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Log Horizon
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Dec 1, 2013 7:50 PM
Feb 2012
ZRShay said:
Yes the cogs are oiled up and ready to roll! Shiroe buying the guild hall so op hahaha that's the ultimate leverage

Absolutely! 2 things. In a previous episode there was a scene with Shinroe in it where there was some dialogue about how you can buy buildings. In that same scene there was some dialogue about how the city looked "run down" or something to that affect.

I don't think I've missed any subtle context clues.. but.. Has there been any hints that characters have the ability to actually change the appearance of buildings in game? If so, I can easily imagine in future episodes we'll see plenty of buildings being purchased to "clean up" the city.

Onyxus said:
I can't deny the fact that I'm liking this more than SAO. :
Gamers would want anime like SAO and LH. But in comparison, I'm liking LH a bit more.

This episode answered ALL my questions. :DD

I thought the 5 million would be like buying the building that was previously shown for his guild or other things. It gave me goosebumps after Shiroe told the Round Table that he bought the guild bulding. He got me alright.

I loved SAO also, but I have to agree. With the latest episode of LH, LH has differently surpassed SAO in my opinion. The past 2 episodes didn't have much story advancement. I was starting to worry that I'd have to wait another 5 or so episodes until the "Master Plan" was revealed / the plan really starts.

I just hope any of the remaining episodes aren't dedicated to building up non-essential back story. I can see where some back-story will help, but (excluding the latest eps with Mr Glasses Demon) if the remaining episodes are anything like the last 3, I can't see how the series will be able to have a successful final episode with enough loose ends etc tied up.

Dec 1, 2013 7:59 PM

Jan 2011

I have just spent considerable time cleaning out spoilers from later volumes in the LN. This includes people who quoted the spoilers in order to suggest that the poster cease. Do not post spoilers or quote them. Contact the moderators for removal or tagging. Continual spoiling of episodes and series can result in warnings and bans.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Dec 1, 2013 10:22 PM

Jul 2012
Just a bit of quick trivia then. Kuroes nick "Hara Kuro Megane" was translated as "Villain in Glasses" w/c is a rather mild translation if you ask me. "Akutou Megane" would be more appropriate for villain cuz this roughly means "Evil Glasses Dude(ette)". In the subject of semantics "hara" (as in hara-kiri=cutting open ones stomach) can either mean "stomach" or "inside" (although ibukuro is also used for stomach or insides) and "kuro" means "dark" or "black". This makes the nick roughly mean "a dude(ette) w/ nothing but "blackness" (darkness) inside. It's a far more villainous meaning don't you think?
swordstriker21Dec 1, 2013 10:26 PM
Dec 2, 2013 1:22 AM

Jun 2012
swordstriker21 said:
Just a bit of quick trivia then. Kuroes nick "Hara Kuro Megane" was translated as "Villain in Glasses" w/c is a rather mild translation if you ask me. "Akutou Megane" would be more appropriate for villain cuz this roughly means "Evil Glasses Dude(ette)". In the subject of semantics "hara" (as in hara-kiri=cutting open ones stomach) can either mean "stomach" or "inside" (although ibukuro is also used for stomach or insides) and "kuro" means "dark" or "black". This makes the nick roughly mean "a dude(ette) w/ nothing but "blackness" (darkness) inside. It's a far more villainous meaning don't you think?
It might have a more villainous meaning, but it sounds way too lame. :/
Dec 2, 2013 1:58 AM

Dec 2013
Hi guys,
I'm new to this forum and came here for Log Horizon (long time anime watcher - first time forum poster). I loved the Log Horizon series so much that I joined this forum!

I just wanted to add my 2 cents to some of the comments about Shiroe buying the Guild Building...
1. Isnt the only reason he is allowed to buy a building because he just setup a new Guild? ie Log Horizon? Whereas others already have Guild halls in other buildings. I'm sure as the creator of the guild, Shiroe has discrepency and choice to determine the guild's real estate / space per se, but I believe the game wouldnt let just any player do it (ie you'd need to register at the guild building).

