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Nov 7, 2013 7:51 AM
Aug 2012
Kyoani and their moe-overload.....................couldn't they just make this an OVA? I liked the show and the episodes was funny until all that idol dancing..............

Nov 7, 2013 7:51 AM

Jan 2008
LMAO! Damn funny. This is my fav episode so far.
Nov 7, 2013 8:04 AM
Nov 2013
Ai is soooooooooooooooo amazing girl.....omg
Nov 7, 2013 8:15 AM

Aug 2008
Nov 7, 2013 8:28 AM

Jul 2012
Not gonna lie, I enjoyed this episode. Especially Hiroomi in a sleeveless shirt. Wish we could hear the boys sing too. KENN and Tatsun sing really well actually. KyoAni, you're also good at animating dance sequences! No surprise there.

Dragon_Slayer_X said:
Kyoani and their moe-overload.....................couldn't they just make this an OVA? I liked the show and the episodes was funny until all that idol dancing..............

True. This would fit an OVA better.
Nov 7, 2013 8:48 AM

Jul 2010

I laughed so much and couldn't stop it..All they did to youma was just a waste.
Best episode 5/5
Nov 7, 2013 8:58 AM

Sep 2012
The director has said in an interview that from around mid-point the anime will go with completely original contents not from the LN. I guess this episode is where it begins.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Nov 7, 2013 9:15 AM

Nov 2011
Mahou Shoujo Mirai Magica.
neontasterNov 7, 2013 11:44 AM
Nov 7, 2013 9:34 AM

Aug 2011
Fanservice episode and a damn good one.

Waiting for Kyoani to announce idol anime in the near future. XD
Nov 7, 2013 10:44 AM

Dec 2009
Is KyoAni trying to troll us? I thought this anime would be great, full of action and seriousness. Sadly, it was already quite lackluster but now we have... this?
But everyone seems to like it so I may be the one in the wrong here. I don't even know anymore. @_@
Nov 7, 2013 11:50 AM

Jun 2010
Rofl that had a completely different genre than the previous episodes.

That shower scene though! Mitsuki <3

Lol at the idol part. Holy mother of moe. Mitsuki was so cool and hot. Ai was toooooo cute. That song is actually not bad because Minori Chihara was in it.

Well, looks like the story will continue next episode. Can't wait for more Mitsuki!
Nov 7, 2013 12:10 PM

Oct 2007
I feel should add I almost always like characters that look like Mitsuki and thought she'd maybe be a saving grace to this show, but even I don't see much in the character right now. She's honestly barely contributed to events, her one focus episode was pretty simplistic in how she didn't get to go to the festival as a kid but then just goes as a teenager and honestly her sole upside right now is that she's not Mirai and therefore a more tolerable character by default if not a very interesting one.

As it turns out it's not just the attractive look of the character that counts, the writing staff actually does have to do SOMETHING with them in order to make them stand out.

ginko29 said:
Is KyoAni trying to troll us? I thought this anime would be great, full of action and seriousness. Sadly, it was already quite lackluster but now we have... this?
But everyone seems to like it so I may be the one in the wrong here. I don't even know anymore. @_@

Kyoani series, don't think to hard about it, people always unconditionally love what they do more or less. You're not anywhere near in the wrong here.
Nov 7, 2013 12:40 PM

Jul 2013
Jeez some people here acted as if liking something cute and funny is an unforgivable sin.

Normally you'd have thought that if they hate a series they'd have dropped it a long time ago yet here we are halfway through the season and there's still people complaining. I mean WTF? just drop this series already. It's fucking annoying to read complains every single week.
Nov 7, 2013 12:48 PM

Oct 2007
jiraiya_sensei said:
Jeez some people here acted as if liking something cute and funny is an unforgivable sin.

Normally you'd have thought that if they hate a series they'd have dropped it a long time ago yet here we are halfway through the season and there's still people complaining. I mean WTF? just drop this series already. It's fucking annoying to read complains every single week.

And some people won't stop acting like being cute and well-animated by Kyoani is somehow automatically a saving grace each and every time so it's kind of even.

I didn't really find this episode funny though so I don't know why people act like it's some sort of universal appeal. Plus when it's so obvious what an episode is trying to do (i.e boost sales via throwing in fanservice and dancing idols out of the blue and such) it kind of sucks any humor that could be had out of it. The attempts at humor mixed with the rather obvious otaku pandering was too on the nose for me to really laugh at or find amusing before the fact that the content really just wasn't what I find humorous. It's kind of lowest common denominator basic otaku in-joke humor of the kind that you can find in any light novel or harem anime filler episode and especially in any given Kyoani series. Just kind of a half-assed lazy effort in everything but animation quality yet again from their production team.

