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Soul Eater
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Apr 1, 2009 5:06 PM
Aug 2008
I really liked this ending.

I think they are absolutely right... Courage is probably a synonyme to love, if you think of madness as hate.

That's how humans are... we can hate and get crazy or we can love and share our courage with people.

Courage is the strenght to understand yourself and to want to always get better. It's how you will always keep on going working with others, understanding them. See beyond the mask. Get to read your heart as well as other's heart.

Shinigami had strenght and fought with it. Maka could see through people's heart.

I think that what sums it up is that the Kishin was strong because he thought madness, which can be found in every human, was the best/easiest is to go through life. It's only logic that you could make him fall if you'd prove to him he was wrong (Maka's act).

If everybody acted like Maka, earth would be one great place to live.
Apr 1, 2009 5:12 PM

Dec 2008
nu said:
If everybody acted like Maka, earth would be one great place to live.

Yeah, I would pretty much kill myself if I lived in that world.

Edit: Yeah, I lowered my score on Soul Eater from 9 to 8 and it's out of my favorites now. :/ vvv
ilhoonApr 1, 2009 5:34 PM
Apr 1, 2009 5:31 PM

Jun 2007
Wahahau that ending seriously sucked -_- I expected something way better I mean its Soul Eater... >_>

My score for the whole series was 9 and I had to lower it to 8/10

*sad* D:
Apr 1, 2009 5:47 PM

Dec 2008
ugh that was terrible
even though maka was by far my least favorite character i thought it was bamf when she turned into a weapon and then the episode turned completely around it just seemed like they were pullin shit out their ass if all it took was a falcon punch and courage, black star should have had the fight wrapped up in a minute. heres to hoping the manga doesnt turn to shit
Apr 1, 2009 5:50 PM
Nov 2007
that was so.. ridiculous.. :\
Apr 1, 2009 5:52 PM

Feb 2009
Jeez they should have waited for the manga to catch up instead of bullshitting us!!
Apr 1, 2009 6:05 PM

Oct 2008
That was absolutely horrendous. I couldn't stand listening to all that shit about Courage and Madness... Sure when you end something, there should be some sort of philosphical outlook on something to make it seem nice..

What was that whole deal about Maka becoming a weapon? I think they're just trying to pull shit outta their asses...

Plus, did anyone else notice that everyone was unconcious, then when she magically started that speech, everyone woke up and did absolutely nothing? Then when it was over, they were all happy and full of energy? Uhh, what?
Apr 1, 2009 6:05 PM

Nov 2008
Fefe-chan said:

Worst ending EVER!

Seriously, courage power? Maka is now a super-ultra-mega-powerful girl and turned the show into MAKA EATER.

When Asura cracked, I was almost throwing up... I mean, you could kill the demon king in so many ways, but with the 'power of courage' added to a 'punch' in simply a big 'no, no' to me.

And the end of the last episode was also a big disappointment. Simply a traumatic and terrible ending for such a good show, I just hope that the manga has a better ending.

Still, I loved the show 'till episode 25 and will wait for the manga to end to get a real opinion about the series.

Apr 1, 2009 6:08 PM
May 2008
From the start I saw quite a bit of potential, but it began to run dry because of the length. I even fell 20 episodes behind at one point.
Anyways about then ending, I really liked it. I've seen many endings I didn't like (Xamdou, death note, code geass) but I really loved this one.
Apr 1, 2009 6:39 PM

Nov 2007
Well i think the ending was king of rushed... there where very few fight scenes if any... the reasons i watch soul eater was because of the realistic fight scenes...
and i also hated how asura was defeated by a weak "courage punch"
I think it's ok to emphasize courage to counter the madness/fear but come on almost 5 mins of the show was dialogue/shouting with courage/madness
Apr 1, 2009 7:47 PM

Oct 2008
The first half of the episode was amazing but, the second half really left me wanting more. It felt alot like the ending to a filler movie and in my opinion just did not lve up to the rest of the series.