2. Assuming the commentary in previous episodes of LH, dont guilds already purchase halls based on the number of members they have? So wouldnt it make sense that they never thought of buying buildings because the existing guild purchase ability were for guild's space in the halls already? Also, they purchased these earlier, when they were still outside the game, so no-one would explore the options (remember Shiroe and Nyata scouting out locations for their base).
This would also mean that the other buildings / structures are actually Guild old structured with portal links to the Guild Building.

3. With the money issue, I'm not sure how guilds in LH work, but wouldnt the assets / money belong to the members, not the guild itself? I mean, the only reason Shiroe was able to purchase it outright was because 4 guilds (Crescent Moon + 3 Merchant Guilds) gave him their money, instead of using it for each guild?
I'm sure no guild leader would be able to ask from their guild the amount of money to buy any building that would in turn be turned into 1 player's personal property (as Nyanta commented that the Guild Building is Shiroe's personal property, not the guild's)

4. Dont you think it is logical for merchant (ie business guilds) to have more money and assets in storage vs any other guild?

5. Also, If you recall the discussion between Crescent Moon and the Merchant guilds, when they ask for 1.5 million gold each, Karashin says it represents about 100 people's assets. It's an indication that the guilds dont own the money, but probably ask for contribution to the working pool from members through sales or "asset liquidation". Naturally, Marine Agency with over 2,500 members could afford it, but they're also the biggest guild (as we see when they walk into the meeting), which means it's highly unlikely any guild would give control of their assets over to 1 person like the deal that gave Shiroe the 5 million gold.

This would also explain all the paperwork Marie and Shiroe go through in preparing for the meeting (imagine manually authorising the asset transfer of thousands of member's into 1). It would also explain why in episode 8, Henrietta had to highlight that Shiroe was leading the major operation (so the assets and money are transferred to him and not Crescent Moon).

I just think alot of small but significant points have been missed. They pay so much attention to describing the details, and in explaining or giving clues about the different game mechanics / designs, it feels like it's a video explanation of a real MMORPG.

In the end, if you consider all these aspects, no-one could gather the resources to buy a building unless they were in Shiroe's position of authority / credibility in the Elder Tale world, to muster the resources of many. This of course, just adds to the strategic brilliance of Shiroe's plan!

Just my 2 cents.
The Keeper
Dec 2, 2013 2:00 AM

Nov 2013
Badass Shiroe is Badass.

For reals.
[center][size=85][b]MAL Interviews[/size] | [/size][size=85][b]MAL's Chatting Corner | [size=85][color=darkviolet]If you wear Caesar's clothes, you have to behave like Caesar.[/color][/size][/b]
Dec 2, 2013 2:23 AM

Dec 2013
wow,, Log Horizon is so damn awesome ~! XD
i think this game is similar to LogHorizon ^^
Dec 2, 2013 7:44 AM

Jan 2013
Ha called it. Bought the band and the guild hall. All hail the emperor.
Dec 2, 2013 1:12 PM

Aug 2012
Shiroe is epic....gotta love him.
Dec 2, 2013 2:30 PM
Nov 2013
Oh Another cliff-hanger, should i be surprised. Bad-ass Shiroe is really bad-ass.

Can't wait for next episode C:
Dec 2, 2013 3:42 PM

Mar 2012
This is turning out to be my favorite anime of the season :) I have a feeling the Silver Swords will turn out to be the main bad guys of this anime.
Dec 2, 2013 5:03 PM

Nov 2012
nice plan shiroe :3
Dec 2, 2013 7:10 PM

Jun 2012
Dec 2, 2013 7:56 PM

Aug 2013
"The Villain in Glasses is way too generous for Shiroe." LOL Loved it❤
majiloveanimeDec 2, 2013 9:23 PM
Dec 2, 2013 8:18 PM
Aug 2011
Best episode thus far.
Dec 2, 2013 9:26 PM

Sep 2013
Another great episode, I don't want to wait for the next, they keep getting better x.x
>-----------------------------------------[i'm a]----------------------------------------

i'm making a fool of myself.
Dec 2, 2013 10:00 PM

Jul 2012
xAvengerx said:
This is turning out to be my favorite anime of the season :) I have a feeling the Silver Swords will turn out to be the main bad guys of this anime.

