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Soul Eater
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Apr 3, 2009 5:32 PM

Feb 2008
- Maka turns out to be a weapon ---> nothing really happens
- Big Kishin gets pummeled ---> small Kishin nearly kills everyone
- Noone became a Death Scythe

I liked the rest of the series though..
xyfrApr 3, 2009 5:39 PM

Apr 3, 2009 7:48 PM

Jul 2008
So fucking LAME!

All i have to say about this episode..

Final rating 6/10
Apr 3, 2009 9:04 PM

Aug 2008
ending cliché, but was awesome in general

final rating 10/10
Apr 3, 2009 9:31 PM

Aug 2007
kagemaru said:
Basically, Maka raised her G-stone energy to infinite levels and beat the Kishin! That's only mandatory because VICTORY GOES TO THE ONES WITH COURAGE!!!


Oh come on, a GaoGaiGar reference was needed on this one. XD

This is what I was thinking when YUUKI DA was popping up.
Apr 4, 2009 5:25 AM

Apr 2008
I wasn't expecting mutch from bones to begin with since since they stopped following the manga Soul Eater just wasn't as good... Ignoring that bones made everyone weaker than they are in the manga. Well except maby Maka's falcon punch! I liked Asura saing that there was nothing wrong with him beathing the crap out of everyone cuz he's way stronger and the fight between him and maka reminded me of Maka's first encounter with Free where she let go of Soul to tackle Free.

Maka ditching Soul sucked cuz he ownt her.
I'm keeping it a 9/10!

I'm realy hoping that they will remake this series someday. Cuz it ownz and want to see the manga ending animated! But that's gonna take a while!
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise"
Apr 4, 2009 5:36 AM

Dec 2007

I sat down expecting an awesome ending to a fantastic series, but this is what I got.

Okay, I sort of understand the courage/madness thing:
Courage is the antithesis of madness in this. Madness was spreading across the world and taking over people, so when Maka delivers a normal punch just because she has the courage to do so, Asura then gets taken over by the courage - that he can't comprehend - and explodes. Courage is infectious, just like madness.

But what about the others, did they not have courage? Well, on second thoughts, Black Star already knows he will surpass god, so he has confidence not courage, and Kid is just kickass so he doesn't need to rely so much on courage. And, as someone said before, no-one gave Asura a plain ol' puch to the face.

Okay, I can roll with that. But this was just the wrong time, wrong series to do that in!
Why did Maka solo the final battle?! Soul Eater has always been about working as a pair, as a team, but there she is going it alone. What did she get from her team? 'Courage'. How dull.


And when she changed into a weapon herself, I was expecting an even more awesome ending than when I first sat down to watch the episode, but that whole scene lasted, what?, a minute?

Sigh. This could've been so much more. They could've still used the 'courage' ending, but with all of them working together in an awesome fight. And to finish it of with the worst ending song with absolutely no epilogue... I feel so used.

One last thing. yes, Maka is the main character. Why do people stare at the title and not the story?
Apr 4, 2009 6:14 AM

Nov 2007
hmmm corny ending to an overall great story maybe soul eater will take a page out of naruto and give us a time skip. it just seems right to me in our big final fight we end up seeing so much potential come out of our main characters. death and his true shinigame powers blackstar and the red tensa zangetsu rip off and maka actually embracing her fathers whole being a weapon thing. id love to see those powers develope and 5-10 years farther into the series.
Apr 4, 2009 8:44 AM

Jan 2008
I'm not gonna read all 150 posts here, but judging by the poll I'm guessing that more than half of the people here thought like me... such a stupid end for such a good series.

This episode had a lot of good scenes but the whole finish was just too gawd damn cheeesy. Where's the team work?

Apr 4, 2009 2:39 PM
Jul 2018
Was pretty disappointed with this episode. It was stupid that Shingami couldn't beat Asura before he swallowed Medusa's soul but Maka could defeat him after he did with a punch to the face.

Gave the whole series 7/10 because it was enjoyable early on but went downhill for me after the second half.
Apr 4, 2009 5:19 PM

Aug 2008
well i guess im not really hugely suprised at the shitty ending this series got ever since it began to deviate from the manga and to be honest im really pissed off about it as i gave this series a 9/10 from the start and now end it with an 8/10 and im considering moving it down to a 7/10 thanks to the nonesense that is episode 51.

they should at least have waited for the manga to end its current arc and end it properly without messing with the story so you leave the fans wanting more and hopefully a year or 2 down the line you get a second season. i mean take a look at kekkaishi that ended on 52 episodes but it didnt pull of a chessy ending it followed to manga storylines ending of the kokuborou arc so it leaves open room for a second season as manga is still running.