Fefe-chan said:

Worst ending EVER!

After watching Gantz, Air Gear, and Speed Grapher, I really have to diagree with you on that.

Taylor said:
Hopefully a second season appears so they can correct some things they left out.

Yeah, let's have Bones run re-do both FMA and Soul Eater until they've been re-done to death and that way, they have little to no staff to work on anything that's actually NEW.
NoBadsignApr 1, 2009 8:06 PM
Apr 1, 2009 8:05 PM

Feb 2009
WTF! was that?? ah gosh!! i really xpected more about this ending!! maka becoming weapon was cool it reminded me that her mother was meister and her dad weapon... all of a sudden she took courage from all her friends and family, but... from that to making it the decisive punch to kill the kishin??

so so wrong! now i want the manga!
Apr 1, 2009 8:18 PM

Jan 2009
I thought the ending wasn't great but it wasn't so bad either. There was too much talk, Maka's weapon traits from her father activated during the battle while unconscious, the insecure Kishin lost because of his personality (not necessarily from the punch alone), Maka corrupted the Kishin's pure madness with her "courage"...

corrupting bad with good....hmm...

And one other thing, the title. Since it's Soul Eater and not Soul's Story I can see how Soul is not the main character. If you insist that it really is Soul's name in Soul Eater then wouldn't it be about some person or creature trying to eat Soul? Since it's Soul EATER? But even with that, they don't put much emphasis on eating souls. It was more about strengthening and resonating the souls they already had.
lazy34Apr 1, 2009 9:36 PM
Apr 1, 2009 10:50 PM
Mar 2009
cbkh915 said:
I was surpised when Maka became a weapon ,i was like "Oh SHIT!" I thought it was good except for when Maka was talking to the Kishin and that helped beat him. Loved when they used "I want to be" at the end. LOVE that song. For me it was an 8.5 or 9 out of 10 for me.

I feel the same way, Maka transforming into a weapon like Soul was the highlight of the whole episode! She should of beat Asura with that instead of talking. It was still one of the best episodes and i give the series a 9.5/10. The ending is what made it loose those 5 pts. it should have...whos knows, maybe they will come out with a second season. They have something to get it going and keep it going. :D
"BeCoMe BeTtEr ThAn ThE YoU oF yEsTeRdAy." ~ Rock Lee (Naruto Shippuden)~ Woooooaaaahh!! XD
Apr 1, 2009 11:39 PM
Jul 2018
that was gay... gay gay gay. huge disappointment. i was expecting soul and maka to really kick ass but in the end soul just lay there and maka suddenly had a ridiculous level up. badass weapon got pwned by punch of courage. lol. kishin sucked big time. this ending's worth a 4/10 but as a whole, i think 8 is generous enough..
removed-userApr 1, 2009 11:47 PM
Apr 2, 2009 3:11 AM
Mar 2009
The ending was a major FAIL!She just puched him with her "courage" and he got pawned,Shinigami went badass on him with mega spells and a freakin Kishin Hunt and nothin but when she punches him with "courage" he goes poof,who is writing this shit Excalibur,nah even a char like him could have tought out something stupid like this........
Apr 2, 2009 3:12 AM
Mar 2009
The ending was a major FAIL!She just puched him with her "courage" and he got pawned,Shinigami went badass on him with mega spells and a freakin Kishin Hunt and nothin but when she punches him with "courage" he goes poof,who is writing this shit Excalibur,nah even a char like him could have tought out something stupid like this........
Apr 2, 2009 4:56 AM

Mar 2009
There wasn't enough time to finish it properly. I knew from ep 45 that 51 episodes weren't going to be enough, they didn't even extend the episode, it was just 20 minutes to conclude it all. Ended up being a horror story. I'm gonna have to bump my score down because the quality really went below my expectations. The 2nd Season was nowhere near as good as the 1st
Apr 2, 2009 5:38 AM

Dec 2006
I think it's been pretty much said how much cheese this episode was dishing out. I haven't been this dissapointed since Berserk ended abruptly on me.

