2018
The child was born long after the Anime events, not the son of the two. She is just one of his tutors, who was telling a historical fact of the empire, in this case the story of Haruto.
May 13, 2018 11:19 PM

Jan 2009
ShiranaiAtsune said:
According to the light novels, and the Valvrave wikia which I've read, the Prince is the son of L-Elf Karlstein and Shoko Sashinami.

welp if the light novels says that then that is official
Dec 23, 2018 7:36 PM
Forever Fearless

Apr 2007
I came in here hoping for an actual answer, now I'm just disappointed as all fuck.
Speed is Life - 1st ID... patch on my shoulder.

Jun 24, 2019 12:12 AM

Feb 2014
I remember Satomi mentioning to the Prince that his Godmother is also a Renbokouji. Which could lead to a potential A-Drei x Akira ship. Afterall, A-Drei got the flower boquet last episode and is a royalty while Akira is the only other Renbokouji and the last episode had her dressed up as one.

When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Jun 25, 2019 8:14 PM
Jun 2019
This happen 211 years after. He most probably is A-drei descend, maybe E-elf Grand grandson. This don't really matter. Whats matter is that the country is what Haruto and E-elf looked for. Remaining sakimori students that appears in the last escene most probably became immortal as well, keep in mind they were all compatible.
Feb 6, 2020 12:02 PM
Feb 2020
Even I think its saki and haruto kids because they showed sex in ep 10 of s1 and later in ep12 of s1 they showed a kid with saki who looks like L-elf and haruto.
So I think it might clue/indicated that it can be product of haruto and saki factory😀😁
Mar 15, 2021 1:45 PM
Mar 2021
I know I'm this late lol but I just finished the anime. I just want to say it's kinda impossible to be Saki's and Haruto's child. It was never shown that Saki got pregnant after they did it, instead it was showed she was hitting on A-Drei after months of the incident. Him biting L-Elf' multiple times that resulted to that doesn't also make sense because again, it was never showed Saki got pregnant after months. Moreover, it's kinda impossible for him to be their child because that's like 221 yrs. Even if their species pregnancy are longer, it wouldn't mean they will keep a 200 yrs old fetus inside them. Like bruh, that was fcked up to be pregnant for 200 yrs. That was too much stretched.

I believed it might be L-Elf's son with Haruto's genes because that is the most plausible explanation for the child's appearance inserting the story's logic. It's not necessarily a child, he might be an artificial/laboratory made with both L-Elf's and what is left of Haruto's that just succeeded after years of experimentation that's why it took so long for him to be shown. It's a big possibility because of his appearance.

Btw, in my opinion (just my opinion) the child's appearance doesn't match any of Saki's trait (I mean I don't hate that ship, I love Saki's strong willed character actually) nor Shoko's, it just doesn't really match if you base it on anime logic for parent-child relationship (bcs usually a child of an anime is 80% looks like their parents) because Saki sports dark hair with purple eyes and Shoko with green eyes while the child have silver hair with round blue eyes, all the traits are basically from the protagonist and deuteragonist of the story
__risseMar 16, 2021 3:31 AM
Mar 27, 2022 5:34 AM
Dec 2019
Renaultclio101 said:
I will now announce that the child parents are Saki rukino and haruto. After Haruto died, Saki found out she was pregnant since the incident where Haruto rapes her. In Both seasons we didn't see any close couples as far as them both. Before Haruto's last memory disappears it showed us Saki Rukino and not shouko since he must felt has fallen in love with Saki.

The conclusion the Child is SakixHaruto
thanks i was wondering about that is thaere any other interesting trivia in novel a fan would like
Sep 15, 2022 7:47 AM
Sep 2022
The prince is Haruto's child. The LN talks about how magius are able to absorb the runes (DNA) of others and that Lieselotte had Haruto absorb her rune. The author added that scene in the LN to preserve Liseslotte's bloodline so therefore the prince is Haruto's child.

The mother is most likely Shoko since Saki doesn't refer to the prince by name.
silencebladeSep 15, 2022 8:02 AM

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