Now shows like the great Gantz season 2 have suffered from a studio's lack of patience in waiting for manga chapters and thus they decided to make up the second of half of the season giving it one of the most WTF endings i have ever seen.

anywayz enough of my rambling im just tired of seeing great shows starting off supremely and ending as though the creators didnt know how to end it in the 1st place.
Apr 4, 2009 7:18 PM

Nov 2008
Gosh what a disappointing ending.This is not the first time BONES has disappointed me. Darker than Black ending anyone? But THIS is just over the top.
When they diverted from the manga it was quite acceptable for a while. But the last episode was CLICHED beyond reason, made no sense at all. I just skipped the part where they started talking about COURAGE and watched the last few seconds of the ending. One of the worst endings for an otherwise great series. Would have given it a 9/10, now brought down to 7/10
Apr 4, 2009 8:13 PM

Jul 2008
Meh, kind of a lame ending.
Apr 4, 2009 10:58 PM

Sep 2008
Is it really too much to ask to follow the damn manga? This show peaked around the medusa/stein fight and the kishin/shinigami fight scene (first one). After that... it went down hill. Depressing to see something with so much potential fall short at the end like that.

eps 1-25 10/10 eps 26-51 7/10 for a total of 8.5/10 for the series.

Apr 4, 2009 11:56 PM

Jan 2008
I was really hoping for an epic fight here, and i thought i was going to get it when maka went all scythe-y, which was pretty badass, but alas they went with the odd corny not epic ending. So much potential and they wrecked it in the very end. Terrible ending song choice too.

Well after a year of watching it, it's been great. even though the end wasn't as good as i'd hoped, i really enjoyed this show. I will miss it for sure.
Apr 5, 2009 2:06 AM
Feb 2009
The ending SUCKED. I gave it a 1/5. VERY disappointing, as it is such a great show.
Apr 5, 2009 2:45 AM

Jul 2008
Thought the "everyone has courage too" comeback was clever. The comeback. But the fact that it was actual courage that beat Asura was just... Eh. And I didn't expect Maka to become a weapon. That was pretty cool. Spirit must have some real FAITH in his daughter to let her risk her life like that too. I didn't expect Shinigami to survive either. I was predicting madness would take over. Overall the episode was okay.

The first half was way more enjoyable, imo. But I will definitely miss Soul Eater.

Apr 5, 2009 7:11 AM

May 2008
A courage punch, seriously?

BONES could have at least gone with super-mega-ultra-demon-hunter-Gurren Lagann-style so as to at least involve Soul. The show's original purpose was, after all, turning him into a Death Scythe. Though I guess the Maka vs Kishin setup was impossible to pull off tastefully any way you look at it, but I never thought BONES would go for the weaponless-Maka version.

The ending was meh, but this show is something to remember anyway. 9/10
Apr 5, 2009 8:03 AM

Jul 2008
Myu- said:
The show's original purpose was, after all, turning him into a Death Scythe.
I was thinking about that as well. Its like after the first few episodes they just totally forgot about that.
Apr 5, 2009 9:47 AM

Nov 2007
Why is everyone acting as if the show's PURPOSE was to focus on Soul? That was its initial PREMISE to introduce the anime. You all need to learn to analyze a lot better!

The biggest problem with the last two episodes was something I did not see mentioned on the first or last two pages (the only ones I read) - any time any media does the 'repeat a moment' thing, taking like a 3 second 'badass' moment and repeating it 'dramatically', it shows that they are trying to do their best focusing on being impressive rather than actually being impressive. This happened three times in the last two episodes, and I am pretty sure not before then.

Also, it was really ironic watching this after Gintama's fake ending episode where they mocked Evangelion's ending, because this then felt JUST like an attempt to take Evangelion's ending. Whether that was it exactly or not, the whole 'fear!!!' in red font on black over and over was in the same type of vein ;_;
Elsewhere, a somewhat startled Warren Worthington III finds that he has accidentally wandered into an electrified east-side world of post-twist teens and watsui-ing teeny-boppers...
Apr 5, 2009 3:58 PM

Jul 2008
Worst ending ever? Some people really haven't watch a lot of anime.

