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Dec 19, 2013 6:42 AM

Nov 2011
Lol, that's a nice flag there Hikari. The episode was alright imo. Hikari...oh snap...

And a cliffhanger ending to top off this episode. Manaka being scared...huh. I kinda liked the daughter to father talk. Akari is really becoming more mature while her father is a lot more accepting of the marriage. Nice.
Stark700Dec 19, 2013 8:19 AM
Dec 19, 2013 8:30 AM

Apr 2007
This is getting more and more interesting! ☆

I grow to like Kaname more and more. ^^

Definetely my favourite anime this season~~
Dec 19, 2013 8:39 AM

Dec 2009
So gooooood. I can't wait until the next episode. I wonder if we will get a timeskip or not.
I have my own anime blog. It's called Anime Viking. Hope you'll you read it!

Dec 19, 2013 8:46 AM

Oct 2010
So Saya and Miuna have feelings for Kaname and Hikari respectively. They'll probably get nowhere with that but oh well. More of this "I'm scared" and "I don't understand" BS from Manaka, she's probably the most annoying character this whole season.

Chisaki and Hikari finally confessed and it looks like we're learning more about Tsumugu, which is good cuz he seems really interesting. I only hope that he doesn't have feelings for anyone, it would seriously ruin his character.
Dec 19, 2013 8:47 AM

May 2013
Good episode. Everyone's feelings are being known. I guess the father-daughter talk worked out. Can't wait for the next episode.
Dec 19, 2013 9:05 AM

Oct 2013
Madara31 said:
More of this "I'm scared" and "I don't understand" BS from Manaka, she's probably the most annoying character this whole season.

I'm kinda bored with Manaka also. Always the same rhythm and we're back to 1st ep where she got caught by tsumugu.

This ep didn't seem anything moving forward. Chisaki said Kaname was horrible, but she, too, ignored Kaname's feelings as well. Kaname's the most pitiful one.

Papa and daughter scene was really touching.
Dec 19, 2013 9:06 AM

Aug 2010
Really great episode! Loved it from beginning to end.

The scene with Miuna and Papa was lol
Dat loli argument at the start about their impossible to achieve crushes XD
Poor Dad lol...getting mistaken for a pervert with the hairy hand aura of a perv XD
His reaction to being called Grandpa was fun hehe

The talk between Akari and him was so emotional...loved the flashback of his clumsy cooking. As I expected...he's really a likable character.

The hibernation thing looks way more creepy than I thought. It really looks like a creepy ritual of death or something O_o.

The 2nd half with that drama was awesome. I feel bad for Kaname (esp when he said I'm holding it in too while tearing up...he doesn't seem to be getting any of the girls there D:) but the way he went about it ruining the mood and asked Hikari that question was pretty cruel.

Hikari handled it like a BOSS though using the chance. And Manaka is still in denial (Not that I mind since I don't ship those 2)...The chase scene was good. Chisaki finally confessed and Hikari actually sat down and listened to her leaving Manaka. Damn this guy has gotten so mature now. His interaction and conversation to Chisaki's confession was really nice.

And once again...Tsumugu pulls Manaka up. I wonder what she'll tell him?
Dec 19, 2013 9:08 AM

Apr 2013
And Manaka's back in the fishing net.

How Tsumugu acted towards his mom was interesting. I want to see more of his backstory later on.

It was nice seeing the happy memories of the Sakishima family during Akari's conversation with her dad.
Glad her dad had a change of heart and is okay with Akari getting married and living on the surface.

Woah, Kaname came out of nowhere when he asked how Hikari felt about Manaka. It may seem like he went a little too far, but Hikari and Chisaki were both able to confess. I respect Hikari a lot for how he responded to Chisaki's confession and didn't chase after Manaka. They both were in the same position and didn't want to ruin their group's friendship.
Dec 19, 2013 9:14 AM

Dec 2013
So Manaka now recognizes Hikari as a guy now, dis gon b gud.

Also, i wonder how long will we have to wait until we know what the heck Manaka said to the red slug thing.
Dec 19, 2013 9:22 AM

Sep 2011
Really touching conversation between Akari and her father but that waiter/bartender's tears made me chuckle more than I should.