Like it really shows how everything is pretty well built around the pandering animation sketches for this studio yet again. In this case everything we've learned about the cast and the youmu is just thrown out the window and completely contrived in order to get the cast into idol outfits so they can have one of their much beloved dance sequences, sell the insert single CD and make some extra cash. It reminds me of episode 5 of Valvrave only that episode made more strides to have it's idol sequence at least be plausible within the context of the story since the character doing it is actually an idol by profession and it's used in series as a means of propaganda to try and win over popular support and sympathy from the major nations and opens the path to sanctuary on the moon that the second half of the season becomes about achieving. This episode just accomplishes nothing and the events will certainly be forgotten so all those people worried about Mitsuki stinking for the rest of the show really shouldn't be. Continuity from episode to episode and sometimes even within the same scene means very little in this show so far after all.
PeacingOutNov 7, 2013 12:57 PM
Nov 7, 2013 12:52 PM

Nov 2011
Kaioshin_Sama said:
jiraiya_sensei said:
Jeez some people here acted as if liking something cute and funny is an unforgivable sin.

Normally you'd have thought that if they hate a series they'd have dropped it a long time ago yet here we are halfway through the season and there's still people complaining. I mean WTF? just drop this series already. It's fucking annoying to read complains every single week.

And some people won't stop acting like being cute and well-animated by Kyoani is somehow automatically a saving grace each and every time so it's kind of even.

I didn't really find this episode funny though so I don't know why people act like it's some sort of universal appeal. Plus when it's so obvious what an episode is trying to do (i.e boost sales via throwing in fanservice and dancing idols out of the blue and such) it kind of sucks any humor that could be had out of it. The attempts at humor mixed with the rather obvious otaku pandering was too on the nose for me to really laugh at or find amusing before the fact that the content really just wasn't what I find humorous. It's kind of lowest common denominator basic otaku in-joke humor of the kind that you can find in any filler episode and especially in any given Kyoani series. Just kind of a half-assed effort in everything but animation quality yet again from their production team.

I tend to agree with you on paper, and yet I enjoyed the execution. It was just so ridiculous that it worked for me. And it was VERY nicely animated, so at least they put some effort into it.
Nov 7, 2013 12:57 PM

Jul 2013
Kaioshin_Sama said:

I didn't really find this episode funny though so I don't know why people act like it's some sort of universal appeal. Plus when it's so obvious what an episode is trying to do (i.e boost sales via throwing in fanservice and dancing idols out of the blue and such) it kind of sucks any humor that could be had out of it. The attempts at humor mixed with the rather obvious otaku pandering was too on the nose for me to really laugh at or find amusing before the fact that the content really just wasn't what I find humorous. It's kind of lowest common denominator basic otaku in-joke humor of the kind that you can find in any filler episode and especially in any given Kyoani series. Just kind of a half-assed effort in everything but animation quality yet again from their production team.

But at the same time you shouldn't be slighting people who do find this funny. Just because you don't find it funny doesn't make you superior to everyone who does. Perhaps it's pandering to the otaku, perhaps it's not. The point is not everyone cares, if they are entertained then that's enough. If you're not then that's fine, no one's gonna force you to like it. Most anime has filler episodes anyway and I read that they're not gonna follow the novel from this point on so it's up to them how they want to go about it.

PS: I don't even care if they're trying to make money by selling insert song CDs. Do you think they're making this anime for charity? it's all about niche target market. If they can sell this to their target market then it's good enough.
MoeGodNov 7, 2013 1:01 PM
Nov 7, 2013 1:02 PM

Oct 2007
jiraiya_sensei said:

But at the same time you shouldn't be slighting people who do find this funny. Just because you don't find it funny doesn't make you superior to everyone who does. Perhaps it's pandering to the otaku, perhaps it's not. The point is not everyone cares, if they are entertained then that's enough. If you're not then that's fine, no one's gonna force you to like it. Most anime has filler episodes anyway and I read that they're not gonna follow the novel from this point on so it's up to them how they want to go about it.