I found the ending good, that is only if you interpret it as I do and doesn't look farter than it's nose.

Asura thought that fear was controlling everyone but then Maka shown him that she wasn't affraid of him contradicting everything he thought up for thousand of year that mean no little. Seeing what he thought for thousand of year not working on Maka he began to wondering if he was right making himself feeling fear, the fear of being false.

He underestimated Maka who punched him right at the good place with her anti-demon wavelength. The 'courage' Make spoke about wasn't the power of the punch (who was because of her wavelength) but being able to face the strongest being face one without fear and hesitation

Asura didn't lost against Maka but against himself, he was scared and underestimated Maka to make his self-estim goes up once he would have taken the blow without dying to releive himself from his fear, to have the prof that Maka was wrong.
Apr 5, 2009 4:31 PM

Aug 2008
maxime1007 said:
Worst ending ever? Some people really haven't watch a lot of anime.

I found the ending good, that is only if you interpret it as I do and doesn't look farter than it's nose.

Asura thought that fear was controlling everyone but then Maka shown him that she wasn't affraid of him contradicting everything he thought up for thousand of year that mean no little. Seeing what he thought for thousand of year not working on Maka he began to wondering if he was right making himself feeling fear, the fear of being false.

He underestimated Maka who punched him right at the good place with her anti-demon wavelength. The 'courage' Make spoke about wasn't the power of the punch (who was because of her wavelength) but being able to face the strongest being face one without fear and hesitation

Asura didn't lost against Maka but against himself, he was scared and underestimated Maka to make his self-estim goes up once he would have taken the blow without dying to releive himself from his fear, to have the prof that Maka was wrong.

i know what you mean as there have been worser endings in other shows people are just angered by the awesome quality that we got at the start of the series which dissapointingly results in a half assed rushed ending that lets down the series.

and i respect ur opinon on ur interpretation of the ending but im sorry that ending cannot be justified especially since it isnt manga material(and btw kishin aint dead in manga) and it dosent match up to the quality and enjoyment of the earlier episodes such as stein vs medusa or shinigami vs asura(round 1)
Apr 5, 2009 11:56 PM

Aug 2007
Lame ending. Talk about making it as corny as possible.

The past ten episodes or so were just not on par with the first 4/5 of the show.

Soul Eater gets an 8/10 from me because of the the first thirty some episodes.

Felli disapproves of this thread.
Apr 6, 2009 12:03 AM

Apr 2007
Whew, gotta say I'm relived to finally finish this series, it's gone on for about 20 more episodes than it needed to.

As for the episode itself, the ending was alright. Fairly anticlimactic but I honestly wasn't expecting much.
Apr 6, 2009 12:46 AM

Oct 2007
Corny ending is corny. Really disappointed with this. Courage Punch To The Win. This is hard to rate as some the earlier episodes were brilliant and it just sort of collapsed near the end. 9/10 for earlier episodes, brilliant animation and choreography, and good character dynamics.

"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees." By Emiliano Zapata
Apr 6, 2009 3:29 AM
Nov 2007
Eh, I didn't think the ending was that bad.

Maka being a weapon isn't hard to explain. The kishin mentioned that she seemed to have weapon blood in her, which makes sense considering her father. She's half weapon race.

It wasn't just courage that saved the day. It was the fact that her courage in the face of adversity and the fact that she was not afraid of the Kishin that did it. As we saw in previous episodes, the Kishin is heavily susceptible to fear, and so when he was put into this situation where Maka never backed down it really affected him.

The only point of contention I can see is the fact that he was so weakened by his fear that a punch could beat him, but there weren't really any other points besides this that bothered me.

I guess if I had a say in the episode, I might have had Maka deliver the finishing blow with her weapon arm, or maybe have Soul be able to combine with her soul resonance to deliver one final demon slaying attack. Overall, not the worst ending, and I enjoyed the series. 8/10
Apr 6, 2009 10:22 AM

Jul 2008
Nero_200 said:

and i respect ur opinon on ur interpretation of the ending but im sorry that ending cannot be justified especially since it isnt manga material(and btw kishin aint dead in manga) and it dosent match up to the quality and enjoyment of the earlier episodes such as stein vs medusa or shinigami vs asura(round 1)

I know, I read the manga as well.
Crona vs Medusa was even crappier than that, I like way better the last ep than this one.
Apr 6, 2009 2:10 PM

Dec 2007
I put the show on hold at ep 37...should I finish the rest? Looks like the ending gave a mixed response.
Apr 6, 2009 3:11 PM

Jan 2008
maka shoulda kicked kishin's ass going weapon mode and that woulda been sick. mad lame ending
Apr 6, 2009 3:26 PM

May 2008
Lame. 'Nuff said.