Really have to thank Kaname for breaking down the walls these characters sealed themselves in, it might have been harsh but it was now or never. Else, these love polygon would drag on far too long.

Hikari waved a flag alright, love flag.

Everyone was confessing left and right, I thought Manaka might as well confess to Tsumugu with the way she was heading towards the surface. But that Hikari memory flash, and Tsumugu's deja vu capture not only left Manaka hanging but the viewers too.
Dec 19, 2013 9:28 AM

Jul 2013
damn that episode was real/5.

i'm curious if manaka's affections are higher for hikari or for tsumugu. although that last scene in addition to the flag waving scene makes it really ambiguous.

hikari and chisaki had a nice moment outside the school. they're really similar in a lot of aspects and i wouldn't mind seeing them together~
hihi~ 안녕하세요~ こんにちは~
Dec 19, 2013 9:29 AM

Sep 2008
OMG~ TsumuguxChisaki this must be canon!
I like that when Tsumugu mom looked at girl and they bowed camera focused on Chisaki :)
Another TsumuguxChisaki moment!
They always have such nice moments!
She is perfect for such characters like Tsumugu or Kaname.
I like that Manaka see changes in Hikari :)
Oh my Kaname! *.*
I have feeling that his speech wasn't about hibernate xD
After previous scene I think we wanted to "wake up" Chisaki and he use Hikari to force him to confess and make Chisaki understand that Hikari love Manaka,
and Chisaki don't have a chance.
I don't like that Chisaki wanted stopped him for confession,
and how she was mad at Kaname...
Oh... Kaname, Chisaki I will start hate you!
You know what he feels for you!
Really Chisaki you piss me off now!
Why you try to stop him and think only about you! ;/
Eh... if she haven't fell and start to run after him,
this could be such nice scene! ;/
I hope ChisakixHikari will never happen... -.-
Hikari you have no idea that Kaname is in love with Chisaki...
I wonder he will ever find out and if yes, then what will be happen after this...
OMG! When Manaka thinks about Hikari,
Tsumugu must ruin it!

Manaka adores surface... not good...
Glad Manaka will don't avoid Hikari after confession,
and they will have a chance to talk :)

After all I want HikarixManaka, hope this ship isn't sunk already...
Dec 19, 2013 9:45 AM
Mar 2010
So we're now at a half way point in the series and right now the only character I don't like as much as the others is Manaka. Surprising since in the beginning I thought I would love her. All the others, I've seen their personalities fleshed out. OK, Tsumugu not so much but I have a feeling he's hiding a sad past.
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Dec 19, 2013 9:48 AM

Sep 2011
FlowwolF said:
So Manaka now recognizes Hikari as a guy now, dis gon b gud.

Also, i wonder how long will we have to wait until we know what the heck Manaka said to the red slug thing.

Yeah, I wondered about that too, I was hoping for a "sea slug moment" when Kaname asked the forbidden question in the classroom but instead she cried and ran.Never has a sea slug been so important.
Dec 19, 2013 9:52 AM

Dec 2011
I don't understand why so many of you hate or find Manaka annoying. I think the way she is acting is normal and reasonable. Not too long ago she was a crybaby who relied on her friends. She is changing for the better, but do you guys really expect her to change into a strong character in such a small amount of time? Give her some time and she too will also change like Hikari.

Also I loved how the 2 cool and calm guys showed emotion this episode. Kaname showing frustration when he found out Tsumugu went to the city with them and then the scene with the school. Tsumugu also showed uneasiness in front of his mom.
Dec 19, 2013 9:58 AM

Nov 2012
Holy shit I thought a shark got her lol.
Dec 19, 2013 9:59 AM

Nov 2012
Run away! Guy confesses to me run away!! Lol, other guy ruining the fun in the classroom, Hikari sure handled the other confession well.

Dec 19, 2013 9:59 AM

Sep 2008
I think lot of you forget that Manaka knows about Chisaki feelings for Hikari,
Chisaki is her best friends...
I'm not surprised Manaka don't know what to do...