I'm just annoyed by how shallow people seem about it. Like this episode would normally be criticized heavily if it was any other studio at the helm and didn't look as nice or had cute girls (Valvrave episode 5 that I mentioned was absolutely and mercilessly shat upon for being similar albeit IMO actually better in execution and keeping consistency with the rest of the series so why should people expect any different here?), but I'm apparently just supposed to roll over and accept all the problems this episode has and not argue with peoples really poor justifications of how it's a great episode? Sorry but I have higher standards than that.
Nov 7, 2013 1:02 PM

Dec 2012
I did not like this episode at all, it was actually pretty bad. I seem to have resentment to any filler episode no matter what anime it's from. I enjoyed hearing Ayaka's voice as always but that's about the only good thing from this episode. The comedy was just not funny, I preferred the comedy of the previous 5 episodes even if it was predictable at least it was enjoyable for me, the characters felt off, especially Mitsuki. This is the first episode from the series that I gave lower 3/5, I find this anime very enjoyable even if it has some flaws but this was just bad 2/5.

I hope the climax of the nest arc is great since episode 13 will probably be filler too.
Nov 7, 2013 1:07 PM

Jun 2009
Mitsuki's shocked face at Mirai's singing iDied XD
Nov 7, 2013 1:36 PM

Oct 2011
Best episode so far, imo! The characters were all great, and the idol performance at the end was really fun to watch.
Nov 7, 2013 1:48 PM
Mar 2012
What the... I don't even...

At first I thought that was an interesting concept for a yokai, but... Did they really just turn the 6th (!) episode into a pure fanservice filler?
ElenirLachlagosNov 7, 2013 1:54 PM
Nov 7, 2013 1:55 PM

May 2011
That sure was refreshing episode... Even Mirai was less annoying. I liked it better than the previous episodes :) kyoani is the best at making light and fluffy episodes/series
Nov 7, 2013 2:25 PM

Apr 2012
My suspension of disbelief was overstrained with this episode.
Awful. Just awful.
Completely lost it when they were doing the idol group thing.
Second hand shame at its best.
Somehow I have the feeling the animation looked a lil better than the last eps, though. I am not sure. ôO
Nov 7, 2013 2:30 PM
Oct 2010
This episode convinced me to drop this show. It's too early for filler when the story hasn't gone anywhere, and the filler itself was boring.
Nov 7, 2013 2:31 PM

Feb 2013
Dat idols.
Dat moves.
Hiromi it's a sexy bastard.

Nov 7, 2013 2:39 PM
Oct 2010
Kaioshin_Sama said:

I'm just annoyed by how shallow people seem about it. Like this episode would normally be criticized heavily if it was any other studio at the helm and didn't look as nice or had cute girls (Valvrave episode 5 that I mentioned was absolutely and mercilessly shat upon for being similar albeit IMO actually better in execution and keeping consistency with the rest of the series so why should people expect any different here?), but I'm apparently just supposed to roll over and accept all the problems this episode has and not argue with peoples really poor justifications of how it's a great episode? Sorry but I have higher standards than that.

I know right? At least valvrave had the plot moving along, and enough twists and turns to make it exciting! It's easily one of the most entertaining shows out there, but it gets a huge amount of hate. Someone was even surprised when I recommended it on the rec board. Yet people are excited for this sleep inducing show with it's annoying characters and non existent plot. I don't even..... at times.
Nov 7, 2013 2:44 PM

Jan 2011
Considered in isolation, this wasn't that bad an episode really. The characters are cute, the shower scenes provided a little bit of fan service without going over the top, and there were some nice moments of humor (slapstick and otherwise). However in the context of whatever plot arc there's been so far, this episode just brought things to a screeching halt. Is this even the same show as the one I watched the first four episodes of? I was willing to give them last week's feels episode with the lantern festival and the bonding, but this is the second plot stopper in a row. I'm just wondering if we'll get back on track next episode or if this will be another Tamako Market.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Nov 7, 2013 3:53 PM

Nov 2008
I didn't watch this episode yet! But I saw bath scenes and I was thinking I should write about something that actually no one cares.

I was doing a research about epic quality of the animation from kyo-ani and from my observation I got 2 points to share with you guys.

1. Kyo ani animation is good. (Eat bricks - HATERS!)
2. Kyo ani animation don't have many boobies scenes :(

I stated two obviously obvious facts but it's puzzling in some ways. Kyo ani is all about moe (I don't know what free is) so if they would add more fan service scenes would it add to their sales or would it be bad for them. What if there's someone in kyo ani who is just waiting and watching our moves, he know that we want boobies - he's playing with us and giving us bones. We'll be more hungry. He'll sometimes gives a potato sometimes he'll give a fish but everyone wants some meat and then one day BANG!!!! He would do anime about production of toilet paper!!!!
Thank you for reading my pointless comment.
Nov 7, 2013 4:24 PM

Oct 2011
one of my favourite episodes period. oh my days this week was awesome.
Nov 7, 2013 5:16 PM

May 2012
Finally an episode without really cringeworthy drama.

