This episode was amazing.
First episode of the anime was promising, but since then it has missing the mark (episode 4 was really good), mainly since I couldnt give a shit for the characters neither the plot.
But this episode had me sheding tears by the end, I think the old man and the cat were the starts of this episode, and they brought change upon Kirika, even if so slightly.
The cat was so cute, tbh at the start I wanted her to adopt him, but then it is shown gramps was already taking care of it, and more scenes came that actually make me sad for the position he ended up.
The scene when she opens the door and is snowing, when the cat looks up to her, breaks me every time, like he was asking what she was doing there (unware of it all), but gramps knew it, and I think he was waiting for it, he wanted it.
Sad to see the kitty is now alone, poor kitty... really depressing episode, seeing the old man closing his eyes, like saying he was ready T_T.
And this was clearly hard for Kirika to do too, this is development I wanted her to get, and Canta per mi was on point! Having first listening to this, and many other OSTs from Kaijura 9 years ago, of course I wanted to watch Noir, and this scene was perfect for one of my favorite tracks from the composer.
9/10 easily, shame I dont think the rest of the series will reach close to this again, episode 6 nonetheless will forever be engraved in my memories, from the very best scenes from Noir and its loving OST.
cupc said:Every episode is even better than last, what is this
I swear this show has the best OST I've heard, it's godly even in Kajiura standards...
If it keeps this level, I might have to add this to my top 5
Most episodes thus far were a tad boring, so there is zero competition from this episode, I really doubt the anime keep this level of quality too.
MostCuriousThing said:Ishikatsu said: Great episode, no one knows what is right and what is wrong. I kind of felt sorry for Nazarov, despite things he has done.
The episode did a good job of framing him as sympathetic, but ultimately, he's nothing but genocidal. I feel sorry for young Nazarov, who had to watch his family die, but I can't feel sorry for adult Nazarov or even elderly Nazarov (who Mireille even said was being selfish in his atonement).
He was genocidal, dunno what you were looking, but it is clear he felt guilt from his past and this is his way to attone and struggle with that pain, all humans are selfish with their desires, there is nothing wrong with him being selfish, in wanting to attone, his actions in late life managed to brought up a better world for those around him, that doesnt erase the stain of his sins, but there is NOTHING wrong with being selfish in feeling the need to attone.
Calling the current him genocidical is having blinds in the eyes.
EricaN said:Moral ambiguity. One could make a case either way.
1) The man has repented of his crimes and done his best to make atonement. He's dying anyway, so killing him is rather pointless. Let him die at his own pace.
Or ...
2) Some crimes are so heinous that no atonement is possible. If Josef Mengele, after escaping from Germany, did volunteer work in a Jewish nursing home, would that make up for what he did at Auschwitz? One thinks not.
In the end, a choice had to be made. Our gals do seem to have some scruples about the cases they take; but in this case the morality is clouded at best, so one may as well do what the client wishes.
I dont think we have seen the same episode, to me it was clear that, yes he was attoning for the rest of his life, but he was also tired of living in this pain and facing his sins, what Kirika did was hard to her, NOT because the moral ambiguity but simply, she wanted to let him live a bit longer.
She did not want to kill in the end, but realized he was suffering more being alive, and that dying from his illness was too taxing, what she did was a small mercy here, she put an end to his life, ending the suffering.
I really think he was content and accepting, he prefered to die like that, not wanting to face a slow torturing death, and she gave him that, but her hesitation during the process really showed some great development itself.
It was hard to watch, but I m can come to terms that this is what gramps wanted, that he finally found piece, no matter his begginings and being made a victim, he still sinned and it is clear to see this eaten him inside, as it should, and Kirika was the salvation to his suffering, to find peace.
Again, it breakes my heart to see the kitty caught in the crossfire, a theme that seems very prevalent is how these assassinations affect those that knew the targets, from their perspective, their worlds loses people they care about due to Noir, and will never be the same again, death is undefeatable.

(pity the show will probably never reach close this peak ever again)