I more pissed on Chisaki who know that Manaka likes Tsumugu, Hikari love Manaka and Kaname love her, but sill instead let Hikari go after Manaka, she totally think only about her feelings... -.-
Dec 19, 2013 10:05 AM

Oct 2010
whitehairgirls said:
I don't understand why so many of you hate or find Manaka annoying. I think the way she is acting is normal and reasonable. Not too long ago she was a crybaby who relied on her friends. She is changing for the better, but do you guys really expect her to change into a strong character in such a small amount of time? Give her some time and she too will also change like Hikari.

Also I loved how the 2 cool and calm guys showed emotion this episode. Kaname showing frustration when he found out Tsumugu went to the city with them and then the scene with the school. Tsumugu also showed uneasiness in front of his mom.

Personally, her being a crybaby who relied on her friends is enough for me to dislike her. But regarding her situation, I just don't see what there is to not understand or be scared about, and she's been this way since the beginning. If Hikari can change in that amount of time, Manaka can too, or at least she could stop running away from everything that negatively surprises her, but she's still the same annoying baby she was at the start.
Dec 19, 2013 10:13 AM

Dec 2011
Madara31 said:
whitehairgirls said:
I don't understand why so many of you hate or find Manaka annoying. I think the way she is acting is normal and reasonable. Not too long ago she was a crybaby who relied on her friends. She is changing for the better, but do you guys really expect her to change into a strong character in such a small amount of time? Give her some time and she too will also change like Hikari.

Also I loved how the 2 cool and calm guys showed emotion this episode. Kaname showing frustration when he found out Tsumugu went to the city with them and then the scene with the school. Tsumugu also showed uneasiness in front of his mom.

Personally, her being a crybaby who relied on her friends is enough for me to dislike her. But regarding her situation, I just don't see what there is to not understand or be scared about, and she's been this way since the beginning. If Hikari can change in that amount of time, Manaka can too, or at least she could stop running away from everything that negatively surprises her, but she's still the same annoying baby she was at the start.

But Hikari was just an arrogant and naive kid. It is much harder to transition from a person that relied on others to an independent person than what Hikari did. I mean she is improving, she did go back to the surface to meet with Tsumugu after running away. I say give her time. She will change.

Also I don't mind crybabies once in a while. I don't want every single character to be strong in an anime, it makes it dull and boring since there wouldn't be much character development.
Dec 19, 2013 10:17 AM

May 2010
Hikari's father sure got treated well in the beginning xD He likes being called ojii-san, doesn't he?

Hikari confessed, whew... Kaname made a face like that and Chisaki's confession was just out of roof, so brilliant. I am loving the concept of change going on

She got caught again, just how much these two belong together. Aweeesoooomeeee episode, I truly mean it, can't wait for the next one at all. I have a faint feeling that Manaka is going to end up confessing accidently or something
Dec 19, 2013 10:24 AM
Jul 2018
I'm so happy to see all of their feelings are finally out. This needed to happen fast.
But god damn it Manaka needs to shut up, get her head out of her ass and understand how she feels because every time she goes "I'm scared" and "I don't understand" i groan in pain. I can not stand Manaka's ignorance for the love of god.
Overall nice episode with a lot of progression. Can't wait for next week
Dec 19, 2013 10:29 AM

Jun 2010
My god, Tsumugu's timing every fricking time... this is really annoying me and he talks like he's 70 or something with his way too wise beyond his age crap. There are magical sea people in this show but somehow Tsumugu seems more fantasy than the Shioshishio cast.
tittycakesDec 19, 2013 10:33 AM
Dec 19, 2013 10:30 AM

Oct 2010
whitehairgirls said:
Madara31 said:
whitehairgirls said:
I don't understand why so many of you hate or find Manaka annoying. I think the way she is acting is normal and reasonable. Not too long ago she was a crybaby who relied on her friends. She is changing for the better, but do you guys really expect her to change into a strong character in such a small amount of time? Give her some time and she too will also change like Hikari.

Also I loved how the 2 cool and calm guys showed emotion this episode. Kaname showing frustration when he found out Tsumugu went to the city with them and then the scene with the school. Tsumugu also showed uneasiness in front of his mom.