I don't think it'll go the traditional route and name a stereotypical main antagonist. At least not yet. This is Mamare Tounos work and if Maoyuu Maou Yuusha is any indication I think it'll focus more on the evils created by society than any one antagonist messing things up just for kicks or something. Just like IRL things are not always black and white. There are shades of gray everywhere. This recent episode actually makes some points regarding this. It isn't just a game anymore. People have to regulate themselves w/ actual rules and laws (not just the game rules w/c are easily by-passed) or else only anarchy and chaos will ensue. They're trying to make an actual functioning society w/ a central government and an economic foundation.
Dec 3, 2013 12:24 AM
Mar 2009
You would think the creators of Elder Tale would have put restrictions on buying and owning such an important building. Seriously, owning a building that every guild uses? Holy shit.

Devil in glasses. Suits him quite perfectly. And of course he could concentrate on this important meeting AND helping all the newbies escape the Hamelin guild. Badass extreme.

It seems like the Black Sword Knights need a helluva lot more convincing. And I wonder if Shiroe will block out the Silver Sword. They didn't really go against the Round Table, but they don't seem very interested in keeping the peace.
Dec 3, 2013 5:50 AM

Jul 2012
ChronosXIII said:

It seems like the Black Sword Knights need a helluva lot more convincing. And I wonder if Shiroe will block out the Silver Sword. They didn't really go against the Round Table, but they don't seem very interested in keeping the peace.

I think ̶L̶̶e̶̶g̶̶o̶̶l̶̶a̶̶s̶ William and his guild had lost their seat at the round table council! Suck for them, lolz!!!
Dec 3, 2013 1:40 PM

Oct 2011
Seems way too OP that one person can own the entire guild building. Still, it's a really clever plan that Shiroe came up with. Happy that Minori, Tohya and the rest of the kids finally escaped! Looking forward to Log Horizon filling up with members.
Dec 3, 2013 4:47 PM

Jul 2012
ChronosXIII said:
You would think the creators of Elder Tale would have put restrictions on buying and owning such an important building. Seriously, owning a building that every guild uses? Holy shit.

This wasn't a feature implemented in the earlier versions of Elder Tales(when it was just a regular ol' PC mmorpg). It was added together w/ the new expansion coupled w/ the predicament of being trapped in a world very similar to the game itself.

aidoru said:
Seems way too OP that one person can own the entire guild building. Still, it's a really clever plan that Shiroe came up with. Happy that Minori, Tohya and the rest of the kids finally escaped! Looking forward to Log Horizon filling up with members.

Guys let me clarify some things. Elder Tales isn't a VR mmorpg. It was a regular pc game. That was why the players were shocked at them being actually inside the game. We can actually assume the world they are in to be an alternate reality or parallel world w/ elements similar to the game mashed up w/ real life rules. And yes IRL it's very possible to buy an entire building (or company) provided you have enough resources. But that's not easy to do right? So what did Shiroe come up w/? Building his own fastfood empire to milk for cash and conning businessmen for investments.
Dec 3, 2013 6:30 PM

Jan 2013
Great episode, best in awhile.
Needs more talk about the outside world
Dec 3, 2013 9:15 PM

Jul 2011
RediceRyan said:
Great episode, best in awhile.
Needs more talk about the outside world

How would that happen? The story is told from the perspective of the characters. It's not like they have someone in the other world making comments about what's going on. Unless you mean talk about their past in the other world.
Dec 3, 2013 10:25 PM

Jul 2012
DivAsakust said:
perspective of the characters. It's not like they have someone in the other world making comments about what's going on. Unless you mean talk about their past in the other world.