7/10 Overall for the series.
リスト 。。

Apr 2, 2009 7:12 AM

Aug 2007
Naruleach said:
Xylona said:
I loved when Maka turned into a weapon and her scream when the Kishin squeezed her. (It sounded so real! She's always so awesome with her screams. xD)
i find Maka's screams really annoying...

Honto ni? My husband and I love it. We think she's a really good voice actor, because the scream was so real how it changed pitch and was so screechy. haha. I'm with everyone else though, I lowered the score from 9 to 8 because of the ending.
Apr 2, 2009 7:15 AM
May 2008
So Maka is now stronger than Shinigami and it took one punch... ONE PUNCH! and wow way to kill Ashura's character.. way too weak. D:

Oh well I was way too harsh so 5.5/10 is best since it didn't start sucking till 40
Apr 2, 2009 7:48 AM

Feb 2009
Excellent episode, and maybe a bit corney as other has said.

But overall a great anime.

And I loved it when Asura snapped :)

Apr 2, 2009 8:19 AM

Jan 2008
"Courage" was most likely a metaphor. I love how they killed Ashura. Nobody EVER tried using a SIMPLE punch on him. No soul force, no special power, no nothing, just a normal punch. I guess since Ashura was functioning by the "rules" of madness, to defeat him you'd have to do something insane, and attacking him without any powers, is INSANE. That's why the final lies were so awesome

Ashura: What king of punch was that.
Maka: Nothing special, just a normal punch. Something that everyone had.
Ashura: Oh, just like madness.
Apr 2, 2009 11:16 AM

Sep 2008
Stupid and corny ending :/ decent show 7/10

Apr 2, 2009 11:50 AM

Dec 2008
Im gonna downgrade this anime from 9 to 8 thanks to the last few episodes.

Maka turning into a weapon was interesting, but it's probabily added in to create more drama and excitement. Where is the story behind it?

I hate it when the characters start doing amazing stunts and jaw dropping killer moves all of a sudden. How can Maka defeat Kishin when the 3 of them together cant kill mosquito! So mosquito is stronger than Kishin? Wow....AMAZING!

If they planned to have Maka defeat Kishin, the should not have created such a strong Kishin and than during the last 10 minutes became psycho after all the talking and just die after a punch made of "courage"... Seriously... wtf is this ending!
Apr 2, 2009 11:59 AM

Sep 2008
Umm....She defeated Kishin and then.....Soul, Kid and others just.... STANDED UP!~!
O__o it was so....strange~!~!
I don't like this I'll lower the score from 10 to 9 ^^''
Apr 2, 2009 11:59 AM

Jul 2008
MAKA BECAME A WEAPON DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i cant believe its over man imma miss blackstar freakin antics i love that shit but they could had showed what happened like after the fight like real!!!
Apr 2, 2009 12:26 PM

Jul 2007
Ehh sorry that was a lame conclusion to a great series... :/
and Maka is super annoying -_-

anyway, bad guy lost, everyone lives happily ever after.... even those who "died" yeeha. lame. why is the series called Soul Eater? the author should've just give Maka a cooler name that could be used in the title Dx

I lowered the rating to 7. courage~
Apr 2, 2009 12:30 PM

Sep 2007
Speaking of "Soul Eater" ...what happened to the idea of Soul Eating? They showed it in the first 3 episodes, and then everyone forgot about becoming a death scythe.

Which... didn't matter, I guess. Death Scythes aren't all that great, apparently.
Apr 2, 2009 12:55 PM

Oct 2007
it was a good end to the series though abit chessy near the end

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Apr 2, 2009 1:20 PM

Dec 2008
naikou said:
Speaking of "Soul Eater" ...what happened to the idea of Soul Eating? They showed it in the first 3 episodes, and then everyone forgot about becoming a death scythe.

Which... didn't matter, I guess. Death Scythes aren't all that great, apparently.