Best episode yet by a large margin.

[color=#f3e7dd]join the quietly discursive at quiet discourse
Nov 7, 2013 5:16 PM

Jan 2013
This was the best episode of anything this season so far. This year, in fact. This century, even. This was just amazingly hilarious.
Please check my music out on SoundCloud! There's something for everyone.

Nov 7, 2013 5:39 PM

Oct 2007
This thread really doesn't feel like it should be split between pure condemnation and pure adoration for this episode. I'm starting to see a lot of pure baiting posts too. Basically its getting borderline embarassing to read
Nov 7, 2013 5:59 PM

Dec 2011
Kaioshin_Sama said:
jiraiya_sensei said:

But at the same time you shouldn't be slighting people who do find this funny. Just because you don't find it funny doesn't make you superior to everyone who does. Perhaps it's pandering to the otaku, perhaps it's not. The point is not everyone cares, if they are entertained then that's enough. If you're not then that's fine, no one's gonna force you to like it. Most anime has filler episodes anyway and I read that they're not gonna follow the novel from this point on so it's up to them how they want to go about it.

I'm just annoyed by how shallow people seem about it. Like this episode would normally be criticized heavily if it was any other studio at the helm and didn't look as nice or had cute girls (Valvrave episode 5 that I mentioned was absolutely and mercilessly shat upon for being similar albeit IMO actually better in execution and keeping consistency with the rest of the series so why should people expect any different here?), but I'm apparently just supposed to roll over and accept all the problems this episode has and not argue with peoples really poor justifications of how it's a great episode? Sorry but I have higher standards than that.

Not to mention, there is nothing wrong with fillers, but in an anime that's only going to be 11-13 eps it's really a waste of time and story. They could've done something to add to the story and the characters but instead there is just this moe-fanservice filler ep thrown in so that they can pander to the otaku and basically throw out anything done in the last previous eps and ruin the image of the youma.. I don't know, I feel fillers should be left to longer series, that have time to waste or have gotten to close to their original counterparts.
grumpytoastNov 7, 2013 6:02 PM
Nov 7, 2013 6:15 PM

Jan 2008
Despite having like no plot progressing what so ever, this episode was fantastic. Lots of Mirai shots. Lmao at Mitsuki in a bubble. Dat dance/song scene.
Nov 7, 2013 6:24 PM

Aug 2010
Pretty much a comedy filled episode. Their song at the ending was awesome.

Ai ftw! She was the star.
Nov 7, 2013 6:42 PM

Sep 2012
The idol singing was obviously the best part of this entire series.
Nov 7, 2013 6:57 PM

Jul 2013
Kaioshin_Sama said:

I'm just annoyed by how shallow people seem about it. Like this episode would normally be criticized heavily if it was any other studio at the helm and didn't look as nice or had cute girls (Valvrave episode 5 that I mentioned was absolutely and mercilessly shat upon for being similar albeit IMO actually better in execution and keeping consistency with the rest of the series so why should people expect any different here?), but I'm apparently just supposed to roll over and accept all the problems this episode has and not argue with peoples really poor justifications of how it's a great episode? Sorry but I have higher standards than that.

But that's exactly the point: it's not that big of a deal for everyone. Sure it may annoy you but at least for me (and I'm sure many other people) it's not something that destroys the series or make it unwatchable.. after all when you're used to watching anime, this sort of thing is almost the norm.

And why are you so intent on making this about KyoAni? when I decided to watch an anime, which studio made it was the least of my concern. Personally I like most of KyoAni's series but that doesn't mean I have to like all of them. I hate Tamako Market, just like I'm sure most people do.

I haven't watched Valvavre so I can't give proper judgement. It probably comes down to execution. Judging by the synopsis it seems that Valvrave is supposed to be more action-oriented and serious thus putting some musical/idol stuffs seemed seriously out of place. KnK has never taken itself too seriously, despite all the youmu fighting there had always been a good amount of comedy and the overall tone has never been too dark/serious. The youmu was a unique concept in itself, they're not always some beasts that devour humans mercilessly but rather very diverse and some are harmless and even cute (like Ai). So in the end when there's a ridiculous one like the fruit youmu, it's not so out of place if its weakness are just as ridiculous (women and music).
Nov 7, 2013 7:38 PM
Jan 2013
Split on how to feel about on this episode.