(The only part that I liked though was Maka being a weapon. Well, her father is a weapon after all so it wasn't that "out of nowhere".)
Apr 6, 2009 4:03 PM

Jun 2007
The ending blew. I liked Maka becoming a weapon, but the whole courage thing was just balls.

"if the show is good i couldn't care less if hitler directed it and the production values was a banana." - Salsk
Apr 6, 2009 7:58 PM

Apr 2009
Man SE was great up until the last few minutes of this episode. When Maka turned into a scythe herself I was like.... bad ass... then she breaks down and her courage wins?
The Kishin talks all this shit about invoking fear in her and when he can't understand courage he becomes afraid of her? nice?

Now if only Kid or Black Star did that in the beginning of the fight it would have been all over....

Ah well I think Bones dropped the ball a little early, could have spread SE across a few more episodes.

I still loved the series as a whole though. Gunna have to pick up the manga now.
Apr 7, 2009 12:54 AM

Sep 2007
God what a boring ending. The animation was decent, but friendship speeches... egh. Tacky and uninspired. Oh, and I loved how everyone was magically okay once the Kishin was gone. Because they didn't totally get thrashed.
Shame, BONES. Shame.
Apr 7, 2009 4:51 AM

Dec 2007
Where does the anime end in regards to the manga?
or was it completely changed or something?
othicApr 7, 2009 1:31 PM
Apr 8, 2009 6:54 AM
May 2008
othic said:
Where does the anime end in regards to the manga?
or was it completely changed or something?

if you wanna start reading the manga start at chapter 38, thats when the changes in storyline start to happen
Apr 8, 2009 11:48 AM

Dec 2008
DarkDemon said:
othic said:
Where does the anime end in regards to the manga?
or was it completely changed or something?

if you wanna start reading the manga start at chapter 38, thats when the changes in storyline start to happen

Except don't because the manga is amazing and epic, even if it is the same basic storyline from ch. 1-37, if you really like the series you should read from the beginning, it's not a waste of time, imho.
Apr 8, 2009 12:05 PM

Apr 2008
Soooooooooooooo lame and corny. disappointed. going to need to read some of the manga to cheer myself up.
Apr 8, 2009 2:28 PM

Aug 2008
Hey what a balanced score this episode got, quite the mixed feelings huh?
Seriously, never seen a score been that evenly distributed.

I hated this ending. And as far as I can tell (haven't read the manga yet) the last 20 or so of the anime was mostly all new material that had little to do with the manga.
I dropped my score in this anime too.
Cliche didn't work here.
Last boss's all mighty and powerful, then starts to fear his opponent even though he's obviously got the upperhand both mentally and physically, but gets owned by a shitty little punch.

Ending fails, but I really did like the first half of this anime, rest started to go down hill somehow.
maykipz said:
DarkDemon said:
othic said:
Where does the anime end in regards to the manga?
or was it completely changed or something?

if you wanna start reading the manga start at chapter 38, thats when the changes in storyline start to happen

Except don't because the manga is amazing and epic, even if it is the same basic storyline from ch. 1-37, if you really like the series you should read from the beginning, it's not a waste of time, imho.

Really? Thought so. Thanks anyways!
Apr 8, 2009 3:56 PM

Apr 2009
I loved the series...

but the last episode.. wow, I think they just messed that up >.<; I didn't like the ending at all. I thought it was cool that Maka turned into a weapon and everything - but everything after that, with the courage and her defeating the demon god with this courage of hers.. yeah, that was terrible.
Apr 8, 2009 4:02 PM

May 2008
Little bit disappointed with the ending, not really crazing about the way Asura gets defeated... but I did enjoy the majority of the series. Pretty solid overall.
Apr 8, 2009 7:09 PM

Jul 2007
I dont mind when anime's deviate from the manga so they can get a end to the series, but this was horrible.