Which brings me to the fact that at 2 am last night I realized the best ending ever (imo) would have been Justin and Giriko pairing up and shredding Ashura.
Oh...oh the lulz that would have been...alas, as this last episode has shown.
Courage (or rather a postcard that says courage in Arabic, held tightly in your hand) > Death Scythes.
Apr 2, 2009 2:49 PM

Dec 2008
Were I to say that I did not enjoy Maka’s Falcon Punch against Asura would be an absolute lie. It was classic. Furthermore, I agree with Xylona. The seiyuu's scream sounded natural enough to suit Maka's character.

Truth be told, Maka's sudden transformation into a Death Scythe was somewhat predictable. Her father IS after all a Death Scythe, so it would be of no surprise to me that she inherited some of his traits genetically. Though it would have been nice if Maka's mother made an appearance in the show at least once, seeing as she is constantly being mentioned at different intervals of the animation.

The ending could've used some improvement [and like the many others who have commented on this - the ending quotations dealing with courage were corny]. After all, this series is entitled Soul Eater after the main character death scythe of the same name. Yet why was Maka Albarn the lead protagonist amongst the rest? Then this series would've been called Maka Albarn. Ah the irony. The ending would've been better if it were Soul to defeat the Kishin and not Maka. Then the presence of cliche would be broken. Let the sidekick be the hero for once.

Nonetheless, overall this was a rather attractive series. The soundtrack, the character designs, the random relationships and characteristics, and the positive and negative facts of human emotion made this show stand out amongst the rest. Indeed, the password to access a good, strong life is courage. :]
~ SilentMuse, At Your Service. ~
Apr 2, 2009 3:32 PM
Aug 2008
dissapointing. they could have did a lot more with it. wat i really hae about Soul Eater is that the characters are so friggin unstable. their personality changes from time to time or even so some characters just arent good. Except for of course Kid and Black Star. Very very very corny ending
Apr 2, 2009 3:36 PM

Mar 2009
SilentMuse said:
Truth be told, Maka's sudden transformation into a Death Scythe was somewhat predictable. Her father IS after all a Death Scythe, so it would be of no surprise to me that she inherited some of his traits genetically. Though it would have been nice if Maka's mother made an appearance in the show at least once, seeing as she is constantly being mentioned at different intervals of the animation.

Predictable? I think it was a possibility for Maka to become part Scythe but I doubt anybody could have predicted she'd become a weapon herself. And toss Soul aside. Especially after he was the one that changed into his Ultra Rainbow Anti-Demon Scythe form. In the end him transforming wasn't even worth wasting the minutes, those extra 3 minutes could have been used to explain the ending better. I find it strange how Maka seemed to have stronger weapon capabilities than her father since she is only half weapon. I'm one confused person and courage is the key
Apr 2, 2009 4:42 PM

Jul 2008
That ending was shit, i was expecting epic and all we got was courage.


*removing from favourites*
<img src="" />
Apr 2, 2009 5:51 PM
Apr 2009
all the anime give the idea "the union makes the force" withe the creation of technician, weapons and Resonance, give spatial qualities for maka and soul and give the idea that they
can make a difference together but in the end we have "maka+courage vs Kishin" instead "maka+soul+courage vs kishin".

then, Why the anime have weapons and resonance?

why shinigame needs Death Scythe?

Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Patty and Elizabeth dont have courage?

WTF i have seen last 50 episodes?

Seriously, too bad for last episode.

Apr 2, 2009 7:57 PM

Oct 2008
Fefe-chan said:

Seriously, courage power? Maka is now a super-ultra-mega-powerful girl and turned the show into MAKA EATER.