On one hand, I'm not really a big fan of filler episodes. On the other, it was an entertaining episode. I was grinning like an idiot for most of it
Nov 7, 2013 7:39 PM
Oct 2012
symbv said:
The director has said in an interview that from around mid-point the anime will go with completely original contents not from the LN. I guess this episode is where it begins.

Really? Wow, I really lost any respect I had for the writer. Since there were parts to the story I liked and I was thinking about going to buy the LNs, I have to say for a writer to allow himself to be associated (this assumption based on the twitter message sent earlier) with a project that is going to depart so totally from his works really destroys any respect I could have for the writer. To stress, it isn't that I blame the writer for signing over control to a production company, I understand this more than enough, but while a writer can put his creation into the hands of others, he should never put his soul into their hands. Either make sure that the show pretty much follows your light novels, or wash you hands, cash the checks, and let the animators tell their story.
Nov 7, 2013 7:57 PM
Nov 2012
WOW, that was surprisingly funny and the music was a nice touch with some recap of their training. Very cute episode but what happened to the plot?
Nov 7, 2013 8:13 PM
Nov 2011
Episode of the year for sure.
Nov 7, 2013 8:33 PM

Aug 2013
Yes! They're now officially an Idol! hahahaha those last moments after they performed, I lol'd so much ahahhaha, after working so hard for 1 week all they'll get was that stinky smell.

Arghhh! Mitsuki! I want her to be my imouto! She's way too cute! EPIC >.<
Nov 7, 2013 8:46 PM

Jul 2009
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Nov 7, 2013 9:02 PM

Jul 2012
Also, I like the relationship between main guy and girl because he openly expresses his adoration for her and kind of acts like her boyfriend. I think it's pretty cute.
Nov 7, 2013 9:34 PM
Jun 2009
Best episode so far~

I laughed at every explosion, lol.

And I agree with the brother, Mitsuki being in the ball is pretty nice XD
I want my own pretty imouto chara >///<
Nov 7, 2013 9:46 PM

Nov 2009
Manabu said:
So, they failed to beat the monster. Does this means that Mitsuki will stink for the rest of 13 episodes?

Well... they could pretend this episode never existed and return to the original plot. I'd be pretty angry about that though if that happens, because that'll prove this episode was meaningless and should've never been created.
Nov 7, 2013 9:48 PM

Oct 2007
jiraiya_sensei said:

But that's exactly the point: it's not that big of a deal for everyone. Sure it may annoy you but at least for me (and I'm sure many other people) it's not something that destroys the series or make it unwatchable.. after all when you're used to watching anime, this sort of thing is almost the norm.

And why are you so intent on making this about KyoAni? when I decided to watch an anime, which studio made it was the least of my concern. Personally I like most of KyoAni's series but that doesn't mean I have to like all of them. I hate Tamako Market, just like I'm sure most people do.

I haven't watched Valvavre so I can't give proper judgement. It probably comes down to execution. Judging by the synopsis it seems that Valvrave is supposed to be more action-oriented and serious thus putting some musical/idol stuffs seemed seriously out of place. KnK has never taken itself too seriously, despite all the youmu fighting there had always been a good amount of comedy and the overall tone has never been too dark/serious. The youmu was a unique concept in itself, they're not always some beasts that devour humans mercilessly but rather very diverse and some are harmless and even cute (like Ai). So in the end when there's a ridiculous one like the fruit youmu, it's not so out of place if its weakness are just as ridiculous (women and music).

I'll tell you what if you can convince everybody to make the same exceptions for every show that you are asking me to make for this I'll lay off it a bit.
PeacingOutNov 7, 2013 11:12 PM
Nov 7, 2013 10:03 PM
Feb 2012
I don't know why but it took me this long to notice that Ai looks like Eru Chitanda from Hyoka! :D
I desire money. Not because I am poor or because I am greedy. It is because with money I will gain power and with that power I will be able to change the world.
Nov 7, 2013 10:29 PM

Dec 2010
Best episode so far....LMFAO, so much moe <3
Nov 7, 2013 11:10 PM

Apr 2012
Oh KyoAni...

MagicFlier said:
Manabu said:
So, they failed to beat the monster. Does this means that Mitsuki will stink for the rest of 13 episodes?

Well... they could pretend this episode never existed and return to the original plot. I'd be pretty angry about that though if that happens, because that'll prove this episode was meaningless and should've never been created.

I don't think they'll "pretend it never existed", they'll probably just mention that they killed it in the next episode.
DeliriantNov 7, 2013 11:13 PM
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