Personally, her being a crybaby who relied on her friends is enough for me to dislike her. But regarding her situation, I just don't see what there is to not understand or be scared about, and she's been this way since the beginning. If Hikari can change in that amount of time, Manaka can too, or at least she could stop running away from everything that negatively surprises her, but she's still the same annoying baby she was at the start.

But Hikari was just an arrogant and naive kid. It is much harder to transition from a person that relied on others to an independent person than what Hikari did. I mean she is improving, she did go back to the surface to meet with Tsumugu after running away. I say give her time. She will change.

Also I don't mind crybabies once in a while. I don't want every single character to be strong in an anime, it makes it dull and boring since there wouldn't be much character development.

I have no doubt she'll change with time, my problem is that it's taking too long, and her character at the moment is so annoying that when she does eventually grow up, my opinion of her will be so bad that I won't care. Her continuous denial and lack of understanding at this point, to me, just feels forced in order to draw out the drama.
Dec 19, 2013 10:38 AM

Jul 2012
thank you Kaname for advancing the plot there

from that part of the ep in the classroom to the end of the episode was really good

I liked that Hikari said it and didn't still try to hide it that would've been lame

I also liked that he went back to talk to Chisaki instead of ignoring her
Dec 19, 2013 10:39 AM

Aug 2012
Finally, everyone's feelings are now explicit except Tsumugu's. Whatever drama that comes out of it is going to be a natural result of character actions, not some external force or some writer slight-of-hand that makes a dramatic moment seem like it came from an accident.
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Dec 19, 2013 10:44 AM

Jul 2012
My feels. Ohmigod. So much happened in one episode. I wished that Manaka wouldn't run away after Hikari's confession.

Once again, I still don't have an OTP yet because it seems as if every pairing is possible.
Dec 19, 2013 10:59 AM

Mar 2012
That scene with Tsumugu's mother. Glad to see him turn into an actual character.

The way Hikari was holding that flagpole... real subtle there..

Poor Manaka. Just as she was beginning to have second thoughts, she gets netted by Tsumugu. With the time running out she'll feel the pressure to confess to him since he happens to be nearby, and then she'll agonize over whether she had made the right choice. Dunno about y'all, but I really feel for her. Probably just the HanaKana fanboy in me talking though :D
Dec 19, 2013 11:03 AM

Jan 2013
Tsumugu the Robot strikes again!

Those two lil brats think way too much for their age lol...
Dec 19, 2013 11:24 AM

Jul 2009
getting real tired of ur shit Manaka. Honestly i love Hikari this episode even more! Kid needs to get over that annoying girl. Love Kaname too! What he did wasn't really cruel, though the reason he did it was for a selfish reason. But oh well he deserves to be selfish once in a while

this needs to turn into an Anohana and just kill off Manaka. Like get hit by a bus or something. Wait no, then it will be even more centered on her. annoying cry-baby.
Dec 19, 2013 11:27 AM

Dec 2013
HikarixChisaki FTW

darkgenesisNov 8, 2015 6:30 PM
Dec 19, 2013 11:28 AM

Sep 2008
darkgenesis said:
HikarixChisaki FTW

Everyone, but not them!
Dec 19, 2013 11:30 AM

Nov 2012
You had one job Kaname...!
Dec 19, 2013 11:47 AM
Mar 2013
whitehairgirls said:
I don't understand why so many of you hate or find Manaka annoying. I think the way she is acting is normal and reasonable. Not too long ago she was a crybaby who relied on her friends. She is changing for the better, but do you guys really expect her to change into a strong character in such a small amount of time? Give her some time and she too will also change like Hikari.

You're right about Manaka! I love that character but she has got to decide dammit!!!
I just hope she wasn't created to love Tsumugu :/ I hate him
Dec 19, 2013 12:37 PM

Nov 2013
Yea, I'm hoping this love polygon is fully, if not the very least partially resolved in the next 2-3 episodes. At first I was strongly rooting for Hikari x Manaka and would've been really upset if Tsumugu had her, but seeing how much of a indecisive cliche character Manaka is (at this moment), I'm at stalemate between Chisaki and her. Either way, at this point I really don't care who goes with who as long as it is resolved soon.
Dec 19, 2013 1:14 PM

Aug 2012
What an episode...everything is being known. Can't wait till next week
Dec 19, 2013 1:16 PM

Jan 2013
I would really enjoy a time skip so I kind of do want them to hibernate, but so far I can't tell if they will or not.