Maka Eater? That sounds like the name of an H-doujin to me.
Apr 2, 2009 8:40 PM

Nov 2008
Pretty Cheesy, and didn't win by teamwork like bast said but, other than that it was pretty ok.
Three of my predictions came true in the end:
Maka could also be a weapon
Shinigami-sama wasn't dead
Maka kills Kishin

XD @ Shinigami-sama connected to an IV
Apr 2, 2009 10:25 PM

Aug 2007
Pretty corny ending but since it's YUUKI DA I let it slide.
Apr 2, 2009 10:38 PM

Feb 2009
naikou said:
Speaking of "Soul Eater" ...what happened to the idea of Soul Eating? They showed it in the first 3 episodes, and then everyone forgot about becoming a death scythe.

Which... didn't matter, I guess. Death Scythes aren't all that great, apparently.

Also, someone mentioned soul resonance. What WAS the point after all then? They tried to put so much emphasis and importance into resonating with each other but in the end, it was Maka. Solely Maka. And her apparent abundance of courage. =/
Apr 2, 2009 10:39 PM
Apr 2008
Pretty much with Karura on this one. Corny ending, but it's kinda what you'd expect. No hints on and sequels, movies, OVAs, etc, but whatever. Just wished there would be more Mifune...
Apr 3, 2009 12:02 AM

Mar 2008
Awww SE ended! And with not so exciting ending *nooooo*
The whole 'yuki' - courage story was pretty lame-ish... but oh well the show was awesome in general so something had to suck
I'm gonna miss the SE gang...that's why I need to catch up with SE manga
I'll give it 9/10
Apr 3, 2009 12:11 AM

Aug 2007
what the hell. seems like someone tried really hard to F up this series.

one word to some up the end: BAKA
Apr 3, 2009 7:15 AM

Apr 2008
Also seemed like they crammed a lot of villains in their as well and not just unexplained or under used plot points that were suppose to be good. Maybe once they saw Funimation was taking over and shut down some good subbers they just said the hell with it and winged the rest of the show. Seems like it went downhill around that time
Apr 3, 2009 10:24 AM

Dec 2007
this episode is just a one more evidence, that animation studious keep fooling us with promising beginnings and then put off a shitty cliché ending.
disappointing. the one thing Bones did really great - they made me want to read manga.
Apr 3, 2009 12:18 PM

Dec 2008

The Kishin was so AWESOME in the end XD

For the first time he REALLY seemed like a rambling maniac :P
Apr 3, 2009 2:24 PM
Oct 2008
This ending was complete wank. No way around.

Yeah, let's transform maka into a weapon, but let's not do anything with it. O and let's kill the main bad guy with a punch in the face. Slicing his body in half with a scythe is obviously not enough. A punch in the face WITH COURAGE, that will do the trick!

Unbelievable. They had so many ways to end this. With the soul resonance, teamwork, maka's mom showing up (hell even that wouldve been better), beating ashura with maka as weapon and soul as meister... but no...

Let's make maka kill him with a punch in the face.
Apr 3, 2009 3:38 PM
Apr 2007
Basically, Maka raised her G-stone energy to infinite levels and beat the Kishin! That's only mandatory because VICTORY GOES TO THE ONES WITH COURAGE!!!


Oh come on, a GaoGaiGar reference was needed on this one. XD

And Soul as a rainbow-coloured scythe was absolutely faaabulous~! <3
Apr 3, 2009 4:06 PM

Sep 2008
I think Maka was overdosed with Digimon Savers and she's probably a fan of Daimon Masaru. Punch-power!!! oh... yeaaah... *backs away*

PS. "bakame!" and "shinigami chop" combo to the producers please!!! >=D
let's test if their punch of courage is of any use. XD
Apr 3, 2009 5:12 PM

Sep 2008
Cheliza said:
I think Maka was overdosed with Digimon Savers and she's probably a fan of Daimon Masaru. Punch-power!!! oh... yeaaah... *backs away*

I was actually thinking the same.

Not what I was really expecting from the last episode, it was neither good nor bad but I liked it I guess. I still feel like there were a few loose ends at some point so I might just pick up on the manga since it's still ongoing.

I'm glad I'm finally done with the anime series though. Leaves me more room for the new animes that just started airing.
"It's because you exist.. That I'm here right now.."
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