In the end, the kishin was destroyed, by Maka's annoying ability to not stop talking.

The series overall though, decent :)
Apr 8, 2009 8:50 PM

Dec 2008
I didn't really like how it ended. But the whole of this anime was wonderful! I really enjoyed watching it. One thing bothers me a little though. As soon as Maka beat Asura everyone gets up and is totally fine, basically.. >.> I feel liked they skipped some things too.. I'm so sad it's over! Hoping for a second season.

BAKA! - I laughed every time Excalibur said that. ;p

Apr 8, 2009 9:42 PM

Apr 2009
The ending was just horrible in my opinion. I wanted to scream BAKA!!!
Apr 8, 2009 9:59 PM

Aug 2008
Wow, after fixing my computer and being offline for a week and a half, I look forward to seeing the end of this show...and I get this piece of shit? This is one of the worst, most terribly thought out endings I've ever seen. I had this show at a 9 in the beginning, but then we got way too much Excalibur, so I had to drop it to an 8. I held strong even though towards the end nothing was really going anywhere, and then they leave me with this steaming pile of bull crap for an ending. I really thought I would end up giving this show a ten, but it just went extra shounen in these last 7 or so episodes.


If it weren't for the art style and strong beginning, this would easily be a 5, but luckily it was actually great/novel at the start.

Apr 8, 2009 10:02 PM

Feb 2009
everyone of course is entitled to their opinions but....
i'm astonished that over 50 people thought this episode deserved a perfect score of 5 out of 5
~May you continue being the Messiah....
Apr 8, 2009 10:42 PM

Oct 2007
Lol, the ending was horrible :[
But the series was pretty kewl :]

Maka pretty much talked Kishin to death xD haha
Apr 8, 2009 10:59 PM

Dec 2008
Fefe-chan said:

Worst ending EVER!

Seriously, courage power? Maka is now a super-ultra-mega-powerful girl and turned the show into MAKA EATER.

When Asura cracked, I was almost throwing up... I mean, you could kill the demon king in so many ways, but with the 'power of courage' added to a 'punch' in simply a big 'no, no' to me.

And the end of the last episode was also a big disappointment. Simply a traumatic and terrible ending for such a good show, I just hope that the manga has a better ending.

Still, I loved the show 'till episode 25 and will wait for the manga to end to get a real opinion about the series.

I totally agree! The ending was SOOOO CORNY! I was expecting some sort of epic battle scene that didn't involve just talking. Some bits were interesting but the moment when they flashed on the screen "The magic word is COURAGE".... why?

The build up to Asura's realization was entertaining and all... I actually found myself laughing at Asura instead of being like "OH SHIT!" I liked his last line at least: "Then it's just like madness." It sounded pretty cool =) hahaha

Nevertheless, the show was entertaining and fun to watch. ^_^
Apr 9, 2009 1:08 AM

Sep 2007
Lol, courage pwns all. I can forgive them for the bad ending, though, because of the 50 other episodes with great action. I was just hoping we would get to see Soul turn into a Death Scythe, or something. My friends have told me that the Fullmetal Alchemist ending wasn't too good either (also done by Bones).

Apr 9, 2009 3:36 AM

Sep 2007
I don't know about anybody else, but I'm just glad Shinigami-sama didn't die. :D

-toan :)
Apr 9, 2009 11:46 AM

Nov 2008
IMO, they shoulda had Maka win in her weapon mode. They could've kept the whole courage thing, but delivering a fist full of courage whilst covered in razor-sharp blades would have possibly made my mind explode.

NOTE: I am a legitimate (meaning usually on-topic and polite) hit-and-run poster. Do not expect me to reply to your reply to my reply.
Apr 9, 2009 8:35 PM

Aug 2007
Well, I've stopped watching anime like 6 or 7 episodes ago, catched up with manga and then finished anime series in one day. And when I saw Shibusen WALKING like some mech in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan or something, then fighting with Baba Yaga's Castle, it was the first time I wanted to skip an episode of SE..

Pretty sad though. Manga gave lot of emotions, was and still is mysterious and just great. Its a pity what they made to anime. Honestly, (I'd never believe 3 months ago I'll say this some day) I hope they will not pop up with some sequel. SE anime is DEAD.

Lets hope manga will stay as awesome as it is right now, till the end.
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