Also, this show has been reminding me of AnoHana a lot, and then Kaname goes and does pretty much the same thing as Yukiatsu

Finally, Chisaki matures! She admits that she liked Hikari because she admired the way he liked Manaka. I really didn't think her feelings were completely geniune, so I figured it was something like that, and I'm just glad she recognized it in herself.

My heartstrings were pulled during the scene where it's just Kaname and he flops on the desk and says he's trying his best, too. I loved seeing that emotion from him. And as someone mentioned before, Tsumugu showed uneasiness from being around his mom, as well. Yay!

It's adorable how their dad was kind of happy-embarrassed to be called grandpa hehe.

Manaka... Oh, man. I don't know what to say about her. Yes, I am annoyed by her "I'm scared" and "I don't understand" all the time because she's not even trying to think, she just registers that something bad is happening and runs. I know that she will grow, but they're growing one by one, and Manaka is last. Hikari and Chisaki have showed the biggest changes and Kaname and Tsumugu are on their way towards changing. Not all people mature at the same rate, so I think it's fine that Manaka is still the same.
Dec 19, 2013 1:20 PM

Apr 2012
Good episode but please could we have one where someone is not bursting into tears. lol
Dec 19, 2013 1:23 PM

Feb 2012
um nice dickflag
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Dec 19, 2013 1:37 PM

Jun 2013
Really nice episode.Can't wait for next one.
Dec 19, 2013 1:52 PM

Dec 2012
the love tension between hikari and manaka D: i ship them so hard. also tsumugu and chisaki's chemistry is growing in this episode. the scene between akari and her dad was touching.

so far, i love their friendship, plot and character development but i hope tsumugu will get more screentime in upcoming the episode.
Dec 19, 2013 2:08 PM

Dec 2008
Geezus, Manaka!! Hikari said he loved you...not that he was going to brutally rape you. The running away and hysterical crying and screaming was so unreasonable.

I feel bad for Kaname. He's trying to make sure that everything is clear and out in the open before they go into hibernation because the future of everyone in Shishishio seems uncertain. Unfortunately, his friends are just not mature enough to understand the importance of that. Well, I think Hikari and Chisaki got it in the end...

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Dec 19, 2013 2:14 PM

Dec 2010
I liked that Hikari didn't chase after Manaka, but sat down besides Chisaki.

Can't wait for next week.
Dec 19, 2013 2:15 PM

Jul 2012
The feels in this episode. I am wondering if the village will go into hibernation next episode.

Great episode!!!
Dec 19, 2013 2:29 PM

Jun 2013
Im not sure how much better and emotional this can get before i start crying! This was an absolutely perfect episode, I love all the characters sooooo much! their emotions are sooooo real
Dec 19, 2013 2:44 PM

Aug 2013
Lol I knew that was gonna happen as soon as Tsumugu said he'll go instead grandpa
Dec 19, 2013 3:05 PM

Dec 2011
There it is. The breakdown of their relationships. Woo.

It is also sad to see Tsumugu's relationship with his mom.

And... they are still hanging us by not doing the Ofunehiki yet!
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Dec 19, 2013 3:59 PM

Jul 2012
Damn, right when Manaka realizes that she likes Hikari, bam! Back in the fishing net, and now she also remembers the feelings she had/has for Tsumugu.

Right when Kaname raised his hand, I was like, "Please don't ruin the mood." Hahaha. It did make for a lot of drama though.

I Love how mature Hikari is becoming. Showed that when he sat down and talked to Chisaki.

Looking forward to the next episode :)
AndoDec 19, 2013 4:04 PM
Dec 19, 2013 4:00 PM

Sep 2009
The way absolutely everyone loves someone else (excluding Akari) is a bit annoying. I like drama, but it feels like there's just too many love interests in this show. Ultimately, this is just a minor gripe I have about the show...I'm still enjoying it overall.
Dec 19, 2013 4:08 PM

Jan 2013
I'm on Kaname's side, I hate the friend zone
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