I think it's both that and being shown whats going on IRL. Well we did get the Minori/Toya back story but it was shortened to just one flash back scene of Toya in a wheelchair being pushed by Minori. In the novel it was a lot more detailed but since this is an adaptation maybe it was decided that instead of a long flashback ep that one scene was more than enough.
Dec 3, 2013 10:28 PM

Jan 2013
Will there be servers in Asia and the rest of the world or will this whole Anime only take place in Japan, what do you guys think?
Dec 3, 2013 10:45 PM

Jul 2011
ibrahim2712 said:
Will there be servers in Asia and the rest of the world or will this whole Anime only take place in Japan, what do you guys think?

Main novel only covers Japan server. But the event happens worldwide.
Dec 4, 2013 12:35 AM

Aug 2013
Shiroe is a clear evil, so he doesn´t admit that his proposal is blackmail??!! lol buying the guild building was an excellent idea
Dec 4, 2013 2:14 AM

Sep 2010
joshua_mai said:
ChronosXIII said:

It seems like the Black Sword Knights need a helluva lot more convincing. And I wonder if Shiroe will block out the Silver Sword. They didn't really go against the Round Table, but they don't seem very interested in keeping the peace.

I think ̶L̶̶e̶̶g̶̶o̶̶l̶̶a̶̶s̶ William and his guild had lost their seat at the round table council! Suck for them, lolz!!!
Walking out of the discussion is hardly a reason for blacklisting someone from the guild building.
Wonder if William will regret walking out of this discussion though. If he happens to be an EXP pot consumer, the decrease in supply of EXP pots might annoy him. ...not that there's much he could have done about it, since Shiroe already owns the building and the operation to take down Hamelin happened concurrently with the meeting.
Dec 4, 2013 7:51 AM

Mar 2012
Well for me... It's really an anime that shows.. "What should players do if they're trap into the game?".... That's the anime for is... It's a great one... :D ... Never been watch a great anime like this for awhile....

"The End Justifies The Means"
-Niccolo Machiavelli
Dec 4, 2013 8:33 AM

Jul 2012
Good episode! I was actually mindblown when I realized what Shiroe wanted to do. LOL
Dec 4, 2013 6:14 PM

Jul 2012
DivAsakust said:
ibrahim2712 said:
Will there be servers in Asia and the rest of the world or will this whole Anime only take place in Japan, what do you guys think?

Main novel only covers Japan server. But the event happens worldwide.

Yep, the Elder Tales world is approximately half the size of earth and I imagine in order for them to solve the mystery of why they're transported to another world similar to the game they'll have to travel overseas someday and meet some foreign players. The Fairy Gates facilitated travel to other countries but now that they're no longer working they'll have to do it the manual way.
Dec 4, 2013 6:38 PM

Aug 2010
UnbornMVs said:
Was nice and all , but I need some real action soon =/

Still enjoyable 4/5

Dec 4, 2013 7:41 PM

Jul 2011
swordstriker21 said:
The Fairy Gates facilitated travel to other countries but now that they're no longer working they'll have to do it the manual way.

Fairy Rings work, there's just no telling where you'll end up. It's the Town Gates that don't work.
Dec 4, 2013 8:41 PM

Nov 2011
This series is pretty damn good even without lots of action. I heard the series isn't focus on action anyway. Shiro is really smart and everyone will be screwed if he really turn into a villain. Buying the Guild Building and restricting everyone from gaining access to their guild hall and bank account is pretty nasty.
Dec 4, 2013 9:46 PM

Jul 2012
DivAsakust said:
swordstriker21 said:
The Fairy Gates facilitated travel to other countries but now that they're no longer working they'll have to do it the manual way.

Fairy Rings work, there's just no telling where you'll end up. It's the Town Gates that don't work.

Oh right, right. Sorry. The problem was that even though they work they don't know where the rings lead to and since the players lacked initiative an expedition hasn't happened yet. Not to mention the danger of ending up in a fairly dangerous area and being ill prepared.

But did the novel or anime ever mention if the town gates really didn't work? Maybe my memory is a little hazy.
swordstriker21Dec 4, 2013 9:50 PM
Dec 4, 2013 10:27 PM

Jul 2011
swordstriker21 said:
But did the novel or anime ever mention if the town gates really didn't work? Maybe my memory is a little hazy.

They both did. They both mentioned the fairy rings thing too I think.
Dec 4, 2013 11:59 PM

Jul 2012
DivAsakust said:
swordstriker21 said:
But did the novel or anime ever mention if the town gates really didn't work? Maybe my memory is a little hazy.

They both did. They both mentioned the fairy rings thing too I think.

I've re-read that part so yeah. Thanks for reminding me.
Dec 5, 2013 5:04 AM

Oct 2009
Shiroe sure is a badass! I love how this anime implements game rules and mechanics, perfect!
Dec 5, 2013 6:09 PM

Aug 2012
Despite the lack of action these past few episodes, this series still entertains me.

Shiroe showed who is boss with his mind blowing tactics.

Akatsuki showed who is boss with her moe attacks.
Dec 5, 2013 7:03 PM
Jun 2011
Honestly as things are going right now, I can honestly say with confidence that this is probably one of the strongest anime season's I've seen in a long time. If they can hold things as is, I can see some potentially great series' emerging into must-watch shows. Keep it up studios from Japan, you're doing great so far!
Dec 6, 2013 3:25 PM

Dec 2013
The epic music at the start of the episode when the guild masters were walking in... does anyone know what it's called?
Dec 7, 2013 10:42 PM

Aug 2012
What a demon. That was a crazy plan but necessary. Really loved the conference. As expected from one of the best anime this season.

and still waiting patiently for a 3rd season of Spice & Wolf :'|
Dec 8, 2013 4:54 AM
Mar 2013
glasses fidget count: 8

total so far: 76
Dec 8, 2013 5:29 AM

Jul 2010
Shiroe was amazing .What a smarty type :) But it needs a bit action.
Dec 11, 2013 2:27 AM

Jan 2013
Haha, that was a good move :D
Getting the guild hall xD
Words aren't the only way to tell someone how you feel.- Tifa lockhart
Which is it? A memory or us? -Tifa lockhart
Dec 12, 2013 3:07 AM

Sep 2008
Awesome episode. No action needed.

Shiroe really is going to take over the world at this rate.

Looks like Touya was in a wheelchair in real life.
Dec 12, 2013 11:17 PM

Apr 2011
What kind of game lets you buy the Game's banking system and guild hall

Am I the only one who think this whole "plan" was a very stupid idea by the author ?
Dec 13, 2013 12:25 AM

Jan 2013
Valaskjalf said:
What kind of game lets you buy the Game's banking system and guild hall

It wasn't up for sale back when it was a game. The most questionable part of the plan was the fact that no high level chef except Nyanta ever tried to cook manually.
Dec 13, 2013 9:39 AM

Jul 2011
minescope said:
Valaskjalf said:
What kind of game lets you buy the Game's banking system and guild hall

It wasn't up for sale back when it was a game. The most questionable part of the plan was the fact that no high level chef except Nyanta ever tried to cook manually.

It was stated in the novels that the sale of all buildsing was part of the new update.

And think Shiroe estimated that about 150 people had figured it out by the time they announced the cooking with taste.
Dec 16, 2013 7:23 AM

Dec 2012
Oh man, Shiroe is shaping up to be my favorite character of the season. Really awesome to see his plan coming together, and how the recipes were only a small way point and not the main focus. It's interesting to see how the other guild masters are reacting, that one that loses his cool is probably taking those exp pots is my guess.

I liked the subtle flashback with Minori pushing Tohya's wheelchair in the real world, it really added to that scene and hinted at how she's probably been leading him around his whole life, and that this time he's the one to guide her.
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